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Volume 9 November, 1935
Including Voyages, Geographical Descriptions, Adventures,
Shipwrecks and Expeditions
"Old men and travellers lie by authority " Ray's Proverbs
When Imlac was about to bubble over with vain eloquence on the high func-
tion of a poet, Rasselas interrupted with: "Enough ! thou hast convinced me that
no man can ever be a poet !" When I read of the exacting minutia demanded of a
bibliographer, the lofty pretensions ruling the indexing of even a single book
identifying first editions, first issues, succeeding editions, dates and places of
publication, describing imprints, formats, variants, errors and corrections then
I hold with Rasselas and declare: "Enough! I am convinced that no man can ever
be a bibliographer!" But what I mean to say is that the present work is no such
bibliography. Rather, it is better described by the more modest and therefore the
more honest title of "A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel," as being
more truly descriptive of its nature and material.
What I have endeavored to do in these two volumes is to list in chronological
order, from the earliest date ascertainable down to and including the year 1800,
all the books on foreign travels, voyages, and descriptions printed in Great Britain,
together with translations from foreign tongues and Continental renderings of
English works that is to say, so far as they have come to my notice. Many titles
must of necessity have escaped my net. In fact new ones have cropped up since
this work has gone to press. But I can well believe that what is missing will be
found to have little renown. Small fry, such as tracts and pamphlets, were al-
lowed to slip through, save such as turned up with the more substantial catch.
Despite my vigilance a sufficient number of these have crept into the company of
more legitimate titles as to endanger the integrity of my original purpose and give
a tinge of ana to the collection. I resisted, however, the temptation to admit the
numerous contributions to the Royal Society volumes, as well as the individual
voyages printed in Hakluyt and Furchas. Inclusion of the latter would make
these volumes altogether too bulky ; besides, the indexes to those works are bibli-
ographies in themselves. No consistent attempt has been made to exhaust the list
of modern reprints ; what is given of these is to be looked upon as an overflow of
generosity on my part. The Addenda takes care of first printings of earlier works
done in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The notes, which are of a varied
assortment, are, like the titles, the cullings from many sources, and are duly ac-
credited to their rightful owners. The geographical sections under which works
are listed are not and cannot be sharply dividing. It will be evident sometimes
that a given title could just as well have been placed elsewhere. The dates stand-
ing in the outermost margin are presumably those of the first printings unless
otherwise stated in the text.
Accuracy and finality are the eternal worries of a bibliographer. But when
that "Corrector of Public Morals" and impeccable corrector of proofs, Alexander
Cruden, could feel misgivings over the perfection of his Concordance to the Bible,
what right has a mere bibliographer to hope for unqualified acquittal? "Though
it be called on the title page A Complete Concordance, poor sinful man can do
nothing absolutely perfect and complete/' is his acknowledgment of frailty. And
with head bowed still lower I murmur, M Quoque.
Finally, let it be noted that even if this compilation were "perfect and com-
plete," it represents but a small portion of the record of man's restlessness, for
the same lure of gold, the same drive for power, the same urge of travel, adven-
ture, and to see the sights drove Frenchmen and Germans, Spaniards and Italians,
Scandinavians and Slavs, Turk, Christian, heathen, Jew, to say goodby to family
and fireside and sail out into the unknown towards the clouded glories of the
West and tramp the dust of caravan routes to the ancient East. And a reading of
the narratives themselves leaves one puzzled over which is more a matter of
wonder man's indomitable spirit, his power to endure and his willingness to re-
peat, or his capacity for cruelty, his insatiate greed, and his readiness to deny
the claims of justice, pity, and peace. However that may be, this work is com-
mended to all fireside travellers.
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
November 4, 1935
Chapter Page
1553 EDEN, RICHARD. A Treatyse of the Newe India, with other New
Founde Landes and Ilandes, as well eastwarde as westwarde, as they
are knowen and found in these oure Dayes, after the Description of
Sebastian Munster in his Boke of vniuersall Cosmographie : where the
diligent Reader may see the good Successe and Rewarde of noble and
hoiieste Enterpryses, by the which not only worldly Ryches are ob-
taynecl, but also God is glorified, & the Christian Fayth enlarged.
Translated out of Latin into Englishe. By Richard Eden . . . Thus end-
eth the Fyfth Boke of Sebastian Munster, of the Landes of Asia the
Greater, and of the newe founde Landes, and Ilandes. Woodcut.
Eden was reprinted by Edward Arber in his The First Three English Books
on America, Birmingham, 1885. The original was the Cosmographia Universalis of
Sebastian Munster published in Basel, 1544.
Munster occupies a peculiar position as a cartographer ; he far surpasses most
of the map-drawers of his time in his exertions to get access to the latest informa-
tion regarding the history, ethnology, and geography of the countries he describes.
His bulky cosmography will therefore always remain an important source for the
history of the civilization of the period in which he lived. Nordenskiold, quoted
by Maggs, No. 519. The original of this book (Eden's) was a popular universal
cosmography of small modern value or interest, and merely served to introduce
Eden's name to the British public. Waldman. Though this work is more of a
cosmography than a collection of travels, it is listed here because it contains an
account of voyages from Columbus to Magellan.
1555 EDEN, RICHARD. The Decades of the Newe Worlde or West India,
Conteyning the Nauigation and Conqnestes of the Spanyeardes, with
the particular Description of the moste ryche and large landes and
Ilandes lately founde in the west Ocean perteyning to the Inheritance
of the Kinges of Spayne. In the which the diligent Reader may not
only consider what Commoditie may hereby chaunce to the hole Chris-
tian World in Tyme to come, but also learne many Secreates touchynge
the Lande, the Sea, and the Starres, very necessarie to be knowne to
al such as shal attempte any Nauigations, or otherwise haue delite to
beholde the strange and wonderfull woorkes of God and Nature.
Wrytten in the Latine Tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and
translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden. 4to. London.
Republished by Willes, with additions, London, 1577. See below. Reprinted
by Arber in his The First Three English Books on America, 1885. Latin
original of Martyr's Decades (first complete edition), Alcala de Henares, 1530.
See below. For a translation by Lok see below under 1612.
This is the earliest Collection of Voyages in the English language and the
third English book relating to America. It is of great historical importance. Be-
sides the first Three Decades of Peter Martyr, it contains a translation of that
author's writings on the recently discovered islands "Dc nuper sub D. Carolo re-
pertis Insulis," first printed in 1521. It also contains the Bull of Pope Alexander
VI, in Latin and English, by which the world was divided between Spain and
Portugal, as well as translations of the most important parts of the works of
Oviedo, Maximilian of Transylvania, Vespuccius, Gomara, and others, pertaining
to the maritime discovery of the New World. Quoted by Maggs, No. 585. Pietro
Martire Anguiera, better known by his Latinized name of Petrus Martyr, was the
first historian of America. He is believed to have been the first writer to notice
in his works the discovery of America by Columbus, as he is the first to publish
a treatise descriptive of the natives of the new world. He was the friend and
contemporary of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cortes, Magellan, Cabot, and Ves-
puccius. Robinson, No. 26. From personal contact with these discoverers as well
as from his official position as a member of the Council for the Indies, which
afforded him free inspection of documents of undoubted authenticity, he was en-
abled to gain at first hand much valuable information regarding the discoveries
of the early navigators. Maggs, No. 465. Eden's Decades is a direct forerunner
of Hakluyt's Voyages and did much to stimulate English maritime effort. Wald-
1530 MARTYR, PETER. De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediol-
anensis Protonotarii Cesaris Senatoris Decades. Alcala de Henares.
This is the first complete edition of the eight Decades. Numerous
subsequent editions appeared in Europe. The second complete edition in
Latin was that published by Hakluyt in Paris, 1587.
1577 DEE, JOHN. The Great Volume of Famous and Rich Discoveries,
wherein also is the History of King Salomon every three years; his
Ophirian Voyage ; the Originals of Presbyter Joannes ; and of the first
great Cham and his Successors for many years following; the descrip-
tion of divers Wonderful Isles in the Northern Scythian, Tartarian
and other Northern Seas, and near under the North Pole, by Record
written 1200 years since with divers other rarities. London.
Reprinted London, 1580.
Dee was a famous character in Elizabethan days. He was versed in mathe-
matics but was especially associated with astrology and the search for the philos-
opher's stone. He was a much travelled man, even going as far as St. Helena.
On one occasion he made a trip to Germany to consult physicians regarding the
Queen's health. At Elizabeth's request he wrote a description of the newly dis-
covered portions of the world.
EDEN, RICHARD. The History of Travayle in the West and East In-
dies, and other Countreys Lying either way, towardes the fruitfull and
ryche Moluccaes. As Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Aegypte, Eth-
iopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan. With a Discourse of
the Northwest Passage. Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe
by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented and finished by
Richard Willes. Woodcuts. 4to. London.
This work is not exactly a reprint of the edition of 1555, though, like that,
the larger portion is taken up with Peter Martyr's Decades of the Newe Worlde
and Oviedo 's History of the West Indies. In this edition are included for the
first time : Fourth Decade of Peter Martyr ; Instructions by Willes for Frobisher,
then starting on 'his voyage for the discovery of the Northwest Passage; Reports
on China and Japan (chiefly drawn from the Jesuit Letters) ; Accounts of Persia
(chiefly from information supplied by English merchants in 1561-68) ; Varthema's
Navigation and Voyages, translated by Eden in 1576; A brief rehearsal of the
contents of Peter Martyr's Decades 1-3; An abridgement by Willes of the De-
cades 5, 6, 7 and 8; Otherwise the contents of the work agree with those of the
1555 edition, save that some extracts from Corsali, Cadamasto, and Biringuccio
were omitted as well as a translation of Vespucci's Latin letter. Robinson, No. 41.
1885 EDEN, RICHARD. The First Three English Books on America, ... be-
ing chiefly Translations, Compilations, etc., by Richard Eden, from the
Writings of, Maps, etc., of Pietro Martire, Sebastian Munster, and
Sebastian Cabbot. Edited by Edward Arber. 4to. Birmingham.
1580 DEE, JOHN. Navigations ad Cathayam . . . delineatio hydrographicsu
This may be the 2nd edition of Dee's work listed under 1577 above.
1582 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. Divers Voyages touching the Discouerie of
America, and the Hands adjacent vnto the same, made first of all by
our Englishmen, and afterward by the Frenchmen and Britons: And
certaine Notes of Aduertisements for Obseruations, necessarie for
such as shall heereafter make the like Attempt. With two mappes an-
nexed heereunto for the plainer vnderstanding of the whole Matter.
16mo. London.
This work was reprinted by the Ilakluyt Society, London, 1850. See below.
This small collection was Hakluyt's first book. In it appears for the first
time the Patent granted by Henry VII to John Cabot and his sons, and the Ver-
razano voyage, thereby becoming the first book in English to refer to any part of
what is now the United States. It is the rarest of all Hakluyt items. Waldrnan.
All the items of the Dii'ers Voyages, except the last the list of American com-
modities were reprinted separately in the final Voyages. This last item was in-
corporated in the Discourse on the Western Planting, 1584. Parks.
1850 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of
America, And the Islands adjacent, collected and published by Richard
Hakluyt, Prebendary of Bristol, in the year 1582. Edited with Notes
and an Introduction by John Winter Jones, Principal Librarian of the
British Museum. 2 maps and 1 illus. Hak, Soc., ser. I, vol. 7. London.
1589 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The Principal! Navigations, Voiages and Dis-
coveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or oner Land, to the most
remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within
the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : Deuidcd into three seuerall parts
. . . The first . . . vnto ludea, Syria, Arabia . . . India . . . Africa . . .
Promontorie of Buona Esperanza. The second . . . towards the
North and Northeast by Sea . . . The Third and last . . . The Vaste
and New World of America . . . Whereunto is added the last most
renowned English Nauigation round about the whole Globe of the
Earth. By Richard Hakluyt, Master of Artes . . . Fol. London.
2nd edit, revised and enlarged by Hakluyt, 3 vols., London, 1598-1600. See
the next item.
For an analysis of the contents of this volume see Parks. Six leaves of Drake's
Voyage round the World were suppressed and do not appear in all copies, as is
also true of Sir Jerome Bowes' Relation of Russia. Concerning the former Hak-
luyt says in his preface that he had taken more than ordinary pains, and he \vas
therefore grieved to be obliged to omit it because someone else was preparing the
narrative for publication. He must, however, have put it into type for some
copies. Concerning the first issue of the latter item, it is to be noted that the
narrative is written in the first person as if by Bowes himself, while in the sec-
ond issue it is given entirely in the third person as if written by a member of his
suite Quaritch, It has been pointed out by Parks how far Ramusio's Collection
(published in the 1550's) served as a model and the extent that Hakluyt went be-
yond this work, particularly in the matter of getting first hand narratives and in
including documents of various kinds. Beazley considers this edition of 1589 to be
constantly superior in clearness of arrangement and judgment of selection to any
later stage of this memorable work.
1598-1600 HAKLUYT, RIC A HARD. The Principal Navigations, Voyages,
Traflfiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or
ouerland to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at
any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres ; Diuided into three
seueral volumes . . . The first Volume containeth the worthy Discou-
erics ... of the English towards the North and Northeast by Sea . . .
the second Volume comprehendeth the principall Nauigations ... to
the South and Southeast parts of the World . . . the Third and last
Volume of the Voyages ... TO ALL PARTS OF THE NEW-
FOUND WORLD OF AMERICA . . . together with the two re-
nowned and prosperous voyages of Sir Francis Drake and M. Thomas
Candish round about the Circumference of the whole earth . . . By
Richard Hakluyt, Preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church
in Oxford. 3 vols. Fol. London.
Vol. 1 appeared in 1598, vol. 2 in 1599, and vol. 3 in 1600. A number of re-
prints and selections have been issued in the 19th and 20th centuries : In 5 vols.,
4to, London, 1809-1812; selected portions edited by Goldsmid, 4 vols., 8vo, Edin-
burgh, 1884-86; again, with a 5th vol. added, Edinburgh, 1890; 12 vols., Glasgow,
1903-05; in Everyman's Library, 8 vols., London, 1907; 1 vol., edited with an In-
troduction by Masefield, London, 1927. For some of these see below.
In the ten years between 1588 and 1598 Hakluyt tapped every source available
to him witness the story of his two-hundred-mile ride to seek out the only living
survivor of a Labrador expedition of 1536; he studied his material as no man
had done before him, and achieved a masterpiece which, despite many criticisms
leveled at various parts, puts the name of Richard Hakluyt beyond those of all
other men who had written of voyages and discoveries. Waldman. Froude de-
scribed it as "the prose epic of the modern English nation " How much labor
entered into the collecting of his material is confessed in his Dedication to the
Lord High Admiral : "For the bringing of which into this homely and rongh-
hewen shape which here thou seest ; what restelcss nights, what paincfull dayes,
what heat, what cold I have endured ; how many long and chargeable journeys
I have travailed ; how many famous libraries have I searched into ; what varietie
of ancient and modern writers I have perused; what a number of old records,
patents, privileges, letters, etc., I have redeemed from obscuritie and perishing;
into how many manifold acquaintance I have entered, what expcnces I have not
spared; and yet what fairc opportunities of private gaine, preferment, and ease
I have neglected." At the time of the publication of this work, the Earl of
Essex had been disgraced by Quec-n Elizabeth and by desire of the Queen and of
his friends, the record of Essex's expedition to Cadiz was suppressed. Hakluyt,
however, reprinted a number of copies a short time later for those of his friends
who wished to include it. Maggs, No. 549. Most of the original copies of the
book are found with these leaves cut out. When the second issue was published in
1599, a new title was inserted in vol. 1. without mention of the Cadiz voyage.
As is well known, Hakluyt's work was completed by Purchas. Sec below under
1613 and 1625.
1809-1812 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The Principal Voyages, etc. Reprinted
from the edition of 1598, with Additions, selected and edited by G.
Woodfall. 5 vols. 4to. London.
A scarce and valuable set.
1903-05 HAKLUYT, RICHARD. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traf-
fiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Made by Sea or Over-
land to the remote and farthest Quarters of the Earth at any Time
within the Compasse of these 1600 yeeres. . . . With an Essay on the
English Voyages of the Sixteenth Century, by Walter Raleigh, Profes-
sor of the English Language in the University of Oxford. Index by
Madame Marie Michon and Miss Elizabeth Carmont. 12 vols. Hak.
Soc., extra ser., 1-12. Numerous maps and plates. Glasgow.
This reprint, also known as the MacLehose edition, is the best edi-
tion of modern times.
1601 GALVANO, ANTONIO. The Discoveries of the World from their
first Original vnto the Yeere of our Lord 1555. Briefly written in the
Portugall tongue by Antonio Galvano, Gouernour of Ternate and
chiefe Island of the Malucas : Corrected, quoted, and now published
in English by Richard Hakluyt, sometime student of Christchurch in
Oxford. 16mo. London.
Reprinted by Hakluyt Society, London, 1862. Portuguese original, Lisbon,
1563. See below. In Osborne II, 352-402.
According to Parks this work was translated by an unknown hand from the
Portuguese. Hakluyt never saw the original text. Galvano was Governor of Ter-
nate in the Moluccas Hakluyt, in his dedication to Sir Robert Cecil (dated Oct.
29, 1601), gives high praise to Galvano both for his intrinsic worth and for his
"restoring and settling the decayed state of the Isles of Moluccas." He also states
that the above work had been translated by some unknown person many years
back and that he had had it by him for twelve years, but he had been unable to ob-
tain the original of it. The book gives a good summary of the geographical ex-
plorations of the Portuguese.
1563 GALVANO, ANTONIO. Tratado que compos o nobre notauel capitano
Antonio Galvano, dos diversos e desuayrados caminhos por onde nos
tempos passados a pimenta e especaria veto da India . . . 8vo. Lisbon.
1862 GALVANO, ANTONIO. The Discoveries of the World From their first
Original unto the Year of our Lord 1555. By Antonio Galvano, Gov-
ernor of Ternate. (Edited by F. de Sousa Tavares.) Corrected, quoted,
and published by Richard Hakluyt, 1601. Now reprinted, with the orig-
inal Portuguese text (1563), and edited by Admiral Charles Ramsay
Drinkwater Bethune, C.B. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 30. London.
1612 MARTYR, PETER. De Nouo Orbe, or the Historic of the west Indies,
Contayning the actes and aduentures of the Spanyeardes, which haue
conquered and peopled those Countries, inriched with varietie of pleas-
ant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Gouernments, and
Warres of the Indians. Comprised in eight Decades Written by Peter
Martyr a Millanoise of Angleria, Cheife Secretary to the Emperour
Charles the fifth, . . . whereof three haue beene formerly translated
into English by R. Eden, whereunto the other fiue, are newly added
by the Industrie, and painefull Trauaile of M. Lok. Gent. 4to. Lon-
Another edition of the 1612 edition was issued identical with it exceot that
the Dedication was suppressed and a new title supplied. Quaritch. A 2nd edit,
was published in London, 1628. Parks gives a tentative date of 1625 to another
edition. It was reprinted in vol. V of the 1809 edition of Hakluyt's Principal Nav-
igations; and a retranslation published by F. A. McNutt, 2 vpls., 1912.
This is the first complete edition of Peter Martyr in English. These Decades
were the first, and, for many years, the only history of the New World. Hence its
important position in American literature; this being in many respects the sole
source of information concerning the discovery and conquest of America. Robin-
son, No. 22. It was translated at the suggestion of Hakluyt from his Paris edi-
tion. Michael Lok or Lock travelled through almost all the lands of Christendom.
He was governor of the Cathay Company and consul for the Levant Company at
Aleppo. He had been treasurer of the Frobisher undertaking, "from which he
reaped enormous debts." Parks. See Eden under 1555 above.
1613 PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Purchas His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the
World and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places discovered,
from the Creation unto this Present. ... a Theologicall and Geograph-
icall Historic of Asia, Africa and America, with the Hands adiacent;
declaring the Ancient Religions before the Floud, the Heathenish,
Jewish, and Saracenicall in all Ages since. Fol. London.
2nd edit., fol., much enlarged with Additions, London, 1614; 3rd edit.,
much enlarged, fol., London, 1617; 4th edit., London, 1626.
This work is not to be confused with the Pilgrvmes of 1625. As Parks points
out, it is a sort of religious geography. It draws largely upon Ramusio and Hak-
luyt, and the historians and political geographers of all ages. It is included here
that it may be distinguished from the later Collection of Voyages. For Purchas's
relations with Hakluyt see Parks.
1625 PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Purchas His Pilgrimes. In Five Bookes. The
first, Contayning the Voyages and Peregrinations made by Ancient
Kings, Patriarkes, Apostles, Philosophers, and others. . . . The second,
A Description of all the Circum-Nauigations of the Globe. The Third,
Nauigations and Voyages of English-men, alongst the Coasts of Africa,
. . . The fourth, English Voyages beyond the East Indies, to the Hands
of lapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinae with others . . . The
fifth, Nauigations, Voyages, Traffiques, Discoueries of the English
Nation in the Easterne parts of the World ... 4 vols. Fol. London.
No reprint of this work until 1905-07, when the Hakluyt Society edition ap-
peared published by MacLehose at Glasgow. See below.
This great geographical collection (known also as Hakluytus Posthumus,
from the engraved title in vol. I) is a continuation and enlargement of Hak-
luyt's Principall Navigations. At the death of Hakluyt there was left a large col-
lection of voyages in manuscript which came into the hands of Purchas (as a sort
of legacy), who added to them many more voyages and travels of Dutch, Spanish,
and Portuguese explorers as well as of English travellers. He also incorporated
many translations from early books of travel which were becoming scarce even
in his day. Quaritch. Purchas followed the general plan of Hakluyt, but he
frequently put the accounts into his own words, instead of allowing the narrator
to speak for himself, thereby incurring much adverse criticism from later editors
of collections. The main divisions of the work fall into two parts the first cover-
ing the world known to Ptolemy, the second coming down to his own day. Thus
he brought Hakluyt up to date. Purchas died in 1628, at the age of 51, much dis-
tressed in circumstances in consequence of the losses sustained by him in the
publication of this work, for which he consulted, he stated, "above thirteen hun-
dred authors of one or another kind." On Purchas, whose name by the way
seems to have been pronounced as if spelled Purkas, see Sir William Foster, "Pur-
chas and his Pilgrimes," in Geographical Journal, vol. 68, pp. 193-200.
1905-07 PURCHAS, SAMUEL. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pil-
grimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Landc
Travells by Englishmen and others. By Samuel Purchas, B. I). Maps
and illus With an Index by Madame Marie Michon. 20 vols. Hak.
Soc., extra sen, vols. 14-33. Glasgow.
This is also known as the MacLehosc edition. It is an exact re-
print of the 1625 edition with the original m:ips and plates.
1653 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Who is or may
be a Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these Times
to benefit their Countrey and eternize their Names by like Noble
Attempts. Being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall
Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West-Indies, viz.,
His dangerous adventuring for Gold and Silver with the gaining there-
of ... His Encompassing the World. His Voyage made with Chris-
topher Varleill, Martin Frobusher, Francis Knollis and others . . .
His last Voyage (in which he dyed) being accompanied with Sir John
Hawkins, Sir Thomas Baskerfield, with others . . . Collected out of
the Notes of the said Sir Francis Drake . . . With Notes of divers other
Gentlemen (who went in the said Voyages) carefully compared to-
gether. Portrait of Sir Francis Drake. 4to. London.
This is the first collected and the most complete edition of Drake's voyages,
It comprises, with separate title pages, Sir Francis Drake Reiwed (the voyage of
1572-73) ; The World Encompassed (the voyage of 1577-1580) ; A Summarie and
True Discourse of his West Indian Voyage (1585-86) ; and A Full Relation of
Another 1'oyage into the West Indies (the voyage of 1595-96, during which he
died). These voyages are listed elsewhere individually under their proper headings
with more detail.
1674 EVELYN, JOHN. Navigation and Commerce, Their Original and Prog-
ress. Containing A succinct Account of Traffick in General ; its Bene-
fits and Improvements: Of Discoveries, Wars and Conflicts at Sea,
from the Original of Navigation to this Day ; with Special Regard to
the English Nation ; Their several Voyages and Expeditions, to the
Beginning of our late Differences with Holland ; In which His Majes-
ties Title to the Dominion of the Sea is asserted, against the Novel,
and later Pretenders. . . . 8vo. London.
This book was suppressed at the demand of the Dutch Ambassador, as it
contained malicious statements concerning 1 Holland Evelyn, in his Diary under
19 Aug., 1674, writes: "His Majesty told me how exceedingly the Dutch were
displeased at my treatise of the 'History of Commerce'; that the Holland Am-
bassador had complained to him, etc., and desired thai the hook be called in ;
whilst, on the other side, he assured me that he was exceedingly pleased with
what I had done, etc. The noise of this book's suppression made it presently
to be bought up. It was no other than the preface prepared to be fixed to my
History of the Whole War ; which I now pursued no further." From Robinson,
No. 19. Evelyn gives an interesting account of the discovery of America by Colum-
bus, and of subsequent voyages by Vesputius, John Cabot, etc., and treats also of
the exploits of Drake, Hawkins, Cavendish, Frobisher, Hudson, Raleigh, etc.
From Maggs, No. 594.
1693 LAS CASAS, BARTHOLOMEW DE. Account of the first Voyages
and Discoveries in America. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII. See Las Casas under date 1583, WEST INDIES.
RAY, JOHN. A Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages, in Two
Tomes. The First containing Dr. Leonhart Rauwolff's Itinerary into
the Eastern Countries, as Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia,
Assyria, Chaldea, etc., translated by Nicholas Staphorst ; the Second
taking in many parts of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, Ethiopia, the
Red Sea, Arabia, etc., from the Observations of Mr. Belon, Mr. Ver-
non, Dr. Spon, Dr. Smith, Dr. Huntingdon, Mr. Greaves, Alpinus,
Vestingius, Thevenot's Collections and others : to which are added
Three Catalogues of such Trees, Scrubs, and Herbs, as grow in the
Levant, by John Ray. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Another edition, 8vo, London, 1705; again in 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1738.
This volume was printed at the request of Sir Hans Sloaiie. Its importance
lies chiefly in Ray's catalogue of eastern plants "Stirpium Orientalium Rariorum
Catalog! III." See Ray under 1673, WEST EUROPE.
1694 ROBINSON, TANCRED. An Account of the Several Late Voyages
and Discoveries to the South and North. Towards the Streights of
Magellan, the South Seas, the vast Tracts of Land beyond Holiandia
Nova, . . . also toward Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, Groyn-
land or Engrondland, . . . By Sir John Narborough, Captain Jasmen
Tasman, Captain John Wood, and Frederick Marten of Hamburgh.
To which are Annexed, a Large Introduction and Supplements, giv-
ing an Account of other Navigations to those Regions of the Globe.
18 copperplates (some folding) of natural history, etc., and large fold-
ing map of the Arctics. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, London, 1711. See below.
This collection, which sometimes goes under the name of Narborough, was
dedicated to Samuel Pepys. According to Churchill (Introduction), it had gen-
erally a good reputation and seemed very well to deserve it. Narborough's charts
were used by Bulkeley and Cummins in their remarkable navigation from the coast
of Chile through the Straits of Magellan to the east coast of South America. See
Narborough and Bulkeley under dates 1694 and 1743 respectively, SOUTH AMER-
ICA. The work contains a full description of the fauna and flora as well as of
the whaling industry of the Arctic.
1711 NARBROUGH, SIR JOHN. An Account of several late Voyages and
Discoveries: I. Sir John Narbrough's Voyage to the South-Sea, by
Command of King Charles the Second. ... II. Capt. J. Tasman's Dis-
coveries on the Coast of the South Terra Incognita (Australia). III.
Capt. J. Wood's Attempt to Discover a North East Passage to China.
IV. Frederick Marten's Observations made in Greenland, and other
Northern Countries. To which are Added, . . . Supplement, containing
short Abstracts of other Voyages into those Parts ... 3 folding maps
and 18 plates. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
1698 ACUNHA (and others). For a collection of voyages in South Amer-
ica see this date under SOUTH AMERICA.
1699 HACKE, WILLIAM (Captain). A Collection of Original Voyages; con-
taining: I. Capt. Cowlcy's Voyage round the Globe. II. Capt. Sharp's
Journey over the Isthmus of Darien and Expedition into the South
Seas, written by himself. III. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the
Streights of Magellan. IV. Mr. Roberts' Adventures among the Cor-
sairs of the Levant; his Account of their way of Living; Description
of the Archipelago Islands, Taking of Scio, . . . with several maps and
Draughts. 8vo. London.
Cowley's voyage is the same as that printed in Dampier, Wood's is that given
in Robinson, Sharp's was written by himself, and the last piece is not regarded
very highly. The collection can therefore lay little claim to originality or im-
1703 COMMELIN, ISAAK. A Collection of Voyages undertaken by the
Dutch East India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Nav-
igation, containing an Account of several Attempts to find out the
North East Passage, and their Discoveries in the East Indies and
South Seas. Together with an Historical Introduction, giving an Ac-
count of the Rise, Establishment and Progress of that Great Body.
Maps. 8vo. London.
This collection was translated from the Dutch into French by Renneville and
thence into English. It includes Pontanus' ."Dissertation on a North-West Pas-
sage," a short account of Hudson's first attempt to find the North West Passage,
and an "Account of the Five Rotterdam Ships which sailed June 27, 1598, to the
Streight of Magellan," and accounts of various voyages to the East Indies, notably
to Java and Sumatra. Maggs, No. 479. Little can be said in behalf of this work,
being no more than what is to be seen in several other collections. Churchill, In-
troduction It is sometimes found listed under the name of Renneville. Dutch
original, Amsterdam, 1646. See below.
1646 COM M KLIN, ISAAK ttegin ende Voortgangh van de Vereenighde Ned-
erlandtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vervatcnd de
voornaemste Reysen, by dc Inwoonderen der selver Provintien der-
waerts gedaen. Alles nevcns de Beschryvingen der Rycken, Eylanden,
Havencn, Rcvicren, Stroomcn, Reeden, Winden, Diepten en Ondicpten ;
mitsgaders Religien, Manieren, Aerdt. Politie, en Rcgeeringe der Vol-
kcren ; oock mcde haerder speed-yen, Droogen, Geld en anderc Koopman-
schappen met vdc Disconrscn verrijckt: Nevens eenige Kopere Platen
vcrcuTt, Nut en dienstigh alle curieusc, en andere Zeevarendc Liebheb-
bers. Met drie besondcrc Tafels ofte Registers in twee Deelen verdeelt :
Vaer van 't eerste begrijpt Veethk-n Voyagien den mecren-deelen voor
descn noyt in 't licht geweest. 2 Dcelcn in 21 pts. Obi 4to. Am-
1704 CHURCHILL, AWNSHAM, and JOHN. A Collection of Voyages and
Travels some now first Printed from Original Manuscripts, others
Translated out of Foreign Languages, and now first Published in Eng-
lish. To which are added some few that have formerly appear'd in
English, but do now for their Excellency and Scarceness deserve to
be Re-printed. Including Nieuhoff, Smith, La Peyrere, Thomas James,
Backhoff, Columbus, Del Techo, Ten Rhyne, Pelham, Gemelli Careri,
etc. With a general Preface; giving an Account of the Progress of
Navigation, from its first beginning to the Perfection it is now in,
. . . Numerous maps and illus. 4 vols. Fol. London.
Reprinted 6 vols., fol., London, 1732 (the edition always cited in this bibli-
ography), with two more added in 1745, known as the Oxford Collection or after
the name of its editor Osborne (so cited in this bibliography). The six volumes
republished, London, 1744-46; again the whole in 8 vols., London, 1752. Accord-
ing to Arber the Preface is by John Locke. This is a very valuable collection,
both for its range and for the fact that it gives the original accounts. It well
lives up to the claims made for it by its editors.
1705 HARRIS, JOHN. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca: A Com-
plete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of above 400 of
the most authentick Writers. Frontispieces, numerous plates, and fold-
ing maps. 2 vols. Fol. London.
Revised and enlarged editions in 1744-48, 2 vols., fol., London (the one always
cited in this bibliography) ; again 2 vols., fol., London, 1764.
This great collection appears to have been got up in competition with
Churchill's, but it differs from that work in being a history of all the known
voyages and travels, whereas Churchill's is a collection of particular relations.
Maggs, No. 442. The first edition is valuable for the original impressions of the
fine series of maps by Herman Moll, including a very good one of America, a
current chart of the Channel from observations by Edmund Halley, and a map of
the West Indies on Mercator's projection. Sotheran. Among the maps there is
a new one of the world according to Mercator's projection, with improvements
by John Seller and Charles Price, showing the northern coast line and part of the
west and south coasts of Australia, together with parts of Van Dieman's Land
and New Zealand. In the second volume is given a "Retrospective View" of his
whole collection in which its particular advantages are explained and an account
of the uses its contents could be put to. Harris "edits" these voyages by pruning,
rearranging, "digesting" in his own words with quotations interspersed taken from
the originals. He adds some valuable and useful historical accounts of the growth
of trade, habits of commerce, growth of Companies with exclusive rights, etc. As
is usual with editors of collections, he has little good to say of his rivals.
1764 HARRIS, JOHN. A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Con-
sisting of above 600 of the most authentic Writers, beginning with Hak-
luyt, Purchas, Ramusio, Thevenot, De Brye, Herrera, Oviedo, and the
voyages under the Direction of the East-India Company in Holland.
With others, whether published in English, Latin, French, Dutch, . . .
Containing whatever has been observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America in respect to the Situation, Soil, Produce, Manners of the
Inhabitants, their Arts, Buildings, . . . With an Introduction comprehend-
ing the Rise and Progress of the Art of Navigation. Revised with large
additions and Continuations, including particular Accounts of the Man-
ufactures and Commerce. 2 vols. Fol. London.
1708 MISCELLANEA CURIOSA. A Collection of Some of the Principal
Phaenomena in Nature . . . being Discourses (eleven by Halley, by
Collins, Craig, Gregory, De Moivre, Wallis, and many others) read to
the Royal Society. 2nd edit. 19 folding plates. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon-
3rd edit., 3 vols., 8vo, London, 1726.
This is a small collection of exceedingly miscellaneous tracts, vol. Ill of
which is made up of a collection of "Curious Travels, Voyages," etc. It includes
John Clayton's (the botanist) Account of Virginia, and Dr. Wallace's Journal
kept on his voyage from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien, with an Account
of that Country.
A New Collection of Voyages and Travels, with historical Accounts of
Discoveries and Conquests in all Parts of the World, for the Month of
December, 1708. Containing the Discovery and Conquest of the Spice
Islands. 4to. London.
See under 1709 below for a Continuation.
PERIER, M. DU. A General History of all Voyages and Travels through-
out the Old and New World. Copperplates. 8vo. London.
Republished with a new title, London, 1711. French original, Paris, 1707.
This work promises much more than it fulfills. The title page says it is
going to give a Catalogue of all authors that have ever described any part of the
world and a criticism of their works. But all that has appeared is apparently the
above volume, which relates almost wholly to America and the West Indies. In
the 1711 edition the name of Bellegarde was substituted for that of Du Perier.
1711 (PERIER, M. DU.). A Complete Collection of Voyages made into North
and South America, in due order as they happen'd, beginning from
Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucius and descending to this
present Time. Accurately describing each Country; its Natural His-
tory and product; the Religion, Customs, Manners, Trade, ... of the
Inhabitants, with whatsoever else is curious and remarkable in any kind.
. . . The whole extracted from the Works of considerable Travellers.
By M. L'Abbe Bellegarde. Translated from the French version printed
at Paris. Cuts and 5 plates. 8vo. London.
1707 PERIER, M. DU. Histoire universelle des voyages faits par Mer et par
Terre dans 1'Ancien et dans le Nouveau Monde; pour eclarir la Geog-
raphie ancienne et moderne. Par M. Du Perier. 12mo. Paris.
1709 A New Collection of Voyages and Travels; with Historical Accounts of
Discoveries and Conquests in all Parts of the World. None of them
ever printed before in English. Being now first translated from the
Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other Languages.
Continued monthly from December. Cuts. London.
See also next item.
1709-1710 A Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. 4to. London.
This was probably collected from the monthly issues cited above, and was
perhaps published in opposition to Churchill.
1710 A View of the Universe; or, A New Collection of Voyages and Travels
into all Parts of the World. None of them ever before printed in
English. Maps. 2 vols. 4to. London.
This work has been attributed to John Stevens, who may have been its edi-
tor. It seems to have some connection with the item listed under 1709 above. Its
titles include : Molucca and the Philippines ; A New Voyage to Carolina ; The
Travels of P. dc Cieza ; The Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia digested by Bal-
thazar Tellez ; The Travels of the Sicur Mouette in Fez and Morocco ; The Trav-
els of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy by Land; A Voyage to Madagascar by
Francis Cauche.
1714 The Travels of several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into
divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Trans-
lated from the French. Index and plates. 8vo. London.
French original, Paris, 1713.
For a full account of these Annual Letters forwarded by the Jesuit mission-
aries to the central Bureau, see below under 1554-1586, ADDENDA II. See also
Lockman, 1743 below.
1715 CAMPBELL, JOHN. A Collection of Voyages, originally published by
John Harris, much enlarged. 2 vols. London.
Another edition, 2 vols., London, 1744. See below. For Harris's Collection
see under 1705 above.
1744 CAMPBELL, JOHN. Voyages and Travels containing all the Circum-
navigations from the time of Columbus to Lord Anson ; a complete His-
tory of the East Indies, Historical Details of the several Attempts made
for the Discovery of the North-East and North- West Passage ; the
commercial History of Chorea and Japan; the Russian Discoveries by
Land and by Sea; a distinct Account of America. 2 vols. London.
1729 DAMPIER, WILLIAM (Captain). A Collection of Voyages, contain-
ing: I. Captain William Dampier's Voyage round the World. II. The
Voyages of Lionel Wafer, giving an Account of his being left on the
Isthmus of America, amongst the Indians, and of their treatment of
him, with a particular Description of the Country, . . . also the Nat-
ural History of those Parts, by a Fellow of the Royal Society; and
Davis's Expedition to the Golden Mines. III. A Voyage round the
World, containing an Account of Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the
South-Seas in the Ship St. George, by W. Kunnell, Mate to Capt.
Dampier. IV. Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Globe. V. Capt.
Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and Expedition into the
South-Seas. VI. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Ma-
gellan. VII. Mr. Roberts' Adventures and Sufferings amongst the
Corsairs of the Levant; his Description of the Archipelago Islands,
. . . Numerous maps and plates. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
Another edition chronologically arranged was published in 27 Nos. to form
2 vols., 8vo, London, 1776.
This is generally considered the best edition of Dampier's Voyages, although
it contains much that Dampier not only had no hand in writing but also much
against which he protested.- Quoted by Maggs, No. 465. Dampier seems to have
been at the mercy of his publisher, Knapton, who used the author's saleable vol-
umes as mules for carrying off his unsaleable stock, . . . Vols. I and II of this
edition are reprints of the earlier editions, page for page, with the same plates
and maps, except that in the first volume the publisher has suppressed Dampier's
Dedication to Charles Mountague, President of the Royal Society, to make room
for a second title, "A New Voyage round the World," etc. The "Seventh Edi-
tion, Corrected," which takes up vol. II, is a reprint of Dampier's third volume
(London, 1703) but in a broader page and paged continuously. . . . The plates
are the same as those used in the previous editions. The latter half of the third
volume consists of a reprint of Wafer's Voyage which is here called the third
edition (for Wafer see under date 1699, CENTRAL AMERICA). . . . Vol. IV
contains Funnell's Voyage (see under date 1707, CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS) ex-
actly as described in that work, which was the occasion of a protest from Dampier.
To this are added reprints of the voyages of Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts
(see Hacke above, 1699). . . In some copies, however, Funnell's Voyage is reprinted
with the same plates and maps but in a closer type. With these facts in view it
seems better to have Dampier undented, and therefore the best editions of Dampier
are his three volumes as originally published. From Puttock & Simpson. See
Dampier under 1697, CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS.
1730 Stories of popular Voyages and Travels; with Illustrations. Containing
abridged Narratives of Travels in South America. New edition. Maps
and 3 plates. 12mo. London.
1735 BARCLAY, PATRICK. The Universal Traveller: or, a Complete Ac-
count of the most Remarkable Voyages and Travels of the Eminent
Men of our own and other Nations to the present Time. Containing
a Relation of the Successes or Misfortunes that attended them in their
various Attempts and many entertaining Descriptions of the Curiosities
in Art and Nature, the Manners, Customs, . . . observable in the
Countries they visited. Collected from the best Authorities, Printed
or Manuscript. Fol. London.
Issued also at Dublin, 1735.
This work contains copious accounts of the Spanish colonies in North Amer-
ica, planting of Virginia, New England, etc., the travels of Columbus, Cortez,
Pizarro, etc. Sabin.
1741 COXE, DANIEL. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, in Three Parts.
Part I. The Dangerous Voyage of Capt. Thomas James, in attempting
to discover a North-west Passage to the South-Sea ; with an Account
of their passing the Winter in an uninhabited Island, . . . With a map.
Part II. The Sieur Pontis's Voyage to America ; Also an Account of
the taking of Carthagena by the French in 1697. Also an Account of
the several Engagements they had with the English in their return to
Brest. To which is added, a new and accurate map. Part III. A De-
scription of the English Province of Carolina; by the Spaniards call'd
Florida, and by the French La Louisiane, viz., A Description of the
People, Animals, Vegetables, Metals, Minerals and other rich and
valuable Commodities this Province naturally produces. With a Large
and Judicious Preface, proving the Right of the English to that Coun-
try ; the Manner of the French usurping great Part of it ; and the great
Danger our Colonies will be exposed to, if not timely prevented;
With many useful Remarks regarding our Plantations in general.
Collected from authentick Journals, Travels, etc., of the English in
that Country ; the Originals of which are now in the Possession of Dr.
Coxe. ... By Daniel Coxe, Esq. . . . Map of Carolina. 3 parts. Lon-
This is, in fact, a collection of three separate pieces, with a new general title.
1742 The Curious Traveller. Being a choice Collection of remarkable Histories,
Voyages, Travels, . . . designed into Familiar Letters and Conversa-
tions. Copperplates. 8vo. London.
This includes Spanish Cruelties in the West Indies ; The Commonwealth of
Bees ; Mock Sea Fight on the River Thames, and such like.
1743 LOCKMAN, JOHN. Travels of the Jesuits, into Various Parts of the
World : compiled from their Letters. Now first attempted in English.
Intermixed with an Account of the Manners, Government, Religion,
... of the several Nations visited by those Fathers. 6 folding maps and
plates, including a map of California. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit, corrected, 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1762. (This edition includes an Ac-
count of the Spanish Settlements in America.)
A work so entertaining and curious, that it has been translated into most of
the languages of Europe. In the Letter from Father le Gobien is described "the
Manner how our Missionaries discovered very lately that California Joins to the
Continent of America ; and is not an Island, as our modern Geographers had al-
ways imagined." From Maggs, No. 442. For a full account of these Annual
Letters see below under 1580-1661, ADDENDA II, and 1819-1854, ADDENDA II.
1745 OSBORNE, THOMAS. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, consist-
ing of Authentic Writers in our own Tongue, which have not been be-
fore collected in English, or have only been abridged in other Collec-
tions and continued with others of Note that have published Histories,
Voyages, Travels, Journals or Discoveries in other Nations and lan-
guages, relating to any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe, of the
Islands thereof, from the earliest account to the present Time. Many
cuts, maps, etc. Compiled from the curious and valuable Library of
the late Earl of Oxford. 2 vols. Fol. London.
This valuable collection is sometimes called the Harleian Collection as well as
the Oxford Collection. It forms the Supplement to Churchill's Collection of Voy-
ages. The Introduction is of the usual omnibus type designed to give universalized
information. The work includes the Instructions for Travellers gathered from
Robert, Earl of Essex, Sir Philip Sidney, and Secretary Davison, and a Geograph-
ical Description of Europe.
1745-47 ASTLEY, THOMAS. A New General Collection of Voyages and
Travels, consisting of the most Esteemed Relations which have been
hitherto published in any Language; comprehending every thing re-
markable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Numer-
ous maps and plates. 4 vols. 4to. London.
The contents of these volumes have been translated three times, twice into
French and once into Dutch. Maggs, No. 502. Astley, whose name usually ap-
pears with this work, was but the publisher, whereas Thomas Green was the
real editor. The work originally appeared in weekly numbers. Its matter was
largely appropriated by the Abbe Prevost and was published by him in French as
the Histoire generate des voyages (18 vols., Paris, 1746-1768; see Prevost below
under this date, FOREIGN COLLECTIONS). In his Preface, Astley scores
Purchas for his omissions, compressions, and mutilations, and Churchill for pub-
lishing what he thought was nothing but an assemblage of about fifty particular
authors, whose journies took in but a few parts of the world, and therefore
was not entitled to be called a General Collection. He takes Harris to task for
giving only the shadows of a general collection and the skeletons of authors in-
stead of the substance. He then states his own virtues to be: That he inserts the
Relations from Hakluyt and Purchas omitted by Harris as well as those taken
from them ; that he restores all the authors "castrated" by Harris as well as those
"maimed" by Purchas, so far as he has been able to come at the originals ; that
he includes some travellers left out of Purchas and some published since his day
and neglected by Harris ; that he has added the travellers of note which have ap-
peared in English since 1705; that he has enriched the collection with a consider-
able number of foreign itineraries, which were never published before. His own
method (which sins as greatly as that of any of his predecessors) is to substitute
for the plan of giving each author entire the plan of separating the Journals and
Adventures from the Remarks on the various countries. The former he lets stand
by themselves, and the latter he incorporates with the Remarks of other travel-
lers to the same regions. His aim is to make his Collection a System of Modern
Geography and History, as well as a body of Voyages and Travels, exhibiting
the Present State of all Nations. After all Churchill and Harris are much to be
1752 OSORIUS, JEROME. The History of the Portuguese, during the reign
of Emmanuel : containing all their Discoveries, from the Coast of Af-
rick to the farthest Parts of China ; their Battle by Sea and Land, their
Sieges, and other memorable Exploits. Including also their Discovery
of the Brazils, ... 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Latin original, Lisbon, 1571. See below.
In this important classical history the author has inserted a most valuable ac-
count of the discoveries of the Portuguese navigators, such as Cabral, Cortereal,
Magellan, Vasco da Gama and Caspar de Lemos. . . . The work of Osorius be-
longs to the classics of Portuguese Colonial history in Africa and India. It details
the events under the rule of King Manuel (1495-1521). He also occupies him-
yourself with the history of the Missions. From Maggs, No. 519. Osorius is
called by some the Cicero of Portugal. His library was taken by Lord Essex
at the siege or plunder of Cadiz in. 1596, and by him given to the Bodleian Library,
then only recently founded. From Lowndes. He was Councillor in India just
after the Conquest.
1571 OSORIO DA FONSECA, JERONIMO. De rebus Emmanuelis regis
Lusitaniae gestis libri duodecim. 4to. Lisbon.
1754 A New Universal History of Voyages and Travels collected from the most
authentic Authors, everything worthy of Observation in the Four
Quarters of the Globe, and Lives and Exploits of the most Eminent
Admirals, Captains and Seamen of all Nations. 8 maps and plates.
3 vols. 8vo. London.
1755 BARROW, JOHN. A Collection of Authentic, Useful and Entertaining
Voyages and Discoveries ... by the following celebrated Commanders,
viz., Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Sir Francis Drake, the
Sufferings of eight Seamen, George Spitbergen (and many others).
Digested in a chronological Series. Folding map of the world, plans of
Louisbourg, Cartagena, Havana, and Portobello. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
Another edition in 3 vols., 8vo, London, 1765. Translated into French, Paris,
1766; into German, Leipzig, 1767. For the French version see below.
In addition to many other voyages related, this work also includes the story
of Alexander Selkirk. Sabin gives this work as of the date 1756 with the
title: A Chronological Abridgement or History of Discoveries made by Euro-
peans in different parts of the World. 3 vols. 12mo. It was republished with
the title listed above.
1766 (In French.) Abrege de la collection des voyages ou histoire des dccou-
vertes faites par les Europeens dans le differentes parties du monde.
Extrait des relations les plus exactes et des voyageurs les plus veri-
diques. Traduit de 1'anglois par M. Targe. 12 vols. 12mo. Paris.
1756 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. A Compendium of Authentic and Entertaining
Voyages digested in a chronological Series, the whole exhibiting a clear
View of the Customs, Manners, Government, Commerce and Natural
History of most Nations in the known World. . . . Charts, maps, plans,
heads, etc., engraved. 7 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., in 7 vols., 8vo, London, 1766; with addition of 2 more volumes,
London, 1784.
1760 The Naval Chronicle: or, Voyages, Travels, Exploits of English Naviga-
tors and Commanders to 1759, 15 portraits and maps. 8vo. London.
This includes the Conquest of Quebec, Siege of Louisbourg, Anson's Voyage,
the taking of Guadaloupe, etc.
A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, comprising what-
ever is valuable of this kind in the most celebrated English, Dutch,
French, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish and Danish Writers, . . .
exhibiting the Commerce, Produce, Manufactures, ... of the Inhabi-
tants. 52 engraved plates, maps, etc. 4to. London.
1760-61 NEWBERY, JOHN. The World Displayed: or, a Curious Collection
of Voyages and Travels, selected from the Writers of All Nations.
Folding maps and plates. London.
This doubtless appeared in several volumes. 2nd edit., London, 1767; 3rd edit.,
20 vols. in 10, London, 1774-78; 4th edit., 16mo. London, 1790. Translated into
German, Stuttgart, 1764. See below.
This Newbery was the well known publisher and originator of books designed
especially for children. He also published some of Johnson's and Goldsmith's
1764 (In German.) Schauplatz der Welt, oder merkwiirdige Sammlung von
See- und Landreisen. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. Stuttgart.
1761 MULLER, SAMUEL. For voyages between Asia and North America
see this date under NORTH PACIFIC.
1763 DERRICK, SAMUEL. A Collection of Voyages. 2 vols. Dublin.
Pinkerton XVII cites an edition of 2 vols., London, 1779.
The editor is probably the Samuel Derrick who got out an edition of Dryden's
1766-68 CALLANDER, JOHN. Terra Australis Cognita; or, Voyages to the
Terra Australis, or Southern Hemisphere, during the Sixteenth, Sev-
enteenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Containing an Account of the
Manners of the People, and the Productions of the Countries, hitherto
found in the Southern Latitudes ; the Advantages that may result from
further Discoveries on this great Continent, and the Methods of es-
tablishing Colonies there, to the Advantage of Great Britain. 3 en-
graved folding maps. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
The source of this work is the French collection of voyages by President de
Drosses, Paris, 1756. See below.
As De Brosses had proposed that France settle Australia with her unwanted
inhabitants, so Callander advises that the foundation of a colony be made in the
island of New Britain as a suitable spot for the further exploration and settle-
ment of the vast continent of New Holland. . . . He claimed that Australasia must
fall to Great Britain because of her possession of sea power. . . . Some of the
forty-one relations appear for the first time in English. From Maggs, No. 491.
Calender's manner of handling his material is as follows : He prefaces each ar-
ticle with a short introduction containing a description of the material of which
it is composed and an account of the writer He omits many things that do not
pertain to what immediately concerns Australia, as well as nautical observations,
anchorages, declinations of the needle, except when he can relegate them to short
tables. But important journals, such as Magellan's, Drake's, Tasman's, and some
others he gives entire. The first book treats of geography, natural history, and
commerce as is closely related to the subject. The three following comprehend
the history of the Antarctic world during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, from
the first discovery of Terra Australis in its Magellanic quarter by Vespucci in
1502 down to the middle of the 18th century, with an account, in each separate
narrative, of the advances made in this discovery by each successive navigator. The
work is valuable both for its narratives and for its editorial comments.
1756 BROSSES, PRESIDENT CHARLES DE. Histoire des navigations aux
Terres Australes, contenarit ce que Ton scait des moeurs et des pro-
ductions des contrees decouvertes jusqu'a ce jour, et cm il est traite
de 1'utiiite d'y faire de plus aniples decouvertes, et des moyens d'y for-
mer un etablissement. 7 maps. 2 vols. 4to. Paris.
This collection contains an account of all the voyages, beginning
with the second expedition of Vespucci and ending with 1747, in which
navigators touched upon the supposed southern continent of Magel-
Innica, which is now represented by Australia and some scattered islands
in the Antarctic regions. This work is dated 1754 by Sabin.
1767 DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. An Account of the Discoveries made
in the South Pacific Ocean Previous to 1764. Part I. Containing, I.
A Geographical Description of Places. II. The Examination of the
Conduct of the Discoverers in the Tracks they pursued. III. Investi-
gation of what may be further expected. 7 folding plates. 8vo. Lon-
In his "Historical Collections," printed in 1770, Dalrymple states that only
a few copies of this work were printed, and that it was not published until some
time after, when it was reported that the French had discovered the Southern
Continent, the great object of all his researches. From Sabin.
KNOX, JOHN. A New Collection of Voyages, Discoveries and Trav-
els, containing whatever is worthy of Notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa
and America, in respect to the Situation and Extent of Empires, King-
doms and Provinces, their Churches, Soil, Produce, . . . consisting of
such Foreign Authors as are in most Esteem, including the Descrip-
tions and Remarks of some late celebrated Travellers, not to be found
in any other Collection. Maps, plans, and engravings. 7 vols. 8vo.
A capital collection, containing well-digested narratives of the voyages and
discoveries of Columbus, Ulloa, Dampier, Kolbe, Rogers, Drake, Pocock, Nieu-
hoff, etc. Quoted by Maggs, No. 502. Vol. Ill includes an account of the coun-
try and constitution of Great Britain in general and England in particular, togeth-
er with a short general description of London and of the kingdom of Scotland
and its laws.
1768 DRAKE, EDWARD CAVENDISH. A New Universal Collection of
Authentic and Entertaining Voyages and Travels from the earliest
Accounts to the present Time. . . . The whole forming a History of
whatever is most worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa and Amer-
ica. . . . Maps and plates. Fol. London.
Republished, London, 1770 and 1771.
Held in little estimation. Lowndes.
1770-71 DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. An Historical Collection of Several
Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, Being chiefly
a Literal Translation from the Spanish Writers. 18 engraved plates
and folding maps. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. London.
Another edition, 4to, London, 1775. Translated into French, Paris, 1774.
See below. Into German, Hamburg, 1786, Noticed in the Journal des Scavans,
1775, II, 112.
This is an important collection of voyages, relating entirely to the discoveries
made between South America and New Guinea, the narratives being literal trans-
lations from the original Spanish authors. Vol. It contains the early Dutch voy-
ages. Maggs, No 491. Among the voyages included are those of Magellan,
Mendana, Juan Fernandez, Quiros, Le Maire, Schouten, Tasman, Roggewein, etc.
This collection was published to bolster up the editor's claim to the advantages
accruing from securing the trade to the South Sea islands. Dalrymple is also
to be remembered for some unpleasant associations with Cook's first voyage to the
South Seas in 1768. This voyage was undertaken upon the recommendation of
the Royal Society to George III for the purpose of observing the transit of Venus,
and, as Dalrymple was a member of that Society and well versed in hydrography
and astronomy, he was at first selected to head the expedition. But the Admir-
alty preferred to place a naval man in charge and offered it to James Cook, then
a lieutenant. Dalrymple refused to serve in a subordinate capacity and so re-
mained at home. He was a strong believer in the existence of the fabulous South-
ern Continent and located it a short distance west of South America. Cook, how-
ever, relegated it to the limbo of dreams by his failure to discover it on his sec-
ond circumnavigation.
1774 (In French.) Voyages dans le mer du Sud, par les Espagnols et les Hol-
landois. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglois de M. Dalrymple, par M. de Fre-
ville. 3 folding maps. 8vo Paris.
1772-79 BONWICK, JAMES. Bonwick's Transcripts. A Collection of Ex-
tracts from the Monthly Review, dealing with works on Cook and
Accounts of Botany Bay, 1772-79. London.
1773 HAWKESWORTH, JOHN. An Account of the Voyages undertaken
by the order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in the
Southern Hemisphere, and successfully performed by Commodore By-
ron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook (1764-1771).
Drawn up from the Journals which were kept by the several Com-
manders and from the Papers of Joseph Banks, Esq. By John Hawkes-
worth. 29 charts, maps, and views of islands, etc., and 23 plates of
general views, incidents, and objects, etc., 3 vols. 4to. London.
Another issue of the 1st edit, appeared in 3 vols., the same year, London.
It is distinguished from the 1st issue by the fact that in the latter the paging be-
ginning with vol. II runs on continuously to the end of vol. III. Another edition,
2 vols., 8vo, Dublin, 1775; again 4 vols., London, 1785; 4 vols. in 2, Perth, 1789.
Translated into French, 4 vols., Paris, Lausanne, Amsterdam, 1774; again into
French, including- the later voyages of Cook's, together with those of Byron, Car-
teret, and Wallis, 14 vols., with numerous maps and plates, Paris, 1774-1789; into
Dutch, Rotterdam, 1774; into German, Berlin, 1774; into Italian, with Cook's
later voyages, 13 vols., Naples, 1784. Practically all later collections contain Cook's
voyages. See below for titles of translations.
Hawkes worth wrote the official account of only Cook's first voyage, for
which he received 6,000 pounds from the Government. How he came to be se-
lected by Lord Sandwich as editor of this work is related by Fanny Burney in
her Early Diary, September 15, 1771. In his hands were placed all the journals
of Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Cook, and Banks ; he received some personal contribu-
tions from Dr. Solander and had access to the Admiralty records. Being a lit-
terateur he was expected to grace the narratives with sentiments and remarks of
his own appropriate to the moment. He was probably stirred to emulate the
style of the account by Chaplain Walter of Anson's voyage. He wrote the journals
in the first person and so put sentiments into the mouths of the captains suited
to the refinements of the age of the Noble Savage. Consequently the unique per-
sonal clement of each commander is totally wanting. However, the work was one
of the literary triumphs of the day. But it aroused envy and calumny. One of the
charges against it was that it exhibited Free Thought, as when he omitted to re-
gard a fortunate escape from danger as a special interposition of Providence. He
shocked the delicacy of the age by failing to throw a veil over certain incidents.
Garrick quarrelled with him because he did not give the bookseller Beckett the
option of publishing the work Cambridge men pointed out errors in his astron-
omy and mathematics ; and even Cook refused to affirm the accuracy of the work.
"Dr. Hawkesworth dined here the same day; ... he has had very bad health
lately. Indeed I believe that the abuse so illiberally cast on him, since he obtained
6,000 pounds by writing the Voyages round the World, has really affected his
health, by preying upon his mind. It is a terrible alternative, that an author must
either starve and be esteemed, or be villified and get money." . . . "The world has
lost one of its best ornaments a man of letters who was worthy and honest."
From the Early Diary of Fanny Burney. Hawkesworth died Nov. 17, 1773. See
also Smith's Life of Sir Joseph Banks. For remarks on the individual voyages see
1774 (In Dutch.) Reizen rondom de wereld van Byron, Wallis, Carteret en
Cook. Uit het Engl. vert. Rotterdam.
1774 (In French.) Relations des Voyages entrepris par ordre de S. M. Brit-
annique, pour faire des decouvcrtes dans 1'hemisphere meridional, et suc-
cessivement executes par le Commodore Byron, le Capitaine Carteret,
le Capitaine Wallis et le Capitaine Cooke dans les vaisseaux le Dauphin,
le Swallow, et 1'Endeavour. Traduit de 1'anglais par J. B. A. Suard.
4 vols. Paris; Lausanne; Amsterdam.
1774-1789 (In French.) Trois Voyages traduites de 1'anglais, par Suard et
Demeunier. Avec la vie de Cook par Kippis traduite par Castera. 207
maps, plates, and portraits. 14 vols. 4to. Paris.
This collection contains the two later voyages of Cook as well as
those of Byron, Carteret and Wallis.
1774 (In German.) Geschichte der See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Siid-Meer,
unternommen von Byron, Wallis, Carteret und Cook. Aus dem Eng-
lischen des Hawkesworth von J. Fr. Schiller. 66 plates and maps.
3 vols. 4to. Berlin.
1784 (In Italian.) Storia de' Viaggi intrapresi per ordine di S. M. Brittannica
dal Capitano Giacomo Cook. Ricavata dalle autentiche relazioni del
medesimo, e osservazioni, con una Introduzione Generate, . . . Por-
trait and atlas containing 52 engraved plates and charts. 13 vols. 8vo.
1773-75 HENRY, DAVID. An Historical Account of all the Voyages round
the World, performed by English Navigators ; the whole faithfully Ex-
tracted from the Journals of the Voyagers. 5 vols. 8vo. London.
The contents include the voyages of Drake, Cavendish, Cowley, Dampier,
Cooke, Rogers, Clipperton and Shelvocke, Anson, Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Cook,
Parkinson, Bougainville, Phipps, and Lutwidge. There is an account of Henry
in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 62, stating that he compiled only the first two
volumes of the four, to which he added in 1775 a fifth volume containing the
Journal of Cook's voyage in the Resolution, 1772-75, and that of the Adventure,
1772-74. In 1786, a sixth volume was printed making complete the record of
Cook's three voyages. It was translated into German, Leipzig, 1775-1780. See below.
1775-1780 (In German.) Historischer Bericht von Sammtlichen durch die Eng-
lander geschehenen Reisen um die Welt, in cinem getreuen Auszuge
aus dem See-fahrer-tagebiichern. Aus dem Englischen. 6 vols. Leipzig.
1774-78 The World Displayed : or, A Collection of Voyages and Travels, selected
from the Writers of all Nations. In which the Conjectures and Inter-
polations of several vain Editors and Translators are expunged: . . .
Numerous engravings. 20 vols. 12mo. London.
1775 DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. A Collection of Voyages, chiefly in the
Southern Atlantic Ocean. Published from Original MSS. 4 maps.
4to. London.
This contains Dr. Edmund Halley's two voyages in 1698 and 1700; Voyage
fait aux terres Australes par M. der Loziere Bouvet en 1738-39; Journal de nav-
igation pour un voyage de la Mcr du Sud fait par S. Ducloz Guyot, en 1753-56;
Journal of winds, weather, etc., at the Falkland Islands, in 1767-77, by Captain
Macbride. Sabin.
1776-77 LOWNDES, . Lowndes' Modern Traveller, a Collection of Use-
ful and Entertaining Travels, exhibiting a view of the Manners, Re-
ligion, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce of the Known World,
abridged from Maundrel, Keysler, Norden, Hasselquist, Thicknesse,
Johnson, Anson, and other famous Travellers. 5 maps and 16 cop-
perplates. 6 vols. 8vo. London.
1777 The Modern Traveller. 6 vols. London.
So cited in Pinkerton XVII. See also. 1800 below.
1778 New Discoveries concerning the World and its Inhabitants, comprehending
all the Discoveries made in the several Voyages of Commodore Byron,
Captains Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, together with those of Bougain-
ville, . . . also the Voyage of Constantine John Phipps. 2 maps and 3
plates. 8vo. London.
1780 MOORE, JOHN. A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Trav-
els. Fol. London.
Another edition, 2 vols., fol., London, 1785.
1782 PICKERSGILL, RICHARD. A Concise Account of the Voyages for the
Discovery of a North-west Passage undertaken for finding a way to
the East Indies. London.
1784 ANDERSON, GEORGE WILLIAM. A New, Authentic and Complete
Collection of Voyages round the World by Capt. Cook, 1st, 2nd and
3rd Voyages, together with Drake's, Byron's, Carteret's, Wallis's and
other Voyages. . . . The Whole now publishing under the immediate
direction of George William Anderson, assisted by a principal Officer,
who sailed in the Resolution Sloop, and by many other Gentlemen.
Numerous maps and plates. Fol. London.
Another edition in 6 vols., London 1790, has been listed, but in view of the
fact that the original edition and one of 1798 are in 1 vol. fol., the correctness
of the citation may be doubtful.
Anderson gives rehashes instead of the original accounts.
1786 FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. The History of the Voyages and
Discoveries made in the North, translated from the German of John
Reinhold Forster. New and Original maps. 4to. London.
A learned account of the various expeditions for discovering the North-West
and North-East Passages. Maggs, No. 502. This work contains a good deal of
useful information, much hypothesis and conjecture, as well as some mistakes, and
many peevish and ill-natured reflections, particularly on the English. Lowndes.
Forster had some grievances hanging over from his connections with Cook's voy-
The Voyages and Travels of Columbus, Magellan, Drake, Cavendish,
Dampier, Cowley, Cook, Clipperton, and Shelvocke. With an Account
of the Discovery of Easter Island and Davis* Land. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1788 ADAMS, JOHN. The Flower of Modern Travels, being elegant, enter-
taining, and instructive Extracts, selected from the Works of the
most celebrated Travellers. 12mo. London.
Reprinted, 12mo, Boston, 1797; and 3 vols., 12mo, London. This is so cited
in Sabin. Sec also Adams under 1790 below.
1789 BANKES, T. (Rev.). For a Collection of Travels see his Modern Au-
thentic and Complete System of Universal Geography, under GEOG-
RICHARDSON, W. A General Collection of Voyages and Discoveries
made by the Portuguese and Spaniards during the Fifteenth and Six-
teenth Centuries, containing the interesting and entertaining Voyages
of the celebrated Gonzalez and Vas, Gonzalez Zarco, Lanzerota, Diego
Gell, Cada Mosto, Pedro di Sintra, Diego d'Azambuza, Bartholomew
Diaz, Vasco da Gama, Voyages to the Canary Islands, Voyages of Co-
lumbus, Nino and Guierra, Ojeda and Vespusius Cortereal, Alvarez
Cabral, Francis Almeed, Albuquerque, Andrea Corsali, Voyage to St.
Thomas, Voyage of de Solis, Pinzon, . . . Voyage of John Ponce, Gri-
jalva, Nieuessa, Cortes, Ojeda and Ocampo, Magellan, the West In-
dies, Round the World, . . . Plates and maps. 4to. London.
Richardson was the publisher of this work.
1790 ADAMS, JOHN. Modern Voyages : containing a variety of useful and
entertaining Facts, respecting the Expeditions and the principal Dis-
coveries of Cavendish, Dampier, Anson, Byron, ... 2 vols. 8vo.
Translated into French, Paris, 1800. See below.
1800 (In French.) Choix de Voyages Modernes pour 1'Instruction et 1' Amuse-
ment des Deux Sexes. Traduit de 1* Anglais par J. F. Andre\ Folding
map. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. (An VIII.)
COOK, JAMES. Voyages round the World, for Making Discoveries in
the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The First performed in the
Years 1768-1771. The Second in 1772-75. The Third and Last in
1776-1780. Containing a Relation of all the interesting Transactions
which occurred in the course of the Voyages. Including Captain Fur-
neaux's Journal of his Proceedings during the Separation of the Ships.
Portrait and numerous engraved maps and plates. 3 vols. Newcastle.
Included in vol. II are Phipps' and Lutwidge's Voyage towards the North
Pole. To which is prefixed an Account of the several Voyages undertaken for
the Discovery of a Northeast Passage by Forster. A Description of a Man-of-
War, tracing the Art of Shipbuilding from its Commencement to its present de-
gree of perfection. (Governor) Phil(l)ips' Voyage to Botany Bay, etc. From
Maggs, No. 442. The narrative is written partly in the first person, following
Cook's Journal, and partly in the third, paraphrased from the official account.
Cook Bibliography.
Curious and Entertaining Voyages undertaken either for Discovery, Con-
quest, or the Benefit of Trade; commencing with the Earliest Dis-
coveries promoted by Prince Henry of Portugal, and 58 different Port-
uguese and Spanish Voyages, exhibiting various Scenes of Cruelties,
Hardships, Misfortunes and Discoveries, particularly on Columbus's
Conquest of Mexico, etc., with Magellan's Voyage round the World.
4to. London.
HOGG, (Captain). A Collection of Voyages round the World: per-
formed by Royal Authority. Containing a complete Historical Account
of Captain Cook's First, Second, Third and Last Voyages, undertaken
for making new Discoveries. To which are added those of Byron,
Wallis, Carteret, Mulgrave, Anson, Parkinson, Lutwidge, Ives, Mid-
dleton, Smith, . . . Portrait and numerous engraved plates and maps.
6 vols. 8vo. London.
A curious and uncommon edition of Cook's voyages, originally issued in 80
weekly parts. Maggs, No. 491. Captain Hogg was the editor of the collection.
The title asserts that this is the most elegant and perfect work of its kind. In
Sabin it is listed as appearing in five volumes in 1785.
An Interesting Account of the Early Voyages made by the Portuguese
and Spaniards, ... to Africa, East and West Indies, the Discovery of
numerous Islands, with Particulars of the Lives of those Eminent
Navigators, including the Life of Columbus ; to which is added the Life
of Captain Cook (extracted from Kippis). 7 plates and maps. 4to.
1791 Discoveries of the French in 1768-69 to the South-east of New Guinea with
the subsequent visits to the same Lands by English Navigators who
gave them new names, with an historical Abridgement of the Voyages
and Discoveries of the Spaniards in the same seas by M. (for-
merly a captain in the French Army). 12 charts. 4to. London.
Among its contents are the discoveries of Mendana in 1567 and 1595, de
Quiros in 1606, Carteret in 1767, de Bougainville in 1768, de Surville in 1769,
Lieut. Shortland in 1788, etc. Bookseller's Note.
1791-92 HERON, ROBERT. The New Universal Traveller: Travels in Af-
rica and Asia (Vaillant, Sparrman, Niebuhr, etc.). Map and numer-
ous engraved plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
The title of this item suggests that it includes more than two volumes ; but the
above listing is all that has come to the notice of the editor.
1796-1802 MAYOR, WILLIAM. An Historical Account of Voyages, Travels,
and Discoveries from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period.
Portrait, plates, and maps. 26 vols. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., 28 vols., London, 1810; 3rd edit, 28 vols., London, 1813-15.
This work is but a compilation, which gives the substance and "the most in-
teresting parts of the most popular books of travel."
1800 The Modern Traveller, containing compressed Travels of Mungo Park
and others in Africa. 4 vols. 12mo. London.
1806 PHILLIPS, SIR RICHARD. A Collection of Modern and Contempor-
ary Voyages and Travels. 6 vols. 8vo. London.
Another edition, 11 vols., London, 1820-23.
This contains Peron's Voyage to the Southern Hemisphere; Keith's Voyage
to South America and the Cape ; Bolinbroke's Voyage to Demerara ; Ashe's Trav-
els in America; Sarytschew's Voyage to North East Siberia; Voyage to India
and China in H. M. S. Caroline; and many European travels.
1806-1814 PINKERTON, JOHN. A General Collection of the best and most
interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. Numerous
plates and maps. 17 vols. 4to. London.
Vol. XVII contains a Bibliography of Voyages (255 pp.) and a general Index
(472 pp.). The bibliography has to be used with much caution, as it turns out to
be full of errors in dates and names, and is often unsatisfactory because of the
brevity of the wording of titles and the lack of information needed to place a
given work. The collection is of great value for its texts, which it sometimes
gives entire and sometimes abridged and digested, with as much use as possible of
the traveller's own language,
1811-1824 KERR, ROBERT. A General History and Collection of Voyages
and Travels, arranged in Systematic Order, forming a Complete His-
tory of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery and Com-
merce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time.
Maps and charts. 18 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
Vol. XVIII of this work contains, besides Stevenson's ''Historical Sketch of
the Progress and Discovery, Navigation and Commerce, from the earliest records
to the beginning of the Nineteenth Century," a biographical Catalogue of Voyages
and Travels. The work contains a great variety of very curious and interesting
early voyages of rare occurrence only to be found otherwise in expensive and
voluminous collections. Bookseller's Note.
1813 A General Collection of Voyages and Travels including the most interest-
ing Records of Navigators and Travellers, from the Discovery of
America, by Columbus in 1492, to the Travels of Lord Valencia. Maps
and engravings. 28 vols. 12mo. London.
1817 MURRAY, HUGH. An Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels
in Africa, by the late John Leyden, Enlarged and completed to the
present Time. 9 maps. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1831 The Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, including an
Introductory View of the earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and
the History of the Buccaneers. Portraits. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1848 WRIGHT, THOMAS. Early Travels in Palestine, comprising the Nar-
ratives of Arculf, Willibald, Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of
Tudela, v Sir John Maundeville, de la Broquiere, and Maundrell. 8vo.
In Bohn's Library.
1849 Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, In search of a Passage
to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631. With selections from the early
Records of ... the East India Company and from MSS. in the British
Museum. Edited by Thomas Rundall. 2 maps. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol.
5. London.
1856 A Collection of Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland, Comprising a
Translation from F. Martens' Voyage to Spitzbergen, 1671 ; a Trans-
lation from Isaac la Peyrere's Histoire du Greenland, 1663, and God's
Power and Prorndence in the Preservation of Eight Men in Greenland
Nine Moneths and Twelve Dayes, 1630. Edited by Adam White. 2
maps. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 18. London.
1858 India in the Fifteenth Century, Being a Collection of Narratives of Voy-
ages to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the
Cape of Good Hope; from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian Sources.
Translated into English and edited by Richard Henry Major, F.S.A.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 22. London.
1859 Early Voyages to Terra Australis, Now called Australia. A Collection of
documents, and extracts from early MS. Maps, illustrative of the his-
tory of the discovery of Australia from the beginning of the sixteenth
century to the time of Captain Cook. Edited by Richard Henry Major,
F.S.A. 5 maps. Ilak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 25. London.
1902 BEAZLEY, C. RAYMOND. Voyages and Travels, mainly during the
16th and 17th Centuries. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
This was reprinted with very slight alterations from the English Garner, 8
vols., 1877-1890, London, by Edward Arber. The texts are in the main reprinted,
with occasional compression, from Hakluyt's Principal Navigations, either of the
edition of 1589 or that of 1598-1600.
1902-06 CAMDEN MISCELLANY. Vols. 10 to 14; containing Hoby's Book
of Travaile, 1547-66; Journal of Sir R. Wilbraham, Solicitor General
in Ireland, 1593-1616; Spanish Narratives of Santo Domingo, 1655;
English Conquest of Jamaica, 1655-56; Life of Sir John Digby, 1605-
1645, etc. Edited by S. R. Gardiner, W. Cunningham, C. L. Kingsford,
etc. 5 vols. 4to. London.
1904-07 THWAITES, R. G. For a collection of early western travels in
North America from 1748-1846, see under NORTH AMERICA.
1923 NEVINS, ALLAN. American Social History as Recorded by British
Travellers. 8vo. New York.
This work illustrates the American scene by selections from the diaries and
journals of British travellers in the eastern United States of the early 19th cen-
tury. Each selection is prefaced by an interesting introduction.
1924 Colonising Expeditions to the West Indies and Guiana, 1623-1667. Edited
by Vincent T. Harlow, B.A., B. Litt., F.R. Hist. Soc. 6 maps and 2
plates. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 56. London.
These narratives hitherto unpublished, record the early efforts of English Ad-
venturers to explore and occupy regions in the New World, made famous by the
buccaneers of the 16th century. They thus form a vital link between the voyages
of Hawkins and Raleigh and subsequent colonial history. Hakluyt Society.
HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. Among the selections is Travels in the
East. 8vo. London.
1929 KOMROFF, MANUEL. Contemporaries of Marco Polo. Consisting of
the Travel Records to the Eastern World of William of Rubruck
(1253-1255) ; The Journey of John of Pian de Carpini (1245-1247) ;
the Journal of Friar Odoric (1318-1330) ; and the Oriental Travels of
Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela (1160-1173). Edited by Manuel Komroff.
8vo. London.
1930 ADLER, ELKAN. Jewish Travellers, from the Ninth to the Eighteenth
Century. Edited and translated with an Introduction, by Elkan Adler.
Plates and map. 8vo. Broadway Travellers series. London.
The literature of medieval travel has been greatly enriched by this latest addi-
tion to the Broadway Travellers. The Jew was from the earliest times a wan-
derer, and when his wanderings were due not to persecution but to the spirit of
adventure and scientific enquiry, they yielded narratives full of interesting and
curious information. From the Manchester Guardian.
1931 LAWRENCE, A. W. and YOUNG, JEAN. Narratives of the Discov-
ery of America. Edited by A. W. Lawrence and Jean Young. 8vo.
London ( ?).
This volume contains translations of the principal documents of both periods
of America's discovery, the Sagas, which describe the Viking expeditions to Green-
land, and the coasts of North America, as well as accounts of the better known
voyages of Columbus and Cabot. New and complete translations have been made
from the Icelandic and Spanish originals, except in the case of Columbus' Journal,
where an early American version has been thoroughly revised Bookseller's Note.
On account of their importance in the history of travel literature some
foreign collections are here listed and described. Most of these items have
not been turned into English, at least in their entirety.
1507 VESPUCCI, AMERIGO. Paesi novamente retrovati e Novo Mondo.
4to. Milan (?).
2nd edit., Milan, 1508. Translated into Latin, Milan, 1508.
This work is the first collection of voyages ever compiled. It contains the
Italian version based on Giocondo's rendering of Vespucci's famous third voyage
(the first under the Portuguese flag) . . . This voyage lasted from May 10, 1501,
to September 7, 1502. Maggs, No. 479. In notes to the Latin version Maggs goes
on to say : After the letters of Columbus, it is the most important contribution to
the early history of American discovery. It commences with the navigations of
Alovisc de Cadamosto in Kthiopia, etc, which appeared for the first time in this
work, followed by the voyages of de Cintra in 1462, of Vasco da G.ima in 1497-
1500, of Cabral in 1500-1501, of Columbus 1492-1498, of Alonso Negro and the Pin-
zons, of Vespucci's Third Voyage, 1501-1502, of Cortercal, 1500-1501, etc. It also
contains the narrative of Joseph, the converted Indian, brought to Portugal by
Cabral, and letters relating to the Portuguese Voyages. Its chief value consists in
its containing the voyages of Columbus and Vespucci. The actual author. ot the
compilation is not definitely known.
1532 GRYNAEUS, SIMON. Novtis Orbis Regionuin ac Insularum vetcribus
incognitarum, uria cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot aliis consimilis
argument! libellis. Fol. Paris.
This work, which may be considered as the first General History of Travels,
was the compilation of John Huttich Grynaeus only wrote the preface Maggs,
No. 429. Its chief articles are the Voyages of Cadamosto, Columbus, the four
Voyages of Vespucci, Vincente Yancz Pinzon, Marco Polo, Haiton, etc.
1554-1586 RAMUSIO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Dclle Navigation* et Viag-
gi, raccolte da M. Gio. Batt. Ramusio, in tre volumi clivisi. Maps. 3
vols. Fol. Venice.
This work, which served as a model to Hakluyt, was the first great system-
atic collection of voyages that had so far appeared. For its contents see Sabin,
Dictionary of Books relating to America. Vol. Ill is given over entirely to Amer-
ica. It contains translations from works that had been published in Spanish,
French, and Latin, and some from manuscripts thai had never yet been published.
It was compiled during the latter part of Ramusio's life and is carefully and in-
telligently done, as he had devoted his mature years to historical and geographical
study, in which he gave instruction in a school which he carried on in his own
house. He left material for a fourth volume, but the manuscript was destroyed
in a fire which burned the printing-house of the publisher not long after his
death in 1557. John Locke, the English philosopher, held the highest opinion of
the work, asserting that it was free from that "great mass of useless matter which
swells our English Hakluyt and Purchas, much more complete and full than the
Latin De Bry, and in fine is the noblest work of this nature." Maggs, No. 519.
from Brazil. Philippines, Cochin-China, Tibet, Japan, China, East In-
dies, South America, Canada, etc. Printed in various cities and towns
and under various editors.
Under the above dates Maggs, No. 429, lists a collection of 40 vols., printed in
18 and 12mo. Quaritch, No. 415, lists 24 vols. out of 33, of the dates 1583-1658.
Then there were the Jesuit Relations, as the phrase is generally used, sent in from
Canada, which comprise the Cramoisy series, as published annually by Sebastien
Cramoisy in Paris. Just how many make up this series is probably not known. In
1858, the Canadian Government had this series reprinted at Quebec in 25 vols.,
under the editorship of John G. Shea. For this edition and the later one issued in
a greatly enlarged form by the Burrows Brothers, Cleveland, in some 73 vols., see
under date 1 858- 1868.- NORTH AMERICA. See Lockman under 1743 above; also
under 1819-1854 below.
These annual reports from Jesuit missionaries stationed all over the world
constitute a most vital source of historical, geographical, political, and social in-
formation. Whether there is a complete set in existence anywhere on earth is
commonly doubted. Their regular appearance dates from the accession of Rudolf o
Acquaviva to the generalship of the order. The system as worked out is thus
described by Maggs, No. 429. Those laboring in the outposts sent in reports to
their superiors on all matters relating to the Society; the Superiors and Rectors
of all houses and colleges in Europe had to make a weekly report to their Provin-
cial ; the Provincial in his turn made a monthly report to the General of the
Society. According to Quaritch, there was no report in 1615, the year that Acqua-
viva died, nor for several years afterwards. Shortly after 1650, by the same au-
thority, reports ceased altogether.
1590-1634 DE BRY, THEODORE. Collections Peregrinationum in Indian
orientalem et occidentalem XXV partibus comprehensae ; opus illus-
tratum figuris Fratrum de Bry et Meriani ; Americae partes 13, Indiae
orientalis 12. Frankfort.
These are better known as the Grands et Petits Voyages. Originally the de-
sign was to publish them in English, Latin, French, and German, but after the ap-
pearance of the first volume the plan was abandoned and the remainder were is-
sued in Latin and German. De Bry died in 1598, leaving his work to be carried
on by his widow and two sons-in-law. The intermittent character of the publish-
ing and the overlapping of new parts with reissues of old ones make the problem
of arranging the editions in their proper order most baffling, and in consequence
these voyages have been made the subject of a large number of bibliographical
studies, without an agreement being reached on the right contents of a complete
set. The titles of the various lists and comparisons are given in the Bulletin of
the New York Public Library, VIII, 230, introductory to a "Catalogue of the
De Bry Collection of Voyages in the New York Public Library/' a collection made
by James Lenox and held to be the finest in existence. There is an account of
the De Bry Collection in the Library of E. D wight Church, printed in the Church
Catalogue. The most complete comparative study of the Voyages is that of the
Earl of Crawford, published in 1894. See Biblwtheca Lindensiana, Collations and
Notes, No. 3, London, 1884. The series in the John Carter Brown Library, which
fills sixty-one pages of the Catalogue, ranks among the first in extent, condition,
and completeness. The Catalogue of this last named Library makes mention also
of a study of the contents of the various parts and the sources from which they
are derived, viz., the Memoir sur la Collection des Grands et Petits Voyages by
Armand Gaston Camus, published in 1802. The Grands Voyages deal with Amer-
ica and the Petits Voyages with Africa and Asia. An analysis of the contents of
the American voyages is to be found in Maggs, No. 442, and of the whole col-
lection in Robinson, No. 41. De Bry undoubtedly had the assistance of Hakluyt
in the publication and arrangement of some of the material for the first volume.
A brief account of De Bry's work is given in Waldman, 97-100.
1598-1660 HULSIUS, LEVINUS. Sammlung von 26 Schifffahrten in ver-
schiedene fremde Lander durch Leo Hulsium und einige andere aus
dem Hollandischen ins Deutsch ubersetzt und mit allerhand Anmer-
kungen versehen. 25 Thiele. Nurnberg, Francfurt und Hanover.
For a description of this series in its various editions see the John Carter
Brown Catalogues and Wilber force Eames' Contributions to a Catalogue of the
Lenox Library Hulsius was born in Ghent, but in 1594 he settled at Frankfort
on the Main as a publishing bookseller. Before his death in 1606 eight parts of
his Voyages had appeared. His -widow and successors continued to publish parts,
some in connection with the De Brys, until the 26th part was issued in 1663. Less
ambitious than the DeBrys, Hulsius contented himself with translations into Ger-
man, only Parts IV and V appearing in Latin, in 1599, and with doubtful success,
as the experiment was not continued. Hardly two sets will agree in detail.
From John Carter Brown.
1612 Descriptio ac delineatio Geographica Detectionis Freti, sive, Transitus ad
Oceanum, supra terra Americanos, in Chinam alque Japonem ducturi,
Recens investigati ab M. Henrico Hudsono Anglo. Narratio . . . super
tractum, in quinta Orbis terrarum parte, cui Australiae Incognitae no-
men est, recens detecto, Per Capitanum Petrum Ferdinandez de Quir.
4to. Amsterdam.
This is a hitherto unrecorded variant of the first edition of the most remark-
able Collection of Voyages of Discovery of this period. The editor has collected
together in this book a relation of the three most marvellous discoveries of the
previous years in the most unknown parts of the world, viz., the Discovery of the
Northwest Passage to America, by Henry Hudson, including the Hudson River
and Hudson's Bay, etc. The Discovery of the Northern Coasts of Australia by
Fernandez de Quiros. The Voyage of Isaac Massa to Siberia. For Hudson this is
the first news printed concerning the voyage to the northern parts of America.
For De Quiros it is the first edition in Latin of his report to the King of Spain.
And for Isaac Massa it is also the first edition of his Relation of Siberia. Maggs,
No. 479.
1648 HARTGERTS, JOOST. OosMndische Voyagien door dien Begin en
Voortgangh, van de Vereenighde Nederlandsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-
Indische Compagnie. Vervatende de voornaemste Reysen, be de In-
woonderen der selver Provintien derwaerts ghedaen, . . . Engraved
plates and shipping vignettes. 16 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Amsterdam.
This extraordinary Collection of Voyages is sometimes called the "Dutch De
Bry" or the "Dutch Hulsius"; for in beauty of execution and intrinsic interest it
rivals both of those famous collections. In point of rarity there is no comparison ;
this being scarcely known to bibliographers. How many parts Hartgerts published
is even now uncertain, although the most active research has been made by col-
lectors of voyages and travels for many years. The parts were probably issued
and sold separately, and their collection into sets, with a collective title, preface,
etc., was an afterthought. This collection has an advantage over De Brys' and
Hulsius', in that many of the voyages are in the language in which they were
originally written, while most of those by De Bry and Hulsius are translations.
Quoted by Maggs, No. 479. Maggs also lists the contents of the Collection.
1666-1672 THEVENOT, MELCHISEDEC. Relations de divers Voyages cur-
ieux, qui n'ont point este publiees, ou qui este traduites . . . et de
quelques Persans, Arabes et autres . . . Plates and maps. 4 vols. Fol.
The importance of Thevenot's Collection needs no comment. When complete
its scope is universal, as it includes accounts from nearly all parts of the world
Japan, China, Philippines, Siam, Tartary, Mongolia, India, Egypt, Abyssinia, Per-
sia, Arabia, Asia Minor, and Russia. Of American interest are the Voyage du
Sicur Acarete a Buenos Aires, Voyage dans la riviere de la Plate, Histoire de
I'empire mexicain. To Australia relates the Voyage de Bontehoe with a large
map of Australia and the Expedition of Alvara de Mendano to the Solomon Is-
lands. From Hiersemann. It also contains the first account of the discovery of
the River Mississippi by Father Marquette in 1673, and its folding map of that
river, which is believed to be the first extant; a map, with explanations, of the
discovery of the countries near the North Pole, by the Dutch ; a Description of an
overland Journey from Russia to China in 1653 ; and the most important, and one
of the very earliest, maps (Tasman's) of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zeal-
and. Maggs, No. 502, Thevenot was born about 1629, and as a young man trav-
elled about Europe considerably, although he left no narratives of his journeys.
He later settled down in Paris, and devoted himself to scientific studies. He
made the acquaintance of all who had travelled in distant lands and published the
accounts of their travels in the above Collection. Maggs
1674 JUSTEL, HENRI. Recueil de Divers Voyages Faits en Afrique et en
TAmerique. (Including) Histoire des Barbados, par R. Ligon; Ex-
trait de Thistoire d'Ethiopie de Telles ; Relation des Caraibes, par de
Laborde; Description de I'empire de Pretre-Jean; Jamaique, Colonies
Anglaises, ... 8 folding maps and plans and 8 plates. Fol. Paris.
Ligon was translated from the English. See under date 1657, WEST IN-
DIES. Some of the voyages herein contained had not been published before.
1691-93 ANZI, CONTE A. DEGU. II Genio Vagante Biblioteca Curiosa di
cento e piu Relazioni di Viaggi Stranieri de'nostri tempi Raccolta dal
Conte Aurelio degli Anzi. 4 folding maps and 7 plates. 4 vols.
12mo. Parma.
This work is composed of extracts, private letters, etc., from Italian, French,
English, and Spanish travellers.
1702 Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi a 1'Establissement et aux Progres de la
Compagnie des Indes Orientales formee dans les Provinces Unies des
Pays-bas. 11 folding maps and plate. 12mo. Amsterdam.
1706-08 AA, PIETER VAN DER. Naaukeurige Versamling der Gedenk-
waardigste Zee en Land-Reyen na Ooost en West-Indien. Hundreds
of engraved plates and maps. 127 vols., bound in 29. 8vo. Amster-
Good complete sets of these Voyages are very uncommon. All of them were
issued as separate works. Maggs, No. 502. In this catalogue Maggs lists sep-
arately the contents of each volume.
1715 BERNARD, J. F. Recueil de Voyages au Nord, contenant divers Me-
moires tres-utiles au Commerce et a la Navigation. 4 vols. 12mo.
Another edition in 10 vols.. Amsterdam.
The contents of this work go beyond the title ; it is rather a universal collec-
tion, containing the voyages of a number of English explorers. Noticed in the
Journal des Scarans, 1716, I, 278; 1718, II, 302; 1720, I, 614.
1717 Memoires des Missions dans le Levant. 9 vols. Paris.
1729 Recueil de divers Voyages curieux en Tartarie, ... 2 vols. Leyden.
Sammlung von Reisen in Europa. 2 vols. Hamburg.
1734 LAFITAU, J. F. Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais
dans le Nouveau Monde. 10 plates. 3 vols. Paris.
This is a general work on the history of Portuguese navigations in both hem-
ispheres. Bookseller's Note.
1735 Bergeron, P. Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les XII, XIII,
XIV, et XV siecles, par Benjamin de Tudele, Jean du Plan-Carpin, N.
Ascelin, Guillaume de Rubruquis, Marc Paul Venitien, Haiton, Jean
de Mandeville et Ambroise Contarini, accompagne de 1'Histoire des
Sarasins et des Tartares, et prccedez d'une Introduction concernant les
voyages et les nouvelles decouvertes des principaux voyageurs. 4to.
The Hague.
1746-1768 PREVOST, A. K. (Abbe). Histoire generate des voyages, ou nou-
velle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre,
qui ont ete publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes langues de
toutes les nations connues. Folding plates and charts. 18 vols. 4to.
Vol. 17 forms the Supplement and vol. 18 is the first volume of the Contin-
uation, of which two more volumes were published. This work is much indebted
to Astlcy's Collection. See above under date 1745-47.
1747-1774 Allgemeine Historic der Reisen zu Wasser und zu L,ande, oder
Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis jetze in verschiedenen
Sprachen von aller Volkern herausgegeben worden, . . . Aus dem Eng-
lischen iibersetzt. 2 Maps and plates. 21 vols. 4to. Amsterdam
(some copies bear the imprint Leipzig.)
This valuable repository contains translations of many of the early voyages
and travels in America, and some Indian vocabularies, etc., mostly by J. J.
Schwabe. A detailed list of the contents is given in the supplement to the index
of Books in the Bates Hall of the Public Library, Boston. Sabin.
1749-1770 DIDOT, . Histoire Generate des Voyages ou Nouvelle Collec-
tion de toutes les Relations de Voyages par mer et par terre. Numer-
ous maps and views. 76 vols. 12mo. Paris.
See Prevost under 1746-1768 above.
1750 Almindelig Histoire over Reiser til Lands og Vande, eller Samlung af
alle Reisebeskrivelser oversat af Engelsk. 5 vols. Copenhagen.
This Danish coKection is likewise probably based on Astley.
1750-1764 Sammlung neuer und merkwiirdiger Reisen zu Wasser und zu
Lande. 11 Theile. Gottingen.
1756 BROSSES, PRESIDENT CHARLES DE. For his Histoire des navi-
gations see above under Callander, 1766-68.
1768 ADELUNG, J. C. Geschichte der Schitffahrten und Versuchen zur Ent-
deckung des nord-ostlichen wegs nach Japan und China. Halle.
1769-1771 DELAPORTE, (Abbe). Le Voyageur Francois, ou la connoissance
de 1'ancien et du nouveau monde, mis au jour par M. 1'Abbe Delaporte.
22 vols. 8vo, Paris.
1780-06 LA HARPE, JEAN FRANCOIS DE. Abrege de 1'Histoire Generate
des Voyages. Numerous engravings of views, curiosities, manners and
customs, costumes, etc. 32 vols. 8vo. Paris.
1784 FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD. Allgemcine Geschichte der Ent-
deckungen und Schifffahrten im Norden. Mit neuen Original-Karten.
Frankfurt a. O.
1785-86 TRASSLER, J. G. Sammlung der besten Reise-Beschreibungen.
(Vols. ?.) Troppau.
1786 FABRI, JOHANN ERNST. Sammlung von Stadt-, Land- und Reise-
beschreibungcn. Karten. 2 Theile. Halle.
Nouveau Recueil des Voyages au Nord de 1'Europe et de TAsie. Paris ( ?).
Among the references to English travellers is Dr. Johnson's Account of the
Journey through Scotland and the Hebrides. Noticed in the Journal des Scavans,
1786, II 387.
1787-1794 PONZ, ANTONIO. Viage de Espana. Tercera Edicion, corregeda,
y augmentada. 18 vols. Madrid (?).
1788 Voyages intere^santes dans differentes colonies francaise, espagnoles et
anglaises. Observations importantes, relative a ces contrees, avec un
memoire sur les maladies les plus communes a Saint-Domingue avec
une explication des remedes, Memoires diverses sur Curacao, Tile de
la Grenade dans les Antilles anglaises, la Martinique, Puorto-Rico, . . .
1788-89 PERTHES, J. L. HUB. SIMON DE. Histoire des Nauf rages, ou
recueil des relations les plus interessantes des naufrages, hiverniments,
delaissement, ... sur mer depuis le 15. siecle jusqu'a present, par
M. Duromesnil. 3 vols. Paris.
1789 KREBEL, G. F. Die vornehmsten Reisen durch Italien. Hamburgh.
1791 FORSTER, J. G. A. Geschichte der Reisen, die seit Cook an der Nord-
west und Nordost-Kiiste von Amerika und in dem Nordlichsten Amer-
ika selbst von Meares, Dixon, Portlock, Coxe, Long, u.a.m. unternom-
men worden sind. Aus dem Englischen mit Zuziehung aller anderweit-
igen Hiilfsquellen ausgearbeitet von Georg Forster. 4 maps and 27
plates. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin.
1795 BERENGER, J. P. Collection de toutes les voyages faits autour du
monde. 9 vols. Paris,
1795-96 GRASSET, SAINT-SAUVER, J. Encyclopedic des voyages, conten-
ant 1'Abrege historique des moeurs, usages, habitudes domestiques,
religions, . . . 432 colored plates. 5 vols. Paris.
1796 COOK, JAMES. Premier, second et troisieme voyage autour du monde
fait en 1768-1780, precede des relations de Byron, Carteret, Wallis, . . .
Traduit nouvellement par Breton. 2 atlases containing 50 maps. 12
vols. Paris.
1797 GRASSET, SAINT-SAUVER. J. Histoire abrege des decouvertes des
Capitaines Cook, Wilson, La Perouse, . . . Paris.
1800-1835 SPRENGEL, M. C. Bibliothek der neuesten und wichtigsten Reis-
ebeschreibungen zur Erweiterung der Erd- und Volkerkunde, heraus-
gegeben von M. C. Sprengel und fortgesetzt von T. F. Ehrmann. 115
Theile. Weimar.
1808 RICHARDERIE, G. BOUCHER DE LA. Bibliotheque universelle des
Voyages, ou Notice complete et raisonnee de tous les voyages anciens
et modernes dans les differentes parties du monde classes par ordre des
pays dans leur serie chronologique, ... 6 vols. 8vo. Paris.
1819-1854 Lettres edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites des missiones etrangeres, avec
les Annales de la Propogation de la foi. 40 vols. Lyons.
These celebrated letters cover the activities of the Jesuit missions in various
parts of the world from 1702-1776. Several editions of them, ranging from
1702-1776 to 1875-77, have appeared in various lands and various languages. For
some of these see below. The collection relating to French Canada in particular
is known as the "Jesuit Relations" (see Shea under 1858-1868, NORTH AMER-
ICA) ; for the "Annual Letters" see under 1580-1661, this Addenda. In addition
there are other collections, especially those concerning the eastern part of the
world. Lockman's Collection under 1743 above is a translation from the Let-
tres edifiantes.
1753 Cartas Kdificantes, y Curiosas, cscritas de las Missiones Estrangeras, por
algunos Missioneros de la Compania de Jesus: traducidas del Idioma
Frances por el Padre Diego Davin, de la Compania de Jesus. Plates
and Maps. 16 vols. 4to. Madrid.
1753 Lettres edifiantes. 34 vols. 12mo. Venice.
Viajes y Descubrimientos que hiceron por mar los Espanoles desdc
fines del Siglo XV. Madrid.
2nd edit., in 5 vols., Madrid, 1837, and later.
1837-1841 TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Voyages, relations et memoires orig-
inaux pour servir a 1'histoire de la decouverte de rAmerique. 8vo.
20 vols. Paris.
1854-1857 CHARTON, EDOUARD. Voyageurs anciens et modernes, ou
choix des relations de voyages les plus interessantes et les plus instruc-
tives depuis le cinquieme siecle avant Jesus-Christ jusqu'au dix-neu-
vieme siecle, avec biographies, notes et indications iconographiques.
4 vols. 8vo. Paris.
1904 BOHME, M. Die Grossen Reisesammlung des 16 Jahrhunderts und ihre
Bedeutung. Strassburg.
1510-1520 RASTELL, JOHN. New Interlude and a Merry of the Nature of
the Four Elements.
Rastell was the publisher of this play. It has an account of how men could sail
"plain eastwards and come to England again." See under GENERAL TRAVELS.
1555 PIGAFETTA, FRANCISCO ANTONIO. A Brief e Declaration of the
Voyage of Nauigation made abowte the Worlde. In Eden's The De-
cades of the Nrwe Worlde or West India. See under COLLECTIONS.
An English translation was made by Richard Wren (probably from the Ital-
ian), London, 1525. Reprinted in Harris I, 6-14; in Callandcr (drawn out of sev-
raphy is appended to the 1906 edition.
There are two distinct accounts of Magellan's famous voyage, the first cir-
cumnavigation of the globe this, the best and longest by Pigafctta, who accom-
panied Magellan on the expedition, and the second one contained in a letter by
Maximilianus Transylvanus, which was translated into Italian from the Latin
This last is also found in the 1542 edition of Boemus's Omnium Gentium Mores,
etc. (See Boemus under date 1611, GENERAL TRAVELS.) According to Cal-
lander, the first history of this epoch-marking voyage by Peter Martyr was lost
in the sack of Rome by the Constable Bourbon. And the original Italian version
of Pigafetta's is likewise lost but a French abridgement of it was made by Fabre
and published by him in Paris, 1525. From this translation another Italian version
was made and published at Venice, 1536. A fairly long detailed account of this
voyage is contained in Herrera's Ifistoria General of 1601 (sec Herrera under
date 1725-26, WEST INDIES). See also Argensola's Discovery and Conquest of
the Moluccas under date of 1708, SOUTH SEAS.
Magellan's voyage* was the first circumnavigation of the globe, and on it was
based the Portuguese claim to the discovery of Australia in 1521. (The voyage
lasted from Sept. 20, 1519, to Sept. 6, 1522). Magellan himself was killed by the
natives of the Philippine Islands, and his vessel arrived home under the command
of Sebastian del Cano. The voyage resulted in the discovery of a route to the
Pacific Ocean around South America. Various small islands in the South Seas,
including the Island of Amsterdam, were discovered, and the expedition visited
the Philippines, Molucca Islands, and the Ladrones, etc. Maggs, No. 491. Magel-
lan succeeded where Columbus failed. He had proved that the world was round ;
he had also demonstrated the possibility of its circumnavigation. As a sailor, a
geographer, an explorer, Magellan was a great man, greater perhaps than either
Columbus or Da Gama, perhaps even, as has been suggested, "the greatest of an-
cient and modern navigators." Baker, A History of Geographical Discovery and
1744-48 MAGELLAN, FERDINAND. The Voyage of Ferdinand Maglianes or
Magellan, from the South Seas to the East-Indies. In Harris I, 6-14.
1808-1814 PIGAFETTA, FRANCISCO ANTONIO. Voyage round the World.
Effected in the Years 1519-1522, with the Squadron of Magellan. With
an Extract from the Treatise on Navigation by the same Author; Some
Observations on the Chevalier Behaim, and a Description of his Ter-
restrial Globe (Paris, 1800). With an historical Introduction by the
French Editor. In Pinkerton XI, 288-420.
1874 The First Voyage round the World by Magellan (1518-1521). Translated
from the Accounts of Pigafetta and other contemporary writers. Ac-
companied by original Documents, with Notes and an Introduction, by
Lord Stanley of Alderlcy. 2 maps and 5 illus. Hak. Soc , ser. I, vol. 52.
1906 PIGAFETTA, ANTONIO. Magellan's Voyage round the World, by An-
tonio Pigafetta. The original text of the Ambrosian MS. with Eng-
lish Translation, Notes and Bibliography, Edited by James Alexander
Robertson. Portraits and facsimiles of charts and plates. 3 vols. 8vo.
Viaggi Fatto da gli Spagniuoli Atorno al Mondo. 4to. Venice.
The first Italian edition. It was doubtless intended as a continua-
tion or fourth part of the collection of voyages printed at Venice in 1534.
The preface of five pages is a noteworthy review of all the latest
advances in geography. From Maggs, No. 479.
1588 IGNAC1O, FRIAR. For his voyage round the world see Mendoza, The
History of the great and mighty Kingdome of China, under FAR
1598 CAVENDISH, THOMAS. The admirable and prosperous Voyage of
the Worshipful Master Thomas Candish of Trimley in the Countie of
Suffolke Esquire, into the South Sea, and from thence round about
the Circumference of the whole earth, begun in the Yeere of our Lord
1586, and finished 1588. Written by Master Francis Pretty, lately of
Ey in Suffolke, a gentleman employed in the same Action. In Hakluyt,
vol. III. Fol. London.
This relation was added to an account of Drake's Voyage in an edition of the
latter of 1741. It is printed in Harris I, 23-31; in Callander I, 424-494; in Beazley
I. This voyage is mentioned in Linschoten (see under 1598, EAST INDIES).
There is a Dutch account, Amsterdam, 1598 and 1617. See below. According to
Callander, the journal of this voyage by Francis Pretty, who was one of Caven-
dish's companions, was first printed in Latin, Frankfort, and next in English in
Hakluyt, vol. Ill, whence Callander gives it verbatim.
Cavendish was the first, and for many years the only, Englishman to follow
Drake in circumnavigating the globe. His voyage, which ran from 1586 to 1588,
was, however, comparatively barren in geographical results, being largely a series
of raids on Spanish colonies and shipping. The mere duplication of the feat was
no small thing and his account of the disastrous attempt of Sarmiento to found
a colony in the Straits of Magellan is not without interest. For his unfortunate
second voyage, which had to turn back at the Straits of Magellan, see in Hakluyt,
vol. III.
1617 CAVENDISH, THOMAS. Beschrijvinge vande overtreffelijcke endc
wydtyermaerde zee-vaerdt vanden Edelen Heer ende Meester Thomas
Candisch met drie Schepen nytghewarcn end 21 Julij, 1586, ende met 1
schip wederom ghekeert in Pleymouth, den 9 Sept., 1588. . . . Hier noch
by ghevoecht die Voyagie van Siere Francoys Draeck, en Siere Ian Hau-
kens, naar West-India, anno 1595. Fol. Amsterdam.
1600-08 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The famous Sir Francis Drake's Voyage
into the South Sea and there hence about the whole Globe of the
Earth in the years 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580. London.
This is the version by Francis Pretty, which Hakluyt printed privately for
some copies of his 1589 edition of the Principal Naisigations. It was reprinted in
1618. It is not regarded as highly as is the version by Francis Fletcher (see be-
low). French versions are reported for 1613, 1627, and 1641. See below.
When Drake broke into the South Seas, he utterly wrecked the complacent
security with which the Spaniards had regarded the Pacific Ocean as a Mare Nos-
trum. His exploits, the terror he created among the Spanish colonists, the wealth
he brought back, and. the favors be received from Queen Elizabeth are all too
well known to call for detail.
1613 (In French.) Le Voyage de I'illustre seigneur et chevalier Francois Drake,
admiral d'angleterrc, a 1'entour du monde. Publiee par F. de Louven-
court, sieur de Vauchelles. 12mo. Paris.
A French version with the same title as that above is cited by
Chavanne for Paris, 1627, and a second edition of this for 1641, with
an English translation, London, 1761. See below for the 1641 edition.
This last is referred to by Wagner (The Spanish Southwest}, who says :
"The translator's, or perhaps merely editor's, name was F. de Louven-
court, as we find it subscribed to the Dedication to St. Simon Baron de
Courtomer. He had received the narrative from the Baron, one of
whose tenants had been among Drake's crew in this voyage, and his
own labor may not have been a translation, but merely an improvement
of the French sailor's text. The narrative is certainly not identical with
the English The World Encompassed, although it goes over the same
details, yet the navigator is always styled 'nostre General,' just as he
is 'our general' in the English account." Quoted by Maggs, No. 491.
"The map, however, is the most curious feature of the book, and is
extremely rare. It was by a Dutchman, 'Nich Sype/ and exhibits Nova
Albion, that is, the coast of California, and nearly all the interior of
North America." Quoted from Wagner by Maggs, No. 479. Possibly
this work is a translation of Pretty's volume.
1641 DRAKE, FRANCIS. Le Voyage curieux faict autour du monde par
Francois Drack, admiral d'Angleterre, traduit en francois par le Sieur
de Louvencourt. 12mo. Paris.
1626 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Calling upon this
Dull or Effeminate Age to follow his Noble Steps for Gold and Silver.
By this Memorable Relation of the Rare Occurrences ... in a third
Voyage made by him into the West Indies, in the Yeares 72 and 73
. . . Faithfully taken out of the Report of M. Christopher Ceely, Ellis,
Hixom, and others ... by Philip Nichols. Reviewed by Sir Francis
Drake himself. . . . Set forth by Sir Francis Drake, baronet. 4to.
2nd edit., London, 1628; again in the collected edition of 1653; with the title
of "The English Hero; or Sir Francis Drake Revived," 1687, 1695, 1719, 1726,
173, 1757, 1762. Some of these together with some other accounts are noted below.
The version of the voyage of 1577-1580 was published by the nephew of the
navigator and, according to Lowndes, is the best and earliest. It contains the in-
tended dedication of Sir Francis Drake to Elizabeth, which is not found in the
subsequent edition of 1653. It also has the dedication to Charles I not printed in
that of 1653. It was stated by Callander that the original journal of this voyage
was written in English by a native of Picardy, published at London in 1600 (per-
haps the one listed under Francis Pretty's name). But in 1599 De Bry had pub-
lished an account in Latin at Frankfort. The original journal was translated into
French, and published at Paris in 1627. A Portuguese pilot, Nuno da Silva, who
was taken prisoner by Drake at the Isles of Cape Verd, wrote an account, which
was included in Hakluyt. Hakluyt also inserted in his collection the journal of
Cliffe, who was aboard the ship of Captain Winter, which became separated from
the squadron after it passed the Straits of Magellan. It is also to be found in the
Latin collection of Barlacus, John de Late's America, lib. xiii, cap. 5; in Sir Wil-
liam Monson's collection of Naval Tracts; in Argensola's Discovery and Conquest
of the Moluccas, and in the piece called Drake Redevivus. See also Purchas His
Pilgrimes, I, lib. 2, cap. 3, and IV, lib. vi., cap. 5. There is an account in Harris
I, 16-22, and in Callander I, 283-362, besides other write-ups of a more or less
floating nature, which are noted below. For scholarly work on the subject one
needs to consult the volumes put out by the Hakluyt Society, 1855 and 1914, the
edition of the Argonaut Press, 1926, and the monumental edition of Henry R.
Wagner, 1926. A companion work to Sir Francis Drake Revived is The World
Encompassed, of 1628 and later. See below.
1652 (?) DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The Voyages and Travels of that Re-
nowned Captain, Sir Francis Drake, into the West Indies, and Round
about the World : Giving a perfect Relation of his strange Adventures,
and many wonderful Discoveries, his Fight with the Spaniard, and
many barbarous Nations ; his taking St. Jago, St. Domingo, Carthagena,
St. Augusta, and many other Places in the Golden Country of America,
and other Parts of the World ; His Description of Monsters, and Mon-
strous People. With many other remarkable Passages not before Ex-
tant: Contained in the History of His Life and Death; both pleasant
and profitable for the Reader. Woodcut. London.
This work is listed without date but is put under 1652 by John Car-
ter Brown.
1653 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. Sir Francis Drake Revived. Who is or may
be a Patterne to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these
Times to benefit their Countrey and eternize their Names by like Noble
Attempts. Being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voy-
ages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies, . . 4to.
This is the collected edition. See under COLLECTIONS.
1671 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The Life and Death of the valiant and re-
nowned Sir Francis Drake; his Voyages and discoveries in the West
Indies and about the World with his noble and valiant Action. By
Samuel Clarke, late Minister of Bcnnet, Finck, London. 12mo. London.
1683 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The Voyages of the ever renowned Sir Francis
Drake to the West Indies, viz., his Great Adventures for Gold and Sil-
ver, the surprising of Nombre de Dios, his encompassing the World,
and taking the Towns of St. Jago, S. Domingo, Carthagena. His last
Voyage, in which he died. To which is added, His Exploits in the
Spanish Invasion. 8vo. London.
1687 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The English Hero: or, Sir Francis Drake
Reviv'd. Being a full Account of the dangerous Voyages, Admirable
Adventures, Notable Discoveries and Magnanimous atchievements of
that Valiant and Renowned Commander. Engraved portrait. 12 mo.
This work is by Richard Burton (Robert in Sabin). It was fre-
quently reprinted, to as late at least as 1762.
1708 The Life and Glorious Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Likewise An Account of
Sir Francis Drake's Voyage round the World. Also An Account of
the Destruction of the great Fleet, call'd the Spanish Armada. . . (16
pp. ) 8vo. London.
1741 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The famous Voyage of Sir Francis Drake,
with a particular Account of his Expedition in the West Indies against
the Spaniards, being the first Commander that sailed round the Globe;
to which is added, The Prosperous Voyage of Thomas Candish round
the World. 8vo. London.
1766-68 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. Voyage to Magellanica and Polynesia. Ab-
stracts from several accounts, in Callander I, 283-362. London.
1628 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis
Drake. Being His next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios ; Carefully
collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher, Preacher in
this imployment, and divers others his followers in the same . . .
4to. London.
2nd edit., London, 1735; included in Sir Francis Drake Revived, of 1653; re-
printed in Osborne II, 434-478; Hakluyt Society, 1855; Argonaut Press, London.
1926; see also Hakluyt Society, New Light on Drake, 1914, and Wagner's Drake's
Voyage round the World, San Francisco, 1926, cited below.
This work was based on the notes of Francis Fletcher, chaplain to Drake,
who, according to Waldman, has given an authoritative presentation oi a great
1745 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis
Drake. Offered now at last to publick View, both for the Honour of
the Actor, but especially for the stirring up of heroick Spirits, to ben-
efit their Country, and eternize their Names by Like Noble Attempts.
Collected out of the Notes of Mr. Francis Fletcher, Preacher in this
Employment, and compared with divers others Notes that went in the
same Voyage. In Osborne II, 434-478.
1855 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake,
Being his next Voyage to that of Nombre de Dios (by Sir Francis
Drake the Younger). Collated with an unpublished Manuscript of
Francis Fletcher, Chaplain to the Expedition. With Appendices illus-
trative of the same Voyage and Introduction, by William Sandys Wright
Vaux, F. R. S., Keeper of Coins, Brit. Mus. Map. Hak. Soc., ser.
I, vol. 16. London.
1914 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. New Light on Drake. Spanish and Portuguese
Documents relating to the Circumnavigation Voyage. Discovered,
translated, and annotated by Mrs. Zelia Nuttall 3 maps and 14 illus.
Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 34. London.
1926 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS, The World Encompassed and Analogous Con-
temporary Documents concerning Sir Francis Drake's Circumnaviga-
tion of the World, with an Appreciation of the Achievement by Sir
Richard Carnac Temple, edited by N. M. Penzer. Maps and illus. 4to.
Argonaut Press. London.
WAGNER, HENRY R. Sir Francis Drake's Voyage round the World:
Its Aims and Achievements. 73 portraits, facsimiles of maps, and
other illus. 4to. San Francisco.
The main object of this work is to bring together in one book the
principal narratives and documents bearing on the expedition, and with
the aid of these, to rewrite the account of the voyage. Particular atten-
tion has been paid to the identification of such places as he visited. An
extended examination has been made of some recent theories about the
object of the voyage, and it is believed that a correct solution has been
found to this much discussed problem. . . It has seemed advisable for
readier reference to reproduce the English contemporary accounts of the
voyage and such of those of Spanish origin as contain anything of real
value. An analysis of the cartographical documents illustrating the
course of the voyage is included. From Bookseller's Notes.
1619 SCHOUTEN, WILLIAM CORNELISON. The Relation of a Won-
derfull Voiage made by William Cornelison Schovten of Home. Shew-
ing how South from the Streights of Magellan in Terra Del-f uego : he
found and discouered a newe passage through the great South Sea,
and that way sayled round the World. Describing what Islands, Coun-
tries, People, and strange Aduentures he found in his saide Passage.
(Translated from the Dutch by William Philip.) 8 maps and plates.
4to. London.
The maps and plates have French legends, with page numbering taken from
the Paris issue by Gobert. The Dutch original appeared at Amsterdam, 1618. It
was translated into Latin by De Bry, Frankfort, 1619. It also appeared in Pur-
chas II, 1625. A second narrative of the voyage was published in French at Am-
sterdam, 1622. Other relations were printed, the most noteworthy being "Navi-
gation Australe par Jacques le Mair et par Corn. Schouten," said to have been
compiled from the Journal of Adrian Claesz, and published in the Recueil dcs
Voyages a Etablissemcnt de la Compagnie des Indes Orientates, (1702). There
is also a Latin edition, Amsterdam, 1619. The account was reprinted in abstract
in Harris I, 51-63; and that of Claesz in abstract in Callander II, 217-269; in
Dalrymple II, 1-64; in Moore I, 49-53. See also Burney's Chronological Historical
Discoveries II, 360.
This was one of the most remarkable voyages ever undertaken and contributed
much to the science of cartography, while the numerous versions in other languages
attest its popularity, indicating how much the new passage into the South Seas
was appreciated. The voyage was designed to open up the way for trading expedi-
tions into those lands thought to lie south of those monopolised by the Dutch East
India Company, which had been granted exclusive rights to the region east of the
Cape of Good Hope and west of the Straits of Magellan. Merchants and other
interested persons, of the town of Hoorn, fitted out the expedition under the plan-
ning of Isaac Le Maire, whose son Jacob sailed in command of one of the ships.
William Cornelius Schouten, who had made several trips to the East Indies, was
cpmmander-in-chief. The Straits of Le Maire, which were traversed for the first
time, received its name from the patron of the expedition, and Cape Horn its name
from the town of Hoorn. The discovery of this passage through the Straits of Le
Maire and around Cape Horn, though entered in the log, were branded as infamous
forgery by the Dutch officials at Tcrnate, and the ship's goods and the ship itself
confiscated. Le Maire died at Mauritius on the way home. Later his rights and
those of his companions to their discovery were recognized and the East India
Company was ordered to return the confiscated vessel and its cargoes to its own-
ers, and to pay all costs and interest from the day of the illegal seizure. See the
Introduction to Hakluyt Society edition of Speilbergen, The East and West Indian
Afirrour, under date 1906 below. Schouten sailed from the Texel June 24, 1615,
and returned home July 1, 1617.
1618 SCHOUTEN, WILLIAM CORNELISON. Jounal ofte Beschryvinghe
van de wonderlike rcysc, Rhedaen door Willem Corneliez Schouten van
Hoorn, hide Jaren 1615, 1616, en 1617. Hoe hy Bezuyden de Strate van
Magellancs een nieuwe Passagie tot inde groote Zuyz Zee ondeckt, en
voort den gheheelen Aerdkloot omgheseylt, heeft. Wat Eylanden,
vreemdc volvken en wonderlicke avontueren hem ontmoet zijn. 4to.
1622 HERRERA, ANTONIO DE. Novvs Orbis, sive Descriptio Indiae Occi-
dentalis . . . metaphraste C. Barlaco, Accesserunt . . . aliorum Indiae
Occidentals Descriptiones & Navigations omnium per Fretum Magel-
lanicum succincta narratio. With Mexican figures and maps of Amer-
ica, etc. Amsterdam.
This volume is highly valuable as containing the first edition of the
genuine Voyage of Le Maire (also issued in Latin and Dutch the same
year) as distinguished from that which had been, through the Dutch
East India Company's jealousy of Le Maire, published by Blaeu under
the name of Cornelius Schouten, the Commander of one of Le Maire's
vessels. Quoted by Robinson, No. 20.
1690 CROW, FRANCIS. A Voyage round the World, or, A Pocket Library
divided into several volumes, in such a method never made by any
Traveller before; the work intermix'd with Essays historical, Moral
and Divine ; and other kinds of Learning. London.
The author, a non-conformist divine, lived a while in Jamaica. This work is
probably not his own voyage but a compilation.
1697 DAMPIKR, WILLIAM. A New Voyage round the World, describing
particularly the Isthmus of America, several Coasts and Islands in the
West Indies, the Isles of Cape Verde, the Passage by Terra del Fuego,
the South Sea Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, the Isle Guam, one
of the Ladrones, Mindanao, and the Philippine and East India Islands,
near Cambodia, China, Formosa, Laconia, Celebes, . . ; New Holland,
Sumatra, Nicobar Isles; the Cape of Good Hope and Santa Helena.
Their Soil, Rivers, Harbours, Plants, Fruits, Animals, and Inhabitants;
their Customs, Religion, Government, Trade, . . . Maps and plates.
8vo. London.
This is called vol. I. The other two follow immediately.
1699 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. Captain Dampier's Voyages and Descriptions.
Vol. II in Three Parts. I. A Supplement of a Voyage round the
World, describing the Countries of Tonquin, Achin, the Malacca, . . .
their Products, Inhabitants, Manners, Trade, Policy, ... 2. Two Voy-
ages to Campeachy; with a Description of the Coasts, Products and
Inhabitants; Logwood-Cutting, Trade, ... Of Yucatan, Campeachy,
New Spain, ... 3. A Discourse of Trade-Winds, Breezes, Storms,
Tides, and Currents, of the Torrid Zone throughout the World; with
an Account of Natal in Africa, its Product, Negroes, ... To which is
added, An Index to both Volumes. Maps. 8vo. London.
1703 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. A Voyage to New Holland, . . in 1699, wherein
is described the Canary Islands, the Isles of Mayo and St. Jago, the
Bay of All Saints, with the Forts and Town of Bahia in Brasil, Cape
Salvadore, . . their Inhabitants, Manners, Customs, Trade, Soil and
Natural History. Maps and Plates. 8vo. London.
This makes up vol. III.
1709 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. A Continuation of a Voyage to New Holland,
. . in the Year 1699; wherein are described the Islands of Timor, Rotes,
and Anabao. A Passage between the Islands Timor and Anabao ; Co-
pang and Lephao Bays. The Islands Omba, Fetter, Bande and Bird.
A Description of the Coast of New Guinea. The Islands Pulo Sabuda,
Cockle, King William, Providence, Garret, Dennu, Ant, Laves, and
St. John's; also a New Passage between New Guinea and Nova Brit-
ania. The Islands Ceram Bonao, Bouro, and several Islands before
unknown. The Coast of Java and Streights of Sunda. Author's Ar-
rival at Batavia. The Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, Ascention, . .
Their Inhabitants, Customs, Trade, . . Harbours, Soil, Birds, Fish, . .
Trees, Plants, Fruits, . . Also Rivers, Birds, Fishes, . . not found in
this part of the World. Maps, draughts, plates. 8vo. London.
This makes up Part II of vol. III. The chronology of the various issues of
these separate volumes is not easy to keep straight. For bibliographical informa-
tion concerning Dampier's works, see Sabin, Bibliothcca Americana, V, 188-195.
Vol. I had the following issues: 2nd edit., 1697; 3rd, 1698; 4th, 1699; 5th, 1703.
Vol. II, 2nd edit., 1700; 3rd, 1705. Vol. Ill, part 1, 2nd edit., 1709. The three
volumes came out together in 12mo, London, 1717. They were published in 4 vols.,
London, 1729, with the addition of the Voyages by Wafer, Sharp, Funnell, etc.,
but over Dampier's protests. See Darnpicr, 1729, under COLLECTIONS. His
first voyage was reprinted in Harris I, 84-130, and again, London, 1776. A
number of modern reprints testify to the interest of the present day in the per-
formances of this indefatigable navigator, as well as the numerous translations into
various European languages. For some of these see below. Of the several trans-
lations into French the following may be noted: Vol. I, Amsterdam, 1698; vols.
I and II, Amsterdam, 1701; the three volumes, Amsterdam, 1701-05; the same,
with the inclusion of those of Wafer, Wood, Cowlcy, Roberts, and Sharp, in 5
vols., 1711-12. And into Dutch, with that of Woodes Rogers, Amsterdam, 1715.
Of the famous group of buccaneers that tormented the Spaniards in the "South
Sea" from 1680 to 1720, Dampicr was the best known and probably the most in-
telligent. His industry in taking careful notes of everything he saw was equalled
by his assiduous pains in preserving them from destruction. His first voyage in
the Cygnet started from Virginia, August 23, 1683, and ended Sept. 16, 1691, when
he reached England. It was on this voyage that the first English landing was made
on Australian shores, at the entrance of King Sound. His published report, which
was anything but favorable, stirred Lord Or ford and Lord Pembroke, of the Ad-
miralty, to consider the possible advantages of a settlement in Australia. His next
voyage in 1698 makes the second expedition of the English to Australia. From
Maggs, No. 491. Concerning the problem of Australia's being a continent, Dam-
pier says that "It is not yet determined whether it is an Island or a Main Con-
tinent; but I am certain that it joyns neither to Asia, Africa, nor America." It
is evident that on his first visit he knew nothing of what Tasman had discovered ;
but on his second expedition he used one of Tasman's charts. He furnished ac-
curate information on the various islands in the Pacific, but he really added little
to geographical discovery. Nevertheless his books are very readable. His remain-
ing voyages were rather of the nature of buccaneering adventures.
1776 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Wil-
liam Dampier. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
This edition contains only the three volumes written by Dampier
himself and is without maps and plates. In the Preface the editor
says : "The first edition of Dampier's voyages was published by himself,
but not in the same order they were performed, which has a little per-
plexed the narrative; the language has now become partly obsolete,
which renders the perusal more difficult to common readers; and the
edition is now also extremely scarce. To remedy these inconveniences,
the chronological order wherein the series of events happened is ob-
served in this Edition ; all old phrases and expressions are modernized ;
(names of things are also changed in keeping with modern usage)."
Quoted by Puttock & Simpson.
1906 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. Voyages : consisting of a New Voyage round
the World, Two Voyages to Campeachy, Discourse of Winds, a Voyage
to New Holland, and a Vindication in Answer to the Chimerical Rela-
tion of William Funnell. Edited by John Masefield. Portrait, 5 maps,
and 18 illus. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1927 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. A New Voyage Round the World. With an
Introduction by Sir Albert Gray. Portrait, 2 facsimiles, and 4 maps.
4to. Argonaut Press. London.
1931 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. Voyages and Discoveries; with an Introduction
by Blennell Wilkinson, and a Note on the Discourse of Winds by A. C.
Bell. Folding maps. 4to. Argonaut Press. London.
This is the second volume of Dampier's Voyages and includes his
Voyage to Tonquin ; his voyages to Campeachy, in which he describes
in detail his early adventures among the logwood cutters and buccan-
eers of the West Indies.
1698 (In French.) Nouveau voyage autour du monde ou Ton decrit en particu-
lier I'isthme de I'Amerique, plusieurs cotes et isles des Indes Occiden-
tales, . . 1'isle de Guam, Mindanao, et des autres Philippines. . . Enrichi
de cartes et de figures, et traduit de 1'Anglois. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo.
1701 (In French.) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde; Suite du Voyage au-
tour du Monde, avec Traite des Vents ; Supplement du Voyage autour
du Monde. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam.
1715 (In Dutch.) Nieuwe Reize naa de Zuidzee van daar naa Cost Indk-n en
verder rondom de Waercld begonnon in 1708 en goeyndigd in 1711.
Folding maps 4to. Amsterdam.
1699 COWLEY, AMBROSE. Voyage round the Globe in 1683. In Hacke's
Collection. See under COLLECTIONS this date.
Reprinted in Harris I, 77-84. Given in abstract in Callander II, 528-556.
Cowley did his own publishing without the aid of any assistant. Its deficien-
cies are therefore excusable. But it has the merit of honesty and freedom ; it
openly avows his intentions of taking the ships of any nation he can master. His
account of the Galapagos are considered to be very accurate, and his remarks
on the designs of the Dutch at this period were pertinent to the situation at the
time. He sailed from Virginia, August 23, 1683, and returned home October 12,
1686. He was one of the buccaneers, who with John Cooke did mobt damage to
the Spaniards in the West Indies. After plundering the west coast of South
America, they sailed back by way of the East Indies. From Batavia they went
home in a Dutch ship. Strange to say, they were hospitably entertained by the
Spaniards at Guam.
1707 FUNNELL, WILLIAM. A Voyage round the World: Containing an
Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas, in the
Ship St. George, in the Years 1703 and 1704. With his various Ad-
ventures, Engagements, . . and a particular and exact Description of
several Islands in the Atlantick Ocean, the Brazilian Coasts, the Pas-
sage round Cape Horn, and the Coast of Chili, Peru, and Mexico.
Together with the Author's Voyage from Anapalla on the West Coast
of Mexico, to the East India. His passing by Three unknown Islands ;
and through a new discovered Streight, near the Coast of New Guinea.
His Arrival at Amboyna ; with a large Description of that and other
Spice Islands ; also of Batavia, the Cape of Good Hope, . . Their Rivers,
Harbours, Plants, Animals, Inhabitants, . . with clivers Maps, Draughts,
Figures of Plants and Animals. 8vo. London.
This work is generally taken as the fourth volume of Dampier's Collection,
although there is no indication of its having been so intended at the time of pub-
lication Puttock Simpson. Reprinted in Harris I, Ul-150, and in Callander
1I1 V 145-227.
Funnell sailed as mate to Captain Dampier, and it was he, not Dampier, who
really circumnavigated the globe on this voyage, as Dampier proceeded only as
far as the South Seas. The purpose of the expedition was to harass the Spaniards
and take plunder from vessels and towns of South America. Its failure was due
to differences that arose between them. "Funnell arrived in England before Dam-
pier and seized the 'opportunity to compose a relation of his voyage, a task for
which he was ill-qualified, and which he performed with disadvantage to the public.
His narrative contained much that was disapproved by Dampier, who immediately
after published a 'Vindication of his Voyage* (see Dampier under date 1709,
above), pointing out the misrepresentations of Funnell. This brought out 'An
Answer' from John Welbe, a midshipman on board Dampier's ship, in which he
charged the Captain with barbarous treatment of his crew." Quoted by Maggs,
No. 491.
1712 COOKE, EDWARD. A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World,
Perform'd in the Years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711. ... Wherein an
Account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his Manner of living and
taming wild Beasts during the four Years and four Months he liv'd
upon the uninhabited Island of Juan Fernandes. Cuts and maps.
The actual first edition of Cooke's Voyage was this one volume edition. . .
Apparently there was considerable rivalry between the publishers of Cooke's ac-
count of this voyage and the publishers of Woodes Rogers' account to be the first
to get their edition on the market. Cooke's work came out first, but only in this
single volume, the latter part of the voyage being related in a few compressed
pages at the end. The publishers almost immediately reprinted the work and ex-
tended it to two volumes, the latter part of the voyage (after leaving California)
occupying the whole of Vol. II. From Maggs, Nos. 491 and 549. The introduc-
tion to vol. II gives further information regarding Alexander Selkirk. Cooke
was second captain on board the Dutches* on the privateering expedition of Woodes
Rogers. His journal and charts are said to be inferior to those published by
Rogers. Maggs, No. 491. See below for the two volume edition.
1712 COOKE, EDWARD. A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World,
1708-1711. Containing (vol. I) a Journal of memorable Transactions
during the said Voyage ; the Winds, Currents, and Variation of the Com-
pass, the Taking of the Towns of Puna and Guayaquil, and several
Prizes, one of which a rich Acapulco Ship, A Description of the Amer-
ican Coasts, from Tierra del Fuego to California. . . An Historical Ac-
count of all those Countries from the best Authors. With a new Map
and Description of the mighty River of the Amazons. Wherein an Ac-
count is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his Manner of Living and
taming Wild Beasts during the four Years and four Months he liv'd
upon the uninhabited Island of Juan Fernandez; and (vol. II) a Con-
tinuation of the Voyage from California, through India, North about
into England. The Description of all the American Coasts along the
South Sea, . . with a Table of Latitudes and Longitudes, and an In-
troduction, wherein, besides other material Particulars, is an Account
of the Cargo of the Acapulco Prize. 20 copperplates of natural history,
views, etc., 5 folding maps, and 3 folding tables. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1712 ROGERvS, WOODES. A Cruising Voyage Round the World: First to
the South-Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homewards by the Cape
of Good Hope. Begun in 1708 and finished in 1711. Containing a
Journal of all the Remarkable Transactions; particularly, Of the Tak-
ing of Puna and Guayaquil, of the Acapulco ship, and other Prizes;
An Account of Alexander Selkirk's Living alone four Years and four
Months in an Island; and a brief Description of several Countries in
our Course noted for Trade, especially in the South Sea. . . And an In-
troduction relating to the South-Sea Trade. Maps of all the Coast
from the best Spanish Manuscript Draughts. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., corrected, 8vo, London, 1718. Another edition, London, 1722; again
London, 1726. In Harris I, 150-184; in Callander III, 231-379. A modern edition,
with a different title, London, 1889 and 1894; again in the Seafarers' Library,
London, 1928. Translated into French, Amsterdam, 1716. See below.
This book has been called a "buccaneering classic." It is a work of great
interest and possesses a quaint humor that renders it delightful reading. In many
respects the voyage was a notable one, but in none more than this, that with a
mongrel crew, and with officers often mutinous, good order and discipline were
maintained throughout. The original edition is extremely rare. D. N. B. It has
interest for students of literature in that from Rogers' and Cooke's accounts of
Selkirk, Defoe found material for his Robinson Crusoe, who in the person of
Selkirk had been left on the Island of Juan Fernandez by Captain Stradling some
four years before. It is interesting to note that the Island of Guam, which treated
Captain Cowley so handsomely, did likewise with Rogers. Although a Spanish
colony, it was sufficiently distant from Asia and America to consider itself neutral
in the disputes affecting other parts of the Spanish Empire. Rogers was one of
the few fortunate adventurers to make a prize haul of the plate ship which sailed
annually from Manila to Acapulco, Mexico.
1894 ROGERS, WOODES. Life Aboard a British Privateer in the Time of
Queen Anne: being the Journal of Captain Woodes Rogers, with
Notes. Illustrations and maps by Robert C. Leslie. 4to. London.
1928 ROGERS, WOODES. A Cruising Voyage Round the World. Edited by
G. E. Manwaring, F. R. Hist. Soc. With Introduction and Notes. 8
plates. 8vo. Seafarers's Library. London.
1716 (In French.) Voyage autour du Monde, commence en 1708 et fini en 1711,
Ou Ton a joint quelque pieces curicuses touchant la Riviere des Ama-
zones et la Guiane. 7 folding maps, a very large one of South Amer-
ica, and 16 engraved plates. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam.
The 3rd volume contains as additional matter (not in the English
original) Acuna's Account of the Amazon, translated by Gomberville.
Maggs, No. 546.
1725 DEFOE, DANIEL. A New Voyage round the World by a Course
never Sailed before : being a voyage undertaken by some Merchants,
who afterwards proposed the setting up of an East-India Company in
Flanders. Plates. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1787. See below.
This rare book is doubtless one of Defoe's clever deceits, as much so as his
Captain Singleton, and is probably based on Dampier.
1787 DEFOE, DANIEL. A Voyage Round the World, by a Course never sailed
before, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, by William
Shields. 3 vols. 12mo. London.
1726 SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. A Voyage round the World by the way of
the great South Sea, Performed in the Years 1719, 20, 21, 22, in the
Speedwell, of London, of 24 Guns and 100 Men (under His Majesty's
Commission to cruize on the Spaniards in the late War with the Span-
ish Crown) till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandez,
in May, 1720; and afterwards continued in the Recovery, the Jesus
Maria and Sacra Familia, . . . Folding map of the world and engraved
plates. 8vo. London.
Republishcd by Shelvocke's son, George, somewhat purged and refined, Lon-
don, 1757. Reprinted in Harris I, 198-240; with a supplement from Betagh's ac-
count in Callander III, 502-583. A modern edition, London, 1928. Translated into
German, Bremen, 1787. See below. See also for the general circumstances of this
voyage Clipperton under date 1766-69 below.
Shelvocke sailed under a privateer's commission, but his activities were more
those of a pirate ; he was afterwards charged with piracy but got off on technical
grounds and fled the country. Gosse. His account is an apology for his conduct
in consequence of a lawsuit started against him by the proprietors. The issue of
this voyage gave the public a bad idea of all expeditions to the South Sea. Against
the ill success of this voyage may be set the good fortune of Rogers' expedition.
'Two histories were published of this voyage. . . The other was written by one of
his officers, William Betagh (see below under 1728), who was roughly treated in
Shelvocke's narrative, and who wrote his account with the design of exposing Shel-
vocke. Both narratives were written with plenty of spirit." Quoted by Maggs,
No. 502. The connection of this Voyage with Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner" is
well known. On getting round Cape Horn, Shelvocke caused an albatross to be
shot. Wordsworth, who had been reading Shelvocke, suggested to Coleridge to
use this incident with expiatory consequences. It has also been pointed out that in
this work is the first printed intimation of gold in California.
1757 SHELVOCKE, GEORGE. A Voyage round the world by Way of the
Great South Sea: Performed in a Private Expedition during the War,
which broke out with Spain in the year 1718. . . Maps and 4 plates.
8vo. London.
1787 (In German.) Rrise um die Welt. 8vo. Bremen.
1728 BETAGH, WILLIAM. Voyage round the World: Being an Account
of a remarkable Enterprize begun in 1719, chiefly to cruise on the
Spaniards in the Great South Ocean. Relating the True historical
Facts of the whole Affair; Testifyed by many imployed therein; and
confirmed by Authorities from the Owners. Folding map of the world
in planisphere. 8vo. London.
The author was captain of the marines in Shelvocke's voyage. His book is an
attack on Captain Shelvocke, "written chiefly to undeceive mankind in the spurious
account of a voyage round the world published by Captain George Shelvocke,
which account is not only injurious to me, but is intirely the most absurd and false
narrative that was ever deliver'd to the publick."- Quoted by Sotheran. Betagh
tells his own story very differently and his lively manner gives to his narrative
much beauty and spirit. This was about the last of the buccaneering expeditions.
Maggs, No. 429.
World : of Turkey, Persia, India, China, Philippine Islands, and New
Spain, translated from the Italian. Maps and plates. In Churchill
IV, 1-572. London.
In Pinkerton XVII there is listed an Italian edition in 7 vols., 8vo, Naples,
1699, under the title Giro del Mundo. Another Italian edition, 9 vols., Venice,
1719. See below.
This author's account of his travels is very voluminous. He started out on
his journies June 13, 1693.
Nuova edizione accresciuta, ricorretta, e divisa in novo volumi. Con
un indice de' viaggiatori, e loro opere. 9 vols. 16mo. Venice.
1744 ANSON, GEORGE (Commodore). An Authentic Journal of the last
Expedition under the Command of Commodore Anson. Containing a
Regular and Exact Account of the whole Proceedings and several
Transactions thereof : particularly at Madeira, St. Catherine's, St. Jul-
ian's, St. Juan Fernandez ; their Manner of Living there upon Sea-
Lions, Sea-Dogs, . . . their taking the rich Spanish Galleon, . . . their go-
ing to Canton in China, . . To which is added, A Narrative of the ex-
traordinary Hardships suffered by the Adventurers in this Voyage.
Reprinted, 8vo, London, 1767.
This rare account of Anson's voyage was done by John Philips, a midshipman
on the Centurion It antedates the official account by four years.
ANSON, GEORGE. An Authentic Account of Commodore Anson's
Expedition : containing all that was remarkable, curious and entertain-
ing, during that long and dangerous Voyage. . . Taken from a Private
Journal. London.
Another edition, Dublin, 1745. Another surreptitious work.
ANSON, GEORGE. A Voyage to the South Seas, and to many other
Parts of the World, 1740-44, by Commodore Ansori in his Majesty's
Ship the Centurion. . . The Second Part of a Voyage to the South-
Seas. . . By an Officer of the Fleet. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
The Second Part is undated. This is a curious and very rare chap-book edi-
tion, with crude woodcut portraits and other woodcuts. Bookseller's Note.
1745 ANSON, GEORGE (Commodore). A True and Impartial Journal of
a Voyage to the South Seas, and round the Globe, in His Majesty's
Ship the Centurion, under the Command of Commodore George Anson.
By Pascoe Thomas, Teacher of the Mathematics on board the Cen-
turion. Together with some historical Accounts of Chili, Peru, Mexico,
and the Empire of China, . . and lastly, several curious Observations
on a Comet seen in the South-Seas on the Coast of Mexico. 8vo.
The abstracts and extracts in Harris I, 337-368, and Astley must be derived
from some of the above acounts, since these Collections antedate the official vol-
ume Of 1748.
1748 AN SON, GEORGE (Commodore). A Voyage Round the World in the
Years 1740, 1, 2, 3, 4; compiled from Papers and other Materials of
the Right Honourable George Lord Anson, and published under his
Direction by Richard Walter, M.A., Chaplain of His Majesty's Ship
the Centurion in that Expedition. 42 plates. 4to. London.
Of this important work there were many subsequent editions and translations.
Four came out the same year as the original, and by 1781 there were 16. Dublin,
as usual, was not far behind with editions, which were probably for the most part
pirated ones. Of the two first issues published in 1748, one was for the author
himself, which is the genuine first, and the other, often called the first, was for
the publishers. The first French translation appeared in Amsterdam and Leipzig,
1749; a Dutch translation at Amsterdam, 1749; a German, Leipzig and Gottingen,
1749; an Italian, Livorno, 1756. Modern reprints are the ones in Everyman's Li-
brary, with an Introduction by John Mascfield, London, 1911, and another, London,
1928. Some of the later editions are listed by title below.
The account by Chaplain Walter, which is written in an admirable style, is
the official one. This work was sometimes attributed to Benjamin Robins, F. R. S.,
author of Mathematical Tracts, London, 1761, but there appears to be no decisive
evidence for Robins' claims. For the question see James Wilson, Preface to the
Mathematical Tracts; Nichols, Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century II,
206; and the Biographia Britannica, under Anson, and the Corrigenda and Ad-
denda to that article in vol. IV of that work. Edinb. Cab. For a list of the
original writers on the subject of this voyage, see Gent Mag., 1780, vol. L, 322.
It was noticed in the Journal dcs Scavans, 1750, I, 76; II, 158.
This famous and unfortunate expedition, consisting at the start of eight ships,
was sent under the command of George Anson at the beginning of the war with
Spain, to harass the Spaniards on the western coast of South America. Seven
ships were lost around Cape Horn and on the coast of Chili and out of 900 men
who left England on board more than 600 perished. As usual scurvy took an ap-
palling toll. The primary object of the expedition was not attained, but by the
capture of the Manila Galleon near China, Anson and the surviving members of
his crew reached England much the richer. As with many a ship before and
after, the island of Juan Fernandez proved a blessing in restoring scurvy-stricken
men to health. Among the ships wrecked was the Wager, whose story is told by
Lieutenant Byron and Btilkeley and Cummins (see under dates 1743 and 1768,
SOUTH AMERICA). Walter's account of the voyage is a model of what such
literature should be. The mournful beauty of the passage describing their approach
to Cape Horn compares well with that of Masefield's in his poem Dauber. Anson
left St. Helens Sept. 9, 1740, and got back June 15, 1744.
1751 ANSON, GEORGE. An affecting Narrative of the Unfortunate Voyage
and Catastrophe of His Majesty's Ship Wager, one of Commodore An-
son's Squadron in the South Sea Expedition. Containing a full account
of its being cast away on a desolate Island, . . Compiled from Authen-
tic Journals . . . from an Eye- Witness. London.
For the loss of the Wager and the divided action of the crew see
the accounts by Bulkeley and Lieut. Byron, under dates 1743 and 1768
respectively, SOUTH AMERICA.
1752 COYER, GABRIEL FRANCOIS (Abbe). A Supplement to Lord An-
son's Voyage round the World. Containing a discovery and descrip-
tion of the Island of Frivola. By the Abbe Coyer. To which is pre-
fixed an introductory Preface by the Translator. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1752; Dublin, 1752.
This is a very clever skit on Alison's famous voyage, written as a
satirical romance on the French nation. "A burlesque publication, . . .
it lias met with universal applause, not only in France, but in almost
every country upon the Continent where it has followed the book upon
which it is founded." Quoted by Maggs, No. 502.
1766-68 ANSON, GEORGE. Voyage round the World. Extract in Callander
III, 644-654. London.
As a supplement to this voyage is given a letter from Captain Mur-
ray, Commander of H. M. S. Pearl, which got separated from Anson
during the voyage.
1785 ANSON, GEORGE. Voyage Round the World, 1740-44, compiled from
his Papers and Materials By Richard Walter. 2 vols. in I. 8vo
This edition has claim to fame because it was printed at the same
press as the first volume of Burns's poetry.
1928 ANSON, GEORGE. Anson's Voyage round the World. New edition with
Prefatory Notes by G. S. Laird Clowes. Original plates and charts and
numerous additional illus., etc. 8vo. London.
1749 (In French.) Voyage autpur du monde fait dans les annees 1740 a 1744
par Lord Anson envoye par sa Majeste Britanique dans la Mer du Sud;
tire des journaux et autres papiers de ce seigneur, et public par Rich-
ard Walter, Maitre des arts et Chapelain du Centurion dans cette ex-
pedition. Traduit de 1'anglais. Maps and plates. 4to. Amsterdam and
1749 (In Dutch.) Reize rondom de Werreld, 1740-1744, Opgesteld uit Journalen
en andere Papier en van . . . G. Anson . . . door Richard Walter.
Tweede Druk. Portrait, maps and plates. 4to. Amsterdam.
1749 (In German.) Reise um die Welt Zusammengetragen von Richard Walter.
Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Eobald Tore. Maps. Leipzig and
1749-51 (In French.) Voyage autour du monde, fait dans les annees 1740 et 1744
(redige par Benjamin Robins) public par Richard Walter; traduit de
1'anglais par Ellie de Joncourt. 2 vols. Amsterdam.
For claims of Robins see under 1748 edition above.
1756 (In Italian.) Viaggio ottorno el mondo, fatte negli anni 1740-44. Livorno.
1772 (In German.) Reisen in das Siidmeer, als Beytrag zu Anson's Reisen
nebst dessen Lebensbeschreibung. Aus dem Englischen. Niirnberg.
1744.48 CLIPPERTON, JOHN. The Voyage of Captain John Clipperton
round the World, from an authentic Journal. In Harris I, 184-198,
Also in Callander III, 444-502. See below.
Clipperton was one of the buccaneers associated with the exploits of Shel-
vocke and Woodes Rogers in the early part of the eighteenth century. Foreseeing
a break with Spain and hoping to duplicate, the success of Woodes Rogers, some
merchants resolved to fit out two ships for the South Seas and the coasts of
South America. At first Shelvocke was selected for commander, but he was re-
placed by Clipperton. The plan of using Flemish soldiers was abandoned when
it was discovered that such a procedure would soon make for trouble aboard the
vessels. The two ships had to lie at anchor at Plymouth for three months awaiting
the right winds Factions which developed during the delay increased in severity
during the voyage. The start was finally made in February, 1719. There exists
no separate and distinct relation of Clipperton's voyage. But there are two histories
extant one by Shelvocke and the other by Betagh (see above 1726 and 1728 re-
spectively). As has been noted above, Shelvocke's account is an apology for his
conduct; the other an acrimonious attack on Shelvocke. Clipperton certainly
showed great inclination to do justice to his proprietors and to maintain the honor
of his country under the circumstances.
1766-68 CLIPPERTON, JOHN. Voyage to Magellanica and round the World.
In Callander III, 444-502. London.
LE HERMITE, JACQUES. Voyage of the Nassau Fleet round the
Globe, under the Command of Jacques Le Hermite. In Harris I, 66-77.
Le Hermite, or L'Heremite, sailed from Goree April 29, 1623, and returned
home January 21, 1626. This voyage did little to increase geographical knowledge.
Some futile attacks were made on Spanish possessions of the west coast of South
ROGGEWEIN, JACOB. Commodore Roggewein's Expedition with
three Ships, for the Discovery of Southern Lands under the Direc-
tion of the Dutch West India Company. From an original Journal. In
Harris I, 256-320. London.
In Callander III, 584-641; in Dalrymple, 1770-71. A Dutch account, Dort,
1728. See below. Another account in German, Leipzig, 1738; in French by Charles
Frederick Behrens, who was sergeant and commander of troops in Roggewein's
fleet, printed at the Hague, 1739. Both accounts were translated by Dalrymple.
Roggewein sailed from the Tcxel, August 21, 1721, and returned home Au-
gust 11, 1723. The father of the navigator proposed to the Dutch West India
Company a project for discovering something of the vast continent and its islands
supposed to be lying in the southern portion of the globe. Dying before it could
be executed, he entrusted the expedition to his son Jacob, who performed the voy-
age. In their return they touched at Batavia, where their ships were seized by the
Dutch East India Company. However, the States General ordered the latter to
make restitution with two new ships fully rigged, pay the full value of the cargo,
and pay the crew their wages and all costs. Roggewein's is the first certified
account of contact with Easter Island and its great stone images, as well as the
last of the great Dutch circumnavigations.
1766-68 ROGGRWEIN, JACOB. Voyage to Polynesia and Australasia. In
Callander III, 584-641, London.
1728 ROGGEWEIN, JACOB. Twee Jaarige Reyze rondom de Wereld. Dort.
This work appeared without the author's name and is therefore of
doubtful worth. The original journal came to light in the early part
of the nineteenth century and was reprinted at Middleburg, 1838.
SPILBERGEN, JORIS. The Voyage of George Spilbergen in quality
of Admiral of Six Dutch Ships, round the World. In Harris I, 44-50
The first version of this voyage in English appeared in Purchas, 1625 (gath-
ered out of the "Latine Journall"). An account in Callamler II, 191-217. The
original Dutch version edited by the Hakluyt Society, 1906. Dutch original and a
Latin edition, Leyden, 1619. See below.
Spilbergen sailed from the Texel Aug. 8, 1614, and returned home July 1,
1617. He wrote two journals. The first is an account of an expedition to the
East Indies equipped by Balthazar de Moucheron, who was one of the first to
send out ships both east and west (before the establishment of the Chartered
East India Company of Holland) to direct a fleet to the East. This expedition
set out in May, 1601. The second relates his adventures, trading and exploring
activities as a servant of the East India Company. He included in his second
journal the account (also published under the name of Cornelisz Schouten in Eng-
lish, 1619) of the voyage of Jacob Le Maire, who discovered a new strait south
of the Straits of Magellan. According to Callander, the original journal of this
voyage was written by John Cornclitz de Maye, in Dutch, whence it was translated
and published in Latin by Theodore de Bry. Purchas inserted it in his Pilgrimes,
vol. I. It is also found in the Collection of Dutch East India Voyages, Amsterdam,
1716. For the confusions clinging to the question of its authorship and to various
editions, see the Introduction to the Hakluyt Society edition. It was one of the
most successful voyages ever undertaken by the Dutch It resulted in the conquest
of the Moluccas by the Dutch and greatly increased the power and the reputation
of the Dutch East India Company.
1906 SPEILBERGEN, JORIS VAN. East and West Indian Mirror. By Joris
van Speilbergcn. An Account of his Voyage Round the World in the
years 1614 to 1617, including the Australian Navigations of Jacob Le
Maire. Translated from the Dutch edition, "Cost cnde West Indische
Spiegel, &c," Nicolaes van Geelkerckcn: Leydcn, 1619, with Notes .Jiid
an Introduction, by John A. J. de Villicrs, of the Brit. Mus. With a
Bibliography and Index by Basil H. Soulsby, F. S. A. 26 illus. and
maps. Hak. Soc., ser, II, vol. 18. London.
1619 SPEILBERGEN, JORIS VAN. Oost ende West-Indische Spiegel der
nieuwe Navigatien, Daer in vertoont werdt de leste reysen ghedaen door
Joris van Spcilbergen, Admirael van dese Vloote ; in wat manieren hy
de Wereldt rontsom gheseylt heeft. 25 plates. By Nicolaes Gcelkerck-
en: tot Leyden, Anno 1619. obi. 4to. Leyden.
SPEILBERGEN, JORIS VAN. Oost ende Wcst-Indische Spiegel Der
2 lest Navigatien, ghedaen in den Jaeren 1614, 15, 16, 17, ende 18, daer
in vertoont wort, in wat gestalt Joris van Speilbergen door de Magel-
lanes de werelt rontom geseylt heeft, met eenighe Battalien so te water
als te lant, ende 2 Historien de een van Oost ende de andcr West-Indien,
het ghetal der forten, soldaten, schepen, ende gheschut. Met de Aus-
tralische Navigatien, van Jacob le Maire, die int suyden door een nieuwe
Straet ghepasseert is, met vcel wonders so Landen, Volcken, ende Na-
tien, haer ontmoet zijn, in 26 coperen platen afghebeelt. By Nicolaes
van Gcelkercken: tot Leyden. obi. 4to. Leyden.
SPILBERGEN, GEORGE. Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque Indiae
Novigatipnum ; Quarum una Georgij a Spilbcrgen classis cum potcstate
Praefecti, altera Jacobi le Maire auspicijs impcrioque directa, Annis
1614, 15, 16, 17, 18. Exhibens Novi in mare Australe transitus, incog-
nitarumque hactenus terrarum ac gentium invcntioriern ; praelia aliquot
terra marique commissa expugnationesq ; urbium: una cum duabus
novis utriusque Indiae Historijs, Catalogo munitionum Hollandicarum
ducum et reliqui bellici appararus, Fretisque quatuor : quaeque figur-
is ac imaginibus illustrata. Apud Nicolaum a Geelkerckcn. 26 plates,
obi. 4to. Leyden.
VAN NOORT, OLIVIER. The Voyage of Oliver Van Noort round the
World. In Harris I, 31-36.
The first version of this voyage in English appeared in Purchas's Pilgrimes,
1625 ; it purports to have been extracted out of the "Latine Diane." Dutch orig-
inal at Rotterdam, 1602. See below.
Van Noort was the first Dutch navigator to sail round the world, and the
fourth in all. He started from Goree Sept. 13, 1598, and returned home Aug.
26, 1601. His voyage made little addition to general geographical discovery, but
it opened up the way to the establishment of the Dutch in the East Indies.
1602 VAN NOORT, OLIVIER. Beschrijving van de Voyagie om den ge-
heelcn Wereldt Cloot, ghcdacn door Olivier van Noort, . . to zeylen
door de Strate Magellanes. 4to. Rotterdam.
1766-68 NODAL, GARCIA DE. Voyage to Magellanica. Abstract in Cal-
lander II, 269-273. London.
A Spanish edition, Madrid, 1621. See below.
This is the first account of the voyage in English. It is taken from De
Brosses, Voyages aux Terre Australrs, torn. 1. DC Brosses is of the opinion that
there were two accounts of this expedition, one by a Spaniard, and one by a
Dutchman, in the two languages respectively. An imperfect extract from the
Dutch account is found in Barlaeus and the Spanish account in Laet's America.
(The references here are probably to Barlacus's Rerutn in Brasilia et alibi
nupcr Gcstarum Historia, Amsterdam, 1647, and Laet's book on America, which
appeared sometime before 1642). The King of Spain, hearing of Schouten's ex-
ploit of the new passage of the Straits of Lc Maire determined to explore this
passage to sec if it could be fortified against use by other navigators. The ships
sailed on this eriand from Lisbon Sept. 27, 1618, under the command of Nodal.
They reached the Straits in question and sailed through and round by Cape Horn
and back to Spain, taking in all but little over nine months. The King was so
pleased with the celerity of the passage that he ordered the fleet of eight ships
about to sail for the Philippines to use this route. From Callander.
1621 NODAL, BARTH. GARCIA Y GONCALO DE. Relacion del viage, . .
8vo. Madrid.
1767 BYRON, JOHN (Commodore). Voyage round the World, in the years
1764-66, in his Majesty's Sloop the Dolphin, commanded by the Hon-
ourable Commodore Byron, containing a minute and exact Description
of the Straits of Magellan and the gigantic People called the Patagon-
ians. Together with an accurate Account of Seven Islands lately dis-
covered in the South Seas. By an Officer on Board the said Ship.
8vo. London.
In Callander III, 673-714, London ; the official account in Hawkcsworth, 1773
(see tinder COLLECTIONS this date), and in most later collections. Trans-
lated into French, Paris, 1767; into Italian, Florence, 1768; into German, Frank-
fort and Leipzig, 1769; into Spanish, Madrid, 1769. See below.
Early in 1764 the Hon. John Byron ("Foul-Weather Jack"), was appointed
in command of the Dolphin Frigate, the first English vessel to be sheathed with
copper, and ordered to proceed to the East Indies, with secret instructions, how-
ever, to sail to the Pacific Ocean on an exploring expedition. The vessel sailed
westward across the Pacific from the Straits of Magellan and managed, almost
miraculously, to avoid discovering any islands except in the northern part of the
Low Archipelago, where seven islands were discovered. . . He completed the
circumnavigation of the globe in twenty-two months, an easy record up to that
time, but a record which should not have been made on a voyage intended for dis-
covery From Maggs, No. 491. For Byron's association with the loss of the
Wager on the coast of Chili, see Bulkeley, 1743, and Byron, 1768, under SOUTH
1767 (In French ) Voyage autour du monde fait en 1764 et 1765, sur le vaisseau
de guerre anglois Le Dauphin, commande par le chef d'escadre Byron;
dans lequel on trouvc une description exacte du detroit de Magellan et
geans appeles Patagons, ainsi que de sept Isles nouvellement decou-
vertes dans la Mer du Sud. Par un officier qui etait au bord de ce meme
vaisseau. Traduit de 1'anglois par Suard. 12mo. Paris.
1768 (In Italian.) Viaggio intorno al mondo, fatto dalla nave inglese il Delfino,
con descrizione di varii luoghi, nazioni, plante, animali, dello Stretto Ma-
gellanico e della gigantesca nazione de'Patagoni. Con un ragguaglio
de sette isole ultimamente scoperte nel Mar del Sud. Tradotto dal In-
glese. Frontispiece. 4to. Florence.
1769 (In German.) Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1764 und 1765 nebst einer
genauen Beschreibung der magellanischen Strasse, der Patagonischen
Riesen und der gans neu entdeckten sieben Inseln in der Siidsee. Mit
Anhange (des Ubersetzers) worinnen eine Beschreibung der patagon-
ischen Kiiste ; ubersetzt von Christ. Heinrich Korn. Maps. Frank-
fort and Leipzig.
1769 (In Spanish.) Viage del comandante Byron alrededor del Mundo, hecno
ultimamente de orden del almirantazgo de Inglaterra; . . traducido del
Ingles, e illustrado con notas . . . por Casimori de Ortega. 2nd edit, en
que se anade cl Resuraen historico del viage emprendido por Magellanes
y concluido por al capitan espanoi Juan Sebastian del Cano (su autor C.
de Ortega). Folded map. 2 vols in 1. 12mo. Madrid.
1767 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Life of Sir Francis Drake. 12mo. London.
Probably Johnson did no more than write the preface to this work, if he had
anything at all to do with it.
1771 A Journal of a Voyage Round the World, in His Majesty's Ship En-
deavour, in the years 1768-1771 ; undertaken in Pursuit of Natural
Knowledge, at the Desire of the Royal Society : containing all the vari-
ous Occurrences of the Voyage, with Descriptions of several new dis-
covered Countries in the Southern Hemisphere ; and Accounts of their
Soil and Productions ; and of many Singularities in the Structure, Ap-
parel, Customs, Manners, Policy, Manufactures of their Inhabitants.
To which is added, A Concise Vocabulary of the Language of Ota-
heite. 4to. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1772; into German, Berlin, 1772. See below.
This volume, which is the earliest printed account of Cook's voyage, is an
extremely important work, published anonymously and surreptitiously two months
after the return of the navigator, and nearly two years before Hawkesworth's
eagerly awaited Account. Robt. Watt, in his Bibliotheca Brittanica, 1819-1824,
ascribed it to Sir Joseph Banks, but neither he nor Hawkes worth nor Solander
could have been its author. It was probably the journal of one of the civilians
who died at Batavia. Wood, in his Discovery of Australia, ascribes it^to James
Magra or Matra, the American midshipman, who made the voyage. It is a short
but interesting narrative of Cook's first voyage. From Maggs, No. 491. It was
probably written by B. I^auragais or Dr. John Hawkesworth. Though purporting
to be the actual journal of one who made the voyage, it is a compilation; the
first half indeed is mostly a paraphrase of parts of Sydney Parkinson's journal,
which was not printed in full until 1773. Parkinson's name, however, is not men-
tioned at all. Quaritch. This work was published by Thomas Beckett, bookseller
in the Strand, who was also its editor. . . . Whoever the author was, he did not
comply with Cook's request that all journals kept of the voyage be handed over
to him. Of these ten were delivered. Perhaps the writer of this journal was B.
Lauragais, who wrote to Sir Joseph Banks in the spring: of 1772 to the effect that
he was expecting reproaches for giving publication to the French Galanteries at
Otaheite. Of the ten journals turned in, seven have been reprinted in the Histor-
ical Records of New South Wales, vol. I. Lauragais' book appeared in French
by A. F. J. de Freville: Supplement au Voyage de Bougainville, Paris, 1772.
From Edward Smith : Life of Sir Joseph Banks.
1772 (In French.) Journal d'un voyage autour du monde en 1768, 1769, 1770,
1771, . . traduit de 1'anglois par M. de Freville. 8vo. Paris.
The same entitled, Supplement au voyage de M. de Bougainville; ou, Journal
d'un voyage autour du monde, fait par MM. Banks & Solander, en
1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. Traduit de 1'anglois par M. de Freville. 8vo.
(In German.) Nachrichtcn von den neucsten Entdeckungen dor Englander
in dcr Siid-See: oder Auszug dem Tagebuch des Koniglichen Schiffs
The Endeavour, welches in den Jahren 1768 bis 1771, eine Reise urn
die Welt gethan, und auf derselben verschiedene bisher unbekannte
Lander in der Siidlichen Hemisphere entdcckt hat, nebst einer kurzen
Beschreihung dieser Lander, deren verzuglichen Seltenheiten, Be-
schaffenheit der Einwohner, und einer Kleinen Probe von der Sprache
die in jenes Theil der Welt iiblich ist. 12mo. Berlin.
World, performed by Order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the
Years 1766-69. By Lewis de Bougainville, Colonel of Foot, and Com-
modore of the Expedition, in the Frigate La Boudeuse, and the Store
Ship 1'Etoile. Translated from the French by John Reinhold Forster.
5 engraved folding charts and 1 plate. 4to. London.
Another edition, Dublin, 8vo, 1772. 2nd edit., London, 1773. French original,
Paris, 1772. See below.
The expedition here described had to do with the delivery of the Falkland
Islands to Spain (see Bougainville under date of 1771, SOUTH AMERICA).
After having performed this duty he was ordered to proceed across the Pacific
Ocean to the East Indies and thence back home. This was the first French expe-
dition to sail around the world. . . The expedition visited the Island of Tahiti,
which was annexed for France and called La Nouvelle Cythere. . . Several other
South Sea islands were also visited. It is most remarkable that Bougainville lost
only seven men out of a crew of 200. (Compare this with Anson's loss of over
600 men out of 900.) His account is written with simplicity and some humor.
From Maggs, No. 491. Among the objectives of the voyage was the collecting of
all kinds of natural history curiosities, etc.
tour du monde par la fregate du roi la Boudeuse et la flute 1'Etoile de
1766 a 1769. Maps. 3 vols. 4to. Paris.
There appeared another edition, with the addition of the Voyage
round the World, by Banks and Solander, translated from the English
by de Fr6ville, in 3 vols., Paris, 1773. The Banks and Solander Voyage
here referred to is probably the item listed under 1771 above.
1773 BYRON, JOHN (Commodore). For his Voyage round the World, 1764-
66, in the Dolphin, see under Hawkesworth, 1773, below, which con-
tains the official account. For an unofficial account see Byron, 1767,
CARTERET, PHILIP (Captain). For his Voyage round the World,
1767-69, in the Swallow, see under Hawkesworth, 1773, below.
Carteret sailed as lieutenant in Byron's voyage noted above. His own expe-
dition was the most interesting as well as the most hazardous of the three here
grouped together. Possessed of the spirit of the real adventurer, he cruised about
looking for places which were dubious in their reported positions. He found for
instance that Davis Land did not exist, at least where it had been located. He
discovered Pitcairn Island, later to hecome famous as the refuge of the survivors
of the Bounty mutiny. He visited the Society Islands, Queen Charlotte Islands,
New Britain, New Ireland, and Mindanao. Instead of following the well travelled
courses to the Ladrones in crossing the Pacific, he steered west south of the
Equator. Like other navigators of the period he suffered much from scurvy. He
retired as Rear- Admiral in 1794.
WALLIS, SAMUEL, (Captain). For his Voyage round the World, 1766-
68, see under Hawkesworth, 1773, below,
Wallis spent four months in getting through the Straits of Magellan. He
discovered the Society Islands, among them the famous Tahiti. Then he made for
the Ladrones and so missed discovering other groups. Like most sailors he pre-
ferred the known routes.
DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. A Letter from Mr. Dalrymple to Dr.
Hawkesworth, occasioned by some groundless and illiberal Imputa-
tions in his Account of the late Voyages to the South. 2 parts. 4to.
This is Dalrymple's Observations on Dr. Hawkesworth's Preface to the Sec-
ond Edition of the Voyages. For other criticisms of Hawkesworth see the latter
under this date, COLLECTIONS.
HAWKESWORTH, JOHN (Dr.) An Account of the Voyages under-
taken by the order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in
the Southern Hemisphere, and successfully performed by Commodore
Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook (1764-
1771). Drawn up from the Journals which were kept by the several
Commanders and from the Papers of Joseph Banks, Esq. By John
Hawkesworth. 20 charts, maps, and views of islands, etc., and 23
plates of general views, incidents, and objects, etc. 3 vols. 4to.
This official account of these four voyages has already been described under
COLLECTIONS. The bibliography of Cook is very lengthy and decidedly con-
fusing. The interested reader should consult the admirable Bibliography of Captain
James Cook, put out by the Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney, 1928.
Cook's own log was not printed until recent times : see below under 1893. A com-
plete and definitive edition of his three voyages taken from his own MSS. ap-
peared in London, 1931. Banks's journal was published at London, 1896. Both of
these are listed below. Translations or versions in French and German are found
published in 1774 and later. See below.
Captain James Cook was the most intrepid and resourceful navigator of the
century, if not of all time. Thoughtful of the health of his men, just in his deal-
ings with the natives, and strict in his discipline, he most amply justified the
Admiralty in their choice of him as commander of the three voyages that go under
his name. This, his first voyage to the South Seas, had for its immediate objective
the observation of the transit of Venus across the sun. For this purpose the island
of Tahiti had been chosen upon the advice of Captain Wallis. An able body of
scientists accompanied the expedition, among whom were Banks the botanist, af-
terwards President of the Royal Society, Dr. Solander, his assistant, Green the
astronomer, and Parkinson the draughtsman. After completing their astronomical
duties, they took up in earnest the problem of settling questions long waiting so-
lution of what lands and land connections existed in the great southwest area of
the Pacific. The chief results were these : No large land mass occupied that
area; New Zealand was circumnavigated for the first time and found to consist
of two large islands; the greater portion of eastern Australia was explored; no
connection existed between New Holland and New Guinea; and the Great Barrier
Reef was successfully navigated. In addition cattle and vegetables indigenous to
Europe were introduced to many islands. The success of this voyage determined
the Government to send Cook out again on further voyages of pure exploration.
Probably the return of no voyager was more eagerly awaited by the British public
than this one of Cook's. Naturally the book publishers were all agog to get out
the first account of the voyage. Despite Cook's efforts to preserve all accounts
for the use of the Admiralty, some few private journals found their way to the
1774 (In French.) Relation d'un voyage autour du monde, dans les annees 1769,
1770, 1771, par le lieutenant Jacques Cook, commandant le vaisseau
1'Endeavour. 2 vols. Paris (?).
(In German.) Des Lieutenant Cook's Reise urn die Welt in den Jahren
1768, 1769, 1770, und 1771. In vols. 2 and 3 of Geschichte de See-
Reisen. Berlin (?).
See also Trassler, Sammlung der besten Reisebeschreibungen,
Troppau, 1785-86.
1891 KING, PHILIP G. (Hon.). Comments on Cook's Log (H. M. S. En-
deavour, 1770). Charts and Sketches. 4to. Sydney.
1893 COOK, JAMES. Extract from the Log-book of Lieutenant James Cook,
during part of his first Voyage round the World. New South Wales
Government Printed Historical Records, vol. I, pt. 1, pp. 1-174.
This consists of the private and official log-book. The private log-
book is in Cook's own handwriting, and is not a complete account of the
whole voyage. It begins on Feb. 12, 1770, and ends on Sept. 23, 1770.
In the official log-book, extending from May, 1768, to July, 1770, the
transactions of the entire voyage are recorded, probably by the Chief
Officer. Both copies are in the British Mus. Cook Bibliography.
COOK, JAMES (Captain). Captain Cook's Journal during his first Voy-
age round the World made in H. M. Bark Endeavour, 1768-1771 : a lit-
eral transcription of the original MSS., with Notes and Introduction.
Edited by W. J. L. Wharton. Facsimiles, maps, and portrait. 8vo.
The preface gives the history of the original triplicate journals, of
which this volume is edited from the Corner copy, with additions from
the Admiralty copy. None of these journals are in Cook's own hand-
writing. Cook Bibliography.
58 A /?E/7iA7:/V( R 67///>/< TO TRAl'RL LITF.RATVRR
18% BANKS, SIR JOSKPH. Journal . . . during Captain Cook's first Voyage
in H. M S Rndcai'our, in 1768-71, to Terra del Fuego, Otaheitc, New
Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, . . Edited by Sir J. D. Hook-
er. Portrait and charts. 8vo. London
Banks contributed largely to the scientific findings of the expedition.
He seems to have been a favorite with the natives of Tahiti. There
were numerous poems and skits published on him and Queen Oberea
in England. "That wild man Banks, who is poaching in every ocean for
the fry of little islands that escaped the drag-net of science," is a
characteristic sneer of Horace Walpolc at the man of science. Dr.
Johnson confessed he had some desire to go on the trip with Banks and
Solander in the Resolution and the Adventure (of the second voyage)
but that he soon laid it aside, saying, "there is very little of intellectual
entertainment in the course. Besides I see but a small distance. So it
was not worth while to go to see birds fly which I should not have
seen fly ; and fishes swim which I should not have seen swim." Bos-
PARKINSON, SYDNEY. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Sea in
His Majesty's Ship the Endeavour. Faithfully transcribed from the
Papers of the late Sydney Parkinson, draughtsman to Joseph Banks,
Esq. . . embellished with views and designs delineated by the Author.
Fol. London.
Another edition, with added matter, London, 1784. Reprinted in David Henry,
vol. Ill, 165-470, and vol. IV, 1-222, London. Abstract in Pinkerton XI, 498-563,
London. Translated into French, Paris, 1795. Sec below.
Parkinson was the draughtsman for the collection of natural history under
the direction of Banks. He died at Batavia of dysentery on Jan. 26, 1771, on
the homeward voyage. His brother Stanwick, to anticipate Hawkcsworth's ac-
count, hurriedly published this journal. After a few copies had appeared, the
further issue was stopped by an injunction in Chancery, on the ground of infringe-
ment of Hawkcsworth's rights and of material belonging to Banks. Dr. Fother-
gill, a friend of the Parkinsons, afterwards bought the remainder, which appeared
in 1784 as the reissue, with an Appendix. Cook Bibliography
1784 PARKINSON, SYDNEY. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Sea in
His Majesty's Ship the Endeavour . . . To which is now added, Re-
marks on thr Preface, hv the late John Fothergill, and an appendix con-
taining an account of the Voyages of Commodore Byron, Captain Wal-
lis, Captain Carteret, Monsieur Bougainville, Captain Cook, and Captain
Clerke. 4to. London.
1795 (In French.) Voyage autour du monde attache a M. Banks; precede
d'un discour en forme d' Introduction par les principaux navigateurs an-
glais et francais qui ont precede 1' Endeavour. Traduit de 1'anglais par
P. F. Henri. 2 vols. Paris.
1775 COOK, JAMES. Journal of the Resolution's Voyage in 1772, 1773, 1774
and 1775, on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, by which the
non-existence of an undiscovered Continent between the Equator and
the 50th Degree of southern Latitude is demonstratively proved; also a
Journal of the Adventure's Voyage in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, with
an Account of the Separation of the two Ships, and the most remark-
able Incidents that befel each, interspersed with historical and geo-
graphical Descriptions of the Islands and Countries discovered in the
course of their respective Voyages. Folding chart with the tracts of
both vessels accurately laid down, and 5 engraved plates. 8vo. Lon-
Another edition, 8vo., Dublin, 1776.
Hocken states : "This is the very rare account of Cook's second voyage, pub-
lished surreptitiously and anonymously about eighteen months before Cook's own
account. Probably John Marra or Mara, one of the gunner's mates, supplied ma-
terial from his private journal, which was put into shape by some literary person
in the pay of the publisher Newbery." On page 325 it is stated: "Some who had
kept memorials by way of exercise, reserved their labours to gratify their friends.
Of this kind is the journal now submitted to the public." The preface discloses
considerable knowledge of private matters connected with the voyage and gives
an account of the causes which led Mr. Banks and his staff to withdraw from the
expedition at the last moment. Cook Bibliography
1776 COOK, JAMES. A Second Voyage Round the World, in the years
MDCCLXXII, LXXIII, LX.:iV, LXXV; by James Cook, Esq., Com-
mander of His Majesty's Bark, the Resolution, undertaken by the
order of the King, arid encouraged by a Parliamentary Grant of Four
Thousand Pounds. Drawn up from authentic Papers. 4to. London.
A surreptitious account of Cook's second voyage, from the journal of one of
the officers, published a year before the official account. Towards the end of this
volume the writer states that, after Captain Cook had announced the Admiralty's
orders that all journals, etc., should be sent to the Admiralty Office, "a search
was immediately made, and all the journals and papers that could be found were
put into a box to be sent to the Admiralty Office by the first opportunity that
offered." The italics here used, considered in conjunction with some satirical re-
marks that follow on the probable manner of publication of the official account,
are a fair indication that this one is written up from a journal that could not be
found. Cook Bibliography. Another edition signed "by an Officer on Board,"
London, 1781.
1777 COOK, JAMES. AVoyage towards the South Pole and round the World,
performed in his Majesty's Ships, the Resolution and Adventure, in
the Years 1772-75, written by James Cook, Commander of the Reso-
lution. In which is included Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his
Proceedings in the Adventure during the Separation of the Ships.
Maps, charts, portraits and views. 2 vols. 4to. London.
This is the official account of the second voyage. 2nd edit., London, 1778;
3rd, London, 1779; 4th, London, 1784; abstract in Pinkerton XI, 564-638. Trans-
lated into French at Amsterdam and Paris, 1777; again with added matter, Paris,
1778; and later. Into Dutch, Rotterdam, 1778. See below.
This voyage of 1772-75 settled the age-long question of the existence of an-
other continent, the Terra Australis Incognita, in the negative. It was also the
first scientific exploration of the South Polar Regions. Maggs, No. 491. Banks
gave up the idea of accompanying this voyage and in his place was selected a nat-
uralist of prodigious energy, of German extraction, John Reinhold Forster. The
most meticulous pains were taken to insure scientific success of the voyage. This
was the first time in history that the Antarctic Circle was crossed by white men,
as well as the latitude 70 degrees south. The two ships were separated in a fog
but were rejoined in New Zealand. This voyage brought to light many islands and
island groups, and besides circumnavigated the globe in sufficiently high latitudes
as to bring to an end the dreams of philosophers of an early day. Owing to dietary
precautions, only one man died during the voyage.
1778 COOK, JAMES. New Discoveries concerning the World, and its Inhab-
itants. In two parts. Part I. Containing a circumstantial Account of
all the Islands in the South-Sea, that have been lately discovered or
explored ; . . Part II. Containing a Summary Account of Captain
Cook's attempt to discover a Southern Continent, in 1773-75. 2 folding
maps and 2 folding plates. 8vo. London.
1777 (In French.) Journal du second voyage du Capitaine Cook, sur les vais-
seatix "la Resolution" et 'TAdventure" ; entrepris par ordre dcs S. M.
Britannique, dans les annees 1774 et 1775. Traduit de 1'anglais par A.
F. L. de Freville. 1 map. 8vo. Amsterdam and Paris.
1778 (In French.) Voyage second dans l'hemisphere austral ot autour du monde,
fait sur les vaisseaux du roi, 'TAdventure" et "la Resolution" en 1772-
75, ecrit par Jacques Cook, dans lequel on a insere la relation du Capi-
taine Furneaux et celle de M. Forster. Traduit de 1'anglais par J. B.
Antoine Suard. Ouvrage enrichi de plans, de cartrs, dc planches, dc por-
traits et de vues de pays dessincs pendant 1'expcdition par M. Hodges.
65 plates. 5 vols. Paris.
The translator Suard explains in his introduction that he has used,
as well as Cook's account, the account in two volumes, 4to, published
by the younger Forster. He has drawn from the latter material that
is not included in Cook, and has indicated the Forster extracts by in-
verted commas. These dovetailed accounts occupy four volumes, The
fifth volume has a separate title page as follows: "Observations faites,
pendant le second voyage de M. Cook, dans l'hemisphere austral . . .
par M. Forster, pere." His introduction to this volume states that it
serves as an appendix to the four preceding ones, that it forms, in Eng-
lish, a separate work from the account of the voyage published by the
Captain and also from that by the younger Forster, and that he has
omitted from it the material already given in those two accounts, save
for a very few repetitions. Cook Bibliography.
1778 (In Dutch.) Rcis naar de Zuidpool en rondom de weereld, gedaan op bevel
van Zijne Brittannische Majesteit met de schepen, de "Resolution" en
de "Adventure" in 1772, 1773, 1774, en 1775, waarbij gevoegd is, Fur-
neaux's verslag van de "Resolution" was af geraakt. Uit het Kngelsch
vertaalt. Rotterdam.
FORvSTER, JOIIANN GEORG ADAM. Voyage round the World in
His Britannic Majesty's Sloop Resolution, commanded by Captain
James Cook, during the Years 1772, 3, 4, and 5. Map. 2 vols. 4to.
An edition in Dublin, 2 vols., 8vo, 1777. An edition in German, Berlin, 1779-
1780. See below.
Forster' s account contained numerous and offensive attacks upon the conduct
of the officers and the crew of the Resolution, which produced replies from Wales
and counter replies from Forster. For these see below. Forster was but seventeen
years old when the voyage started. His account is written in "a pompous and in-
flated style and the reflections are for the most part in a very false taste." Bos-
well liked the work, but Dr. Johnson remarked that "there is great affectation of
fine writing in it, . . he makes me turn over many leaves at a time." Boswell.
This is a very important work and a necessary adjunct to Cook's Voyages, which
it anticipated by several months. Humboldt said that he was indebted to it more
than to any other work for his early love of nature and tropical beauty. . . It was
originally intended that Forster senior should write the official record. However,
on his return, he had a dispute with the Admiralty over his emoluments, etc., and
he was forbidden to publish an account. He then got his son, George, to issue it,
and in consequence was dismissed by the Admiralty. He returned to Germany,
where he published the volume "Observations made during a Voyage, etc.," fol-
lowing the publication of the official account. From Maggs, No. 491. For this
work see Forster, 1778, below.
1779-1780 (In German.) Reise urn die Welt. Aus dem Englischen iibersetrt
vom Verfasser, mit Zusatzen fur den deutschen Leser vcrtnehrt. 12
Tafeln. Berlin.
1778 WALES, WILLIAM. Remarks on Mr. Forster's Account of Captain
Cook's Last Voyage round the World in the years 1772-75. 8vo. London.
FORSTER, GEORGE. Reply to Mr. Wales' Remarks on Mr. Forster's
Account of Captain Cook's last Voyage round the World. 8vo. London.
1778 FORSTER, GEORGE. A Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of
Sandwich, first Lord Commissioner of the Board of Admiralty, . . .
from George Forster, F. R. S. 4to. London. (25 pp.)
In this the writer complains of the bad treatment he and his father had re-
ceived after their return from their voyage round the world. Sabin.
WALES, WILLIAM, and BAYLY, WILLIAM. Original Astronomical
Observations made in the Course of a Voyage of Captain Cook and
King towards the South Pole and round the World in his Majesty's
Ship the Resolution and Adventure in 1772-75. With plates; published
by order of the Commissioners. 4to. London.
2nd edit., London, 1784. Translated into French, Paris, 1778. See below.
1778 (In French.) Extrait de 1'ouvrage intitule: Observations astronomiques
recueillies pendant le voyage dans rhemisphere austral, en 1772-1775,
par M. Wales et M. Bayly. (In the French translation, Paris, 1778, of
Cook's second Voyage.)
Wales and Bayly were the astronomers on this expedition.
1778 FORSTER, JOHN REINHOLD. Observations made during a Voyage
round the World on Physical Geography, Natural History and Ethical
Philosophy, especially on 1. The Earth and its Strata; 2. Water and
the Ocean; 3. The Atmosphere; 4. The Changes of the Globe; 5. Or-
ganic Bodies ; 6. The Human Species. 4to. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1778; into Italian, Venice, 1784-85. See below.
For the most part this work concerns the South Sea Islands, but there are
numerous remarks and observations on America, more especially Tierra del Fuego,
New Georgia, and parts of South America. Maggs, No. 442. It also contains a
folding comparative table of South Sea languages, chiefly Polynesian. This ac-
count was published shortly after the appearance of the official account. Forster
and his son were employed as naturalists on this voyage. His fiery temper con-
tinually involved him in broils with his shipmates. For further details concerning
him see remarks under the 1777 account of the younger Forster.
1778 (In French.) Observations faites dans un voyage autour du monde, sur
le geographic physique, 1'histoire naturelle et la philosophic morale;
traduit de I 1 Anglais par Pingeron. Impr. a la suite du cinquieme vol.
de 1'edit. francaise du second voyage de Cook. Paris.
1784-85 (In Italian.) Osservazioni naturali fatte da Rcnaldo Forster nell' em-
isfero Australe. In the Italian edition of Cook's Voyages : Storia de 1
viaggi, tomo 9-10. Venice.
(Listed below are some other accounts of Cook's second voyage, none of
them of any importance.)
1778 COOK, JAMES. Captain Cook's Attempts to discover a Southern Con-
tinent in 1772-75. In Nnv Discoveries Concerning the World. See un-
1779 COOK, JAMES. An account of this second voyage in Campbell, J. : Lives
of the British Admirals, vol. IV. London.
1784 COOK, JAMES. A Compendious History of Captain Cook's first and
second Voyages, the first ... in 1768, 1769, 1770 and 1771 in the En-
deavour; the second in 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775 in the Resolution and
Adventure, including an abridgement of Captain Furneaux's Narrative
... to which is added, A Narrative of Commodore Phipps' (now Lord
Mulgrave) Voyage to the North Pole; also an Extract from Forster's
Introduction to his History of Northern Discoveries on the Progress of
Navigation. 12mo. London.
This was edited by G. Kearsley. It was adapted and abridged from
the quarto edition published by the Admiralty of the first and second
voyages of Cook.
1785 SPARRMAN, ANDRE. For an account of a portion of this voyage see
his Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and round the World, under
Sparrman joined the expedition, at Forster's request, at the Cape
of Good Hope. He was to assist in the work of natural history. He
soon returned to the Cape to pursue his own interests.
1781 COOK, JAMES. Journal of Captain Cook's last Voyage to the Pacific
Ocean on Discovery, performed in the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779.
Cuts and charts showing the tracts of the Ships employed in this Ex-
pedition. Faithfully narrated from the original MS. 8vo. London.
A new edition, compared with, and corrected from, the voyage published by
authority, London, 1784. An edition was also published by Ledyard at Hartford,
1783, on his return to his native country, America. Translated into French, Paris,
T782. See below.
This is a surreptitious and anonymous publication, anticipating the authorized
account by more than two years. Probably it was written by John Ledyard, a
sergeant of marines on the Resolution. Cook Bibliography. For Ledyard see un-
1782 (In French.) Troisieme voyage de Cook; ou Journal d'une expedition
faite dans la Mer Pacifique du Sud et du Nord, en 1776, 1777, 1778,
1779, et 1780. Traduit de 1'Anglois. 2nd edit. Map and frontispiece.
8vo. Paris.
FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD. Tagebuch einer Entdeckungsreise
nach der Sudsee in den Jahren 1776 bis 1780 unter Anfuhrung der
Captains Cook, Clerke, Gore and King. Mit einer verbesserten Karte
und Kiipfer nach der originellen Handschrift getreulich beschrieben.
Eine Uberschauung nebst Anmerkungen. Map and plate. 8vo. Berlin.
This seems to be an independent German account, antedating the official pub-
1781 RICKMAN, (Lieutenant). Journal of Captain Cook's last Voyage
to the Pacific Ocean, on Discovery; performed in the Years 1776-79.
Folding map and 5 engraved plates. 8vo. Dublin.
1782 ELLIS, WILLIAM (Surgeon). For his account of Cook's last voyage
see his An Authentic Narrative of a Voyage performed by Captains
Cook and Clerke, under NORTH PACIFIC.
1784 COOK, JAMES, and KING, JAMES. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, un-
dertaken by the Command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in
the Northern Hemisphere, to determine the Position and Extent of
the West Side of North America, its Distance from Asia, and the
Practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe, performed under the
Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships,
the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and
1780. 3 vols: vols. I and II written by Captain J. Cook, vol. Ill by
Captain J. King. . . Published by order of the Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty. 87 plates, of which 26 are charts, etc. 4to. London.
This, the official account, was edited by Dr. Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury.
2nd edit., London, 1785, and the 3rd the same year. In vol. Ill of this last are
the arguments advanced by Wm. Wales against the existence of Cape Circumcision.
An abridgement in 4 vols., London, 1784; a Compendious History, edited by G.
Kearsley, 2 vols., London, 1785 ; a compilation, 4 vols., Perth, 1785 ; another abridge-
ment in 4 vols., London, 1793 ; abstract in Pinkerton XI, 639-738, London. Trans-
lations of the official account into French, Paris, 1785; the same abridged in Italian,
1794-95; in Dutch, Rotterdam, 1787; in German, 1787-88; in Russian, St. Peters-
burg, 1788. An independent German account, 1781, Mannheim. Sets of the three
voyages with and without the Life by Kippis are found. A set of the three in
French, 14 vols. 8vo, and 3 vols. atlas 4to, Paris, 1785-17%. Some of the above
described editions are listed below. Numerous articles and sections of books deal-
ing with this voyage are to be found in Cook Bibliography See also under
NORTH PACIFIC under corresponding dates.
This third voyage differed from the other two in that the scene of discovery
shifted from the South Seas to the North Pacific and the west coast of North
America, and had as one of the objectives the attempt at a Northwest Passage
to Europe, On the way to the North Pacific the voyagers touched at the Sandwich
Islands, so named after Lord Sandwich but later called the Hawaiian Islands,
where Cook met his death on his return from the North. This group was un-
doubtedly visited by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century but they had become
lost to European view. Despite the hostilities between America, England, and
France, the scientific nature of the expedition caused the various governments to
exempt these vessels from capture. For further details of this voyage see under
1784 COOK, JAMES. A Compendious History of Captain Cook's last Voyage
... in which all the interesting transactions are recorded, particularly
those relative to his unfortunate Death, (with) Abridgement of Cap-
tain Cook's last Voyage . . . his Life, by ... King. 2 vols. 12mo.
This work is a new edition. An Account of the last Voyage, adapted
and abridged from the quarto edition published by the Admiralty in
1784. From Cook Bibliography.
1785 COOK, JAMES. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by Command
of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere
. . . Compiled from the various Accounts of that Voyage hitherto pub-
lished. Illus. and maps. 18mo. London.
COOK, JAMES Beauties of Captain Cook's Voyages: or, A Selection
of interesting Narratives. London.
1786 SAMWELL, DAVID. A Narrative of the Death of Captain Cook; to
which are added, Some Particulars concerning his Life and Character ;
with Observations respecting the Introduction of Venereal Diseases into
the Sandwich Islands. 4to. London.
1787 COOK, JAMES. A New authentic Collection of Captain Cook's Voyages
round the World, undertaken by order of His Majesty, for making new
Discoveries ; the first undertaken and performed in the Endeavour,
1768-1771, for observing the transit of Venus, and making Discoveries
in the Southern Hemisphere; the second in the Resolution and Ad-
venture, 1772-75, for making further Discoveries toward the South
Pole, and round the World; the third and last, in the Resolution and
Discovery, to the Pacific Ocean, in 1776-1780, for making new Discov-
eries in the Northern Hemisphere, . . comprehending the Life and
Death of Captain Cook. Together with Captain Furneaux's Narrative
in the Adventure, during the* Separation of the Ships in the Second
Voyage, during which period several of his people were destroyed by
the Natives of Queen Charlotte Sound. Written by the principal Offi-
cers who sailed in the various Ships. 8vo. London.
1788 (In Russian.) Poslednee putesestwie kapitana Cook'a okolo sweta s ob-
stojatelstwami ego zizni i smerti. 8vo. St. Petersburg.
KIPPIS, ANDREW. The Life of Captain James Cook. Portrait. 4to.
This was printed uniform with the quarto editions of the voyages.
Another edition, 8vo, Dublin, 1788; again, London, 1791. Translated
into French, Paris, 1789; into German, Hamburg, 1789. See below.
This work contains an admirable precis of the three voyages, with
valuable information from the original sources. It introduces most of
Samwell's Narative of Captain Cook's Death, and also gives accounts
of the various tributes to Cook's memory, . . it also includes the biog-
raphies of Green the astronomer, Ledyard, the American seaman, and
Captain Clerke; as well as a notice of the various medals which were
struck. Maggs, No. 491.
1789 (In French.) Vie du Capitaine James Cook pour servir de suite a ses
trois voyages. Traduit de 1'anglais par J. Castera. 2 vols. Paris.
(In German.) Leben des Capitan James Cook. Engraved portrait. 2 vols.
in 1. Hamburg.
1799 COOK, JAMES. Cook's Voyages Round the World for Making Discov-
eries towards the North and South Poles, with an Appendix (on the set-
tlements at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island). Portrait 8vo. Man-
1931 COOK, JAMES. The First and Complete (and Definitive) Edition of the
Three Voyages of James Cook in 8 volumes. Edited by Lieutenant-
Commander R. T. Gould. 4to. Argonaut Press. London.
The text is taken from Cook's original MS. journals, supplemented
where necessary by those of his companions. With the original illus-
trations, maps, and charts, and in addition . . . many unique items,
hitherto unpublished. This edition also includes a new Life of Cook
and a Selection of his Letters. From Bookseller's Announcement.
1781 ZIMMERMANN, HEINRICH. Reise urn die Welt mit Captain Cook.
8vo, Mannheim.
This seems to be an independent account. Translated into English,
Wellington, 1926. See below.
1926 ZIMMERMANN, HEINRICH. Account of the third Voyage of Captain
Cook, 1776-1780; translated by U. Tewsley, under the Direction of J.
C. Anderson, with a few explanatory Notes. With facsimile of the
title-page of the Mannheim, 1781, edition, from which the translation is
made. Illus. 8vo. Wellington.
1785 (In French.)- Troisieme Voyage de Cook; ou, Voyage a 1'Ocean Pacifique,
ordonne par le Roi d'Angleterre, pour faire des Decouvertes dans 1*
hemisphere nord, pour determiner la position & 1'etendue de la cote
ouest de I'Amerique septentrionale ... & resoudre la question du pas-
sage au nord. Execute sous la direction des Capitaines Cook, Clerke &
Gore, sur Ics vaisseaux la Resolution & la D 6 convert e t en 1776, 1777,
1778, 1779 & 1780. Traduit de 1'Anglois par M. D(emeunier). Ouv-
rage enrichi de cartes & de plans, d'apres les relevemens par le Lieu-
tenant Henry Roberts, sous 1'inspection de Capitaine Cook, & d'une
multitude de planches . . . dessines . . . par M. Webber ... 4 vols.
4to. Paris.
1784-85 (In Italian.) Storia de' Viaggi intrapresi dal Capitano Giacomo Cook.
13 vols. 8vo., and 1 vol. 4to. Naples.
Besides the three voyages of Cook, this contains those of Byron,
Carteret, Wallis, and Bougainville.
1786 (In German.) Neueste Rcisebeschreibungen, oder Jakob Cook's dritte und
letzte Reise, . . in den Jahren 1776 bis 1780. Illus. and maps. 2 vols.
1787 (In Dutch.) Reis naar den Stillen Oceaan, ondernomen op bevel van zyne
Brittannische Majesteit, George de Derde, tot het doen van ontdekkin-
gen in het noorder halfrond, ter uitvoer gebragt onder't bestuur van
de Bevclhebhers Cook, Clerke en Gore in de Jaaren 1776, 1777, 1778,
1779 en 1780, met de schepen de Resolution en Discovery en beschreven
door den Commandeur J. Cook, en door Kapitein J. King. Uit het
Engelsch vertaald. 4to. Rotterdam.
1794-95 (In Italian.) Terzo Viaggio. In Bcrenger, J. P.: Raccolta di tutti i
viaggi, tomo 6, 293-359 ; tomo 7. Venice ( ? ) .
1795-1809 (In Dutch.) Reizen rondom de waereld; vertaald door J. D. Pasteur.
Maps and plates. 13 vols. Leyden.
1789 PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL, and DIXON, GEORGE. For their voy-
ages around the world see under NORTH PACIFIC.
1792-93 PAGES, PIERRE MARIE FRANCOIS DE. Travels round the
World in the Years 1767-1771. Together with the Supplementary
Volume III, relating the Author's Voyages toward the South and
North Poles. From the French. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit, of vols. I and II, corrected and enlarged, London, 1793. An edition,
Dublin, 1791. French original, Paris, 1782. See below.
Volume III contains an account of two voyages; the first in 1773-74 towards
the South Pole; the second in 1776 towards the North Pole. Lowndes. The first
voyage contains an account of dc Pages journey from France to New Orleans,
and a long relation of his journey through Louisiana up the Mississippi, along the
Rt-d River, and up to Nachitiches, with his stay in that place. His journey across
Texas . . to San Antonio. His visit to the Adaisse Indians ... on to Acapulco.
From here the author sails to Guam, the Philippines, and back to France via Bom-
bay, Mesapotamia and Palestine From Maggs, No. 442. Pinkerton XVII re-
gards this as a forged account of a voyage never performed. At least de Pages
did not circumnavigate the globe by water.
1782 PAGES, PIERRE MARIE FRANCOIS DE. Voyage autour du monde
et vers le dexix Poles, par terre et par mer, pendant les annees 1767,
1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774 et 1776. 3 vols. in I. 8vo. Paris.
1793 HAMILTON, GEORGE (Surgeon). A Voyage round the World, in his
Majesty's Frigate Pandora. Performed under the Direction of Cap-
tain Edwards, 1790-92. With the Discoveries made in the South-Sea;
and the many Distresses experienced by the Crew from Shipwreck in
a Voyage of 1 100 miles in open Boats. Portrait. Berwick.
This is the rare first edition. It was reprinted with an Introduction and Notes
by Sir Basil Thomson in 1915. Robinson, No. 20. Translated into German, Ber-
lin, 1794. See below.
The Pandora was sent out under command of Captain Edwards in search of
the mutineers of the Bounty, the majority of whom were long since gone from
Tahiti. But several were captured and taken to England, where they were tried
by court martial, except the four who perished in the wreck of the Pandora on
the Great Barrier Reef.
1794 (In German.) Reise um die Welt in der Fregatte Pandora unter Kapitain
Edwards 1790-92. Nebst Entdeckungen in der Sudsee. Aus dem Eng-
lischen. Mit Anmerkungen von J. R. Forstcr. Berlin.
1795 PARKER, JOHN. A Voyage Round the World, in the Gorgon Man of
War. Performed and written by Captain John Parker, his Widow, for
the Advantage of a numerous Family. London.
"It is a rare circumstance to see a female in the list of Circumnavigators ;
and when we consider that it is a disconsolate Widow who details the particulars,
we are sorry for the immediate occasion. In the spring of the year 1791, Mrs.
Parker, at the pressing request of an affectionate husband, embarked with him
on a voyage, . . for the new Colony at Port Jackson, erroneously called Botany
Bay. Of the occurrences which principally attracted her notice during the voyage,
both outward and homeward, she has given a plain, unvarnished, but not unenter-
tabling recital." Quoted by Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, IX, 158, from the
Monthly Review, N. S. XX, 112. This account was published after Captain Park-
er's death.
1798 LA PEROUSE, JOHN FRANCIS GALAUP. A Voyage round the
World in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, with the Nautical
Tables, arranged by M. L. A. Milet-Mureau ; to which is prefixed a
Narrative of an Interesting Voyage from Manilla to St. Blaise, and
annexed travels over the Continent, with the dispatches of La Perouse,
by M. de Lesseps, translated from the French. Portrait, numerous
folding maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
This is the edition printed for John Stockdale ; a second one came out in 1799.
Two other translations were issued in 1798 and 1790 by two different publishers
J. Johnson, whose first appeared in 1798, and second in 1799; and J, Robinson, whose
first appeared in 1799. There is also an edition printed at Edinburgh, 1798, with
added matter. Original French edition, Paris, 1797. See below.
On the unexpected publication of this famous voyage at Paris in the previous
year (1797), there was considerable competition among English publishers to bring
out the English translation. Three different translations were made and published
during 1798-99, and different engravers were employed for making the plates.
Stockdale's (the one listed above) edition appeared first, in June, 1798. . . Robin-
son's edition of 1799 is the most esteemed edition in English, later editions being
usually based on it. "The narrative of the enterprising but ill-fated La Perouse
is full of inteiest in all portions, but his relations of the peculiarities he observed
in the natives of the North West Coast of America are especially valuable. . .
The above account was transmitted from Botany Bay. After leaving this place
for the South Sea Islands, the expedition was never heard of again." The expedi-
tion visited and gave accounts of Easter Island, Sandwich Islands, Navigator's
or Samoan Islands, the Friendly or T onga Islands, Norfolk Island, and Botany
Bay. In December, 1787, twelve members of the expedition were murdered in the
Samoan Islands. It was not until 1825 that Captain Dillon discovered what was
evidently the wreckage of La Pcrousc's vessels, the Astrolabe and the Boussole,
on the reefs of Vanikoro, an island to the north of the New Hebrides. Maggs,
No. 491. In 1791 the French Government sent out an expedition in search of him.
See under Labilliardicrc, 1799, below. For his discoveries on the Northwest coast
of North America, see under NORTH PACIFIC this date.
1798 LA PEROUSE, J. F. G. DE. A Voyage round the World, in 1785, 1786,
1787 and 1788, published conformably to the Decree of the National
Assembly, on the 22nd of April, 1791, and edited by M. L. A. Milet-
Mureau. Translated from the French. Portrait, nautical tables, and the
full series of 41 folding charts, maps and engraved plates. 3 vols.
8vo. London.
This is the edition published by J. Johnson. Claims have been made
for its priority over its rivals.
1798 LA PEROUSE, J. F. G. DE. Voyage Round the World, 1785-88, to
which are added, A Voyage from Manilla to California, by Don. A.
Maurelle, and an abstract of the Voyage and Discoveries of Ca.pt, G.
Vancouver. Map and View of Easter Island. Edinburgh.
1799 LA PEROUSE, J. F. G. DE. A Voyage round the World, performed in
the Years 1785-88, by the Boussole and Astrolabe. Engraved portrait
arid folio atlas of 69 engraved plates and charts. 2 vols. 4to, and 1 fol.
This is the edition published by J. Robinson. The Atlas bears the
date 1798 in the imprint. Maggs, No. 491.
age autour du monde (pendant les annees 1785-88), publie conforme-
ment au decret du 22 avril 1791 et redige par M. L. A. Milct-Mureau.
4 vols. 8vo. Paris.
The 4th vol. is an atlas fol. containing 69 plates, of views, costume,
objects of natural history, maps, etc. Other French editions soon fol-
lowed, of which one was printed in London, 1799. There is also a mod-
ern French edition based on all the MSS. of the author, in 4to, 1931.
1800 LABIIJvARDlERE, J. J. H. DK. Voyage in Search of JUa Perouse,
performed by order of the Constituent Assembly, during 1791-94.
Folding map and 45 plates. 4to. London.
French original, Paris, 1799-1800. See below.
After three years had passed by without any news of the ill-fated expedition
under La Perouse, the French Government sent out to the South Seas two ves-
sels under the command of D'Entrecasteaux and Kermadee to search for him.
Among the scientists on board was the naturalist Labilliardiere. Although entirely
unsuccessful in its search, the voyage was of considerable importance. Labilliar-
diere gives the first scientific description of the New Zealand flax, and brought
back several New Zealand plants. He describes the visits paid by the expedition
to Tasmania, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands, New Guinea, etc. Maggs,
No. 491.
1799-1800 LABILLIARDIERE, J. J. H. DE. Relation du voyage a la recherche
de la Perouse, fait par ordre de I'Assemblee Constituante, pendant les
annees 1791, 1792, et pendant la Premiere et la seconde annee dc la
Republique Francoise. Par le citoyen Labillardiere . . . Tun des na-
turalistes de 1'expedition. 2 vols. 4to, atlas fol. An VIII. Paris.
1798 VANCOUVER, GEORGE. For his circumnavigation see his Voyage of
Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, etc., under NORTH PACIFIC.
1801 MARCHAND, ETIENNE. A Voyage Round the World, 1790-92. Pre-
ceded by an historical Introduction and illustrated by charts, etc.
Translated from the French of C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 2 vols. 4to.
French original, Paris, 1798-1800. See below.
The narrative here recorded was drawn up by Fleurieu from the journal by
Captain Chanal, the second in command of the expedition. Marchand's voyage
has never been published in full.
1798-1800 MARCHAND, ETIENNE. Voyage autour du monde, pendant les
annees 1790, 1791 et 1792, par Etienne Marchand. Precede d'une intro-
duction historique, auquel on a joint des recherches sur les Terres Aus-
trales de Drake, et un Examen Critique du Voyage de Roggeween.
Avec cartes et figures. Par C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 4 torn. 4to. Paris.
1834 FANNING, EDMUND. Voyages round the World to the South Seas,
North and South Pacific Oceans, China, . . 1792-1832. Plates. 8vo.
This work contains the report of the Commander of the first American ex-
ploring expedition sponsored by the U. S. Government.
General Travels and Descriptions
1480 GOUSSOUIN OF METZ (?). The Mirrour of the world or thymage
of the same. Translated and printed by William Caxton from the
French prose version of the French rhymed Image du Monde. London.
Reprinted 1490 and 1527. Parks. Edited by O. H. Prior in E.E.T.S., extra
ser., 110, 1913. The. original version is supposed to have been written at Metz
in 1245, and has been ascribed to Vincent of Beauvais. The date 1480 above is
the date of the translation ; that of the printing is uncertain. The original of this
work is a poem consisting of 6594 rhymed couplets, and is evidently a compila-
tion from various sources. Its most interesting feature is its descriptions of
strange countries, peoples, and animals, which are frequently mentioned in med-
ieval literature. From Prior's Introduction.
1499 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. For his travels through various countries
of the East, see under FAR EAST this date.
1503 Arnold, . The Copy of a Carete Cumposynge the Circuit of the
Worlde and the Cumpace of every Yland. (In the so-called "Arnold's
Chronicle"). Printed by John of Doesborowe. Antwerp (?).
Reprinted London, 1521. Modern edition, London, 1811. Parks. Accord-
ing to the same authority, the date 1503 is dubious.
151O-1520 RASTELL, JOHN. New Interlude and a Merry of the Nature of
the Four Elements.
Edited by James Halwell, Percy Society, vol. 22, London, 1858. Reprinted by
J. S. Farmer in his Six Anonymous Plays, London, 1905.
Rastell was only the publisher of this work. In this play Expcryence dis-
courses at large with Studyous Desire on strange lands and marvels.
1511 Of the Newe Landes. Printed by John of Doesborowe. Antwerp ( ?).
Reprinted by Arber in his The First Three Books on America, Birmingham,
This work is not really concerned with the new lands. It deals mainly with
Prester John and other medieval items. It may be the "printed sheet of paper"
which stirred Eden to his work of translation. From Parks.
1555 BOEMUS, JOANNES. The Fardle of Facions. Conteining the aun-
ciente maners, customes, and Lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two
partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie. (Translated by William
Watreman ) . 1 2mo. London.
Latin original, Antwerp (?), 1520. For the title of the Latin edition of 1542
see below. Another translation, London, 1611. Reprinted in Hakluyt, vol. V of
1812 edition.
This is the first scientific approach to ethnology, portraying a "pleasant vari-
ety of things and yet more profit in the pith." Parks. Watreman, in his dedi-
catory preface to the Earl of Arundel, tells how he had come across the work of
Boemus and had decided to translate it, and how on finishing the first two parts
published it forthwith. Maggs, No. 519. ft is only in the edition of 1542 that the
exceedingly important letter of Maximilianus Transylvanus which describes Ma-
gellan's Voyage is found. Maggs, No. 491.
1611 BOEMUS, JOANNES. The Manners, Lawes, and Customes of all Na-
tions. Collected out of the best Writers by Joannes Boemus Aubanus, a
Dutchman. . . With many other things of the same Argument, gathered
out of the Historic of Nicholas Damascen. The like also out of the
History of America, or Brasil, Written by John Lerius, The faith,
religion and manners of the Aethiopians, and the deploration of the
people of Lappia, compiled by Damianus a Goes. With a short Dis-
course of the Aethiopians, taken put of Jospeh Scaliger. Written in
Latin and now newly translated into English. By Ed. Ashton. 4to.
For Latin original of this version, Lyons, 1611, see below.
1542 BOEMUS, JOANNES. Omnium Gentium Mores, Leges, & Ritus. Ac-
cessit libellus de Regionibus Septentrionalibus, carumque. Praeterea,
Epistola Maximiliani Transsylvani lectu perquam iucunda, ad R. Card.
Saltzburgen, De Moluccis Insulis, & aliis pluribus mirandis. 8vo.
1611 BOEMUS. JOANNES. Mores, Leges, et Ritvs omniym Gentivm, Per. I.
Boemum Aubanum, Teutonicum, ex multis clarrissimis rerum scriptor-
ibus collecti. Ex Nicol. Damasceni historia exccrpta quaedam ejusdem
argumenti. Itidem & ex Brasiliana I. Lerij historia. Fides, religio, &
mores Aethiopum, ac deploratio Lappiamae gcntis, Daminao a Goes auc-
tore. De Aethiopibus etiam nonnulla ex los Scaliger i lib. VII de Emen-
datione temporum. Cum Indice locupletissimo. Lyons.
1566 PLINY. A vSummarie of the Antiquities and wonders of the Worlde,
out of the sixtene first bookes. Translated out of the French of P.
de Changy by I. A. London.
Reprinted 1585 and 1587 as "The Secrets and Wonders of the Worlde." The
complete Pliny was translated by Philemon Holland in 1601. Parks.
1595 DAVIS, JOHN. For his The World's Hydro graphical Description see
under GEOGRAPHY this date.
1599 ABBOT, GEORGE. A Briefe Description of the whole Worlde. Lon-
New editions in 1600, 1605, 1608, 1617, 1620, 1624, 1634, 1636. Parks. The
title of the 1608 edition is printed below.
This author, who was also Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote this work from
the comfortable seclusion of one of his many palaces, wherein he enunciates some
curious conclusions about America, as, for instance, that "the Indians had amongst
them no good or wholesome food, for even that Mais, whereof they make their
bread, had in the root thereof a most venomous kind of liquor, which is no better
than deadly Poyson." From Waldman.
1608 ABBOT, GEORGE. A Briefe Description of the Whole World, wherein
are particularly described all the Monarchies, Empires, and Kingdomes
of the same, with their Academies, newly augmented and enlarged, with
their severall Titles and situation thereunto adioyning. 4to. London.
This work, which, according to Anthony a Wood, was known as
''Abbot's Geography/' contains a curious account of the Discovery of
America by the Welsh Maggs, No. 429. Its chapters include: Of
America, or the New World; Of those parts of America toward the
North; Of Peru and Brasile ; Of those Countries that lie about the two
Poles, This work as well as many other general histories and descrip-
tions of the day could also be listed under GEOGRAPHY.
1601 BOTERO, GIOVANNI. The Travellers Breviat, or an historicall De-
scription of the most famous Kingdomes and Common-weales therein.
Relating their Scituations, Manners, Customs, ciuill Gouernment, and
other memorable Matters. Translated into English (by Robert John-
son) and inlarged. 4to. London.
Other editions in 1603, 1610, 1611, 1630. Pollard. An edition in 1616 is cited
by John Carter Brown. An Italian version, Venice, 1600. See below.
This is probably the work entered in the Stationers' Registers, April 20, 1601,
under the title, "The Travaylers Breviate. Or the Description of the world."
Arber, quoted by J. C. B. The titles of the issues of 1610, 1611, and 1616 are al-
tered but the paging remains the same. J. C. B.. Such works as this were intended
for the entertainment of those who stayed at home and the instruction of those
who desired to widen their experience by travel. Cam. Hist IV, v. The countries
described are Poland, Turkey, Spain, Netherlands, England, France, Japan, China,
etc. In the edition of 1616, Book VI deals with "America, commonly called,
West-India," and Book VII with "America Magellanica, or Peruana." John
Carter Brown.
1611 BOTERO, GIOVANNI. Relations of the Most Famovs Kingdoms and
Common- Weales thorovgh the World Discoursing of their Scituations,
Manners, Customes, Strengthes and Policies Translated into English
and enlarged with an Addition of the Estates of Venice, Saxony, Gen-
eva, Hungary, and the East-Indies, in any language never before im-
printed. 4to. London.
1630 BOTERO, GIOVANNI. Relations of the most famovs Kingdomes and
Common-wealthe tliorowout the World; . . Translated out of the bet
Italian Impression of Boterus. And since the last Edition by R. I.
(Robert Johnson). Now once againe inlarged according to modernc
Observation; With Addition of new Estates and Countries. Wherein
many of the oversights both of the Author and Translator, arc amended.
And unto which a Mappe of the whole World, with a Table of the
Countries, are newly added. London.
The map, engraved by Robert Vaughan, is that used in Drake, The
World Encompassed, 1628. John Carter Brown.
1600 BOTERO, GIOVANNI. Le Relationi Univcrsali 4 engraved folding maps.
4to. Venice.
1603 ORTEUUS, ABRAHAM. For his Epitome of the Theater of the
Worlde, see under GEOGRAPHY this date.
1614 LITHGOW, WILLIAM. The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures
and Paineful Peregrinations of the long nineteen Yeares Travayles
from Scotland to the most Famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and
Africa. 4to. London.
A 2nd impression, London, 1616. The 1st collected edition, London, 1632; later
1640; in 8vo, London, 1682; the 10th edition, with a slightly changed title, 8vo,
London ; Edinburgh, 1692. MacLehose edition, Glasgow, 1906. Translated into
Dutch, Amsterdam, 1653. See below.
Lithgow claimed that his "paynefull feet traced over (besides my passage of
Seas and Rivers) 36,000 odde miles, which draweth neare to twice the circumfer-
ence of the whole Earth." He set out on the first of his three journies March 7,
1609. On the third of these he was imprisoned in Spain on the charge of being a
spy and tortured by the Inquisition, of which he gives an account that makes pain-
ful reading. His attempts to get redress from James I on his return were only
feebly rewarded. After his exhibition of his "martyred anatomy" to the whole
court, "from the King to the Kitchin," he was sent, at Royal expense, to Bath.
Here his health was restored but his crushed bones were incurable. According to
Maggs, No. 521, his book is probably one of the earliest authorities for coffee-
drinking in Europe, Turkish baths, a pigeon-post between Aleppo and Bagdad, the
long Turkish tobacco pipes, artificial incubation, and the importation of currants
from Zante to England, "where some liquorous lips forsooth can now hardly digest
bread, pastries, broth, and bag-puddings, without these currants."
1692 LITHGOW, WILLIAM. Travels through the most Eminent Places in the
Habitable World, containing an Account of the Tortures he suffered
under the Spanish Inquisition by Racking and other Inhumane Usages
for his owning the Protestant Religion. 8vo. London.
1655 (In Dutch.) Willwm Lithgouws 19 Jaarige Lant-Reyse, uyt Schotlant nae
de vermaerde deelen des Werelts Europa, Asia en Africa. 4to. Am-
1615 AVITY, PIERRE D'. The Estates, Empires, and Principalities of the
World, represented by ye Description of Countries, Maners of Inhab-
itants, Riches of Prouinces, Forces, Gouernment, Religion and the
Princes that haue gouerned in euery Estate, with the beginning of all
Militarie and Religious Orders, translated out of French by Edw. Grim-
stone, Sargeant at Armes. . . . Fol. London.
1620 Description of the World. London.
1621 HEYLYN, PETER. For his Microcosmus, or a Little Description of the
Great World, see under GEOGRAPHY this date.
1630 SMITH, JOHN (Captain). John Smith's Travels in Europe, Asia, and
Africa, and America ; with a Continuation of the History of Virginia.
A 2nd edit., with slightly changed title, London, 1664; a portion in Churchill
II, 328-366. A modern reprint, Edinburgh, 1910. See below.
This biography of Captain John Smith was not written by Smith himself ;
the substance of it had appeared in Purchas in 1625. It is a highly imaginative
account of his life, not improbably influenced by Shakespeare's Othello. . . Smith
died a year after its appearance, and for nearly three hundred years successive
biographers have gone on trying to prove what every om* knew in 1631 that he
could not possibly have done all the things his first biographer said he did.
1664 SMITH, JOHN. The true Travels, Adventures, and Observations of John
Smith, in Kurope, Asia, Africa, and America, from the year 1593 to
1629; the accidents which happened to him in the Straits of Gibraltar;
his services and Strategems in Hungary, . . ; how he was made Pris-
oner by the Turks, sold as a Slave and sent to Tartary ; his Descrip-
tions of the Tartars, and of their strange Customs and religious Creeds.
1910 SMITH, John (Captain). Travels and Complete Works. 12 facsimile
maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
A Complete and Definitive Edition of Capt. John Smith's Travels
and Adventures, comprising all the illustrative and contemporary docu-
ments, introduction, and notes contributed by Prof. Edward Arber to
his edition, with a new Critical and Biographical Introduction by A. G.
Bradley, a Bibliography by Thomas Seccombe, and a detailed index.
Reprinted verbatim from the original editions. Maggs, No. 442.
1631 SPEED, JOHN. For his Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the
World, see under GEOGRAPHY this date.
1636 RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. Tvbvs Historicvs: an Historicall Perspec-
tive, discovering all the Empires and Kingdomes of the World, as they
flourished respectively under the foure Imperial Monarchies. 4to.
1654 CAMPANELLA, THOMAS. A Discourse touching the Spanish Mon-
archy, wherein also we have a Political Glasse, representing each Par-
ticular Country, Province, Kingdom and Empire of the World, with
Wayes of Government, . . Newly translated (by Edmund Chilmead).
4to. London.
FLECKNOE, RICHARD. A Relation of Ten Years Travells in Eu-
rope, Asia, Affrique arid America. All by way of Letters occasionally
written to diverse noble Personages, from place to place; And contin-
ued to this present year, with divers other Historical, Moral and Poet-
ical Pieces of the same Author. 8vo. London.
The date of the 1st edit, is given as 1654 by Maggs, No. 465. D.N.B. gives
it as 1656.
This is the most interesting and most scarce of all the author's productions.
. . . From his own account of his travels, it appears that he went abroad in 1640
and spent three or four years in the Low Countries, . . was at Rome in 1645. . . .
From Rome he went to Constantinople about 1647, and afterwards to Portugal, and
from there paid a visit to Brazil in 1648. At Rome he was visited by the famous
poet Andrew Marvel!, who describes him as "Fleckno, an English Priest at Rome,"
(he was said to have been an Irishman), and gives a quaint description of his
extreme leaness, his narrow lodgings, . . . and his appetite for reciting his own
poetry. lie is the subject of Dryden's satire "MacFlecknoe." Flecknoe's own
works were printed for private circulation, and are therefore very rare Maggs
No. 465.
1660 LE BLANC, VINCENT. The World Surveyed : or, the Famous Voyages
and Travailes of Vincent Le Blanc or White, of Marseilles: who from
the Age of Fourteen years, to Threescore and Eighteen, Travelled
through most parts of the World. Viz.: the East and West Indies,
Persia, Pegu, the Kingdom of Fez and Morocco, Guinny, and through
all Africa. From the Cape of Good Hope into Alexandria, by the Ter-
ritories of Monomotapa, of Preste John and Aegypt, into the Med-
iterranean Isles, and through the principal Provinces of Europe. Con-
taining a more exact Description of several parts of the World, than
hath hitherto been done by any other author. Enriched with many
authentick Histories. Originally written in French, and faithfully
rendered into English by F(rancis) B( rooks), Gent. With the en-
graved portrait of Le Blanc. Fol. London.
French original, Paris, 1648. See below.
1648 LE BLANC, VINCENTE. Les voyages fameux qu'il a fails depuis 1'age
de douze ans ju&qucs a soixante aux quatres parties du monde: A
scavoir aux Indes Orientals et Occidentals, en Perse et Pegur, et
dans les royaumes de Fez, de Maroc ct de Guinee et dans toute 1'Af-
riquc interieure, depuis le cap de Bonne Ksperance, en Alexandrie, par
les terres de Monomotapa, du grand Caire ct de 1'Egyptc, aux Isles de
la mediterranee et aux prouinces de 1'Europe, . . . Redigez fidellement
sur les Memoires et registres tirez de la Bibliotheque de Monsieur de
Peiresc, par Pierre Bergeron. 4to. Paris.
Part III has some interesting accounts of Brazil, Mexico, Canada,
West Indies, etc. Quoted.
1670 HUSSEY, G. Memorabilia Mundi; or, Choice Memoirs of the History
and Description of the World. 12mo. .London.
1671 MERITON, GEORGE. A Geographical Description of the World. With
a brief Account of the several Empires, Dominions, and Parts thereof;
As ,-iJso the Natures of the Peoples and Customs, Manners and Com-
modities, of the several Countries: with a description of the Principal
Cities in each Dominion. Together with a short Direction for Trav-
ellers. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., 1673; 3rd edit., 12mo, London, 1679.
1679 Narrative and Deduction of the several Remarkable Cases of Sir William
Courten, Sir Paul Pyndar, William Courten, and others, Adventures
to the East-Indies, China and Japan, and divers other parts of Asia,
Europe, Africa, and America: Recollected out of the Original Writ-
ings and Records. Fol. London.
1681 MELTON, EDWARD. Zee en Land Reisen door Egypten, West-Indien,
Fersien, Turkien, Oost-Indien, . . Translated from English into Dutch.
Flates. Amsterdam.
Cited by Pinkerton XVII with the English title in parenthesis: Travels by
Sea and Land in Egypt, the West Indies, Persia, Turkey, the East Indies, etc
1684 STRUYS, JANS. The Voiages and Travels of John Struys through Italy,
Greece, Muscovy, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and oth-
er Countries in Europe, Africa and Asia; containing Remarks and Ob-
servations upon the Mariners, Religion, Polities, Customs and Laws of
the Inhabitants ; and a Description of their several Cities, Towns,
Forts and Places of Strength, together with an Account of the Authors
many Dangers by Shipwreck, Robbery, Slavery, Hunger, Torture, and
the like, and Two Narratives of the Taking of Astracan by the Cos-
sacks, sent from Capt. D. Butler. Illustrated with copperplates designed
and taken from Life by the Author. Done out of the Dutch by John
Morrison. 4to. London.
Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1670. See below.
Struys, whose real name was Jans Janszoon Strauss, made his voyages be-
tween 1647 and 1672. He recounts in full the revolt of Stenko Radzin, chief of
the Cossacks, against the Czar of Russia He asserts that he saw in Formosa a
race of men with tails.
1670 STRUYS, JANS. Gedonkwaerdigc Keisen door Italic. Gnekenland, Liv-
land, Moscovien, Tartanc, Medien, Persien, Turkien, Japan, en Oostin-
dien. 4to. Amsterdam.
1689 A New Description of the World, or, A Compendious Treatise of the Um-
pires, Kingdomes, States, Provinces, Countries, Islands, Cities, . . of
Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, in their Scituation, Products,
Manufactures and Commodities, Geographical and Historical; and an
Account of the Natures of the People, their Habits, Customs, Wars
Religion, Policies, . . as also of the Wonders and Rarities of Fishes,
Beasts, Birds, Rivers, Mountains, Plants, . . . 12mo. London.
1690 PERISTOT, A. Itinera Mundi sic dicta, netnpe Cosmographia, autorc A.
Peristot, cum Notis per Th. Hyde. Oxford.
This interesting' work will also be found in the first volume of Hyde's Syn-
tagma Lowndes. Hyde was an orientalist, librarian of Bodley, 1665-1701, and
Laudian Professor of Arabic in 1691, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in 1698,
at Oxford. He was also the government interpreter of oriental languages arid as-
sisted in editing the Persian and Syriac versions of the Polyglot Bible. D.N B.
1693 AVRIL, PHILIPPE (S. J.)- Travels into divers Parts of Europe and
Asia, undertaken, by the French King's Order, to discover a new way
by Land into China ; containing many curious Remarks in Natural Phil-
osophy, Geography, Hydrography and History : together with a descrip-
tion of Great Tartary, and of the different peoples who inhabit there. . .
Done out of French. To which is added, A Supplement extracted from
Hakluyt and Purchas ; giving an Account of several Journeys over Land
from Russia, Persia, and the Mogul's Country to China ; together with
the Roads and Distances of the Places. 12mo. London.
French original, Paris, 1692. See below.
Consisting of travels in Armenia, Tartary, China, Russia, and Moldavia (Ru-
mania) . Sotherati.
1692 AVRIL, PHILIPPE (S. J.). Voyage en divers etats d'Europe et d'Asie,
entrepris pour decouvrir un nouveau chemiii a la Chine, contcnant pin-
sieurs remarques curieuses de physique, de geographic et d'histoire.
Avec une description de la grande Tartarie et des diflferens peuples qui
1'habitent. Illus. 4to. Paris.
1695 CARR, WILLIAM. The Travellour's Guide, and Historian's faithful
Companion ; giving an Account of the most remarkable matters relat-
ing to the Religion, Government, Customs, Manners, Laws, Policies,
Trades, . . in all the principal Kingdoms, States, and Provinces, not
only in Europe but (in) other parts of the world: more particularly
England, Holland, Flanders, Denmark, Sweden, the Principal Cities
of Germany, Italy, . . ; as to their Rivers, Cities, Pallaces, Fortifica-
tions, Churches, Antiquities, with Remarks on many of them. Instruc-
tions for Travelling, Prices of Land and Water Carriages, Provisions,
. . A Catalogue of the Cities, with the Number of Houses in them;
with many other things worthy of Note. Being the sixteen years Trav-
els of William Carr, sometime Consul at Amsterdam. 12mo. London.
4th edit., 12mo, London, 1697.
A Description of the Four Parts of the World. . . How America was
First Discovered by the Europeans, and what Purchases they have
made therein. Collected from the Writings of the best Historians.
(23 pp.) 8vo. Edinburgh.
Reprinted, 1695.
1696 MOCQUET, JOHN. Travels and Voyages into Africa, Asia, and Amer-
ica, the East and West-Indies ; Syria, Jerusalem, and the Holy-Land.
Performed by Mr. John Mocquet, Keeper of the Cabinet of Rarities,
to the King of France, in the Thuilleries. Divided into Six Books,
and Enriched with Sculptures. Translated from the French, by Na-
thaniel Pullen, Gent. 8vo. London.
French original, Paris, 1617 (1616 according to Hiersemann). See below.
For so many travels the relation is too short, however, there are things in it
worth observing, Churchill, Introduction Mocquet is one of the earliest French
travellers. He started on his journies in 1611.
1617 MOCQUET, JEAN. Voyages en Afrique, Indes orientates & occidentales.
Faits par Jean Mocquet, Garde du Cabinet des singularitez du Roy, aux
Tuilleries. Divisez en six livres & enrichiz de Figures, Dediez av Roy.
8vo. Paris.
1699 The New Atlas, Or Travels or Voyages in Europe, Asia, Africa, and
America, through the most renown'd parts of the World, viz., from
England to the Dardanelles, thence to Constantinople, Aegypt, Pales-
tine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Persia, East India, China, Tartary,
Muscovy, and Poland; the Roman Empire, Flanders and Holland, to
Spain and the West Indies; with a brief Account of Ethiopia, and
the Pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina in Arabia: containing what is
worthy of Remark in those vast Countries, relating to Building, An-
tiquities, Religion, Manners, Customs, Princes' Courts, Affairs military
and civil, . . performed by an English Gentleman (with Preface signed
by T. C.). 8vo. London.
A little volume that seems to be made out of some collections of books and
travels rather than any real voyage. Churchill, Introduction.
1701 COLLIER, J. The Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical Diction-
ary, being a curious Miscellany of Sacred and Prophane History, con-
taining the Lives and Remarkable Actions (of famous Men of all
Countries and Ages), the descriptions of Empires, . . . collected out of
the best Historians, Chronologers, and Lexicographers, ... 3 vols.
Fol. London.
The author is probably Jeremy Collier, who wrote the well-known "Short
View of the Immorality and Profaneiiess of the English ^ Stage." D. N. B.
puts the date of the publication of the Great Historical Dictionary in the years
1705-1721, and states that it was an adaptation from Louis Moreri.
1702 The Present State of the Universe; or, and Account of the . . . Present
Chief Princes of the World, their Coats of Arms, . . . Chief Towns,
Revenues, Power and Strength, ... 12 copperplate portraits and 70
engravings of the ensigns, colors or flags of ships at sea, belonging to
the several Princes and States of the World. 12mo. London.
1705 PUFFENDORF, SAMUEL. An Introduction to the History of the
Kingdoms and States of Asia, Africa, and America both ancient and
modern, according to the Method of Samuel Puffendorf , Counsellor of
State to the late King of Sweden. 3 parts in 1. 8vo. London.
Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1708, IV, 240.
1723 MOTRAYE, AUBRY DE LA. Travels through Europe, Asia and into
Part of Africa: containing a Great Variety of Geographical, Topo-
graphical, and Political Observations on those Parts of the World,
especially on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Crim and Noghaian Tartaries,
Circassia, Sweden, and Lapland. Remains of ancient Cities and Col-
onies, Inscriptions, Idols, Medals, Minerals, . . Revised by the Author.
Translated from the French. Maps and copperplates. 2 vols. Fol.
This translation was made from the author's manuscript and appeared four
years ahead of the French version. See below. Another edition in 3 vols., London
and the Hague, 1730-33. See below.
Veracity and exactness, particularly so far as regards the copying of inscrip-
tions, characterise these travels. They are valuable also for information respect-
ing the mines of northern Europe. Lowndes. Some of the cuts were engraved by
1730-33. MOTRAYE, AUBRY DE LA. Travels through Europe, Asia, and
into Part of Africa. Plates and maps. 3 vols. Fol. London and
the Hague.
Vols. I and II were printed and published at London, and vol. Ill
printed for the author at the Hague. The text is in English and
French in parallel columns.
1727 MOTRAYE, AUBRY DE LA. Voyages du Sieur A. de la Motraye, en
Europe, Asie & Afrique. Ou Ton trouve une grande variete de Recher-
chcs gcographiques, historiques, & politiques, sur 1'Italie, la Grece, . . .
Maps and illus. 2 vols. The Hague.
1726 URING, NATHANIEL (Captain). The History of the Voyages and
Travels of Captain Nathaniel Uring. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1727; 3rd edit., 1749. Except for the insertion of sixteen
errata, which appeared in the first edition, these texts arc identical. Reissued ver-
batim from the first edition in the "Seafarer's Library," edited by Captain Alfred
Dewar, with 8 half tone plates, London, 1928.
Captain Uring was a merchant skipper in the time of Queen Anne. "A stirring
life enough too, for he had known the slave trade, had been at the battle of
Copenhagen, had landed to help the soldiers at Cadiz, had seen the Torbay crash
through the boom at Vigo had carried mails from Falmouth to the West Indies,
had been a prisoner in France, had been wrecked on the Mosquito Coast, had cut
logwood up the Belsize, had walked the streets of Boston and spoken with Gov-
ernor Dudley, and had finally been a Governor himself." From the Introduction
to the 1928 edition.
1727 SALMON, THOMAS. The Modern History, or the Present State of
all the Nations (Asia and Europe). Maps and plates. 3 vols. 4to.
1735 ATKINS, JOHN (Surgeon R. N.). A Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and
the West-Indies, in His Majesty's Ships the Swallow and Weymouth.
Describing the several Islands and Settlements, viz., Madeira, the
Canaries, Cape de Verde, Sierra Leon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo
Corso, and others on the Guinea Coast ; Barbadoes, Jamaica, . . in
the West-Indies. The Colour, Diet, Languages, Habits, Manners, and
Religions of the Natives and Inhabitants, with Remarks on the Gold,
Ivory and Slave Trade; and on the Winds, Tides and Currents of
the several Coasts. 8vo. London.
Abstract in Astley, II, 445-457.
This volume, which chiefly consists of the personal adventures of the author,
will, however, afford some insight into the manners and habits of the people.
Lowndes. This describes the voyage of the Swallow and the Weymouth, and is
full of interesting information about the slave trade, and the natural history of
the Gold Coast. He describes the manatee accurately, and tells much about fetish
worship. He shows that there was no evidence of a general cannibalism in any
negro tribe, but mentions how an English captain made one slave eat the liver of
another as a punishment. He gives full accounts of the winds and currents, and
leaves the impression that he was intelligent and truthful. Sir Norman Moore,
quoted by Bookseller. The author published "The Navy Surgeon" in 1732.
1739 CAMPBELL, JOHN. The Travels and Adventures of Edward Brown,
Esq. ; formerly a Merchant in London. Containing his Observations
on France and Italy; his Voyage to the Levant; his Account of the
Isle of Malta . . . his Journies thro' Egypt ; together with a brief De-
scription of the Abyssinian Empire. . . 8vo. London.
Another edition in 2 vols., London, 1753.
Edward Bevan is sometimes given as the name of this fictitious traveller.
1740 FRANSHAM, JOHN (of Norwich). The World in Miniature: or, the
Entertaining Traveller. Containing America, and the Isles thereof, etc.,
in the Second Volume. Large folding plate, containing 18 engravings
depicting various people of the World, etc. 2 vols. London.
2nd edit., 12mo, London, 1741; again, London, 1745, 1752, and 1767.
1744 LADE, ROBERT (Captain). Voyages en differentes parties de 1'Af-
rique, de 1'Asie et de I'Amerique contenant 1'histoire de sa fortune et
ses observations sur les colonies et le commerce des espagnols, des An-
glois, des hollandois, . . Ouvrage traduit de 1'Anglois. 2 maps. 2 vols.
No English original is listed. Hiersemann. The French translator was Pre-
THOMPSON, CHARLES. The Travels of the Late Charles Thomp-
son, containing his Observations on France, Italy, Turkey in Europe,
the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and many other parts of the World,
giving a particular and faithful Account of what is most remarkable
in the Manners, Religion, Polity, Antiquities and Natural History of
those Countries, with a curious Description of Jerusalem, as it now
appears, and other Places mentioned in the Holy Scriptures: the
whole forming a complete View of the ancient and modern State of
great Part of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Published from the Author's
original Manuscript, interspersed with the Remarks of several other
Travellers, and illustrated with Historical, Geographical, and Miscel-
laneous Notes by the Editor. 13 copperplates (mostly folding) by
Hulett, etc., of views and plans, and 7 colored folding maps. 3 vols.
8vo. Reading.
Another edition in 4 vols., Dublin, 1744; later editions: 3 vols., London, 1748;
2 vols., 12mo, London, 1754; 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1767.
This is a rare work, and was unknown to Watt, Lowndes, and Allibone. In
his preface the editor states that "as soon as the Proposals for printing it were
published, great enquiry was made concerning its Author, as is usual on such Oc-
casions; and some Persons not meeting with the information they expected, were
pleased to insinuate, that this Name was fictitious, and that no such Gentleman
ever travell'd or existed. . . . For my part, I would willingly give the inquis-
tive Reader all the Satisfaction in my Power concerning the Author; but I am
restrain'*! from doing it by his own dying Injunction." The supposed author is
not in D.N.B., and the likelihood is despite the editor's protestations that he never
existed. Of special interest are the folding views of Pans, Rome, and Jerusalem.
Sotheran. Not being listed in the D.N.B. is sometimes a proof of negligence on
the part of the editors of that work, as has been too frequently experienced by
the editor of this Bibliography.
1744-48 BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. The Travels of Rabbi Benjamin of
Tudela through Europe, Asia, and Africa from Spain to China in the
Year of Our Lord 1160-1177. From the Latin Version of Benedict
Ariaz Montanus, and Constantin 1'Emperour, compared with other
Translations into different Languages. In Harris I, 546-555.
This is a much abridged version. Its earliest appearance in English is to be
found in Purchas, where it is also abridged. Another version, London, 1784. An
abridgement in Pinkerton VII, 1-21. Later editions, 2 vols., London, 1840; in
Thomas Wright's Early Travellers in Palestine, Bohn Library, London, 1848; in
Komroff's Contemporaries of Marco Polo, London, 1928. See below. Hebrew
original published in 1178. A Latin translation, Antwerp, 1575. It was also in-
cluded in various French collections. See below.
This famous traveller set forth in 1159/60 from Tudela in Spain to traverse
the great part of the world then known, and returned home in 1177. In addition
to accounts of such cities as he visited in Europe, Greece, Asia Minor, Upper Asia,
Egypt, and other African lands, he gives observations on the manners and com-
merce of the various nations he came in contact with. But the chief object of his
inquiries was the political situation of his fellow Jews. It has been charged that
he only collected reports from the latter and that his work was full of absurdities
and falsehoods. But according to Komroflf, his descriptions are quite accurate while
his love of the marvellous invests his relation with color and romance. He named
the principal Jews of the congregation in each city that he visited, and made notes
of commerce and trade. The information he collected agrees in the main with
the writings of contemporary Arabian geographers. His travel narrative, unlike
many of the early period, is one of medieval peace and culture rather than of
primitive force and ignorance. He may be said to be the first of medieval trav-
ellers, for he journied farther into the eastern world than any of his predecessors.
From Komroff's Introduction to The Contemporaries of Marco Polo
1784 BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. The Travels of Benjamin, Son of Jonas of
Tudela, through Europe. Asia, and Africa, from the ancient Kingdom of
Navarre to the ancient Frontiers of China; faithfully translated from
the original Hebrew, and illustrated with a Dissertation, and Notes
Critical, Historical, and Geographical, in which the true Character of
the Author and his Intentions are impartially considered, by the Rev.
B. Gerrans. 8vo. London.
This translation is rather indebted to the French version of Bar-
atier (Amsterdam, 1784), whose mistakes it reproduces. Delbosc-
1840 BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. The Itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of Tu-
dela, translated and edited by A. Asher : Text, Bibliography, Trans-
lation, Notes, and Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1746 SIMPSON, SAMUEL. The Agreeable Historian, or Complete English
Traveller. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1748 BICKHAM, GEORGE. The British Monarchy, or A New Chorograph-
ical Description of all the Dominions Subject to the King of Great
Britain, comprehending the British Isles, the American Colonies, the
Electoral States, the African and Indian Settlements, and enlarging
more particularly on the respective counties of England and Wales ;
to which are added Alphabets in all the hands made use of in this book.
Maps and tables and other embellishments. Fol. London.
1751 LAMBERT, (Abbe). Curious Observations upon the Manners, Cus-
toms, Usages, Languages, Government, Mythology, Chronology, An-
tient and Modern Geography, Ceremonies, Religion, Astronomy, Med-
icine, Natural History, Commerce, Arts, and Sciences, of the Nations
of Asia, Africa, and America. Translated from the French (by John
Dunn). 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, London, 1755, and 1760. French original, Paris, 1749.
A somewhat scarce and very interesting privately printed book, chiefly re-
lating to the aboriginal inhabitants of America. Sabin.
1752 An Entertaining Account of all the Countries of the known World, de-
scribing the different Habits, Customs, ... of their Inhabitants. 15
plates, depicting the first landing of Columbus, costumes of the Chinese
and Tartars, etc. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1752.
Included in this work are the discovery of the West Indies by Columbus, a
voyage to Virginia by Col. Norwood, A voyage round the world by Anson in
1740-44, etc.
SALMON, THOMAS. The Universal Traveller, or a Complete Descrip-
tion of the Several Nations of the World, . . illustrated with Charts
and Maps, Prospects of the Sea Coast, Harbours and Towns. Cuts
of the Habits of the several Peoples, and of the most Remarkable An-
imals and Vegetables. Numerous folding and other copperplates. 2
vols. Fol. London.
1753 HOUSTON, James (M. D.). The Works of James Houston, M. D., con-
taining Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Africa, America,
and most parts of Europe, . , giving a particular Account of the Scot-
tish Expedition to Darien in America, . . the Rise, Progress, and Fall
of the Two great Trading African and South-Sea Companies ; the late
Expedition to the Spanish West-Indies ; the Taking and Restitution of
Cape-Breton. . . 8vo. London.
1759-1764 MARTIN, BENJAMIN. For a Geographical and Natural History
Description of America, Asia, etc., see the author's Miscellaneous Cor-
respondence, under NORTH AMERICA this date.
1763-64 The Beauties of Nature and Art displayed in a Tour through the World.
Many engravings. 14 vols. 12mo. London.
1766 THOMPSON, EDWARD (Lieutenant). Sailor's Letters Written to his
Select Friends in England during his Voyages in Europe, Asia, Africa,
and America, in 1754-59, 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
Another edition in 2 vols., 12mo, London, 1767.
1768 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. The Present State of the British Empire in
Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, containing a Concise Account of
our Possessions in every Part of the Globe. 8vo. London.
1769 POIVRE, M. LE. The Travels of a Philosopher, or, Observations on the
Manners and Arts of various Nations in Africa and Asia. Translated
from the French. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, 12mo, London, 1769; 12mo, Glasgow, 1770; Dublin, 1770.
A curious and interesting little work, containing remarks on the arts and
people of Asia, Africa, and America, Lowndes.
1772 BRUCE, PETER HENRY. Memoirs of a Military Officer in the Ser-
vices of Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain, with an Account of his
Travels and several very interesting private Anecdotes of the Czar
Peter I, of Russia. 8vo. London.
Another edition, Dublin, 1783.
1774 ENTICK, JOHN. The Present State of the British Empire in Europe,
Asia, Africa, and America. Maps. 4 vols. 4to. London.
1777 KINDERSLEY, (Mrs.). Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil,
the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies. 8vo, London.
1779 CARVER, JONATHAN. The New Universal Traveller, containing a
full and distinct Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms, and States
in the known world, delineating their Situation, Climate, Soil and Pro-
duce, the whole intended to convey a clear Idea of the Present State of
Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Numerous maps, plates, views,
etc. Fol. London.
This compilation the widow of Captain Carver denied to be the work of her
husband Lowndcs. It is not probable that ('apt. Jonathan Carver, the early
patriot of Still water, Conn., had any share in this compilation. His name appears
at large on the title-page, as above; there are separate headings to each district
and State of North America, but no very special knowledge is exhibited by the
writer, nor reference to Carver's adventures and travels. . . . The costume plates
are interesting. Bookseller's Note. For his Travels through the Interior Parts
of North America, see under 1778, NORTH AMERICA.
1782 MACKINTOSH, WILLIAM. Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, de-
scribing Characters, Customs, Manners, Laws and Productions of Na-
ture and Art, containing various Remarks on ... Great Britain and
delineating a new System for the Government and Improvement of
the British Settlements in the East Indies. Begun in the year 1777,
and finished in 1781. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
For remarks on this work see Joseph Price this date below. Translated into
French, London and Paris, 1786. See below. The original was published anony-
1786 (In French.) Voyages en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, contenant la
description des moeurs, coutumcs, loix, productions, manufactures de ces
contrees, et 1'etat actuel des possessions angloises dans 1'Inde. Com-
mences en 1777, et finis en 1781. Suivis des voyages du colonel Cap-
per ; dans les Indes, au travers de 1'Kgypte et du grand desert, par
Bassora, en 1779. Traduit de 1'anglois et accompagncs de notes sur
1'original. 2 vols. 8vo. London and Paris.
PRICE, JOSEPH. Some Observations and Remarks on a late Publica-
tion entitled Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa; in which the real
Author of this new and curious Asiatic Atlantis, his Character and
Abilities, are fully made known to the Public. 8vo. London.
1784 SULLIVAN, SIR RICHARD JOSEPH. Philosophical Rhapsodies, or
Fragments, containing Observations on the Laws, Manners, Customs,
Religion of sundry Asiatic, African, and European Nations. 3 vols.
1788-1797 TRUSLER, JOHN. The Habitable World Described; or, the Pres-
ent State of the People in all Parts of the Globe, shewing the Extent,
Climate, Productions, Animals, Religion, . . of the different Kingdoms
and States, . . including all the new Discoveries. Numerous plates. 20
vols. 8vo. London.
According to the D.N.B. the author was an eccentric divine, literary compiler,
and medical empiric. He was better known for his moral interpretations of Ho-
garth's works.
1790 MACDONALD, JOHN. Travels in various Parts of Europe, Asia, and
Africa, during a Series of thirty Years and upwards. London.
Reissued in the Broadway Travellers' Series, London, 1927. See below.
The author was a cadet of the family of Keppoch. His adventures have to
do in the main with his services as footman to various masters until his marriage
with a Spanish woman. They are extremely interesting for the backstairs com-
ment on individuals and affairs. His well-turned leg seemed to exercise its tradi-
tional fascination upon the ladies.
1927 MACDONALD, JOHN. Travels (1745-1779). Memoirs of an 18th Cen-
tury Footman. Edited by John Beresford. 8 plates from photographs.
Broadway Travellers' Series. London.
1791 Lettres sur divers endroits de 1'Europe, de 1'Asie, et de 1'Afrique, par-
courus en 1788-89. 8vo. London.
1792 STEWART, JOHN. Travels over the most interesting Parts of the
Globe, to discover the Source of Moral Motion, in the year of Man's
retrospective knowledge, by astronomical calculation 5000 (1792?).
8vo. London.
The works of this eccentric philosophical visionary ("Walking Stewart")
were mostly printed for private circulation. De Quincy says, "he was a man of
extraordinary genius. He has been generally treated by those who have spoken
of him in print as a madman. But this is a mistake . . ." Thomas Taylor, the
Platonist, attended Stewart's philosophical soirees. Bookseller's Note. Stewart
had a varied career, being at one time prime minister of the Nabob of Arcot. On
his return trip from India to England he walked a good part of the way through
Spain and France. His longest jaunt on foot was from Calais to Vienna in 1784.
1793 BISANI, ALEXANDER. A Picturesque Tour through Part of Europe,
Asia, and Africa, containing many New Remarks on the Present State
of Society, Remains of Ancient Edifices, . . Plates after "Athenian"
Stuart's designs. 4to. London.
1794 THUNBERG, CARL P. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Per-
formed between the years 1770 and 1779. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
An edition including Journies into Caffraria, in 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1795.
See under FAR EAST.
1798 THOMSON, ALEXANDER (M. D.). Letters of a Traveller on the
various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, containing Sketches of
their Manners and Customs, . . 8vo. London.
1800 MACPHERSON, CHARLES. Memoirs of his Life and Travels in
Asia, Africa, and America; written by Himself, chiefly between 1773
and 1790. London.
MOORE, MORDAUNT. Sketches of Life, Characters and Manners in
various Countries. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1810-1823 CLARKE, EDWARD DANIEL. Travels in various Countries of
Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1790-1800. Maps and many plates. 6 vols.
4to. London.
1829 IBN BATTUTAH. The Travels of Ibn Battutah, translated from the
abridged MS. copies preserved in the Public Library of Cambridge,
with Notes illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities,
etc., occurring throughout the work. By S. Lee. Published by the
Oriental Translation Fund. 4to. London.
A modern edition, London, 1929. Sec also Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 36-37, 1866.
This traveller, \vlio was contemporary with Sir John Mandeville, began his
travels in 1325 at the age of 21. He returned to Fez in 1353 at the command of
the sultan then reigning. He lived until 1377-78. The history of his travels were
committed to writing under the Sultan's orders but not by his own hand. As
he told his story his amanuensis wrote it down adding some embellishments of
his own. The work was finished in 1355 and was entitled "A Gift for the Ob-
serving wherein arc set forth the Curiosities of Cities and the Wonders of Travel."
From the Hak Soc , ser. I, vols. 36-37. This is a lively narrative and often
entertaining. Battuta is guilty of inaccuracies at times and his account of China
is so confusing that some of his critics have doubted whether he ever reached that
region. Hut others have strongly upheld his veracity. He started from Tangiers,
visited Egypt and other Moslem countries, such as Palestine, Syria, Arabia, Per-
sia, proceeded down the coast of Africa to Quilos, then north to the Crimea and
up the Volga, to Constantinople, back to the Crimea, and then cast through the
intervening countries of central Asia to India, where he remained eight years, to
Ceylon, the Malay Archipelago to China. He then returned home in 1349, only
to set out again, this time to Spain and to Central Africa, to the Niger and Tim-
btictoo and through the Sahara Desert back to Fez.
His travels and adventures reveal an interesting characteristic of Moslem so-
ciety during the Middle Ages, viz., the enterprise shown by merchants and trav-
ellers in going such enormous distances and the facilities which their co-religion-
ists provided for those who braved the perils of such arduous journics. Commerce
enjoyed a high respect among the Moslems, due in part to the injunctions of the
Koran, for Mohamet had been a merchant himself. Under these circumstances it
is not surprising to find a very considerable mass of geographical literature in
the Arabic languages The elaborate system of posts prevailing in the territories
controlled by the Caliphs and the obligation to go on pilgrimages furthered such
a performance as this of ISatttila's. From Travels in the Middle Ayes, ch. V,
"Arab Travellers," by Sir T. W. Arnold, edited by A. P. Newton. See also this
chapter and ch. VI, "Routes to Cathay/' by Eileen Power, for descriptions of
other eastern travellers, Moslem and Christian.
1866 Cathay and the Way Thither, Being a Collection of medieval notices of
China, previous to the Sixteenth Century. Translated and edited hy
Colonel Henry Yule, R.E., C.B. With a preliminary Essay on the
intercourse between China and the Western Nations previous to the dis-
covery of the Cape Route. Maps. 2 vols. Hak. Soc , ser. I, vols. 36-
37. London.
1929 1BN BATTUTA. Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325-1354. Translated and
selected by H. A. R. Gibb. With an Introduction and Notes. Maps and
plates. Broadway Travellers. London.
1878 SCHIJUTBERGER, JOHANN. The Bondage and Travels of Johann
Schiltberger, a Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, from
his capture at the battle of Nicopolis in 1396 to his escape and return
to Europe in 1427. Translated by Commander John Buchan Telfer,
R.N., F.S.A. With Notes by Professor P. Bruun, and a Preface,
Introduction and Notes. Map. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 58. London.
1905-1924 MUNDY, PETER. The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and
Asia, 1008 1067. Edited by Lieut. -Col. Sir Richard Carnac Temple,
Bart., C.I.E. 4 vols. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 17, 1905; vol. 35, 1014;
vols. 45-46, 1919; vol. 55, 1924. London.
Continental Europe
1576 ROWLANDS, RICHARD. The Post of the World. Wherein is con-
tained the Antiquities and Originall of the most famous Cities in Eu-
rope, with their Trade. London.
1617 MORYSON, FYNES. An Itinerary Written By Fynes Moryson. Gent.
. . . Containing His Ten Yeeres Trauell Through the Twelve Domin-
ions of Germany, Bohmerlarid, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke,
Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland . . .
Woodcut maps and plans. Fol. London.
Reprinted by MacLchose, 4 vols., 8vo., Glasgow, 1907-08 Unpublished chapters
have appeared under the title, Shakrspcarc's Europe, London, 1903. See below The
whole work was written originally in Latin and was made Knglish by Morjsoii
The first part supplies a journal of his travels through Europe, Scotland, and
Ireland, with plans of the chief cities and full descriptions of their monuments,
"as also the rates of hiring coaches and horses from place to place with each
day's expenses for diet, horse-meat and the like " 1 he second part is a history
of Tyrone's rebellion, . . The third part consists of essays on the advantage*} of
travt-l, on the geography of the various countries of Kurope, and on the differences
in national costume, character, icligion and constitutional practice. Moryson is a
sober and truthful writer. He delights in statistics respecting the mileage of his
daily journeys, and the varieties in the value of coins he encountered His de-
scriptions of the inns in which he lodged, of the costume and the food of the
countries he visited, render his work invaluable to the social historian. Maggs,
No, 505.
1903 MORYSON, FYNKS Shakespeare's Europe. Unpublished Chapters of
Fyncs Moryson's Itinerary, Being a Survey of the Condition of Ku~
rope at the end of the 16th Century. With an Introduction and an
Account of Fyncs Moryson's Career by Charles Hughes. 2 facsimiles.
4to. London.
1907-08 MORYSON, FYNES. An Itinerary, containing his Ten Yeeres Trav-
ell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmrrland, Swcitz-
erland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England,
Scotland and Ireland, now reprinted in full for the first time since its
publication in 1617. 17 facsimiles and illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo. Glas-
1632 LITHGOW, WILLIAM. For travels over Europe generally see his The
Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Paine (id Peregrinations,
1638 MAYERES, RANDULPH. His Travels, containing a true Recapitu-
lation of all the remarkable Passages which befell in the Author's Per-
egrinations and Voyages, in severall employments in the space of
Forty Years. Woodcuts. 16mo. London.
The author's "employments"' were a voyage to Ireland for Queen Elizabeth, to
Breda, to Cales, to the Isle of Rhe r etc. ; the details are given in verse and prose. -
1670 A Review of the Characters of the principal Nations of Europe. 2 vols.
1673 BROWNE, EDWARD (M. D.). A Brief Account of Travels in Hun-
garia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carin-
thia, Carniola, and Friuli, through a great part of Germany and the
Low-Countries, through Marca Trevisana, and Lombardy, on both
sides of the Po ; with some Observations on the Gold, Silver,
Copper, Quicksilver Mines, and the Baths and Mineral Waters in
those Parts. Copperplates. 4to. London.
Reprinted, 4to, London, 1679 ; collected edition with title, Travels in divers
Parts of Europe, fol., London, 1685; sections in Harris II, 741-759, 759-764 See
also Browne under 1676, 1836, and 1923, WEST EUROPE. Translated into
French, Paris, 1674. See below.
These travels extended from 1668 to 1673. The author was the son of the
distinguished physician, Sir Thomas Browne, and like his father was also a physi-
cian. As he had recommendations to people of the highest rank and learning, he
had opportunities for observation superior to those of the ordinary traveller, who
was generally in a hurry. He gives details of the manner of travelling usually
omitted by the average man ; he describes the sights to be seen in the light of
their historical background The workings of the Hungarian and Austrian mines
were then practically unknown to England, as were also some of the countries
themselves he visited.
1674 (In French ) Relation de plusieurs voyages faits en Hongric, Serbie, Bul-
garie, Macedoine, Thessalic, Austriche, Styrie, Carinthie, Carniole, et
Friuli. Enrichie de plusieurs observations taut sur les mines d'or et
d'argent, de cuivre et de vif argent quc des bains ct eaux mincrales
qui sont dans ces pais. Traduit de Tanglois. 4to. Paris
1680 PITT, MOSES. The English Atlas ; containing the Description of Mus-
covy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands. 4 vols. Oxford.
Another edition, Oxford, 1683,
1693 Travels through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, contain-
ing an Account of what is most remarkable in those Countries . . .
with necessary instructions for Travellers, and a List of Common Pas-
sage Boats in Holland, with the Hours oi their going out, written by
an English Gentleman who resided many Years in Holland in a Pub-
lick Capacity. Folding plates. 12mo. London.
This work was unknown to Watt and Lowndes. At the end is a list of the
number of houses in each of the cities described. Bookseller's Note.
1693-94 FERR, DE LA. Voyages and Travels over all Europe, from the
French (of M. de la Ferr). 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1702 NORTHLEIGH, JOHN. Topographical Descriptions; with Historico-
political and medico-physical Observations, made in two several Voy-
ages through most parts of Europe. 1 plate. 8vo. London.
The portion dealing with France reprinted in Harris II, 727-740. See under
Several Years' Travels through Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Prussia,
Sweden, Denmark, and the United Provinces. By a Gentleman. 8vo.
1705 The Present State of Europe, or a Genealogical, Political Description of
all the Kingdoms, States, and Principalities thereof, the Ministers,
Archbishops, Bishops, Civil and Military Great Officers; the various
Revolutions, . . . Published in High Dutch, 1704; and now Englished.
To which is added, Guicciardin's Account by what means the Pope
usurped the Temporal Power : which is expung'd out of all the Editions
. . . printed in Roman Catholic Countries ; except the one translated out
of Italian. London.
Reprinted, London, 1706.
1707 A Description of all the Seats of the Present Wars of Europe, in the
Netherlands, Piedmont, Lombardy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain,
and Portugal ; being a particular Survey of all those Countries, setting
forth the Situation and Distances of their Provinces, Cities, Towns,
. . . with Historical Remarks upon the Places of Note, . . . With an
exact Delineation of the March of the Germans from Lower Lombardy
to Piedmont ; . . . The whole illustrated with 9 new and exact maps,
done by Mr. Moll ; . . . With a large Alphabetical Table. Very useful
for all that read the publick Transactions. 2nd edit. London.
3rd edit., London, 1707.
1714 CHANCEL, A. D. A New Journey over Europe, with Observations. 8vo.
Another edition, London, 1717.
Human nature interested him exceedingly, especially the Women. Of the Span-
ish ones he writes : "They are handsome and well-shaped, witty and much given to
gallantry." Bookseller's Note.
Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the Observations he made in
his late Travels from Prussia through Germany, Italy, France, Flan-
ders, Holland, England, ... In Letters to his Friend. Discovering not
only the present State of the Chief Cities and Towns, but the Char-
acters of the Principal Persons of the Several Courts. 4 vols. 8vo.
The same in 2 vols., London, 1737; 2nd edit., 4 vols., London, 1739; 3rd edit.,
5 vols., London, 1745. A French version, Amsterdam, 1737. See below.
The English translator was S. Whatlcy. The work is mainly concerned with
political matters and includes the principal German and Italian courts as well as
those of France, Holland, and Poland.
1737 POELLNITZ, CHARLES-LEWIS, BARON DE. Lettres et Memoires
du Pollnitz, contenant les Observations qu'il a faites dans ses Voyages,
et le caractere des Personnes qui composent les principales Cours de P-
Europe. 3rd edit., Augmentee de deux Volumes, et d'une Table des
Matiercs. 5 vols. Amsterdam.
1743-45 POCOCKE, RICHARD. For his travels over parts of Europe see
his Description of the East, under NEAR EAST.
1752 CAMPBELL, JOHN. The Present State of Europe, explaining the In-
terests, Connections, Political, and Commercial View of its Several
Powers. 8vo. London.
5th edit., revised, London, 1757.
1753 Letters from several Parts of Europe and the East, 1750, ... In these are
contained, the Writer's Observations on the Productions of Nature,
Monuments of Art, and Manners of the Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo.
Another edition, 3 vols., London, 1788.
1763 MONTAGUE, LADY MARY WORTLEY. For descriptions of her
travels in Europe see her Letters written during her Travels in Eu-
rope, Asia, and Africa, under NEAR EAST.
1770 TOTZE, M. E. The Present State of Europe, translated from the Ger-
man by Thomas Nugent. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1772 MARSHALL, JOSEPH. Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, the Ukraine and Poland, in the
years 1768, 1769, and 1770. In which is particularly mentioned the
present State of these Countries, respecting their Agriculture, Popu-
lation, Manufactures, Commerce, the Arts, and Useful Undertakings.
3 vols. London.
A 4th volume was published in 1776 dealing with travels in France and Spain.
See this date under WEST EUROPE. Another edition, London, 1792.
1777 WILLIAMS, J. The Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Northern
Governments, viz., United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and
Poland, or Observations on the Nature, Constitution, Religion, Laws,
Policy, Customs, and Commerce of each Government, . . . and on the
Circumstances and Conjunctions which have Contributed to Produce
the Various Revolutions which have happened to them. 2 vols. 4to.
1779 DUTENS, M. L. Itineraire des Routes les plus frequentees, ou Journal
d'un Voyage aux Villes principals de 1'Europe, En 1768, 1769, 1770,
et 1771. 8vo. London.
Distances are given in English miles. The work has to do with produce,
population, interesting features en route, etc.
1783 The American Wanderer through various parts of Europe, in a Series of
Letters to a Lady; interspersed with a Variety of interesting Anec-
dotes on Virginia. 12mo. London.
Another edition, 12mo, Dublin, 1783 (signed by a Virginian).
1784 RANDOLPH, . Observations on the Present State of Denmark,
Russia, and Switzerland. London.
1787 ZIMMERMAN, E. A. W. A Political Survey of the Present State of
Europe in Sixteen Tables. Commerce, Government, Finance, . . .
8vo. London.
1788 BORUWLASKI, JOSEPH. Memoirs of the celebrated Dwarf, Joseph
Boruwlaski, a Polish Gentleman, containing a faithful and curious
Account of his Birth, Education, Marriage, Travels and Voyages,
written by himself, translated from the French by Mr. des Carrieres.
8vo. London.
A modern edition, London, 1902. See below.
This Polish dwarf created a great stir in England (where he finally settled)
and on the Continent of Europe because of his unusually small height of three
feet and three inches, which was offset by wit and perfect manners. He lived
from the proceeds of his concerts, but his pride led him to keep up the fiction
that he did not exhibit himself for hire people merely paid a shilling to his valet
to open the door. From D.N.B. The text is in English and French on opposite
pages. The book closes with the pathetic statement: "My stature has irrevocably
excluded me from the common circle of society : Nay, but fe-w people only seem
to take notice of my being a man, an honest man, a man of feeling." Parson
Woodforde mentions in his Diary having seen him at Norwich.
1902 BORUWLASKI, JOSEPH. The Life and Love Letters of a Dwarf:
being the Memoirs of the celebrated Dwarf, Joseph Boruwlaski, a Pol-
ish Gentleman, written by himself. Edited by R. H. Heatley. Illus.
8vo. London.
1792 ANDREWS, . Plans of the most celebrated Capital Cities of Eu-
rope, and some remarkable Cities in the other three parts of the World ;
with a Description of their most remarkable Buildings. ... 42 folding
colored plans. 4to. London.
WATKINS, THOMAS. Travels in 1787-89, through Switzerland, Italy,
Sicily, the Greek Islands, to Constantinople; through part of Greece,
Ragusa and the Dalmatian Isles. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit , 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1794.
1798 HUNTER, WILLIAM. Travels in 1792, through France, Turkey, and
Hungary, to Vienna; concluding with an Account of that City. 2nd
edit., corrected and enlarged. Map and portrait of Selim III. 2 vols.
1800 KARAMSIN, . Briefe eines reisenden Russen. Translated by Rich-
ter (into German). 6 vols. Riga.
An English translation of these letters has appeared; they are disfigured
with a false sentimentality little to be expected from a Russian. Pinkerton XVII.
Pinkerton gives no date for the English version. Hence 1800 as a date is prob-
1926 TAFUR, PERO, Travels and Adventures, 1435 to 1439, translated from
the Spanish, and edited with an Introduction, by Malcolm Letts.
Broadway Travellers. London. See under NEAR EAST.
West Europe
1522 LANGTON, ROBERT. The Pylgrimage of M. R. Langton clerke to
Saynt James in Compostell. London.
Cited by Parks. Langton was a divine and a traveller.
1549 THOMAS, WILLIAM. The Historic of Italic, a Boke excedyng prof-
itable to be redder because it intreateth of the Astate of many and
diuers Common Weales, how thei haue ben, and now be gouerned.
4to. London.
There is an edition listed without indication whether the first or second, in
4to, London, 1561.
This book was suppressed and publicly burnt. Lowndes. It was "formerly
held in the highest esteem for its comprehensive account of the chief Italian states,
All his works are remarkable for their methodical arrangement, his style is al-
ways lucid, and his English shows much better orthography than that current at
a later period." Quoted by Bookseller. The author was an Italian scholar and
clerk of the council to Edward VI ; he lived much abroad, returning to England
in 1549, where he received ecclesiastical preferments during Edward's reign only
to lose them all as well as his life when Mary came to the throne. In 1551 he
issued a translation of Barbaro's Voyages to the East. See under 1873 CEN-
1552 ASCHAM, ROGER. A Report and Discourse of the affaires and state
of Germany, and the Emperor Charles, his Court, duryng certaine
yeares (1550-52), while the said Roger was there. 4to. London.
There are two other editions, one of 1570, and the other without date.
This account is stated by Dr. Campbell to be one of the most delicate pieces
of history that ever was penned in our language, evincing its author to have been
a man as capable of shining in the cabinet as in the closet. Lowndes.
1566 The Great Wonders that are chaunced in the Realme of Naples. Trans-
lated out of Frenche by J. A. 8vo. London.
1575 TURLER, JEROME. For his description of the realm of Naples see
his The Traveller of Jerome Turler, under DIRECTIONS FOR
1579 A Discourse of ye Lowe Cuntries since Don Jhons Deathe with ye estate
and particularities of ye last yere there. With A briefe Declaration of
ye commynge of Duke Casimyr thither, and his honourable enterteyn-
merit in England. London.
So entered in the Stationers' Register.
1586 The Historic of the Citie of Antwerpe since the Departure of Phillip
King of Spain out of Netherland, till 1586. 4to. London.
1588 HURAULT, MICHEL. A Discourse upon the present Estate of France,
Translated by E. A(ggas). 4to. London.
"A more correct translation," London, 1588; again London, 1592.
1589 A Comparison of the English and Spanish Nation, composed by a French
Gentleman. Translated by R(obert) A(shley). 4to. London.
DEVIRELTX, ROBERT (Second Earl of Essex). A True Copie of a
Discourse written by a Gentleman employed in the late Voyage oi
Spaine and Portugale. 4to. London.
1591 B., G., and F., A. A Discourse of the great Subtilitie and wonderful
Wisdome of the Italians, whereby they beare Sway ouer the most
Part of Christendome, and cunninglie behaue themselues to fetch th*
Quintessence out of the People's Purses. By G. B. and A. F. 4to
1592 ELIOT, JOHN. The Survey or Topographical Description of France
with a new Mappe. . . . Collected out of sundry approved Authors
very amply, truly and historically digested for the pleasure of those
who desire to be thoroughly acquainted in the State of the Kingdom*
and Dominion of France. London.
Eliot lived a rambling life on the Continent until the assassination of Henry
III in 1589. Pie then returned to England and took up literary hack work.
FIGUEIRO, VASCO. The Spaniards Monarchic. Englished by H. O
4to. London.
1593 GUICCIARDINI, LODOVICO. The Description of the Low Coun-
treys, . . . gathered into an Epitome (by Thomas Danett). 16mo
Reprinted, London, 1596.
1594 The Present State of Spaine, translated out of French (by Richard Ser-
gier). 4to. London.
So cited in the Short Title Catalogue. Lowndes gives the translator's name
as Sir Lewis Lewkenor, and adds that this was a surreptitious edition, against
which the author (in another work) warns the public. Possibly there were two
editions the same year. The book is very rare.
1595 PISTON, WILLIAM. The Estate of the Germaine Empire. 4to. Lon-
HASLETON, RICHARD. The Strange and Wonderful Things hap-
pened to Richard Hasleton, borne at Braintree in Essex, in his ten
yeares Trauailes in many Forraine Countries. Penned as he delivered it
from his own Mouth. Woodcuts. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Beazley II, Voyages and Travels.
1597 The Discription or Explanacon of the Plott (map or plan) of Cadiz. Lon-
So entered in the Stationers' Register.
1599 A brief Discourse of the Voiage and Entrance of the Quene of Spayne into
Italy, with the Triumphes and Pompes shewed as well in the Cities of
Ostia, Ferrara, Mantua, Cremona, Milan, as in other Boroughes and
Townes of Italye. Also the Report of the Voiage of the Archduke Al-
bert into Almany (i. e., Germany). London.
So entered in the Stationers' Register.
1600 CONESTAGGIO, GIROLAMO. The Historic of the uniting of the
Kingdom of Portugall to the Crowne of Castill. . . . The Description
of Portugall, their principall Townes, . . . Translated by Edward Blunt.
A True Description and Direction of what is most worthy to be seen in
all Italy. London.
In Harl Misc. XII, 73-130.- Parks. The date 1600, with a question mark,
is given by Parks ; but in Vol. 57, ser. I, of the Hakluyt Society Series, it is
stated that this work is undated but is later than 1584, and from internal evidence,
it seems to have been written shortly after 1610.
1602 SHERLEY, SIR THOMAS (the Younger). A True Journall of the
late Voyage made by the Right worshipfull Sir Thomas Sherley the
younger knight on the Coaste of Spaine. London.
So entered in the Stationers' Register
1604 DALUNGTON, SIR ROBERT. A View of Fraunce. London.
There was a second issue of the first edition, with a slightly different title,
London (before 1610). See below.
1605 (?) DALLINGTON, SIR ROBERT. A Method For Trauell. Shewe<
By Taking The view of France. As it stoode in the yeare of oui
Lord 1598. 2 folding plates. 4to. London.
This very early and interesting guide-book was originally printer
in 1604 . . and was entered in the Stationers' Register under the dat<
of 27 March 1603 (i. e. 1604, new style). The sheets of the text wen
later republished with the title transcribed above and the addition ol
a preface and six leaves of directions for travellers. On a fly-leai
at the end of the volume (i. e., of Quaritch's copy) are some note;
by a contemporary date "The thyrd of July 1610." Though it is ex
tremely unlikely that this issue was produced later than 1605, this not<
affords direct evidence that it appeared before the year 1610. Ther<
is no copy of this issue in the British Museum. Quaritch.
DALLINGTON, SIR ROBERT. A Survey of the great Dukes State
in Tuscany, in 1596. 4to. London.
TACITUS. The Annales, The Description of Germanie, translated by R
Grenewey and Henry Savile. Fol. London.
TRESSWELL, ROBERT. A Relation of such Things as were observec
to happen in the Journey of Charles Earle of Nottingham, Ambassa-
dour to the King of Spain. 4to. London.
Reprinted in flarl. Misc. Ill, and in Somers' Collection of Tracts. II.
1607 PETIT, JOHNE FRAUNCIS LE. The History of the Lowe Cuntrie*
conteininge first a Description of Holland, Zealand and west frezelanc
with ye discentes, genealogies, and memorable actes of ye Erles anc
princes . . . With a narracon of ye warres and troubles in ye 17 Prou-
inces for 40 yeres and still contynuinge. Doune in French by Johm
Frauncis Le Petit and Englished by Edward Grymston. London.
So cited in the Stationers' Register. See Grimston under 1609 below.
1608 HERBERT, EDWARD, LORD (of Cherbury). Of Travellers: Fron:
Paris. London.
This satiric picture of English travellers in France is in verse and is ad-
dressed to Ben Jon son
"Ben Jon son, travel is a second birth
Unto the Children of another earth."
Lord Herbert eventually became English Ambassador at Paris. He was fond
of travelling and soldiering, and proficient in learning and the fashionable accom-
1609 GRIMSTON, EDWARD. A Generall Historic of the Netherlands, with
the Genealogie and Memorable Acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland
and West Friesland, from Thierry of Aquitaine the first Earle, sue-
cessively unto Philip III, King of Spaine, continued unto this present
year of 1608. Numerous engraved copperplate portraits. Fol. Con-
This is apparently the same item that is entered under Petit, 1607, above. See
also the following item.
GRIMSTON, EDWARD. The Low Countrey Commonwealth, conteyn-
inge an Exact Description of the Eight United Provinces. Now made
free. Translated out of French. 4to. London.
1611 CORYAT, THOMAS. Coryats Crudities. Hastily gobled vp in five
Moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the
Grisons country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Ger-
many, and the Netherlands ; Newly digested in the hungry aire of Od-
combe in the County of Somerset, and now dispersed to the nourish-
ment of the trauelling Members of this Kingdome, Portraits and cop-
perplates. 4to. London.
The two following titles are also connected with this work:
Three Crvde Veincs as presented in this Booke following (besides the
aforesaid Crvdities) no lesse flowing in the body Booke, then the
Crvdities themselves, two of Rhetoricke and one of Poesie, first writ-
ten in the Latine tongue by H. Kirchnervs . . . then in the posterne of
them looke and thou shalt find the posthume Poems of the Author's
Father (Posthvma Fragmenta Poematvm Georgii Conjatii).
Coryats Cramb, or his colwort twise sodden, and now served with other
Macaronicke dishes as the second course to his Crudities.
Another edition, London, 1776, (with added matter) ; a modern reprint (the
MacLehosc edition), 2 vols., Glasgow, 1905. See also Coryat under 1616, EAST
Notwithstanding the novelty of this strange expedition and the very large
amount of valuable information which he had gathered in his travels, Coryat found
it hard to get a bookseller who would undertake the publication of his Journal. . . .
He applied therefore to every person of eminence he knew, and many whom he
can scarcely have known at all, to write commendatory verses upon himself, his
book, and his travels, and by his unwearied pertinacity and unblushing importunity
contrived to get together the most extraordinary collection of testimonial which
have ever been gathered in a single sheaf. More than sixty of the most brilliant
and illustrious litterati of the time were among the contributors to this strange
farrago, the wits vying with one another in their attempts to produce mock heroic
verses, turning Coryate to solemn ridicule. Ben Jonson undertook to edit these
amusing panegyrics, which actually fill 108 quarto pages. . . . The book seems to
have had a large sale. In fact it was the first, and for long remained the only,
handbook for continental travel. . . . Perhaps of no (other) book in the English
language of the same size and of the same age is it possible to say there are not
two perfect copies in existence. Canon Jessopp, in D N.B. ; quoted by Sotheran.
The European travels chronicled above ended in 1608; in 1612 he resumed his
roaming, largely again on foot, and finally reached India, where he died of a
1776 CORYAT, THOMAS. Crudities; reprinted from the edition of 1611. To
which are now added, his Letters from India, . . . and Extracts relating
to him, from various Authors : being a more particular Account of his
Travels (mostly on foot) in different Parts of the Globe, than any
hitherto published. Together with his Orations, Character, Death,
. . . Plates. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1612 FOUGASSE, THOMAS DE. The General! Historic of the Magnificent
State of Venice. From the First Foundation thereof untill this Pres-
ent, collected out of all Authors, both Ancient and Moderne, that have
written of that subject, Englished by W. Shute. Portraits. Fol.
A Short Reporte of the honorable Journey in Brabant by his excellency
Graue Maarice lord generall of the United Netherlandishe provinces
from the 26th of June, 1602, to the 19th of July followinge. Together
with the takinge of Helmont and of his marchinge to the town of
Graue. London,
So entered in the Stationers' Register.
1615 A Discourse of the Prosperitie of the United Provinces. 4to. London.
SANDYS, GEORGE. For a description of Italy and the islands adjoin-
ing see his A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610, under
1617 TAYLOR, JOHN (the Water Poet). Taylor's Travels in Germanic, or
Three Weekes, three Daies and three Houres Observations, and Trav-
el from London to Hamburgh. 4to. London.
In prose, with a ludicrous dedication to Thomas Coryat. -Lowndes.
1621 Observations concerning the present Affaires of Holland. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., augmented, London, 1622. See below.
1622 More excellent Observations of the Estate and Affaires of Holland. Trans-
lated out of the Dutch Copie. 4to. London.
This is sometimes attributed to W. Usselincx. Short Title Cat-
1623 A Journal of the Voyage of Prince Frederick Henry (of Orange) from
Prague to Luerden. 4to. London.
A Trve Relation and lornall, of the Manner of the Arrivall, and Mag-
nificent Entertainment, giuen to the High and Mighty Prince Charles
(afterwards Charles I), Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of
Spaine in his Court at Madrid. London.
A Continvation of a former Relation concerning the Entertainment giuen
to the Prince His Highnesse by the King of Spaine in his Court at
Madrid. London.
The loyfull Returne, of the Most illustrious Prince, Charles Prince of
Great Britaine, from the Court of Spaine. Together with a Relation
of his Magnificent Entertainment in Madrid, and on his way to St.
Anderas, by the King of Spaine. The Royall and Princely Gifts inter-
changebly giuen. Translated out of the Spanishe Copie. His most
wonderfull dangers on the Seas, after his parting from thence ; Mir-
acvlovs deliuery, and most happy-safe Landing at Portsmovth on the
5. of October. . . . London.
The purpose of Charles' visit to Spain was to attempt to arrange a marriage
between himself and the Infanta Maria, but, owing to religious difficulties, the
plan miscarried. Quaritch.
1626 HYNDE, S. Iter Lusitanicum, or the Portugal Voyage, with what mem-
orable Passages intervened at the Shipping and in the Transporting of
her most Sacred Majesty Katherine Queen of Great Britain, from
Lisbon to England. Exactly observed by him that was Eye-witness of
the same, Who though he published this, conceals his name. 4to.
Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1626 (?).
OVERBURY, SIR THOMAS. His Observations in his Travailes vpon
the State of the XVII. Provinces as they stood, A.D. 1609, the Treatie
of Peace being then on foote. 4to. London. (15 leaves.)
This curious tract was licensed ten years before it was published. Reprinted,
with the addition of the State of France, 12mo, London, 1651. Reprinted in Os-
borne I, 251-261 ; in Harl Misc.,\o\. VII.
The author was an accomplished gentleman, who fell a victim to the resent-
ment of Frances, the wife of Robert, Harl of Essex, for interfering with her
amour with Robert Viscount Rochester. He was committed to the Tower and died
there by poison, Sept. 15, 1613 His observations display much political penetration
and varied knowledge of the countries he describes.
OWEN, LEWIS. The Running Register Recording a True Relation of
the State of the English Colledges, Seminaries and Cloysters in all
forraine Parts. London.
1627 SINCERI, JODOCI. Itinerarium Galliae . . . cum appendices de Burdi-
gala. 12mo. London (?).
1628 DIGBY, . Voyage to the Mediterranean. London.
No other reference to this work has come to the notice of the editor.
1629 WADvSWORTH, JAMES. The English Spanish Pilgrime, Or, a New
Discoverie of Spanish Popery, and lesviticall Stratagems. With the
Estate of the English Pentioners and Fugitiues vnder the King of
Spaines Dominions, and else where at this present. Also laying open
the new Order of the lesuitrices and preaching Nunnes. Composed
by James Wadsworth Gentleman, newly conuerted into his true moth-
ers bosome, the Church of England, with the motiues why he left the
Sea of Rome ; a late Petitioner to his Maiesty of Spaine, and nominated
his Captaine in Flanders: Sonne to Mr. James Wadsworth, Bachelor
of Divinity, sometime of Emanuell Colledge in the Vniversity of Cam-
bridge, who was peruerted in the yeere 1604, and late Tutor to Donia
Maria Infanta of Spaine. Published by Authority. 4to. London.
2nd edit., corrected and amended, 4to, London, 1630; another edition, London,
1650. Reprinted as Memoirs and Travels of Mr. James Wadsworth, 8vo, London,
1674, and 1684. See below.
Wadsworth made two visits to Spain, the first in 1600-1618 to Madrid and
Seville; the second in 1622 to Madrid. He had a variegated career, being educated
in Spain, taken prisoner to Algiers in 1623, becoming a government spy in England
in 1625, and in Brussels and Paris, 1626, and a common informer against Roman-
ists from 1630 on. From D.N.B.
1630 WADSWORTH, JAMES. Further Observations of the English Spanish
Pilgrime concerning Spain. 4to. London.
1636 CROWNE, WILLIAM. A True Relation of all the Remarkable Places
and Passages Observed in the Travels of the right honourable Thomas,
Lord Howard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Primer Earle, and Earle
Marshall of England, Ambassadour Extraordinary to his sacred Ma-
jesty Ferdinando the second, Emperour of Germanic, Anno Domini
1636. 4to. London.
This book is of some importance to the medical historian, as it gives an ac-
count of a journey in which William Harvey (who discovered the circulation of
the blood) took part. "In the course of this journey Harvey had an opportunity
of visiting several of the principal cities of Germany, and of making the acquain-
tance of many of the leading medical men of the time." Robinson. A work full
of imperfections and errors. Oldys, quoted by Lowndes. The Earl of Arundel is
he who formed at Arundel House the first considerable art collection in England,
later presented to Oxford University.
1637 The Particular State of the Government of the Emperour Ferdinand the
Second, as it was at his decease in the yeere 1636, translated out of
Latin by R. W. Part II: The State of the Imperial-Court of the
Emperour Ferdinand the Second: wherein is treated of all the higher
and lower Officers; and principally of the several Jurisdictions of the
foure Chiefe Court Officers: of Ambassadours, Residents, and Agents,
Artificers, Tradesmen, and Musicians of the Court. Translated out of
Latin by R. W. The 2 parts. 4to. London.
Specially interesting for its description of Vienna (with an estimated popula-
tion of 60,000), and the manners and customs of the court. Sotheran.
1640 CARVE, THOMAS. Itinerarium ex Hibernia per Poloniam, Germaniam,
et Bohemiam. Mentz.
The modern edition, in 3 parts, London, 1859, is the only complete one. See
below. The date 1640 and place given above are taken from Pinkerton XVII.
The author's name was really Carue, i. e., Carew. He was an army chaplain
in the imperial service in Germany from before 1626 to 1643. His book was pub-
lished abroad.
1859 CARVE, THOMAS. Itinerarium, mainly in Germany, but also the Low
Countries, England, and Ireland, during the Thirty Years' War. Lon-
HARSDING, S. Sicily and Naples. London.
So cited in the Short Title Catalogue
1645-1655 HOWELL, JAMES. Epistolae Ho-Elianae: Familiar Letters, Do-
mestic and Forren, divided into sundry Sections, partly Historicall,
Politicall, Philosophicall. 3rd edit., with . . . New Letters never pub-
lished before. 8vo. London.
The 1st vol of these letters came out in 1645; the 2nd in 1647; the 3rd in 1650;
and the collected edition in 1655. The work "was frequently reprinted, the 10th
edition, which is said to be the best, appearing in 1737, and the llth in 1754. A
modern reprint of the 10th was published in 1892. See below.
These letters relate to the reigns of James I and Charles I. They were written
for the most part in the Fleet prison, where Howell was imprisoned as a Royalist
from 1642 to 1651, and were generally addressed to imaginary correspondents.
Some of the subjects were the political conditions and historical developments of
particular countries or communities ; others were general matters of interest. How-
ell was a great traveller; he made visits to Holland, France, and Italy, and was
twice in Spain. He was an intimate friend of Ben Jonson's and was the first
to hold the post of royal historiographer.
1892 HOWELL, JAMES. The Familiar Letters of James Howell. Reprinted
from the 10th edition of 1737. Edited by Joseph Jacobs. Numerous
portraits inserted. London.
1648 FELTIIAM, OWEN. A Brief Character of the Low Countries under
the States, being Three Weeks Observations of the Vices and Virtues
of the Inhabitants. London (?).
This is said to be a pirated edition. That of 1652 is listed by D.N.B. as
though it were the first published. Reprinted 1659, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1675, and 1832.
See below.
Feltham is better known as the author of a scries of moral essays called "Re-
1675 FELTHAM, OWEN. Batavia : or, the Hollander Displayed. Being Three
Weeks Observations of the Low Countries, especially Holland. In
Brief, Characters and Observations of the People and Country, the
Government of their State and private Families, their Virtues and
Vices. Also a Perfect Description of the People and Country of Scot-
land. Amsterdam.
RAYMOND, JOvSEPH. An Itinerary contayning a Voyage made
through Italy in the Years 1646 and 1647. Illustrated with divers fig-
ures of Antiquities never before published. 12mo. London.
In Hak. Sex:., ser. II, vol. 57, this work has the following title and date.
1647 RAYMOND, JOSEPH. II Mercurio Italico, communicating a Voyage
made through Italy in the years 1646 and 1647. London.
1649 What Will You Have? A Calf with a White Face; or, a Relation of his
Travailes from England into Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Holland, Am-
sterdam, and other places, and is now newly arrived in the Citie of
London, where he means to abide. Curious woodcut on title of a
Cavalier, a calf with a white face, and three Puritans. 4to. London.
1651 HO WELL, JAMES. A Survey of the Signorie of Venice, of her admired
Policy, and Method of Government, with a Cohortation to all Christian
Princes to resent her dangerous Condition at present. Portrait and
frontispiece. Fol. London.
1652 EVELYN, JOHN. The State of France as it stood in the ninth Year of
this present Monarch, Louis XIIII. written to a Friend by J. E. 8vo.
Evelyn was a student and a virtuoso, rich, intelligent, and an enlightened lover
of books. During the Civil War he sided with King Charles; then he travelled
abroad with the poet Waller, and studied anatomy at Padua. He made several visits
to France, where he was much charmed with the attractions of the country. He is
well known as the author of Sylra and his still more famous Diary, which, how-
er, was not published until 1818-19. See below for the edition of 1879.
1879 EVELYN, JOHN. Diary. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. 4 vols. London.
The Globe edition, London, 1908.
1654 CAMPANELLA, THOMAS. A Discourse touching the Spanish Mon-
archy, laying down Directions and Practices whereby the King of Spain
may attain to an Universal Monarchy, wherein also we have a Political
Glasse, representing each particular Country, Province, Kingdom, and
Empire of the World, newly translated into English. 4to. London.
Tomaso Campanella aimed like his contemporary, Lord Bacon, at a reform
of philosophy. He was charged with conspiracy against the Spanish Government
of Naples. Bookseller's Note.
HOWELL, JAMES. Parthenopoeia ; or, the History of the Most Notable
and Renowned Kingdom of Naples. Portraits and cuts. Fol. Lon-
1655 Topographia Galliae, sive Descriptio et Delineatio Famosissimorum
locorum in potentissimo Regno Galliae ; partim ex usu et op-
timis Scriptoribus diversarum Linguarum, partim ex Relationibus fide
dignis per aliquot annos Collectis, in ordinem redacta et publico data,
per Martinum Zeillerum. Numerous folding plates. 4 vols. Fol.
London ( ?).
This contains a fine old folding map of Paris, large folding view of Paris
in Shakespeare's day, large folding view showing the principal churches, street
views, Notre Dame, La Sorbonne, Bastile, Gardens, Louvre, the Seine, Chateaux,
St. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Renncs, Bordeaux, Soissons, Troye, Dijon, etc.
1656 HEYLYN, PETER. A Survey of the Estate of France and of some
of the adjoyning Hands: taken in the Description of the Principal Cit-
ies and Chief Provinces, with the Temper, Humor and Affections of
the People Generally, and an exact Accompt of the public Government
in reference to the Court, the Church, and the Civill State. 4to. Lon-
The 6th book consists of the second journey, containing a survey of the Es-
tate of the islands Guernsey and Jersey. Another issue of his work, under a dif-
ferent title, London, 1656; 2nd edit, of this latter, London, 1657; editions with still
other titles, London, 1673 and 1679. See below.
His journey to France was written in a satirical vein to show that he had no
French leanings. But the manuscript, which had been circulating from hand to
hand, was published without his consent. Pic thereupon issued the work himself
under the title given above. Heylyn was an ecclesiastical writer who was always
engaged in the religious controversies of the day. He helped in the prosecution
of Prynne for the publication of the "Histriomastrix." He also wrote works on
geography. See under 1621, GEOGRAPHY.
1656 HEYLYN, PETER. France painted to the Life. 8vo. London
This is the work that was published surreptitiously
1673 HEYLYN, PETER. A Full Relation of Two Journeys; the one into the
Mainland of France. The other into some of the Adjacent Islands
(Guernsey and Jersey). Performed and digested into Six Books.
1679 HEYLYN, PETKR. The Voyage of France, or a complete Journal of
France, with the Character of the People, and the Description of the
principal Cities, Fortresses, Churches, Monasteries, Universities, Pal-
aces, and Antiquities. London.
A Relation of the Life of Christina Queen of Sweden: with Her Resig-
nation of the Crown, Voyage to Bruxels, and Journey to Rome. Where-
unto is added, Her Genius. Translated out of French, by I. H. Lon-
"Her Genius" was written by Urbain Chcvreau, and the translation is attrib-
1660 The Character of Italie; or the Italian anatomiz'd. 12mo. London.
A Relation in Form of a Journal, of the Voiage and Residence which the
most Excellent and most Mighty Prince Charles the II. hath made in
Holland, from the 25th of May to the 2 of June, 1060, rendered into
English out of the original French, by Sir William Lower, Knight.
Seven folding plates, including portrait of Charles II. Fol. London.
French original, the Hague, 1660. See below.
1660 Relation en forme de Journal du Voyage et Sejour que le serenissime et
tres-puissent Prince Charles II, Roy de la Grand Bretagne, ... a
fait en Hollandc depuis le 25 May, jusques a 2 Juin, 1660. Portrait of
Charles II in armor and 3 plates. Fol. The Hague.
A handsomely printed work, containing many curious particulars,
drawn up from public documents with great care. Lowndes.
WARCUPP, EDMUND. Italy in its Original Glory, Ruin, and Revival :
being an Exact Survey of the whole Geography and History of that
Famous Country, with the Adjacent Islands of Sicily, Malta, . . . and
whatever is Remarkable in Rome (the Mistress of the World). Fron-
tispiece and folding plates. Fol. London.
1662 HOWELL, JAMES. La perambulacion de Espana y de Portugal ; En ub
Discurso entre Carlos y Felipe. The perambulation of Spain and Port-
ugal; In a Discourse 'twixt Charles and Philip: Which may serve
for a Director How to Travel through those Countreys. London ( ?).
1664 Rome exactly described as to the Present State of it, under Pope Alex-
ander the Seventh in Two curious Discourses written originally in
Italnn and translated into English, i. e., A Relation of the State of
the Court of Rome, made in 1661 by Angelo Corraro translated by
J. B. Gent., and A New Relation of Rome as to the government of
the City, . . . taken out of one of the Choicest Cabinets of Rome. Fron-
tispiece. 12mo. London.
Elsewhere the initials of the translator arc given as J. T.
1668 GAILHARD, J. The Present State of the Princes and Republicks of
Italy ; with Observations on them, and useful Directions for those that
travel thorow that Countrey. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., corrected and enlarged, with a Character of Spain, 8vo. London,
1671. See also (iailhard under 1669 below.
1669 AGLINSBY, WILLIAM. The Present State of the United Provinces of
the Low Countries, as to the Government, Laws, Forces, Riches, Rev-
enue, ... of the Dutch. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., 12mo, London, 1676.
FINCH, HENEAGE (2nd Earl of Winchelsea). A True and Exact
Relation of the late Prodigious Earthquake and Eruption of Mount
Aetna, or Monte-Gibello ; as it came in a Letter written to His Majes-
ty from Naples by the Right Hon. the Earle of Winchelsea, His Ma-
jestie's late Ambassador to Constantinople, who in his Return from
thence, visiting Catania in the Island of Sicily, was an Ey- Witness of
that Dreadfull Spectacle. Together with a more particular Narrative
of the same, as it is collected out of severall Relations sent from Cat-
ania. Folding copperplate. 4to. London.
Reprinted, 8vo, London, 1775.
This is the first English account of the eruption and \* said to be remarkable
for the vivid description it gives of the event. Sotheran.
GAILHARD, J. The Present State of the Republick of Venice, as to
the Government, Laws, Forces, Riches, Manners, Customes, Reve-
nue and Territory, of that Commonwealth ; with a Relation of the pres-
ent War in Candia. 12mo. London.
Journey into Spain. 8vo. London.
A free and abridgd translation. French original, Paris, 1665. See below.
cl'Espagnc cvricux, Historiqvc et politiqve. Fait en 1'annee 1655. Paris.
For a fuller title see the edition of 1666 below.
d'EspaKiie, contenant entre plusieins particularitez de ce Royaume,
Trois Discours Politiques sur les affaires du Protectetir d'Angleterre,
la Reine de Suede, et due dc Lorraine. Revue Corrige et Augmente
sur le MS. Avec Une Relation de 1'estat et Gouvernment de cette Mon-
archic ; une Relation particuliere de Madrid. Cologne.
LASSELS, RICHARD. The Voyage of Italy; or, a Compleat Journey
through Italy. With the Characters of the People, and the Description
of the Chief Towns, Churches, Monasteries, Tombs, Libraries, Pal-
laces, Villas, Gardens, Pictures, Statues and Antiquities. As also, of
the Interest, Government, Riches, Force, ... of all the Princes, with In-
structions concerning Travel. 2 parts in 1 vol. Frontispiece. 16mo.
Another edition, 8vo, London, 1686; and 8vo, London, 1698. The work was
translated into French.
The author was a Roman Catholic priest, professor of classics at Douay, "who
travelled through Italy five times as Tutor to several of the English Nobility and
Gentry." "The celebrated John Wilkes made me a present of this book, assuring
me, at the time, that it is one of the best accounts of the curious things of Italy
ever delivered to the world in any book of travels." Edward Harewood, quoted
by Sotheran.
The Present State of France ; containing the Orders, Dignities, and
Charges, of that Kingdom. Written in French ; and faithfully Eng-
lished. 12mo. London.
1671 SANTOS, FRANCISCO DE LOS (O. H. S.). The Escurial, or a De-
scription of that Wonder of the World, built by Philip II., and lately
consumed by Fire, translated by a Servant of the Earl of Sandwich.
4to. London.
An edition (perhaps another translation), London, 1760. See below.
The Escurial burned in 1671. The Earl of Sandwich referred to was Edward
Montagu, who perished with his ship when it was blown up in a surprise attack by
the Dutch in Solebay, 1672. Pepys, of Diary fame, was his secretary.
1760 SANTOS, FRANCISCO DE LOS (Frey). A Description of the Royal
Palace and Monastery of St. Laurence, called the Escurial, and of the
Chapel Royal of the Pantheon, translated from the Spanish of Frey
Francisco de los Santos, by George Thompson. Folding plates. 4to.
1672 CLARKE, SAMUEL. A Description of the Seventeen Provinces, com-
monly call'd the Low Countries. London.
W., T. An Exact Survey of the LTnited Provinces of the Netherlands, of
their Cities, Castles, Fortresses, and other of their Dominions there;
witli some Remarques of their Government, Antiquities, and memor-
able Actions : with an exact Map of the seventeen Provinces. Col-
lected by T. W, 8vo. London.
1673 RAY, JOHN (F.R.S.). Observations (Topographical, Moral, and Phys-
iological) made in a Journey through Part of the Low Countries, Ger-
many, Italy and France, with a Catalogue of Plants not natives of Eng-
land found spontaneously growing in those Parts ; with a brief Account
of Francis Willoughby, Esq., his Voyage through a great Part of
Spain. Portrait and 3 plates. 8vo. London.
Another edition, improved, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1738. Reprinted in Harris II,
641-693. See below. Vol. II of the 1738 edition contains Rauwolf s Travels in the
Eastern Countries, with Extracts from those of other Travellers, and Catalogue of
Plants. See also Ray under 1718 below.
Ray gives a brief yet ingenious description of everything that he saw, and
curiously lays before us anything that is rare. Locke, quoted by Sotheran. The
author was the famous naturalist, known to the world of botanists for his Flora
(1660), which is the first really systematic catalogue of the plants of a given local-
ity. He also made a complete Flora of the British Isles (1697), which became the
pocket companion of every botanist of Great Britain for generations. With Lin-
naeus, he was the chief founder of the science of systematic botany. He com-
menced his botanical tours in 1658 in company with Philip Skippon and Francis
Willoughby, undertaking as his share of the enterprise the attempt to fit into a
comprehensive whole the entire organic world. Wherever he went he made copious
notes on things usually passed over by other travellers. His researches and pub-
lications have caused him to be regarded as the father of natural history in Great
1744-48 RAY, JOHN. Travels through the Law Countries, and Germany to-
wards Italy. Interspersed with curious Observations, Natural, Topo-
graphical, Physiological, Philological. In Harris II, 641-658.
RAY, JOHN. The Travels of the Reverend John Ray through the Domin-
ions of the State of Venice, Lombardy, Tuscany, Kingdom of Naples,
Islands of Sicilly and Malta, the Ecclesiastical States, Bishoprick of
Trent, the Country of the Grisons, Switzerland, . . . Interspersed
throughout with Historical, Political, Philosophical, Physical, and Mor-
al Reflections, together with an Account of the Abundance of Curios-
ities seen and examined in the Course of the Author's Voyages and
Travels, and many other entertaining and instructive Particulars. In
Harris II, 658-693.
TEMPLE, SIR WILLIAM. Observations of the United Provinces of
the Netherlands. London.
Many subsequent editions, the 7th appearing in 12mo, corrected and enlarged,
London, 1705. In his Works, 2 vols., fol., 1720; and Works, 4 vols., 8vo, London,
The author was the well known statesman who brought about the marriage of
William of Orange and Mary, the instigator of the quarrel in England over An-
cient and Modern Learning, and the patron of Swift, who wrote his "Battle of the
Books" in behalf of the Ancients.
WILLOUGHBY, FRANCIS. A Brief Account of Francis Willoughby,
Esq., through the Kingdom of Spain. See Ray above, in whose work
this account is extant.
Reprinted in the 2nd edit, of Ray, 1738; abridged in Harris II, 694-705;
705-714. See below.
1744-48 WILLOUGHBY, FRANCIS. The Travels of Francis Willoughby,
Esq., through the Kingdom of Spain; with Observations on the Climate
and Soil, as well as Produce of the Country ; Accounts of Natural Cur-
iosities, remarkable Inscriptions, principal Commodities and Manufac-
tures, and of the Temper, Genius and Customs of the Spanish Nation.
Interspersed with Remarks by another Hand In Harris II, 694-705.
WILLOUGHBY, FRANCIS. Travels through Portugal and Spain, with
a distinct Description of the principal Cities in both Kingdoms; par-
ticularly Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto, and Braga, in the former; Madrid,
Valentia, Alicant, ... in the latter : with a curious and correct Detail of
the Curiosities in the Escurial, and a succinct Description of the other
Royal Palaces of their Catholick Majesties By an English Gentleman.
In Harris II, 705-714.
Willoughby parted from Ray to make this visit to Spain. Up to
this time there were not many accounts of this country. But the dis-
courses of Charles II on his travels in Spain excited the desire of
Knglishmen to see for themselves the land and people of the Spanish
peninsula, and thus gradually the prevailing dislike and contempt for
things Spanish were dissolved.
WILSON, ELIAS. vStrange and Wonderful News from Italy, or a True
and impartial Relation of the Travels, Adventures, and Martyrdome of
four eminent Quakers of York-shire, who in 1672 travelled through
France, Italy, and Turkey to propagate their Religion, also of their
Voyage to Constantinople, and of their most barbarous, cruel and
bloody death, related by Elias Wilson. 4to. London.
W., F. News from the Channel : or, the Discovery and perfect Descrip-
tion of the Isle of Serke. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Harl. Misc. III.
1674 BOCCO, PAULUS. Icones et Descriptions rariorum Plantarum Sici-
liae, Malitae, Galliae et Italiae. 4to. Oxford.
A Discourse of the Dukedom of Modena ; containing the Origins, Antiqui-
ty, Government, Manners, and Qualities, of the People : As also the
temperature of the Climate, with the Nature and fertility of the Soil.
4to. London.
1676 BROWNE, EDWARD (M.D.). An Account of several Travels through
a great Part of Germany. In four Journeys. I. From Norwich to
Colen. II. Colen to Vienna, with a particular Description of that Im-
perial City. III. From Vienna to Hamburg. IV. From Colan to Lon-
don. Wherein the Mines, Baths, and Other Curiosities of those Parts
are treated of. Illustrated with Sculptures. (Being a Continuation of
a former Book of Travels.) 4to. London.
See Browne under 1673, CONTINENTAL EUROPE.
CLENCHE, JOHN. A Tour in France and Italy made by an English
Gentleman (J. C), 1675-76. London.
Reprinted in Osborne I, 408-474.
This work aims to inform the traveller what he may expect to see on his way
from Dieppe to Venice, in the way of buildings, religion, revenue, trade, and other
various matters of interest The author gives especial attention to Rome, with its
churches, relics, monuments of antiquity, palaces, villas, etc.
DU-MAY, L. The Estate of the Empire, or, An Abridgement of the
Laws and Government of Germany, now faithfully rendered into Eng-
lish. 8vo. London.
SAMBER, ROBERT. Roma Illustrata, or a Description of the most
beautiful Pieces of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture at and near
Rome. Fol. London.
1678 The Painter's Voyage of Italy. In which, all the famous Paintings of the
most eminent Masters are particularised, as they are preserved in the
several Cities of Italy; chiefly relating to their Altar-pieces, and such
other Paintings as are ornamental in their Churches. And also many
choice Pictures, kept as Jewels, in the Palaces of particular Persons.
Whereunto is added, That exact Collection of Signior Septale, in his
Closet at Milan. Illustrated with the Heads of some of the most re-
nowned Painters. (Translated from the Italian) By William Lodge.
8vo. London.
1679 Popery and Tyranny, or, The Present State of France, in relation to its
Government, Trade, Manner of the People, and Nature of the Coun-
try. In a lyetter from an English Gentleman abroad to his Friend in
London. 4to. London.
1681 The Present State of Geneva ; with a brief Description of that City,
and several Changes and Alterations it hath been subject to, from the
first Foundation thereof until this present year 1681. 8vo. London.
1683 A Description of the City of Vienna, in its ancient and present State; with
an exact and compleat Account of the Siege thereof. (In one sheet.)
PONTIER, G. A new Survey of the present State of Europe; containing
Remarks upon several Sovereign and Republican States, as Italy,
France, Lorrain, Germany, Spain, . . . With Memoirs Historical,
Chronological, Topographical, Hydrographical, Political, . . . brought
down to the Year 1683, by R. Pontier, chief Prothonitor of Rome.
Translated by W. Beaumont. 8vo. London.
The Present State of the German and Turkish Empires, with Remarks
thereupon ; as also some Reflections on the Interest of the Christian
Princes ; with Memoirs of the Siege of Vienna, by an eminent Officer
in that City. With a true Account of the great success of the Christian
Forces in taking Barkan, Gran, . . . Also an historical preface of the
Rise and Growth of the Turkish Empire. London.
For other accounts of (he siege of Vienna see from 1683 on, under MILI-
SALGADO, JAMES. A Description of the Plaza, or Market-Race of
Madrid, and the Bull-baiting there. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Harl. Misc VII.
The author was a Spanish priest who had turned Protestant.
1684 SALGADO, JAMES. The Manners and Customs of the principal Na-
tions of Europe (in Latin and English). Fol. London.
This tract, consisting of 14 pages, displays great discrimination of character
in the various manners and peculiarities of the German, Englishman, Frenchman,
Italian and Spaniard. Lowndes.
1686 BURNET, GILBERT. Some Letters, containing an Account of what
seemed most remarkable in travelling through Switzerland, Italy and
Parts of Germany, . . . 1685-86. Written by G. Burnet, D.D., to the
Honble. R(obert) B(oyle). 8vo. Rotterdam.
2nd edit, corrected and altered, 8vo, Rotterdam, 1687; a Supplement to the
same, 8vo, Rotterdam, 1688; 12mo, London, 1689; London, 1708; 8vo, with
an Appendix, London, 1724; in Harris II, 590-640; London, 1750 and 1758. Trans-
lated into French, Rotterdam, 1687. See below.
The author was the 51st bishop of Sarum, probably better known for his His-
tory of his Own Times (1723-1734). He met with many ups and downs in his
ecclesiastical career, being in and out of favor with Charles II, James II, and
William III.
1687 BURNET, GILBERT. Some Letters, Containing an Account of what
seemed most Remarkable in Travelling through Switzerland, Some
Parts of Germany, ... in the years 1685 and 1686. Written by G. Bur-
net, D.D., to the Hon. R(obert) B(oyle). The 2nd edition, Corrected
and Altered in some places by the Author. To which is added, an Ap-
pendix, containing some Remarks on Switzerland and Italy, writ by a
Person of Quality, and communicated to the Author. Together with a
Table of Contents of each Letter. 8vo. Rotterdam.
At the close of the preliminary matter of this edition is the follow-
ing note : "The Printing of the First Edition . . . falling into the hands
of such workmen, as did not understand the English, and the Author,
living at distance from the Press, there Hap'ned so many and great
Faults in it, as marr'd the sence in divers places ; which are all well
corrected in this Edition, by the Care of an Englishman. . . ." Quoted
by Quaritch. Concerning the work as a whole Lowndes remarks : "This
curious and entertaining narrative surpasses everything in its kind ex-
tant, in the style, sentiments, matter, and method. The observations
upon the corruptions and impostures of popery will afford pleasure to
every consistent Protestant."
1688 BURNET, GILBERT. Three Letters concerning the Present State of
Italy, written in the year 1687 (by Gilbert Burnet). I. Relating to the
Affair of Molinos, and the Quietists. II. Relating to the Inquisition,
and the State of Religion. III. Relating to the Policy and Interests of
. . . the State of Italy. Being a Supplement to Dr. Burnet's Let-
ters. 8vo. Rotterdam.
1689 BURNET, GILBERT. Travels in Two Volumes. I. Containing his Trav-
els into Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, with an Appendix; Animad-
versions on the "Reflections" upon the Travels; three Letters of the
Quietists, Inquisition, and State of Italy. II. His Translation of Lanc-
tantius, ... 2 vols. 12rno. London.
1687 (In French.) Voyage de Suisse, d'ltalie, et de quelques cndroits d'Alle-
magne et de France en 1685-86. Rotterdam.
A New Description of Paris ; Containing a particular Account of all the
Churches, Palaces, Monasteries, Colleclges, Hospitals, Libraries, Cab-
inets of Rarities, Academies, Paintings, Medals, Statues and other
Sculptures, Monuments, and publick Inscriptions. With all other re-
markable matters of that great and famous City. Translated out of
French. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., with map added, 12mo, London, 1688; reprinted, London, 1698.
The Present State of Hungary, or, A Geographical and Historical Descrip-
tion of that Kingdom : giving an Account of the Nature of the Coun-
try, Inhabitants, Governments, Policy, Religion, and Laws ; its Division
of its Towns, Castles, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Product, Mines, Min-
erals, and other Rarities ; with the memorable Battels and Sieges. To
which is added, A Short Account of Transylvania. 12mo. London.
1687 SPON, ISAAC. The History of the State and City of Geneva, from its
first Foundation to this present Time. Faithfully collected from several
Manuscripts of Jacobus, Gothofredus, Monsieur Chorier, and others.
Fol. London.
For other works of Spon see Whcler and Spon under 1682, NEAR EAST.
WOLLEY, R. The Present State of France, containing a General De-
scription of that Kingdom, translated from the latest Edition of the
French, with Additional Observations and Remarks of the New Com-
piler and Digested into a Method Conformable to that of the State of
England. 8vo. London.
Wolley was a hack writer for John Dun ton the bookseller, and seemingly has
done here a typical piece of hack work.
1688 CARR, WILLIAM. Remarks of the Government of several Parts of
Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Hambourg, Lubeck, and Hanseatic
Towns ; but more particularly of the United Provinces ; with some few
Directions how to travel in the States' Dominions. Together
with a List of the most considerable Cities in Europe ; with the num-
ber of Houses in each City. 8vo. Amsterdam and London.
Another edition, London, 1690.
Carr was the "Late Consul for the English Nation at Amsterdam." From the
A True and Exact Relation of the most dreadful Earthquake which hap-
pened in the City of Naples, . . . June 5th, 1688. Whereby about forty
Cities and Villages were either wholly ruin'd or extreamly damnified;
Eight thousand Persons destroyed, . . . Translated (by J. P.) from the
Italian Copy, by an Eye-witness of those miserable Ruins. 4to. Lon-
don. (27 pp.)
1689 A Modern View of such parts of Europe that have lately been, and still
are, the places of great Transactions, viz., Italy, with all its particulars ;
France, with all Provinces and Bishopricks ; Germany, with the Duke-
dom of Lorraine, and all the Electorates and Lordships of the Empire;
Spain, with all its Dominions, . . . wherein is shewed the present State
of all those Countries ; with curious Remarks of Antiquity interwoven.
8vo. London.
WHITTIE, J. An Exact Diary of the late Expedition of the Prince of
Orange from his Palace at the Hague to his landing at Torbay, and
from thence to Whitehall. Folding map. 4to. London.
1690 The Present State of Germany, or, An Account of the Extent, Rise, Form,
Wealth, Strength, Weaknesses and Interests, of that Empire. The Pre-
rogatives of the Emperour; and the Privileges of the Electors, Princes,
and free Cities. Adapted to the present Circumstances of that Nation.
By a Person of Quality. 4to. London.
STRUTTON, RICHARD. A True Relation of the Cruelties and Bar-
barities of the French upon the English Prisoners of War ; being a
Journal of their Travels from Dinan in Britany to Thoulon, and back
again. With a Description of the Situation and Fortifications of all
the eminent Towns on the road; of their Prisons and Hospitals; the
numbers and names of them that died ; with the Charity and Sufferings
of the Protestants (by "an Eye-witness"). 4to. London.
1691 An Accurate Description of the United Netherlands ; and of the most con-
siderable parts of Germany, Sweden, and Denmark. Containing a
succinct Account of what is most remarkable in those Countries, and
necessary Instructions for Travellers ; together with, An exact Relation
of the Entertainment of his most Sacred Majesty, King William, at
the Hague. Illus. with figures. 8vo. London.
See 1725 below, Trwcls through f' landers.
ACTON, WILLIAM. A New Journal of Italy; containing what is most
remarkable of the Antiquities of Rome, Savoy, Naples: with Obser-
vations on the Strengths, Beauty, and Scituation, of the other Towns
and Forts in Italy, and the Distances ; together with the best Painting,
Carving, Limning, and other both natural and artificial Curiosities,
taken notice of by William Acton. 12mo. London.
1691 D'AULNOY, MARIE-CATHERINE (Countess of). The Ingenious
and Diverting Letters of the Lady 's Travels into Spain ; describ-
ing the Devotions, Nunneries, Humours, Customs, Law, Militia, Trade,
Diet, and Recreations, of that People, in several Letters. Intermixt
with Great Variety of Modern Adventures, and surprising Accidents:
Being the Truest and Best Remarks Extant, on that Court and Coun-
try. 8vo. London.
Frequently reissued. Foulche-Delbosc lists some 16 editions before 1800. 2nd
edit., 3 parts in 1 vol., 12mo, London, 1692; 4th edit., complete in 3 parts, 8vo,
1697; 7th edit., with an Additional Letter concerning the State of Spain in 1700,
by an English Gentleman, 8vo, 1708; 12th edit., 2 vols., with additional matter,
12mo, 1774; modern reprint edited by Foulche-Delbosc, London, 1930. The French
original, Paris, 1691. See below.
The name is variously spelled, viz., D'Aulnoy, D'Aunoy, Dunois, and Danois.
In Arbcr, Term Catalogues, III, Nov. 1698, there is an item purporting to be the
Life of Countess Dunois. See below.
1698 The Life of the Countess Dunois, Author of the Ladies Travels into Spain.
Written by herself, by way of Answer to Mon. Saint Evremond; con-
taining withal a Modest Vindication of the Female Sex, . . . Made Eng-
lish from the Original. 8vo. London.
This was really written by the Countess Henriette J. de Murat.
COMTESSE. Memoirs of the present State of the Court and Council
of Spain . . . done into English by T. Brown. 8vo. London.
1740 D'AULNOY, MARIE-CATHERINE. A Brief Account of Spain: with
a general View of the Nature and Manners of the Spaniards. Being a
Collection of several Curious Particulars relating to that People. In
Four Letters. 8vo. London.
1774 D'AULNOY, MARIE-CATHERINE. The Lady's Travels into Spain, or,
A Genuine Relation of the Religion, Laws, Commerce, Customs, and
Manners of that Country. Written by the Countess of Danois, in a
Series of Letters to a Friend at Paris. A new Edition, Improved. To
which is added, A Description of the present King of Spain, his Man-
ner of Living; the Characters of his Ministers, and other Officers of the
Court of Spain, . . . With Instructions how to travel in Spain, and an
Accurate Account of the Roads of that Country. 2 vols. 12mo. Lon-
The three appendices in vol. II consists of extracts from Baretti's
Travels. Foulche-Delbosc.
1930 D'AULNOY, MADAME. Travels into Spain, being the Ingenious and Di-
verting Letters of the Lady. Translated in the year of its publication
1691, and now published with an Introduction and Notes by R. Foulche-
Delbosc. Broadway Travellers. 8vo. London.
1691 D'AULNOY, MARIE-CATHERINE. Relation du Voyage d'Espagne,
3 vols. 12mo. Paris.
Many subsequent editions in French and translations into other lan-
EACHARD, LAURENCE. The Duke of Savoy s Dominions most accur-
ately described; with some adjacent parts, shewing the Bounds, Di-
mensions, Rivers, Riches, Strength, Religions there practiced, Lan-
guages, Dioceses, Universities ; the Scituation of the principal Towns,
their Distances; also a Table of all the Towns here mentioned. Neces-
sary for understanding these Wars. London.
EACHARD, LAURENCE. Flanders, or the Spanish Netherlands de-
scribed; shewing the several Provinces, their Bounds, Dimensions,
Rivers, Riches, Strength, Traffick, Religion, Languages, Dioceses, Uni-
versities, and a large Description of the Cities; with a useful Index
of all the Cities, Towns, Ports, Rivers, ... so as it may serve for a
Geographical Dictionary. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, with a map of the ten provinces, London, 1692; 12mo, London, 1693.
EMILIANE, GABRIEL D'. Observations on a Journey to Naples;
wherein the Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests are further discov-
ered. By the Author of a late Book entituled, "The Frauds of Rom-
ish Monks and Priests." 8vo. London.
Reprinted, London, 1692; in 2 vols., London, 1704. A French version, 2 vols.,
Rotterdam, 1727. See below.
The real name of the author was Antonio Gavin. He studied in Spain, but
having hecome a Protestant, he fled to England. His Master-Key to Popery, full
of "mendacious revelations," apeared in Ireland, 1724.
1727 (In French,) Voyage en Italic, 2 vols. Rotterdam.
Augmented to 3 vols., London, 1727.
A Late Voyage to Holland, with brief Relations of the Transactions at
the Hague : also Remarks on the Manners and Customs, Nature and
Comical Humours of the People . . . Written by an English Gentleman,
attending the Court of the King of Great Britain. In Harl Misc. II.
1692 BROMLEY, WILLIAM. Remarks made in Travels through France and
Italy. With many Publick Inscriptions. Lately taken by a Person of
Quality. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1705.
The first edition was bought up by Bromley's political opponents and reissued
in 1705, with the addition of a burlesque table of contents. Lowndes. Bromley
was then a candidate for the office of Speaker of the House of Commons. He won
to this position in 1710, and in 1713-14 he became Secretary of State. See Hearne's
Reliquiae Hcarnianae I, 46-47. For further tours see under 1702 below.
Relation of a Journey to Spain. London.
So cited in Pinker ton XVII.
S., J. A Description of France in its several Governments; together with
the most Considerable Cities, Sea-ports, and Rivers of that Kingdom ;
as also the Distances, with the Longitudes and Latitudes of each Place,
. . . by J. S. Folding map. 12mo. London.
1693 The Second Volume of Historical Voyages and Travels over Europe ; con-
taining all that is most curious in Spain and Portugal. Done out of
French. London.
It is stated that the first volume deals with France but the title has not come
to the notice of the editor.
1694 LA CROZE, JEAN CORNANN DE. An Historical and Geographical
Description of France; shewing its Government both in Church and
State, Policy, Strength, Riches and Revenues, both in its Prosperity
and during the War; Power of the Parliaments, State of the Nobility,
. . . The Description of its Climate, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Sea-
Ports, and other Towns and places; with their distances from each
other. Necessary for the right Understanding of the present Affairs
of that Kingdom. 12mo. London.
The Third Volume of Historical Travels over Europe ; containing the most
select Curiosities of Italy; the various Constitutions of Government
under several Sovereign Princes and States; their Strength, Riches
and Revenues ; the Customs, Manners, Coyns, and Trade of the Peo-
ple. Together with a particular Description of the City of Rome, the
Conclave, the Election of the Pope and Promotion of the Cardinal ;
accompanyed with a great number of Remarks never before imparted
to the World. Done out of French. 12mo. London.
1695 LE VASSOR, MICHEL. Letters written by a French Gentleman, giving
a Faithful and Particular Account of the Transactions of the Court of
France relating to the Publick Interest of Europe: with Historical
and Political Reflections on the Ancient and Present State of that
Kingdom. London.
MISSON, MAXIMILIAN. A New Voyage to Italy, with a Description
of the Chief Towns, Churches, Tombs, Libraries, Palaces, Statues, and
Antiquities of that Country, together with useful Instructions for those
who shall travel thither. Done into English. Numerous folding and
other plates of views, costume figures, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., enlarged above one-third, 2 vols., London, 1699 (the succeeding is-
sues contained the additions) ; 4th edit., 4 vols., 8vo, London, 1714; in 8vo, Lon-
don, 1739; in Harris II, 521-590. French original, the Hague, 1691, with many
subsequent repriritings. See below.
This work was highly praised by Addison. It was the first general account of
Italy that had appeared of its kind, but it has been charged with errors and prej-
udices. Pinkerton (XVII) says, "At the time these travels appeared, they were
in great request, . . . They are, however, out of date at present, besides being
replete with the grossest misrepresentations of the religious state of Italy." These
travels were made in 1687 and 1688. Misson was tutor to the Earl of Arran and
travelled as well with several other noblemen and gentlemen. He is better known
for his account of England as he saw it in Queen Anne's day.
1699 MISSON, MAXIMILIAN. A New Voyage to Italy, with Curious Ob-
servations on several other Countries as Germany, Switzerland, Savoy,
Geneva, Flanders and Holland. Together with useful Instructions for
those that shall travel thither. Done out of French. 2 vols. London.
1744-48 MISSON, MAXIMILIAN. The Travels of Mr. Maximilian Misson
through Part of Holland, the Spanish Low Countries, Germany, Tyrol,
and the Bishoprick of Trent, on his Way to Italy, containing a distinct
Account of whatever appeared to him remarkable in the Places through
which he passed, together with Political, Historical, and Critical Re-
marks upon Persons and Things, as he has Occasion to mention them.
The Greater Part of Italy to his Departure out of Italy. In Harris II,
1691 MISSON, MAXIMILIAN. Nouyeau Voyage en Italic; avec une Mem-
oire, contenant des avis utiles a ceux qui voudront faire le meme Voy-
age. Avec figures. The Hague.
PENN, WILLIAM. An Account of William Penn's Travails in Holland
and Germany, Anno MDCLXXVI. For the Service of the Gospel of
Christ, by way of Journal. London.
A 2nd impression, London, 1695, Corrected by the Author's own Copy, with
Answers to some of the Letters, not before Printed. Maggs, No. 580.
16% DU MONT, SIEUR JEAN. For an account of some things in Germany,
France, Italy, and Malta see his A New Voyage to the Levant, under
The Fourth Volume of Historical Travels over Europe ; containing a De-
scription of Holland and the rest of the United Provinces ; the Grounds
of their Union, and altering their Religion; also their Growth under
the House of Orange; their Government, Laws, Religion, Policy,
Strength, Trade, Fishing, and Bank ; with a particular Account of
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, . . . Done out of French. London.
KENNETT, BASIL. Romae Antiquae Notitia : or the Antiquities
of Rome, I : Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Commonwealth, II :
Description of the City. London.
2nd edit., with large additions, London, 1699 ; 13th edit., 8vo, London, 1763 ;
15th, Bvo, London, 1776. Sec below.
The author was the first chaplain of the English Factory at Leghorn, where
he was bothered by the Inquisition. Sotheran. Later he became president of
Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He did considerable miscellaneous writing and
1763 KENNETT, BASIL. Romae Antiquae Notitia, or the Antiquities of Rome:
Short History of the Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Commonwealth ;
Description of the City, Account of Religion, Government, War, Cus-
toms, . . . with Essays on Learning and Education. Views of principal
buildings, etc. 8vo. London.
MOUNTAGUE, WILLIAM. The Delights of Holland, or a Three
Months Travel about that and the other Provinces, with Observations
and Reflections on their Trade, Wealth, Strength, Beauty, Policy, . . .
together with a Catalogue of the Rarities in the Anatomical School at
Leyden. 8vo. London.
PATIN, CHARLES (M. D.). Travels through Germany, Bohemia,
Swisserland, Holland, and other parts of Europe, . . . Made English
and illustrated with copper cuts and a map. Portrait by Van der Gucht.
Reprinted, London, 1697. French original, Paris (?), 1673.
For those who are curious in medals this piece will be most acceptable ; yet
this does not lessen the value of the descriptions and other relations. Churchill,
Introduction. Patin was a French physician and numismatic. He was more fa-
mous for his work in the latter profession than in the former.
1698 FARIA Y SOUSA, MANUAL. The History of Portugal from the first
Ages of the World to the Year 1640. Continued down to the Year
1698 by Capt. John Stevens. 8vo. London.
Faria is considered one of the most celebrated historians and poets of Port-
ugal. Lowndcs. See also Faria under 1695, EAST INDIES.
A Trip to Holland ; being a Description of the Country, People, and Man-
ners ; as also some select Observations on Amsterdam. London.
An Answer to a late ill-natured Libel, call'd A Trip to Holland; being a
real Description of the Country; the Bravery, Wisdom, and Industry,
of its Inhabitants ; and the several Vertues which have their Growth
and Encouragement in the Seven United Provinces. By a Dutch Mer-
chant. London.
1699 DORINGTON, C. Observations concerning the present State of Re-
ligion in the Romish Church, with some Reflections upon it ; made in a
Journey through some Provinces of Germany. London.
HARRIS, W. (Dr.). A Description of the King's Palace and Gardens
at Loo ; with a Short Account of Holland ; in which are some Obser-
vations relating to their Diseases. London.
Harris was physician-in-ordinary to William III.
LISTER, MARTIN, (Dr.). A Journey to Paris in 1690. 6 plates. 8vo.
Reprinted in Pinkerton IV, 1-76; another edition, edited by G. Henning, Lon-
don, 1823. Translated into French by E. de Sermizelles, Paris, 1873, A satire upon
the book appeared at London, 1699, bound up with the original. See this date below
under A Succinct Description, etc.
This work contains learned observations on Science, Art, and Natural History,
with interesting descriptions of the houses and people the author visited, their
libraries, gardens, collections, etc., besides the manners and conditions of the
French people. Sotheran. Lister, who was a physician, passed six months in
Paris in 1696. Being an acute and interested observer, he took particular notice
of the way people lived. He met many famous men, among them Le Notre the
architect of Versailles, Readers who remember Moliere's strictures on the med-
ical profession of Paris will find here a defense of the apothecaries and doctors,
besides a good word for the hygienic conditions of the French capital.
MARIANO, JOHN DE. The General History of Spain, from the first
peopling of it by Tubal till the Death of King Philipp III. To which
are added Two Supplements . . . the whole translated from the Spanish
by Capt. John Stevens. Fol. London.
Spanish original, Toledo, 1601. See below.
Another notice of the book has "translated from the Spanish of Ferdinand
y Salcedo." The work is of considerable American interest, as it contains: The
Discoveries and Conquests of the Spaniards in the West Indies ; Controversies be-
twixt the Crowns of Spain and Portugal concerning their Discoveries; the Sending
of Vasco da Gama to Discover the India Sea ; Death of Christopher Columbus,
etc. Bookseller's Note.
1601 MARIANO, JUAN DE. Historia general de Espafia. Toledo.
A Succinct Description of France ; wherein is a Character of the People ;
their Religion, Customs, ... of that Kingdom. Writ by a Gentleman
now Travelling there, to his Friend in England. Dedicated to that Emi-
nent and Learn'd Physitian, Dr. Martin Lister; and may serve as a
Supplement to his Journey to Paris. 8vo. London.
1700 A Pilgrimage to the Grand Jubilee at Rome in the Year 1700, by an English
Gentleman lately return'd from thence. As also, The English Nun,
or a Comical Description of a Nunnery ; . . . London.
The first part was reprinted, London, 1701.
1701 A Short Account of and Character of Spain: in a Letter from an Eng-
lish Gentleman now residing at Madrid to his Friend in London.
The letter is signed C. T. Foulche-Delbosc.
VERYARD, ELLIS (M.D.). For a journey through the Low Countries,
France, Italy and Part of Spain see his An Account of divers Choice
Remarks, Geographical, etc., under NEAR EAST.
A View of Paris and Places adjoining, with an Account of the Court of
France and of the late King James, to which is added, the Present
Posture of Affairs in that Kingdom, . . . written by a Gentleman lately
residing at the English Ambassador's at Paris. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, London, 1706.
1702 BROMLEY, WILLIAM. Several Years Travels through Portugal,
Spain, Italy, Germany, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, and the United
Provinces. Performed by a Gentleman. 8vo. London.
Reprinted in the 1705 edition of Harris II, 762-783; an abridged version of
the travels in the Spanish and Portuguese regions in Harris II, 706-714, 1744-48
A Curious Survey of France ; describing their Government, Laws, Religion,
Policy, and Strength; their Customs, Manners, Riches, . . . with a
particular Description of Provence, Dauphine, Languedoc, Gascoigne,
Lions, Burgundy, Berry, Anjou, Britain, Normandy, . . . Map of the
whole country. 12mo. London.
FANSHAW, SIR RICHARD. Original Letters of his Excellency Sir
Richard Fanshaw, during his Embassies in Spain and Portugal : which,
together with divers Letters and Answers from the Chief Ministers
of State of England, Spain and Portugal, contain the whole Negocia-
tions of the Treaty of Peace between those Three Crowns. 8vo. Lon-
Reprinted, 2 vols., London, 1724.
DE WITT, JOHN (and other Great Men of Holland). The True Inter-
est and Political Maxims of the Republick of Holland and West Fries-
land . . . treating of Liberty in General, of Manufactures, Fisheries,
Traffick, Navigation, . . . Portrait. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1743.
A New Description of Spain and Portugal ; containing an Account of
their Government, Laws, Religion, Policy, and Strength ; their Cus-
toms, Manners, and Riches ; their Trade : with a Description of the
City of Madrid, the Palaces of Aranjoux and the Escurial ; the King-
doms of Leon, Galicia, and Austria (Asturias?) ; likewise of the King-
doms of Arragon, Catalognia, and Valentia; as also of the City of
Lisbon and other places remarkable in Portugal. 12mo. London.
NORTHLEIGII, JOHN. For France see his Topographical Descriptions
under CONTINENTAL EUROPE. The portion dealing with France
reprinted in Harris II, 727-740. See below.
1744-48 NORTHLEIGH, JOHN, Travels through France interspersed with
historical, political, and medical Observations, made with great Care
and Circumspection, in two different Journeys through that Kingdom,
the last of which was compleatecl in the Year 1702, and the Whole re-
vised by the Author a little before his Death. In Harris II, 727-740.
In this description occurs the remark: "We are come now to Paris
the Metropolis of France, that would compare with ours in England for
extent and Dimension, for its Buildings and Inhabitants, but fails in
all." Bookseller's Note. The author was a physician of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians. He travelled through a good part of Europe for the
sake of improvement and information.
SAVAGE, JOHN. The Antient and Present State of the Empire of
Germany, containing the Respective Histories of the Electorates, Prin-
cipalities, . . . and an Account of the Empire and all its Dependencies.
Map. 8vo. London.
1703 A Compleat History of the Cevennes, giving a Particular Account of the
Scituation, Strength, and Antiquity of the People and Country : to-
gether with several Treaties and Stipulations made since Charles IX.
to this Present King Lewis XIV. ; wherein the Cevennois have ob-
tain'd many Large Privileges, both Civil and Religious, by a Doctor
of the Civil Laws. 8vo. London.
1704 The Frenchman and Spaniard displayed in lively Characters: Being a
brief Description of the Customs and Manners of those two Nations ;
shewing the great Antipathy that is between them, and the conse-
quences that may ensue on the Arrival of Charles III. 4to. London.
A Trip to Portugal, or a View of their Strength by Sea and Land, an Exact
List of their Forces; with the Names of their Regimental Officers, the
Situation of their Frontier Towns, and the Prospect of their Fortifi-
cations. To which is added, A Catalogue of their Kings, ... In a Let-
ter from a Volunteer at Lisbon to his Friend in London. 8vo. Lon-
1704-05 A Trip to Spain, or, a True Description of the Comical Humors, Ridic-
ulous Customs and foolish Laws of that lazy improvident People the
Spaniards, in a Letter to a Person of Quality, from an Officer in the
Royal Navy. Fol. London.
This is a general sketch of Spain, but is principally concerned with Madrid.
1705 ADDISON, JOSEPH. Remarks on several Parts of Italy, in the years
1701, 1702, 1703. 8vo. London.
3rd edit., London, 1726; another, London, 1761; reprinted in Moore's Collec-
tion, London, 1785, Translated into French, Paris, 1722. See below and also Le
Clerc under 1715 below.
Thomas Hcarne, the Jacobite antiquarian of Oxford, says of this book, under
date of Nov. 28, 1705: "Mr. Addison's Travells is a book very trite, being made
up of nothing but scraps of verses, and things which have been observed over and
over, without any addition of things not discovered before; . . . though it must be
acknowledged, that the book is written in a clean style, and for that reason will
please novices and superficial readers." Later under Jan. 12, 1705-06, he says that
Mr. Thwaites told him, "Mr. Addison's Book of Travells, which he has read all
over, is not so contemptible as most would make it, being (he says) writ not only
in a very clean handsome style, but with good skill, and contains several curios-
ities, which are not so clearly told by other authors." Reliquiae Hcarnianae I,
pp. 73, 88. It should be noted, however, that Addison the Whig could not expect
warm commendation from this uncompromising Tory. Boswell quotes Johnson as
saying, "It is a tedious book, and if it were not attached to Addison's previous rep-
utation, one would not think much of it."
1722 (In French.) Remarqucs sur divers endroits d'ltalic par Mr, Addison,
pour servir au voyage de Mr. Minou. 12mo. Paris.
Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1725, I, 56.
TOLAND, JOHN. An Account of the Courts of Prussia and Hannover
sent to a Minister of State. London.
Another edition, London, 1714. See below, and also under 1723 below.
The author is chiefly remembered for his pamphlet Christianity Nat Myste-
rious (1696), which opened up the Deist controversy,
1714 TOLAND, JOHN. An Account of the Courts of Prussia and Hanover
sent to a Minister of State, (with) the Ordinances, ... of the Royal
Academy of Berlin, and the Declaration of the Elector Palatine in fa-
vour of his Protestant Subjects. 8vo. London.
1706 The Ancient and Present State of Portugal ; containing the Description of
that Kingdom, its former and present Division, the manner of the
Cortes or Parliament, its several Names, Forts, Rivers, Lakes, Baths,
Plants, Minerals, and other Products; Religious and Military Orders,
Prelates, . . . Also a Curious Account of the Inquisition ; and of all
the Towns and Rivers in the Kingdom; besides some of the Chiefest
on the Frontiers of Spain; with an Index and a map of Portugal and
Spain. 8vo. London.
A Geographical and Historical Account of the Principality of Catalonia
and Earldom of Barcelona ; containing the Description of that Coun-
try and City, and all other places of Note; its principal Rivers; Succes-
sion of its Princes ; and all notable Revolutions . . . 4to. London.
The Travels of an English Gentleman to Rome. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
1708 The History of the Government of Venice: Wherein the Policies, Coun-
cils, Magistrates and Laws of that State are fully related ; and the Use
of the Balloting Box exactly described. 8vo. London.
1709 Letters to a Nobleman, from a Gentleman Travelling through Holland,
Flanders, and France ; with a Description of Ghent, Lisle, . . . and the
Courts of Versailles and St. Germain. 8vo. London.
MONTAGUE, RALPH (Duke of). Life, containing his Travels abroad ;
his Marriages, Children, and other Actions at Home, with his Death,
. . . 8vo. London.
1711 BAUDRIER, SIEUR DU. A New Journey to Paris: Together with
some Secret Transactions between the Fr***h K**g, and an Eng****
Gentleman (Matthew Prior). By the Lieut, du Baudrier (pseudonym
for Jonathan Swift). Translated from the French. 8vo. London.
HOTOMAN, FRANCIS. Franco-Galliae ; or an Account of the Ancient
Free State of France and Most other Parts of Europe, before the Loss
of their Liberties, written originally in 1574; and translated into Eng-
lish (by Robert Molesworth). 8vo. London.
The translator was the Molesworth who incurred the displeasure of the Danish
King for his Account of Denmark. Sec under 1694, NORTH EUROPE.
LEONHARDI, JOHN. An Account of the Orisons; or a Description of
the Free and Independent Common-Wealth of the three Rhaetish
Leagues. 8vo. London.
An interesting and scarce tract on Communities. Bookseller's Note.
1712 BROME, JAMES. Travels through Portugal, Spain, and Italy. 8vo.
Thes>e travels took place in about 1708.
MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE (Father). The Travels of the
Learned Father Montfaucon from Paris thro' Italy, containing an Ac-
count of many Antiquities at Vienne, Aries, Nismes, and Marseilles,
the Delights of Italy and Rome viz., Libraries, Statues, Paintings,
Temples, Churches, . . . Illus. Translated from the Latin original.
8vo. London.
2nd edit., with a slightly different title, revised, fol , London, 1725 Latin orig-
inal, Paris, 1702. See below.
1725 MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. The Antiquities of Italy, being his
Travels from Paris through Italy in 1608-99, Translated from the Latin
Original, revised by J. Henley. Fol. London
1702 MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. piarum italicum sive monumcntorum
veterum bibliothecarum notitiae singulares itinerario italico collectac.
4to. Paris.
A Particular Description of the Famous Town and Cittadel of Dunkirk,
with all its Fortifications, viz., Rice-Bank, Forts, Harbour, Peere, the
Bason, Number of the Ships, . . . (also) Churches, Nunneries, . . .
4to. In Harl Misc., II, 329-337. London.
1714 STANYAN, ABRAHAM. An Account of Switzerland, written in the
Year 1714. Vignette of Shakespeare on title. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1756. Translated into French, 1756.
The author was educated at Christ Church, Oxford He became Under Sec-
retary of State 1715-16, and Clerk to the Privy Council in 1710. The book was
"destined to enlighten the profound darkness which he found prevailing as to the
constitution, religion, and manners of the Federated Cantons . It was used by
William Coxe in his Sketches ... of Swisserland (see under 1779 below). It was
commended by Lord Chesterfield to his son." I) N P> , quoted by Sotheran. "I
have often wondered that a Country situated almost in the Middle of Europe, as
Switzerland is, should be so little known, that not only the Generality of People
have scarce any idea of it, but that even some Men bred up to Foreign Affairs
hardly know the Names of the several Cantons, or what Religion they are."
Preface, quoted by Sotheran. "The Swiss," said Dr Johnson in 1778, "admit that
there is but one error in Stanyan."
1715 LE CLERC, J. Observations on Mr. Addison's Travels through Italy.
See Addison under 1705 above.
A New Journey to France; with an exact Description of the Sea-Coast
from London, to Calais, . . . London.
The Present State of His Majesty's Dominions in Germany, containing
an exact Description of the same. Map and folding genealogy of the
Brunswick line traced from Woden. 8vo. London.
1716 The Antient and Modern History of the Balearick Islands, or of the King-
dom of Majorca, which comprehends the Islands of Majorca, Minorca,
Yvica, Formentera, and others, with their natural and geographical De-
scription. Translated from the original Spanish, by Colin Campbell.
Maps. 8vo. London.
DRYDEN, JOHN. A Voyage to Sicily and Malta, written when he ac-
companied Mr. Cecill in that Expedition in the Years 1700 and 1701.
8vo. London.
The author was the second son of John Dryden the poet and dramatist. He
translated Juvenal's Fourteenth Satire tor his father's version, and wrote one med-
iocre comedy. D.N.B.
1717 CHANCEL, A. D. A New Journey over Europe. London.
Relation d'un Voyage nouvellement fait par la France. London.
1718 RAY, JOHN, and WILLOUGHBY, FRANCIS. Philosophical Letters
between the late Learned Mr. Ray and . . . Correspondents, Natives,
and Foreigners ; to which are added those of Francis Willoughby, Esq.,
consisting of Curious Discoveries in the History of Birds, Insects,
Plants, Fossils, . . . edited by W. Derham. 8vo. London.
See Ray under 1673 above.
Travels from London to Rome on Foot. 8vo. London.
Such a mode of travelling, which is equivalent to our modern hiking, was
rare in this century. So must Goldsmith have travelled, as did Wordsworth and
Jones in 1790.
1721 A Letter from an English Traveller at Rome to his Father, of the 6th May
(8 pp.)- 4to. London.
1722 RICHARDSON, JONATHAN. An Account of the Statues and
Bas-reliefs, Drawings and Pictures in Italy, PVance, . . . with Remarks,
. . . London.
This is probably tbe elder Richardson, the painter, who won some distinction
for his treatise, Theory of Painting (1715) lie succeeded Kneller in public favor
as a portrait painter.
1723 TOLAND, JOHN. An Historical Account of the Life and Writings of
the late Eminently Famous Mr. John Toland, containing a faithful ac-
count of his travels in Germany, Holland, . . . An Account of the Con-
troversies wherein he was engaged . . . an exact Catalogue of his
Writings, by one of his most intimate Friends. 8vo. London.
See Toland under 1705 above.
Vertot's Miscellanies: Consisting of Disertation upon the true Original
of the French by a Parallel of their Manners with those of the Ger-
mans ; Salique Laws ; On the Sainte Ampoulle ; Antient Form of
Oaths, . . . Done from the French by John Henley. 8vo. London.
1723-26 BREVAL, JOHN DURANT. Remarks on several Parts of Europe:
relating chiefly to the History, Antiquities, and Geography of France,
the Low Countries, Lorrain, Germany, Savoy, Tyrol, Switzerland,
Italy, and Spain. 2 vols. 4to. London.
Vol I appeared in 1723, and vol. II in 1726. Reprinted in 2 vols., fol. Lon-
don, 1738
Hreval was a hackwriter for the "unspeakable Curll " For some ridicule which
he cast on Pope the latter put him in the Punciad.
1725 MACKY, JOHN. A Journey through the Austrian Netherlands, Contain-
ing the Modern History and Description of all the Provinces, Towns,
Castles, Palaces, ... of that Fruitful, Populous Country, so long the
Scene of Wars and dreadful Ravages, till it was by the Treaty of
Utrecht yielded to the Emperor of Germany. With an Account of all
the Remarkable Battels and Sieges; taken from the most authentick
Narratives. To which is prefixed, An Introduction, containing the
Ancient History of the whole Seventeen Provinces. London.
2nd edit., 8vo. London, 1732.
Travels through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark ; con-
taining an Account of what is most remarkable in those Countries, par-
ticularly a Description of those fortified Towns in Flanders and Hol-
land, with exact Draughts of Dunkirk, Maastricht, Charleroi, Gent, and
Ath, together with necessary Instructions for Travellers. 5th edit,
much enlarged. Written by an English Gentleman, who resided many
years in Holland in a publick Capacity.
This may be the same work as that listed under 1691 above: An Accurate
Description of the United Netherlands.
1726 BROCK WELL, C. Natural and Political History of Portugal, ... To
which is added, The History of Brazil, and all other Dominions sub-
ject to the Crown of Portugal in Asia, Africa, and America. Maps
of Portugal and Brazil and 1 plate. London.
Letters describing the Character and Customs of the English and French
Nations, with a curious Essay on Travelling; and a Criticism on Boi-
leau's Description of Paris. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lon-
Versailles Illustrated. Plates. London.
1728 BURRISH, ONSLOW. Batavia Hemstuata, or, A View of the Policy
and Commerce of the United Provinces, Particularly of Holland, with
an Enquiry into the Alliances of the States general with the Emperor,
France, Spain and Great Britain. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, London, 1731, with title, Batavia Illustrata
Part I describes the country and its government; part II the fisheries, man-
ufactures and commerce, including the East and West India Companies ; part
III the alliances with foreign states.
1730 BEHRENS, GEORGE HENNING. The Natural History of Hartz For-
est, in Germany, translated by John Andres. 8vo. London.
WRIGHT, EDWARD. Some Observations Made in Travelling through
France, Italy, ... in 1720-22. 42 folding plates by Van der Gucht.
2 vols. 4to. London.
2nd edit., 4to, London, 1764 (without the plates).
1731 Some Short Reflections on the Situation of Gibraltar, and its Importance
to the Trade and maritime Force of this Kingdom, with a Proposal
for rendering the late Works of the Spaniards near that Fortress, in-
effectual. (16 pp.) 4to. London.
1732 HOLLAND, RICHARD (Captain). A Draught of the Streights of Gib-
raltar, with some Observations upon the Currents thereunto belonging.
In Churchill IV, 7S2-784.
This "draught" was made in July, 1675.
CARERI, JOHN FRANCIS GEMELL1 (Dr.). Travels through Eu-
rope in several Letters to the Counsellor Amate Danio. In Churchill
VI, 41-142.
1st letter dated Venice, Jan. 25, 1686 It covers parts of Italy, Savoy, Paris,
England, the Low Countries, and Germany, and is concerned w r ith matters of his-
torical interest and general information. The last letter is dated Vienna, July 14.
1686. See also Careri under 1732, FAR EAST.
MERIN, JOHN BAPTIST (M.D.). A Journey of John Baptist Merin
to the Mines of Hungary: with an Account of his Observations made
there, in relation to them, and subterraneous Passages in general. In
Churchill IV, 762-767.
This journey was made in 1615.
SKIPPON, PHILIP. An Account of a Journey made Thro' a Part of
the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France. In Churchill VI,
Abstract in Harris II, 715-727. See below.
The author travelled in company with Ray, Willoughby, and Bacon. They
set out from London, April 17, 1663. He was Ray's companion from the time
he left Kngland until he separated from the latter at Paris to return to Rutland.
Being an inquisitive traveller, he kept an exact account of everything he saw,
and what he missed was not likely to be observed by other travellers. But he
gave little or no personal narrative.
1744-48 SKIPPON, SIR PHILIP. The Travels of Sir Philip Skippon and
the Reverend John Ray through the best Part of the Kingdom of
France ; interspersed with a great Variety of historical and political,
philosophical and mechanical Remarks and Observations. Collected
from the Journals of those ingenious Persons. In Harris II, 715-727.
1735 FRANK, THOMAS. Tour through France, Flanders, and Germany.
1737 DE VEIL, HANS. Les Amusemens de Spa, or the Gallantries of the
Spaw in Germany, containing the Virtues of every Spring, Nature
and Uses, the Reasons why frequented by Persons of the first Distinc-
tion, the various Diversions and Amusements, many entertaining His-
tories of Persons resorting to Spaw, intermix'd with several others of
Wit, Humor, Gaiety, ... 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1738 LEDIARD, THOMAS. The German Spy. In Familiar Letters from
Munster, Paderborn, Osnabrug, Minden, Bremen, Hamburg, Gluck-
stadt, Helgoland, Stade, Lubeck, and Rosrock. Written by a Gentle-
man on his Travels, to his Friend in England. With a Prefatory Ac-
count of these Letters, and Explanatory Notes, by Thomas Lediard.
An edition in 1740 cited by Pinkerton XVII.
Lcdiard was a miscellaneous writer of historical and biographical works. He
was attached to the staff of the Duke of Marlborough and accompanied him
on his visit to Charles XII of Sweden. He also wrote an English opera,
"Britannia." D.N.B.
1739 CAMPBELL, JOHN. For his travels in France, Italy, Malta, see his
The Travels and Adventures of Edward Brown, under GENERAL
DE TOT, C. DE FERRARE. Political Reflections upon the Finances
and Commerce of France, shewing the Causes which formerly ob-
structed the Advancement of her Trade, . . . Translated from the
French. 8vo. London.
WHATLEY, ROBERT (Rev.). Three Letters giving an Account of
his Travels into Germany, ... in 1721-22.
The author was a prebendary of York.
1740 RIPPERDA, DUKE DE. Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda: first Em-
bassador from the States-General to his Most Catholick Majesty, then
Duke and Grandee of Spain ; afterwards Bashan and Prime Minister
to Muly Abdulla, Emperor of Fez and Morocco. Containing a succinct
Account of the most Remarkable Events which happened between 1715
and 1736. Interspers'd throughout with several Curious Particulars
relating to the Cardinals Del Guidice and Alberoni, the Princess of
Ursino, Prince Cellamere, the Marquis Beretti Lancli, M. De Santa
Cruz, ... As also a Distinct and Impartial Detail of the Differences
between the Courts of London and Madrid. To which is annexed an
Appendix, containing some Papers on the Balance of Europe, the
Present State of Spain, and the Consequences of a War in the West
Indies. 8vo. London.
1741 A Short Account of a late Journey to Tuscany, Rome, and other Parts
of Italy. London.
1742 An Inquiry into the Revenue, Credit and Commerce of France. 8vo.
POOLE, ROBERT (M.D.). A Journey from London, to France and
Holland; or, The Traveller's Useful Vade Mecum. 2 vols. 8vo.
Reprinted, London, 1746, the second volume of which appeared in 1750.
In 1741 Poole set out for France to get a degree in medicine from the
University of Rheims, but he returned in three months. The above account con-
tains a minute journal of his travels with interesting remarks on Paris hospitals.
The bulk of the book is taken up with a French grammar, a sort of gazetteer of
Europe, and other information for travellers. See his Beneficent Bee under 1753,
1743 A Description of Holland and the United Provinces. London.
1743.45 BLAINVILLE, M. DE. Travels through Holland, Germany, Switzer-
land and other Parts of Europe, but especially Italy. Translated from
the French by Turnbull and Guthrie. Maps. 3 vols. 4to. London.
Reprinted, 3 vols., 4to, London, 1749.
These travels, though praised by Dr. Johnson, are now held in little esteem.
Low tides.
1744 M ARTEL, PETER. An Account of the Glaciers, or Ice Alps in Savoy.
In Two Letters, One from an English Gentleman to his Friend at
Geneva; the other from Peter Martel, Engineer, to the said English
Gentleman. 2 folding plates. 4to. London.
The English Gentleman was W. Windham and the Friend at Geneva was
the miniature painter, M. Arlaud, a friend of Sir Isaac Newton. This account
of Windham' s is reproduced in de Beer's Early Travellers in the Alps. De
Beer points out that the honor of discovering Chamonix as the goal for tourists
belongs to a group of Englishmen who were staying at Geneva in 1741. This
letter produced results at once. The first to be lured thither was Peter Martel
who describes his journey in the letter to Windham cited above. His account is
of interest in that it makes the first known mention of Mont Blanc. The Alps,
especially in the region of Mont Blanc, were now to become a really fashion-
able resort. De Beer states that in the eighteenth century more than a hundred
accounts of journeys through the Alps appeared.
THOMPSON, CHARLES. The Travels of the late Charles Thompson,
containing his Observations on France, Italy, ... 3 vols. Reading.
Another edition, London, 1748.
1744-48 Travels through Hungary into Thessaly; a Description of the City of
Larissa, and of the Grand Seignor's Court there, with other curious
Particulars ; together with a Description of other Parts of Hungary,
more especially of the Gold Mines, and some Remarks upon the ad-
jacent Countries, then and now making Part of the Hereditary Domin-
ions of the House of Austria. In Harris II, 765-789.
The writer was a student of physics, botany, anatomy, natural history, and
"chymistry." He travelled for the sake of extending his knowledge of things so
he tells us.
Travels through Portugal and Spain, with a distinct Description of the
principal Cities in both Kingdoms ; particularly Lisbon, Coimbra, Por-
to, and Braga, in the former; Madrid, Valubra, Alicant, ... in the lat-
ter; with a curious and correct Detail of the Curiosities in the Escuriel,
and a Succinct Description of the Royal Palaces of their Catholick Ma-
jesties. By an English Gentleman. In Harris II, 705-714.
The author embarked for Portugal in 1693. He comments on the large spec-
tacles fastened to the ears of many young and old people of Portugal.
1745 DAVIS, WILLIAM. A True Relation of the Travels and most miser-
able Captivity of William Davis, Barber-Surgeon of London, under
the Duke of Florence. Wherein is truly set down the Manner of his
Taking, the long Time of his Slavery, and Means of his Delivery,
after Eight Years and Ten Months Captivity in the Gallies. Discov-
ering many Main Lands, Islands, Rivers, Cities and Towns, the Con-
dition of the People of the Christians and Infidels, ... In Osborne I,
The victim of these hardships set out from England, January 28, 1597. Taken
prisoner by one of the Duke of Florence's ^allies, he was made to toil several
years at the oars. His description of the Italian character and his animus against
papists both English and Italian are justifiably bitter.
Flanders Delineated : or, A View of the Austrian and French Netherlands,
... By an Officer of the Allied Army now in Flanders. To which is
prefixed a Summary of the History of the Low Countries in general.
Maps and a folding plate. 8vo. Reading.
The Theatre of the Present War in the Netherlands and upon the Rhine,
containing a Description of all the Divisions, Fortified and other Towns
in the Provinces, South-West Germany, Frontiers of France and Lor-
rain. Also Introduction to the Art of Fortification and Military Dic-
tionary. Map and plates. 8vo. London.
1749 CAREW, GEORGE. A Relation of the State of France with the Char-
acter of Henry IV, and the Principal Persons of that Court. London.
This is probably Sir George Carew (d. 1612) who was an envoy to France
in 1605-09.
Letters on the French Nation, by a Sicilian Gentleman, translated from
the French. 8vo. London.
NUGENT, THOMAS. The Grand Tour; Or, a Journey through the
Netherlands, Germany, Italy and France. Containing : I. A Descrip-
tion of the principal Cities and Towns, their Situation, Origin, and
Ancient Monuments. II. The public Edifices, the Seats and Palaces
of the Princes of the Nobility, their Libraries, Cabinets, Paintings,
and Statues. III. The Produce of the Countries, the Customs and
Manners of the People, the different Coins, their Commerce, Manu-
factures, Learning, and present Government. IV. An exact List of the
Post-Routes, and of the different Carriages by Water and Land, with
their settled Prices. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., corrected and considerably improved : To which is added, The Eu-
ropean Itinerary, 4 vols., London, 1756; a later edition, 4 vols., London, 1778.
Nugent was a voluminous translator of French works. His Grand Tour has
become a source book for all studies in this field. It is one of the chief wit-
nesses to the seriousness with which the young Knglish gentleman was supposed
to regard his travels abroad.
The Present State of Holland, or a Description of the United Provinces ;
wherein is contained a Particular Account of the Hague, and the
Principal Cities and Towns of the Republick. 12mo. The Hague.
RHYS, UDALL (Price). An Account of the most Remarkable Places
and Curiosities in Spain and Portugal. 8vo. London.
1750 CLANCY, Michael (M.D.). Memoirs, containing his Observations on
many Countries in Europe. 2 vols. Dublin.
RUSSELL, JONATHAN. Letters from a Young Painter Abroad to his
Friends in England. Folding copperplate engravings. 2 vols. 8vo.
A scarce and valuable art book, by some ascribed to Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Bookseller's Note.
A Trip to the Jubilee, by a Gentleman that was at the late Grand one at
Rome. Containing a Diverting Account of his most remarkable Trav-
els through France, Milan, . . . 8vo. London.
Voyage en Hollande et sur les frontiers occidentales de rAllemagne, tra-
duit Tanglais par Cantwel. (Place and date?).
What is the English original? D.N.B. cites an Andrew Cantwell, an Irish-
man, who studied medicine on the Continent and practiced surgery at Paris from
1742 on.
1751 CLEGHORN, GEORGE. Observations on the epidemical Diseases in
Minorca, in the years 1744 and 1749; to which is prefixed a short Ac-
count of the Climate, Productions, Inhabitants, and endemical Distem-
pers of the Islands. London.
A Description of the City House of Amsterdam. Amsterdam.
1752 ARMSTRONG, JOHN. The History of the Island of Minorca, Trade,
Customs, Antiquities, . . . Map and plates. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., with large additions, 8vo, London, 1756. Translated into French,
Amsterdam and Paris, 1769. See below.
1769 (In French.) Histoire naturelle et civile de 1'Isle de Minorque. Traduit
sur la 2e edit, angloise. 12mo. Amsterdam and Paris.
1753 BELLICARD, . Observations upon the Antiquities of Herculaneum.
42 plates. 8vo. London.
An ingenious work, containing some particulars which escaped the observations
of former writers. Lowndes. Herculaneum and Pompeii came to the notice of
the curious in 1738 and 1748 respectively, though it was not until 1763 that exca-
vations were begun at the latter place.
A Brief Account of the Vaudois, His Sardinian Majesty's Protestant sub-
jects in the Valleys of Piedmont, in a letter from a Gentleman on his
Travels in Italy. London.
HANWAY, JONAS. For an account of his travels in Germany and
Holland see his An Historical Account of the British Trade over the
Caspian Sea, under CENTRAL ASIA.
The Traveller's Companion and Guide through France, Flanders, Brabant
and Holland. London.
1754 DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER. For accounts of the cities of Germany
and Italy see his Travels through different Cities of Germany, Italy,
Greece, under NEAR EAST.
DUCAREL, ANDREW COLTEE. A Tour through Normandy, de-
scribed in a Letter to a Friend. 4to. London.
Another edition, considerably enlarged, fol., London, 1767. Sec below.
Though born in Normandy, the author was educated in England and be-
came an enthusiastic student of antiquities, George North, an antiquarian, to
whom Ducarel submitted his Account of his tour, criticises it for having "too
many repetitions appear in it, especially of the words, there are, which render
the narrative flat and unenliveninR, and make too many breaks in it. With these
expunged, and the sentences made to run off a little more roundly in a more
continued flow, the pleasure would be greatly heightened to the reader, etc."
From Nichols, Literary Atiecdotcs Ducarel made this tour into Normandy to in-
spect its antiquities. Lowndcs characterises it as a meagre composition, with
wretched plates.
1767 DUCARRL, ANDREW COLTEE. Anglo-Norman Antiquities consid-
ered in a Tour through Part of Normandy. 27 copperplates. Fol.
MAJOR, THOMAS. The Ruins of Paestum, otherwise Posidonia in
Magna Graecia. 25 copperplates. Fol. London.
2nd edit, fol., London, 1768. Translated into French, with additions (by
Thomas Major), London, 1768; again by Dumont, \vith his additions, and other
plates of Herculaneum and antiquities of Naples, in all 18 plates, Paris, 1769.
Major was an engraver who lived and woiked for some time in Paris. He
was the first engraver to be elected R.A. D.N.B.
1755 FIELDING, HENRY. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. 12mo. London.
Other editions: 12mo t Dublin, 1756; London, 1785; a modern reprint, Lon-
don, 1892; edited for the Oxford Classics by Austin Dobson, Oxford, 1907.
Translated into German, Altona, 1764. See below.
This work as originally printed contained some libelous matter relating to
the conduct of the captain of the ship. The whole edition was withheld and a
revised one printed. The book is a most readable account of a voyage by sea in
the days when ships had to wait for "fair winds" before they could leave port.
Fielding was suffering from dropsy and made this voyage in the hope of regaining
his health. Both hopes and remedy, however, proved vain, for, as is well known,
Fielding died shortly after reaching Lisbon and was buried there.
1756 FIELDING, HENRY. Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. With a Frag-
ment of a Comment on Lord Bolingbroke's Essays. 12mo. Dublin.
1764 (In German.) Herrn Heinrich Fieklings, Esq Reise nach Lisbon. Von
ihm sclbst beschrieben. Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt. Nebst einer
Nachricht von dem Lebensumstanden dieses beruhmten Schriftstellers.
1917 DICKSON, F. S. The Early Editions of Fielding's Voyage to Lisbon;
The Chronology of Tom Jones; 2 items. 8\o. Reprinted from the
Library, January and July, 1917. London.
1756 The Importance of the Island of Minorca and Harbour of Port Mahon,
with a History and Description of both. In a Letter from a Merchant
to a Noble Lord. 8vo. London.
KEYSLER, JOHANN GEORG. Travels through Germany, Bohemia,
Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorraine, giving a True Description
of their Present State. (Translated from the German.) 7 engraved
plates. 4 vols. 4to. London.
3rd edit., London, 1760. German original, Hanover, 1740. See below.
This work, though heavy, is interesting from the picture it exhibits of Ger-
many, etc., in the middle of the 18th century. The author's judgments on antiquities
have been questioned Lowndes. The volumes deal with the natural history,
iriannrrs, comrncice, manufactures, laws, antiquities, etc, and close with an ap-
peridix of roads, post stages, etc.
1740 KEYSLER, JOHANN GKORG. Neueste Reise durch Teutschland, Boh-
men, Ungarn, die Schweitz, Italien und Lothringen. 3 copperplates and
a map of central Europe. 4to. Hannover
STEVENS, SACHEVERELL. Miscellaneous Remarks made on the
Spot, in a late Seven Years' Tour through France, Germany and Hol-
land. London.
Reprinted in the World Displayed, XIX, London, 1761.
The author was in Paris in 1738 and 1739. He had many complaints to make
of the exorbitant prices of inns, the rapacity of the sailors, the had faith of
French valets, the insolence of beggars in Paris, and such like. The English trav-
eller, like the modern American, was always supposed to be rich and hence was
much imposed upon. Stevens was full of prejudices but was often an original
observer. The people of France he found combined the utmost gaiety with the
greatest poverty.
1757 CAMPBELL, JOHN. The Present State of Europe; Interests, Political
and Commercial Views, Constitutions, . . . 8vo. London.
CARLETON, SIR DUDLEY. Letters from and to Sir Dudley Carle-
ton, Knt., during his Embassy in Holland, from January, 1615-16, to
December, 1620. 4to. London.
1761 JEFFERYS, THOMAS. A Description of the Maritime Parts of France,
containing a particular Account of all the Fortified Towns, Forts, Har-
bours, Bays and Rivers, with their Tides, Currents, Soundings, Shoals,
... 88 maps and plans. 2 vols. 4to. London.
Another edition, 2 vols., London, 1774.
KEATE, GEORGE. A Short Account of the ancient History, present
Government, and Laws of the Republic of Geneva. Map. 8vo. Lon-
Keate is better known through his Account of the Pclew Islands See under
1788, SOUTH SEAS. He also wrote poems on the Alps and on Italy.
TAYLOR, JOHN (Chevalier). The History of the Travels and Adven-
tures of the Chevalier John Taylor, Ophthalmiater Pontifical Imperial
and Royal, to the Kings of Poland, Denmark, Sweden, The Electors
of the Holy Empire, . . . Author of 45 Works in different languages;
the Produce for upwards of thirty Years, of the greatest practice in the
Cure of distempered Eyes, of any in the Age we live Who has been
in every Court, Kingdom, Province, State, City, and Town of the least
Consideration in all Europe, without Exception. Written by Himself.
This Work contains all the most worthy the Attention of a Traveller.
. . . 3 vols. 8vo. London.
The full title of this curious work is set forth in Nichols, Literary Anecdotes
VIII, 410. Taylor was a quack oculist, of much notoriety in his day. Though he is
allowed by Dr. King, in his Political and Literary Anecdotes, to have possessed
professional talents, yet his strange farrago, which he calls the History of his
Travels, shows him as a charlatan and coxscomb. The work is now very scarce,
being bought up by some descendant or connexion of the family. Lowndes. He
was the subject of many satires and the author of treatises on the eye and a bom-
bastic autobiography. D.N.B,
1762 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. See the Bee No. 2, in which he traces the
character and the manners of Frenchmen in several satirical sketches.
See also the Citizen of the World, ch. Ixxviii, and the Traveller. For
the most part Goldsmith had a keen appreciation and sympathy for
France, its life and taste.
VENUTI, R. Collection of some of the Finest Prospects in Italy, with
Short Remarks on them, engraved hy various celebrated Engravers at
Rome. 2 (?) vols. 8vo. London.
Letterpress descriptions are given in English, Italian, and French.
1763 ANTONINI, (Abbe). A View of Paris, describing all the Churches,
Palaces, Public Buildings, and fine Paintings, by the Abbe Antonini, in
French and English. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
CLARKE, EDWARD (Rev.). Letters concerning the Spanish Nation,
written at Madrid during the Years 1760 and 1761. 4to. London.
An abridged version in Knox V, 389-433, 1767. Translated into German,
Lemgo, 1765; into French, Paris, 1770. See below.
The author was chaplain to George William, Karl of Bristol, Ambassador
Extraordinary to Spain. During his two years' residence there he collected much
information, hints, and materials relative to the existing state of Spain, as might
"either gratify the curiosity of his friends, or prove of some utility to the publick
in general." Nichols, Literary Anecdotes. Several letters describe celebrated li-
braries, but mostly they have to do with various aspects of local life of the time
in Spain.
1765 (In German.) Brief e von dcm gegcnwartigen Zustande des Konigreichs
Spanien geschrieben zu Madrid in den Jahren 1760 und 1761 von Ed-
ward Clarke, Magister der Weltwcisheit, Mitglied des St. Johann
Collcgii zu Cambridge und Rektors zu Pepperharrow in der Graf-
schaft Surry damaligen Gesandtschaftsprediger bey dem Grossbritann-
ischen Gcsandtcn dem Grafcn von Bristol. In das Deutsche ubersetzt
und hin und wieder erlautert von Johann Tobias Kbhler, Professor zu
Gbttingen und Mitglied der Churmannzischen Gesellschaft der Wib-
senschaften zu Erfurth. 8vo. Lemgo
1770 (In French ) Etat present de 1'Espagne et de la nation espagnole, ou Let-
tres ecrites a Madrid pendant les aimccs 1760 et 1761 par le Rev. Ed-
ouard Clarke. Traduit de 1'anglois. 2 vols. Paris.
The translator is said to be Guillaume Imhert. The French ver-
sion was prohibited in France, because possibly the criticism of Charles
III could appear to be addressed to Louis XIV. From Foulche-Del-
CONDAMINE, M. DE LA. Journal of a Tour to Italy. 8vo. London.
This work contains, among many other interesting and curious particulars,
accounts of the Leaning Towers of Pisa and Bologna, Eruptions of Mount
Vesuvius, Detection of the Impositions used in the pretended liquefying of the
Blood of St. Januarius, Parallel between the Horse-Races at Rome and New-
market, etc. Bookseller's Note.
MAIHOWS, (Dr.). Travels in France, Italy and the Archipelagus,
or Letters written from several Parts of Europe in 1750. 4 vols.
Translated into French, 4 vols., Paris, 1763; and again in 1767. See below.
Pinkerton XVII gives the name of the writer as Matthews.
The first volume is given up entirely to a description of France. The author
crossed France in 1750 on his way to the Near East He describes conscientious-
ly but without originality the priacipal monuments of a city.
1767 (In French.) Voyage en France, en Italic et aux iles de 1'archipel. Tra-
duit de P. F. de Puisieux. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris.
MONTAGUE, LADY MARY WORTLEY. For her letters from vari-
ous parts of Europe see her Letters written during her Travels in
Europe, Asia, and Africa, under NEAR EAST.
1764 An Account of the Southern Maritime Provinces of France, representing
the Distress to which they arc reduced at the Conclusion of the War
in 1748, with Supplement, and Remarks on the Marine of France. 2
folding plans of Toulon. 4to. London.
ADAM, ROBERT. A Picturesque Journey in Istria and Dalmatia.
Adam was the famous architect, one of four brothers in the same profession,
whose best known work was the Adclphi Terrace in London. This trip to Dal-
matia led to a study of the palace of Diocletian, which resulted in a finer use of
Greek architectural style for domestic purposes in England.
1766 NORTHALL, JOHN (Captain). Travels through Italy. Containing New
and Curious Observations on that Country. London.
These travels took place in 1752. The author was a captain in the army service
SHARP, SAMUEL (M.D.). Letters from Italy, describing the Customs
and Manners of that Country, in the Years 1765 and 1766; to which
is annexed, an Admonition to Gentlemen who pass the Alps, in their
Tour through Italy. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1767.
Sharp was surgeon to Guy's Hospital and an eminent writer on surgery.
These Letters are the outcome of a journey to Italy for his health. They were
attacked by Barctti, between whom and Sharp arose a great "book fight/' as
Fanny Burney called it, over some opinions expressed. Baretti followed his
first attack in his Frustra Letteraria with his Account of the Manners and Cus-
toms in Italy (1768). Sharp replied in the same year with his Views of the Cus-
toms, Manners, Drama, . , . of Italy See 1768 below. Dr. Johnson remarked of
these Letters (1776), "I read Sharp's Letters from Italy over again when I was
at Bath. There is a great deal of matter in them." Modern opinion regards them
as rather superficial.
SMOLLETT, TOBIAS (Dr.). Travels through France and Italy, con-
taining Observations on Character, Customs, Religion, Government,
Police, Commerce, Arts and Antiquities, With a particular Descrip-
tion of Nice. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
An edition, 2 vols., Dublin, 8vo, 1766; another, London, 1778; edited for the
World's Classics by Thomas Seccombe, Oxford, 1907, 1919. Reprinted in various
collected editions of his works.
Smollett was probably the most embittered and cantankerous Englishman that
ever travelled abroad. Everything and everybody conspired to excite his irasci-
Sility. The food and the inns were bad, the accommodations were damp, dirty,
and dark; the postillions, innkeepers, and the whole crew of caterers to travellers
combined to irritate him with their sharp practices and outrageous extortions.
Sterne met him at Turin and has left this memorable account of him: 'The
learned Smelfungus travelled from Boulogne to Paris, from Paris to Rome, and
so on, but he set out with the spleen and jaundice, and every object he passed
by was discolored or distorted. He wrote an account of them, but 'twas noth-
ing but the account of his miserable feelings " But Smollett was sick when he
left England and still sick when he returned home. He realized himself that the
cause of his discomforts lay largely in his poor health as well as in his inability
to adapt himself to foreign ways. Nevertheless, being an acute observer, he saw
much more than he was given credit for.
THICKNESSE, PHILIP. Observations on the Customs and Manners
of the French Nation ; in a Series of Letters in which that Nation is
vindicated from the Misrepresentations of some late Writers. Lon-
2nd edit., London, 1779; 3rd, London, 1789, with considerable additions, to-
gether with the routes through Germany, Holland, Switzerland, differences of
money, etc,
Thicknesse travelled widely and encountered a variety of experience. He went
out with Oglethorpe to Georgia in 1735, became Licut.-Governor of Landguard
Fort in 1766, was a patron of Gainsborough, and thought he had discovered the
author of the Letters of Juttius in the person of Home Tooke. See also under
1769, 1777, and 1788 below.
1766-1773 NUGENT, THOMAS. The History of Vandalia, containing the
Ancient and Present State of the County of Mecklenburg; its Revo-
lutions under the Vandals, the Venedi, and the Saxons; with the Suc-
cession and memorable Actions of its Sovereigns. $ vols. 4to. Lon-
don. (See under 1768 below.)
1767 CORIAT, JUNIOR. Another Traveller; or, Cursory Remarks and Triti-
cal Observations made upon a Journey through Part of the Nether-
lands in 1766 by Coriat Junior. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
The author was Samuel Paterson, the celebrated auctioneer and bookseller.
His talent for cataloguing was unrivalled. . . . Few men of this country had so
much bibliographical knowledge; and perhaps we never had a Bookseller who
knew so much of the contents of books generally; and he was particularly well
acquainted with our English Poets. From Nichols, Literary Anecdotes Of this
work Dr. Johnson said, "This book was in imitation of Sterne and not of Coriat,
whose name Paterson had chosen as a whimsical one." Paterson, in a pamphlet
entitled "An Appeal," etc., by Coriat Junior, 12mo, produced some evidence to
show that his work was written before Sterne's Sentimental Journey appeared.
Bookseller's Note.
STEPHENS, P. 150 Views in Italy, etched by various Artists and Ama-
teurs on the Spot. 4to. London.
1768 BARETTI, JOSEPH. An Account of the Manners and Customs of
Italy, with Observations on the Mistakes of some Travellers with Re-
gard to that Country. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., corrected, with notes and appendix, 2 vols , 8vo, London, 1769.
For his controversy with Samuel Sharp, sec the latter under 1766 and 1768.
Baretti was one of the best known Italian literati of his day. He resided a long
time in London, where he became quite intimate with the Johnson circle He
made a name for himself in England with his Italian Dictionary. For his Travels
in Spain and Portugal see under 1770 below.
BOSUULL, JAMES. An Account of Corsica: the Journal of a Tour
to that Island, and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. Folding map. 8vo.
2nd edit., 8vo, London and Glasgow, 1768; 4th Irish edit., 8vo, Dublin, 1768.
Translated into French, German, Dutch, and Italian. See also Gentlemen's Maga-
zine, June, 1795. For the Italian and French versions see below. A modern reprint,
edited by S C. Roberts, Cambridge, 1923
This work made Boswcll famous. It is a lively account of his Quixotic ad-
ventures in Corsica and his associations with General Paoli, whom he later ex-
hibited in London, and for whom he endeavored to get official British assistance.
His childish pleasure in being the chief sponsor of this wild island struggling to be-
come a nation led him to wear a Corsican costume at Garrick's anniversary cele-
bration in honor of Shakespeare held in 1769 at Stratford-on-Avon. Dr. Johnson
praised his Tour in these words: "Your History is like other histories, but your
Journal is in a very high degree curious and delightful . . . Your History was
copied from books, your Journal rose out of your own experience and observa-
1768 (In Italian.) Osservationi di un Viaggiatore Inglese sopra ITsola de
Corsica, scritte in Inglese sul luogo, f tradotte in Italiano London.
1769 (In French.) Relation cle 1'Isle de Corse, Journal d'un Voyage dans cette
Isle, et Memoir cs dc Pascal Paoli. Par Jacques Boswell, Ecuyer. En-
richie d'une nouvelle et tres exacte Carte de la Corse. . . . Traduit de
1'Aiiglois. Sur la secondc Edition. Par J. P I. Dti Bois. Folding map.
8vo. The Hague.
This is the first edition of the second French translation.
NUGENT, THOMAS. Travels through Germany ; with a particular Ao
count of the Court of Mecklenburgh. 2 vols. London.
See Nugent under 1766-1773 above.
SHARP, SAMUEL. A View of the Customs, Manners, Drama, ... of
Italy, as they are described in the Frustra Litteraria and in the Ac-
count of Italy in English, written by Mr. Baretti ; compared with the
Letters from Italy, written by Mr. Sharp. 8vo. London.
Baretti's Frustra Litteraria were written at Venice in 1763-1765, while he was
carrying on a paper there. See Baretti under 1768 and Sharp under 1766 above.
STERNE, LAURENCE. A Sentimental Journey through France and
Italy. By Mr. Yorick. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. London.
This work is too well known to need description. Sterne, unlike Smollett,
found amiability, courtesy, urbanity, dignity, cordiality, and sentiment everywhere
and among all classes of Frenchmen. At the same time he was not blind to their
defects, such as the abuses of power, for the Bastile was too obvious a fact to be
ignored. This work was very popular in France. For a "Continuation" of the
book sec Stevenson under 1769 below.
TALBOT, SIR R. (?). Journey through France. Amsterdam.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
WOLF, JOHN. Sketches and Observations taken in a Tour through a
Part of the South of Europe in 1757. London.
1769 GROSLEY, PIERRE JEAN. New Observations on Italy. Translated
by Thomas Nugent. 2 vols. London.
French original, London and Paris, 1764. See below.
Since the publication of Misson, this work met with great success, till it
was superseded by those of Lalande and Richard Pinkerton XVII. This work is
chiefly political and anecdotal; and in some parts of doubtful authority. Lowndcs.
1764 GROSLEY, PIERRE JEAN. Nouveaux Memoires sur r Italic ct les
Italiens, par deux Gentilhommes Suedois: traduit du Suedois. 3 vols.
London and Paris.
Letters concerning the present State of the French Nation . . . With a
cornpleat Comparison between France and Great Britain. London.
STEVENSON, JOHN HALL. Yorick's Sentimental Journey, contin-
ued. To which is prefixed some Account of the Life and Writings of
Mr. Sterne. 2 vols. in 1. London.
Stevenson was a friend of Sterne and the "Eugenius" of the Sentimental
Journey. Quaritch.
THICKNESSE, PHILIP. Remarks on the Character and Manners of
the French, in a Series of Letters written during a Residence of twelve
Months in Paris and its Environs. London.
Reprinted, 2 vols., London, 1770.
1770 An Account of the Character and Manners of the French, with Occasional
Observations on the English. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
BARETTI, JOSEPH. A Journey from London to Genoa through Eng-
land, Portugal, Spain and France. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
Two other editions appeared the same year. Italian original, Milan, 1761.
See below.
This work was suggested to Baretti by Dr. Johnson, who advised him on the
method he should adopt. "It was he," says Baretti in his preface, "that exhorted
me to write daily, and with all possible minuteness : it was he that pointed out
the topics which would most interest and most delight." Bookseller's Note. The
greater part of these travels have to do with Portugal and Spain. The personal
adventures and observations of people and incidents are delightful reading. Ac-
cording to some critics the original Italian version has a freshness and vividness
that is not quite reproduced in the English. In his Memoirs Raretti says that the
English version is not merely a simple translation of the Italian, but is almost a
new work. It contains an appendix which lists several itineraries in the interior
of Spam and gives a brief recital of what he had observed during a new voyage
he had made in December, 1768, to February, 1769. According to Foulche-Del-
bosc, the Italian edition contained only 47 letters, whereas the English had 89.
1761 BARETTI, JOSEPH. Lettere familiari di Giuseppe Baretti ai suoi tre
fratelli Filippo, Giovanni e Amadco. 2 vols. Milan.
Many later editions of this work were published.
BOCAGE, MADAME DU. Letters concerning England, Holland, and
Italy. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
An entertaining work. Lowndes.
MILLARD, JOHN. The Gentleman's Guide in his Tour through France,
wrote by an Officer in the Royal Navy, with a correct Map of all the
Post-Roads. Distances of Towns, Expence of Travelling, . . . 8vo.
The 9th edit., with additions by T. Martyn, London, 1787.
WILKINSON, J. L. Excursions in France. London.
Reprinted, 2 vols., London, 1775.
1771 ARMSTRONG, JOHN (Dr.) A Short Ramble through France and
Some Parts of Italy. London.
For an account of his personality, see Fanny Burncy's Diary under date of
Sept. 15, 1771. She reports him as being past the age of enjoying foreign coun-
tries and foreign manners. He travelled with the painter Fuseli. As is usual with
travellers in pairs, they quarreled and parted at Genoa. He used the pseudonym
"Lancelot Temple." To students of eighteenth century literature Armstrong is
known for his didactic poem, "The Art of Preserving Health."
BURNEY, CHARLES (Dr.). The Present State of Music in France
and Italy : or, The Journal of a Tour Through Those Countries, Un-
dertaken to Collect Materials for a General History of Music. London.
2nd edit., London, 1773. Translated into German by Ebeling, Hamburg, 1772.
For further details see his Tour under date of 1773 below.
JAMES, THOMAS (Lieut.-Colonel). The History of the Herculean
Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar; including those Parts of
Spain and Barbary that lie contiguous thereto. 2 vols. 4to. Lon-
TALBOT, SIR R. Letters on the French Nation. 2 vols. London.
See Talbot under 1768 above. The two items may be the same.
WINCKELMAN, JOHN (Abbe). A Critical Account of the Situation
and Destruction by the First Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, of Her-
culaneum, Pompeii and Stabia ... in a Letter to Count Bruhl. (Trans-
lated with notes from the German.) London.
1772 HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Observations on Mount Vesuvius,
Mount Etna, and other Volcanos, with explanatory Notes by the Au-
thor, hitherto unpublished. 5 copperplates of volcanoes and folding
map. 8vo, London.
2nd edit., 8vo, London, 1773; 3rd and last, 8vo, London, 1774. Translated into
German, Berlin, 1773. See below. For another account of volcanoes see under
1776-79 below.
The author was the well known British envoy at the Court of Naples, art
enthusiast and collector. "Two points in his description are of especial interest,
one referring to the changes which occurred in the central cone, the other to the
actual outbreak of the great lava-flood to which he was a witness." Prof Bon-
ney, quoted by Sotheran. His works are in high and merited repute among the
learned; as were for many years the hospitalities of himself and Lady Hamilton
to every British Traveller of Distinction. Their services to the publick in assist-
ing the immortal Nelson will never be forgotten. From Nichols, Literary An-
1773 HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount
Etna, and other Volcanoes ; in a Series of Letters, addressed to the
Royal Society, from the Hon. Sir W. Hamilton, to which are added
Explanatory Notes by the Author. Plates. 8vo. London.
1773 (In German.) Beobachtungen tiber den Vesuv, den Aetna und andere Vul-
kane, nebst neuen erlauterndeti Anmerkungen des Herrn Verfassers.
5 copperplates and folding map. 12mo. Berlin.
A Tour of Holland, Dutch Brabant, the Austrian Netherlands and Part
of France; in which is concluded a Description of Paris and its En-
virons. Folding map. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1788.
WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM. A Tour through the Western,
Southern, and Interior Provinces of France. London.
Another edition, with added matter, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1777 ; again in 1785.
Translated into French, Paris, 1777. See below.
Wraxall is almost the only modern traveller who has visited any large por-
tion of France, except Young; but his observations are generally too much con-
fined to the history of the parts he visited. Pinkerton XVII. He followed routes
usually neglected by his compatriots. He admired the country more than the cities,
which he generally found poorly built. He noticed the poverty and the oppres-
sion of the inhabitants, which seem to consort ill with the appearance of happiness
he observed prevalent among the peasants.
1777 WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Kings of
France of the Race of Valois, with a Tour through the Western,
Southern and Interior Provinces of France. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
This work was reissued in 1785 as The History of France . . .
from the Accession of Charles V ', etc.
1777 (In French.) Tournee dans les provinces occidentals, meridionales et
interieures de la France, faite par M. N. Wraxall, junior. Traduite de
l'anglais. 12mo. Paris.
1773 Antiquities of Herculaneum; translated from the Italian by Thomas Mar-
tyn and John Lettice. 4to. London.
Only this volume, containing the pictures, was published. Lowndes.
BRYDONE, PATRICK. A Tour through Sicily and Malta, in a Series
of Letters to William Beckford. Folding map. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
2nd edit., corrected, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1774; another edition, London, 1790.
Translated into French, Amsterdam, 1775; London and Paris, 1776. A Supplement
in French by Comte dc Bolch, Turin, 1782. See below. Noticed in the Journal des
S caverns, 1776, II, 7.
Liveliness of description of manners and scenery, couched in an easy and
elegant style, has rendered these volumes extremely popular, notwithstanding they
3o not display much learning or knowledge and are even sometimes superficial
and inaccurate. Lowndes. Fanny Burney, in her Diary, under date of March 3,
1773, speaks highly of this work: "I have received very great pleasure from this
book. ... It discovers throughout a liveliness of imagination, and insatiate curios-
ity after knowledge and the most vehement desire of instruction." This last
quality may have been its chief merit in her eyes. Boswell criticises it because,
though entertaining, it introduces an "anti-mosaical remark," having to do with
the age of the earth as calculated from evidences of volcanoes. Dr. Johnson
thought Brydone would have been a great traveller, if he had been more atten-
tive to the Bible. These travels were made in 1765-1771.
1776 (In French.) Voyage en Sicile et a Malthc, traduit de 1'anglais par De-
meunier. 8vo. London.
1782 BORCH, COMTE DE. Lettrcs sur la Sicile et 1'Isle de Malte, pour
servir de Supplement au Voyage de Brydone. 2 vols. 8vo. Turin.
BURNEY, CHARLES (Dr.). Travels through the Low-Countries, Hol-
land and Germany. London.
Those portions of his journals concerned with his musical experiences have
been selected and edited by C. H. Glover, London, 1927. This 2nd tour translated
into German by Bode, Hamburg, 1773; into Dutch, with notes, by J. W. Lustig,
Groningen (?), 1786.
Burney states that his object in travelling was to get what information he
could relative to the music of the ancients, "and to judge with my own eyes the
present state of modern music in the places through which I should pass, from
the performance and conversation of the first musicians in Italy." His journals
of his first tour to France and Italy (see under 1771 above) and the present one
here cited contain interesting records of meetings with noted men of his day, and
of his adventures on his travels, of the discomforts he endured on the road, and
of the devastations wrought by the Seven Years' War. Among the famous
musicians finding mention in his books are Bach, Handel, Tartini, Boccherini, Gal-
uppi, Scarlatti, and the boy prodigy Mozart whom he had heard play in London.
His descriptions of the various orchestras attached to the petty courts of Germany
and of the unsatisfactory performance of the woodwind instruments have some
bearing on the practice of modern conductors in enlarging the orchestration of
eightenth century compositions.
1927 BURNEY, CHARLES, (Mus. D.). Continental Travels, 1770-72; com-
piled from his Journals, . . . Edited by C. H. Glover. 8vo. London.
CORKE AND ORRERY, JOHN, EARL OF. Letters from Italy in the
Years 1754-55, published from the Originals, with explanatory Notes
by Rev. John Dunsconibe. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 8vo, London, 1774.
Sicily and that part of Italy called Magna Graecia; and a Tour through
Egypt. Translated from the German by J. R. Forster. 8vo. London.
German original, Zurich, 1771. See below.
ilien und Grossgriechenland. 8vo. Zurich.
1774 The Roads of Italy, engraved on 26 copper-plates from the MS. Drawings
of a Nobleman of Distinction, wherein are found all the Cities, Towns,
Villages, Rivers, . . . Map and plates. 8vo. London.
1775 BOURRIT, MARC THF.ODORE. Relation of a Journey to the Glaciers
in the Duchy of Savoy, translated (from the French) by C. and F.
Davy. 8vo. London.
2nd edit, 12mo, London, 1776. A French edition, embodying later journies,
Geneva, 1785. See below.
The author, who was precentor of the Cathedral of Geneva, made innumer-
able trips in this region of the Alps, attempting on several of them to achieve the
ascent of Mont Blanc. In 1787 he all but accomplished his ambition. There is
a good account of his efforts and explorations in dc Beer's Early Travellers in
the Alps
1785 BOURRIT, MARC THEODORE Nouvelle Description des Glacieres
de Savoye, partieulicrement dc la vallee de Chamount et du Mont-Blanc.
Map and 4 plates. 8vo. Geneva.
A Brief Account of the Roads of Italy for the Use of Gentlemen who trav-
el with the Post, with a full Description of the Cities, Towns, Villages
and Rivers, . . . London.
See The Roads of Italy under 1774 above.
E., W. B. A Letter to the late Lord Lyttleton, containing a Description of
the Last Great Eruption, ... of Mount Aetna, A. D., 1766. (With an
etched plate of a new view of the Simplon by J. T., 1775.) London.
TIMBERTOE, TIMOTHY. A Trip to Calais. London.
Cited in Ponton's Catalogue.
TWISS, RICHARD. Travels through Portugal and Spain, in 1772 and
1773. With ... an Appendix. Map and plates. 4to. London.
Issued also in 2 vols , 12mo, Dublin, 1775. Translated into French, Berne,
1776; into German, Leipzig, 1776. See below.
Fanny Burney records meeting Twiss at the Burney house under date of
March 17, 1774. In 1776, Twiss wrote, "I ha\e now visited the greatest part of
England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Bohemia, Italy, Portugal and Spain, and
including sea voyages, have journeyed about 27,000 miles, which is 2000 more
than the circumference of the earth." He gives very fair reasons against travelling
with companions, or tutors, and seems to have been by no means extravagant in
his expenses. Note by the editor of the Rurney Diary Of these Travels Dr.
Johnson remarked, "They are as good as the first book of travels that you will
take up. They arc as good as those of Keysler or Blainville: nay, as Addison's,
if you except the learning. They are not as good ai> Brydone's, but they are bet-
ter than Pococke's."
1776 (In French.) Voyage en Portugal ct en Espagne fait en 1772 et 1773, par
Richard Twiss, Kentilhomme anglois, Mcmbre dc la Societe Royale.
Traduit de I'anglois et orne d'une carte des 2 royaume^. 8vo. Berne.
1776 (In German.) Reisen durch Portugal und Spanien in den Jahren 1772 und
1773. Aus clem Englischon von Christoph Daniel Ebelmg. 8vo. Leipzig.
1776 FERBER, J. J. Travels through Italy in the years 1771 and 1772, De-
scribed in a Series of Letters to Baron Bern on the Natural History,
particularly the Mountains and Volcanoes of that Country. Translated
by R. E. Raspe. 8vo. London.
German original, Prague, 1773.
For Raspe on volcanoes see this date below. See also under Born, 1777, below.
MARSHALL, JOSEPH. Travels through France and Spain, in the
years 1770 and 1771. In which is particularly minuted the present
State of those Countries, respecting their Agriculture, Population,
Manufactures, Commerce, the Arts and Useful Undertakings. 8vo.
This is vol. IV of Travels through Holland, Flanders, etc., published in 1772.
See Marshall under 1772, CONTINENTAL EUROPE. Translated into German,
Danzig, 1778. See below.
1778 (In German.) Reisen durch Frankreich und Spanien . . . 8vo. Danzig.
PALMER, JOSEPH. Four Months' Tour through France. London.
The author was Dean of Cashel, Ireland.
RASPE, RUDOLPH ERICH. An Account of some German Volcanoes,
and their Productions, with a new Hypothesis of the Prismatical Ba-
saltes ; established upon Facts : being an Essay of Physical Geography.
. . . Folding plates. 8vo. London.
Raspe was one of the first geologists to adopt the view that basalt was of
volcanic origin. This work, unknown to Poggendorff, is also of interest for the
personality of the author, a German Professor at Cassel, who fled to England in
1775 to avoid punishment for theft. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society,
but was expelled when his antecedents became known. He was the author of the
original "Baron Munchausen," and a swindler of a most interesting type, on whom
the character of "Dousterswivel" and the incidents connected with him, are based
in Scott's Antiquary Sotheran.
RIGGS, ANNA (Lady Anne Millar). Letters from Italy, Describing the
Manners, Customs, Antiquities, Paintings, ... of that Country, in the
Years 1770 and 1771. London (?) or Bath (?).
This, the first edition, was published anonymously. 2nd edit , revised and cor-
rected, 2 vols., 8yo, London.
The author is the Lady Anne Millar who instituted the literary salon at her
place in Batheaston, where each guest was invited to contribute an original poem,
the winner being appropriately crowned. An amusing account of one of her as-
semblies is to be found in Madame D'Arblay's Diary She was also the butt of
Horace Walpole's wit.
1776-1779 HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Campi Phlegraei : Observations on
the Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies (with Supplement to the Campi
Phlegraei). 59 plates, colored like drawings, of ships, volcanoes, views,
geological specimens, etc., and one double page colored map of the
Bay of Naples. 3 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
The supplementary volume was added in 1779. The text is in French and
For his observations on Mount Vesuvius, etc., see under 1772 above. His
leisure was chiefly m'cupied in the study of volcanic phenomena, and in the for-
mation of his remarkable collection of antiquities. Within four years he had as-
cended Vesuvius twenty-two times, more than once at great risks, making himself
or causing Fabris, an artist trained in the work by him, to do numberless sketches
at all stages of the eruptions. He witnessed and described the eruptions of 1776
and 1777. DN.B.
1777 BI^ANKETT, JOHN. Letters from Portugal, on the late and present
State of that Kingdom. London.
Translated into French, London and Paris, 1780; into German, from the
French edition, Leipzig, 1782. See below. The date of the original English edition
is in doubt.
According to Barbier, the author of these Letters was a Miss Philadelphia
Stevens (or Stephens), of whom one finds no mention in English bibliographies.
Halkett and Laing attribute them to Lieutenant (later Admiral) Blankett, as
seems more likely. Foulche-Delbosc.
1780 (In French ) Lettres ecrin-s de Portugal, Sur 1'etat ancien ct actuel de ce
Royaumc Traduites dc 1'anglois. Suivies du portrait historique de M. le
Marquis de Pombal. 8vo. London and Paris.
The translator is H.-J Jansen, to whom has been attributed the
"Portrait." Foulchc-Dclbosc.
1782 (In German.) Briefe ubcr Portugal ncbst cinem Anhang iiber Brasilien.
Aus dem Franzosischen. Mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Mat-
thias Christ. Sprengel, Professor der Geschichte in Halle 8vo. Leip-
BORN, BARON INIGO. Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar,
Transylvania and Hungary, in 1770. To which is added, J. J. Fer-
ber's Mineralogical History of Bohemia. Translated from the German,
with some explanatory Notes, and a Preface on the Mechanical Arts,
the Art of Mining and its present State and future Improvement, b>
R. E. Raspe. 8vo. London.
A very valuable mineralogical tour, likewise containing some curious notices
respecting the tribes inhabiting Transylvania and the adjacent districts. Lowndeb.
CARTER, FRANCIS. A Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga; with a
View of that Garrison and its Environs; a Particular Account of the
Towns in the Hoya of Malaga; the Ancient and Natural History of
those Cities, of the Coast between them, and the Mountains of Ronda.
Illustrated with medals of each municipal town ; and a chart, per-
spective and drawings, taken in the year 1772. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
A volume of plates was sold separately. Reprinted in 1778 with the plates
inserted. ^Nichols, Literary Anecdotes 2nd edit., 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1780.
Translated into German, Leipzig, 1779. See below
"A very curious Journey from Malaga to Gibraltar, through the Moorish
part of Spain, by a Mr. Carter, is printing with all speed, and correcting by
Arabic Jones (doubtless Sir William Jones). Much is expected of it." From
Richard Gough to Rev. Michael Tyson, Mar. 6, 1776, quoted by Nichols, Liter-
ary Anecdotes The many coins engraved in this work were from the Collection
of the celebrated Spanish medallist Flores, whose cabinet Mr. Carter purchased on
his death, and disposed of the duplicates to Dr. Hunter. Nichols.
1779 (In German ) Reise von Gibraltar nach Malaga im Jahr 1772. Aus dem
Englischen. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig.
CAYLEY, CORNELIUS. A Tour through Holland, Flanders and Part
of France (in 1772). Leeds.
DALRYMPLE, WILLIAM (Major). Travels through Spain and Port-
ugal, in 1774; with a Short Account of the Spanish Expedition against
Algiers in 1775. Map and frontispiece. 12mo. Dublin.
Printed in London the same year. Translated into German, Leipzig, 1778;
Berlin, 1784; into French, Paris, 1783; Paris and Brussels, 1787 See below.
1778 (In German.) Reisen durch Spanien und Portugal im Jahr 1774; nebst
einer Kurzen Nachricht von der spanischcn Unternchnumg auf Algier
im Jahr 1775. Aus dem Englischen ubcrsetzt mit einiger Anmerkungcn
und Zusatzcn. 8vo. Leipzig.
1783 (In French.) Vo>age en Kspagne et en Portugal dans Tannce 1774. Avec
une Relation de TExpedition des Espagnols contre les Algeriens en
1775. Par le Major W Dalrymple. Traduit de 1'Anglois par un Ofn-
cier Francois. 8vo. Paris.
The French translator was the Marquis Germain Hyacinthe de
Romance de Mesmon.
The Englishman's Fortnight in Paris, or the Art of Ruining Himself there
in a few Days. By an Observer. Translated from the French. 8vo.
The French original seems to have been attributed to Sterne Sec below.
"This work may he had of the booksellers in French printed from the Paris
edition, which was suppressed in that country." Quoted by Bookseller.
1776 STEARNE, DOCTEUR. La Quinzaine Annloise a Paris cm L'Art de
S'y Ruiner en Pen de Terns. Ouvrage posthume du Docteur Stearne,
traduit de 1'Anglois par un Observateur 8\o. Londres
Is this another hoax of this century of hoaxes?
FERBER, JOHN JAMES. Mineralogical History of Bohemia. See
Born, Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar, under this date above.
FOURMONT, . Travels in France. London.
So cited hy Pinkerton XVII.
HOWARD, JOHN. The State of the Prisons in England, Wales . . . and
an Account of some foreign Prisons and Hospitals. Plates. Warring-
2nd and 3rd editions, with additions, 4to, Warrington, 1780 and 1784. Subse-
quent observations were embodied in a volume called An Account of the Princi-
pal Lazarettos in Europe, Warrington, 1789. A second volume of this was pub-
lished in 1791, and a 4th edit, of the State of the Prisons, a reprint of the 3rd, in
1792. Modern edition in Everyman's Library, somewhat abridged, London, 1929.
The author is the well known prison reformer and philanthropist, whose
wealth and position as Sheriff of Bedfordshire enabled him to effect considerable
improvement even during his own lifetime in the management, sanitation, and
treatment of prisoners. Before he put his investigations into print he visited every
English prison two or three times, and then toured Europe twice, "conjecturing
that something useful to my purpose might be collected abroad." In all he made
five journies abroad He died in far off Crimea on an errand of mercy and was
buried at Chersoii, fifteen hundred miles away from his home in Bedfordshire.
Compassion like his for the miserable and the outcast was seldom met with in
his century In 1780, while he was yet alive, Burke described his mission in these
words: "To dive into the depths of dungeons and plunge into the infection of
hospitals ; to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain ; to take the gauge and
measure of misery, depression, and contempt ; to remember the forgotten, to at-
tend to the neglected, to visit the forsaken, and compare and collate the miseries
of all men in all countries." See the Introduction to the edition in Everyman's
JONES, WILLIAM (Rev.). Observations in a Journey to Paris, by Way
of Flanders, in the month of August, 1776. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
MELMOTH, COURTNEY. Travels for the Heart, written in France.
2 vols. London.
Author's real name was Samuel Pratt ; he will be remembered as being the
object of Dr. Johnson's derision He was an acquaintance of Mrs. Thrale's at
Bath. He also translated some Pliny and Cicero.
SANDBY, PAUL. Sixteen Views in Naples and other Parts of Italy.
Fol. London.
Sandby was a well known water color painter and engraver. He introduced
the aquatint process of engraving into England, which was so largely used in
illustrated books of scenery at the time.
THICKNESSE, PHILIP. A Year's Journey through France and Part of
Spain. Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. London arid Bath.
2nd edit., with additions, 2 vols., London, 1778; 3rd edit., with plates and
music, 2 vols., London, 1789. Translated into German, Leipzig, 1778. See below
and also under 1766 above.
Disappointed in the expectation of falling heir to some property, in 1775,
"driven out of his own country with eight children in his train," he removed
himself to Spain, where he thought he could live more cheaply than in England.
This trip employed him until November, 1776, and produced the above book.
Boswcll records under April 3, 1778: "Johnson. I have been reading Thicknesse's
Travels, which I think are entertaining. Boswcll. What, Sir, a good book?
Johnson. Yes, Sir, to read once ; I do not say that you are to make a study of it,
and digest it." Fanny Burncy notes some unfavorable comments by Johnson on
1778 (In German.) Reisen durch Frankreich und einen Theil von Katalonien.
Aus dem Englischen. 8vo. Leipzig.
1778 AYSCOUGH, GEORGE. EDWARD. Letters from an Officer in the
Guards to his Friend in England, containing some Accounts of France
and Italy. 8vo. London.
The author was a dramatist who produced a version of Voltaire's "Semi-
ramis" at Drury Lane, in 1776.
FORTIS, ALBERTO (Abbe). Travels into Dalmatia: containing Gen-
eral Observations 011 the Natural History of that Country and the
Neighboring Islands: The Natural Productions, Arts, Manners and
Customs of the Inhabitants ; in a Series of Letters to the Earl of Bute,
the Bishop of Londonderry, John Strange, ... to which are added by
the same Author, Observations on the Islands of Cherso and Osero,
translated from the Italian, with an Appendix and Other Additions.
20 copperplates. 4to. London.
This work treats principally of the geology, natural history and antiquities of
the country with notices of the singular races which inhabit it ... His work is
very erroneous Lowndes
The Grand Tour, or a Journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy,
and France. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
HULL, THOMAS. Select Letters between the late Duchess of Somer-
set, Lady Luxborough, Miss Dolman, Mr. Whistler, Mr. R. D. Dodsley,
Wm. Shenstone, Esq., and others. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
In these volumes will be found a sketch of the manners, laws, etc , of the
republic of Venice. Lowndes.
1779 BOURGET, JOHN (Dom.). History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, near
Rouen in Normandy. Translated from the French (by Dr. Ducarel).
Plates. 8vo. London.
This work is usually appended to Cough's Alien Priories. Ixnvndes
COXE, WILLIAM. Sketches of the Natural, Civil and Political State
of Swisserland ; in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth, 8vo.
Translated into French, Paris, 1781, and 1787, with additions by the trans-
lator (Ramond de Carbonnieres) Sec below. For his later account of Switzer-
land sec under 1791 below, and for general travels over other parts of Europe
under 1784, NORTH EUROPE.
Archdeacon Coxe made four trips to Switzerland in 1776, 1779, 1785, and
1780, which are all combined as one account in the second and succeeding editions
of this book. While his chief interest was in the political constitutions of the Swiss
cantons, he did a great deal of sight-seeing, visited many shrines, and observed
acutely the disposition of the inhabitants. At Zug his curiosity was much piqued
by discovering that the patron saint of the church was the old Northumbrian
king, Oswald. One concludes from a reading of this tireless traveller that Switzer-
land must have been a most baffling complexity of boundaries, languages, faiths,
and localisms.
1781 (In French ) Lettres de M. W. Coxe a M. W. Melmoth sur 1'etat politique,
civil et naturel de la Suisse. Traduit de 1'anglois augmentee des obser-
vations faites dans le mcme pays, par le traductcur (Ramond de Car-
bonnieres). 12mo. Paris.
Ramond made a visit to Switzerland in 1777. This remarkable man,
one of the founders of French geology, was Counsellor to the Cardinal
de Rohan and was employed by him in his relations with the extra-
ordinary charlatan, Balsamo or Cagliostro, and was sent on a mission
to England to trace the Queen's necklace, immortalised by Alexander
Dumas. . . . His translation of Coxe was utilised by Wordsworth in his
Descriptive Sketches From de Beer, Early Travellers in the Alps.
MOORE, JOHN (Dr.). A View of Society and Manners in France,
Switzerland and Germany : with Anecdotes relating to some Eminent
Characters. By a Gentleman who resided several years in those Coun-
tries. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Several editions followed, the 4th being in 3 vols., Dublin, 1792; 9th edit , 2 vols.,
London, 1800 Translated into French, Geneva, 1781. See below. For his View
of Italy sec under 1781 below. Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1779, VI, 517.
The author was a surgeon and a man of letters He served as surgeon's mate
in the Duke of Argyll's regiment in Holland in 1747; took his medical degree at
Glasgow in 1770; travelled with Douglas, 8th Duke of Hamilton, in 1772-78; and
was the friend, physician, and editor of Smollett. D.N.B He carried with him
many preconceptions, such as the belief that the lower classes of France lived
in a state of oppression. But he was forced to admit that the condition of the
people, especially in Paris, was superior to what he found in several other coun-
tries of Europe. He pays tribute to the universal politeness of the French and
to their gaiety. Of the cities he saw only Paris, Lyons, and Strassburg.
(In French.) Lettres d'un voyageur sur la France, la Suisse et 1'Alle-
magne. Traduites de 1'anglais. 2 vols. 8vo. Geneva.
SHERLOCK, MARTIN (Rev.). Letters from an English Traveller,
written from Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, Rome, Naples, and France, in
1776, 1777, and 1778. Translated from the French by the Rev. John
Dunscombe. London.
Revised by the author, London, 1780. Reissued, with New Letters, London,
1780; these republished, London, 1781. French original, Geneva, 1779; another
French version, London and Paris, 1780. See below.
The first English edition contained 27 letters, "the quintessence of 200 which
this lively Traveller had written ; originally published in French, that the con-
noisseurs 011 the Continent might not be deprived of the pleasure of perusing them.
They are dated in the years 1776, 1777, and 1778, from Berlin, Dresden, etc. . . .
He describes every object in a striking point of yiew, which gives an air of nov-
elty to observations that would otherwise be familiar to many readers." He was an
eccentric and original writer, very solicitous of fame and report about himself.
From Nichols, Literary Anecdotes. He enjoyed the theaters and the society of
French men of letters, and was much struck with the amiability of the French
1780 SHERLOCK, MARTIN (Rev.). Letters (with New Letters) from an
English Traveller. Translated from the French Original, . . . with
Notes. New Edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. London.
1781 SHERLOCK, MARTIN (Rev.). New Letters from an English Travel-
ler, written originally in French, and now translated into English by
the Author. 8vo. London.
This collection contains 44 letters, which were as well received in
all the foreign journals as the author seems to have been in foreign
courts. From Nichols, Literary Anecdotes.
1779 SHERLOCK, MARTIN. Lettres d'un voyageur anglais. 12mo. Geneva.
A French version, London, 1780. What is called a 2nd edit., 8vo,
Paris, 1780.
SWINBURNE, HENRY. Travels through Spain, in the Years 1775 and
1776. In which several Monuments of Roman and Moorish Archi-
tecture are illustrated by accurate Drawings taken on the Spot. 4to.
2nd edit., with additions, 2 vols., London, 1787; an edition 2 vols., 8vo, Dub-
lin, 1783-86. Translated into French, Paris, 1787. See below. Noticed in the
Journal des Scavans, 1780, II, 219.
The plates are of great excellence. His drawings were faithful to fact and
elegant in design. D.N.B. "Henley has announced to me Swinburne's Travels, to
which he performed the part of midwife. This circumstance, together with my
fondness for the principal subject of the Travels (the Architecture), has made
me purchase the book. ... I am much pleased with his plates of that wonderful
building, the Alhambra; but I draw a different conclusion from them. Swin-
burne thinks our Goths borrowed nothing from them ; I think even the leading
feature, the Pointed Arch, was taken from the Saracen." Rev. M. Tyson to
R. Gough, dated March 29, 1779; quoted by Nichols, Literary Anecdotes For
the author's travels in the Sicilies see under 1783-85 below. Swinburne also made
several trips to France from 1771 to 1791. Being a Catholic he was educated in
France. These trips were preserved in letters and published in London, 1841, un-
der the title, The Courts of Europe at the Close of the last Century. He was
a somewhat superficial man of the world, but he observed a great variety of things
and for this is interesting. He cared little for the countryside or for French
peasant life. He is best in describing cities and society.
1787 SWINBURNE, HENRY. Travels through Spain, in the Years 1775 and
1776. In which several Monuments, . . . To which is added, A Journey
from Bayonne to Marseilles. 2 vols. London.
1787 (In French.) Voyage de Henri Swinburne en Espagne en 1775 et 1776,
traduit de 1'anglais. 8vo. Paris.
The French translator was Jean-Benjamin de la Borde,
1780 A Collection of the most remarkable Ruins of Lisbon, as they appeared
immediately after the Great Earthquake and Fire which destroyed
that City November 1, 1755, by Messieurs Paris and Pedagache. Col-
ored and plaiti plates. Fol. London.
DILLON, JOHN TALBOT. Travels through Spain, with a View to
illustrate the Natural History and Physical Geography of that King-
dom, in a Series of Letters. Including- the most interesting Subjects
contained in the Memoirs of Don Guillermo Bowles, and other Spanish
Writers. Interspersed with historical Anecdotes. Adorned with Cop-
perplates and a new Map of Spain. With Notes and Observations rel-
ative to the Arts, and descriptive of modern Improvements. Written
in the Course of a late Tour through that Kingdom by John Talbot
Dillon, Knight and Baron of the Sacred Roman Empire. Map of the
Peninsula. Plates. 4to. London.
Later editions: 8vo, Dublin, 1781 and 1782; 4to, London, 1783. Translated
into German, Leipzig, 1782. See below.
For his volume dealing with Spanish poetry see under 1781 below.
1782 (In German.) Dillon's Reise durch Spanicn welche wichtige Beobachtung
auf der Naturgeschichte, iiber den Handel, die Fabriken, den Ackerbau,
nebst einem Auszug der merkwurdigen Sachcn aus Don Guillermo
Bowles Kinleitung in die Naturgeschichte und physikalische Erdbes-
chreibung von Spanicn enthalt Aus dem Englishchen iibersetzt und
mit tibrigen Nachrichteri des Herrn Bowles vermehrt. 2 vols. 8vo.
The translator's preface is signed J. A. Rngelbrecht. Foulche-
Delbosc. The original was noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1780,
VII, 215; 449.
1781 DILLON, JOHN TALBOT. Letters from English Traveller in Spain,
in 1778, on the Origin and Progress of Poetry in that Kingdom; with
occasional Reflections on Manners and Customs; and illustrations of
the Romance of Don Quixote. Adorned with Portraits of the most
Eminent Poets. 8vo. London.
The greater part of this work is borrowed from Origines de la Poesia castel-
lana of Velasquez and from Sarmiento and Sedano. Foulche-Delbosc.
PARKER, GEORGE. A View of Society and Manners in High and Low
Life: being the Adventures in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales,
France, ... of Mr. G. Parker: in which is comprised a History of the
Stage Itinerant. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
Republished under the following title: Life's Painter of variegated Colours
in public and private Life, to which is added, A Dictionary of Modern Flash or
Cant Language. London, n.d Another edition, 18mo, London, 1789. Lowndes.
Parker was a soldier, actor, lecturer, and sergeant in the Seven Years' War.
As an actor and lecturer he was not a success. Though patronized by Goldsmith,
Johnson, and Reynolds, he sank into poverty. His autobiography is not regarded
as trustworthy. D.N.B.
RICHARD, (Abbe). For his account of Italy see below under the
French title.
This work was published in English, London, 1781, according to Pinkerton
XVII. But this is the only mention of the work that has come to the notice of
the editor.
1768 RICHARD, M. L'ABBE. Description historique et critique de Tltalie, ou
nouveaux memoires sur Tctat actuel de son gouvernement, des sciences,
des arts, du commerce, de la population, et de 1'histoire naturelle. 6
vols. Paris.
This is the 2nd edition. These travels were performed about the
year 1764 and the first edition appeared in 1766, but it was much en-
larged in that of 1768. Notwithstanding several omissions and some
ill-judged descriptions of works of art, the work met with great suc-
cess. Pinkerton XVII.
1782 CHARINGTON, LORD. Memoirs of the late Right Honourable Lord
Charington; containing a genuine Description of the Government and
Manners of the present Portuguese. London.
Danverian History of the Affairs of Europe for 1731. With the Present
State of Gibraltar and an Exact Description of it, and of the Spanish
Works before it; Also of Dunkirk, and the Late Transactions there.
Folding plates of both these places. 8vo. London.
, J. Travelling Anecdotes through Various Parts of Europe, Vol. I
(all published). 6 plates, one folding. 8vo. Rochester.
See Douglas under 1785 below. Written much in the manner of Sterne; the
humorous plates are drawn by the author. Bookseller's Note.
Letters from Minorca ; describing the Constitution, Government, Produce,
Antiquities and Natural History, of that Island ; with an accurate De-
scription of the Town, Harbour, and Fortifications of Mahon ; and the
Trade, Customs, and Manners, of the Minorquins. Map. Dublin.
PEYRON, JEAN-FRANCOIS. Nouveau voyage en Espagne fait en
1777 et 1778 ; dans lequel on traite des Moeurs, du Caractere, des Mon-
uments anciens et modernes, du Commerce, du Theatre, de la Legis-
lation des Tribunaux particuliers a ce Royaume, et de 1'Inquisition;
avec de nouveaux details sur son etat, et sur une Procedure recent et
fameuse. 2 vols. 8vo. London and Paris.
Another edition, 2 vols., 8yo, London and Liege, 1783. This work appeared
first under a slightly different title at Geneva, 1780. For an English rendering of
portions of this work, see Bourgoing under 1789 below.
Bourgoing states that the description of the kingdom of Granada is the most
interesting part. Foulch-Delbosc.
RIVERS, LORD. Briefe von und an denselben wahrend seines zweiten
Aufenthalts in Deutschland, . . . Translated from his original Papers.
So cited by Pinkcrton XVII.
The Traveller's Vade Mecum through the Netherlands, and Parts of
France and Germany, Designed principally for those who visit the Con-
tinent by way of Margate and Ostend. Canterbury.
1783 BARRAL, . Memoire sur 1'histoire naturelle des Corses. London
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
The Female Spy, Or Mrs. Tonkins' Journey through France in the late
War, undertaken by the express Order of Rt. Hon. Chas. Jas. Fox.
1783-85 SWINBURNE, HENRY. Travels in the Two Sicilies, in the Years
1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 4 vols, 8vo, London, 1790; a new edition, London 1795. Translated
into French, Paris, 1785. See below.
"The warmth and animation of his descriptions discover an imagination highly
susceptible of every bounty of Nature or Art; and, if he had a fault, it was the
being too apt to relinquish simplicity for profusion of ornament, but, from this
fault what Traveller is free?" Nichols, Literary Anecdotes.
1785 (In French.) Voyages dans les deux Siciles de M. Henri Swinburne,
dans les annces 1777, 1778, 1779, & 1780, traduits de 1'Anglois par Mile,
de Kcralio. 8vo. Paris.
Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1786, I, 285.
1784 An Accurate Description of the Island and Kingdom of Sicily. 8vo. Fal-
Another edition, with slightly enlarged title, appearing as a translation, Lon-
don, 1786. See below.
1786 An Accurate Description of Sicily : Provinces, Towns, Public Roads, . . .
with a Narrative of Sardinia. Translated by D. Macnab. 8vo. London.
THICKNESSE, PHILIP. A Year's Journey through the Pais Bas and
Austrian Netherlands. Vol. I (all published). London.
2nd edit, London, 1786, with considerable additions, such as the routes
through Germany, Holland and Switzerland, differences of money, etc.
1785 ANDREWS, JOHN (LL.D.). A Comparative View of the French and
English Nations in their Manners, Politics and Literature. London.
Andrews also wrote a work called Remarks on French and English Ladies.
London, 1783.
DOUGLAS, JAMES. Travelling Anecdotes through several Parts of
Europe. Frontispiece. 8vo. London.
This may be the 2nd edition of the work listed as Travelling Anecdotes under
1782 above. 3rd edit., 8vo, London, 1786.
HERVEY, CHRISTOPHER. Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy and
Germany, in the Years 1759 to 1761. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
1786 FLEURIOT, JEAN-MARIE-JEROME, (dit Marquis de Langle). A
Sentimental Journey through Spain; written in French, by the Marquis
de Langle, and translated from the Paris Edition, That was burnt by
the common Hangman. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1st French edit., 12mo, Saint-Malo, with the title, The Voyage de Figaro, en
Espagne, 1784. The edition which first bears the imprint of Paris was that of
1796. Probably the one referred to in the English version was the 3rd, of 1785
which has no place of publication designated. For the numerous French editions
of this work and its history, see Foulche-Dclbosc, under No. 188. French original,
1785. See below.
Concerning the burning of his book, the author observes, "The reader loves
a burned book; so does the bookseller, and so does the author." The work was
very sarcastic in its criticisms of the manners and customs of the Spanish nation,
and aroused the repercussion noted. Ticknor says of it, "A poor imitation of
Sterne's Sentimental Journey, and as immoral and irreligious as its date may seem
to imply." For Flcuriot's description of Switzerland see under 1791 below.
1785 FLEURIOT, JEAN-MARIE-JEROME. Voyage en Espagne, par M.
le Marquis de Langle. 2 vols. 8vo. (No place.)
RUSvSELL, FRANCIS (5th Duke of Bedford). A Descriptive Journey
through the interior Parts of Germany and France, including Paris,
by a young English Peer of the highest Rank. 12mo. London.
SHAW, J. Sketches of the History of the Austrian Netherlands, with
Remarks on the Constitution, Commerce, Arts, and General State of
the Provinces. 8vo. London.
A Trip to Holland ; containing a Sketch of the Character of the People.
2 vols. London.
1787 COST1GAN, ARTHUR WILLIAM. Sketches of Society and Manners
in Portugal. In a Series of Letters from Arthur William Costigan,
Esq., late a Captain of the Irish Brigade in the Service of Spain, to
his Brother in London. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
The work bears no date on the title page, but the preface, written by the
author's brother, Charles Costigan, gives 1787. Another edition, 2 vols., 8vo,
London, 1788. Translated into German, Leipzig, 1788-89; into French, with addi-
tions from other writers, Paris, 1804. See below.
According to Francisque Michel, this work was composed by the brigadier
Ferriere. Foulchc-Dclbosc.
1788-89 (In German.) Captain Costigan. Skizzen der Sitten und dcs gesell-
schaftlichcn Lebens in Portugal. Aus dem Englischen. 2 vols. 8vo.
MARTYN, THOMAS. The Gentleman's Guide in his Tour through
Italy. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, with a different title, London, 1791. Translated into French, (place
?), 1791. See below.
In 1778, Martyn, who was the son of the professor of botany at Cambridge
and himself somewhat proficient in that science, started on a tour of the Continent.
He visited Germany, Flanders, and Holland, but spent most of his time in Italy.
He kept a journal of his travels, part of which he published anonymously under
the above title. His name appears on the title-page of the 1791 edition.
1791 MARTYN, THOMAS. A Tour through Italy; containing full Directions
for travelling in that interesting Country ; with ample Catalogues of ev-
ery Thing that is curious in Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, . . .
Some Observations on the Natural History, and very particular Descrip-
tions of the four principal Cities, Rome, Florence, Naples, and Venice,
with their Environments. Colored chart. 8vo. London.
1791 (In French.) Guide du Voyageur en Italic. Traduit de 1'anglais de M.
Thomas Martyn. 2 parts in 1. (Place ?.)
MARTYN, THOMAS. Sketch of a Tou, through Switzerland, with an
accurate map. London.
POWNALL, THOMAS. Notices and Descriptions of Antiquities of the
Provincia Roniana of Gaul, now Provence, Languedoc ind Dauphine:
With Dissertations on the Subjects of which those art Exemplars.
And an Appendix, describing the Roman Baths and Thermae discov-
ered in 1784, at Baden weiler. 7 engraved plates. 4to. London.
This work professes to give a particular account of such monun ents of
Roman Antiquity as are yet remaining in so fine a part of the Roman Empire,
so cultivated and improved, but which have remained nondescript, or imperfectly
and wrongly described till now, at length, a spirit of literary curiosity has ai isen
in the country itself. From Gent. Mag. LVII, 990, quoted by Nichols, Literary
Anecdotes Pownall was Governor of Massachusetts in 1757.
RIESBECK, BARON. Travels through Germany, in a Series of Letters,
translated by Paul Henry Maty, Assistant Librarian, British Museum.
3 vols. 8vo. London.
Reprinted in Pinkerton VI, 1-292.
In the German original the author assumed the character of a French trav-
eller to secure himself from the probable effects of his severe remarks on the
government, manners and customs of Germany. Lowndcs. The date of the first
letter is April 3, 1770.
A Tour through Part of the Austrian Netherlands, and great Part of Hol-
land, ... in 1785. By an English Gentleman. London.
WALKER, ADAM. A Hasty Sketch of a Tour through Part of the Aus-
trian Netherlands, . . . London.
This may be identical with the item just preceding. It was issued anony-
1788 BOWDLER, THOMAS (F.R.S.). Letters written in Holland, in Sep-
tember and October, 1787; with other Papers relating to the Journey
of the Princess of Orange, on the 28th June, 1787. Maps. 8vo.
The author is the famous "Bowdleriser" of Shakespeare.
JARDINE, ALEXANDER (Lieut. -Colonel). Letters from Barbary,
France, Spain and Portugal, ... by an English Officer. 2 vols. 8vo.
An edition, 2 vols., 8vo, Dublin, 1789 (probably pirated) ; 2nd edit., corrected,
2 vols., 8vo, London, 1790; again in 1793 and 1794. Translated into German, Leip-
zig, 1790. See below.
The author had been sent on a mission to Morocco.
1790 (In German.) Bemerkungen ubcr Maroko, desgleichen uber Frankreich,
Spanien und Portugal!. Von einem cnglischen Offizier wahrend semen
Reisen (lurch diese Lander. Ein gedrangter Auszug aus dem Englischen.
PECKAM, . Travels through Holland and Brabant. London.
ST. JOHN, JAMES. Letters from France to a Gentleman in the South
of Ireland written in 1787. 2 vols. Dublin.
THICKNESSE, PHILIP. Memoirs and Anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse,
late Lieutenant-Governor of Land Guard Fort, and unfortunately fath-
er to George Touchet, Baron Audley. 8vo. London.
See under 1766 and 1777 above.
1788-1791 GARDNOR, JOHN (Rev.). Views taken on and near, the River
Rhine, at Aix-la-Chapelle, and on the River Maese, by the Rev. J.
Gardner. Engraved in Aqua Tints by William and Elizabeth Ellis.
32 large plates. Fol. London.
Another edition, 4to, London, 1792.
An elegant work, . . . There are proofs before the letters. Some copies are
colored. Lowndes.
1789 BOURGOING, JEAN-FRANCOIS DE. Travels in Spain: containing
a new, accurate and comprehensive View of the Present State of that
Country. By the Chevalier de Bourgoanne. To which are added, Co-
pious Extracts from the Essays on Spain of M. Peyron. 12 copper-
plates. Translated from the French. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
Several reprints appeared in various collections after 1800, one of which is
in Pinkerton V, 298-639, taken from the French of the 3rd edition of 1803. The
French original, Paris, 1788. See below For full details of various editions and
an analysis of the nature of the work, see Foulche-Delbosc, item No. 189.
Bourgoing was twice in Spain, from 1777 to 1785, and from 1792 to 1793.
1788 BOURGOING, JEAN-FRANCOIS DE. Nouveau Voyage en Espagne,
ou Tableau de 1'ctat actucl de cette monarchic ; Contenant les details
les plus recens sur la Constitution, Politique, les Tribunaux, 1'Inquisi-
tions, les Forces des terres et de mer, le Commerce et les Manufactures,
. . . enfin, sur les Moeurs, la Litterature, les Spectacles, sur le dernier
siege de Gibraltar et le voyage de Monseigneur Comte d'Artois ; Ouv-
rage dans lequel on a prescnte avec impartialite tout ce qu'on pent
dire de plus neuf, de plus avere et de plus interessant, sur 1'Espagne,
depuis 1782 jusqu'a present; Avec une carte enluminee, des Plans et des
Figures en taille douce. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris.
According to Foulchc-Dclbosc, it was not in 1782 but in 1777 that
Bourgoing made his visit to Spain. The later date was given to con-
ceal the authorship.
COXE, WILLIAM. Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the
Grisons, in a Series of Letters to W. Melmoth. Plates, some folding.
3 vols. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1791. In Pinkerton V, 640-992. See also under
1779 above.
DU PATY, J. T3. MERCIER (President). Travels through Italy, in a
Series of Letters written in 1785, translated by an English Gentleman
from the French. 8vo. Dublin.
Another translation, by J. Povoleri, entitled Sentimental Letters on Italy,
appeared in 2 vols., 12mo, London, 1789. French original, Rome and Paris, 1788.
See below.
1788 DU PATY, J. B. MERCIER (President). Lettres sur 1'Italie en 1785.
2 vols. 8vo. Rome and Paris.
PIOZZI, HESTER LYNCH. Observations and Reflections made in the
Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
Another edition, 8vo, Dublin, 1789.
An agreeable and amusing tour. Lowndcs. Mrs. Piozzi wrote wittily, de-
scribing scenes vividly, relating anecdotes with humour and point, never allowing
her English prejudices to interfere with her judgment or spoil her enjoyment of
the scenes so new to her. Her book remains a most valuable record of Italian
society in the 18th century. M. S. Stillman, quoted in Bookseller's Note. She
will be remembered as the former Mrs. Thrale, whose marriage to the Italian
musician Piozzi so highly scandalised the Johnson circle.
SAINT-NON, RICHARD DE. According to Pinkerton XVII an Eng-
lish version of the following French item was printed at London in
1789. See below.
1781 SAINT-NON, RICHARD DE. Voyage pittoresque, ou Description des
Royaumes de Naples et de Sicile; ornees de cartes, plans, vues, figures,
vignettes, et cul-de-lampes. 5 vols. Fol. Paris.
The French edition of this work, when compleat and containing
the 14 plates of medals of the ancient Sicilian cities, is worth 600
francs and upwards. A copy of great magnificence was even sold for
1650 francs. The traveller visited these kingdoms in 1777, accompanied
by several artists, and engaged others resident in them. Quoted by
Pinkerton XVII.
A Tour to Ermonville ; containing besides, an Account of the Palace, Gar-
dens, and Curiosities of Chantilly; a particular Description of the
Tomb of Rousseau. London.
The magnificent gardens at Chantilly were soon to suffer utter destruction
during the French Revolution.
VILLIERS, JOHN CHARLES (3rd Earl of Clarendon). A Tour
through Part of France, Containing a Description of Paris, Cher-
bourg, and Ermonville. London.
1790 GARDNOR, JOHN (Rev.). A Picturesque Tour by Manheim, Mentz,
Aix-la-Chapelle, Brussels, . . . Plates. London.
Probably issued in 1790.
IRELAND, SAMUEL. A Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant,
and Part of France made in the Autumn of 1789. Aquatint plates. 2
vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., with additions, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, London, 1796.
A series of these picturesque tours were published in detached volumes,
and were formerly in great request. This Ireland was the father of the forger
of Shakespearian texts. He was an engraver and issued views of his tours etched
from his own works.
MACDONALD, JOHN. For his account of Spain see his Travels in va-
rious Parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, under GENERAL TRAV-
PUTTER, JOHN STEPHEN. An Historical Development of the pres-
ent political Constitution of the Germanic Empire, translated from the
German, with Notes, ... by Josiah Dornford. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
A valuable work. Lowndes.
WALKER, ADAM. Ideas suggested in an Excursion through Flanders,
Germany, Italy and France. 8vo. London.
The author, a self-taught man, was for a while a mathematical tutor in the
North of England, and later became a travelling lecturer on physics. D.N.B.
1791 FLEURIOT, JEAN-MARIE-JEROME (Marquis de Langle). A Pic-
turesque Description of Switzerland, translated from the French. En-
graved view. 12mo. London.
There is some question of the exact dale of publication of this work. Mar-
quis de Langle is a pseudonym. See also Fleuriot under 1786 above.
JENNER, MATTHEW. For his route through France, Germany, Hun-
gary, etc., to India, see his Route to Indiv, under NEAR EAST.
TOWNSEND, JOSEPH (Rev.). A Journey through Spain in the years
1786 and 1787; with particular Attention to the Agriculture, Manu-
factures, Commerce, Population, Taxes, and Revenue of that Country ;
and Remarks in passing through a Part of France. 3 vols. 8vo.
2nd edit., London, 1792. Translated into German, Leipzig, 1791. See below.
This work has been highly commended.
1791 (In German.) Jos. Townsend's Kcise durch Spatiicn und cinen Theil von
Frankreich in den Jahrcn 178C und 1787. Aus dem Englischen uber-
setzt. 3 vols. Leipzig.
1791-92 GARDENSTONE, LORD. Travelling Memorandums, made in a
Tour upon the Continent of Europe, 1786-88. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin-
2nd edit of \o1 I, Edinburgh, 1792; after the author's death in 1793, a
3rd vol. was printed, containing his life. Lowndes.
The author was Francis Garden, a Scottish judge. Among the well known
men he met whose acquaintance he enjoyed was the Abbe Raytial. See Raynal
under 1776, WEST INDIES.
1792 BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. An Historical and Picturesque Descrip-
tion of the Country of Nice. 12 etchings finished in water colors. Fol.
A French version, probably the original, Geneva, 1787. See below.
The author was an engraver and landscape painter, born in Piedmont. For
later publications of travels and views see 1794-95 and 1800 below.
1787 BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. Voyage Historique et Pittoresque du
Comte de Nice. Map and 12 colored engravings. Fol. Geneva.
BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. Travels through the Rhetian Alps in
1786, from Italy to Germany, through Tyrol. Map and 10 large aqua-
tint views by C. Apostool, printed in sepia, after drawings by the au-
thor. Fol. London.
HILL, BRIAN (Rev.). Observations and Remarks in a Journey through
Sicily and Calabria in the year 1791. 8vo. London.
With a postscript containing some account of the ceremonies of the last
holy week at Rome and of a short excursion to Tivoli. Lowndes.
WALKER, ADAM. An Excursion to Paris in 1785. (In A Tour from
London to the Lakes of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 1791.)
See Walker under 1790 above.
WESTON, STEPHEN. Letters from Paris during the Summer of 1791.
The author was an antiquarian and man of letters. He published notes of
travel, classical texts and annotations, notes on Shakespeare, scriptural annota-
tions, and translations from the Arabic, Chinese, and Persian. D.N.B.
YOUNG, ARTHUR. Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789, un-
dertaken more particularly with a View of ascertaining the Cultivation,
Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity, of the Kingdom of
France. To which is added, the Register of a Tour into Spain. 2 vols.
4to. Bury St. Edmunds.
2nd edit., 2 vols., with maps, 4to, Bury St. Edmunds, 1794; 3rd edit., edited
by Matilda Bctham Edwards, London, 1890, with several editions since, among
them one in Everyman's Library. An edition, probably pirated, Dublin, 1793.
Translated into French, 6 vols., Paris, 1793. See below. The Voyage to Italy
published separately in French, Paris, 1796. Reprinted in Pinkerton IV, 77-676.
Young's accounts of his travels are deservedly anionj? the most famous that
the century produced. He made three trips to the Continent, the first to the
Pyrenees in 1787, the second to France in 1788, and the third, which included Italy,
in 1789. He is unexcelled in relating personal adventures, in observations of the
agricultural situation, and in descriptions of the many friends he met. He was
near enough to the outbreak of the French Revolution to perceive that some-
thing unusual was astir, and even experienced some personal contacts with the
disordered state of affairs. He was known in England and France as the chief
authority on aK r 'cuIturc, yet, as has often heen pointed out, his own farming was
a failure. He was often consulted by "Farmer George" (George III). In 1793
he was made Secretary to the Board of Agriculture, and worked tirelessly pub-
lishing articles on the subject. He also wrote accounts of his tours in England
and Ireland in the interest of agriculture. His Autobiography, edited by Matilda
Betham Edwards (London, 1808), is an absorbing account of his life and of the
century in which he lived. Especially pathetic is the story of the distressful mental
aberration which darkened the close of his days.
1793 (In French.) Voyage en France pendant les annees 1787-1790 entrepris
plus particuliercment pour s'assurer de 1'etat de ragriculture, des rich-
esses, des resources et de la prospcritc de cette nation. Traduit de
1'anglais par F.-S. Francois Soulcs. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris.
Vols. I-III contain the journey in France, with notes by M. de
Casaux ; vol. IV the voyage to Italy; vols. V-VI the voyage to Ire-
1796 (In French.) Voyage en Italic pendant 1'annce 1789, traduit par Fran-
cois Soulcs. 8vo. Paris.
1792-% SMITH, JOHN. Select Views in Italy. 72 engraved plates by Land-
seer and others after John Smith. Topographical and Historical De-
scriptions in Knglish and French. (Also 6 uncolored aquatint views
of South Wales by Smith.) 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
1793 BEAWES, W. A Civil, Commercial, Political and Literary History of
Spain and Portugal. 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
Includes chapters on the military orders, governors, etc., in Europe and Amer-
ica, on Spaniard's dress, customs, diversions, etc., also on the Atlantic Islands be-
longing to Portugal. Bookseller's Note.
BISANI, ALEXANDER. A Picturesque Tour through Part of Europe,
. . . London.
DRINKWATER, JOHN. A History of the late Siege of Gibraltar; with
a Description and Account of that Garrison, from the Earliest Periods,
and a copious Table of Contents. Frontispiece and folding plate. 8vo.
Letters from Paris, during the Summers of 1791 and 1792, with Reflec-
tions. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
MOORE, EDWARD (M.D.). The Journal of a Residence in France,
from the Beginning of August to the Middle of December, 1792.
2 vols. London.
This very interesting production has been translated into French, German,
Dutch, and other Languages. Pinkerton XVII.
A Ramble through Holland, France, and Italy, 1793. 2 vols. London.
SMITH, SIR JAMES (M.D.). A Sketch of a Tour on the Continent in
the Years 1786 and 1787. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
A Tour through Germany, containing full Directions for travelling in that
interesting Country, . . . Chart. London.
A Tour through the Theatre of War (i. e., France) in the Months of No-
vember and December, 1792, January, 1793, with Curious Military
Anecdotes; also Accounts of the Death of Louis XVI. 8vo. London.
TWISS, RICHARD. A Trip to Paris in 1792. London.
See Twiss under 1775 above.
WESTON, STEPHEN. Letters from Paris during the Summer of 1792.
See Western under 1792 above.
WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Descriptive Sketches in verse taken
during a Pedestrian Tour in the Italian, Grison, Swiss, and Savoyard
Alps by W. Wordsworth, B.A., of St. John's, Cambridge. London.
A poetical record of a pedestrian tour with Robert Jones in France and
Switzerland during the summer of 1790. Their way of touring was rather un-
precedented in that each had only twenty pounds in his pocket and his baggage
tied up in a pocket handkerchief This tour is in part described in Book VI of
the Prelude and more fully in a letter to his sister Dorothy. Sec Harper's Words-
worth, I, 93-94.
1793-% WILLIAMS, HELEN MARIA. Letters written in France in 1790,
1793, and 1794, to a Friend in England, containing Anecdotes relative
to the French Revolution ; concerning important Events, particularly
relating to the Campaign of 1792; A Sketch of the Politics of France
during 1793-4, and Scenes in the Prisons of Paris. 7 vols. in 3. 12mo.
See under 1796 below.
1794 ASTLEY, PHILIP. A Description and Historical Account of the Places
now the Theatre of War in the Low Countries. Frontispiece and plans
of the principal fortified places. 8vo. Dublin.
BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. A Picturesque Tour from Geneva to
the Pennine Alps, Translated from the French. 12 plates. Foi.
French original, Geneva, 1787. See below.
This is a companion volume to the Description of the Country of Nice. See
under 1792 above.
1787 BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. Voyage Pittoresque aux Alpes Pennines,
precede de quelques observations sur les hauteurs de montagnes, gla-
ciers, & des differens villages, qui se trotivent sur cette route. . . . Gen-
COGAN, THOMAS. The Rhine; or, a Journey from Utrecht to Frank-
fort, 1791-92. Map and views. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
The style of the work is lively and interesting; the pictures of manners and
scenery good; and it contains a learned dissertation on the origin of printing.
ESTE, C. A Journey in the year 1793 through Flanders, Brabant, and
Germany to Switzerland. London.
Reprinted, London, 1795 and 1800.
Este states that half of the inhabitants of the Palatinate had emigrated to
Pennsylvania to escape the excessive taxes and other unbearable conditions of life.
GRAY, ROBERT. Letters during a Journey through Germany, Switz-
erland, and Italy, in the years MDCCXCI, and MDCCXCII. 8vo.
MAJOR, J. H. Two Letters on Norman Tiles, stained with Armorial
Bearings. 8vo. London.
The work contains engravings of 16 painted tiles from the pavement of the
palace of the Dukes of Normandy at Caen.
A Peep into Paris : amusing and incidental French Anecdotes, with a De-
scription of the Parisian Theatres, and a comparative View of the
French and English Actors, by the Author of TANCRED. London.
1794-95 BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. Travels (in 1794) through the Mar-
itime Alps from Italy to Lyons across the Col de Tende, by Way of
Nice, Provence, and Languedoc, with topographical and historical De-
scriptions. 19 plates, all but one being aquatint in brown. Select Views
of the Antiquities and Harbours in the South of France. IS plates, of
which 13 are in aquatint. 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
1795 FREDERICK, (Colonel of the late Theodore, King of Corsica). De-
scription of Corsica ; with an Account of its Union to the Crown of
Great Britain, including the Life of General Paoli, and the Memorial
presented to the National Assembly of France, upon the Forests, . . .
A History and Description of the Royal Abbaye of Saint Denis, with an
Account of the Tombs of the Kings and Queens of France, . . . 8vo.
MURPHY, JAMES. Travels in Portugal; through the Provinces of En-
tre Douro e Minno, Beira, ... in the Years 1789 and 1790. Con-
sisting of Observations on the Manners, Customs, Trade, Public
Buildings, Arts, Antiquities, ... of that Kingdom. Illustrated with
24 plates of views, characters, antiquities, etc., by James Murphy,
Architect. 4to. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1797. See below.
Murphy was an architect who studied Moorish architecture at Cadiz, He also
wrote on Arabian antiquities. D.N.B. For another work on Portugal see under
1798 below.
1797 (In French.) Voyage en Portugal a travers les provinces d'entre Douro et
Minno, de Beira, d'Estramadure et d'Alenteju, dans les annees 1789
et 1790. Contenant des observations stir les moeurs, le commerce, les
edifices, les antiquites, . . . Traduit de 1'anglais. 23 engraved copper-
plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris.
The French translator was Lallemant.
PRATT, SAMUEL JACKSON. Gleanings through Wales, Holland and
Westphalia. 3 vols. London.
RADCLIFFE, ANN. A Journey made in the Summer of 1794 through
Holland and the Western Frontier of Germany, with a Return down
the Rhine, with Observations during a Tour to the Lakes of Lanca-
shire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. 4to. London.
This is by the author of the Mysteries of Udolpho. Her travels were under-
taken after she had written the novels whose romantic settings in forests and
mountains of Italy so delighted her readers. Though she had not visited Italy, yet
she, like her audience, was sufficiently familiar with the paintings of the "savage
Rosa" and the "gentle Claude" and with the general requirements of the pictur-
esque as to know what was called for in recreating visions of foreign lands.
Concerning her account of her travels Dr. Garnett says, "(It) is rich in pictorial
description, and also in political and economic observations, probably contributed
by her husband." Quoted by Sotheran.
SPALLANZANI, LAZZARO (Abbe). Tour to Vesuvius, Oetna, . . .
8vo. London. Bound up with the 1795 edition of Este's Journey in
1793 through Flanders, etc. See Este under 1794 above and Spallan-
zani under 1798 below.
WILKINSON, JOSHUA LUSCOCK. The Wanderer: or, a Collection
of Anecdotes and Incidents, with Reflections, political and religious,
during two Excursions, in 1791 and 1793, in France, Germany, and
Italy. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
Reprinted, 2 vols., London, 1798.
17% GIBBON, EDWARD. Autobiography. Edited in Miscellaneous Works,
by Lord Sheffield. London.
Gibbon's Memoirs were edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, London, 1900. The Auto-
biography is reprinted in the Oxford Classics, Oxford, 1923.
This work contains interesting descriptions of the region around Lausanne,
where Gibbon lived while writing his Decline and Fall.
Journal du voyageur neutre, depuis son depart de Londres pour Paris, le
18 Nov., 1795, jusqu'a son retour a Londres, le 6 Fevr., 17%. London.
MERIGOT, J. Views and Ruins in Rome and its Vicinity, recently ex-
ecuted from drawings made upon the Spot in 1791. Description in
English and French. 62 aquatint plates of architecture and scenery.
Fol. London.
Another edition, London, 1797-99.
OWEN, JOHN (Rev.). Travels into different Parts of Europe in the
years 1791-92, with Familiar Remarks on Places, Men, and Manners.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
Select Views in Italy, with Topographical and Historical Descriptions in
English and French. With india proof engravings drawn by J. Smith.
8vo. London.
TENCH, WATKIN. Letters written in France to a Friend in London,
1794-95. London.
For his Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay see under 1789, AUS-
TRALIA. Tench was made a prisoner twice, once by the Americans in 1778,
during the American Revolution, and again by the French in 1794.
WILLIAMS, HELEN MARIA. New Travels in Switzerland, contain-
ing a Picture of the Country, the Manners and the actual Government.
2 vols. London.
Another edition, London, 1798. See below.
Miss Williams was the poetess to -whom Wordsworth addressed some of his
early poems. After 1788 she lived largely in France, where she took up the cause
of the Girondists and narrowly escaped execution at the hands of Robispierre. See
also under 1793-96 above.
1798 WILLIAMS, HELEN MARIA. A Tour in Switzerland; Or, a View of
the Present State of the Governments and Manners of those Cantons;
with Comparative Sketches of the present State of Paris. 2 vols. 8vo.
through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily, translated by Thomas
Holcroft. Folding map and 18 plates of views. 2 vols. 4to. London.
German original, Konigsberg, 1794. See below.
The translator was Holcroft the dramatist and novelist. He performed the
remarkable feat of memorising the Marriage of Figaro, after having seen it a few
times in Paris, and so bringing it home to London audiences.
en von Stolberg im Deutschland, Italien, und Sicilien. 4 vols. Kon-
1797 GIFFORD, JOHN. A Residence in France, during the Years 1792-95.
Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady. With general
and incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
The real name of the author was John Richard Green, who assumed the
pseudonym of GifFord to deceive his creditors. Notwithstanding, he became a
London police magistrate. He also edited the Anti-Jacobin Revieiv in imitation of
Wm. Ginord's Anti- Jacobin.
LUMISDEN, ANDREW. Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its
Environs; being a classical and topographical Survey of the Ruins.
Numerous plans, engravings, and views, some in aquatint. 4to. Lon-
Sometimes this work is illustrated with Merigot's Views in Rome, consisting
of 60 plates in aquatint. Lowndes. Lumisden was a Jacobite who became private
secretary to Prince Charles Edward. He was at the battle of Culloden but escaped
to France. In 1773 he was allowed to return to England.
REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Works . . . containing his Discourses,
Idlers, A Journey to Flanders and Holland (now first published), and
his Commentary on Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting: printed from his
Revised Copies (with his corrections and additions) . . . To which is
Prefixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Ed-
mund Malone, Esq. (First collected edition.) Portrait, 2 vols. 4to.
Reprinted in Bohn's edition of Reynolds' works, London, 1852.
This journey, which took place in 1781 and lasted not quite two months, was
made largely for the purpose of inspecting the paintings of these countries.
Sketches and Observations made on a Tour through various Parts of
Europe, in the years 1792-94. London.
SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Letters written during a Short Residence in
Spain and Portugal, with some Account of Spanish and Portuguese
Poetry. 8vo. Bristol.
2nd edit., Bristol and London, 1798.
TOWNSON, ROBERT. Travels in Hungary, with a Short Account of
Vienna in the year 1793. 16 copperplates and map. 4to. London.
This is the best English work respecting Hungary. It has been translated
into both French and German. Pinkerton XVII. A work valuable to the nat-
ural historian, particularly the mineralogist; it also contains a very particular ac-
count of the Tokay wines. Lowndes. Townson was the author of a work called
the Philosophy of Mineralogy (1798).
1798 CLUBBE, WILLIAM. The Omnium; containing the Journal of a late
three Days' Tour into France ; curious and extraordinary Anecdotes,
Critical Remarks and other Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse.
8vo. Ipswich.
The author was vicar of Brandeston in Suffolk, and a writer of minor verse.
MURPHY, JAMES. A General View of the State of Portugal; contain-
ing a Topographical Description thereof. In which are included, an
Account of the Physical and Moral State of the Kingdom ; together
with Observations on the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Productions
of its Colonies. The Whole compiled from the best Portuguese Writ-
ers, and from Notices obtained in the Country by James Murphy. 16
plates. 4to. London.
See also Murphy under 1795 above.
A Sketch of Modern France in a Series of Letters to a Lady of Fashion,
written in the Years 17% and 1797, during a Tour through France by
a Lady. London.
It is stated that these Letters were edited by C. L. Moody.
SPALLANZANI, LAZZARO (Abbe). Travels in the Two Sicilies,
and some Parts of the Appennines, translated from the original Italian.
11 plates. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
A translation from the original Italian version of 1788 is printed, with some
omissions, in Pinkerton V, 1-272 An Italian version, Pavia, 1792-97. See below.
The author was a scientist of note, greatly interested in volcanoes and their
geology. He was also known for his experiments in spontaneous generation. He
did considerable travelling for the purpose of collecting material for the Public
Imperial Museums of Natural History in the University of Pavia. See also under
1795 above.
1792-97 SPALLANZANI, LAZZARO (Abbe). Viagge alle due Sicilie ed in
alcime parte degli Apennini. Pavia.
1799 CROKER, RICHARD. Travels through several Provinces of Spain and
Portugal. 8vo. London.
MATTHISON, FREDERICK. Letters written from various Parts of
the Continent (Germany, Switzerland, the South of France, etc).
Translated by A. Plumptree, from the German. 8vo. London.
In the Appendix are included three letters of the poet Gray never before pub-
lished in this country. Lowndes.
1800 An Account of the Republic of Geneva. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
BEAUMONT, SIR ALBANIS. Travels from France to Italy through
the Lepontine Alps : or, an Itinerary of the Road from Lyons to Turin
by way of the Pays de-Vaud, the Vallais, and the Monts Great St.
Bernard, Simplon, and St. Gothard, with topographical and historical
Descriptions, the Natural History, and Remarks on the Course of the
Rhone. 27 aquatint views, printed in brown, after the author. Fol.
HAGER, (Dr.). Pictures of Palermo: Translated by Mrs. Robin-
son. London.
German original, Berlin, 1799. See below.
1799 HAGER, (Dr.). Gemalde von Palermo. Berlin.
MERCIER, . New Pictures of Paris, translated from the French.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
MOORE, JOHN (Mordaunt). Sketches of Life, Characters and Man-
ners in various Countries, including the Memoirs of a French Lady of
Quality, by the Author of Zeluco and Edward. 3 vols. 8vo. Lon-
Apparently the name Mordaunt was used to indicate the authorship of this
RENDER, . Tour through Germany. 3 vols. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII. Possibly the author is William Render, a
German who came to London in 1790. He was a grammarian and a translator of
Goethe and Kotzebue.
SALMON, J. An Historical Description of ancient and modern Rome;
also of the works of Art, particularly in Architecture, Sculpture, and
Painting ; to which is added, a Tour through the Cities and Towns in
the Environs of that Metropolis, and an Account of the Antiquities
found at Gabia. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
STARKE, MARIANA. Letters from Italy between the Years 1792 and
1798. 2 vols. London.
STARKE, MARIANA, Travels on the Continent for the Use and Par-
ticular Information of Travellers. London.
STOCKDALE, JOHN. A Geographical, Historical, and Political De-
scription of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switz-
erland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia, with a Gazetteer
of Reference to the principal Places in those Countries ; to which are
added, Statistical Tables of all the States of Europe. Folding maps.
4to. London.
WALSH, EDWARD. Narrative of the Expedition to Holland in the
Autumn of 1799. Map and 7 views by Heath, after the author. 4to.
WRAXALL, NATHANIEL WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Courts of
Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, 1777-79. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
See also Wraxall under 1815 below.
BROOKE, . A Journey from Naples into Tuscany before the French
Invasion of Italy. London.
Cited by Pinkerton XVII without date.
1803 MUIRHEAD, LOCKHART. Journals of Travels in Parts of the late
Austrian Low Countries, France, ... in 1787 and 1789. London.
1805 BECKFORD, PETER. Familiar Letters from Italy in 1787. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
The author published several works on hunting and fox hounds.
1808-1814 DE SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICT. An Account of the At-
tempts that have been made to attain the Summit of Mont Blanc. Writ-
ten in the Years 1786, 1787. Translated from his Voyages dans les
Alps, II, 556 f f. In Pinkerton IV, 677-709.
French original, Neuchatel and Geneva, 1779-1796. See below.
De Saussure has been called the greatest of all Alpine tourists. Of the numer-
ous journies he made in the Alpine regions, seven are narrated in his book. He
was interested in everything he saw : the rocks of the earth's crust, the nature of
electricity and heat, why the tops of mountains and the bottoms of lakes are
cold, why the inhabitants of some valleys suffer from goitre, etc. On the summit
of Mont Blanc, which he reached on his fourth trip in 1787, he made all sorts of
experiments : the readings of the barometer, thermometers, hygrometers, and
electrometers, the temperature at which water boiled, the variation of the mag-
netic needle, the beat of the pulse, etc. On other trips he measured the heights of
various mountains, investigated the various dialects of different valleys, and pro-
posed explanations of glacial phenomena. The modesty of the scientist is fitly ex-
pressed in his own words : "Placed on this planet since yesterday, and only for
one day, we can but desire knowledge to which, seemingly, we shall never attain."
Taken from De Beer, Early Travellers in the Alps
1779-1796 DE SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICT. Voyages dans les Alps.
Neuchatel and Geneva.
DOLOMEN, DEODATUS DE. A Dissertation on the Earthquake in
Calabria Ultra, which happened in the Year 1783. Translated from the
Italian of 1784. In Pinkerton V, 273-297.
1809 COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Satyranes Letters. London.
A selection from the letters he wrote home from Germany (1798-99), which
he thought likely to be most interesting and at the same time most pertinent
to the title of his Bioyraphia Litcraria, in which he included them. They were
first published in the Friend, Nov.-Dec , 1809.
PENNINGTON, THOMAS (Rev.). Continental Excursions, or Tours
into France, Switzerland and Germany in 1782, 1787 and 1789. 2 vols.
1813 RERESBY, SIR JOHN. Travels and Memoirs, the former exhibiting a
View of the Government and Society in the principal States and Courts
of Europe, during the Time of Cromwell's Usurpation; the latter con-
taining Anecdotes, and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II
and James II. 40 portraits and plates, some in colors. 8vo. London.
A modern reprint, London, 1904. See below.
Rcrcsby travelled on the Continent at the time of the Commonwealth, and in
1675 he entered Parliament His Memoirs appeared in 1734 and together with
his Travels in 1813.
1904 RERESBY, SIR JOHN. The Memoirs and Travels of Sir John Rcresby,
Bart., edited by Albert Ivatt, M.A. In Dryden House Memoirs Series.
Reprint of the 1813 issue. London.
1815 WRAXALL, SIR NATHANIEL WILLIAM. Historical Memoirs of
My Own Time, from 1772 to 1784. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1815. A modern reprint, in the Dryden House Memoirs
Series, edited by Richard Askhan, London, 1904.
This work was severely criticised in the Edinburgh Review, vol. 25, the Quar-
terly, vol. 13, and other reviews, and the author was prosecuted and imprisoned
for a libel on Prince GortschakefT. Wraxall published two answers to the at-
tacks made on him. The first edition contained passages that were afterwards
suppressed. Lowndes. This work gives the reader a good introduction to the
most important personages of the period.
1820 DOUGLAS, JOHN (Bishop of Carlisle and later of Salisbury). Journal
of a Tour through Germany, Holland and France, July 5, 1748 to Oc-
tober, 1749. Printed in Select Works. Edited by Ed. W. Macdonald.
1834 BECKFORD, WILLIAM. Italy; with Sketches of Spain and Portugal
By the Author of Vathek. 2 vols. London.
A modern reprint, 2 vols., edited by Guy Chapman, London, 1928.
Beckford made three visits to the Spanish Penninsula: the first in 1787-88;
the second in 1791-%; and the third in 1798-99. The volumes listed above do not
contain the details of his last visit, during which time he resided in Portugal en-
tirely. Foulche-Delbosc.
1835 BECKFORD, WILLIAM. Recollections of an Excursion to the Monas-
teries of Alcobaca and Batalha. By the Author of Vathek. London
1836 BROWNE, EDWARD. Journal and Letters of Edward Browne in Sir
Thomas Browne's Works, vol. I. Edited by Simon Wilkin. London.
See also Browne under 1673, CONTINENTAL EUROPE.
1844 BRERETON, SIR WILLIAM. Travels in Holland, United Provinces,
England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1634-35. Edited by S. Hawkins, Chet-
ham Society, vol. I. Manchester.
1857 BUSING, HORATIO. Journey from Venice to London, 1617. Record
Office, Venetian Transcripts, vol. CXLII, 1-46.
The translation was made by Rawdon Brown. Sec Quart, Rev , Oct., 1875, and
Lett's abstract in Notes and Queries, 2nd ser., I, 61 fF.
1867 The Stacions of Rome (in verse from the Vernon MS., c. 1370, and in
prose from the Porkington MS., c. 1460-1470), and the Pilgrims Sea-
Voyage and Sea-Sickness (from the Trinity College Library MS. R,
about the time of Henry VI). Edited for the Early English Text So-
ciety by F. J. Furnivall, original series, no. 25. London.
1880 RIGBY, EDWARD (Dr.). Letters from France, ... in 1789. Edited
by his daughter, Lady Eastlake. London.
Rigby was the exact opposite of Smollett in temperament, being an optimist,
but at the same time an intelligent and sincere witness of things and events. His
book makes a good supplementary volume to the travels of Arthur Young (see
under 1792 above).
1884 CALDERWOOD, MRS. (of Polton). Letters and Journals from Eng-
land, Holland, and the Low Countries in 1756. Edited by Alex. Fer-
guson. 5 illus. 8vo. London.
Vigorous in speech and pawky in her observations, she writes a very enter-
taining account of her experiences in Catholic lands. Her language preserves
many Scottish idioms of her day.
1885 TEMPLE, HENRY (2nd Viscount Palmerston). Diary in France dur-
ing July and August, 1791. Printed as an Appendix to the Dispatches
of Earl Gower, English Ambassador at Paris, 1790-92. Edited by O.
Browning. Cambridge.
1888 ESSEX, JAMES. Journal of a Tour through Part of Flanders and
France in August, 1773. Edited by W. M. Fawcett, Cambridge Anti-
quarian Society, No. XXIV, pp. 12 ff. Cambridge.
1889 FRASER, (Major). Fraser's Manuscript; his Adventures in Scotland
and England; his Mission to, and Travels in, France in Search of his
Chief; his Services with Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, 1697-1737; edited
by A. Fergusson. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1894 PERKIER, RICHARD, F. E., and JOHN H. II. The Journal of Major
Fcrrier, M. P., while travelling in France in the year 1687. With a
brief Memoir of his Life. Camden Society, vol. IX. London.
1900-1912 GRAY, THOMAS. Letters of Thomas Gray. Edited by D. C.
Tovey. 3 vols. London.
The poet travelled on the Continent with Horace Walpole in 1739-1740, but
the two parted company because of incompatibility. As a letter writer Gray ranks
high, and his descriptions of wild mountain scenery with its sounds of falling waters
marks the turning point in the romantic appreciation of mountains. After return-
ing from his visit to Scotland, he said that one ought to visit the Highlands once
a year.
1902 PARMINTER, JANE. Extracts from a Devonshire Lady's Notes of
Travel in France in 1784. Edited by Rev. O. Reichel for the Devon-
shire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and
Art, XXXIV. Plymouth.
Montaigne's Travels in 1580 and 1581. Translated and edited with an
Introduction and Notes by W. G. Waters. Illus. 3 vols, 8vo. Lon-
1905 KNIGHT, LADY PHILIPPINA. Letters from France and Italy, 1776-
1795. Edited by Lady Eliott-Drake. 8vo. London.
1908 WALPOLE, HORACE. Letters on France, 1774-1796. London.
See also his Letters, edited by Peter Cunningham, 9 vols., London, 1891.
Walpole made several visits to France. Being free from the prejudices of
Smollett and Moore, perfectly at home among people of taste, and a thorough
adept in the social graces, he opens to us the doors of the salons and lets us see
for ourselves what it was that made Paris the capital of Society.
1909 CUST, MRS. HENRY. Gentlemen Errant, being the Journeys and Ad-
ventures of Four Noblemen in Europe during the Fifteenth and Six-
teenth Centuries. Illus. 8vo. London.
1923 BROWNE, EDWARD. Journal of a Visit to Paris, 1664. Edited by
Geoffrey Keynes in Si. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. LVI.
Reprinted separately. London.
1925 BOWREY, THOMAS. The Papers of Thomas Bowrey, 1669-1713.
Part I, Diary of a Six Weeks Tour in 1698 in Holland and Flanders ;
Part II, the Story of the Mary Galley, 1704-1710. Edited by Lieut.-
Col. Sir Richard C. Temple, Bart., C.B., C.I.E., F.B.A., F.S.A. 5 maps
and 9 plates. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 58. London.
The Diary is of especial interest for its accounts of Amsterdam and other
cities of the Low Countries at the end of the seventeenth century, and of the
monetary system of the time. Quoted from Notice of the volume.
BUTLER, ALB AN (Rev.). Travels through France and Italy, and part
of the Austrian, French, and Dutch Netherlands, during the year
1745-46, by the late Rev. Alban Butler, Author of the Lives of the
Saints. (Place and date ?.)
The notes of these tours left by the author were collected and published by a
nephew, Charles Butler, probably before 1800. The existence of this work is men-
tioned by Robert Bracey, together with an account of Alban Butler, in his Eight-
eenth Century Studies, Oxford, 1925. Butler was guide and tutor to the Earl
of Shrewsbury's sons, and professor of philosophy and divinity at Douay.
MORTOFT, FRANCIS. Francis Mortoft: His Book. Being his Trav-
els through France and Italy in 1658-59, from a manuscript at the
British Museum. Edited by Malcom Letts, F.R. Hist. S. 2 maps and
1 plate. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 57. London.
A lively journal by a typical tourist of the period containing, among other
items of interest, a detailed description of Rome in the seventeenth century.
Quoted from Notice of the volume.
1928 GARRICK, DAVID. The Diary of David Garrick: being a Record of
his memorable Trip to Paris in 1751. Edited by R. C. Alexander. 8vo.
This visit was one of the triumphs of Garrick's career. It made French actors
sadly realise the difference of social status obtaining among the acting profession
in England as compared with that of France. The Diary had been lost for a long
1931 BLAIKIE, THOMAS. The Diary of a Scotch Gardener, 1775-1792. Ed-
ited, with an Introduction, by Francis Birrell. 8vo. London.
His experiences in France, where he was professionally employed, and his
couthy observations on French gardens and gardening ways make this volume of
great interest.
COLE, WILLIAM (Rev.). A Journal of my Journey to Paris in the
Year 1765. Edited from the original MS. in the British Museum by
Francis Griffin Stokes, with an Introduction by Helen Waddell, 8vo.
Cole was rector of Bletchley, and a friend of Horace Walpole. His Diary
makes a good guide to the older Paris of the eighteenth century.
Nor tli Europe
1561 NORTH, GEORGE. The Description of Swedland, Gotland, and Fin-
land, the auncient estate of theyr Kynges, the moste horrible and in-
credible tiranny of the second Christiern, kyng of Denmarke, agaynst
the Swecians, the poleticke attaynyng to the Crowne of Gostane, wyth
hys prudent prouidyng for the same. Collected and gathered out of
sundry laten Aucthors, but chieflye out of Sebastian Mounster. By
George North. Set forth accordyng to the order in the Queues Maies-
ties Iniunction. 4to. London.
For Sebastian Munster see under 1572, GEOGRAPHY Apparently this is
the only edition and is extremely rare. Quaritch. It is mainly historical in con-
tent. Parks.
1658 MAGNUS, OLAUS (Archbishop). A Compendious History of the
Goths, Swedes, and Vandals, and other Northern Nations, written by
Olaus Magnus, Archbishop of Upsall and Metropolitan of Sweden.
Fol. London.
Latin original, Rome, 1555. See below.
This work long remained for the rest of Europe the chief authority on Swed-
ish matters, and is still a valuable repository of much curious information in
regard to Scandinavian customs and folk-lore. Quoted by Maggs, No. 442. It was
a favorite work of Sir Walter Scott, who described in his Pirate the Udaller in-
specting this curious volume. It is the most remarkable work published on Scan-
dinavia, full of curious matter, embracing manners, customs, occupations, weapons,
legends, myths and superstitions ; a detailed description of the birds, animals and
fish, and interspersed with historical anecdotes and some quaint stories ; together
with "horrid apparitions of divels, the antick prestigation of conjurors and Mag-
ical Inchantments." Bookseller's Note. Olaus Magnus \vas at the Council of
Trent, and distinguished himself by opposing the Reformation in Sweden.
Maggs, No. 505. The translator was J. Streater.
1555 MAGNO, OLAO. Historia de Gentibvs Septentrionalibvs, earymque di-
versis statubvs, conditionibvs, moribvs, ritibvs, svperstitionibus disci-
plinis exercitiis regimine victu, bellis, structuris, instrumentiis, ac min-
eris metallicis, & rebus mirabilibus, necnon vniuersis pene animalibus in
Septeritrione de gentibus eorumque natura. Opus ut yarivm plvrimarvm-
qve rervm cognitione rcfertvm atqve cvin exemplis cxternis turn ex-
pressis rerum internarum picturis illustratum. cum indict-. Many wood-
Cuts and initial letters. Fol. Rome.
1674 MARTINIERE, PIERRE MARTIN DE LA. Travels into the Northern
Countries ; being a Description of the Manners, Customs, Superstitions,
Buildings, and Habits of the Norwegians, Laponians, Kilops, Boran-
dians, Siberians, Samoiedes, Zemblans and Icelanders ; with Reflections
upon an Error in our Geographers, about the Situation and Extent of
Greenland and Nova-Zembla. 12mo. London.
Later edition, with additions, 8vo, London, 1706. French original, Paris, 1671.
See below.
North, containing a full Account of Norway, the Laplands, ... of Bpr-
andia, Siberia, Samojedia, Zembla, and Iseland, with the Description
of the Religion and Customs of these several Nations ; to which is
added, a Particular Relation of the Court of the Czar, of the Religion
and Customs of the Muscovites, and a short History of Muscovy, now
done into English. Folding frontispiece containing 20 figures. 8vo.
1671 MARTINIERE, PIERRE MARTIN DE LA. Voyage des Pays septen-
trionaux dans lequel se voit les moeurs, maniere de vivre et superstitions
des Norweguiens, Lappons, Kiloppes, Borandiens, Syberiens, Sam-
oyedes, Zembliens et Ii>landois. 11 copperplates. 12mo. Paris.
La Martiniere est, selon toutes les apparences, ne a Rouen. Cest
le premier Francais qui ait public un voyage maritime le long des
cotes boreales de 1'Europe. Bookseller's Note.
SCHEFFER, JOHN. The History of Lapland ; wherein are shewed the
Original Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, Employments, . . .
of that People. Map and a large number of woodcuts, Fol. Oxford.
Another edition, with additions, London, 1703; again, London, 1751. Latin
original, Upsala, 1670. See below.
Portions of this work are translated into verse. The author, a German by
birth, wandered to Sweden in 1648, where he was hospitably received by Queen
Christina, who was already acquainted with his works, and loaded with honors.
This history long remained the main source of information on Lapland.
1703 SCHEFFER, JOHN. The History of Lapland; containing a Geographical
Description, and a Natural History, of that Country; with an Account
of the Inhabitants, their Original, Religion, Customs, Habits, Marriages,
Conjurations, Employments, . . . Written by John Scheffer, Professor
at Upsalla in Sweden, Translated from the last Edition in Latin : and
illustrated with 28 Copper Cuts. To which is added, The Travels of
the King of Sweden's Mathematicians into Lapland. The History of
Livonia, and the Wars there. Also a Journey into Lapland and Finland,
. . . Written by Dr. Olof Rudbeck, in the Year 1701. 8vo. London.
1751 SCHEFFER, JOHN. The History of Lapland, shewing the original Man-
ners, Habits, Religion, and Trade of that People, with a particular Ac-
count of their Gods and Sacrifices, Marriage Ceremonies, diabolical
Rites, . . . 8vo. London.
1670 SCHEFFER, JOHN. Lapponia id est, regionis Lapponum et gentis nova
et verissima descriptio. In qua multa de origine, superstitione, sacris
magis, victu, cultu, ncgotiis Lapponum, item animalium, metallorumque
indole, in terris eorum proveniunt, hactenus incognita produntur, et
eiconibus adjectis cum cura illustrantur. Upsala
1676 DEBES, LUCAS JACOBSON. Faeroae et Faeroa reserata: that is, a
Description of the Islands and Inhabitants of Foeroe, being seventeen
Islands subject to the King of Denmark, lying under 62 degrees 10
min. of North Latitude. Wherein several Secrets of Nature are
brought to Light, and some Antiquities hitherto kept in Darkness, dis-
covered. Englished by J(ohn) S(terpin). 12mo. London.
1675 is the date given in the Term Catalogues. Danish original, Copenhagen,
1673. See below.
1673 DEBES, LUCAS JACOBSON. Faeroae et Faeroa reserata. Det er:
Faeroernes oc Faeroeske Indbyggeres Beskrifvelsc, udi hvilkcn foris
til Liuset adskillige Naturens Hemeligheder, oc nogle Antiqviteter, som
her til Dags udi Morcket hafve vaeret indelugte, oc nu her opladis,
Alle curieuse til Velbehagelighcd. 8vo. Copenhagen.
1683 MIEGE, GUY. The Present State of Denmark. 12mo. London.
French original, Rouen, 1670
The author was a native of Lausanne, who settled in England and became
a member of the household of Charles Howard, Karl of Carlisle, and Ambassa-
dor Extraordinary to Russia, Sweden, and Denmark.
PIERREVILLE, G. The present State of Denmark; and Reflections
upon the ancient State thereof. Together with a particular Account
of the Birth, Education, and Martial Achievements of his Royal High-
ness Prince George, only Brother to his present Majesty of Denmark.
8vo. London.
The author was secretary to the King's Minister to Denmark.
1691 For travels to Sweden and Denmark see An Accurate Description of the
United Netherlands, under WEST EUROPE.
1694 KING, WILLIAM. Animadversions on a Pretended Account of Dan-
mark. 8vo. London.
This probably refers to Molesvvorth's account. See following item, which
provoked a number of replies.
MOLES WORTH, ROBERT (First Viscount). An Account of Den-
mark, as it was in the year 1692; more particularly of the Form of
Government, how it became hereditary and absolute ; the Conditions,
Customs, and Temper of the People; of the Revenue, Army, Fleet,
Fortresses, Court; Disposition and Inclination of the King- of Denmark
towards his Neighbors ; the manner of disposing and restoring the
Duke of Holstein Gottorp ; the Interest of Denmark with other States ;
of the Clergy, Laws, Learning, . . . 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 16Q7; 4th edit., with added matter, London, 1738;
abbreviated reprint in Harris II, 501-507. See below.
This book so much exasperated the Danish sovereign that he demanded the
punishment of the author, who had been ambassador at his court. On being told
that English laws did not permit reprisals of this kind, he said, as we are informed
by Count Suhm, that if such a work had been published in his dominions against
England, the author should have been executed for it. Quoted. Moles worth re-
sided in Denmark during the reign f William III. He explains how the great
revolution took place by which the Danish kings, hitherto elected and limited, be-
came hereditary and absolute monarchs. The observation is made that this is the
only legal absolute monarchy in the world, the King having been declared such
by the States of that Kingdom, which had such power under the Constitution.
Hence the Danish Government is represented as being arbitrary and tyrannous,
and is held up as an object lesson to men of enlightenment. Being anti-clerical
in tone, the book at once obtained popularity and distinction. It was highly ap-
proved by Shaftsbury and Locke. See Maggs, No. 594.
1738 MOLES WORTH, ROBERT (First Viscount). An Account of Den-
mark as it was in the year 1692. An Account of Sweden as it was
in 1688. A Short Narrative of the Life and Death of John Rhinbald,
Count Patlml. . . . 8vo. London.
Said by Lowndes to be the best edition of this work.
Denmark Vindicated; being an Answer to a late Treatise, called An Ac-
count of Denmark as it was in the year 1692. Sent from a Gentleman
in the Country to his Friend at London. (By Jodocus Crull.) 8vo.
This is a criticism of Molesworth's book above.
ROBINSON, JOHN (Bishop of London). An Account of Sueden, with
an Extract of the History of that Kingdom. 8vo. London.
The author spent more than 25 years at the Swedish court as chaplain to the
English embassy. This little work is stored with useful information set forth in
a style not unlike that of a modern consular report, and its value was recognized
in diplomatic circles both in England and abroad. Marlborough wrote of Robin-
son's excellent influence at the Swedish court in 1704, and in 1707 thought of em-
ploying him to appease the Swedish King, who cherished grievances against the
Allies. TXN B , quoted by Sotheran.
1695 CARR, WILLIAM. For western and northern Europe see his Travel-
1697 Travels through Denmark and some Parts of Germany : translated from
a Manuscript in French. London.
1698 BILBERG, JOHN. A Voyage of the late King of Sweden, and another
of Mathematicians sent by him; in which are discovered the refrac-
tion of the Sun, which sets not in the northern Parts at the Time of
the Summer Solstice, Variation of the Needle, Latitude of Places,
Season, ... of those Countries. By the Command of the most serene
Charles XI, King of Sweden, . . . Faithfully Englished. 8vo. Lon-
1699 ALLISON, THOMAS. For his voyage from Archangel to the North
Cape see under EAST EUROPE.
1702 BROMLEY, WILLIAM. For an account of travel in Denmark and
Sweden see his Several Years' Travels through Portugal, under WEST
1703 RUDBECK, OLOF. For a journey into Lapland and Finland see under
Scheffer, 1674 above.
Swedish original, Upsala, 1701.
1707 Travels through Denmark and some Parts of Germany. By way of a
Journal in the Retinue of the English Envoy in 1702. With Extracts
of several Laws, relating to the absolute Power of the King. Religion
and Civil Government of the Country. Including the Military and
Maritime State thereof: the whole illustrated with divers curious Re-
marks. 8vo. London.
1714 WHITELOCK, BULSTRODE. Account of his Embassy to Sweden,
delivered to the Parliament in the year 1654: together with the De-
fensive Alliance concluded between Great Britain and Sweden in the
year 1700, under the reign of the late King William. 8vo. London.
This is a short pamphlet of 24 pp., and is probably not by Whitelocke. For
his own journal see under 1772 below.
1720 LEOPOLD, J. F. Relatio epistolica de Itinere suo Suedico 1707 facto,
ad J. Woodward. London.
1725 For an account of Sweden and Denmark see Travels through Flanders,
Holland, Germany, etc., under WEST EUROPE.
1732 (?) A Description of the Islands and Inhabitants of Faeroe, Written in
Danish and translated into English. 12mo. London ( ?).
Cited in Churchill's Introduction, which goes on to say: The description is
very particular and curious and indeed more than could be expected of those mis-
erable northern islands ; but the author was provost of the churches there, and
had time to gather such an account, . . . His character of the people is very favor-
able and savours more of affection than sincerity; but the worst part of this small
book, is first a collection of some romantick stories of the ancient inhabitants of
Faero; and in the next place, what is yet worse, a parcel of insignificant tales
of spectres and illusions of Satan, as the author calls them It is apparent that
the editor of Churchill was no folk lorist. No date is assigned to this work.
Perhaps it is Debes's. See 1676 above.
PEYRERE, ISAAC DE LA. An Account of Iseland sent to Monsieur
de la Mothe de Vayer. In Churchill II, 383-395.
This account is dated Dec. 8, 1644, Copenhagen. It may have been abstracted
by the editors of Churchill from Peyrere's Relation du Grocnland, which was
published at Paris, 1647. See the Hakluyt Society volume under 1850, ARCTIC
1738 An Account of Sweden as it was in the year 1688. See under Molesworth,
1694 above.
1744-48 A Succinct Account of the Kingdom of Sweden, with respect to its
Climate, Soil and Produce; as also of the Temper, Genius, Customs,
Policy, Form of Government, Force, and Trade of its Inhabitants.
Collected from the Writings of an English Minister residing there.
In Harris II, 493-501.
This is a generalised account. The minister was one sent by William III
to Charles XI of Sweden.
A Voyage to the North, containing an Account of the Sea Coasts, Mines
of Norway, the Danish, Swedish, and Muscovite Laplands ; Borandia,
Siberia, Samojedia, Zemilla and Iceland ; with some very curious Re-
marks on the Norwegians, Laplanders, Russians, Poles, Circassians,
Cossacks, and other Nations. Extracted from the Journal of a Gentle-
man, employed by the North Sea Company, at Copenhagen ; and from
the Memoirs, of a French Gentleman, who, after serving many years
in the Armies of Russia, was at last banished into Siberia. In Harris
II, 457-492.
The occasion of this voyage was the desire of the North Sea Trading Com-
pany to extend its commerce by voyages of discovery. For this purpose a peti-
tion was presented to Frederick III, King of Denmark, Feb., 1653. Permit was
secured and several ships were fitted out. The author, being of a curious mind
and residing at Copenhagen at the time, took a fancy to the voyage and went as
surgeon to the ships. It is an interesting narrative given generally in the first
1745 STORY, JOHN. Travels through Sweden: Containing a short Survey
of that Kingdom ; and a Brief Description of all its Provinces : as also
Their Riches, Antiquity, Nature, and Manners ; together with the Gov-
ernment of this Realm, Might and Power of this great King, as well
by Sea as Land, his great Officers, Customs, and Revenues of the
Crown : Likewise a Catalogue of many of the Kings of Sweden . . .
In Osborne I, 209-237.
This account comes down "to the present year 1632." There is no narra-
tive ; the contents could have been compiled from books. The author was obliged
to travel ''to avoid the persecutions of the iniquitous court of Star-Chamber."
Quoted from Osborne.
1748 An Historical Abridgement of the Present State of Sweden. 2 vols.
12mo. London.
This treats of the interval between 1680 and 1743. Very concise, but not al-
ways correct, and of small esteem. Pinkerton VI.
1755 PONTOPPIDAN, ERIC (Bishop of Bergen). The Natural History of
Norway. Folding map and 28 plates. 2 vols. Fol. London.
Danish original, Copenhagen, 1752-54. See below.
Notwithstanding Pontoppidan is occasionally betrayed into error by his cred-
ulity, his account of the country and its natural history is very valuable, and in
general correct. Pinkcrton XVII.
1752-54 PONTOPPIDAN, ERIC. Forsog til Norges naturlige Historie. 2 vols.
30 plates. Copenhagen.
1758 HORREBOW, NIELS. The Natural History of Iceland; containing a
Particular Account of the different Soils, Burning Mountains, Miner-
als, Vegetables, Metals, Beasts, Birds and Fishes, with the Disposition,
Customs, and Manner of Living of the Inhabitants. Interspersed with
an Account of the Island by Mr. Anderson . . . Translated from the
Danish Original (by Mr. Anderson). Large folding map. Fol.
Danish original, Copenhagen, 1750. See below.
Boswell reports that Bennet Langton had said to him that Johnson could re-
peat a complete chapter from this work, "the whole of which was exactly this:
Chap. LXXI1. Concerning Snakes. There are no snakes to be met with through-
out the whole Island.' "
1750 HORREBOW, NIELS. Tilforladclige efterretninger om Island. 8vo.
1770 MALLET, PAUL HENRY. A Description of the Manners, Customs,
Religion, and Laws of the Ancient Danes, and other Northern Nations,
including those of our own Saxon Ancestors ; with a Translation of
the Edda, or System of Runic Mythology, and other Pieces from the
Ancient Islandic, with Additional Notes and Goranson's Latin Version
of the Edda. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
An edition in Bonn's Library, 2 vols., London, 1847. See below. French orig-
inal, Copenhagen, 1755-56. See below.
This work is a translation from the French by Bishop Percy, editor of Rcli-
ques of Ancient English Poetry, It contributed to the nourishment of romantic
longings for the distant in time and place, and continued the interest in Norse
mythology and literature of which Gray's "Runic Poems" are the finest expres-
sion in the literature of the day. Mallet was tutor to Christian VII of Denmark.
During his residence in that country he was engaged by Frederick II to write a
history of Denmark in French. The above work was intended as a prefatory
volume to the History, but it has merit as an independent work.
1847 MALLET, PAUL HENRY. Mallet's Northern Antiquities; or, an His-
torical Account of the Manners, Customs, Religions and Laws, Mar-
itime Expeditions and Discoveries, Language and Literature of the
Ancient Scandinavians Translated by Bishop Percy. New edition, re-
vised by I. A. Blackwcll. 8vo. Bohn'i> Library. London.
This work is considerably enlarged with a translation of the Prose
Edda from the original old Norse text, with notes To this is added
an abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga, by Sir Walter Scott.
1755-56 MALLET, PAUL HENRI Introduction a 1'histoire du Danemarck ou
Ton traitc de la religion, dcs moeurs, dcs lois, et dcs usages des ancicns
Danois. (Part II.) Monuments de la mythologie et de la poesie de
Celtes, et particulierement des anciens Scandinaves. 2 parts. Copen-
1772 MARSHALL, JOSEPH. For travels in Denmark and Sweden in 1768,
WHITELOCK, BULSTRODE. A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in
1653 and 1654 from the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and
Ireland, with Appendix of Original Papers. 2 vols. 4to. London.
This was published by Charles Morton from the original manuscript. It was
revised and reprinted by Henry Reeves, 2 vols , 8vo, London, 1855. Sec also Mem-
oirs, Biographical and Historical, by R. H. Whitelock, Ix>ndon, 1860.
Whitelock, the English Ambassador to Sweden, 1653-54, was appointed to
many commissions during the Protectorate and served on all kinds of committees.
Sweden was then at the height of its power. The pictures he gives us of its great
personalities Christina, Oxcnstierna, and others, his conversations with Crom-
well, are all highly interesting and of permanent value. The book has also been
translated into Swedish. From D.N.B. By modernising the spelling in his edi-
tion of 1855, Henry Reeves destroyed the original flavor of the work. Sotheran.
1773 Letters from an English Gentleman during his Travels through Denmark.
OROSIUS. The Anglo-Saxon Version from the Historian Orosius by
Alfred the Great. This together with an English Translation from
the Old English by Daines Harrington. 8vo. London.
Also in Hakluyt's Principal Voyages, said to be by Dr. Caius. Not regarded
as accurate and considered to be of little value. Pinkerton XVII.
Among the men whom King Alfred gathered around him in the cause of
learning were the Norseman Ohthere and the Dane Wulfstan, whose voyages to
the White Sea and the region of Archangel and to the eastern part of the Baltic
respectively were used by the great king in his translation of Orosius' General
History. The discoveries of these men enabled him to rectify the geography of
the Germanic, Baltic, and Northern regions. The title of Orosius' work was His-
toriae adversum Paganos. It was suggested to him by St. Augustine, and was
the first attempt to write the history of the world as a history of God guiding
humanity. Nearly 200 MSS. are extant. Alfred's version is a free, abridged trans-
lation. The Old English text with the Latin original was edited by Henry Sweet
in 1883. Daines Harrington's eighteenth century version is evidence of the grow-
ing interest the age was manifesting in Old English language and literature.
1775 WRAXALL, NATHANIEL. A Tour through some of the Northern
Parts of Europe, particularly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Peters-
burgh, in a Series of Letters. Map. 8vo. London.
3rd edit., corrected, London, 1776.
Wraxall covered a distance of 2000 miles around the Baltic Sea in five
months' time. He was a tireless traveller. See under date 1800, WEST EUROPE.
1777 WILLIAMS, JOHN. For a generalized description of Denmark and
Sweden, see under CONTINENTAL EUROPE.
1780 BANKS, JOSEPH (and Others). Letters on Iceland. See under Uno
von Troil this date below.
COXE, WILLIAM. An Account of the Prisons and Hospitals in Russia,
Sweden, and Denmark. With occasional Remarks on the different
Modes of Punishments in those Countries. 8vo. London.
TROIL, UNO VON. Letters on Iceland: containing Observations on
the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and Natural History; Antiquities,
Volcanoes, Uasaltes, Hot Springs ; Customs, Dress, Manners of the In-
habitants, . . . Made during a Voyage undertaken in the Year 1772,
by Joseph Banks, Esq., P.R.S., assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S., Dr.
J. Lind, F.R.S., Dr. Uno von Troil, and several other Literary and
Ingenious Gentlemen. . . . Map and 1 plate. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1780; the whole revised and corrected by E. Mendes da
Costa, with map, Dublin, 1780; this again, London, 1783. In Pinkerton I, 621-734,
with additions. Swedish original, Upsala, 1777. See below.
According to Pinkerton, the most valuable version of the^e letters is the
French translation by Lindholtn, Paris, 1781, for which the Swedish original was
revised by von Troil, and to which he added notes from the English and German
editions. Banks and Solander will be remembered as members of Cook's first expe-
dition to the South Seas.
1808-1814 TROIL, UNO VON. Letters on Iceland, . to which are added, the
Letters of Dr. Ihre and Or. Bad to the Author, concerning the Edda,
and the Elephantiasis of Iceland; also Prof. Borgman's curious Obser-
vations and Chemical Examination of the Lava and other Substances
produced on the Island. In Pinkerton I, 621-734
1777 TROIL, UNO VON. Bref rorende en Resa til Island in aaren 1772.
1782 SHERIDAN, T. R. A Full and Genuine Account of the Revolution in
the Kingdom of Sweden . , . to which is added Facts concerning the
Extent, Power, Government, Religion, Literature, and Manners of the
Swedish Nation. Folding maps and plate (view of Stockholm). 8vo.
1784 COXE /WILLIAM. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark,
with Historical Relations. Maps, plans, portraits, and other engraving's.
2 vols. 4to. London.
Reprinted in 5 vols., London, 1787-1791 ; again, London, 1792. Sections on
Sweden and Denmark reprinted in Pinkerton VI, 293-372. Translated into French,
Geneva, 1786. See below and also this date under EAST EUROPE.
1786 (In French.) Voyage en Pologne, Russie, Suede, Dannemarc, . . . Tra-
duit de 1'anglais par P. H. Mallet. Map, plans, and portraits. 2 vols.
4to. Geneva.
1789 CONSETT, MATTHEW. A Tour through Sweden, Swedish Lapland,
Finland, and Denmark; in a Series of Letters. Engravings. 4to.
Translated into German, Nurnberg, 1790.
Consett accompanied Sir H G. Liddell, Bart., and Mr. Bowes on this trip.
Lowndes considers it to be a hasty tour containing, however, many amusing ob-
servations, anecdotes, and little descriptive sketches.
1790 A Voyage in Sweden, containing the State of its Population, Commerce,
Finances, with several particulars concerning the History of Denmark,
by a Dutch Officer. Translated into English by W. Radcliffe (with
additions of particulars concerning the life of Count Struensee).
French original, the Hague, 1789. See below.
These travels contain an accurate and interesting account of Sweden. Pin-
kerton XVII.
1789 Voyage en Suede; con tenant un etat de sa population, de son commerce,
des ces finances, avec quelques particularites concernant 1'histoire du
Dannemarck, par un Officier Hollandais. The Hague.
1792 SWINTON, ANDREW. Travels into Norway, Denmark, and Russia,
1788-1791, with Vocabulary. Dublin.
Translated into French, Paris, 1798. See below.
This work contains a variety of amusing information, written in rather a flip-
pant style. There is an Appendix of words common to the Scotch, Icelanders,
and Danes. Lowndes.
1798 (In French ) Voyage en Norvege, en Dannemarck et en Russie. Traduit
par P. F. Henry. 2 vols. Paris.
1796 Letters from Scandinavia, on the Past and Present State of the Northern
Nations of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
A valuable and authentic work. Lowndes.
WOLLSTONECRAFT, MARY. Betters written during a short Resi-
dence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 8vo. London.
This is by the famous author of the Vindication of the Rights of Women,
later to become the wife of William Godwin. "She appears to have been grossly
irreligious, indelicate and dissolute." London Gentleman's Magazine, June, 1836.
Quoted by Bookseller.
1800 A Journey through Sweden. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
1802 ACERBI, JOSEPH. Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland, to
the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799. Folding map and en-
graved plates (natural history plates in color). 2 vols. 4to. London.
Translated into German, Berlin, 1803; into French, 3 vols., Paris, 1804; into
Dutch, 4 vols., Haarlem, 1804-06.
The accounts of Finland, which has been little visited by travellers, and the
additional information respecting Lapland contained in this work, bestow a great
value on it. Pmkerton XVII.
1805 OLAFSEN and POVELSEN. Travels in Iceland 1800-01. Voyages and
Travels. A Collection II.
So cited in Chavanne.
1808-1814 EHRENMALM, ARWID. The Travels of Arwid Ehrenmalm
into the Western Nordland and the Lapland Province of Asehle, or
Aughermanland, in the Month of June, 1741. Translated from the
Histoire Generate des Voyages, XXV, 464 f f. In Pinkerton I, 337-375.
FORTIA, M. Travels in Sweden. Translated from the French Voyage
de deux Francais en Allemagne, Danemarck, Suede, Russie, et Po-
logne fait en 1790-92 (Paris, 1796). In Pmkerton VI, 373-569.
along the coasts of Norway see his Relation of a Voyage in the North
LEEMS, KNUD. An Account of the Laplanders of Finmark, their
Language, Manners and Religion. By Knud Leems, Professor of the
Laplandic, with the Notes of Gunner, Bishop of Drontheim, and a
Treatise by Jessen, on th* Pagan Religion of the Finns and Laplanders.
Originally in Danish and Latin, Copenhagen, 1767. New translated
into English. In Pinkerton I, 376-490.
Danish original, Copenhagen, 1767. See below.
1767 LEEMS, KNUD. Bcskrivelse oefwer Finmarkens Lapper. 4to. Copen-
fore the Royal Academy of Sciences, Nov. 13, 1737, on the Measure of
a Degree of the Meridian at the Polar Circle. With his Journey to the
Polar Circle and his Journey to the Extremity of Lapland for the
purpose of finding an ancient Monument. Newly translated. In Pin-
kerton I, 251-258.
French original, Paris, 1738. See below.
The other half of this project was the measurement of a degree of the
meridian in the equatorial region, which was carried out in La Condamine's Voy-
age (see under 1747, SOUTH AMERICA). In company with Maupertuis were
Outhier (see below), Clairault, Camus, and Monnier, assisted by the Swedish as-
tronomer Celsius.
1738 MAUPERTUIS, PIERRE-LOUIS MOREAU DE. Sur la figure de la
Terre. 12mo. Paris.
OUTHIER, REGNAULD (Abbe). Journal of a Voyage to the North
in the Years 1736 and 1737. Newly translated from the original. In
Pinkerton I, 259-321.
French original, Paris, 1744. See below.
This is the same voyage as that reported on by Maupertuis.
1744 OUTHIER, REGNAULD (Abb*). Journal d'un voyage au Nord en
1736-37, par M. Outhier, pretre du diocese de Besancon. Illus. 4to.
1811 LINNAEUS, CARL. Lachesis Lapponica; or A Tour in Lapland, now
first published from the original Manuscript Journal of the celebrated
Linnaeus ; by James Edward Smith. Proof portrait of Linnaeus and
various cuts in the text. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
An important and interesting work on Lapland and parts of Norway and
Sweden. Maggs, No. 499. This famous botanist was himself the instigator of
a large number of scientific voyages.
East Europe
1568-69 TURBERVILLE, GEORGE. Certaine Letters in Verse. Written by
Master George Turheruile, out of Moscouia, which went as Secretare
thither with Master Tho. Randolph, her Maisties Embassadour to the
Emperor, 1568, to certain friends of his in London, describing the
manners of the Country and People. London.
Referred to in vol. 10, Hakluyt Society, 1851. See under this date, ADDENDA.
1591 FLETCHER, GILES. Of the Russe Common Wealth. Or Maner of
Gouernemeiit by the Russe Emperour . . . with the manners, and fash-
ions of the people of that Countrey, . . . 8vo. London.
Reprinted in Hakluyt, 1599; in Purchas, 1625; 18mo, London, 1643. Edited
for the Hakluyt Society, London, 1857. See below.
This, the first edition, is very rare. The dedication to the Queen is omitted
in subsequent reprints. From it \\e learn that Fletcher, who had been sent on a
speeial embassy to Russia in 1588, prepared his notes during his sojourn in that
country, and whiled away the time on the return journey by putting them into
the above shape. He had to endure many indignities from the Russian authorities
and, although he obtained several concessions for English merchants, he expressed
his bad opinion of Russia so strongly that the Kastland merchants were alarmed.
They accordingly petitioned Lord Burghley, and the book was suppressed. It was
so much esteemed, however, that with the omission of several passages it \vas
reprinted in Hakluyt and Purchas. From Quaritch.
1857 Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Century, Comprising the Treatise,
"The Russe Commonwealth" by Dr. Giles Fletcher, and the Travels
of Sir Jerome Horsey, Knt., now for the first time printed entire from
his own MS. Edited by Sir Edward Augustus Bond, K.C B., Principal
Librarian of the Brit. Mus. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 20. London.
1602 A Lamentable report of the miserable State of Liuonia or Lyffeland con-
cerninge great Dearth and famine by reason of the Warres there.
With newes of the Ouerthrowe of the Turkes by the Persians this
yere 1602. London.
So entered in the Stationers' Register.
1605 SMITH, SIR THOMAS. Sir Thomas Smithes Voiage and Entertain-
ment in Russia. With the tragicall ends of two Emperors and one Em-
presse . . . And the miraculous prcseruation of the now raigning Em-
peror, esteemed dead for 18. yeares . . . 4to. London.
Very rare. The author is unknown. From reading it one would suppose that
he was one of Sir Thomas Smith's suite, but in the address to the reader he
says : "But I taking the truth from the mouths of diuers gentlemen that went in
the lourney, and having som good notes bestowed upon me in writing, wrought
them into this body, because neither thou shouldst be abused with false reports
nor the Voyage receiue slaimder." He was evidently a man well acquainted with
the literary London of his time, for he mentions Sir Philip Sidney, Fulke Greville,
and Ben Jonson ("our Lawreat worthy Bcniamen") by name; and there is an
allusion to the play of Hamlet, suggested by the supposed sudden poisoning of
the Czar Ivan. Quaritch. Smith was apparently much interested in trade and
1662 OLEARIUS, ADAM. For his travels in Russia see his Voyages and
Travels of the Ambassadors, under CENTRAL ASIA.
1669 HOWARD, CHARLES (First Earl of Carlisle). The Earl of Carlisle's
Relation of three Embassies from his Majesty Charles II to the Duke
of Muscovy, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark, in 1663
and 1664. 8vo. London.
Translated into French, Rouen and Amsterdam, 1669-1670. See below.
This was written by an attendant on the Embassies ; and published with his
Lordship's approbation. Pinkerton XVII.
1669-1670 (In French.) Relation des trois ambassades de M. le comte (Ch.
Howard) de Carlisle de la part de Charles II, roy de la Grande-Bre-
tagne, vers le grand due de Moscovie, le roy de Suede et le roy de
Danemark, de 1663-65, avec une description de la Moscovie. Traduit
par Guy Miege. 2nd edition (made on that of Rouen). 12mo. Amsterdam.
1671 COLLINS, SAMUEL. The Present State of Russia, in a Letter to a
Friend at London ; written by an Eminent Person residing at the Great
Tzars Court at Mosco for the space of nine years. Copperplates, in-
cluding a portrait of Czar Alexei Michailovitch. 12mo. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1679. See below.
This is a very entertaining account of life in the Russian court, . . . Dor-
man Newman, the original publisher, according to his own statement, received
the manuscript from "a gentleman that attended upon the learned Dr. Collins all
the time of his being with the emperor of Russia." D.N.B., quoted by Sotheran.
Collins was physician to the Czar of Russia.
1679 (In French.) Relation de la Russie, par un Anglais qui a ete neuf ans
a la cour du grand Czar. Avec figures. Paris.
The name of the author of this work is catalogued as Antoine
Desbarres. But the wording of the title suggCvSts that it is evidently a
translation of Collins' work.
1672 CHEVALIER, PIERRE. A Discourse of the Original, Countrey, Man-
ners, Government and Religion of the Cossacks, with another of the
Procopian Tartars. And the History of the Wars of the Cossacks
against Poland. (Translated from the French by Edward Browne.)
8vo. London.
The translator was a son of Sir Thomas Browne and a traveller himself.
See Browne under 1673, CONTINENTAL EUROPE.
1682 MILTON, JOHN. A Brief History of Muscovia; and of other less
known Countries lying Eastward of Russia, as far as Cathay. Gath-
ered from the Writings of several Eye Witnesses. By John Milton,
before he lost his Sight. London.
1689 BOUVET, J. (Father). The Present Condition of the Muscovite Empire
till the Year 1689. 8vo. London.
1697 The Ancient and Present State of Poland drawn out of their best Histor-
ians. London.
1698 CONNOR, BERNARD. The History of Poland, in several Letters to
Persons of Quality; giving an Account of the ancient, and present,
State of that Kingdom, Historical, Geographical, Physical, Political,
and Ecclesiastical, viz., Its Origin and Extent, with a Description of
its Towns and Provinces ; the Succession and remarkable Actions of
all its Kings, . . . the Election, Power, and Coronation of the King;
the Diet and Form of Government. The Privileges of the Gentry ;
their Religion, Learning, Language, Customs, Habit, Manners, Riches,
Trade, and military Affairs; together with the state of Physick and
natural Knowledge : . . . With sculptures, and a new Map after the
best Geographers ; with several Letters relating to Physick ... 2 vols.
8vo. London.
Reprinted in part in Harris II, 508-515.
Connor lived for some time in Poland as physician to King John Sobieski.
CRULL, JODOCUS. The Antient and Present State of Muscovy. 8vo.
DE HAUTEVILLE, . An Account of Poland; containing a Geo-
graphical Description of the Country; the Manners of the Inhabitants,
and the Wars they have been engaged in; the Constitution of that Gov-
ernment, . . . with a brief History of the Tartars. . . . To which is
added, A Chronology of the Polish Kings. . . . The whole comprehend-
ing whatsoever is curious and worthy of remark in the former and
present State of Poland. London.
De Hauteville is a pseudonym for Caspars de Tende, "who resided about
25 Years in that Kingdom."
An Historical Account of Russia; containing the Customs and Manners
of the People, and a Description of the vast Dominions subject to His
Imperial Majesty the Czar of Muscovia. 8vo. London.
LUDOLF, H. W. Curious Observations concerning the Products of Rus-
sia. 12mo. London.
This account is found added to Adam Brand's Journal of the Embassy from
their Majesties John and Peter Alexievits, Emperors of Muscovy. See Brand
this date under FAR EAST.
1699 ALLISON, THOMAS. An Account of a Voyage from Archangel in
1697; also, Remarkable Observations of the Climate, Country and In-
habitants. 2 charts. 8vo. London.
Reprinted in Pinkerton I, 491-521.
This voyage extended from Archangel to the neighborhood of the North Cape.
NEUVILLE, FOY DE LA. An Account of Muscovey, as it was in the
Year 1689, in which the Troubles that Hapned in that Empire, from
the present Czar Peter's Election to the Throne to his being firmly set-
tled in it, are particularly related. With a Character of Him and his
People. 8vo. London.
This is an interesting personal account of the primitive conditions then pre-
vailing in Russia, and of the early years of the Czar Peter the Great before he
left on his European tour and introduced reforms into Russia. Sotheran. The
author lived at Moscow at the time of his writing his report.
1701 BLOMBERG, DE. An Account of Livonia, with a Relation of the
Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Marian Teutonick Order, the Revo-
lutions that have happened there, Account of the Dukedoms of Cour-
land, Semigallia, and Provinces of Pilten ; to which is added the Au-
thor's Journey from Livonia to Holland in 1698, sent in Letters to his
Friend in London. Frontispiece. 8vo. London.
1703 RUDBECK, OLOF. For Livonia and its Wars see under NORTH EU-
1706 MARTINIERE, PIERRE MARTIN DE LA. For an account of the
Czar of Russia and his court see his Travels into the Northern Coun-
tries, under 1674 (the 1706 edition), NORTH EUROPE.
1716 PERRY, JOHN (Captain). The State of Russia, under the present Czar.
In Relation to the several great and remarkable Things he has done . . .
particularly those Works on which the Author was employ'd with the
Reasons of his quitting the Czar's Service after having been Fourteen
Years in that Countrey. . . . Also an Account of those Tartars, and
other People who border on the Eastern and extreme Northern Parts
of the Czar's Dominions, their Religion and Manner of Life: to which
is annexed, a more accurate Map of the Czar's Dominion than has
hitherto been extant. Folding map by Moll. 8vo. London.
"This ingenious officer and mechanic" was engaged by the Russian Ambassa-
dor, at a salary of 300 pounds a year, to superintend in particular a communication
then making between the Volga and the Don. In an introduction to this work Perry
gives an account of the many disappointments he experienced during fourteen
years of residence in Russia, which he was finally forced to quit without receiving
his expected remuneration. Of the country itself, and of the various plans of the
Czar for its improvement, a pleasing account is given From Nichols, Literary
1717 SOUTH, (Dr.). Travels into Poland with the Earl of Rochester,
in the year 1674. London.
This work is referred to in Hearne's Remains
1720 LE BRUN, CORNELIUS. For his travels in Russia see his Voyage to
the Levant, under CENTRAL ASIA.
1722-23 WERER, F. C. The Present State of Russia, heing an Account of the
Government of that Country, Civil and Ecclesiastical, . . . being the
Journal of a Foreign Minister who resided in Russia at that Time,
with a Description of Petersburg and Cronstot, and other Pieces re-
lating to the Affairs of Russia, translated from the High Dutch. Maps.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
This work contains also Lange and Lc Brim, Travels throuyh Russia to
China and Siberia See Lange this date under FAR EAST.
1729 CON SETT, T. The Present State and Regulations of the Church of Rus-
sia, established by the late Tsar's Royal Edict; also a Collection of
several Tracts relating to Fleets, Expeditions to Derbent, . . . trans-
lated from the Originals in the Slavonian and Russian Languages,
with an accurate map of the Caspian Sea. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
tion of Ukraine, Containing several Provinces of the Kingdom of
Poland, Lying between the Confines of Muscovy, and the Borders of
Transylvania. Together with their Customs, Manner of Life, and
how they manage their Wars. (Translated from the French.) In
Churchill I, 515-551.
Abstract in Harris II, 516-520. French original, Paris, 1660. See below.
The author served 17 years in the Ukraine as engineer to the King of Poland.
He gives interesting pictures of the ways of life among the Cossacks and Tar-
tars. He states that the Crimean Tartars do not open their eyes for several days
after they are born. The period of his stay in the country was in the middle of
the 17th century.
raine, qui sont plusieurs provinces du royaume de Pologne contenuas
depuis les confins de la Moscovie jusques aux Hmites de la Transyl-
vanie, ensemble les moeurs, facon de vivre et de la faire le guerre. 4to.
MOTRAYE, AUBRY DE LA. Travels in several Provinces of ducal
and royal Prussia, Russia, and Poland. The Hague, London, and
So cited in Pinkerton XVII. For Motraye's general travels through Europe,
Asia, and Africa see under 1723, GENERAL TRAVELS AND DESCRIP-
1734 A Particular Description of the City of Dantzick, its Fortifications, Extent,
Trade, Government, Religion, . . . with many other remarkable Curios-
ities. By an English Merchant, lately resident there. 8vo. London.
1736-38 STRAHLENBURG, PHILIP JOHANN VON. Historico-Geograph-
ical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia,
but more particularly of Russia, Siberia and great Tartary, translated
from the original German into English. Maps and plates. 2 vols.
4to. London.
An edition in 1 vol. is listed under 1738. German original, Stockholm and
Leipzig, 1730. See below.
The author was a Swede who had fallen prisoner to the Russians after the
defeat of Charles XII. The name he bore first was Philipp Johann Tabbert ; he
later adopted the name listed above after he had been ennobled upon his return
to Sweden. Together with the Prussian naturalist Messerschmidt, he explored
the lower basins of the Obi and Yenesei river systems. His map of Northern
Asia for a long time served as the chief guide to this region.
1730 STRAHLENBURG, PHILIP JOHANN VON. Das Nord- und Oestliche
Theil von Europa und Asia, insoweit solches das ganze Russische Reich
mit Siberien und der grossen Tartarey in sich begreiffet. Copperplates.
2 vols. Stockholm.
1739 JUSTICE, ELIZABETH. A Voyage to Russia: Describing the Laws,
Manners and Customs, of that Great Empire, as govern'd, at this pres-
ent, by the Excellent Princess, the Czarina. Shewing The Beauty of
Her Palace, the Grandeur of Her Courtiers, the Forms of Building at
Petersburgh, and other Places : With several Entertaining Adventures,
that happened in the Passage by Sea, and Land. ... To which is added,
Translated from the Spanish, A Curious Account of the Relicks, which
are exhibited in the Cathedral of Oviedo, A City of Spain. Numerous
woodcuts. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1746.
1742 SPILMAN, JAMES. For his travels in Russia see his Journey through
Russia into Persia, under CENTRAL ASIA.
1744-48 For an account of the Russians, Poles, Circassians, and Cossacks see
A Voyage to the North this date under NORTH EUROPE.
1745 A Description of Moscovy: Containing I, Its ancient and modern State,
Situation, Extent, Latitude, Division into Provinces, . . . II. Its Cities
and Towns, Fortification, and Manner of Building ; the first Discovery
made by the English, . . . III. Their Religion, Marriages, Obedience
of the Women to their Husbands, their Diet, . . . IV. The Government
of the Provinces, ... V. Their Military Affairs, ... VI. Strange Fish,
Beasts, Fowl, and other Rarities of Moscovy. VII. The Succession of
the Royal House of Moscovy, ... In Osborne I, 239-250.
1745.47 JENKINSON, ANTHONY. For his travels in Russia see The Voy-
ages and Travels of Anthony Jenkinson from Russia to Boghar, under
1753 HANWAY, JONAS. For his voyage down the Volga see his An His-
torical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea, under
1758 WHITWORTH, LORD CHARLES. An Account of Russia as it was
in the Year 1710. 8vo. London.
The introduction was written by Horace Walpole and the work printed at
the Strawberry Hill Press. The author served as Minister at the courts of Poland
and St. Petersburg.
1763 BELL, JOHN (of Auchtermony). For his travels in Russia see his
Trowels from St. Petersburgh in Russia to several Parts of Asia, un-
1764 Anecdotes russes ou Lettres d'un officer Allemand a un gentilhomme Liv-
onien, ecrites de Petersbourg en 1762, terns du rcgne et du detrone-
ment de Pierre III, . . . et publics par C.F.S. de la Marche. 8vo.
1770 CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, JEAN (Abbe). For an account of the
manners and customs of the Russians see his Journey into Siberia, un-
COOK, JOHN (M. D.) Voyages and Travels through the Russian Em-
pire, Tartary, and part of Persia (made in 1739 and 1750). 2 vols.
8vo. Edinburgh.
of Russia, Historical, Political, and Military, 1727-1744, a period Com-
prehending many Remarkable Events, in particular the Wars of Russia
with Turkey and Sweden, . . . the State of the Military, Marine, Com-
merce, . . . Translated from the original Manuscript. Maps and plans.
4to. London.
2nd edit., corrected and improved, London, 1773.
A work of authority. The recommendatory advertisement was written by
David Hume. Lowndes. CTcst tin morccau d'histoire aussi prcieux par la sin-
cerite de Tecrivain, temoin dcs faits qu'il raconte, qu'interessant par rapport aux
faits eux-memes. Bioy, Gen., quoted by Sotheran.
1772 BRUCE, PETER HENRY. For an account of his travels in Russia see
his Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, under GENERAL TRAVELS
1773 LIND, JOHN. Letters concerning the Present State of Poland. 8vo.
The author was tutor to Prince Stanislaus Poniatowski, and was appointed
governor of an institution for the education of four hundred cadets. He returned
to England in 1773. D.N.B.
MARSHALL, JOHN. For his travels through Russia and Poland see
his Travels through Holland, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Poland, under
1775 VIGOR, (Mrs.) WILLIAM. Letters from a Lady who resided many
years in Russia, to her Friend in England ; with Historical Notes. 8vo.
The writer, whose third husband was William Vigor, was first married to
Thomas Ward, Esq., consul-general of Russia in 1731. Her second husband was
Claudius Rondeau, Esq., resident of that court. There she wrote these highly in-
teresting and entertaining letters, which were published by DodvSley. Her account
of the court of Russia is extremely curious, and the secret history of it quite
new; and nowhere else, perhaps, so exactly pictured. From Nichols, Literary
WRAXALL, NATHANIEL. For an account of St. Petersburg see his
Tour through some of the Northern Parts of Europe, under NORTH
1778 KING, JOHN GLEN. A Utter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of
Durham; containing some Observations on the Climate of Russia and
the Northern Countries. London.
The author was chaplain to the English Factory at St. Petersburg.
1780 COXE, WILLIAM. See his Account of the Prisons and Hospitals in
Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, under NORTH EUROPE.
RICHARD, JOHN. A Tour from London to Petersburg and Moscow,
and Return to London by the way of Curland, Poland, Germany, and
Holland. London.
Another edition, 12mo, Dublin, 1781.
1780-83 GEORGI, . Russia: or, A Complete Historical Account of all
the Nations, which compose that extensive Nation. (Translated from
the German.) 4 vols. 8vo. London.
Vols. 1-3 appeared in 1780; vol. 4 in 1783. German original, Frankfurt, 1777.
See below. See also Tooke under 1799 below.
The translator, Rev. William Tooke, was for many years chaplain to the
English Factory in Russia.
1777 GEORGI, . Merkwiirdigkeiten verschiedener unbekanntcr Volker des
russischen Reiches. Ein Auszug auf den Bemerkungen desselben.
1784 COXE, WILLIAM. For his travels in Poland and Russia see his Trav-
els into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, under NORTH EU-
ROPE. The sections dealing with Russia are reprinted from the 1802
edition in Pinkerton VI, 570-913.
RANDOLPH, . For Russia see his Observations on the Present
State of Denmark, Russia, and Switzerland, under CONTINENTAL
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM. Anecdotes of the Russian Empire in a
Series of Letters written from St. Petersburgh. 8vo. London.
1789 CRAVEN, LADY ELIZABETH (Margravine Anspach). A Journey
through the Crimea to Constantinople in a Series of Letters written
in the Year 1786. Map and plates. 4to. London.
Reprinted, Dublin, 1789. A modern edition, London, 1914, Translated into
French, London and Paris, 1789. See below.
Lady Craven is said to have been the first woman that descended into the
grotto of Antiparos. "She has, I fear, been infinitamente indiscreet, but what
is that to you or me?" Horace Walpole, quoted. She was the author as well of
several dramas which were produced at Drury Lane and Covent Garden theaters.
1914 CRAVEN, LADY ELIZABETH. The Beautiful Lady Craven, the Orig-
inal Memoirs of Elizabeth Baroness Craven, afterwards Margravine
of Anspach and Bayreuth and Princess Berkeley of the Holy Roman
Empire (1750-1828), edited with notes and biographical and historical
introduction, containing much unpublished matter, by A. M. Broadley
and Lewis Melville. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1789 (In French.) Voyage en Crimea et a Constantinople, en 1786. Traduit de
1'anglois par Guedon de Berchere. Map and 6 plates. 8vo. London
and Paris.
1792 PLESCHEEF, F. A Survey of the Russian Empire, translated, with Ad-
ditions, by James Smirnove. Folding map and large colored plates.
8vo. London.
SWINTON, ANDREW. For his travels in Russia see his Travels in
Norway, Denmark, and Russia, under NORTH EUROPE.
1794 CHANTREAU, P. N. Philosophical, political and literary Travels in
Russia, 1788. Translated from the French. 2 vols, 8vo. Perth.
Another edition, London, 1794. French original, Paris, 1794. See below.
Replete with curious and original information. Lowndes.
1794 CHANTREAU, P. N. Voyage philosophique, politiquc, et literaire fait
en Russie dans les annees 1788 et 1789: ouvrage dans le lequel on trouve
avec beaucoup d'anecdotes, tout ce qu'il y a de plus inte*ressant, et dc
yrai sur les moeurs des Russes, leur population, leurs opinions, relig-
ieuses, leurs prejuges, leurs usages, leurs institutions politiques, leurs
forces de terre et de mer, et le progres qu'ils ont faits dans les sci-
ences: traduit du Hollandais, avec des augmentations considerables.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
A great part of this pretended translation from the Dutch is mere-
ly copied from Coxe. Pinker ton XVII.
1795 JONES, STEPHEN. The History of Poland, from its Origin as a Na-
tion to 1795, with its Geography and Government, and Customs of its
Inhabitants. Map. 8vo. London.
1799 TOOKE, WILLIAM (Rev.). A View of the Russian Empire during
the Reign of Catherine II, and to 1798: Manufactures, Commerce, . . .
Map. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 3 vols., 8vo, London, 1800. This last edition translated into French.
Paris, 1801.
1800 GUTHRIE, MARY. A Tour performed in the years 1795 and 1796,
through Tauridia or Crimea, and all the other Countries on the North
Shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kaidnarga and
Jaffy. Map and engravings. 2 vols. London.
MASSON, CHARLES F. P. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Peters-
burg, particularly towards the End of the Reign of Catherine II, and
the Commencement of that of Paul I. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1802-03 PALLAS, PETER SIMON. Travels through the Southern Provinces
of the Russian Empire, in the years 1793 and 1794. Translated from
the German of P. S. Pallas. 25 full paged colored plates, 14 colored
vignettes, and 3 maps. 2 vols. 4to. London.
German original, Leipzig, 1799-1801. See below.
These travels of Professor Pallas into the Crimea and to the Caucasus are
less confined to scientific objects and therefore are more generally interesting than
his former work. Pinkerton XVII. Pallas was one of the savants chosen by the
St. Petersburg Academy to carry on the work of examining the resources of the
far distant parts of the Russian Empire. He left St. Petersburg in 1768 and
spent full six years investigating various districts of Siberia the Urals, the Cas-
pian, Tobolsk, Lake Baikal, the Lower Volga, etc. His reports on the geology,
fauna and flora are of great scientific value.
1799-1801 PALLAS, PETER SIMON. Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in der
siidlichen Statthalterschaften der Russischen Reiche, 1793-94. Plates
and maps. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig.
sia, being a Translation from the earliest Account of that Country,
entitled Rerum Muscoviticarum Commentarii, by the Baron Sigis-
mund von Herberstein, Ambassador from the Court of Germany to
the Grand Prince Vasiley Ivanovich, in the years 1517 and 1526.
Translated, with Notes and Introduction, by Richard Henry Major,
F.S.A., Keeper of Maps, Brit. Mus., Sec. R.G.S. 2 illus. 2 vols.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 10 and 12. London.
1854 HAMEL, JOHN (Dr.). England and Russia compared: comprising the
Voyages of John Tradescant the Elder, Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard
Chancellor, Nelson, and others to the White Sea. Translated by J.
S. Leigh. Portrait and plates. 8vo. London.
1857 HORSEY, SIR JEROME. Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey, Knt. See
Hakluyt Society edition this date, under Fletcher, 1591, above.
1886 CHANCELLOR, RICHARD. Chancellor's Voyage to Muscovy; being
Clement Adam's Anglorum Navigatio ad Muscovitas taken from Res-
publica Muscoviae (1630). To which is added a very rare tract De
Moneta Russica, Elzevir, 1630, with English Translation by J. M'Crin-
dle. 8vo. London.
Chancellor was "pilot-major*' of an expedition of three ships, which was sent
out, under the instigation of Sebastian Cabot, to make discoveries and trade con-
nections with the East by way of the Northeast Passage. The preparations were
most elaborate; the ships sailed in May, 1553, amid salutes, salvoes and prayers.
But the attempt turned out most disastrously, for two ships were lost in the ice
and the crews starved to death. Among those who never returned was Sir Hugh
Willoughby. Chancellor's ship managed to make the mouth of the River Dvina.
He and his men finally reached Moscow and became the instruments for the de-
velopment of trade between England and Russia. Chancellor was drowned on a
later voyage. His account is the earliest first-hand report of Russia to English-
men. The story is well told in Hakluyt.
1919 BADDELEY, JOHN F. See his Russia, Mongolia, and China, under
Near East
1511 GUYLFORDE, SIR RICHARD. This is the begynnynge of the Pyl-
grymage of Sir R. Guylforde Knyght. 4to. London.
Printed by Pynson. A modern reprint issued by the Camden Society, London,
1851. See below.
This was a pilgrimage made to Palestine in 1506 at a time when such expedi-
tions were generally in decline. The latest journey of this kind is believed to be
Sir Richard Torkington's to Jerusalem in 1517. See below under 1883. The author
of the above work, Whose name is unknown, was. chaplain to Sir Richard. The
latter died in Palestine and was buried on Mount Sion.
1851 GUYLFORDE, SIR RICHARD. The Pyl^rymage of Sir Richard Guly-
ford (^tr) to the Holy Land A D 1506, from a copy believed to be
unique from the press of Richard Pynson. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis.
4to. Camden Society, vol. 51. London.
begynneth a lytell cronycle translated and imprinted at the cost and
charge of Richard Pynson, by the commandement of the right high
and mighty Prince Edward duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre,
Staffarde and of Northampton. Fol. London.
It is stated in the colophon that this chronicle was translated out of French.
According to Ibrahim-Hilmy the English version was made in 1520 by Alexander
Barclay, the translator of Brant's Narrcnschiff. The date of the supposed French
original is given as 1300 and that of the first Latin translation as 1307. The preface
to the Latin edition of 1529 says that this work was composed by Haytho, adding,
"Which I, Nicholas Salconi, by command of Pope Clement V, first wrote in the
French language ... as the said Friar Haytho dictated it to me, without note
or copy, and from the French I have translated it into Latin in the year 1307."
Various editions in French and Latin followed, of which that in French of 1529
is cited below. Hayton, whose name is variously spelled, was king of Little
Armenia or Cilicia from 1224 to 1269 He became a monk and abdicated, lived
on good terms with the Mongol Princes Batu, Kuyuk, Hulugii, and Mangu, and
travelled extensively in central and western Asia. He finally came to Poictiers in
France, where at the request of Pope Clement V, he dictated in French the his-
tory of the East from the time of the appearance of the Mongols down to his
day. Part VI tells of Syria and the towns on the sea coast, Egypt, the desert
of Mt. Sinai, Arabia, and the Holy Land. See Hak. Soc. ser. I, vol. 7, and the
Encyclopedia Britannic a, 14th edit.
1529 HAYTON, NICHOLAS. L'Hystoire merveilleuse, plaisante et recreative
du grand empereur de Tartaric, seigneur des Tartares, nomme le grand
Can. Pour Jehan S. Denys (a la fin) ; Cy finist I'histoire merveilleuse
. . . Fol. Paris.
Ce livre est une traduction du Latin, fait en 1351, par Jehan de
Longdit, ne a Ypres, moine de 1'abbaye de Saiiit-Bertin, a Saint-Omer,
de 1'ordre de S. Benoit. Bookseller's Note.
1542 The Order of the Create Turckes Courte, of the Menne of Warre, and
of all hys Conquestes, with the Summe of Mahumetes Doctrine. Trans-
lated out of Frenche (by Richard Grafton). 16mo. London.
Grafton was the King's Printer. Together with Edward Whitchurch he
issued in 1539 the "Great Bible," which was suppressed in Paris but ordered to
be purchased by every parish in England. He also put out the Prayer Book of 1549.
1577 NEWTON, THOMAS (the Elder). A Notable Historic of the Saracens.
Briefly and faithfully descrybing the originall beginning, Continuance
and Successe as well of the Saracens, as also of Turkes, Souldans,
Mamalukes, Assassines, Tartarians and Sophians. With a Discourse of
their Affaires and Actes from the Byrthe of Mahomet their first pee-
uish Prophet and Founder for 700 yeeres space. Whereunto is an-
nexed a Compendious Chronycle . . . from . . . Mahomets time tyll
. . . 1575. Drawn out of Augustine Curio and sundry other Authours
by Thomas Newton. 4to. London.
Apparently this is the only edition of this rare book. It is dedicated to
Charles Howard, Baron Howard of Effingham, in an address which plainly shows
that Newton had no love for "Saracens, Turks, and other Reprobates of the
same stamp and Lyuery." Quaritch.
VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. For his travels in Arabia, Syria, and
other parts of the Near East, see under EAST INDIES.
In this part of his travels he visited Alexandria and Cairo, Damascus, Me-
dina, Mecca, Yemen, and Aden. He was the first European to visit Mecca with
a caravan and write an account of the journey. Bookseller's Note.
1584 SAUNDERS, THOMAS. A most lamentable Voyage made into Tur-
kye. Compiled by Thomas Saunders, Captyve. London.
Cited in the Stationers' Register.
tions, Peregrinations and Voyages, made into Turkic by Nicholas Nich-
olay, . . . conteining sundry singularities which the Author hath there
scene and observed ;Deuided into foure Bookes, With threescore figures,
naturally set forth as well of men as women . . . with divers faire
and memorable Histories, happened in our Time. Translated out of
French by T. Washington, the younger. 60 woodcut figures. 4to.
2nd edit, of the French original, Anvers, 1576. See below. Reprinted in Os-
borne I, 553-708 (pp. 631-698 not in this volume, but their lack may be due to
an error in pagination).
The occasion of this voyage was an embassy from the French king to the
Sultan at Constantinople. Part I relates the adventures on the voyage thither,
in which occurs the usual set-to with the Barbary corsairs ; the other books de-
scribe the cities, countries, states, natives, dress, etc., of the inhabitants of the Turk-
ish empire. The woodcuts, which have been attributed to Titian, are said to give
a graphic idea of the inhabitants of the East.
1576 NICOLAY, NICOLAS DE. Lcs Navigations, Perigrinations et voyages,
faicts en la Turquie, par Nicholas de Nicolay, Daulphinoys seigneur
d'Arfeuille, valet de chambre ct geographe ordinaire du roy f . . . 4to.
1587 The Policy of the Turkish Empire. 4to. London.
Pollard cites this as of the date 1590.
1590 WEBBE, EDWARD. The rare and most wonderful thinges which Ed-
ward Webbe an Englishman borne, hath scene and passed in his trouble-
some trauailes, in the Citties of Jerusalem, Dammasko, Bethelem and
Galely ; and in the Landes of Tewric, Egipt, Grecia, Russia, and in the
Landes of Prester lohn. Wherein is set foorth his extreame slauerie
sustained many yeres togither, in the Gallies and wars of the great
Turk against the Landes of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine and Portugal!,
with the manner of his releasement, and comming into Englande in
May last. 4to. London.
Reprinted, London, 1590; 2nd edit., enlarged and corrected by the author,
London, 1590. Another edition, London, 1600. Reprinted in Arber Reprints, Lon-
don, 1895.
One closes Webbe's account doubting whether to wonder more at the brutal-
ities of man or at the indomitableness of his spirit.
1594 GLEMHAM, EDWARD. Newes from the Levant Seas. Discribing the
. . . voyage of E. Glemham, Esquire, made . . . 1593 into the Levant
Seas. By H. R. 4to. London.
The name is spelled Glenham by Parks. The author afterwards made a
second voyage. His adventures are described in black letter pamphlets, which
were reprinted in 1829 and 1866. D.N.B.
1595 ADRICHOMIUS, CHRISTIANUS. A Brief Description of Hierusalem
and of the Suburbs thereof, as it florished in the time of Christ, with
a Short Commentarie, translated out of Latin, by T. Tymme. Map.
4to. London.
The Estate of the Christians living under the Subjection of the Turke;
also the Warres between the Christians and the Turke, 1592-93. 4to.
MINADOI, GIOVANNI TOMMASO. The History of the Warres be-
tweene Turkes and the Persians. Translated by A. Hartwell. 4to.
London. See under EAST INDIES.
1598 BUNTYNGE, HENRY. Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae that is a Voy-
age of the whole Travelles of the Holy Scriptures devided into twoo
Bookes. In the ffirst is conteyned all the Travelles of the Patryarches,
Judges, Kinges, Prophets, prynces, . . . collected into Dutche myles
together with the Landes, Townes, Waters, Hilles, and Vallies that
are mencioned and sett dowrie with the Scriptures, with the Hebrewe
and Greeke Names translated into Inglishe, with diverse brief Allegor-
ies and Spiriluall. The seconde concerneth the newe Testament wherein
is Declared howe the Virgin Marye, Joseph, The Three Wise Men,
that came out of the East, our Saviour Jhesus Christ and all the
Apostles have travailed, collected out of the most credible and worthiest
wryters, calculated in a geoinetricall proporcion. . . .
So cited in the Stationers' Register Another edition, 4to, London, 1619; still
later, 8vo, London, 1636. German original, Magdeburg, 1585. See below.
1619 BUNTING, HEINRICH. Itinerarium totius Sacrae Scripturae; or the
Travels of the Holy Patriarchs, Prophets, Judges, Kings, our Saviour
Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Tes-
taments. With Descriptions of the Towns and Places to which they
travelled. . . . Also a short Treatise of the Weights, Monies and Meas-
ures mentioned in the Scriptures. . . . Collected out of the works of
H. Bunting, and done into English (with a preface) by R B. 4to
1585 BUNTING, HEINRICH. Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae: das ist, Ein
Reisebuch uber die ganzte heilige Schrifft, in zwey Biicher getheilet . . .
Auffs new widerumb iibersehen und vermehret, Sampt angehengten
Buchlin, 13 e Monetis et mcnsuris . . . Mit einer Vorrede . . . M Chem-
nitii. 3 Parts. Fol. Magdeburg.
1600 The Mahumetane or Turkish Historic containing three bookes ; translated
from the French by R. Carr. 4to, London.
1603 KNOLLES, RICHARD. The Generall Historic of the Turkes, from the
first beginning of that Nation to the rising of the Ottoman Familic,
with all the notable Expeditions of the Christian Princes against them,
together with the Lives and Conquests of the Ottoman Kings and
Emperours ; faithfullie collected out of the best Histories, both auntient
and moderne, and digested into one continual Historic until this pres-
ent yearo 1603. Fol. London.
Successive editions as follows: 1610, 1621, 1631, 1638, 1687, and 1700, all
folios, London, some with continuations. See below, and also Rycaut, under 1666 be-
This book long continued to hold high repute, by reason of the fact that it
was written in excellent prose and opened a new field to the English student.
Cam. Hist. IV, v. It was lavishly praised by Dr. Johnson in his Rambler No. 122.
Byron said it was an early favorite of his and that it influenced him greatly in his
desire to visit the Levant. He admitted that it "gave perhaps the oriental colour-
ing which is observed in my poetry."
1631 KNOLLES, RICHARD. The Generall Historic of the Turkes, . . .
With a new Continuation, from ye yeare of our Lord 1621, vnto the
yeare 1629, faithfully collected. Numerous portraits. Fol. London.
1638 KNOLLES, RICHARD. The Generall Historic . . . With a new Contin-
uation, from the yeare of our Lord 1629 unto the yeare 1638. . . . Fol.
1687-1700 KNOLLES, RICHARD, and RYCAUT, SIR PAUL. The Turkish
History, fiom the Original of that Nation to the growth o f ^he Otto-
man Empire, with the Lives and Conquests of their Princes and Emper-
ors, by R. Knolles. With a Continuation to 1687, whereunto is added
the Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Sir P. Rycaut. 2 vols.
1687. Together with the third \olnrne: Th< History of the Turks, be-
ginning with the Last Troubles in Hungary, with the sieges of Vienna,
and Buda, and all the Battles both by Sea and Land, between the
Christians and the Turks, until the Peace, 1700 3 vols. Pol London.
1603 TIMBERLAKE, HENRY. A Trvc and straunge Discourse of the Tra-
uailes of two English Pilgrimes: what Admirable Accidents befell
them in their Journey towards Jerusalem, Gaza, Grand Cairo, Alexan-
dria, and other Places. 4to. London.
By 1629 this work had run through six editions. Further issues followed in
1631, 1683, 1692, 1744 (Hat I Misc.}, and 1759. This item, together with The Trav-
els of Fourteen Englishmen (1672), and other matter, printed in one volume, 1683.
See this date below.
The two pilgrims were Timberlake himself and John Burrell.
1608 MUNDAY, ANTHONY. The admirable Deliverance of 266 Christians
by J. Reynard (i. e., J. Fox), Englishman, from the Turkes. 4to.
Pollard cites Munday as the author of this anonymous work.
1609 BIDDULPH, WILLIAM. The Travels of certaine Englishmen into
Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and the Blacke Sea, and into
Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galile, Sam-
aria, Judea, Palestina . . . to the Red Sea, and to sundry other places.
Begunne in 1600 and by some of them finished this yeere 1608. Edited
by Thcoph. La vender, B.L. 4to. London.
Another edition, 4to, London, 1612, with the change "and by some of them
finished in the yeere 1611, and others not yet returned." Reprinted in Osborne I,
761-830, with the statement, ''Begun in the Year of Jubilee, 1600, and by some
of them finished in the Year 1611 Very profitable for the help of Travellers."
Here the opening sentence runs, "The Travels of Four Englishmen and a Preach-
er." This is likewise the opening phrase of the title of the 1612 edition.
These five travellers were Wm. Biddulph, preacher to the company of Eng-
lish merchants at Aleppo, Jeffery Kirbie, merchant, John Elkin, gentleman, Ed-
mond Abbot, merchant, Jasper Tyon, jeweler, all men of learning, "sound judg-
ment and veracity." The book consists of four letters, two from Constantinople,
one from Aleppo, and one from Jerusalem. The subject matter is the history,
antiquities, buildings, voyages, country-side, manners, customs, government, etc.,
of the places visited.
1611 CARTWRIGHT, JOHN. The Preachers Travels. Wherein is set downe
a true lournall to the Confines of the East Indies, through the great
Countreyes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania, and
Parthia. With the Authors returne by the way of Persia . . . and
Arabia . . . also a true Relation of Sir Anthony Sherley's Entertainment
in the Court of the King of Persia. Description of the Port in the
Persian Gulf commodious for the East-India Merchants of England.
Rehearsal of some gross absurdities in the Turkish Alcoran. Penned
by I. C. sometime student in Madgalen Colledge in Oxford. 4to.
Reprinted in Osborne I, 709-752.
This is one of the most interesting and valuable accounts of old English trav-
els in, the East that we possess. The occasional Christian comments on Moham-
medan darkness are not accompanied by any prejudices in the narrative, which is
especially circumstantial concerning the Persian Empire, then very powerful. It
is not clear why the title runs, "The Preachers Travels," as Cartwright, who
went to Ispahan, and his companion John Mildenab, who travelled on to Lahore,
seem to have been merchants. See Collier, Rarest Books in the English Language,
vol. I. Robins.on, No. 19.
1615 SANDYS, GEORGE. A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610.
Foure Bookes. Containing a Description of the Turkish Empire, of
Egypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote Parts of Italy and Hands
adioyning. Plates. Fol. London.
2nd edit., fol., London, 1621 ; other editions 1627, 1632, 1652, 1658, 1670, 1672,
some with slightly different titles; see below. Translated into Dutch, Amsterdam,
1653; into German, Frankfurt, 1669; into Latin, London, 1645. See below.
Sandys was equally well known for his translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses,
1621-26. He also travelled to Virginia and became treasurer to the Virginia Com-
1670 SANDYS, GEORGE. Travels : containing an History of the Original of
the Turkish Empire ; their Laws, Government, Policy, Military Force,
Courts of Justice and Commerce, the Mahometan Religion, and Cere-
monies ; a Description of Constantinople; the Grand Seignor's Seraglio,
and his manner of living ; also of Greece, with the Religion and Cus-
toms of the Grecians of Egypt; the Antiquity, Hieroglyphicks, Rites,
Customs, Discipline, and Religion of the Egyptians ; a Voyage to the
River Nilus, of Armenia, Grand Cairo, Rhodes, the Pyramides, Colos-
sus ; the former flourishing and present State of Alexandria ; a De-
scription of the Holy Land, . . . Italy described, and the Islands adjoin-
ing, as Cyprus, Crete, Malta, the Aeolian Islands, of Rome, Venice,
Naples, . . . and other Places of Note. 50 engraved maps and plates.
1653 (In Dutch.) Voyagien behelsende een Historic van de oorspronkelycke
. . . Standt dc Tirkscn Rijks . . . als mede van Aegypten; d'Antiquiteyt
. . . Costuymen . . . Religie der Aegyptenaren, enz. (Translated from
the English by J. Glazemaker.) 4to. Amsterdam.
1669 (In German.) Reisen, inhaltende : die Historic von dem Stand des Turk-
ischen Reiches, die Beschreibung von Constantinopel. Zugleich einer
Reisebeschrcibung des gelobten Landes. . . . Endlich eine Beschreibung
Italicns. Copperplates. 12mo. Frankfurt.
1618 HAGA, CORNELIUS. A true Declaration of the Arrival of Cornelius
Haga, Ambassador for the General States of the United Netherlands
at Constantinople. . . . Translated from the Dutch. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Hart, Misc., London, 1744.
1628 ROBSON, CHARLES. Newes from Aleppo. A Letter . . . Containing
many remarkable Occurences observed by him in his Journey hither.
4to. London.
1633 MARSH, HENRY. A New Survey of the Turkish Empire and Govern-
ment . . . with their Laws, Religion and Customs. . . . London.
Another edition, 12mo, London 1663; followed by a 2nd part, 12mo, London,
1664. See below.
1663 MARSH, HENRY. A New Survey of the Turkish Empire and Govern-
ment, in a brief History deduced to the present Time, with their Laws,
Religion and Customs, also an Account of the Siege of Neuhausel. Por-
trait of Mahomet IV, and plate of slaves ploughing. 12mo. London,
1664 MARSH, HENRY. The Second Part of the New Survey of the Turkish
Empire, History and Government compleated. Being an Exact and ab-
solute Discovery of what is worthy of Knowledge, or any way satisfac-
tory to Curiosity in that mighty Nation. With several Brass Pieces
lively expressing the most eminent Personages concerned in this subject.
2 engraved portraits and 2 other plates. 12mo. London.
The Epistle to the Reader is signed II. M. (Henry Marsh), for
whom the work was printed. This does not mean, however, that Marsh
was not the author of the volume.
1635 BAUDIER, MICHEL. The History of the Imperiall Estate of the Grand
Seigneurs: Their Habitations, Lives, Titles, Qualities, Exercises,
Workes, Revenues, Habits, Discent, Ceremonies, Magnificence, Judge-
ments, Officers, Favourites, Religion, Power, Government and Tyr-
anny. Translated out of French by E(dward) G(rimstone), S(ergeant
at) A(rms). 4to. London.
Bound up with this work is, The History of the Court of the King of China.
Written in French by the Seigneur Michael Baudier of Languedoc. Translated
by E. G. French original, Paris, 1626. See below.
1626 BAUDIER, MICHEL. Histoire generate du serail et de la cour de I'em-
pereur des Turcs. Paris.
1636 BLOUNT, HENRY. A Voyage in the Levant, being a brief Relation
of a Journey from England to Great Cairo, through Venice, Dalmatia,
Croatia, Slavonia, Bosnia, Hungary, Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, the
Isle of Rhodes, and Egypt; with Observations on the Present State of
the Turks, and other Subjects of that Empire. 4to. London.
There were eight editions of this work between 1636 and 1671 ; reprinted in
Osborne I, 511-552, and in Pinkerton X, 222-27 '1. Translated into German, Hclm-
stadt, 1687; into Dutch, Leyden, 1707. See below.
The worth of this work is variously estimated Of little value or authority.
Lowndcs. The whole is very concise, and without any curious observations, or
any notable description ; . . . the language mean, and not all of it to be relied upon.
Churchill, Introduction The voyage at once established Blount's fame as an au-
thor and traveller. Altogether it occupied over eleven months, he having journied
above ftOOO miles. Maggs, No 519. Rlount sailed from Venice for the Levant, May
7, 1634. The power of the Turkish empire at that period excited tremendous interest
in the lands and peoples subject to the Sultan. The author was held in high esteem
by his countrymen for his native talents and good judgment.
1087 (In German ) Morgenlandischo Rcise dtirch Dalrnatien, Sklavonien, Thra-
zien und Aegypten ... in welcher die Grundfeste dcs Turkischcn Staates
genatisichtig untersuchet wird, crstlich von ihm in Knglisch verzeich.net,
nun aber in die Reine hochteutschc Sprache iibersetzt von G.C.S A.T.
Nebst einem Bedcnken uber dk'se Betrachtungen, worinnen zngleich
die Ursachen des jetztigen Unfals dieses machtigen Reiche gesucht wer-
dcn. 4to. Hclmstadt.
1707 (In Dutch.) A Dutch version of this work is included in Picter van der
Aa's Naahcurif/e f'ersamcling der Zee en Land-Rcyscn scdcrt hct jaar
If>l6 tot lf)31 ' Lcyclen.
1648 BEND1SH, SIR THOMAS. Newcs from Turkic, or, A True Relation
of the Passages of the Right honourable Sir Tho. Bendish, Baronet,
Lord Ambassadour with the Grand Signeur at Constantinople, his
Entertainment and Reception there. Also a true Discourse of the un-
just Proceedings of Sir Sackville Crow, former Ambassador, and Sir
Sackvilles Imprisonment, and in his Returne,his wretched betraying the
Captain of the Ship, and some English Merchants, at Alicant in Spain,
to the Inquisition ; Lastly his Comitment to the Tower of London,
where he now is. 4to. London.
The tract throws some interesting sidelights on the state of English trade in
the Near East at that period. Robinson, No. 48.
1650 FULLER, THOMAS. A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and the Confines
thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament acted thereon.
Folding maps and plates. Fol. London.
Another edition, London, 1662.
A curious book, containing many things relating to Jewish antiquities, and to
the manners and customs of the People. Bookseller's Note.
GREAVES, JOHN. Descriptio Chorasmiae et Mawarolnohrae (i. e., re-
gionum extra Oxum), Arabic! cum versione J. Gravii. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Geographiae veteris Scriptores Graeci Minor es, 1698-1712, Ox-
ford. Sec Hudson under 1698 below.
Greaves was a mathematician, oriental traveller, and collector of gems, coins,
oriental manuscripts, and the author of various scientific works.
LEO MODENA. The History of the Rites, Customes, and Manner of
Life, of the Present Jews throughout the World. Written in Italian, by
Leo Modena, a Rabbine of Venice. Translated into English by Edmund
Chilmead. 12mo. London.
WITHERS, ROBERT. A Description of the Grand Signer's Seraglio,
or Turkish Emperour's Court. 12mo. London.
The title of this -work is almost an exact translation of a French work at-
tributed to Michel Baudier. See Baudier under 1635 above.
Withers lived for some years in Turkey, and through the favor of the Eng-
lish Ambassador he was able to procure admission to the Seraglio. Maggs, No.
1651 GREGORII ABUL-PHARAGII. Specimen Historiae Arabum, seu de
origine et Moribus Narratio; Arab. et. Lat. in Linguam Latinam con-
versa, et notis ilhistrata, opere Edward Pococke. Oxford.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
1656 MACHIAVEZ, NICOLAS. Political Reflections upon the Government
of the Turks. The King of Sweden's Descent into Germany . . . 12mo.
1661 ABU-ISMAEL. Carmen Tograi, una cum versione Latina et Notis, Op-
era Edv. Pocockii. Accessit Tractatus de Prosodia Arabica. 12mo.
Translated into English, Cambridge, 1758. See below.
1758 ABU-ISMAEL. The Traveller; an Arabic Poem, intitled Tograi, written
by Abu-Ismael ; translated into Latin and published with Notes in 1661,
by Edward Pocock, D.D. Now rendered into English in the same Iambic
Measure as the Original; with some additional Notes to illustrate the
Poem, by Leonard Chappelow, B.D. 4to. Cambridge.
Pococke was an oriental scholar of European fame. He collected
many eastern manuscripts and edited numerous Hebrew and Arabic texts.
FINCH, HENEAGE (2nd Earl of Winchelsea). A Narrative of the
Successe of his Embassy to Turkey. 4to London.
Finch was Ambassador to Turkey from 1661 to 1669.
1665 VALLE, PIETRO DELLA. For an account of Arabia Deserta see his
Travels of Signor Pietro delta Voile, noble Roman, into Bast India,
1666 PALMER, ROGER (Earl of Castlemaine). An Account of the Present
War between the Venetians and Turks ; with the State of Candia (in
a Letter to the King, from Venice). Portrait, map and plans. 8vo.
The Earl of Castlemaine was a linguist, mathematician and political pamph-
leteer, who was mixed up in a number of intrigues under Charles II, at Rome, and
under William III, at home. He was indicted for treason in 1695, but was re-
leased without trial on condition of sroine overseas. D.N.B.
RYCAUT, SIR PAUL. The History of the Present State of the Otto-
man Empire, containing the Maxims of the Turkish Politic, the most
material Points of the Mahometan Religion, their Sects and Heresies,
their Convents and Religious Votaries, their Military Discipline, with
an exact Computation of their Forces by Land and Sea. Fol. London.
Subsequent editions in 1668, 1670, 1675, 1680, 1682, 1686, and 1700, all London
imprints. The last one listed is combined with Knolles, The Turkish History;
see under Knolles, 1603, above. Translated into French, Rouen, 1677. See below.
Rycaut, from his long residence and connexion with the Embassy, was well
qualified to delineate Levantine customs. It is faithful but dull. Dalrymple. This
work is regarded as one of the best of its kind with respect to the religious and
military state of Turkey. According to the D.N.B., it long proved a useful com-
panion to Richard Knolles' History, while the writer's impartiality renders it of
interest to the modern reader. It was quoted by Gibbon in his account of the rise
of the Ottomans. The author was secretary to Heneage Finch, Earl of Winchelsea,
during his embassy at Constantinople, and consul of the Levant Company at Smyr-
na in 1668.
1687-1700 RYCAUT, SIR PAUL, and KNOLLES, RICHARD. The Turkish
History, from the Original of that Nation, to the Growth of the Ot-
toman Empire : with the Lives and Conquests of their Princes and
Emperors, with a Continuation to 1687, and an Account of the Present
State of the Ottoman Empire, 6th edit., 2 vols. ; also The History of
the Turks beginning with the year 1679, being a full relation of the Last
Troubles in Hungary, the Sieges of Vienna and Buda, . . . until the End
of the years 1698 arid 1699, by Sir P. Rycaut; together 3 vols. Fol.
1670 A Description of Candia, in its Ancient and Modern State: with an Ac-
count of the Siege thereof, begun by the Ottoman Emperour, in the
Year 1666, continued in 1667 and 1668, and surrendered the latter end
of 1669. The most Part collected from private Letters, during the
Siege, sent by one in the Services of the Republique (of Venice). . . .
12mo. London.
A Relation of the Siege of Candia, etc. See under MILITARY EXPE-
1671 BURBURY, JOHN. Relation of a Journey of the Right Honourable
My Lord Henry Howard, from London to Vienna, and thence to Con-
stantinople ; in the Company of his Excellency Count Lesley . . . Coun-
cellour of State to his Imperial Majesty, . . . and to the Grand Signior,
Sultan Mahomet Hau the Fourth. Written by John Burbury. 12mo.
1672 A Journey to Jerusalem, or, A Relation of the Travels of Fourteen Eng-
lishmen, in the year 1669, from Scanderoon to Tripoly, Joppa, Ramab,
Jerusalem, Bethle(he)m, Jeric(h)o, the Dead Sea; and back again to
Aleppo. With an exact Account of all the remarkable Places and
Things in their Journey. London.
This work contains remarks on the antiquities, monuments, and memorable
places mentioned in the Scriptures; on the Jewish nation, the Holy Land, the cap-
tivities of the Jews, the fate of the Ten Tribes, etc.
1673 BROWNE, EDWARD. For an account of his travels in northern Greece
see his Brief Account of Some Travels, under CONTINENTAL
1674 SMITHII, THOMAE. Epistolae de Moribus et Institutis Turcarum ;
accessit brevis Constantinopoleos Notitia. Oxford.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII. See Smith under 1678 below.
1675 ADDISON, LANCELOT. The Present State of the Jews; wherein is
contained an Exact Account of their Customs, Secular and Religious
. . . London.
3rd edition, 12mo, London, 1682. Relates particularly to those of Barbary.
1676 GUILLATIERE, M. DE LA. An Account of a late Voyage to Athens;
containing the Estate, both Ancient and Modern, of that famous City,
and of the present Empire of the Turks. The Life of the now Sultan
Mahomet IV; with the Ministry of the Grand Vizier. Also the most
remarkable Passages in the Turkish Camp at the Siege of Candia. . . .
By Monsieur de la Guillatiere. Now Englished. 12mo. London.
This work is dated 1677 by Lowndes. French original, Paris, 1675.
The aim of the author was to present the popular life of Greece as it was
lived from day to day, intermixed with numerous anecdotes about the Turks.
lorga, Les Voyageurs Francois
1677 The History of the Grand Viziers, Mahomet and Achmet Coprogli, of the
three last Grand Signors, their Sultans* chief Favourites ; with the most
sacred Intrigues of the Seraglio. Besides several other particulars of
the Wars of Dalmatia, Transylvania, Hungary, Candia, and Poland.
Englished by John Evelyn, Junior. 8vo. London.
1678 GEORGIRENES (Archbishop of Samos). Description of the State of
Samos, Nicaria, Pathmos, and Mount Athos by ... now living in
London; translated from the vulgar Greek (by Henry- Denton). 12mo.
This prelate long resided as Archbishop at Samos and saw Nicaria as a de-
pendance of his diocese, but being weary of that function, he retired to Patmos,
where he remained for some time. Later he visited Mt. Athos. So that all he de-
livers of these places is as an eye-witness, and indeed the most particular account
of them we have . . . The Preface to the Reader, it must be observed, is the
SMITH, THOMAS. Remarks upon the Manners, Religion, and Gov-
ernment of the Turks ; together with a Survey of the Seven Churches
of Asia as they now lye in their Ruines, and Brief Description of
Constantinople. 12mo. London.
This may be a translation or English version of the Latin item cited under
Smithii, 1674, above.
WHELER, GEORGE, and SPON, JACOB. A Journey into Greece by
George Wheler, Esq., in company of Dr. Spon, of Lyons. In Six
Books. Containing: I. A Voyage from Venice to Constantinople; II.
An Account of Constantinople and the Adjacent Places; III. A Voy-
age through Lesser Asia; IV. A Voyage from Zant through several
Parts of Greece to Athens; V. An Account of Athens; VI. Several
Journies from Athens into Attica, Corinth, Boeotia, . . . Numerous
maps and engravings. Fol. London.
Subsequent editions : London, 1688 ; in Ray's Collection, 1693. Sppn's account
was published in French, Lyons, 1678. Wheler's work was translated into French,
Amsterdam, 1689. See below.
This was the first antiquarian expedition into those parts of which careful
record has been kept. After the two parted company, Wheler continued his trav-
els, directing his attention to other matters besides antiquarian, which had been the
chief pursuit of Spon.
1689 (In French.) Voyage de Dalmatic, Grece et du Levant, avec la description
des coutumes, des villes, rivieres, ports de mer, et de ce que s'y trouve
de plus remarquable. Traduit de 1'anglois (de 1682). 2 vols. 12mo.
1678 SPON, JACOB. Voyage de Dalmatic, du Grece, et du Levant, fait aux
annees 1675 et 1676, par Jacob Spon et George Wheler ; avec le portrait
de 1'Auteur, et plusieurs plans, gravures et medailles. 2 vols. Lyons.
of the Turkish War with the Rhodians, Venetians, Egyptians, Persians,
and other Nations. . . . Written by W. C. . . . and Rhodiga (Khodiga)
Afendy. 8vo. London.
GRELOT, WILLIAM JOSEPH. A Late Voyage to Constantinople con-
taining an exact Description of the Propontis and Hellespont, with the
Dardanels, and what else is remarkable in those Seas; as also of the
City of Constantinople, wherein is particularly described the Grand
Seraglio and Chief Mosquees. Likewise an Account of the Ancient and
Present State of the Greek Church with the Religion and Manner of
Worship of the Turks, . . . Illustrated with maps and curious and
exact Draughts of the Hellespont, Propontis, Seraglio and other chief
Mosquees, . . . with the Several Postures of the Turks in Prayer Time
in fourteen copperplates. The Like never done before. Published by
Command of the French King by Monsieur William Joseph Grelot.
Made English by J. Philips. Engraved frontispiece of Mahomet IVth.
8vo. London.
French original, Paris, 1680. See below.
Grelot disguised himself as a Turk and thus attired travelled over the greater
part of the Turkish Empire. He even pretended that he had been in Paris in the
suite of Mustapha-Aga. Knowing the language of the Turks he was enabled to
wander about the city of Constantinople as he pleased, to mingle with the inhab-
itants, and to make sketches of interesting objects. He did not gain admission to
the Seraglio, for he affirmed that it would cost more than "the Empire of the
Grand Signior." Anyway it cannot compare with the Tuilleries or Versailles or
Fontainebleau. By judicious bribing he gained entrance to St. Sophia, of which
he made sketches. The work has been reckoned to be one of the best books of
travel. From lorga, Les Voyageurs Francois.
1680 GRELOT, WILLIAM JOSEPH. Relation nouvelle d'un voyage * Con-
stantinople, enrichie de plans levcz par I'auteur sur les lieux, et des fig-
ures de tout ce qu'il a de plus remarquable dans cette ville. 12 plates.
4to. Paris.
The original edition was much sought after on account of the ac-
curate views made on the spot.
Historical and Political Observations upon the Present State of Turkey;
describing the Policy, Religion, Manners, Military Discipline of the
Turks; with an Account of the Battels, Sieges, and other remarkable
Transactions which have hapned from the beginning of the Ottoman
Empire to this present Grand Seignior. To which is added, His Life,
and the material Occurences of his Reign; with the present State of
Hungary, and the History of these Wars there. 12mo. London.
This may be an edition of Rycaut. See under 1666 above.
The History of the Turks from the first Founders to the Year 1683. Por-
trait of the Sultan. 8vo. London.
This may likewise be an edition of Rycaut.
The Present State of the German and Turkish Empires, with Reflections
thereupon; as also some Reflections on the Interest of the Christian
Princes ; with Memoirs of the Siege of Vienna, by an eminent Officer
in that City. With a true Account of the great Success of the Christian
Forces in taking Barkan, Gran, . . . Also an historical preface of the
Rise and Growth of the Turkish Empire. London.
Two Journies to Jerusalem : containing, I. A Strange Account of the Trav-
els of two English Pilgrims, and what Accidents befel them in their
Journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, . . . With the Won-
derful Manner of hatching thousands of Chickens at once in Ovens. II.
The Travels of fourteen Englishmen in 1669, from Scanderoon to
Tripoly, Joppa, Ramah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, the River Jor-
dan, the Lake of Sodom and Gommorrah ; and back again to Aleppo.
... To which is added, A Relation of the great Council of the Jews
assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungary, 1650. By S(amuel)
B(rett), an Englishman there present. . . . Beautified with Pictures.
8vo. London.
Other editions, London, 1684 and 1^92, with the addition: The Delusion of the
Jews concerning a Messiah in 1668, . . . Collected by R. B. Thomas Hearne cites
the title, Two Journies to Jerusalem, in a list of "Cheap Books," with the dates,
1683, 1685, 1692, 1730, 1738, 1759. See Remains of Thomas Hearne, vol. Ill, app.
viii, 234-5.
The first part of this work is by Timberlake. See under 1603 above. The sec-
ond part is cited under 1672 above; the "Council of the Jews" by Samuel Brett;
and the "Delusion'* by Richard Burton.
1686 RANDOLPH, BERNARD. The Present State of the Morea, called an-
ciently Peloponnesus : which hath been near Two Hundred Years under
the Dominion of the Turks ; and is now very much Depopulated. To-
gether with a Description of the City of Athens, Islands of Zant,
Strafades, and Serigo. 4to. London.
3rd edit., London, 1689.
The work by Randolph cited under 1687 below, though printed a year later, is
a companion volume to the above, thus making two volumes. These two volumes
contain an admirable account of the state of the country about the Aegean Sea, and
are valuable for the light they throw on the Ottoman Empire in the early stages
of its decadence. D.N.B., quoted by Sotheran.
1687 CORONELLI, P. M. An Historical and Geographical Account of the
Morea, Negropont, and the Maritime Places, as far as Thessalonica.
. . . Written in Italian by P. M. Coronelli. . . . Englished by R. W. f
Gent. 42 maps and plates. 12mo. London.
RANDOLPH, BERNARD. The Present State of the Islands in the
Archipelago (or Arches), Sea of Constantinople, and Gulph of Smyr-
na, with the Islands of Candia and Rhodes, with Index of the Longi-
tude and Latitude of the Places in the New Map of Greece. Map and
plates. 4to. London.
THEVENOT, JEAN. The Travels of Monsieur de Thevenot into the
Levant. In Three Parts. Viz. into I. Turkey. II. Persia. III. The East
Indies. Newly done out of French. ... 3 vols. in I. Portrait and
plates. Fol. London.
The Near East portion of these travels are to be found in Harris II, 790-841.
See below. French original, Paris, 1674.
The author was of the same family as Melchizidec Thevenot, who published a
large collection of Travels, Paris, 1663. The elder Thevenot travelled extensively
in Europe but printed nothing about his Journies. The younger Thevenot was
equally curious about seeing the sights and travelled much farther afield. He be-
came particularly fascinated by the Orient through his acquaintance with the fa-
mous orientalist Herbelot whom he met in Rome. He left this city for the East
May 1, 1655. As a traveller he was quite free from the prejudices of the day,
and has left very interesting observations on the mentality of the Turks. He is
said to have introduced coffee into France. See also under CENTRAL ASIA and
1744-48 THEVENOT, JEAN. The Voyages and Travels of the celebrated Mr
John Thevenot, from Italy to Constantinople, including very curious and
extraordinary Descriptions of the several Places he touched at in his
Passage ; a most exact View of Constantinople, at the Time he visited
it. Interspersed with a great variety of Historical and political Remarks,
equally instructive and entertaining Extracted from the last Edition
of the Author's Travels, printed at Amsterdam, 1727. In Harris II,
1744-48 THEVENOT, JEAN. An Account of several of the most remarkable
Cities of Asia, of various Islands in the Archipelago, and of Things
most observable in them, both with respect to their ancient and present
Condition ; with Remarks Historical, Physical and Geographical. In-
termixed Accounts from Wheler and Lebrun. In Harris II, 822-841.
1688 DU VIGNAU, . A New Account of the Present Condition of the
Turkish Affairs, with the Causes of the Decay of the Ottoman Power.
Portrait of Soliman III. 12mo. London.
1689 HELIOGENES DEL EPY. For an account of part of Greece and Tur-
key see his A Voyage into Tartary, under CENTRAL ASIA.
OSBORNE, FRANCIS. Reflections on the Government of the Turks,
... In Works. 8vo. London.
1693 ALPINUS. Travels in Greece, Asia Minor, ... In Ray's Collection.
BELON, PIERRE. Travels in Greece, Asia Minor, ... In Ray's Collec-
tion. London.
French original, Paris, 1550. See below.
Bclon was a French physician and an industrious herbalist who travelled ex-
tensively in the Near East. He was an accurate observer, and reported faithfully
on the manners, the government, and particularly the natural history of the coun-
tries he visited. His remarks have generally been found reliable by subsequent
1550 BELON, PIERRE DU MANS Les observations de plusieurs singularitez
et choses memorables, trouvees en Greco, Asie, Judec, E^ypte, Arabic, e.
a. pays etranges, redigecs, en trois livres. 8vo. Paris.
The edition published in 4to in 1558 is considered more desirable for
its two large maps of Lcmnos and Mount Sinai.
1693 RAUWOLF, LEONHART (Dr.). Itinerary into the Eastern Countries,
as Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, . . . translated by Nicholas
Staphorst. In Ray's Collection II.
German original, Augsburgh, 1581. See below.
This account makes up vol. II of John Ray; Travels through the Loiv Coun-
tries, Germany, Italy, 1738 edition. See Ray under 1673, WEST EUROPE.
1581 RAUWOLF, LEONHARD. Aigentliche Beschreibung dcr Reise, so er
yor dieser Zeit gegen Aufgang in die Morgenlander, furnemlich Syr-
iam, Juclaeam, Arabiam, Mesopotamia!!!, Babyloniam, Assyriam voll-
bracht. 4to. Augsburgh.
VENNER, . Travels in Greece, Asia Minor, ... In Ray's Collection.
1694 BUSBECQ, OGIER GHISELIN DE. Travels into Turkey: Containing
the most accurate Account of the Turks and neighboring Nations,
Their Manners, Customs, Religion, Superstition, Policy, Riches, Coin,
. . . Translated from the Latin. London.
2nd edit., London, 1744; 3rd edit., (translated from the original Latin),
Glasgow, 1761. Modern editions : 2 vols., London, 1881 ; Oxford, 1927. See be-
low. Latin original, 1633. The Latin edition contains the Baron's account of his
embassy to France as well as to Turkey. Earlier editions, Antwerp (the first Let-
ter), 1581; Paris, 1589 (complete four Letters).
1881 BUSBECQ, OGIER GHISELIN DE. The Life and Letters of Ogier
Ghiselin de Busbecq, Seigneur of Bousbecque, Knight, Imperial Am-
bassador, by C. T. Forster and F. H. Blackburne Danicll. 2 vols. 8vo.
This contains a bibliography of the various editions and translations.
1927 BUSBECQ, OGIER GHISELIN DE. The Turkish Letters of Ogier
Ghiselin de Busbecq, Imperial Ambassador at Constantinople 1554-1562.
Newly translated from the Latin of the Elzevir Edition of 1633, by
Edward Seymour Forster. Illus. and maps. 8vo. Oxford.
1695-97 HALIFAX, WILLIAM (Rev.). A Relation of a Voyage from Al-
eppo to Palmyra in Syria; sent by the Rev. Win. Halifax to Dr. Edw.
Bernard (late) and by him communicated to Dr. Thomas Smith. In
Philos. Trans, of the Royal Society, XIX, 83-110; 129-160. Edin-
Reprinted separately, London, 1705; and in Misc Curiosa, London, 1708. See
1705 HALIFAX, WILLIAM. Travels to Tadmor (Palmyra). London.
1708 HALIFAX, WILLIAM (Rev.). A Relation of a Voyage from Aleppo to
Palmyra in Syria. . . Also an Extract of the Journals of two several
voyages of the English Merchants of the Factory of Aleppo to Tadmor,
anciently call'd Palmyra. In Misc Cnriosa, vol. Ill, 84-110, 120-160.
1696 DU MONT, SIEUR JEAN. A New Voyage to the Levant; containing
an Account of the most Remarkable Curiosities in Germany, France,
Malta and Turkey; with Historical Observations relating to the Pres-
ent arid Ancient State of those Countries. Done into English, and
adorn'd with Figures. L,ondon.
Another edition, London, 1702; 4th edit, London, 1705. French original, the
Hague, 1699. See below.
I)u Mont was present at the reception of the new French Ambassador Chat-
eaimeiif, and witnessed the formal entrance of the Sultan His account is richer
in historical details of the day than in the relics of antiquity. lorga, Les Voy-
agcurs J : ranfais.
1699 DU MONT, SIEUR JEAN. Voyage de M. Du Mont en France, en Italic,
en Allemagne, a Malthe et en Turquie, con tenant les recherches et
observations curieuses qu'il a faites en tous ces pais, tant sur les
moeurs, les coutumes dcs peuples, leur diffcrens gouvernements et
leurs religions, que sur 1'histoire ancienne et modernc, la philosophic
aricienne ct moderne, la philosophic et les monuments antiques. 4 vols.
12mo. The Hague.
SELLER, ABRAHAM. The Antiquities of Palmyra; containing the
History of the City and its Emperors, from its Foundation to the
present Time ; with an Appendix, of critical Observations on the Man-
ners, Religion, and Government of the Country, and a Commentary on
the Inscriptions lately found there. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 8vo, London, 1706.
Far outdoing this work in thoroughness and importance is that of Robert
Wood. See his Ruins of Palmyra under 1753 below.
1697 POTTER, JOHN. Archaeologiae Graecae, or the Antiquities of Greece.
Plates. 8vo. London.
A 2nd vol. appeared, London, 1698. Another edition, 2 vols , London, 1764.
The work deals with the invention and different sorts of ships, marriage
ceremonies, etc. The author became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1737; he was
the editor of several Greek texts.
1698 DANDINI, GIROLAMO. A Voyage to Mount Libanus ; wherein is an
Account of the Customs, Manners, ... of the Turks. Also a Descrip-
tion of Candia, Nicosia, Tripoly, Alexandretta, . . . with curious Re-
marks upon several Passages relating to the Turks and Maronites.
Written originally in Italian. 8vo. London.
Reprinted in Osborne I, 831-873; in Pinkerton X, 272-304. Italian original,
Cesana, 1656. Sec below.
The author was teaching philosophy at Perugia when he received word that
he had been appointed (1586) papal nuncio by Clement VIII to the sect of Mar-
onites living in the Mount Lebanon region of Syria. He was to investigate the
charges of errors in belief and dogma attributed to them and to determine who
should be sent to the college at Rome and what employment could be found for
these on their return. Pinkerton regards the account of the Maronites to be the
only valuable portion of the book.
1656 DANDINI, GIROLAMO. Missione apostolica al Patriarca a Maroniti
del Monte Libano. Cesana.
1698 HUDSON, JOHN. Descriptio Peninsulae Arabiae. Printed with De-
scriptio Chorasmiae, in vol. III. of Geographiae veteris Scriptores
Gracci Minores. 8vo. Oxford.
Hudson was a classical scholar and editor of several Greek texts. He be-
came Bodleian librarian in 1701. The editing of the Geographiae took him until
1712 to complete. See the same under GEOGRAPHY. See also Greaves, under
1650 above.
1699 ROBERTS, . Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant ; his Ac-
count of their Way of Living; Description of the Archipelago Islands,
Taking of Scio, . . . Maps and draughts. In Hacke's Collection.
1701 SAVAGE, JOHN. The Turkish History, abridged from Knolles and
Rycault. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
See Rycaut unnder 1666 above.
VERYARD, ELLIS (M.D.). An Account of divers Choice Remarks, as
well Geographical as Historical, Political, Mathematical, Physical and
Moral ; Taken in a Journey through the Low-Countries, France, Italy,
and Part of Spain ; with the Isles of Sicily and Malta. As also, A
Voyage to the Levant : A Description of Candia, Egypt, the Red-Sea,
the Deserts of Arabia, Mount-Horeb, and Mount-Sinai ; the Coasts of
Palestine, Syria, and Asia-Minor ; the Hellespont, Propontis, and Con-
stantinople ; the Isles of the Carpathian, Egean, and Ionian Seas.
Wherein, Their present State, Interest, Customs, Manners, and Relig-
ion ; their Learning and Learned Men ; with the most celebrated Pieces
of Sculpture, Painting, . . . are more accurately set forth, than hath
hitherto been done. With an Account of divers Sorts of Shell-like
Bodies found at great Distances from the Seas ; with Remarks thereon,
in a Way to discover their Original. And what else occurr'd Remark-
able in Thirteen Years Travels. Illustrated with divers figures. Fol.
1702 LE BRUN, CORNEILLE. A Voyage to the Levant, translated out of
French into English by W. J. Map and plates. Fol. London.
Later editions: 3 vols., London, 1720, where it is combined with his travels
in Moscovy, Persia, and the East Indies; 2 vols., fol., London, 1737. French
original, Delft, 1700. See below.
The name of the author is also spelled Le Bruyn and Lebrun. His book is
said to be one of the best illustrated works on the Levant; although Dalrymple, a
traveller to the East in the late eighteenth century, denies that the views are ac-
curate representations. The illustrators were two painters, one a Fleming, the
other an Italian. These travels were begun in 1674.
1720 LE BRUYN, CORNEILLE. Voyage to the Levant and Travels into
Moscovy, Persia, and the East Indies. Numerous plates. 3 vol*.
1700 LE BRUN, CORNEILLE. Voyage au Levant, c'est a dire dans les
principaux endroits de 1'Asie mineurc, dans les Isles de Chio, de
Rhodes, de Chypre, . . . de meme que dans les plus considerables villes
d'Egypte, de Syrie et dc la Terre Sainte Numerous plates. Fol.
This French version is a translation from the Dutch. It bears the
name of Lcbrun.
1703 MAUNDRELL, HENRY. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at
Easter, 1697, with Appendix. Plates. 8vo. Oxford.
3rd edit., with additions, 8vo, Oxford, 1714; again in 1721, 1732, 1740, 1749,
Oxford; in Harris II, 841-861, and in Pinkerton X, 305-385. Translated into
French, Utrecht, 1705, and into German and Dutch. See below. It was noticed
in the Journal des Scai*ans t 1706, I, 306.
Bishop Newton observes of the work and its author, "whom it is a pleasure
to quote as well as to read, and whose Journal from Aleppo to Jerusalem, though
a little book, is yet worth a folio, and is so accurately and ingeniously written, that
it might serve as a model for all writers of travels." Quoted by Maggs, No. 505.
The antiquarian Hearne (Remains II, 59) refers to it as "a very gx>od book,
written in a good plain style, which shews the author to have been a clear-headed,
rational man, and a very good scholar." Maundrell was so eager to travel that
he seized the opportunity to become chaplain to the English Factory at Aleppo.
He set out from that city with fourteen other English gentlemen, Feb. 26, 1697,
to visit the Holy Land at the coming Easter, the ceremonies of which greatly
interested him.
1714 MAUNDRELL, HENRY. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at
Easter, 1697. Third edition, with an Account of the Author's Journey
to the Banks of the Euphrates at Beer, and to the Country of Mesopo-
tamia. Folding plates and other illustrations. 8vo. London
1744-48 MAUNDRELL. HENRY. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem,
containing a curious and accurate Description of the Holy Land and
City, interspersed throughout with a Great Variety as well of Phil-
ology, Physics, and Philosophy ; as Historical and Critical Remarks. In
Harris II, 841-861.
1705 (In French.) Voyage d'Alep a Jerusalem (1697) par Henry Maundrell,
Membrc du College d'Exetcr et Chapclin de la Facture Anglois a
Alcp. Traduit de 1'Angloib. 12mo. Utrecht.
1704 PITTS, JOSEPH. For a description of Mecca, Medina and Mahomet's
Tomb, see his A Faithful Account of the Rdiyion and Manners of the
Mahometans, under AFRICA.
1707 DANIEL, SAMUEL. A Voyage to the Levant, giving an Account of
each Place, their Inhabitants, Language, Coins, Weights and Measures ;
their Provisions and Prices, ... In the Monthly Misc., or Memoirs for
the Curious, May, 1707, London.
1708-1718 OCKLEY, SIMON. The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Egypt,
by the Saracens. 2 vols, London.
3rd edit., Cambridge, 1757. Translated into French, Paris, 1748. See below.
The author was an orientalist and professor of Arabic at Cambridge. This
history was the main source of the general notions of Mohammedan activities for
generations. D. N. B.
1757 OCKLEY, SIMON. The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Egypt by the
Saracens. To which is prefixed, An Account of the Arabians or Sara-
cens, of the Life of Mahomet and the Mahometan Religion, by Dr.
Long; with a plan of the Ca'aba or Temple of Mecca, from a MS. in
the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge.
1748 (In French.) Histoire des Sarrazins et de lours Conquetes sous les cmze
premiers Califs, par Fr. Jault. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.
1709 HILL, AARON. A Full and Just Account of the Present State of the
Ottoman Empire in all its Branches of the Government, Policy, Relig-
ion, Customs and Way of Living of the Turks in General ; faithfully
related from serious Observations taken in many years' Travels
through those Countries. Portrait and plates. Pol. London.
Another edition, London, 1733. Noticed in the Journal dcs Scavans, 1710, I,
This poet and dramati s st was also a traveller. He is better known for Pope's
attacks on him and his counter-attacks, and the rather unusual amicable relationship
existing between them later.
1714 RELAND, HADRIAN. Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata.
Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. London (?).
The same work is also cited as having been printed at Utrecht, 1714.
1718 D'ARVIEUX LAURENT (Chevalier). Travels in Arabia the Desart;
written by Himself, and Published by Mr. De la Roque : Giving a
very accurate and entertaining Account of the Religion, Rights, Cus-
toms, Diversions, ... of the Bedouins, or Arabian Scenites. Under-
taken by Order of the late French King. To which is added, A Gen-
eral Description of Arabia, by Sultan Ishmael Abulfeda, translated
from the best MSS. ; with Notes. Done into English by an Eminent
Hand. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., London, 1723; again, 12mo, London, 1732. French original, Paris,
1717. See below.
At the commencement of these travels in 1653, the author was not more than
eighteen years old. He was subsequently charged with missions to the Porte and
appointed consul to Aleppo, Tripoli, and other places in the Orient. -According to
lorga, he gives a good description of Adrianople and Constantinople, of the Turk-
ish army when engaged in warfare against Poland, and of the Sultan Mo-
hammed, then thirty-three years old, towering high amid his jannisaries and spahis,
with "his dark, very large eyes almost darting from his head." His residence in
Barbary and among the Bedouin Arabs enabled him to give a reliable account of
those regions and peoples. Dalrymple, however, with his usual depreciation, char-
acterises his work as "multifarious and amusing but not infallible."
1718 D'ARVIEUX, LAURENT (Chevalier). Voyage fait par ordre du roy
Louis XIV. dans la Palestine, vers le grand emir, chef des princes
Arabes du Desert. . . . Avec la description generate de 1'Arabie, faite
par le Sultan Ismael Abulfeda, traduitc en Francois avec des notes.
Par Monsieur D. L. R. (De la Roque). 12mo. Paris.
TOURNEFORT, JOSEPH PITTON DE. A Voyage into the Levant:
the State of the Islands, Constantinople, Armenia, Georgia, the Fron-
tiers of Persia, . . . Numerous maps and engravings of views, costumes,
plants, etc. With "Life by Lauthier. 2 vols. 4to. London.
Another edition in 3 vols., 8vo, London, 1741. French original, Paris, 1717.
See below.
Dalrymple discounts the praise given to this work with the remark, "His
botanical discoveries and researches are justly commended, but the other descrip-
tions are a mere collection from his predecessors." Tournefort's objectives are
set forth in his opening sentence : "The Count de Pontchartrain, Secretary of
State, to whose care the Academies are committed, and who is ever intent upon
promoting the Sciences, moved his Majesty, towards the end of the year 1699,
to send abroad into foreign Countries some Persons that were capable of making
pertinent Observations, not only upon the Natural History, old and new Geography,
of those parts, but likewise in relation to the Commerce, Religion, Manners of the
different people inhabiting those." He took with him a physician and a painter,
Aubrict, to enrich the collections of the king and those of the Academy. His rigid
determination to stick closely to his scientific aims prevented him from noting many
things that a more naive traveller would have described.
1717 TOURNEFORT, JOSFPH PITTON DR. Relation d'un voyage du Le-
vant fait par ordrc du Roy: contenant I'histoire ancicnne et moderne
dc plusieurs Isles de 1'Archipel, de Constantinople, des Cotes de la Mer
Noire, de I'Armenic, de la Georgia, des Frontieres des Perse et de
1' Armenia, de la 1'Asie Mincure, avec les Moeurs, le Commerce et la
Religion des differcns Peuples. Numerous illustrations, views, costumes,
characters, and natural history, plans, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Paris.
1719 The History of the Turks. Maps and portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
1721-25 MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. Antiquity explained, and repre-
sented in Sculptures. Translated into English by D. Humphreys. 5 vols.
Supplement, 5 vols. 4to. London.
French original, Paris, 1719-1724. See below.
1719-1724 MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. L'Antiquitc expliquee et repre-
sentee en Figures. Plates. 15 vols. Fol. Paris.
1725 MOTRAYE, AUBRY DE LA. For an account of Turkey, Greece
Crimea, Noghai Tartary, Circassia, see his Travels through Europe,
Asia, and into Part of Africa, under GENERAL TRAVELS AND
Motraye's close association with the unfortunate Charles XII of Sweden,
whom he met in 1714 at Bender, makes him an authority of the first rank on the
Scandinavian king's sojourn in Turkey. The life of the miserable king of Hun-
gary, Tokoly, whom Motraye sought out in Nicomedia, could be rewritten with
the aid of this tireless reciter's account. Besides he was a good witness of all
that went on in Turkish society at Constantinople and elsewhere. From lorga,
Lcs Voyagcurs Pranfais.
SAINT-MAURE, C. DE. A New Journey through Greece, Egypt, Pal-
estine, Italy, 1721-23, ... by a French Officer. Translated from the
French. 8vo. London.
1726 LA ROQUE, JEAN DE. A Voyage to Arabia the Happy, by the East-
ern Ocean and the Streights of the Red Sea, performed by the French
for the first Time, 1708-1710, with a Journey from Moka to the King
of Yemen, 1711-13; also an Account of the Coffee-Tree, with an His-
torical Treatise of Coffee. Map and 3 folding copperplates of the
coffee-plant. 12mo. London.
Other editions: 8vo, London, 1732; 8vo, London, 1742, with added matter.
French original, Paris, 1715. See below.
The travels are particularly full respecting the history of coffee in Asia and
Europe. Lowndes.
1742 LA ROQUE, JEAN DE. A Voyage to Arabia Felix. ... To which is
added, An Account of the Captivity of Sir Henry Middleton at Mokha
by the Turks, in 1612. 8vo. London.
1715 LA ROQUE, JEAN DE. Voyage de 1'Arabe heureuse par 1'Ocean Orien-
tal, et le Detroit de la Mer Rouge, 1708-1710. Avec la relation d'un
voyage fait du Post de Moka a la cour de roy d'Y&nen 1711-13. Un
Memoire concernant 1'arbre et le fruit du Cafe. 3 plates and 1 map.
Quaritch gives the date as 1716. There was another French edition
printed at Amsterdam in 1716.
1729 GYLLIUS, PETRUS. The Antiquities of Constantinople. With a De-
scription of its Situation, the Conveniences of its Port, its Public
Buildings, the Statuary, Sculpture, Architecture, and other Curiosities
of that City. With Cuts explaining the chief of them. In Four Books.
Written originally in Latin by Petrus Gyllius, a Byzantine Historian.
Now translated into English, and enlarged with an antient Description
of the Wards of that City, as they stood in the Reigns of Arcadius and
Honorius. With Pancirolus's Notes thereupon. To which is added,
A Very curious Passage of Nicelas Choniat, relating to the Statues of
that City, which were demolished by the Latins, when they took Con-
stantinople, taken out of a MS. in the Bodleian Library; and an ex-
planatory Index. 8vo. London.
Latin original, Lyons, 1561. See below.
The translator was John Ball, formerly of Christ Church College, Ox-
ford. Gyllius was a French physician said to have been commissioned by Francis
I to collect manuscripts at Constantinople early in the sixteenth century. He com-
piled during his residence there two treatises on antiquities, Topographia Con-
stantinopoleos and De Phosophora, chiefly collected from a poem by Dionysius of
Byzantium. Dalrymple. "This book is beautifully adorned with cuts of the Build-
ings, the Statuary, and Sculpture of that City. The whole impression being near
disposed of, the remainder may be had, ... at the Oxford Arms in Warwick
Lane." Evening Post, Aug. 16, 1729. Quoted by Nichols, Literary Anecdotes.
Gyllius may well be counted among the representative spirits of the Renaissance at
that epoch. He has given us the first circumstantial account of the antiquities of
Constantinople and may be considered the founder of Byzantine archaeology. From
lorga, Les Voyageurs Francois.
1561 GYLLIUS, PETRUS. De topographia Constantinopoleos et de illius
antiquitatibus. Lyons.
1732 BAUMGARTEN, MARTIN. The Travels of Martin Baumgarten, a No-
bleman of Germany, Through Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, and Syria. In
3 Books. Giving an Account of the Situation, Nature, Monuments
and Ruins of those Countries ; and of the Islands, Cities and Temples
therein; of their Manners and Customs; of the Rise, Increase, and
Actions of some foreign Princes; And of the Properties of several
Animals, with other added things. In Churchill I, 382-452.
Reprinted in Moore II. A Latin version, Nuremberg, 1594. See below.
The knight died in 1532, aged 62 years. The account of his travels was com-
piled from his diary and that of his servant.
1594 BAUMGARTEN, MARTIN. Peregrinatio in Aegyptum, Arabiam, Palaes-
tinam et Syriam, . . . Nuremberg.
ROLAMB, NICHOLAS. A Relation of a Journey to Constantinople;
giving an Account of divers Occurrences ; . . . being a Report made
to the most Potent Prince Charles Gustavus, King of the Swedes,
Goths, and Vandals, by ... Nicholas Rolamb, formerly Envoy Extra-
ordinary to the Ottoman Porte. Translated from a Copy printed in
Swedish at Stockholm. In Churchill V, 669-716.
The author, a Swedish nobleman, was sent to Constantinople to remove the
fears of the Porte over the Swedish successes in Poland.
1734 CANTEMIR, D. The History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman
Empire, Portraits. Fol. London.
This was a translation into English by N. Tindal. Bookseller's Note.
1736 GREEN, J. A Journey from Aleppo to Damascus in 1725; with a De-
scription of those two Capital Cities, and the neighboring Parts of
Syria. Engraved map. 8vo. London.
Pinkerton XVII lists an anonymous work of the same date and title with
the addition : To which is added, An Account of the Maronites inhabiting Mount-
1738 SHAW, THOMAS. For his travels in the Levant see his Travels, or Ob-
servations relating to several Parts of Barbary, under AFRICA.
1751 DALTON, RICHARD. Antiquities and Views in Greece and Egypt,
with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, from Drawings
made on the Spot, A.D., 1749. 52 plates. Fol. London.
This is a series of engravings representing views of places, buildings, antiqui-
ties, etc., in Sicily, Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. Dalton was a draughtsman,
engraver and librarian, and keeper of pictures and antiquities to George III. He
accompanied Lord Charlemont to Greece in 1749, where he made several drawings
of Athenian antiquities. They are said to possess little value, however, either
for art or archeology. See also Dalton under dates 1781 and 1790, AFRICA.
1751-58 CLAYTON, ROBERT (Bishop of Clogher). Journal of a Voyage
from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and Back: translated from a Man-
uscript written by the Prefetto of Egypt with Remarks on the Origin
of Hieroglyphics. 2 plates. 8vo. London.
2nd edit, corrected, 4to, London, 1753. Reprinted in Pinkerton X, 386-405.
Translated into German, Hanover, 1754; into French, Amsterdam, 1759. See below.
To the Society of Antiquaries, to whom this work was inscribed, Bishop Clay-
ton observes, "that as the Journal particularly describes many places in the Wil-
derness, where great numbers of antient characters are hewn in the rocks; if a
person was sent to live some time among the Arabs, he might get copies of the
characters, and some help, by which the antient Hebrew characters, now lost, may
be recovered." These characters, which were cut in the solid rock twelve and
fourteen feet high, were examined by Wortley Montagu in 1765, and appeared
to be nothing more than the work of Christian converts, pilgrims to Mount Sinai.
Niebuhr declared them to be only the names of persons that had passed that way.
From Nichols II, Literary Anecdotes
1808-1814 CLAYTON, ROBERT (Bishop of Clogher). A Journal from the
Grand Cairo to Mt. Sinai and back again in Company with some Mission-
aries de propoganda fide at Grand Cairo. Translated from a MS. by the
Prefetto of Egypt by Right Rev. Robert Clayton, Bishop of Clogher.
(The MS. was mentioned by Richard Pococke in his Travels through
the East; see 1743-45 above.) In Pinkerton X, 386-405.
The Prefetto set out from Cairo Sept. 1, 1722.
1754 (In German.) Tage-Reisen von Gross-Kairo nach dem Berge Sinai und
wieder zuriick. Aus einer Handschrift des Prafektus dcr Franciskaner
in Egipten. Mit Anmerkungen uber den Ursprung der Hieroglifen und
Mythologie der alten Heiden, . . . von . . . R. C. 8vo. Hanover.
1759 (In French.) Journal d'un voyage du Grand Cairo au mont Sinai, et re-
tour, en 1722, par un envoye du prefet d'Egypte : copie d'un MS. con-
tenant en outre des rcmarques sur 1'origine des Hieroglyphes et des
notions fabuleuses des anciens peuples, traduit de F Anglais de (Robert)
Clayton, par J. J. Dusterhopp, en Hollandais. 8vo. Amsterdam.
1753 FALCONER, DAVID. A Journey from Joppa to Jerusalem in May,
1751. 4to. London.
An amusing narrative. Lowndes.
Letters from Several Parts of Europe and the East, written in the years
1750, ... on the Productions of Nature, the Monuments of Art, and
the manners of the Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
et generalement sur toutes les curiosites de la nature et de Tart qui s'y
trouvent ; traduits de TAnglais sur seconde edition, par une societe de
gens de lettres (rediges par De la Flotte, ou Ant. Eidous). 7 vols.
12mo. Paris.
1776-1786 (In Dutch.) Beschryving van het Oosten, en van eenige andere Lan-
den. 3 deelen in 6 stukken. Uit het Engelsch overgezet en met aante-
kingen voorzien door E. W. Cramer. Maps and plates. 4to. Utrecht.
1744 THOMPSON, CHARLES. For his observations on the Near East see
his Travels, containing his Observations on France, Italy, Turkey, etc.,
1745 A General Account of the Turkish Empire. In Osborne I, 502-510.
This is probably by the editor of this collection. It is used as an introduction
to the voyages to the Near East which follow in this volume.
USHER, JAMES (Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland). A
Geographical and Historical Disquisition touching the Asia properly so
called, the Lydian Asia (which is the Asia so often mentioned in the
New Testament), the Proconsular Asia, and the Asian Diocese. In
Osborne I, 490-500.
This deals largely with Roman Asia, with a few remarks on the modern state
of this part of the continent.
1745-47 ABU 'LFEDA. A Description of the Sea of Kolzum commonly called
the Arabic Gulf, or Red Sea: from Abu 'Ifeda's Geography. In Ast-
ley I, 130-132.
Abu wrote this geography in 1321. It consists of Tables of the Longitude and
Latitude of places (in imitation of Ptolemy), with their descriptions under the
title of Takwim al Boldan. Part of the Tables were published in Thevenot's Col-
lection ; part with Latin translation by Dr. Greaves in 1650 (see this date above) ;
and more in Hudson's Lesser Geographers in 1612 (see under GEOGRAPHY).
1747 CHISHULL, EDMUND. Travels in Turkey and Return back to Eng-
land. Fol. London.
The author, who had antiquarian interests, was chaplain to the Factory of
the Worshipful Turkey Company at Smyrna, 1698-1702. During his residence at
Smyrna he made various expeditions in Asia Minor and Turkey, which make up
the matter of the above volume. His account is said to have been of value to later
explorers in those regions.
1750 VENUTI, DON MARCELLO DI. A Description of the first Discover-
ies of the ancient City of Heraclea, translated from the Italian by
Wickes Skurray. 8vo. London.
1739 CAMPBELL, JOHN. For travels in the Orient see his The Travels and
Adventures of Edward Brown, under GENERAL TRAVELS AND
1740 ROE, SIR THOMAS. The Negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe, in his
Embassy to the Ottoman Porte, from the years 1621 to 1628 inclusive;
Containing a great Variety of curious and important matters relating
not only to the Affairs of the Turkish Empire, but also to those of the
other States of Europe, in that Period. Portrait. Fol. London.
This was printed by Samuel Richardson, the novelist, with a special dedica-
tory epistle by him to the King. Maggs, No. 521. See also Rice, English Trav-
elers in Greece, for an account of the Arundel Marbles.
1743 PERRY, CHARLES (M. D.). A View of the Levant: particularly of
Constantinople, Syria, Egypt and Greece, in which their Antiquities,
Government, Politics, Maxims, Manners and Customs (with many
other Circumstances and Contingencies), are attempted to be described
and treated on. Numerous plates and map. Fol. London.
Another edition, 3 vols., London, 1773.
This work, which has been twice translated into German, is much less known
than it deserves to be. Lowndes. It is curious that no French translation was ever
1743_45 POCOCKE, RICHARD. Description of the East, and some other
Countries: Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, Candia, Greece,
Asia Minor, ... 178 large plates of views, plans, details, plants, etc. 2
vols. Fol. London,
2nd edit., London, 1771 ; reprinted entire in Pinkerton X, 406-770, and XV,
163-402. Translated into German, Erlangen, 1754-55; into French, Paris, 1772-73;
into Dutch, Utrecht, 1776-1786. See below.
Pococke was a great traveller and visited many other places 'besides the East.
He toured the British Isles as well, but his account of these journics was not pub-
lished until 1888-1891. He visited Egypt in 1737-38, ascending the Nile as far as
Philae, and then passed into Palestine and the other places mentioned above, in
1738-1740. The work attained great celebrity. Hallam regarded Pococke as the
equal of any oriental scholar. Gibbon (Decline and Fall LI, note 60) described his
book as of "superior learning and dignity," though he objected to the confusion
between what the author saw and what he heard. He became bishop of Ossory
in 1765.
1754-55 (In German.) Beschrcibung des Morgcnlandes und einiger andern
Lander, iibersetzt von (Christ. Ernst von) Windheim Plates. 3 vols.
4to. Erlangen.
1772-73 (In French.) Voyages dans 1'Egypte, 1'Arabie, la Palestine, la Syrie,
la Grece, la Thrace, . . . cpntenant une description exacte de 1'Orient
et de plusieurs autres contrees : comme la France, 1'Italie, I'Allemagne,
la Pologne, la Hongrie, . . ct des observations interessantes sur les
mocurs, la religion, les lois, le gouvernement, les arts, les sciences, le
commerce, la geographic et Thistoire naturelle et civile de chaque pays,
WOOD, ROBERT. The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tadmor, in the
Desert. 57 large engraved plates of architecture and inner decorations,
and large panoramic view, by P. Fourdrinier and T. M. Miiller, after
G. B. Borra. Fol. London.
No new edition of this work was published until 1827. There was a French
translation printed in 1753.
"The beautiful editions of Baalbec and Palmyra, illustrated by the classic
pen of Robert Wood, supply a nobler and more lasting monument, and will sur-
vive those august remains." Horace Walpole's inscription on Wood's monument,
quoted by Sotheran. Wood was a member of the Society of Dilettanti, which
took a great interest in the progress of the work and its publication. He and
Dawkins set out on their journey of exploration through the western portion of
Asia Minor in 1750. His exact measurements of the ruined columns, arcades,
architraves, and other details of classic architecture at Palmyra provided his
countrymen at home with examples of a purer Hellenic style than they had hith-
erto obtained through Roman copies.
1754 DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER. Travels through different Cities of Ger-
many, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia as far as the Banks of
the Euphrates. 34 maps and curious copperplates. Fol. London.
The illustrations include three large folding maps of Cyprus, part of Syria
and Aleppo to the Euphrates, and a large folding view of the city and Castle of
Aleppo. The author was consul at Aleppo, 1754-56.
1756 RUSSELL, ALEXANDER (F.R.S.)- The Natural History of Aleppo,
and Parts adjacent, with the Climate, Inhabitants, and Diseases, par-
ticularly the Plague, with Methods used by Europeans for their Pres-
ervation. Folding and other copperplates of Eastern customs, natural
history, etc. 4to. London.
2nd edit, (considered the best), London, 1794. See below.
Russell was physician to the English Factory at Aleppo, and afterwards phy-
sician to St. Thomas's Hospital. This work, which has been described as "one
of the most complete pictures of Eastern manners extant," was reviewed by Dr.
Johnson in the Literary Magazine, and was translated into German by Gronovius.
D. N. B, Speaking of the Arabian Nights, the author says, "It is a scarce book
at Aleppo, I found only two volumes, containing two hundred and eighty nights,
and with difficulty obtained liberty to have a copy taken/' Quoted by Sotheran.
For a description of Russell, see Fanny Burney, Early Diary, for April 3, 1775.
1794 RUSSELL, ALEXANDER. The Natural History of Aleppo, ... by
Patrick Russell, the Author's half-brother, with the same illustrations,
also a folding plate of Aleppo and two other plates. 4to. 2 vols. Lon-
1757 ELIOT, - (Captain). Directions for passing over the Little Desart,
from Busserah, by way of Bagdad, Orsa and Aleppo. 12mo. London.
This is appended to Plaisted's work listed just below. Probably it should
read the Great Desart instead of the Little Desart.
PLAISTED, BARTHOLOMEW. Journal from Calcutta, by Sea, to
Busserah, from thence Across the Great Desart to England in 1750.
Map of Bengal. 12mo. London.
See the same under EAST INDIES, for further details and editions.
WOOD, ROBERT. The Ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis in Coelo-
Syria; taken from Botra, Bouverie, and Dawkins. 46 plates. Fol.
See Wood under 1753 above.
1758 MARIGNY, DE (Abbe). The History of the Arabians under the
Government of the Caliphs, from Mahomet, their Founder, to the
Death of Mostazem, the Fifty-sixth and last Abassian Caliph, trans-
lated from the French, with Additional Notes by Nugent. 4 vols.
8vo. London.
French original, Paris (?), 1750. See below.
1750 MARIGNY, DE (Abbe). Histoire des Arabes sous le Gouvernemcnt
des Califes, ... 4 vols. 8vo. Paris (?).
1758 Travels in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and the Holy-Land by an English Mer-
chant ; with Notes by a Gentleman of Oxford. 8vo. London.
through Part of Europe, Asia Minor, the Islands of the Archipelago;
Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, . . . Giving a particular Account
of the Most remarkable Places, Structures, Ruins, Inscriptions, . . .
in these Countries. Together with the Customs, Manners, Religion,
Trade, Commerce, Tempers, and Manners of Living of the Inhab-
itants. By the Honourable J. Aegidius van Egmont, Envoy Extraor-
dinary from the United Provinces to the Court of Naples; and John
Heymann, Professor of the Oriental Languages in the University of
Leyden. Translated from the Low Dutch. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo.
Another edition, London, 1772. Dutch original, Leyden, 1757-58. See below.
MANN, JAN. Reyzen door een gcdcelte van Europa, Klein Asia,
verscheyde Eylanden van t'Archipal, Syrien, Palaestina in het H. Land,
Egypten, den Berg Sinai, nyt beider nagelaatcn Schriften (from the
years 1700 to 1709 and 1720) samen gestelt door Jon. Wilh. Heymann.
11 Deele. 4to. Leyden.
ROY, . The Ruins of Athens, with Remains and other valuable
Antiquities in Greece. (Translated into English by Robert Sayer.)
Plates. Fol. London.
Le Roy had been led to undertake an expedition to Athens in the interest of
France in rivalry with that of Wood's and Dawkins's. Le Roy left Rome for Ath-
ens in 1753. Sayer's translation was also intended to anticipate the projected work
of Stuart and Revett. See below.
1762-1794 STUART, JAMES, and REVETT, NICHOLAS. The Antiquities
of Athens, measured and delineated by James Stuart, F.R.S., and
Nicholas Revett. Over 200 large folding and full page engravings of
views, architecture, sculpture, antiquities, etc., and numerous head and
tail pieces, all by the best artists of the time, letter press historical and
descriptive. 3 vols. Fol. London.
An additional volume was published in 1814, edited by Jos. Wood, containing
biographies of Stuart arid Revett, and numerous extracts from their notes and
journals ; and a fifth volume appeared in 1830.
In preparation for this work the authors spent six or seven years at Rome in
the study of painting. Their labors were much indebted to the Society of Dilet-
tanti, who both financed the expedition and went to the expense of engraving a
great number of plates from original drawings in their possession. Several of the
members of the Society interested themselves individually in promoting the pub-
lication of the volumes. For the story of this fascinating expedition one should
consult The History of the Society of Dilettanti compiled by Lionel Cust and
edited by Sir Sidney Colvin (London, 1914). After his return from Greece, Stuart
became generally known as "Athenian Stuart." As a result of the publication of
his work London saw an increase in the number of houses built in the Greek style.
1763 BELL, JOHN. For his journey from St. Petersburg to Constantinople
(in 1737-38) see his Travels from St. Petersburg in Russia, to Diverse
Parts of Asia, under CENTRAL ASIA.
MONTAGUE, LADY MARY WORTLEY. Letters written during her
Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 8vo. London.
Later editions: London, 1767; London, 1769; London, 1789. Translated into
most of the European languages: German, Leipzig, 1764; French, Amsterdam,
1763, Paris, 1764. See below.
Lady Mary accompanied her husband, Edward Montague, on his diplomatic
mission to Constantinople, making the journey overland. When she left Vienna
she received as many admonitions as though she were journeying to the ends of
the earth. The letters she wrote back home are justly ranked among the most cel-
ebrated of their kind in a century richly endowed with excellent letter writers. It
has been hinted that she expected at the time of writing to see them in print later.
But in this respect she was not an exception in the eighteenth century. Her part in
introducing the practice of inoculating against small-pox is well known.
1769 MONTAGUE, LADY MARY WORTLEY. Letters . . . containing among
other curious Relations Accounts of the Policy and Manners of the
Turks. 3 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
1789 MONTAGUE, LADY MARY WORTLEY. Letters written ... to Per-
sons of Distinction, ... A New Edition with Poems by the same Au-
thor. Portrait. 12mo. London.
1763 (In French.) Lettres ecrites pendant ses voyages en Europe, en Asie et en
Afrique, . . . traduites de 1'anglais sur la seconde edition. 12mo. Am-
It is stated that there were five translations of these letters into
French. The one above was made by Father Jean Brunet, a Dominican
1764 (In French.) Lettres de milady Worthley Montague, ecrites en diverses
parties du monde, traduites de 1'anglois, troisieme partie pour servir de
supplement aux deux premieres. On y a joint une reponse a la critique
que le Journal encyclopedique a fait des deux premieres, par P. J.
Brunet. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.
1764 (In German.) Brief e wahrend ihrer Reise durch Europa, Asien, und Af-
rika. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. 8vo. Leipzig.
1765 LYTTLETON, CHARLES. An Account of the Plague at Aleppo.
Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1765, III, 257.
1766 CARMICHAEL, JOHN. A Journey from Aleppo over the Desert to
Basserah, Oct. 21, 1751.
This is printed as an Appendix to John Henry Grose's Voyage to the East
Indies, 2nd edit. See the latter under 1757, EAST INDIES. An abridged version
of Carmichael appeared in the Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., LVII, 38 ff., 1791-%.
HASSELQUIST, FREDERICK (M.D.). Voyages and Travels in the
Levant, 1749-1752: Natural History, Physick, Agriculture, . . . Map.
8vo. London.
Original Swedish, Stockholm, 1757. See below.
The author was one of that zealous band of students who, fired by the gen-
ius of Linnaeus, scattered over different parts of the world in pursuit of natural
history. Like many others, Hasselquist died while on, the quest. His own profes-
sion was medicine. The first part of this work is a journal of travel and corres-
pondence, the second observations on mineralogy, botany, zoology, diseases, com-
merce, etc. He visited Smyrna, Magnesia, Alexandria (remaining a year in Egypt),
the Holy Land, Cyprus, but omitted Constantinople on account of the plague raging
there. He died in 1752 at Smyrna, His work is uncommonly interesting and val-
uable to the natural historian.
1757 HASSELQUIST, FREDERICK. Iter Paloestinense, . . . forroetad ifran
1749 til 1752. 8vo. Stockholm.
1767 BRYANT, JACOB. Observations and Inquiries relating to various parts
of Ancient History, containing Dissertations on the Wind Euroclydon
and on the Island Melite, . . . Folding maps. 4to. Cambridge.
Bryant comes in for a scathing remark in Byron's Don Juan.
CALVERT, FREDERICK (Sixth Baron Baltimore). A Tour in the
East in years 1763 and 1764, with Remarks on the City of Constanti-
nople and the Turks, by the Lord Baltimore. Plates and a colored fold-
ing plan of Constantinople. 8vo. London.
Another edition, Dublin, 1768.
1768 PORTER, SIR JAMES. Observations on the Religion, Laws, Govern-
ment and Manners of the Turks. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd (and best) edit., London, 1771. Translated into French, London, 1768.
See below.
The author was ambassador at Constantinople, 1746-1762.
1771 PORTER, SIR JAMES. Observations on the Religion, Laws, Government
and Manners of the Turks, to which is added, the State of the Turkey
Trade from its Origin. 8vo. London.
1768 (In French.) Observations sur la Religion, les Loix, le Gouvernement, les
Moeurs des Turcs. Traduit de 1'Anglois. 2 vols. 12mo. London.
Noticed in the Journal des Scavans, 1770, IV, 291.
1769 CHANDLER, RICHARD. Ionian Antiquities : published by order of the
Society of Dilettanti.
A second volume was published as a continuation, London, 1797.
This work, together with Inscriptions Antiquae (1774), were the published
results of Chandler's archaeological expedition to Greece and the adjacent regions
made under the auspices of the Society of Dilettanti. For an account of his
travels see under 1775.
1772 BOS, LAMBERT. Antiquities of Greece, with the Notes of Frederick
Leisner, translated by Percival Stockdale. 8vo. London.
This is a work intended principally for the use of schools. Lowndes.
GUYS, PIERRE-AUGUSTIN. A Sentimental Journey through Greece,
in a Series of Letters ... to M. Bourlat de Montredon, translated
from the French. 3 vols. 12mo. London.
The author was a physician of Lyons who with his family made a long stay
in the Orient. His aim was to show that in order to know the life of the ancient
Greeks it was necessary to attire oneself in the costume of the modern Greek.
Probably this was the first and also the last time that such an idea was bruited in
the eightenth century. He possessed an admirable knowledge of Greek antiquity as
well as a familiarity with the modern Greek and Turkish languages. In his book
he included specimens of songs from both those peoples. He may be said to have
been the first folklorist who directed his attention towards the Orient. His work
is written in such an agreeable style, his observations so delicate and his compar-
isons so subtle that it makes excellent reading even today. From lorga, Les Voy-
ageurs Pranfais.
1775 CHANDLER, RICHARD. Travels in Asia Minor, or an Account of a
Tour made at the expense of the Society of Dilettanti. Map. 4to.
The 2nd part of his Travels came out, Oxford, 1776. Reprinted, Dublin, 1775
and 1776 No French translation appeared until 1806. The work was noticed in
the Journal des Scavans, 1776, I, 542.
Chandler, who was a good Greek archaeologist, was sent to Greece in' 1764
by the Society of Dilettanti to copy inscriptions and to finish the task left uncom-
pleted by Stuart. He returned to England in 1774. He was a neighbor and cor-
respondent of Gilbert White, author of the History and Antiquities of Selbourne.
1777 RICHARDSON, JOHN. Dissertations on the Languages, Literature, and
Manners of Eastern Nations. 8vo. Oxford.
1780 IRWIN, EYLES. A Series of adventures in the Course of a Voyage up
the Red Sea, on the Coasts of Arabia, and of a Route through the
Desarts of Thebais, hitherto unknown to the European Traveler, in
the year 1777, in Letters to a Lady. Maps and plates. 4to. London.
Later editions: London, 1781, with additions; 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1784; 2
vols., 8vo, London, 1787. Translated into German, Leipzig, 1781 ; into French,
Paris, 1792. See below.
This work is chiefly valuable for the information which his personal adven-
tures necessarily give of the manners, etc., of the Arabians. Lowndes. The author
was superintendent of Madras, 1771 ; dismissed for protest against the deportation
of Lord Pigot, he was returned to India, 1780, on being reinstated, and filled other
positions afterwards. D. N. B.
1781 IRWIN, EYLES. A Series of Adventures in the course of a Voyage up
the Red Sea, . . . with a Supplement of a Voyage from Venice to Lat-
ichea, and of a Route through the Desarts of Arabia, by Aleppo, Bag-
dad, and the Tygris, to Busrah, in the years 1780 and 1781, in Letters
to a Lady. Plates. 4to. London.
1781 (In German.) Begebenheiten einer Reise auf dem Rothen Meere, und auf
der Arabischen und Aegyptischen Kiiste, ingleichen durch die The-
baische Wuste. Aus dem Englischen von J. A. Engelbrecht. Map and
plates. 8vo. Leipzig.
1792 (In French.) Voyage a la Mer Rouge, sur les cotes de 1' Arabic, en Egypte
et dans les Deserts de la Thebaide suivi d'un Voyage a Bassorah, . . en
1780 et 1781. Traduit de 1'anglais, sur le 3me edition, par J. P. Parraud.
2 vols. Maps. 8vo. Paris.
WALKIN, . Travels to Constantinople and in the Crimea. 2 vols.
So cited by Pinkerton XVIL Both the name and the date are in doubt.
1782 BRUCE, PETER. For his travels in Turkey see his Memoirs of Military
Service in Prussia, Russia, etc., under GENERAL TRAVELS AND
1783 CAPPER, JAMES. Observations on the Passage to India (in the year
1779) through Egypt; also by Vienna through Constantinople to Alep-
po, and from thence by Bagdad, and directly across the Grand Desert
to Bassora. Maps. 4to. London.
Another edition enlarged, 4to, London, 1784. Translated into French, London
and Paris, 1786. See below.
Capper was also the author of several works on meteorology.
1786 (In French.)- Voyages du Colonel Capper dans les Indies, au travers dc
1'Egypte et du grand desert, par Suez, en 1779. Traduits de 1'Anglots,
et accompagnes de notes sur I'original et des cartes geographiqucs. 2
vols. 8vo. Londres et Paris.
This translation appeared in the same volume with the French ver-
sion of James Mackintosh's Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. For
the latter see under 1782, GENERAL TRAVELS AND DESCRIP-
LUSIGNAN, S. For a description of Palestine and Syria, and the Jour-
nal of a Gentleman who travelled from Aleppo to Bassora, see his
History of the Revolt of AU Bey, under AFRICA.
ROOKE, HENRY. Travels to the Coast of Arabia Felix, and from
thence, by the Red Sea and Egypt, to Europe, containing a short Ac-
count of an Expedition undertaken against the Cape of Good Hope;
in a series of Letters. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., with additions, 8vo, London, 1784. Translated into German, Leipzig,
1787; into French, Paris, 1788. See below.
1787 (In German.) Reisen nach den Kiisten des gliicklichen Arabiens und von
da iiber das Rothc Meer und Aegypten nach Europa zuruck ; worin ein
kurzer Bericht von einem gcgcn das Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung
unternommen Scezuge geliefert wird. In einer Reihe von Briefen.
Nach der 2 verm. Eng. Ausgabe uberset2t. 8vo Leipzig.
1788 (In French.) Voyage sur les Cotes de T Arabic Hcureuse, sur la Mer
Rouge et en Egypte, . . . ; avec une Notice sur 1'Rxpedition de M.
Suffrein au Cap de Bonne-Esperance. Traduit de I'Anglois (par M. L.
M. Langlcs). 8vo. Paris.
1784 EVERS, SAMLJEL (Lieut.). A Journal kept on a Journey from Bas-
sora to Bagdad, through the Little-Desert, to Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodes.
Zante, Corfu, and Otrante, in the year 1779 by a Gentleman. Horsham.
HABESCI, ELIAS. The Present State of the Ottoman Empire ... in-
cluding a particular Description of the Court and Seraglio of the
Grand Signor. Translated from the French Manuscript of Elias Ha-
besci. 8vo. London.
Habcsci was for many years resident at Constantinople, in the service of the
Grand Sicrnor. Lowndes. The real name of the author, who assumed th* titl* nf
1785 TOTT, FRANCIS, BARON DE. Memoirs of Baron de Tott, contain-
ing the State of the Turkish Empire and the Crimea during the late
War with Russia, with numerous Anecdotes, Facts and Observations
on the Manners and Customs of the Turks and Tartars. Translated
from the French by an English Gentleman at Paris, under the immedi-
ate Inspection of the Baron. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., with Strictures subjoined by M. Peyssonnel, London, 1786. French
original, Amsterdam, 1784. See below.
Eton asserts Baron Tott's Account of Turkey, and of its inhabitants, to be
the best and most exact. There are, however, several exaggerations and inaccur-
acies in the work, as may be easily conceived from the character of the author.
The description of the Crimea, and its inhabitants, is, perhaps, the most interesting.
Pinkerton XVII. The account is marked by sprightly egotisms, an apparent dis-
regard for truth and a love of exciting surprise. This depreciates in the public
eye the value of that singular nation with which he was so intimately conversant.
Dalrymple. This odd traveller was the son of an Hungarian refuge in the suite
of the pretender Rakoczy, but owing to a sprightliness of disposition and a French
education, he became essentially French in spirit. He passed some time among the
Tartars and in the Crimea, traversed Moldavia and Wallachia, and finally reached
Constantinople, where he undertook a very peculiar mission. At that time Selim
III was desirous of introducing the European dress, hoping by a reform, especially
in the army, to win out in the struggle with Russia. Despite bickerings with the
Turks, De Tott managed to impart something of western military technique. His
book went through three editions. From lorga, Les Voyageurs Franfais.
1784 TOTT, FRANCIS, BARON DE. Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares.
3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam.
Dans cet ouvrage, Tott preceda Anquetil-Duperron, Savary et Vol-
ney. II est le premier qui ait debrouillc avec exactitude et impartialite
le chaos de notions fausse sous lequel restait voile pour 1'Europe cette
partie du monde. Camber.
1785 PEYSSONNEL, CHARLES DE. Lettres de M. Peyssonnel a le Marquis
. . . contenant quelque observations relatives aux Memoires qui ont
paru sous le nom de M. le Baron de Tott. Paris.
Peyssonnel resided some time at Constantinople from 1735 on and
there carried on the practice of law. His archaeological and commercial
studies of the Tartars, of the Isle of Crete, the Black Sea, Smyrna,
and Candia are of great value for the period, From lorga, Les Voy-
ageurs Frangais.
1786 A Description of the Holy Places of Jerusalem and the Objects visited by
Pilgrims in Judea and Galilee, by the Reverend Fathers of the Latin
Convent at Jerusalem. Translated from the Latin by W. Witman.
The date given is a guess based on Pinkerton, who, however, is often unre-
liable. Wittman travelled in Turkey, Syria, and adjacent places during the years
1799, 1880, and 1801, in company with the Turkish army and the British military
mission. It is probable that this translation is the result of contacts made during
those years and hence would be of a much later date. See Wittman under 1803
DE. Travels through Syria and Egypt 1783-85, containing Observa-
tions on their Commerce, Arts, Politics, . . . Maps and plates. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
Another edition, 2 vols., 8vo, Dublin, 1788. French original, Paris, 1787. Two
volumes were made up in the French edition by the addition of matter concerning
the war between the Russians and the Turks. This appeared at Paris, 1788. See
One of the most exact and valuable works of the kind ever published, all per-
sonal details being eliminated "to economise the time of readers." Chambers, quot-
ed by Sotheran. Volney was a member of the States General and later of the Con-
stituent Assembly. He had a varied career during the Revolution, once narrowly
escaping the guillotine. He won the favor of Napoleon, who made him a count
and put him in the Senate. His chief work was Lcs Rumes, ou meditations sur les
revolutions des empires, known in English as The Ruins of Empires, which ap-
peared first in Paris, 1791. He tried to put his political philosophy into practice
on an estate which he bought in Corsica. He died in 1820.
DE. Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les annees 1783, 1784, et
1785. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris.
1788 ELLIS, GEORGE. Memoir of a Map of the Countries comprehended
between the Black Sea and the Caspian ; with an Account of the Cau-
casian Nations, and Vocabularies of their Languages. 4to. London.
HOWEL, THOMAS (M. D.). Journal of a Passage from India by
a Route partly unfrequented through Armenia and Natolia or Asia
Minor. Map. 8vo. London.
Another edition, 8vo, London, 1790. Translated into French (with Capper's
Voyage), Paris, 1797. See below.
For this overland journey from India the author recommends a very miscel-
laneous equipment, including "a small tin tea pot" and "a Broad Sword." Sotheran.
1790 HOWEL, THOMAS. Journal of a Passage from India, by a Route partly
unfrequented, through Armenia and Natolia, or Asia Minor, with In-
structions for those who intend to travel, either to or from India, by
that Route. Large folding map. 8vo. London.
1797 (In French.) Voyage en retour de 1'Inde par une route en partie inconnue
jusqu'ici, suivi d'observations sur le passage dans 1'Inde par TEgypte
et le grand desert, par James Capper. Traduit de 1'anglois, par Th.
Mandar. Impr. de la Republique an V. Plates. 4to. Paris.
Les pp. 328-385 sont occupees par 1'itincraire de 1* Arable deserte, ou
lettres sur en voyage de Bassora a Alep par le Grand et le Petit Desert,
public en 1750 par MM. Plaisted et Eliot. Bookseller's Note.
LUSIGNAN, S. Letters addressed to Sir William Fordyce, F.R.S., con-
taining a Voyage from England to Smyrna ; from thence to Constan-
tinople, and from that Place over Land to England; likewise an Ac-
count of the Cities, Towns, and Villages, through which the Author
passed, . . . With a short Answer to Volney's Contradictions on AH
Bey's History and Revolt, and Appendix on the Holy Land. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
For Lusignan's account of Ali Bey see under 1783, AFRICA.
SAVARY, CLAUDIO ESTEBAN. Letters on Greece, translated from
the French. 8vo. London.
French original, Paris, 1788. See below.
This French orientalist left for Egypt in 1776 and spent three years there
studying costumes and monuments. For his Letters on Egypt see under 1786,
1788 SAVARY, CLAUDIO ESTEBAN. Lettres sur la Grece. Paris.
1789 CRAVEN, LADY ELIZABETH (Margravine Anspach). For her jour-
ney from the Crimea to Constantinople, see under EAST EUROPE.
1790 SUTHERLAND, DAVID (Captain). A Tour up the Straits, from Gib-
raltar to Constantinople, with the leading Events in the present War
between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the Commencement
of the Year 1789. 4to. London.
1791 ANACHARSIS THE YOUNGER. Maps, Plans, Views, and Coins il-
lustrative of the Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during
the middle of the Fourth Century before the Christian Era. 4to.
See Barthelemy under 1793-94 below.
DALRYMPLE, RICHARD. Antiquities and Views in Greece and Egypt,
with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, from Drawings
made on the Spot. Fol. London.
Held in little esteem. Lowndes. A similar judgment was passed by Dal-
rymple himself on most of his predecessors in the same field.
JENNER, MATTHEW. The Route to India through France, Germany,
Hungary, Turkey, Natolia, Syria, and the Desert of Arabia. London.
LE CHEVALIER, (Citizen). Description of the Plain of Troy, by Cit-
izen Le Chevalier, translated from the French. Maps. 4to. London.
2nd edit, of French original, Paris, 1799. See below.
The author was secretary to the prince of Moldavia; he disappeared during
the war between Russia and Turkey, begun in 1788. The above work is a labor-
ious effort to identify ancient localities in the Troad. He also describes the Turk-
ish monuments in Constantinople, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, the
defenses of the city, the Greek churches, etc From lorga, Les V oyagcurs JFran-
fais The date given above is taken from Pinker ton and is open to suspicion.
1799 LE CHEVALIER, (Citizen). Voyage dans le Troad, ou Tableau de la
Plaine de Troie dans son Etat actuel. 2nd edit. Map and plates. Paris,
MARITI, GIOVANNI (Abbe). Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and
Palestine, with a general History of the Levant (translated from the
French). 3 vols. London.
This is a literal translation of the French translation (Paris, 1791), which is
anything but literal. Another version asserted to be a translation from the Italian
original (vol. I only), Dublin, 1792. A modern edition made from the Italian
original, Cambridge, 1895; 2nd edition of the same, Cambridge, 1901. Italian orig-
inal, Lucca, 1769. See below.
The Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in 1571 found a goodly number of chroni-
clers, some of them eye-witnesses. In Cobham's volume are included two of them.
Mariti, who was an official of the Imperial and Tuscan consulates, gives an excel-
lent account of the condition of Cyprus during the third quarter of the eighteenth
century, which is based mainly on his own observations. See the preface to Cob-
ham's edition.
1909 COBHAM, C. B. (C. M. G.). Travels in the Island of Cyprus, 1760-67,
translated from the Italian of Giovanni Mariti, with contemporary Ac-
counts of the Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta by Conterini and Mar-
tinengo, with prefatory Notes and Index. 2nd edit., enlarged. 8vo.
1769 MARITI, GIOVANNI (Abbe). Viaggi per 1'isola di Cipro, . . . Lucca.
1791 MARITI, GIOVANNI (Abbe). Voyage dans 1'isle de Chypre, la Syrie et
la Palestine, avec Thistoire generale du Levant. Tome 1-2 (tout ce
qu'il a paru). Paris.
1792 EMIN, JOSEPH. Life and Adventures, 1726-1809. 8vo. Condon.
The author, an American, was a great friend of Lady Mary Montague. He
spent some time in Armenia.
NIEBUHR, CARSTEN. Travels through Arabia and other Countries in
the East: Hedjas, Yemen, Oman, . . . Translated by Robert Heron,
with Notes and illustrated with engravings and maps. 2 vols. 8vo.
Another edition, 2 vols., London, 1799. Abridged in Pinkerton, X, 1-221. Ger-
man original, Copenhagen, 1772, and 2nd Part, Copenhagen, 1774-78. See below.
This is a justly famous and popular work. Niebuhr, though German born,
took part as astronomer and naturalist in the Royal Danish expedition to Arabia,
1763-67. His accounts are probably the best and most authentic of their day.
Though Arabia was his chief concern, his travels extended into Egypt, Persia,
and Hindustan. His translator, Robert Heron, was one of the early biographers
of Burns.
1772 NIEBUHR, CARSTEN. Beschreibung von Arabien, aus eigenen Bco-
bachtungcn und im Lande selbst gesatnmelten Nachrichten. Copenhagen.
1774-78 NIEBUHR, CARSTEN. Reisebeschreibung nach Arabian, und andern
umliegenden Landern. Copenhagen.
1792 WATKINS, THOMAS. For his travels to Constantinople and the Gre-
cian Isles, see his Travels in 1787-89, under CONTINENTAL, EU-
1792-% Dissertations and miscellaneous Pieces relating to the History and An-
tiquities, ... of Asia. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
This is a selection of essays from the Asiatic Researches. Lowndes.
1793-94 BARTHELEMY, JEAN JACQUES (Abbe). Travels of Anacharsis
the Younger in Greece during the Middle of the Fourth Century be-
fore the Christian Aera, translated (by William Beaumont). 2nd edit.,
enlarged. 7 vols. Atlas, containing numerous plates of views and
coins, plans and maps. 4to. Together 8 vols. London.
Date of 1st edit, may be 1791; see Anacharsis under 1791 above. Another
edition, 5 vols., 8vo, Dublin, 1795; abridged to 1 vol., 8vo, London, 1797; 3rd
edit., abridged, 8vo, London, 1800. French original, Paris, 1784. Another edition
in French, London, 1796. See below.
Anacharsis the Younger was the name assumed by the author. This very pop-
ular work describes Greece as seen by a barbarian Scythian, who commits the
anachronism of visiting Athens a few years before the birth of Alexander the
Great and of conversing with Phocion, Epaminondas, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle,
and Demosthenes. In his travels through the provinces he makes note of the man-
ners, morals, and customs of the inhabitants and takes part in their festivals. The
work furthered contemporary knowledge of ancient Greece and gave rise to many
imitations. The Monthly Review insinuated that the author borrowed largely from
the Athenian Letters (Cambridge, 1741), but Barthelemy denied knowledge of that
1784 BARTHELEMY, JEAN JACQUES (Abbe). Voyage du jeune Anachar-
sis en Grece, dans le millieu du quatrieme siecle avant 1'ere vulgaire.
Plates. 4 vols. 8vo. London.
1794 PAUSANIUS. The Description of Greece by Pausanius; translated from
the Greek, with Notes, by Thomas Taylor. Maps and views. 3 vols.
8vo. London.
Taylor was a well known Platonist and translator of many Greek works. He
is also remembered for some interesting associations with Wordsworth.
1796 CAMPBELL, DONALD. For his journey to India by way of Aleppo,
Mosul, Bagdad see his Journey overland to India, under EAST
1797 DALLAWAY, JAMES. Constantinople, ancient and modern, with Ex-
cursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad.
10 colored aquatint views. 4to. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1799. See below.
This very excellent and circumstantial account of Constantinople has been
reproached with a want of arrangement approaching confusion. A great share of
the work refers to Asiatic Turkey. Pinkerton XVII.
1799 (In French.) Constantinople ancienne ct moderne, et description des cotes
et isles de 1'Archipel et de la Troade; traduit de 1'anglais par Andre
Morellet. An VII. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris.
1798 ETON, WILLIAM. A Survey of the Turkish Empire; its Government,
the State of the Provinces, the Causes of the Decline of Turkey, the
British Commerce with Turkey. 8vo. London.
2nd edit., 8vo, London, 1799. See below.
A work remarkable for nothing but the enthusiasm with which the author
maintains the necessity of bringing about the restoration of the Greeks. Lowndes.
1799 BROWNE, WILLIAM G. For his travels in Syria see his Travels in Af-
rica, Egypt, and Syria, under AFRICA.
JACKSON, JOHN. A Journey from India to England in the year 1797,
by a Route commonly called Overland, through Countries not much
frequented and many of them hitherto unknown to Europeans, partic-
ularly those between the Euphrates and the Tigris, Curdistan, Diarbe-
kir, Armenia, and Anatolia in Asia; and Romelia, Bulgaria, and Tran-
sylvania in Europe. London.
LANTIER, E. F. The Travels of Antenor. Translated from the French
of E. F. Lantier. With additional Notes by the English translator.
3 vols. 8vo. London.
6th edit, of French original, Paris, 1802 See below.
1802 LANTIER, E.F. Les Voyages d' Antenor en Grece et en Asie, avec des
notions sur TEgypte ; manuscript Grcc trouvc a Herculanum, traduit
(or rather written) par E. F. Lantier. 6th edit, 5 vols. 16mo. Paris.
1800 FRANCKLIN, WILLIAM (Captain). Remarks and Observations on
the Plain of Troy, made during an Excursion in June, 1799. 4to.
1803 WITTMAN, WILLIAM (M. D.). Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor,
Syria, and across the Desert into Egypt, during the years 1799, 1800,
and 1801, in company with the Turkish Army and the British Military
Mission ; to which are annexed Observations on the Plague, and on the
Diseases prevalent in Turkey, and a meteorological Journal, by Wil-
liam Wittman, M. D. Many colored plates of Turkish and Egyptian
costumes, 4to. London.
1804 CALDWELL, ANDREW. An Account of the extraordinary Escape of
James Stuart, Esq. ("Athenian Stuart"), from being put to Death by
some Turks, in whose Company he happened to be travelling. Fol.
Privately printed. Lowndes.
1805 ARRIAN. Voyage round the Euxine Sea translated; and Accompanied
with a Geographical Dissertation, to which are added three Discourses :
I. On the Trade to the East Indies by means of the Euxine Sea; II. On
the Distance which Ships of Antiquity usually sailed in 24 Hours; III.
On the Measure of the Olympic Stadium. Maps. 4to. London.
1807 BROQUIERE, BERTRANDON DE LA. Travels to Palestine, and Re-
turn from Jerusalem overland to France, during the years 1432 and
1433, translated by Thomas Johnes, from a MS. in the National Li-
brary at Paris. Map of Tartary. 8vo. Hafod Press.
Reprinted in Wright's Early Travels in Palestine, London, 1848.
1829-1836 MACARIUS. The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, writ-
ten by his attendant Archdeacon Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic. Trans-
lated by F. C. Bel four. 9 parts in 7 vols. 4to. London.
Published by the Oriental Translation Fund.
1843-49 FARRI, FELIX. Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagatorium in Terrae Sanc-
tae, Arabiae et Egypti Peregrinationem. Edidit C. D. Hassler. 3
vols. 8vo. London.
A modern edition in English, London, 1892-93. A German version (place?),
1556. See below.
1892-93 FABRI, FELIX. Book of the Wanck-riiiRs of Brother Felix Fabri (to
the Holy Land, . . . circa 1480-83). Translated by A. Stewart. 4 vols.
8vo. London.
1556 FABRI. FELIX. Eiirentliche Beschreibuntr der Hin nnrl Wiederfahrtrn
1848 WRIGHT, THOMAS. Early Travels in Palestine. Comprising the Trav-
els of Bishop Arculf, in the Holy Land, towards A. D. 700; The Trav-
els of Willibald, 721-727; The Voyage of Bernard the Wise, 867; The
Travels of Saewulf, 1102 and 1103; The Saga of Sigurd the Crusader,
1107-1111; The Travels of Rabbi Benjamin, Tudela, 1160-1173; The
Book of Sir John Maundeville, 1322-1356; The Travels of Bertrandon
de la Broquiere, 1432 and 1433; The Journey of Henry Maundrell,
from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. 8vo. Bohn's Library. London.
Although this work is a collection of travels, it is put here because its con-
tents have all been selected for their bearing on the Near East. In his Introduc-
tion Wright accounts for the sources of his texts.
1857 WEY, WILLIAM. The Itineraries of William Wey. Edited for the
Roxburghe Club. London.
This pilgrim to Palestine left a pretty full account of the routes he followed
on his way to the Holy Land in 1458 and 1462. He advises others how to travel
and describes various places he passes by, but he has no interest in relics of
classical antiquity. Among his aids to travellers is a vocabulary of useful phrases
in the Greek of the day. From Rice, English Travellers in Greece.
1862 WRATISLAW, BARON WENCELAS (of Mitrowitz). Adventures of
Baron Wencelas Wratislaw : What he saw in the Turkish Metropolis,
Constantinople, Experiences in his Captivity, and after his happy Re-
turn to his Country, committed to Writing in 1599. Literally translated
from the original Bohemian by A. H. Wratislaw. London.
1870 BORDE, ANDREW. Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge,
made by Andrew Borde, a Physycke Doctor. Edited by F. J. Furnivall.
Early English Text Society. New Sen, vol. 10. London.
Reprinted by the same, London, 1893. Original printing, London, 1547.
Furnivall, in his Introduction, discusses at some length the probable date of
printing, and concludes that the dedication to Princess (later Queen) Mary was
written in 1542, but that the book was not published until 1547. Like Wey's
Itineraries cited above, it is more of an aid to travellers than a description of a
1883 TORK1NGTON, SIR RICHARD. Ye Oldest Diarie of Englysshe Trav-
ell: being the hitherto unpublished Narrative of the Pilgrimage of Sir
Richard Torkington to Jerusalem in 1517. Edited by W. J. Loftie.
12mo. London.
This purports to be an account of a journey made to Jerusalem in 1517; but
its author has copied the largest portion of his "diary" verbatim from Guylforde's
Pylgrymage, . . . Rice, English Travellers in Greece.
1890 LE STRANGE, GUY. Palestine under the Moslems. A Description of
Syria and the Holy Land from A. D. 650 to 1500, translated from the
works of the medieval Arab Geographers. Maps and illus. 8vo.
The object of the author was to translate, systematise, and bring into com-
parison and chronological order, all the various accounts given by Arab geog-
raphers, of the cities, Holy Places, and districts of Palestine and Syria. Book-
seller's Note.
1890-97 Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society Publications. 14 vols. Numerous
maps and illus. 8vo. London.
This valuable and unique collection of early descriptions of the Holy Places
and of the topography of Palestine from the earliest times to the period of the
Crusades consists of about thirty-four accounts of pilgrimage, translated from the
Greek, Latin, Arabic, Old-French, and Old-German originals. Heffer. For par-
tial contents see below.
1897 The Churches of Constantin at Jerusalem. The Bordeaux Pilgrim. The
Pilgrimage of S. Silvia' to the Holy Places. The Letter of Paula and
Eustochium to Marcella. The Pilgrimage of Holy Paula, by S. Jerome.
Vol. I. 1897.
1897 The Epitome of S. Eucherius. The Breviary or Short Description of Jeru-
salem. Theodosius on the Topography of the Holy Land. The Build-
ings of Justinian by Procopius. The Holy Places visited by Antoninus
Martyr. Vol. II.
1897 The Pilgrimage of Arculfus. The Hodieporicon of S. Willibald. Descrip-
tion of Syria and Palestine by Mukkadasi. The Itinerary of Bernard
the Wise. Vol. III.
1897 Journey through Syria and Palestine by Nasir-i-Khusrau. The Pilgrimage
of Saewulf to Jerusalem. The Pilgrimage of the Russian Abbot Daniel.
Vol. IV.
1892 Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant. I. The Diary of Master Thomas
Dallam, 1599-1600. II. Extracts from the Diaries of Dr. John Covel,
1670-1679. With some Account of the Levant Company of Turkey
Merchants. Edited by James Theodore Bent, F.S.A., F.R.G.S. Illus.
Hak. Soc. ser. I, vol. 87. London,
1893 Information for Pilgrims into the Holy Land, edited by E. Gordon Duff.
4to. London.
A facsimile reproduction of the unique copy of 1498.
This book was first printed in 1498. As its title implies, it was intended to
serve as an aid to travellers to the Holy Land. To this end it includes useful
directions and a set of phrases needed by travellers. See Rice, English Travellers
in Greece.
1897 COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. The Topographia Christiana of Cos-
mas Indicopleustes. Translated from the Greek and edited by John Wat-
son McCrindle, M.A. 4 illus. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 98. London.
An edition under a different editor, London, 1909. See below.
This work was written about the year 547. It was termed by Professor Beaz-
ley "systematic nonsense," a label it seems to deserve, for it is a curious mixture
of theological argument for a flat earth with Jerusalem at its center and Cosmas'
own knowledge of geography. It had little bearing on the progress of geography
of the time. See Baker, Geographical Discovery.
1909 COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. The Christian Topography of Cosmas
Indicopleustes, edited with geographical notes by E. O. Winstedt. 8vo.
1900 LE STRANGE, GUY. Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate from con-
temporary Arabic and Persian Sources. 8 plans. 8vo. London.
1901 TEIXEIRA, PEDRO. The Journey from India to Italy by Land, 1604-
05 ; With his Chronicle of the Kings of Ormus. Translated and Edited
by William Frederick Sinclair, late Bombay C.S., with additional Notes,
etc., by Donald William Ferguson. Hak. Soc., ser, II, vol 9. London.
1902 BODENHAM, ROGER, (Captain). Voyage to Scio, 1551. In Beazley,
Voyages and Travels, vol. I (from Hakluyt, 1599-1600). London.
CAMPION, JASPER. The English Trade to Scio in 1539-1570. In
Beazley I (from Hakluyt, 1599-1600). London.
1907 CASOLA, PIETRO (Canon). Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the year 1494.
Translated, with Introduction, by M. M. Newett, 8vo, London.
A later edition, London, 1929. See below.
1929 The Casale Pilgrim, a Sixteenth-Century Illustrated Guide to the Holy
Places, reproduced in facsimile, with introduction, translation and notes,
by Cecil Roth. Illus. in color. 4to. London.
IBN JUBAYR. Travels. Edited from a MS. in the University of Leyden
by W. Wright. 2nd edit., revised by M. J. De Goeje. 8vo. London.
This is the best edition of the Arabic text of this famous Moslem traveller
of the 12th century. Bookseller's Note.
1911 BREYDENBACH, BERNHARD VON. Bernhard von Breydenbach
and his Journey to the Holy Land, 1483-84. A Bibliography. Com-
piled by Hugh W. Davies. 60 pp. of reproductions. 4to. London.
Latin original, Mainz, 1486. See below.
This book, one of the earliest accounts of travel that have come down to us,
gives the salient facts and fancies of a voyage undertaken by Bernhardus de Brey-
denbach, an official of the Archbishop of Mainz, with two other knights to the
Holy Land. Reuwich went with them as artist to the expedition and designed the
drawings of the places they visited, besides smaller ones of costumes, etc. On ac-
count of the length of some of the cuts the Venetian panorama measuring over
five feet, and one of the Palestine over fourcopies of this book with the cuts
quite complete are of the greatest rarity. The illustrations mark a new era in the
history of wood-engraving and book illustration, and their designer, Erhard Reu-
wich of Utrecht, ranks with the first of his time. The engraver, whose name is
unfortunately unknown, is entitled to equal credit. They are the best illustrations
in any medieval book, being among the first woodcuts in which shading is used in
masses and not merely to help the outlines, . . . being the first definite attempt to
represent places and persons in a life-like way, and drawn from the life. From
Bookseller's Notes. The book was frequently translated.
I486 BREYDENBACH, BERNHARDUS DE. Sanctarum Peregrinatium in
Montem Sinai ad venerandum Christi Sepulcrum atque in Montem Sinai
ad divam Virginem et Martyrem Catharinam : opusculum Bernh. de
Breydenbach. Mentz.
1920 ABBOTT, G, F. Under the Turk in Constantinople, a Record of Sir
John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681. Illus. 8vo. London.
1926 TAFUR, PERO. Travels and Adventures, 1435-1439. Translated from
the Spanish, with Introduction by M. Letts. 3 plates. Broadway
Travellers. 8vo. London.
Spanish original, Madrid, 1874. See below.
Tafur was a Spanish knight who travelled as far east as Constantinople and also
visited the great trading centers of medieval Europe, such as Antwerp, Ghent, etc.,
when these towns were at the height of their commercial supremacy. He greatly
admired the Venetians and the Flemings. At the time of his visit Constantinople
was very much in decay.
1874 TAFUR, PKRO. Andangas e viajes de Pcro Tafur por diversas partes
del mundo avidos. Madrid.
No complete translation had hitherto appeared, though portions had
been translated into German earlier. Only one manuscript is known to
be extant, and that one is some centuries later than the time of the
travels themselves.
1928 The Desert Route to India, being the Journals of four Travellers by the
great Desert Caravan Route between Aleppo and Basra, 1745-1751.
Edited by Douglas Carruthers. Map and plates. Hak. Soc. ser. II,
vol. 63. London.
1931 MAKHAIRAS, LEONITOS. Recital concerning the Sweet Land of
Cyprus entitled "Chronicle/' edited with a translation by R. M. Daw-
kins. Map. 2 vols, 8vo. London.
The Chronicle of Leonitos Makhairas deals with the history of Cyprus to the
year 1458 and principally with the hundred years immediately preceding that date.
It was last edited, with a F reach translation, in 1881 ; the present edition offers a
text based upon a fresh collation of the two existing manuscripts, and provides
it for the first time with an English translation and notes. The first volume con-
tains text and translation, the second, the Introduction, Commentary, Glossary and
Indexes Bookseller's Note.
SANDERSON, JOHN. Selections from the Papers of John Sanderson,
Levant Merchant, 1560-1627, including his Travels in Palestine, etc.
Edited by Sir William Foster, C.I.E. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 68.
Central Asia
1577 VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. For his account of Persia see his Nav-
igation and Vyages of Lewes Vertomannus, under EAST INDIES.
1580 FRAMPTON, JOHN. A Discourse of Tartaria, Scithia, . . . 12mo.
The Region of Tartaria and of the Lawes and Power of the Tartares, of
the Cuntrey of Scithia and the Manner of the Scithians, of the Cuntrey
called the other side of Gange, of Cataia and the Region of Sina, a
cuntrey of the Great Cham and of the mervulous wonders that haue
ben scene in those Cuntreyes, London.
Taken from the Stationers' Register. This work may be that listed under
Frampton above.
1590 BEROALDUS, MATTHAEUS. A Short View of the Persian Mon-
archic and of Daniels Weekes. Translated by H. Broughton. 4to.
1595 MINADOI, GIOVANNI THOMASCO. The History of the Warres be-
tween the Turks and the Persians. Containing the Description of all
such Matters, as pertaine to the Religion, to the Forces, to the Gov-
ernment, and to the Countries of the Kingdome of the Persians. . . .
And last of all, a Letter of the Authors, wherein is discoursed, what
Cittie it was in the old time, which is now called Tauris. Translated
into English by Abraham Hartwell. Folding map of Persia. 4to.
Italian original, Venice, 1594. See below.
Minadoi was an Italian doctor of medicine attached to the Venetian Consulate
in Constantinople and Syria. He was able to gain much valuable information on
the war between Turkey and Persia during the years 1576-1588. Maggs, No. 519.
1594 MINADOI, GIOVANNI THOMASCO. Historia della Guerra fra Tur-
chi et Persiani, divisa in libri none. Folding map of Persia and Turkey.
4to. Venice.
1601 SHERLEY, SIR ANTHONY. A New and large Discourse of the Trav-
els of Sir Anthony Sherley, Knight, by Sea, and over L,and, to the Per-
sian Empire. Wherein are related many Straunge and wonderfull ac-
cidents ; and also, the Description and Condition of those Countries and
People he passed by ; with his returne into Christendome. Written by
William Parry, Gentleman, who accompanied Sir Anthony in his Trav-
els. 4to. London.
Sir Anthony published his own Relation in 1613. Parry's account reappears in
Anthony Nixon's The Three English Brothers, London, 1607. Reprinted in Col-
lier's Reprints, Red Series. The Travailes of the three English Brothers drama-
tised by John Day, 1607. Translated into Dutch, Leyden, 1706. Sec below.
Parry's account is an exceedingly scarce work, being much rarer than Sher-
ley's. It is a most interesting and well-written little volume. Among one of the
wonders that Sherley hardly expects people to believe is that Turkish merchants
make use of a pigeon post from Mecca to Aleppo and train their pigeons to carry
letters concerning the state of the markets from places three months' camel journey
away. He gives a curious description of the manners and customs of the Per-
sians. Among the interesting items is his relation concerning petroleum found at
Baku. The Shah took a great liking to him and sent him as ambassador to Mos-
cow, where, however, he was given a bad reception by the Russians. Maggs, No.
519. His career was one of travels, adventures, dangers and varying fortunes.
He ended his days in poverty at Madrid.
1607 NIXON, ANTHONY. The Three English Brothers. Sir Thomas Sher-
ley his Travels, with his three Yeares Imprisonment in Turkic. Sir
Anthony Sherley his Embassagc. Master Robert Sherley, his Wars
against the Turkes, and Marriage to the Emperor of Persia's Niece.
4 to. London.
1607 DAY, JOHN. The Travailes of the three English Brothers, Sir Thomas,
Sir Anthony, and Mr. Robert Shirley. As it is now play'd by her
Maiesties Seruantes. 4to. London.
This play is dedicated "To honours fauorites, and the intire friends
of the familie of the Shcrley's," by John Day, William Rowley and
George Wilkins. Lowndes.
1706 (In Dutch.) Opmerkelyke Reystogten van den heer Anthony Sherley,
gedaan in den Jare 1599, na Persien. Map and plates. 12mo. Leyden.
1611 CARTWRIGHT, JOHN. For an account of Sir Anthony Sherley f s En-
tertainment at the Court of Persia, see The Preachers' Travels, under
1613 SHERLEY, SIR ANTHONY. Relation of his Travels into Persia, the
Dangers and Distresses which befell him in his Passage . . . his Mag-
nificent Entertainment in Persia ... 2 portraits. 4to. London.
Reviewed by Collier in his Rarest Books in the English Language. Modern
edition, London, 1933.
1933 Sir Anthony Sherley and his Persian Adventure. Including some Con-
temporary Narratives relating thereto. Edited by Sir E. Denison Ross.
8 plates and 2 maps. London.
1625 ROE, SIR THOMAS. For an account of Persia see his The Embassy of
Sir Thomas Roe to the Court of the Great Mogul, under EAST
1634 HERBERT, SIR THOMAS. A Description of the Persian Monarchy
Now beinge : The Orientall Indyes, lies, & other part's of the Greater
Asia, and Africk'. (Second title.) A Relations of some Yeares Trav-
aile, hegynne Anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially
the Territories of the Persian Monarchic: and some parts of the Orien-
tall Indies, and lies adiacent. . . . Fol. London.
Four English editions appeared during the author's lifetime : the 2nd in fol.,
London, 1638, revised and enlarged by the author ; the 3rd, London, 1665 ; the 4th,
London, 1677, further amplified, with a chapter on the discovery of America by
the Welsh Prince Madoc in the twelfth century. This last edition, much pared
down, was published in the Broadway Travellers' Series, edited by Sir William
Foster, London, 1928. Translated into Dutch, Dordrecht, 1658; into French,
Paris, 1663. See below.
Herbert's narrative "is of considerable importance from an historical point of
view, as giving us the only detailed account available of the first English Em-
bassy to Persia, to say nothing of the information afforded concerning the re-
doubtable Shah Abbas and his chief servants." From Sir William Foster's Intro-
duction. He commenced Ins travels in 1626/7 and returned to England m Decem-
ber, 1629. He went out to Persia in the train of Sir Dodmore Cotton, ac-
credited as Ambassador to the Shah of Persia. He also vi.sited the Cape of Good
Hope, Madagascar, and Surat, and coasted the eastern shores of North America
on his return to England. His account of these travels is written in a lively and
agreeable style. To prove that the Welshman Madoc ap Owen discovered Amer-
ica, he quotes the Welsh bards in evidence. It is amusing that he points to the
name of Cape Breton as a proof that his countrymen were there in the ninth
century. From Robinson, No. 20.
1638 HERBERT, SIR THOMAS. Some Yeares Travels into Divers Parts of
Asia and Afrique. Describing especially the two famous Empires, the
Persian, and the great Mogull . . . As also, many rich and spatious
Kingdomes in the Orientall India, and other parts of Asia; Together
with the adjacent Isles. . . With a revivall of the first Discoverer of
America. Revised and Enlarged by the Author Fol. London.
1658 (In Dutch.) Zee-en Laiit-Reyse Na verschcyde Deelen van Asia en Africa
Beschryvende Voornamelijck de twee bevremde Rijcken van den Per-
siaen, en den Grooten Mogul . . . BenefTens een Verhael van den
eersten Vinder van America. Uyt het Engcls in dc Ncde landtsche
Tale vvergeset door L(ambert) van den Bosch. 4to. Dordrecht.
1663 (In French) Relation du Voyage de Perse et des Indes-Orientales : tra-
duit de 1'anglais de Thomas Herbert (par Wiquefort) ; avec le Revolu-
tions arrivees au Royaume de Siam 1'an 1647 ; traduites du Flammand
dc Jeremie van Vliet (par le meme). 4to. Paris.
1662 MANDELSLO, JOHANN ALBRECHT VON. For his travels in Per-
sia see his The Voyages and Travels of, under EAST INDIES, and
also Olearius below.
OLEARIUS, ADAM. Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors to the
Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, rendered into Eng-
lish by J. Davies. Portraits and maps. Fol. London.
2nd edit., fol., London, 1669. German original, Sleswick, 1647. See below.
The occasion of this journey was an embassy sent by the Duke of Holstein
to the Duke of Moscovy and the King of Persia in the years 1633-1639. Olearius
was its secretary. For further detail see under the edition of 1669 below. Moscow
was reached in the first expedition, 1633-35 ; and Persia in the second, 1635-39.
1669 OLEARIUS, ADAM. The Voyage and Travells of the Ambassadors sent
by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and
the King of Persia, containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tar-
tary, Persia and other adjacent Countries ; whereunto are added the
Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies,
containing a particular description of Indosthan, the Mogul's Empire,
the Oriental Islands, Japan, China, . . . Portraits and folding maps.
2nd edition, corrected. Fol. London.
The work is of importance cartographically (especially for its map
of the river Volga), and contains moreover many valuable magnetic and
orographical observations. The Portion dealing with Mandelslo has a
separate title and pagination. Bookseller's Note. Goethe described the
work as "hochst erfreulich und belehrend." Olearius and Mandelslo
parted at Ispahan, the latter proceeding on to India.
1647 OLEARIUS, ADAM. Muskowitische oft begehrte Beschreibung der neu-
en orientalischen Reise an den Konig yon Persien : item, ein Schreiben
des J. A. Mandelslo, worinn eine Ostindianische Reise uber Oceanum
enthalten. Fol. Sleswick.
1665 VALLE, PIETRO DELLA. For a description of Persia see his The
Travels of, under EAST INDIA.
1673 OGILBY, JOHN. Asia, the first part, being an Accurate Description of
Persia, the Vast Empire of the Great Mogul, and other Parts of India.
. . . London. (See under EAST INDIES.)
1678 TA VERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE. The Six Voyages of Jean Baptiste
Tavernier, Baron of Aubonnc, through Turkey into Persia and the
East Indies, for the space of forty years; giving an Account of the
Present State of those Countries, viz., of the Religion, Government,
Customs, and Commerce, of every Country; and the Figures, Weights,
and Value of the Money current all over Asia. To which is added, A
New Description of the Seraglio; made English by J(ohn) P(hillips).
With a Description of the Kingdoms which encompass the Euxin and
Caspian Seas, ... by an English Traveller: never before printed.
Fol. London.
For further detail see under EAST INDIES. A modern French edition of
the portion relating to Persia, published by Pascal Pia, 4to, Paris, 1931.
1684 STRUYS, JEAN. For his travels through Tartary see his Voyages and
Travels through Muscovia, etc., under GENERAL TRAVELS AND
1686 CHARDIN, SIR JOHN. Travels into Persia and the East-Indies, the
first volume containing the Author's Voyage from Paris to Ispahan : to
which is added, the Coronation of this Present King of Persia, Soly-
man the Third. Portrait, map, and numerous plates. Fol. London.
Later English editions: 2 vols., 4to, London, 1711; London, 1724; the portion
on Persia in Harris II, 862-876; reprinted in abstract in Pinkerton VIII, 138-167;
Argonaut Press, London, 1925. In French, 2 vols., London, 1686 ; 2 vols., Amster-
dam and Lyons, 1686; these editions contain only the journey from Paris to Is-
pahan. Other parts of his travels were published entire in the edition of Am-
sterdam, 10 vols., 1711; 10 vols., Paris, 1723. An enlarged edition, 4 vols., Amster-
dam, 1735 For some of these see below.
Chardin was a Huguenot who was forced to emigrate to England. He was
knighted by Charles II and on his death was buried in Westminster Abbey. His
first visit to the East was made in 1665, at the age of twenty-two, when he both
gratified a love of travelling and carried on his trade as a dealer in jewels. His
more important voyage was made in 1671. His route differed from that usually
taken by travellers to the East Indies in that he proceeded by way of the Black
Sea and the countries bordering thereon. His account of the Persian court and
of his business transactions with the Shah are of great interest. Sir William Jones
regarded his narrative as the best yet published on the Mohammedan nations.
1744_48 CHARDIN, SIR JOHN. The Travels of Sir John Chardin, by the
Way of the Black Sea, through the Countries of Circassia, Mingrelia,
the Country of the Abcas, Georgia, Armenia, and Media, into Persia
Proper ; with a very curious and accurate Account not only of the Coun-
tries through which he travelled but of the Manners and Customs, Re-
ligion and Government, Commerce and Inclinations of the several Na-
tions that inhabit them ; Relations so much the more curious, as these
Countries, and the People, dwelling in them, had not been tolerably de-
scribed before by any Author. In Harris II, 862-876.
1686 (In French.) Journal du Chevalier Chardin en Perse, et aux Indes-Orien-
tales, par la Mer-Noire. Londres.
1723 (In French.) Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de 1'Orient. 77 plates and
1 map. 10 vols. Paris.
1687 THEVENOT, JEAN. For his travels in Persia see his Travels into the
Levant, Part II, under NEAR EAST.
1689 HELIOGENES DEL EPY. A Voyage into Tartary ; containing a curious
Description of that Country, with part of Greece and Turkey ; the Man-
ners, Opinions, and Religion, of the Inhabitants therein; with some
other Incidents. London, 1689.
The date 1688 is also given for this work.
1695 SANSON, . The Present State of Persia; with a faithful Account
of the Manners, Religion, and Government of that People. Illus.
Done into English by John Savage. 12mo. London.
French original, Paris, 1695. See below.
In his preface the author says : "I was sent to Persia in 1683 to work in the
Missions. ... I had access to the Palace such as was not accorded to the great
Lords of Persia ; I assisted at all the audiences that the king gave, and I had my
place at the festivals." Quoted.
1695 SANSON, . Voyage ou Relation de 1'Etat Present du Royaume de
Perse. Avec une dissertation curieuse sur les Moeurs, Religion et Gouv-
ernement de cet Etat. 6 copperplates of views and costumes. 12mo.
1698 FRYER, JOHN. For his travels into Persia see his New Account of
Bast-India <md Persia, under EAST INDIES.
1715 STEVENS, JOHN (Captain). The History of Persia, containing a curi-
ous Account of India, China, Tartary, Kermon, Arabia, . . , and the
Manners and Customs of those People, Persian Worshippers of Fire.
... To which is added, An Abridgement of the Lives of the Kings of
Harrnuz, or Ormuz. The Persian History written in Arabick, by Mir-
kond, . . . that of Ormuz, by Torunxe, . . . both of them translated
into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, . . . and now rendered into English
by Captain John Stevens. Frontispiece, 8vo. London.
For Teixeira see also under 1901, NEAR EAST, and Stevens, 1708-1710,
1720 LE BRUN, CORNELIUS. Voyage to the Levant and Travels into Mos-
covey, Persia and the East-Indies. Numerous cuts. 3 vols. London.
The edition of Le Brim of 1702 contained his travels into the Levant. See
under NEAR EAST, this date. An edition limited to his travels in Persia and
the East Indies in 2 vols., London, 1737; another edition, fol., translated by M.
Powis, London, 1759. The French original of these travels, Amsterdam, 1718.
See below.
1737 LE BRUN, CORNELIUS. Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of
the East-Indies. Containing an accurate Description of whatever is most
remarkable in those Countries. To which is added, An Account of the
Journey of Mr. Isbrants, Ambassador from Moscovy, through Russia
and Tartary to China ; together with Remarks on the Travels of Sir
John Chardin and Mr. Kaempfer, and a Letter written to the Author
on that Subject. Translated from the original French. Portrait, 3
maps, 131 plates, and numerous engravings in the text. 2 vols. Fol.
1759 LE BRUN, CORNELIUS. A new and more correct Translation than has
been hitherto published of Mr. Cornelius Le Brun's Travels into Mus-
covey, Persia and divers parts of the East-Indies. Portrait and 47
illus. Fol. London.
This translation is by M. Powis.
1718 LE BRUN, CORNEILLE. Voyage de Corneille Le Brun par la Mos-
covie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales. 2 vols. Fol. Amsterdam.
This edition also contains Isbrant's route as welt as the remarks
on Chardin and Kaempfer.
1722-23 LANGE, LAURENCE. For an account of Tartary see his Travels
through Russia to China and Siberia, under FAR EAST.
1723 CHEREFEDDIN ALL The History of Timur-Bec, known by the Name
of Tamerlain the Great, Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars : being
an historical Journal of his Conquests in Asia and Europe. Written in
Persian by Cherefeddin All, his Contemporary. Translated into French
by Petis de la Croix, now rendered into English. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo.
1727 An Historical Account of the Revolutions in Persia in the Years 1722-25.
. . . Together with a Relation of the Miseries occasioned by the Siege
of Ispahan. . . . Written by a French Missionary . . . , To which is
prefix'd a Genealogical Account of the Royal Family of Persia by the
Translator. 8vo. London.
1729-1730 General History of the Turks, Moguls and Tatars, vulgarly called
Tartars; together with a Description of the Countries they Inhabit.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
1730 ABU'L GHAZI. The Genealogical History of the Tatars. Translated
from the Tatar manuscript written in the Mogul Language by Abu'l
Ghazi Bahader, Khan of Khowarazm, containing the Antiquities of
the Moguls and Tatars from Adam. A curious description of all the
Tribes into which the Turkish Nation is divided, the Life of Zinghiz
Khan the Great and his successors. With a complete History of the
Uzbek Khans, the Khans of Great Bukharia from the first Conquest of
those countries to the Death of Abu'l Ghazi in 1663. The whole made
English. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
The author dying in 1663, his son and successor, Anusha Mahomet, supplied
what \\as left to he done in 1665. This history, he tells us, was extracted from
books on the subject and partly from particular Memoirs of divers Mogul tribes.
1736 KAEMPFER, ENGELBERT. Travels in Persia, and other Countries
of the East. 2 vols. London.
Cited by Pinkerton XVII, who adds, "these are both works of great merit
and scarcity."
1736-38 STRAHLENBURG, PHILIP JOHANN VON. For his account of
Great Tartary see his Historic o-Geo graphical Description of the North
and Eastern Parts of Europe, under EAST EUROPE.
1739 Persepolis Illustrata; or, Account of the Ancient and Royal Palace of
Persepolis in Persia, destroyed by Alexander the Great ; with partic-
ular Remarks concerning that palace, and an Account of the ancient
authors ; illustrated and described in 21 copper-plates. Fol. London.
1742 FRASER, JAMES. The History of Nadir Shah, formerly called Tham-
as Kuli Khan, the present Emperor of Persia; to which is prefixed a
short History of the Moghol Emperors. Map. 8vo. London.
SPILMAN, JAMES. A Journey through Russia into Persia; by Two
English Gentlemen, who went in the Year 1739, from Petersburgh in
order to make a Discovery how the Trade from Great Britain might
be carried on from Astracan over the Caspian. To which is annexed,
A Summary Account of the Rise of the famous Kouli Kan (i. e., Na-
dir Shah), and his Successes, till he seated himself on the Persian
Throne. 8vo. London.
A Copious and circumstantial Description of the Great Empire of Persia,
its Situation, Extent, Distribution of its Provinces, Climate, Rivers,
Seas, Soil, Produce, and the chief Cities throughout the Country, so as
to afford a perfect Idea of its Condition, in past and present Times.
Collected from the Writings of the most famous Travellers, particular-
ly from those of Herbert, Chardin, Tavernier, Thevenot, Le Brim, and
others, their several Remarks and Observations being all digested into
a regular and easy Method. In Harris II, 876-891.
1744-48 Of the Disposition and Temper of the Persians, their Persons, Habits,
Manner of Living, their Artifices and Mechanicks, the Respect paid to
Merchants, the Methods in which their Inland Trade is carried on,
the past and present State of the English Commerce, and other Par-
ticulars, together with some curious Observations on the Nature of
the silk Trade, and a Computation of the annual Balance in Favour of
Persia. Collected as well from private Memoirs, as from Accounts
that have been published. In Harris II, 891-897.
Containing an Account of the Government and Constitutions of Persia, the
Nature of the Shah's Power, the Distribution of Civil, Ecclesiastical
and Military Offices, the interior Policy of the Empire, the regular
Forces kept there, both Horse and Foot, and the Nature and Amount
of the publick Revenues. The Whole digested into Order from the
Best Authorities. In Harris II, 897-906.
A succinct View of the Persian History from the earliest Accounts down to
the present Time ; in which is contained a concise Representation of the
several remarkable Revolutions in that Empire, ancient and modern,
the Conquests thereof by several Nations, and the Succession of their
respective Monarchs, so as is necessary to illustrate what has been de-
livered in the foregoing sections. Collected as well from the Oriental
Writers, as from the Greek and Latin Historians. In Harris II, 907-
1745-47 Accounts of Independent Tartary. Abstract in Astley IV, 476-514.
Reprinted in Pinkerton VIII, 310-385.
ASCELIN, Friar. The Travels of Friar Ascelin and his Companions,
towards the Tartars in 1247. Generalized account in Astley IV, 550-552.
This relation is taken from the Memoirs of Friar Simon de St. Quintin, in-
serted in the 32nd Book of Speculum Historiale of Vincent of Beauvais. Purchas
has also made an abstract of it. These friars were sent on an embassy from the
Pope to solicit more mercy from the Tartars towards the Christians. But their
embassy was fruitless; even they themselves were subjected to maltreatment.
A General Description of Tartary, subject to China. Taken from various
sources. In Astley IV, 348-362.
A General Description of Western Tartary. Taken from various sources,
some of them freely translated from the French. In Astley IV, 367-
A General Description of Turkestan, taken from various sources. In Ast-
ley IV, 536-541.
A generalized Description of Great Bukharia from various sources. In
Astley IV, 514-525. Followed by a brief description of Little Bukharia,
or the Kingdom of Kashgar. In Astley IV, 526-536.
A generalized Description of the Kingdom of Karazm from various
sources. In Astley IV, 476-514; 552-580.
JENKINSON, ANTHONY. The Voyages and Travels of Anthony
Jenkinson from Russia to Boghar, or Bokhara in 1577. Abstract in
Astley IV, 632-642.
Reprinted in Pinkerton VIII, 386-394. Published by the Hakluyt Society for
1885. Translated into French in Thevenot's Collection, Part I. See below. Also
found in Hakluyt and Purchas.
Jenkinson, an intelligent merchant, was sent by the Muscovy Company, by
way of Russia, to discover the road to Bokhara and to settle a trade, if conven-
ient and advantageous, in that country. He left Gravesend in 1557. Sailing around
Norway he arrived at St. Nicholas in Russia and proceeded thence to Moscow.
Having obtained letters from the Czar to several princes, he travelled on with
three servants to Bokhara. He afterwards made three voyages to Russia, on one
of them as Ambassador from Queen Klizabeth to the Russian Court.
1885 JENKINSON, ANTHONY. Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and
Persia. By Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen, with some ac-
count of the first Intercourse of the English with Russia and Central
Asia by way of the Caspian Sea. Edited by Edward Dclmar Morgan
and Charles Henry Coote. 2 maps and 2 illus. 2 vols. Hak. Soc., ser.
I, vols. 72-73. London.
1666 (In French.) Voyage d'Antoine Jenkinson, pour dccouvrir le Chemin de
Catay par la Tartarie, ccrit par lui-meme aux Marchands Anglais de
la Compagnie de Moscou, qui 1'aboient de faire ce voyage (en 1558).
In Thevenot. Paris.
RUBRUQUIS, WILLIAM DE. For the Travels of William de Ru-
bruquis to Tartary and to China see under FAR EAST. For those of
Carpini see likewise this date under FAR EAST.
1746 CEREAU, J. K. DU. Nadir-Shah (Vely Neamen: formerly called Tha-
mus Kuli Khan: usurper of Persia). The Compleat History of, I.
Containing a Description of the Persian Empire, the Lives of Cyrus
and his Dcscendents (sic) ; II. Containing a Description of the Empire
of Indostan, some Account of all the Great Moguls from Tamerlane,
. . . written in French (by J. K. du Cereau), and rendered into English.
2nd edit., with Appendix. Portrait of Nadir-Shah by Boitard and
map. 12mo. London.
Published in the year preceding the death of this terrible murderer, blinder
of his own son, and massacrer of the people of Delhi, where he captured booty
amounting to 20,000,000, and including the Koh-i-nur diamond. Sotheran.
1753 HANWAY, JONAS. An Historical Account of the British Trade over
the Caspian Sea, with the Author's Journals of Travels through Rus-
sia into Persia, and back through Russia, Germany and Holland, to
which are added, the Revolutions of Persia during the Present Century,
with the History of Nadir Kouli. Numerous plates of views, por-
traits, and maps. 4 vols. in 3. 4to. London.
2nd edit., revised, 2 vols., 4to, London, 1754; also in Dublin, 1754; 3rd edit.,
revised and corrected^ 2 vols, 4to, London, 1762. A Life by John Pugh, London,
1787. Translated into German, Hamburg, 1754 See below.
Hanway was a well known traveller and philanthropist, popularly remembered
as the pioneer user of the umbrella. Readers of Boswell will recall Johnson's
severe criticism of his essay attacking tea-drinking. As a partner of a St. Peters-
burg merchant, he made a journey in 1743 down the Volga and by the Caspian Sea
to Persia with a caravan of woolen goods, and returned in 1745 by the same
route after many perilous adventures. He reached London in 1750. He later filled
several public positions, and had a street named after him in London and a monu-
ment erected to him in Westminster Abbey. Dr. Johnson said of him, "that he
acquired a reputation travelling abroad, but lost it all by travelling at home."
This was in reference to his "Eight Days' " trip in England. There is a pleasant
essay on him by Austin Dobson in Eighteenth Century Vignettes.
1754 HANWAY, JONAS. An Historical Account of the British Trade over
the Caspian Sea, with a Journal of Travels from London into Persia
and back, with an Account of the Revolution of Persia, containing
the Reign of Shah Sultan Hussein, the Invasion of the Afghans, the
Reigns of Sultans Mir Maghmud and Ashreff, the History of the
celebrated Nadir Shah, and of Adil Shah, and a Chronological abridge-
ment of the Persian Monarchy from its foundations. Maps, plates
and vignettes. 2 vols. 4to. London.
1787 PUGH, JOHN. Remarkable Occurrences in the Life of Jonas Hanway,
comprehending his Travels in Russia and Persia, with several Anec-
dotes. 8vo. London.
1754 (In German.) Beschreibung seines Reisen von London durch Russland
und Persien und wieder zuriick durch Russland, Deutschland und Hol-
land, 1742-1750. Worinnen die Gross brittanische Handlung liber die Cas-
pische See und iiberhaupt das Handlungenswesen von Russland, Persien,
von Tartarey, Turkey, von Armenien, China, . . . beschrieben. 2 Teile
in I Band. 8 maps, 5 plates, and 9 vignettes. 4to. Hamburg.
1763 BELL, JOHN (of Auchtermony). Travels from St. Petersburg in Rus-
sia, to divers Parts of. Asia. Folding map. 2 vols. 4to. Glasgow.
Later editions: 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1764; 2 vols., 4to, Glasgow, 1788; re-
printed in Pinkerton VII, 271-516. Translated into French, Paris, 1766; into
German, Hamburg, 1787. See below.
This work contains a Journey to Ispahan in 1715-18, in the suite of Artemy
Petrovich Valaisky, Russian Ambassador to the Shah Hussein ; to Pekin in 1719,
with the Ambassador sent by Peter the Great to Kang-Hi, emperor of China; to
Defbent in Persia in 1722 with the Russian army, commanded by the Czar in per-
son ; and to Constantinople in 1737-38, at the order of the Chancellor of Russia
and the English Ambassador at the Court of Russia. The 1788 edition includes the
Journal of De Lange in 1721-22 at Pekin. 'This work is the best model for travel-
writing in the English Language." Quarterly Review, quoted by Lowndes.
1766 (In French.) Voyages depuis St. Petersbourg en Russie dans diverses
contrees de 1'Asie. On y a joint une description de la Sibene. Traduit
de 1'anglais par M , . . 3 vols. 12mo. Paris.
1787 (In German.) Reisen von Petersburg in verschiedene Gegenden Asiens.
Aus dem Englischen. Hamburg.
1770 COOK, JOHN (M.D., of Hamilton). Voyage and Travels through the
Russian Empire, Tartary and Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1772 BRUCE, PETER HENRY. For an account of his travels in Tartary, see
Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, under GENERAL TRAVELS AND
1773 IVES, EDWARD. For his journey from Persia to England see his A
Voyage from England to India, under EAST INDIES.
1787 HAMILTON, C. Historical Relation of the Rohillas, the Afghans, and
Persia. London.
1790 FRANKLIN, WILLIAM. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal
to Persia; with a short Account of the Remains of the celebrated Pal-
ace of Persepolis, in the years 1786-87. London.
Extracts from this work relating to the northern part of Persia in Pinkerton
VIII, 279-309.
1792 NIEBUHR, CARSTEN. For his travels in Persia and Hindustan see his
Travels through Arabia, under NEAR EAST.
1798 FORSTER, GEORGE. For his travels through Afghanistan, Persia, and
into Russia by the Caspian Sea, see his A Journey from Bengal to
England, under EAST INDIES.
1799 Concise Account of some natural Curiosities of Malharn (in Persia).
1800 EBN HAUKAL. The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian
Traveller of the tenth Century. Translated by Sir William Ouseley.
4to. London.
The translator, an orientalist, was secretary to his brother, Sir Gore Ouse-
ley, Bart , Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of Persia.
1808-1814 An Account of the Government and Constitution of Persia from va-
rious sources. In Pinkerton VII, 212-236.
The Disposition and Temper of the Persians, . . . from various sources and
Memoirs. In Pinkerton VIII, 199-211.
A General Description of Persia from various writings, "their several Re-
marks and Observations being all digested into a regular and easy
Method." In Pinkerton VIII, 168-198.
1860 CLAVIJO, RUY GONZALEZ DE. Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy
Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour, at Samarkand, A.D. 14O3-
06. Translated for the first time with Notes, a Preface and an Intro-
ductory Life of Timour Beg, by Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B.,
F.R.S., ex-Pres. R.G.S. Map. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 26. London.
A modern edition, London, 1928. Spanish original, Seville, 1582. See below.
The account of the journey of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, in his embassy to the
court of Timour, at Samarkand, is the oldest Spanish narrative of travels of any
value ... It is interesting as the first of a long series of chronicles of Spanish
voyages and travels in every quarter of the globe, when Spain was at the height
of her glory. Sir C. R. Markham, Preface to the Hakluyt Society edition.
1928 CLAVIJO, RUY GONZALEZ DE. Embassy to Tamerlane, 1403-06.
Translated from the Spanish by G. Le Strange, with an Introduction,
Maps. Broadway Travellers. London.
1582 CLAVIJO, RUY GONCALEZ DE. Historia del Gran Tamorlan e Itin-
rario y Enarracion del Viage y relacion de la Embaxada que Ruy
Goncalez de Clavijo le hizo, por maiidado del muy poderoso Scnor
Rey Don Henrique el Tercero de Castilla. Y un breve discurso fecho
por Goncalo Argato de Molina, . . . Fol. Seville.
1870 SALIL-IBN-RAZIK. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, by
Salil-Ibn-Razik, from A.D. 661-1856. Translated from the original
Arabic, and edited, with a continuation of the History down to 1870,
by the Rev. George Percy Badger, F.R.G.S. Map. Bibliography.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 44. London.
Tana and Persia. By Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. Trans-
lated from the Italian by William Thomas, Clerk of the Council to Ed-
ward VI, and by E. A. Roy, and Edited with Introduction by Lord
Stanley Alderley ... A Narrative of Italian Travels in Persia, in the
Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries. Translated and edited by Charles
Grey. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 49. London.
According to D. N. B. Thomas's translation of Barbaro, dedicated to Edward
VI, was published in 1551. There is an Italian edition put out at Venice in 1543.
See below.
1543 BARBARO, JOSAFA, and CONTARINI, AMBROGIO. Viaggi fatti in
Tana in Persia, in India, et in Cons tan tinopoli, con la dcscrizione par-
ticulare di citta, luoghi, siti, costumi, e della Porta del Gransuo, e della
ultima impresa contra Portughesi. In Vinegia, nell* anno M.D. XLIII
nella Casa di Aldo. 8vo. Venice.
According to Pinker ton, this small collection is very scarce. It was
subsequently inserted in the large collection of Ramusio, and trans-
lated into Latin in the Scriptores Rerum Persicarum, Frankfort, 1607,
by Antonio Minutio. The work contains the travels of Gasparo Con-
tarino, who in 1473 visited Mingrelia, Georgia, Persia, Tartary, and
Russia; two journies of Giuseppe Barbaro, two of Alevigi, and two
anonymous travels.
1902 HAMD-ALLAH MUSTAWFI. Description of Persia and Mesopotamia
in the year 1340 A.D. from the Nuzhat-al-Kulub of Hamd-Allah Mus-
tawfi. By G. Le Strange. 8vo. London.
1924 WESSELS, C. Early Jesuit Travellers in Central Asia (1603-1721).
Folding map and 5 plates. 8vo. The Hague.
1926 DON JUAN OF PERSIA (a Shi'ah Catholic, 1560-1604). Translated
and edited, with an Introduction, by G. L,e Strange. 3 maps. 8vo.
Broadway Travellers. London.
An edition in Spanish in 3 vols., 4to, Valladolid, 1604.
A translation of the Relaciones of Don Juan, formerly Uruch Beg, a Shi'ah
Moslem. He was one of the secretaries to the Persian Ambassador whom Shah
Abbas sent to the princes of Europe under the guidance and personal conduct of
Sir Anthony Sherley. The book described Persia and its Government, the wars
between Persians and Turks, and the Journey from Ispahan into the countries of
the west. Bookseller's Note.
1929 ANDRADA, RUY FREYRE DE. For the coast of Persia and Arabia
see under 1664, EAST INDIES.
East Indies
1499 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. For his asserted description of the "mar-
veyles of Inde," see under FAR EAST.
In his Travels and Travellers in India A.D 1400-1700, Oaten quotes Sir George
Birwood : "He speaks of 'the marvyles of Inde,' but it is certain he was never
there. He may be described as the father of English sensation writers, and is
not to be trusted even when he may be telling the truth."
1577 EDEN, RICHARD. For a description of the "Countreys lying eyther
way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes," see his The History
of Travayle in the West and Bast Indies, under COLLECTIONS.
VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DL The Navigation and Vyages of Lewes
Vertomannus Gentleman of the Citie of Rome, to the Regions of
Arabia, Egypte, Persia, Syria, Ethiopia, and East Indies, both within
and without the River Ganges, ... in the Yeere 1503. Conteyning many
notable and straunge thinges, both hystoricall and natural!. Translated
out of Latine into Englyshe by Richard Eden in the Yeere 1576. 4to.
This translation is included in the History of Travayle of Eden's listed above
as finished by Richard Willes. An abridged version appeared in Purchas, 1625.
Modern reprints: Hakluyt Society, London, 1863; Aungervyle Society, London,
1884; Argonaut Press, London, 1928 Italian original, Rome, 1510, and many
later translations in Spanish, French, German, and Italian, besides being included
in various collections. See below.
Varthcma \vai> a real traveller whose driving purpose was to see the sights.
His reports on the social and political conditions of the various lands he visited
are reliable as being gathered from personal contact with places and peoples, and
are rich in the personal adventures of the author. His account of the overland
trade is of great value in that we are made to see it before it had begun to give
way to the all-seas route. He left Europe in 1502 and India in 1507. He returned
home in a Portuguese ship commanded by Tristan d'Acunha. Among the places
he visited in his East Indian voyage were Cambay, Calicut, Vijayanagar, Ceylon,
Pegu, Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo He even heard of a southern continent
and of a region of intense cold and very short days, being the first European
probably after Marco Polo to bring back the rumor of Terra Australts. See
Oaten, Early Travels and Travellers in India.
1863 VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. The Travels of Ludovico de Varthema
in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508.
Translated from the original Italian edition of 1510, with a Preface
by John Winter Jones, Esq., F.S.A., and edited, with notes and intro-
duction, by George Percy Badger, late Government Chaplain in the
Presidency of Bombay. Map. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 32. London.
1884 VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. Reprint of Eden's Edition, privately
printed for the Aungervyle Society. 8vo. London.
1928 VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. The Itinerary of Ludovico di Var-
thema of Bologna, from 1502 to 1508, as translated from the original
Italian Edition of 1510, by John Winter Jones, F.S.A., in 1863, for
the Hakluyt Society, with a Discourse on Varthema and his Travels
in Southern Asia by Sir Richard Carnac Temple, Bt. 4to. Argonaut
Press. London.
1510 VARTHEMA, LUDOVICO DI. Itinerario de Ludovico di Varthema nel-
lo Egypto, nella Suria, nella Arabia Deserta et Felice, nella Persia,
nella India et nella Ethiopia . . . 4to. Rome.
1579 POLO, MARCO. Polo has something to say on India. See his Travels
under FAR EAST.
1582 CASTANHEDA, FERNANDO LOPEZ DE. The First Booke of the
Historic of the Discouerie and Conquest of the East Indies, enter-
prised by the Portingales, in their daungerous Nauigations, in the Time
of King Don John the Second . . . Set foorth in the Portingale language
by Hernan Lopes de Castanheda. And Now Translated into English
by N(icholas) L(ichfield), Gentleman. 4to. London.
Portuguese original, Coimbra, 1552-54. See below.
Castanheda, unlike Varthema, was an historian rather than a traveller. He
states in his prologue that he had been in the Indies, and while there had taken
pains to inform himself of everything relating to the new discoveries. He also
declares that there were no more than four persons living (among them himself)
who had any knowledge thereof ; and that had those persons died, the memory of
those great achievements might have been buried in oblivion. The above is the
first book only of Castanheda's History, but it is the only part published in Eng-
land. Lichfield, who dedicates his translation to Sir Francis Drake, professes to
have translated it from the Portuguese, which he certainly did not do. As the text
of the first volume existed already in a Spanish and a French version, he may
have used either. The author's prologue as given in the Spanish is an abridge-
ment of the Portuguese prologue, and it agrees closely with Lichfield's English.
Quaritch. Although relating principally to the East Indies, it contains interesting
particulars of the Portuguese conquests in Brazil. Maggs, No. 479.
1552-54 CASTANHEDA, FERNANDO LOPEZ DE. Historia do descobri-
mento e conquista da India, pelos Portuguezes, feyta por Fernando Lo-
pez de Castanheda, e approvada pelos senhores deputados da sane t a
Inquisicao. 4to. Coimbra.
1588 FREDERICI, CESARE. The Voyage and Travaile of M. C. Frederici,
Merchant of Venys into the Easte India and Indyes and beyond the
Indyes, . . . Translated by T. Hickok from the Italian original of 1587.
4to. London.
Reprinted in Hakluyt and in Purchas. Italian original, Venice, 1587. Sec
Caesar de Federici, as his name is rightly spelled, set out from Venice for
the East Indies in 1563 and arrived home again in 1581. He visited the chief
trading cities of the Portuguese as well as the established centers of Hindu power
and commerce. The great capital of the southern Hindus, long a bulwark against
the Moslem invasions, namely, Vijiyanagar, which he called "Bezeneger," had
been practically destroyed by the Mohammedans on their last assault two years
before. After touching at Ceylon, he went up the east coast of India and on to
other places outside of India. His description of the practice of suttee is one of
the best of the early accounts. From Oaten, Early Travels and Travellers in
1587 FEDERICI, CAESAR DE. Viaggio nell' India Orientale. Venice.
1598 An addition to the Sea Journall ; or Navigation of the Hollanders into Java,
with a Vocabulary of Words used at St. Laurence (i. e., Madagascar).
4to. London.
An information of the Kingdomme and State of the great King of Mogor,
. . . London.
Entered in the Stationers' Register under date of 1597,
HOUTMAN, CORNELIUS. The Description of a Voyage made by cer-
taine Ships of Holland into the East Indies. With their Adventures
and Successe : Together with the Description of the Countries, Townes,
and Inhabitants of the same. Who set forth on the second of April
1595, and returned on the 14 of August 1597. Translated out of Dutch
into English by W. P(hillip). Woodcut maps and illus. 4to. London.
There is a date of 1597 cited in the Stationers' Register for this item. Re-
printed in Hakluyt and Purchas ; in Osborne II, 393-431 (with some errors in
pagination), whose account differs from that printed by Purchas and Harris; in
Harris I, 925-926. A Dutch version, Amsterdam, 1598, is listed by Pinkerton XVII
under the name of Houtman. See below and also the Introduction to the Hak.
Soc., ser. I, vol. 54.
Sometimes this work is cited under the name of Bernardt Langhenez, the
Dutch publisher. Lowndes calls him the writer of the work. Langhenez, who at
any rate was not the voyager, states that as this description fell into his hands
"wherein is contained the first voyage of the Low-countrymen into the East-Indies,
with the adventures happened unto them ... I thought it good to put it into
print, with many pictures and cards," etc. From the Osborne version. This is
one of the rarest of the Elizabethan travel books, containing the account of the
first Dutch voyage to the East, which, as the author states on his second page,
was undertaken in emulation of the famous English navigators Sir Fraunces Drake
and Mr Candish. Visits were made to the Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Su-
matra, Java, and the Moluccas. Only a few copies of this work are now known
to exist. Maggs, No. 519. The failure of the Barents expedition to open up a
route to the East by way of the North East Passage led the Dutch to attempt
reaching the East by way of the Cape Route. The expedition consisting of four
ships under the command of Cornells Houtman arrived at Bantam in Java in 1596,
where they tried to get a cargo of spices. But hostilities with the Portuguese
arose and the fleet was compelled to sail on. The circumnavigation of Java was
the first recorded attempt of this kind by any European vessel. Much knowledge
of the regions later to become the exclusive territory of the Dutch resulted from
the voyage.
1598 HOUTMANN, CORNELIUS. De erste Schep-vaert gedaen van de Hol-
landers naar Oost-Indien. 4to. Amsterdam.
into ye Easte and West Indies. Deuided into Foure Bookes. Engraved
title and 12 folding maps with English inscriptions. 4to. London.
Reprinted by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1884 ; a portion in Beazley's Voy-
ages and Travels, vol II, London, 1903. Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1595-96.
See below. There was a German translation in 1598, two Latin versions in 1599,
and one in French in 1610, with numerous subsequent editions in various languages.
The title-page was designed and engraved by William Rogers, of London, the
first Englishman known to have practiced the art of engraving on copper. John
Carter Brown It is extremely difficult to get perfect copies of this work. It was
of such great value to navigators at the time of its publication that it was used on
many vessels as a log-book, with the consequence that maps became missing, and
the work soiled and torn. Quaritch.
The comprehensive and useful nature of the work can best be judged from a
detailed description of its contents The first book gives Linschotcn's relation of
his starting for the peninsula in 1579, his taking service in 1580 with a German
nobleman travelling through Spain, his joining the Portuguese service for India
in April, 1585, and his voyage to India, where he arrived in September of the
same year The second book gives The True and perfect Description of the whole
coast of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Monomotapa, and right ouer against them
the Cape of S Augustin in Brasilia, with the compasse of the whole Ocean Seas,
together with the Hands, as S. Thomas, S. Helena, and the Ascention, with all
their hauenes, channels, depths, shallows, sands and grounds. Together with diners
strange voyages made by the Hollanders: also the description of the inward partes
of the same landes. Likewise a further Description of the Cards of Madagascar ;
otherwise called the Hand of St. Laurence, . . . also the voiages that the Portin-
gall Pilots haue made into all places of the Indies Extracted out of their Sea
Cardcs, bookes, and notes of great experience. And translated into Dutch by I.
Hughen van Linschoten. And now translated out of Dutch into English by
W(illiam) P(hillip). The Thirde Booke. The Nauigation of the Portmgales
into the East Indies, and from the East Indies into Portingall, also from the Por-
tingall Indies to Malacca, China, lapon, the Hands of laua and Sunda, both to
and fro, and from China to the Spanish Indies, ... as also of all the coast of
Brasilia, and the Hauens thereof. With a Description of the Firme land and the
Hands of the Spanish Indies lying before it, called Antillas, together with the
Nauigation of Cabo de Lopo Gonsalues to Angola, in the coast of Ethiopia, with
all the courses, Hauens, Hands, Depthes, Shallowes, . . . also the times of the
yeares when the winds blow, with the true tokens and knowledge of the tides and
the weather, water, and streames, in all the Orientall coasts and Hauens as they
are obserued and set downe by the Kings Pilots, in their continuall and dayly
Viages. . . . The Fourth Bookc. A most true and certaine Extract and Summarie
of all the Rents, Demaines, Tollcs, Taxes, Impostes, Tributes, ... of the King
of Spaine, throughout all his kingdoms, lands, Proumces, and Lordships, as they
are collected out of the originall Registers of his Chamber of accompts. Together
with a briefe and cleere description of the gouernmcnt, power and pedegree of
the Kings of Portingall. Translated out of Spanish into Low Dutch by lohn
Hughen of Linschoten. And out of Dutch into English by W. P.
These surveys of commerce and trade routes, along with the translations of
original Spanish and Portuguese documents on geography, statistics, navigation,
etc., made this work of supreme importance to other nations. By showing the
rottenness and inner weakness of the Portuguese administration of the East Indies,
the work also stimulated the Dutch and English to attempt to gain advantages for
1884 LINSCHOTEN, JOHN HUYGHEN VAN. The Voyage of John Huy-
ghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. From the English translation
of 1598. The First Book containing his Description of the East. In
Two Volumes, edited, the First Volume, by the late Arthur Coke Bur-
nell, Ph.D M C.I.E. ; the Second Volume, by Pieter Anton Tiele. Hak.
Soc., ser. I, vols. 70-71. London.
1903 LINSCHOTEN, JOHN HUYGHEN VAN. Voyage to Goa and back,
1583-1592, with his Account of the East Indies. In Beazley, Voyages
and Travels, vol. II. London.
1595-% LiNSCHOTEN, JOHN HUYGHEN VAN. Itinerario. Voyage ofte
schipvaert van J. H. van Linschoten naer Cost- ofte Portugaels In-
dien, inh. een beschryvinghe der landen ende zee-custcn. Met aanw.
van de voorn. havens, revieren, enz. tot noch toe van de Portugesen ont-
dckt, waer bij ghevoecht contcrfeytsels van de habyten, drachten, tern-
pels . . . boomen, vruchten, . . . verhalinge van de coophandclingcn enz.
Reysegeschrift vande navigation der Portugaloysers in Orienten.
Bebchnjvinghe van de gantsche custe Guinea, Manicongo, . . . ende
tegenover de Cabo S. Augustijn in Brasilien. . . . Mitsg. de beschrijy-
inge op de caerte van Madagascar, . . . Portrait, maps, etc. 3 vols. in
1. Amsterdam.
1599 A True Report of the gainefull, prosperous and speedy voiage to Java in
the East Indies, performed by a fleete of eight Ships of Amsterdam,
. . . 4to. London.
An edition with another title, London, 1601. See below.
This work describes the second voyage of the Dutch East India Company to
the East Indies, made in 1598-99, under the command of Jacob van Neck, Wy brand
van Warwijck, and Jacob Heemskerck. Maggs, No. 519. In 1598 a number of
expeditions were fitted out by the merchants of various cities to secure the profits
of the East India trade. This one under van Neck was financed by the merchants
of Amsterdam. It reached Banda, Amboina, and the Moluccas, besides circumnav-
igating Java. On the return trip some of the ships touched at the Island of
Mauritius, which received its name on that occasion. A garden was planted there
and fenced in for the benefit of future voyagers. From Heawood, Geographical
Discovery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
1601 NECK, JACOB VAN. The loyrnall, or dayly Register, contayning a
trve Manifestation and historicall Declaration of the Voyage, accom-
plished by eight Shippcs of Amsterdam, vndcr the Conduct of Jacob
Corneliszen Neck Admirall, and Wybrandt van Warwick Vice-Admirall,
which say led from Amsterdam the first day of March, 1598. Shewing
the Covrse they kept, and what other notable Matters happened vnto
them in the sayd Voyage. 4to. London.
This was translated at the instance of Hakluyt by William Walker
from the Dutch account of van Neck to the East, 1598. Reprinted in
vol. V of the 1809-1812 edition of Hakluyt's Voyages. Parks.
1603 A True and large Discourse of the Voyage of the whole Fleete of Ships
set forth the 29th of April, 1601, by the Governor and Assistants of
the East Indian Merchants of London, to the East Indies. Wherein
is set down the order and manner of their Trafficke, the Description of
the Cuntrey, the Nature of the People and their Language, with the
Names of suche men as Died in the Voiage. 4to. London.
This must be the first expedition sent out by the newly incorporated English
East India Company under the command of Captain James Lancaster. Its object
was to secure pepper by direct trading and thus circumvent the rise in price of
this article which the Dutch had arbitrarily doubled. Only an indifferent amount
was secured, but agents were left at Bantam and others dispatched to the Moluc-
cas to establish a factory against the arrival of the next fleet from England.
From Heawood, Geographical Discovery.
1604 ACOSTA, JOSEPH DE. The Natural and Morall Historic of the East
and West Indies. See same under SOUTH AMERICA.
SCOTT, EDMUND (Traveller). An Exact Discourse of the Subtilties,
Fashi-shions, Pollicies, Religion, and Ceremonies of the East Indians,
as well Chyneses as Javans, there abyding and dweling, Together with
the manner of trading with those people, as well by us English as by
the Hollanders : as also what happened to the English Nation at Ban-
tam in the East Indies, since the 2. of February, 1602 untill the 6. of
October, 1605. Whereunto is added a brief e Description of Java Ma-
jor. Written by Edmund Scott, resident there, and in other places
neere adjoyning, the space of three years arid a halfe. 4to. London.
1606 MIDDLETON, SIR HENRY. The Last East-Indian Voyage. Contain-
ing mvch varietie of the State of the seuerall Kingdomes where they
haue traded : with the Letters of three seuerall Kings to the Kings
Maiestie of England, begun by one of the Voyage: since continued
out of the faith full obseruations of them that are come home. 4to.
London, printed for Walter Burre.
The early East India voyages made their first and only appearance in Pur-
chas His Pilqrimes, with the exception of this one, which is misplaced and mu-
tilated This edition of 1606 is practically the sole unmutilatcd specimen of Early
East India voyages. Editor Hakluyt Society edition. Reprinted by the Hakluyt
Society, London, 1856. Sec below.
This is the original edition of Sir Henry Middleton's voyage to Bantam and
the Molucca Islands. It is an account of the second voyage set forth by the
Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies. . . .
It includes letters from the Kings of Ternate, Tydore and Bantam. Walter Burre,
for whom the book was printed, may be regarded as the writer of the work, as
he seems to have taken the imperfect MS. of the original author, whose name he
withholds, and to have completed it by means of information supplied to him by
other members of the voyage Robinson, No. 19. The same vessels took part as
were used in the first voyage of 1601-03. . . . "The returns nearly doubled the
capital, a result which was rather due to successful privateering than to honest
trading." From Maggs, No. 519.
1856 MIDDLETON, SIR HENRY The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to
Bantam and the Maluco Islands, Being the Second Voyage set forth
by the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into
the East Indies. From the edition of 1606 Annotated and edited by
Bolton Corney, M.R.S.L 3 maps and 3 illus. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 19.
1608 MATELIFF, CORNEL1S. An Historicall Description of the Voiage of
the Admirall Cornelis Mateliff the yonger toward the East Indyes who
Departed in May 1605. Item of the Siege before Malacca and the
Sea Battell against the Portuguese Armada and other Discoveries.
Translated out of the Dutch copie printed at Roterdam by John John-
son Anno 1608. 4to. London.
Dutch original, Rotterdam, 1608. See below.
1608 MATELIEF, CORNELIS. Historiale ende ware Beschrijvinge vande Reyse
des Admiraels Cornelis Matelief . . . naer de Oost-Indien ; uytghetrocken
in Mayo 1605. Mitsgaders de belagheringhe voor Malacca, . . . 4to.
1612 COVERTE, ROBERT (Captain). A True and Almost Incredible Report
of an Englishman, that being cast away in the good Ship called the
Ascension, in Cambaye, travelled by Land through many unknown
Kingdoms, and great Cities. With a particular Description of all those
Kingdoms, Cities and People ; As also a Relation of their Commodities,
and Manner of Traffique; and what Seasons of the Year they are most
in use; Faithfully related. With the Discovery of a great Emperor
called the Great Mogul, a Prince not until now known to our English
Nation. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Osborne II, 237-266; in Astley I, 336-344. Translated into Latin,
Dutch, and German. For a Dutch version, Leyden, 1706, sec below.
Coverte, who was steward on the Ascension and apparently had no right to the
title of Captain, sailed from Plymouth March 31, 160/. His ship struck the bar
going into Surat and foundered, but the crew escaped ashore in boats. When they
arrived at Surat an English merchant assisted them to travel to the court of the
Great Mogul at Agra. Coverte started for home from Agra in January, 1610, in
company with several other Englishmen. Travelling by way of Candahar, Ispahan,
and Bagdad (where one of them quitted the party), they reached Aleppo in
December, and thence got by sea to England, arriving there in April, 1611. A
long journey forsooth. There is another account of the voyage of the Ascension
the fourth expedition sent out by the East India Company written by Thomas
Jones and printed in Purchas. This voyage of Coverte's lays claim to two dis-
coveries, one of the Great Mogul's country, the other of the Red Sea; it is full
of mistakes, but contains some interesting details. See Introd. to John Jour damn's
Journal, Hakluyt Society, under 1905 below.
1706 (In Dutch.) Gedenkwaardige reys te lande door Indostan of Opper-Indien,
Persien, Arabien, Asiatisch Turckyen, . . . Uyt het Engels. 1 map and
2 plates. 8vo. Leyden.
1615 MONFART, HENRY DE. An exact and curious Survey of all the East
Indies, even to Canton, all duly performed by Land. Wherein also arc
described the huge Dominions of the great Mogor. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Somer's Collection of Tracts, vol. III. Lowndes. This work is
also listed under the name of Henri de Feynes.
1616 CORYATE, THOMAS. Thomas Coriate. Traueller for the English
Wits : Greeting. From the Court of the Great Mogvl, Resident at
the Town of Asmere (Ajmir), in Eastern India. Woodcuts. 4to.
This work has another title : Mr. T. Coriat to his Friends in England sendeth
Greeting : from Agra, October, 1616. The book is extremely rare.
This oddest of travellers is better known for his journies through Europe
called Coryat's Crudities, published in 1611. See WEST EUROPE under that
date. His presence in India was extremely embarrassing to Sir Thomas Roe, the
English representative in India, who feared that his countryman would injure the
prestige of the English by some unconventional performance. Roc's fears were well
founded, for it was not long before Coryat delivered an oration to the Great
Mogul, who threw him a hundred rupees. Another time he nearly met death at
hte hands of a native mob by proclaiming, when the muezzin called to prayers,
that Mohammed was an impostor. He in turn was greatly vexed when he heard
that King James had remarked, on learning that Coryat was in India, "Is that
fool yet living?" Coryat died in Surat in 1617 from an over-indulgence in sack.
As he performed most of his journies in Europe on foot, so he proceeded in the
same manner from Aleppo to Ajmir, His prodigious quantity of notes, which
Roe tells us were too great "for portage," were lost and only some letters make
up this account. From Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India
1622 A Covrante of Newes from the East Indies : A True Relation of the tak-
ing of the Islands of Lantore and Polaroone in the parts of Banda in
the East Indies by the Hollanders, which Islands had yeelded them-
selues subject vnto the King of England. Written to the East India
Company from their Factors there.
No place or printer cited. Extremely rare. Robinson, No. 19.
The Hollanders Declaration of the Affaires in the East Indies, or A True
Relation of that which passed in the Hands of Banda, in the East
Indies, faithfully translated according to the Dutch Copie. 4to. Lon-
This may be the same item as that listed just above. For a reply see the fol-
lowing item.
An Answer to the Hollanders Declaration, concerning the Occurrents of
the East-India. The First Part. Written by Certaine Marriners lately
returned from thence into England. (Followed by) The Examination
of Thomas Hackwell the 25. of January, 1621 (upon certain Articles
relative to the English Merchants trading to the East Indies). The
Coppie of a letter sent unto the Dutch . . . from Monoboca . . . and
delivered unto Captayne William Johnson (Commander of the Angcll).
An Answer to Objections . . . the cause of the first breach in the East
Indies. 4to. London.
A true Relation of the Kingdom of the great Magor or Mogul. 4to. Lon-
1624 A True Relation of the Vniust, Cruell, and Barbarous Proceedings against
the English at Amboyna In the East-Indies, by the Netherlandis Gouer-
nour and Councel there. Also the coppie of a Pamphlet, set forth first
in Dutch and then in English, by some Neatherlander ; falsely entituled,
A True Declaration Of The Newes that came out of the East-Indies,
with the Pinace called the Hare, which arriued at Texel in lune, 1624.
Together with an Answer to the same Pamphlet. By the English East-
India Companie. 2nd impression. 3 parts. 4to. London.
3rd impression, London, 1632. Another edition of Part 2, London, 1624.
The authorship of this Relation has been attributed to Sir Dudley Digges,
who had been sent to Holland in 1620 to endeavor to effect a settlement of the
points in dispute between the English East India Company and the Dutch. Quar-
itch. The massacre of the English on trumped-up charges by the Dutch author-
ities at Amboyna was typical of the ruthlcssness of the Dutch East India Com-
pany when it deemed its monopoly of the Archipelago was encroached on. The
event called forth many tracts. In Osborne are six such pamphlets. Dryden
based a play upon the incident. See below.
1673 DRYDEN, JOHN Amboyna : a Tragedy as it is enacted at the Theatre-
Royale. 4to. London.
1745 A True Relation of the Unjust, Cruel, and Barbarous Proceedings against
the English at Amboyna, in the East-Indies, by the Netherlandish Gov-
ernor and Council there. 4th edit, in Obborne II, 278-292. London.
A True Declaration of the News that came out of the East -Indies With the
Pinnace called the Hare, which arrived in the Texel in June, 1624. Con-
cerning a Conspiracy discovered in the Island of Amboyna, and the
Punishment following thereupon, according to the Course of Justice,
in March, 1624. Comprehended in a Letter-Missive; And sent from a
Friend in the Low-Countries, to a Friend of Note in England, for In-
formation of him in the Truth of those Passages. In Osborne II,
293-300. London.
An Answer unto the Dutch Pamphlet, made in Defence of the Unjust and
Barbarous Proceedings against the English, at Amboyna, in the East-
Indies, by the Hollanders there. In Osborne II, 301-312. London.
A Remonstrance of the Directors of the Netherlands East-India Company,
Presented to the Lords States-General of the United Provinces ; in
Defence of the said Company, Touching the Bloody Proceedings against
the English Merchants, Executed at Amboyna. Together with the Acts
of the Process against the said English. And the Reply of the English
East-India Company, to the said Remonstrance and Defence. Published
by Authority. In Osborne II, 313-324. London.
An authentick Copy of the Confessions and Sentences against Mr. Tower-
son and Accomplices, concerning the bloody Conspiracy enterprised
against the Castle of Amboyna: The which, by the manifest Grace and
Providence of God was discovered the 23rd Day of February, in the
Year 1623. As also the Resolutions of the Governor Van Speult, and
of the Council, taken in the Business. Translated out of the Copy de-
livered to the English East-India Company, from the Dutch. In Os-
borne II, 325-336. London.
A Reply to the Remonstrance of the Bewintherbers or Directors of the
Netherlands East-India Company, lately exhibited to the Lords States-
General, in Justification of the Proceedings of their Officers at Am-
boyna, against the English there. In Osborne II, 337-352. London.
1625 ROE, SIR THOMAS. The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court
of the Great Mogul 1615-1619. In Purchas His Pilgrimes, vol. I. Lon-
Purchas did a poor piece of editing, cutting the work down to a third and
carelessly mutilating important passages. He included in his account some notes
by Edward Terry, Roe's chaplain in India, which were later expanded into a
small volume published in 1655 (see Terry this date below). This work has fre-
quently been confused with Roe's own Journal. Purchas's version appeared in
Dutch, Amsterdam, 1656. In Harris's Collection of 1705 is printed an inaccurate
and much compressed paraphrase of Roe's Journal derived from Purchas. But
in the 1744-48 edition the narrative is suppressed and a short account of its con-
tents is substituted with a general history of the Company's trade. In Churchill's
Collection of 1704 is printed the first volume of Roe's own manuscript; but this
account is really inferior to that of Purchas's, being a piece of hackwork with
much omission and mishandling of Roe's own words. Versions were published in
Knox's New Collection VI, 1767, and in other later English collections, such as
Pinkerton's, VIII, 1-56. It appeared in French in Thevenot (see under 1687,
NEAR EAST), with additions from his original manuscripts and some extracts
from his letters. It was included in Pietro della Valle's Travels into East India
(see under 1665 below). It was edited for the Hakluyt Society, 1899, and a revised
edition, 1926. Translated into Dutch, Amsterdam, 1656. See below.
The complete victory of Captain Best, of the "tenth voyage," over an im-
mensely superior Portuguese fleet at Swally, the harbor of Surat, in 1612, opened
this port again to English traders. In consequence an attempt was made to es-
tablish a factory at this city, but the representatives sent there failed to make
sufficient impression, and Sir Thomas Roe, an experienced traveller, a polished
courtier, and an excellent debater, was despatched to the court of Jehangir, the
Great Mogul, to rehabilitate the dignity and respect of the English nation. A bet-
ter man apparently could not have been chosen. His three years' stay was one
prolonged combat with oriental cunning and treachery, but in the main he suc-
ceeded by dint of an unswerving integrity in winning concessions for English
trading rights. His journal concerns itself more with details of court life than
with the manners of the people, but even so it is a valuable commentary on the
administration of the Mogul Empire during the reign of its effeminate, debauched
ruler, Jehangir. More than any one else he prepared the way for the future British
empire in India. See Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India
1732 ROE, SIR THOMAS. The Journal of Sir Thomas Roe, Embassador
from his Majesty King James the First of England, to Ichan Guire
(Jehangir), the Mighty Emperor of India Commonly called the Great
Mogul. Containing an Account of his Voyage to that Country, and his
Observations there Taken from his own Original Manuscript. In
Churchill I, 687-737. London.
1899 ROE, SIR THOMAS. The Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the Court
of the Great Mogul, 1615-19. Edited from Contemporary Records by
William Foster. Portrait and 2 illus. 2 vols Hak. Soc. ser. II, vols.
1-2. London.
1926 ROE, SIR THOMAS. Embassy to India, 1615-19, from his Journal and
Correspondence. Edited by Sir William Foster. Revised edition. 11
illus. 8vo. London.
1656 (In Dutch.) Journael van de Reysen, ghedaen door den Ed. Heeren Rid-
der Sr. Thomas Roe . . . Afgevaerdicht naer Oostindien een den
Grooten Mogol, endc andere ghewesten in Indien. Newen Verscheyde
Aenmerckens en ghedenckwaerdighe gheschicdcnissen, en ecu be-
schrijvinghe van de volckeren, Stcden, Landen, ende Druchten. Uyt het
Engels vertaalt. 4to. Amsterdam.
1630 LORD, HENRY. A Discoverie of the Sect of the Banians, containing
their History, Law, Liturgie, Casts, Customes and Ceremonies, as the
particulars were comprized in the Booke of their Law, called Shaster;
also (separate title-page) The Religion of the Persees as it was com-
piled from a Book of theirs called their Zundavastaw. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Churchill VI, 299-342; in Pinkerton VIII, 523-572. Translated
into French, 1667. See below.
Lord was sometime resident in India at Surat and Preacher to the Honourable
Company of Merchants trading to East India.
1732 LORD, HENRY. A Description of Two Forreigne Sects in the East-
Indies, viz., The Sect of the Banians, the Antient Natives of India, and
the Sect of the Persees, the Ancient Inhabitants of Persia ; together
with the Religion and Manners of each Sect. In two parts. In Church-
ill VI, 299-342. London.
1667 (In French.) Histoire de la Religion des Banians. 12mo. (Place?).
1633 FAREWELL, CHRISTOPHER. An East India Collation, or a Dis-
course of Travels in a Voyage to the East Indies. 16mo. London.
1634 HERBERT, SIR THOMAS. For his travels into India see his Descrip-
tion of the Persian Monarchy, under CENTRAL ASIA.
Herbert paid a short visit to Surat and the regions adjacent. His book
gives a very fair account of the closing years of Jahangir's reign and the sub-
sequent events. Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India.
1638 BRUTON, WILLIAM. Newes from the East-Indies: Or, A Voyage
to Bengalia, one of the greatest Kingdomes under the High and Mighty
Prince Pedesha Shassallem, usually called the Great Mogul, with the
State of the Court of Malcandy. Written by William Bruton, now
resident in the parish of S. Saviours, Southwark, who was an eye and
eare witnesse of these following Descriptions . . . 4to. London.
Reprinted in Osborne II, 267-279.
Bruton and another Englishman were sent from the Coromandel Coast to Ben-
gala to negotiate trade agreements. They reached the court of the Nabob at
Cuttack, who was so impressed by the independent attitude of his English guests
that he granted them perfect freedom of trade and even leave to coin money.
Bru ton's experiences in Bengal were very pleasant and he has good words to say
for the ingenuity and intelligence of the Bengalese. From Oaten, Early Trawllers
and Travels in India.
1651 DARELL, JOHN. East India Trade first discovered by the English.
4to. London.
1652 DARELL, JOHN. Strange News from th'Indies ; or, East-India Pas-
sages further discovered . . . some peradventure may apprehend from
this briefe, uncouth, and unpolished Discourse, . . . the Regulation of
the hitherto much abused East-India Trade, so vast, spacious, neces-
sary, ... to enrich and advance Kingdomes and Commonwealths, being
the Trade of trades, the Magazeen of Merchandizers, the honour of
Nations, the Glory of this world. . . . 4to. London.
An account of the losses of William Courten, \vhosc two ships, the Bona Es~
peransa and the Henry Bonavcntura, had been seized by the Dutch. Courten's
father, Sir William, was the founder of the East India Trade.
1655 TERRY, EDWARD (Reverend). Voyage to the East Indies; wherein
some things are taken Notice of in our Passage thither, but many
more in our Abode there, within that rich and most spacious Empire
of the Great Mogul. Folding map and plates. 12mo. London.
Reprinted slightly condensed without Terry's name in folio, London, 1665 ; re-
printed in full, London, 1777. See Sir Thomas Roe under 1625 above. Translated
into Dutch, Leyden, 1706. See below.
Terry became chaplain to Sir Thomas Roc in 1616, remaining in this office
until 1619, and accompanied the latter home. His journal is a valuable complement
to Roe's and despite its constant sermonising is entertaining reading. Being a
tent- fellow for a while with Coryat, he records some interesting anecdotes con-
cerning that eccentric traveller. Terry's "requiescat" on the occasion of Coryat's
death is worth quoting. "Sic exit Coryatus. Hence he went off the stage, and so
must all after him, how long soever their parts seem to be: For if one should go
to the extreme part of the world, East, another West, another North, and another
South, they must all meet at last together in the Field of Bones, wherein our
traveller hath now taken up his Lodging, and where I now leave him." From
Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India
1706 (In Dutch.) Schceps-togt van Edward Terry, Capellaan van den Ambas-
sadeur Thomas Roe, na Oost-Indien, 1615. Map and 2 folding plates.
12mo. Leyden.
els of J. Albert de Mandelslo into the East Indies, 1638 to 1640, con-
taining a particular Description of the Great Mogul's Empire, the
kingdoms of Deccan . . . Zeilon, Coromandel, Pegu, . . . Japan . . .
China . . . Rendered into English by John Davies of Kidwelly. Fol.
2nd edit., fol.. London, 1669. Printed with Adam Olearius' I'oyatjcs and
Travels of the Ambassadors See this date under CENTRAL ASIA. The Eng-
lish version and the French translation of 1719 contain material not found in the
original German. For the German edition of 1658, see below. Modern edition,
Bombay, 1931.
Mandelslo was a friend of Olearius and a formci page, to the Duke of Hol-
stein, who sent in 1633 an embassy to the Persians to negotiate trade. The am-
bassadors remained in Persia but MandcLsIo having 1 obtained permission to pro-
ceed to India, sailed from Ormuz in 1638 and landed at Surat, whence he jour-
nied on to Agra, Goa, and Ceylon, coming back home by way of the sea route.
His letters were edited by Olearius and published in 1647 as a supplement to the
latter's own description of the East. His account gives a vivid picture of the
luxury, vice, cruelty, and utter disregard of life obtaining under the despotic tyr-
annies of the Mogul empire. See Heawood, Geographical Discovery, and Oaten,
Early Travellers wid Travels in India.
1931 MANDELSLO, JOHANN ALBRECHT VON. Mandelslo's Travels in
Western India, 1639. By M. S. Commisseriat. 6 plates. 8vo. Bombay.
1658 MANDELSLO, JOHANN ALBRECHT VON. Des Johan Albrechts von
Mandelslo Morgenlimdische Reyse-Beschreibung. Herausgegeben durch
Adam Olearium. Mit dessclben unterschiedlichen Notis oder Anmerck-
ungen wie auch mit viclen Kupffer Platen geziert. Fol. Schleszwig.
1663 PINTO, FERDINAND MENDEZ. For a description of part of India
and the Archipelago see his Voyages and Adventures, under FAR
1664 ANDRADA, JACINTO FREYRE DE. The Life of Dom John de Cas-
tro, the Fourth Vice-Roy of India. Wherein are seen the Portuguese's
Voyages to the East-Indies ; Their Discoveries and Conquests there,
the Form of Government, Commerce, and Discipline of War in the
East, and the Topography of all India and China ; containing also a
particular Relation of the most famous Siege of Diu. Translated by
Sir Peter Wyche. Engraved portrait by W. Faithorne and 2 plates.
Fol. London.
First issue of the 1st edition; 2nd edit., fol., London, 1693. Modern edition,
Broadway Travellers, London, 1929. Portuguese original, Lisbon, 1651 See below.
Dom John de Castro (1500-1548), the great Portuguese leader in India and
Ceylon overthrew Mahmoud, King of Cambodia, relieved Diu, defeated the great
army under Adhel Khan, captured Broach, subdued Malacca, and invaded Ceylon.
He was the friend of St. Francis Xavier, and died in his arms. Maggs, No. 519.
1929 ANDRADA, RUY FREYRE DE. Commentaries of Ruy Freyre dc An-
drada, in which are related his exploits from the year 1619, in which
he left this Kingdom of Portugal as General of the Sea of Ormuz, and
Coast of Persia, and Arabia until his Death. Edited, with an introduc-
tion, by C. R. Boxer. Illus. and maps. 8vo. Broadway Travellers.
Andrada was a brave, hot-headed, and chivalrous Portuguese Com-
mander who saw much service at the beginning of the seventeenth cen-
tury in the Persian Gulf at a time when his countrymen controlled
those waters. The main interest of this most vivacious chronicle lies
in the account it gives of the siege and capture of the island-fortress of
Ormuz, which was the Portuguese Gibraltar. Spectator, quoted by Pub-
1651 ANDRADA, FREYRE DE. Vida de don Joanno de Castro quarto viso-
rey da India. Li*bon.
A Treatise touching the East-Indian Trade: or, A Discourse (turned out
of French into English) concerning the Establishment of a French
Company for the Commerce of the East-Indies ; to which are annexed
the Articles, and Conditions, whereupon the said Company for the
Commerce of the East-Indies is Established. 4to. London.
1665 GAL AT A PALL ADI US. De Gentibus Indiae et Brakmanibus, ex Grae-
co Latine vert it et Notis illustravit ; adjectis Ambrosio de Moribus
Brakmanorum, et Anonymo de Brakmanibus; Edwardus Bissoens ed-
itit. London.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
VALLE, PIETRO BELLA. The Travels of Signer Pietro della Valle,
a Noble Roman, into East India and Arabia Deserta. In which the
several Countries, together with the Customs, Manners, Traffique, and
Rites both Religious and Civil, of those Oriental Princes and Nations
are faithfully described (translated by G. Havers from the original
Italian). Whereunto is added, A Relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voy-
age into the East Indies. Fol. London.
Extracts from this work in Pinkerton IX, 1-137; reprinted by the Hakluyt
Society, 2 vols., London, 1891. Translated into French, German, and Dutch. Ital-
ian original, Rome, 1650-58. See below.
This work is divided into three parts, Turkey, Persia, and India. Only the
first part was published during the author's life time. The whole is made up of 54
letters addressed to a Neapolitan physician, M. Schipano, written in the years
1614-1626. Delia Valle's travels were limited in extent as far as India was con-
cerned, but the record of his wanderings is of the utmost value, for they were the
product of a mind well trained in observation and well stored with general knowl-
edge. Sir Henry Yule, the editor of the Hakluyt Society reprint, remarks of him,
"The Prince of all such travellers (i. e., of those who travel for curiosity's sake
alone) is Pietro della Valle, the most insatiate in curiosity, the most intelligent in
apprehension, the fullest and most accurate in description." He embarked for Con-
stantinople in 1614, visited Egypt, Palestine, and Bagdad, where he met an Ar-
menian woman of the Christian faith whom he married and took with him. She
died near the Gulf of Ormuz but he carried her body with him until he returned
to Rome in 1624, where he gave her burial. The fact that foreigners could travel
in India with their womenfolk points to a comparatively high state of civilization.
Della Valle also bears witness to the tolerance in some of the states of India of
different religions. For acuteness of observation and interest of narrative this ac-
count is hardly surpassed. Gibbon pays him high tribute.
1891 VALLE, PIETRO DELLA. The Travels of Pietro della Valle to India.
From the English Translation of 1664, by G. Havers. Edited, with a
Life of the Author, by Edward Grey. 2 maps and 2 illus. 2 vols.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 84-85 London.
1650-58 VALLE, PIETRO DELLA. Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il Pellegrino
con minuto ragguaglio di tutte le cosi notabili ossueruate in essi, des-
critto da lui medesimo in 54 Lettere familiari da diversi luoghi della
intrapresa pcregrinatione, mandati in Napoli all' erudito e fra piu cari,
di molti anni suo amico Mario Schipano, diuisi in tre parti, cioe la
Tvrchia, la Persia e 1'India. 4 vols. 4to Rome.
1671 BERNIER, FRANCOIS. The History of the Late Revolution of the
Empire of the Great Mogol, with the most considerable Passages for
five Years following in that Empire, with a Letter to the Lord Col-
bert, touching the Extent of Indostan ; the Circulation of the Gold and
Silver of the World, to discharge itself there; as also the Riches,
Forces, and Justice of the same : and the principal Cause of the Decay
of the States of Asia, English'd out of the French. Map. 12mo.
A Continuation appeared the same year. 2nd edit., London, 1676; both parts
reprinted in Osborne II, 103-236; in Pinkerton VIII, 57-234; translated by Irving
Brock, London, 1826; Brock's edition revised, London, 1891; an edition, Calcutta,
1909. French original, 2 vols., Amsterdam, 1659. See below.
A more curious and entertaining work than Bernier's Travels can hardly be
imagined ; the lively style of the author, combined with his intelligence, and the
extraordinary nature of the scenes he witnessed render his work altogether more
like a glowing romance than a detail of real events. Lowndes. Bernier, a French
physician, was one of those travellers like della Valle who was lured abroad for
the sake of gratifying curiosity. Of much learning, especially in the philosophy
of Gassendi, whose opinions and discoveries he inherited, capable of penetrating to
the ultimate causes of an event, he proved to be a political and social historian of
the first magnitude. His work is particularly valuable for its record of the strug-
gle of the four sons of Shah Jahan to secure the throne, which finally fell to the
fourth, Aurangzib. At the court of this Mogul, with whom he was a favorite,
he spent twelve years. He notes in detail the weakness inherent in the Mogul
system of inheritance, whereby the most vigorous and unscrupulous son succeeded
to the rule ; the rapacity of the governors ; the corruption of its military leaders ;
and the rottenness of the land system, together with the miserable state of the
lower classes. "The ancestors of Aurungzeb," says Sir William Hunter, "were
ruddy men in boots. The courtiers among whom Aurungzeb grew up were pale
persons in petticoats." Quoted by Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India,
to whom the above comment is indebted.
1891 BERNIER, FRANCOIS. Travels in the Mogul Empire, 1656-68, edited
by A. Constable. Revised and Improved Edition, based on Brock's
Translation (1826). Frontispiece and plates. 8vo. London.
1909 BERNIER, FRANCOIS. Bernier's Voyage to the East Indies, contain-
ing the History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great
Mogul. 8vo. Calcutta.
1670 BERNIER, FRANCOIS. Voyages de Francois Bernier, contenant la des-
cription des ctats du Grand Mogol de 1'Indoustan, du royaume de Cach-
emire, . . . ou il ebt traite, des richesses, des forces, de la justice et des
causes principales de la decadence des Etats de 1'Asie, et de plusieurs
evenemens considerables, et ou Ton voit comment Tor et 1'argent apres
avoir circule dans le monde, passent dans 1'Indoustan d'ou ils ne re-
viennent plus. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam.
A Continuation of the Memoirs of Monsieur Bernier concerning the His-
tory of the Great Mogul, Wherein is contained, 1. An exact Descrip-
tion of Delhi and Agra, the Capital Cities of the Empire of the great
Mogul : together with some particulars making known the Court and
Genius of the Mogols and Indians; as also the Doctrine of Extrava-
gant Superstitions and Customs of the Heathen of Indostan. 2. The
Emperour of Mogul's Voyage to the Kingdom of Kachemire in the
Year 1664. 3. A Letter written by the Author to Mr. Chappelle, touch-
ing his design of returning, after all his peregrinations, to his Studies.
English by H. O. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1673 OGILBY, JOHN. Asia: the First Part, being an Accurate Description
of Persia, and the several Provinces thereof, the Vast Empire of Great
Mogol, and other Parts of India; the Cities, Customs, Religions, Lan-
guages, Government . . . also the Plants and Animals peculiar to each
Country. Maps, many folding and other copperplates of views, por-
traits of natives, depicting their manners and customs. Fol. London.
Although the title page reads "First Part/' this volume is complete in itself.
The Second Part treats of China and is listed separately. See under FAR EAST.
1675 The Empire of the Great Mogul ; with the rest of the East Indies, Pales-
tine or the Holy Land, the Empire of Russia. I/ondon.
1678 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTS. The Six Voyages of Jean Baptiste
Ta vernier, Baron of Aubonne, through Turkey into Persia and the
East Indies, for the space of forty years; giving an Account of the
Present State of those Countries, viz., of the Religion, Government,
Customs and Commerce, of every Country; and the Figures, Weight,
and Value of the Money currant all over Asia. To which is added, A
new Description of the Seraglio; made English by J(ohn) P(hillips).
With a Description of the Kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and
Caspian Seas, ... by an English Traveller: never before Printed. Fol.
Other editions: London, 1680, 1684, 1688, 1690 (with translation of the Sup-
plement); extracts in Harris I, 810-852; and in Pinkcrton VIII, 235-257. The
1684 edition in 2 vols. gives the first volume to Tavermer and the second to Ber-
nier. Modern editions, London, 1889, rcedited, London, 1925 French original,
Paris, 1676-77, and its supplement in 1679. Sec below.
Tavernier, though not equal to Chardin and Bernier, will always continue
among the most valuable travellers in the Kast. His account of Turkey, which
he did not visit himself, is formed on the memoirs of his brother, and is full of
errors. Pinkerton. But see Harris : Ho is more copious, and at the same time
no less exact, than any of the authors who have attempted to point out the ad-
vantages derived from our commerce in the East. . . . We discover in his writings
a greater compass of thought and a more masterly turn in his observations than
in almost any other book of the kind, which is owing to his having considered
these things over and over in consequence of the several voyages he made to the
Indies. The interest in Tavernier's travels lies in the personal experiences and
adventures he relates Though he was unfairly treated by his fellow travellers,
such as Bernier and Thevenot, both of whom he met in India, he does not return
ill for ill. He successfully combined his business as jeweler with his travels.
Towards the end of 1663, on his sixth and last voyage, he took with him 30,000
worth of stuff, the most of which he sold at Ispahan to the Shah of Persia. He
also disposed of some jewels to the Great Mogul Aurangzib. His financial trans-
actions on the whole must have been very profitable, for when he returned to
Paris in 1668 he was a man of wealth, and like a wise fellow proceeded to stay
home and enjoy it. Some of his fellow travellers charged him with being a dupe,
but modern scholars agree that in the main he was accurate in his statements of
facts. His work is especially valuable at the time for its information on trade and
trade routes, diamonds and mines. See Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in
1680 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE. A Collection of several Relations and
Treatises Singular and Curious, not Printed among his first Six Voy-
ages. I. A New and singular Relation of the Kingdom of Tunquin.
II. How the Hollanders manage their Affairs in Asia. III. A Relation
of Japon, and the Cause of the Persecutions of the Christians in those
Islands. IV. A Relation of what passed in the Negotiation of the Dep-
uties which were at Persia and the Indies, as well on the French
King's as the Company's behalf, for the Establishment of Trade. V.
Observations upon the East India Trade, and the Frauds there subject
to be committed. Large folding map of Japan with inset map of Ton-
quin and 7 copperplates. Fol. London.
This is the Supplement to Tavernier's Six Voyages. Concerning
the persecutions of the Christians in Japan, he says that "from 1613 to
1629 the Christians were so multiply 'd, that they were above 400,000,
but in the year 1649 . . . Christianity was utterly extirpated out of the
Island." His information on the Far East was derived from reading
and reports, not from actual observation.
1684 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE. Collections of Travels through Tur-
key into Persia and the East Indies ; giving an Account of the Present
State of those Countries : as also a full Relation of the five years
War between Aureng-Zebby and his Brothers. And a Voyage made by
the Great Mogull with his Army from Denly to Lahor, from Lahor to
Dember, and from thence to Kachemire called The Paradise of the
Indies. Together with a Relation of the Kingdom of Japan, Tunkin,
their Manners and Trade. To which is added, A New Description of the
Grand Signior's Seraglio, and the Kingdoms encompassing the.Euxine
and Caspian Seas. Being the Travels of Monsieur Tavcrnier, Bernier,
and other great men. Numerous copperplates. 2 vols. in 1. Fol.
1889 TAVERNIER, J. B. Travels in India. Translated from the original
French edition of 1676, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author,
Notes, Appendices, etc., by V. Ball. Maps, portraits, and plates.
2 vols. 8vo. London.
1925 TAVERNIER, J. B. Travels in India. Translated by V. Ball New edi-
tion, by W. Crooke. Illus. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1676 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE. Six Voyages de Jean Tavernier en
Turquie, en Persie, et aux Indes, pendant 1'espace de quarante ans
par toutes les routes qu'on peut y tenir, accompagnes des observations
particuheres sur les qualites, la religion, le gouvernement, et le com-
merce du chaque pays, avec les figures, les poids, et la valeur des mon-
noies. Enrichis des cartes, plans, et figures. 3 vols. 4to. Paris.
1679 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE. Recueil de plusieurs relations et trai-
tcz singuliers et curicux qui n'ont point ete mis dans les six premiers
voyages. Divisc en 5 parties: 1. Une relation du Japon et de la cause
de la persecution des Chretiens dans ses Isles. 2. Une relation de ce
qui s'est passe dans la Negociation des deputes qui out ete en Perse et
aux Indes. 3. Observations sur le Commerce des Indes Orientates. 4.
Une relation singuliere du Royaumc de Tunquin. 5. Histoire de la con-
duite des Hollandais en Asie avec la relation de 1'interieur du Serail.
5 cartes et de 15 grandes planches. 4to. Paris.
1681 KNOX, ROBERT. Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon, in the
East Indies : together with an Account of the Detaining in Captivity
the Author and divers other Englishmen now living there, and of the
Author's Miraculous Escape. Folding map and 15 plates, and portrait.
Fol. London.
A new edition, 12mo, London, 1818; reprinted in Bcazley, Voyages and Trav-
els, vol. II, London, 1903. Reprinted, 8vo, Glasgow, 1911. Translated into French,
Lyons, 1684, again, Amsterdam, 1693; into Dutch, 1692; into German, 1747. See
Knox was a Scotch commander in the service of the East India Company. In
1657 he sailed with his father to Fort George, and on the return journey was
forced by a storm into the harbor of Cottiar Bay, Ceylon, where he and his father
and fourteen others were made prisoners and carried into the interior. He re-
mained a prisoner at large for nearly twenty years, travelling about as a hawker.
When the opportunity offered he escaped to the Dutch settlement of Aripo on
the N. W. Coast. From there he was sent to Batavia and thence to England, where
he wrote an account of his adventures. He afterwards had a very successful
career with the East India Company. "His book, which is both delightful and
trustworthy, is the first account of Ceylon in the English language." Maggs, No.
1818 KNOX, ROBERT. Relation of the Island of Ceylon . . . New Edition,
with Sketch of the Geography, Civil and Natural History, Commerce,
... of Ceylon, brought down to 1815 (by Robert Fellowes). 12mo.
1911 KNOX, ROBERT. An Historical Relation of Ceylon, together with
somewhat concerning severall Remarkable Passages of my Life that
hath hapned since my Deliverance out of my Captivity. Portrait and
21 engravings and map. Reprint of the rare edition of 1681. 8vo.
1684 (In French.) Description de Tile de Ceylon, traduit de 1'Anglois (de 1681).
1682 GLANIUS, . Relation of an unfortunate Voyage to the Kingdom
of Bengal ; describing the deplorable Condition and Accidents of those
who undertook it; how, after the Loss of their Ship, they were forced
to reside in a Desert and Barren Island . . . 8vo. London.
GLANIUS, . A New Voyage to the East Indies; containing an Ac-
count of several of those Rich Countries, and more particularly of the
Kingdom of Bantam. Giving an Exact Relation of the Extent of that
Monarch's Dominions, the Religion, Manners and Customs of the In-
habitants ; their Commerce, and the Product of the Country, and like-
wise a faithful Narrative of the Kingdom of Siam, of the Isles of
Japan and Madagascar, and of several other Parts, with such New
Discoveries as were never yet made by any other Traveller. To which
is added, the Effigies of the Bantam Ambassador at length. 12mo.
2nd edit., 16mo, 1682.
The work gives a very full account of Bantam, which did not get incorporated
with the Dutch possessions in Java until 1808, and a description of Formosa. If
this had been read the forgeries of Psalmanazaar would not have met with the
success they did Sotheran.
A True Account of the Burning and Sad Condition of Bantam in the East-
Indies ; in the War begun by the Young King against his Father and of
the great and imminent Danger of the English Factory there in a Letter
from a Member of the Factory, to a Friend in London by the last ship;
which arrived on Saturday the 23rd of this instant September, 1682.
(2pp.)- Fol. London.
A British factory or trading station was established at Bantam by Captain Lan-
caster in 1603, but the English were driven from their factories by the Dutch in
1683. Maggs, No. 521.
1684 STRUYS, JEAN. For his travels through India see his Voyages and
Travels through Moscovia, Tartary, India, under GENERAL TRAV-
1685 B., R. (Robert Burton ?). A View of the English Acquisitions in Guiana
and the East-Indies; with an Account of the Religion, Government,
Wars, Customs, Beasts, Serpents, Monsters, and other Observables
in those Countries. With a Description of the Island of St. Helena,
the Bay of Soldania ; intermixt with pleasant Relations, and enlivened
with Pictures. 12mo. London.
1687 THEVENOT, JEAN. The Travels of Monsieur Thevenot into the Lev-
ant. In Three Parts. Viz., into, I. Turkey. II. Persia. III. The East-
Indies. Newly done out of French ... 3 vols. in 1. Portrait and plates.
Fol. London.
For the Near East portion of these travels see under NEAR EAST. French
original of the East India volume, Paris, 1684. See below.
"Tavernier, Bernier, Thevenot," says Mr. S. Lane-Poole, "were all in India
in the year 1666. ... Of the three Thevenot is much the slightest. . . . His 'Travels'
are necessarily more or less hurried first impressions, but he had access to some im-
portant native authorities, and his statistics are peculiarly valuable." -Quoted by
Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in- India. But according to Oaten, if we were
writing a history of India we should prefer the aid of Thevenot; if we were
seeking a combination of pleasant and instructive reading, we should turn to
1684 THEVENOT, JEAN. Voyages de M. Thevenot. Contenant la relation
de I'lndostan des nouveaux Mogols et des autres peuples et Pays des
Indies. 4to. Paris.
1692 An Account of the famous Prince Giolo, son of the King of Gilolo, now
in England, with an Account of his Life, Parentage, . . . with a De-
scription of the Island of Gilolo, and the adjacent Isle of Celebes, their
Religion and Manners, written from his own Mouth. Portrait. 4to.
1694 GEDDES, MICHAEL. The History of the Church of Malabar, from
the Time of its being first discover'd by the Portuguezes in 1501, giv-
ing an Account of the Persecutions and Violent Methods of the Roman
Prelates, to Reduce them to the Subjection of the Church of Rome, to-
gether with the Synod of Diamper in 1 599. 8vo. London.
1695 FARIA Y SOUSA, MANUEL DE. The Portuguese Asia: or, the His-
tory of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portuguese : con-
taining all their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk, to the farthest
Parts of China and Japan ; all their Battles by Sea and Land, Sieges
and other Memorable Actions ; a Description of those Countries, and
many Particulars of the Religion, Government and Customs of the
Natives. Translated by Capt. John Stevens. 3 vols. 8vo. London.
This version is somewhat compressed Portuguese original, Lisbon, 1666.
See below.
At the end is a list of authorities used, which comprises some 21 books and
13 MSS. The author was a celebrated Castillian poet and historian The account,
which is esteemed for its veracity and impartiality, extends down to 1628. From
Maggs, No. 479.
1666 FARIA Y SOUSA, MANUEL DE. Asia Portugueza. 3 vols., Lisbon.
He also wrote on Portugal in Europe, 3 vols., and Portuguese
1696 DUQUESNE, . A New Voyage to the East Indies in the Years
1690 and 1691. Being a full Description of the Isles of Maldives,
Cocos, Andamants ; and all the Forts arid Garrisons now in possession
of the French, with an Account of the Customs, Manners and Habits
of the Indians. To which is added, a New Description of the Canary
Islands, Cape Verd, Senegal, and Gambia, . . . Illus. and maps. Done
into English from the Paris edition. 8vo. London.
French original, Brussels, 1692. See below.
Of the French factories in those parts we have no such account ; and few
better for the bulk, of all other places the author undertakes to speak of Church-
ill, Introduction The second part comprises the Voyages of Le Maire to the Can-
ary Isles, etc.
1692 DUQUESNE, . Journal du Voyage de Duquesnc aux I tides Orien-
tales, par un Card- Marine de son Escadrc. 12mo Brussels.
A Letter to a Friend, Concerning the East India Trade. 4to. London.
OVINGTON, JOHN. A Voyage to Suratt, 1689, giving a large Account
of that City, and its Inhabitants, and of the English Factory there;
likewise a Description of Madeira, St. Jago, St. Helena, Johanna, Bom-
bay, the Cape of Good Hope, . . . with Appendix, containing the His-
tory of a Late Revolution in the Kingdom of Golconda, . . . and
Observations concerning the Nature of Silk- Worms. Numerous fold-
ing plates and a table of currency. 8vo. London.
A modern edition, London, 1929. Translated into French, Paris, 1725. See
The author was an English clergyman, who sought exile at the same time
as his Royal Master, James II. He embarked for the Indies in 1689. After reach-
ing Suiat, he was interned for three years by the Great Mogul Aurangzib. Ac-
cording to Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India, Ovington makes claims to
have described far more of India than he could have visited, seeing that he hardly
went beyond Bombay and Surat. Most of his information came from other sources,
which, however, were reliable. His remarks on the methods and results of Mogul
administration are not to be neglected.
1029 OVINGTON, JOHN. A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689, edited by II.
G. Kawlinson. lllus. 8vo. London.
1725 (In French.) Voyages de Jean Ovington, faits a Surate, et en d'autres
licux dc 1'Asie et de 1'Afrique, avec 1'histoire de la Revolution du Roy-
aume de Golconde; et des observations sur les vers a soye Traduit
dc 1'anglois. 12mo. Paris.
The translator was N. Barnabite. The work was noticed in the
Journal des Scavans, 1726, I, 55.
1698 FRYER, JOHN. A New Account of East-India and Persia, in eight
Letters, Being Nine Years' Travels, Begun 1672, and Finished 1681.
Containing Observations made of the Moral, Natural and Artificial Es-
tate of those Countries, namely, of their Government, Religion, Laws,
Customs, of the Soil, Climates, Seasons, Health, Diseases, of the Ani-
mals, Vegetables and Minerals, Jewels, Housing, Cloathing, Manufac-
tures, Trades, ... of the Coins, Weights and Measures used in the
Principal Places of Trade in those Parts. Portraits, maps, and geo-
graphical and botanical plates by Sturt. Fol. London.
Reprinted with Sir Thomas Roe's travels, London, 1873 ; published by the
Hakluyt Society, London, 1909-1915. Translated into Dutch, 's Gravehage, 1700.
See below.
Fryer was a surgeon in the service of the East India Company for nine years
and travelled extensively on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts. He describes
well the cities of Surat and Bombay, the. life and trade there as well as at Madras.
Nearly sixteen years elapsed hefore he could be persuaded to publish the story
of his wanderings. At length piqued at the frequent appearance of translations of
foreign, especially French, books of travel, in which English industry and enter-
prise were decried, he issued a handsome folio. From D. N. B. His book is of
great value in its account of the struggle of the Mahrattas under Sivaji to resist
absorption into Aurangzib's empire, and in its analysis of the political state of the
kingdom of Bijapur. From Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India. He was
well versed in the learning of the day and very curious in all questions connected
with natural science.
1909-1915 FRYER, JOHN (MI).). A New Account of East India and Per-
sia. In eight Letters, being Nine Years' Travels, begun 1672, and fin-
ished 1681. By John Fryer, M.D., Cantabrig , and Fellow of the Royal
Society Edited with Notes and an Introduction, by William Crooke,
B.A, Bengal Civil Service. 3 vols. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 19, 1909;
vol. 20, 1912; vol. 39, 1915. London.
1700 (In Dutch.) Negenjaarige Reyse door Oost-Indien en Persien ... In
agt Bricven hcschrevcn door d'Heer Johan Freyer, M. P. 's Gravehagc.
1699 DELLON, CHARLES (M. D.). A Voyage to the East Indies: giving
an Account of the Isles of Madagascar, and Mascareigne, of Suratte,
the Coast of Malabar, of Goa, Cameron, Ormus, and the Coast of
Brazil, with the Religion, Customs, Trade, ... of the Inhabitants, as
also a Treatise of the Distempers peculiar to the Eastern Countries. To
which is Annexed an Abstract of Monsieur de Rennefort's History of
the East Indies, with his Propositions for the Improvement of the
East-India Company (translated by Jodocus Crull, M. D.). 8vo.
A French edition, Amsterdam, 1699. See below. The Appendix contains Ren-
ne fort's proposals for a French settlement in Madagascar. This latter work was
printed at Leyden, 1688.
While on his travels the author was denounced to the Inquisition at Goa,
where he was imprisoned for two years and frequently tortured to extract a con-
fession of heresy. As he would not confess, he was condemned to the galleys for
five years and had his property confiscated. The work contains a realistic des-
cription of suttee as well as of tropical diseases Sotheran. The author travelled
in southern India from 1669 to 1676.
1699 DELLON, CHARLES (M.D.). Nouvelle Relation dun voyage faits aux
Indes-Orientales ; contenant la description des lies de Bourbon et de
Madagascar, de Surate, de Malabar, de Calicut, de Timor, de Goa, . . .
12mo. Amsterdam.
1699 MARIANO, JOHN DE. For Spanish and Portuguese affairs in India
and the East, see his General History of Spain, under WEST EU-
ZIEGENBALG, BARTHOLOMEW. An Account of the Religion, Man-
ners and Learning of the People of Malabar, in the East Indies ; iti sev-
eral Letters written by some of the most learned Men of that Country
to the Danish Missionaries. Translated from the German of Barthol-
omew Ziegenbalg by J. T. Phillips. Map. 8vo. London.
Another edition, London, 1717. There are several accounts of the activities of
these Danish missionaries under slightly different titles. The date of the above
translation is the one listed by Pinkcrton XVII. See below for the later accounts.
The Danish missionaries seem to have been quite zealous in the East Indies,
for by 1805 sixty-one volumes of their Acts had appeared. Ziegenbalg founded
the missionary enterprise for Frederick IV of Denmark. He died in the Indies
in 1719.
1711 Propagation of the Gospel in the East. Being an account of the Success of
two Danish Missionaries, lately sent to the East-Indies for the Conver-
sion of the Heathens in Malabar. In several Letters to their Corres-
pondents in Europe. Containing a Narrative of their Voyage. 2nd
edit. 8vo. London.
1715 A Brief Account of the Measures taken in Denmark for the Conversion
of the Heathen in the East-Indies. 12mo. London.
1719 Thirty-Four Conferences between the Danish Missionaries and the Mala-
barian Bramans in the East Indies, translated out of the High Dutch
by Mr. Philipps. 8vo. London.
Relation of Two several Voyages Made in to the East Indies. The
whole containing an exact Account of the Customs, Dispositions, Man-
ners, Religions, ... of the several Kingdoms and Dominions in those
Parts in general; but, in particular, describing those Countrys which
are under the Government of the Dutch. Done out of the Dutch by S.
L. 8vo. London.
Separate German versions are given in Pinkerton XVII. Modern editions in
English, London, 1929, and in German, the Hague, 1931. See below.
There is nothing extraordinary in them. Churchill, Introduction A most inter-
esting work relating to the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Java, Formosa, Japan,
and Ceylon. Maggs, No. 521.
1929 FRYKE, C, and SCHWEITZER, C. Voyages to the East Indies. With
Introduction and Notes by C. E. Fayle. 8 plates. 8vo. London.
1688 SCHWEITZER, CHRISTOPHER. Journal und Tagebuch seiner sechs
jahringen Ostindianischen Reise (from Dec. 1, 1675 to Sept. 7, 1681).
4to. Tubingen.
1692 FRIKEN, CHRISTOPHER. Ostindianische Reisen und Kriegsdienste
(from 1680 to 1685). 8vo. Ulm.
1931 SCHWEITZER, CHRISTOPHER. Reise nach Java und Ceylon 1675-
1682, Neu herausgegeben nach der zu Tubingen im Verlag von J. G.
Cotta im Jahre 1680 erschienenen Originalausgabe. 8vo. The Hague.
1701 An Historical Description of the Kingdom of Macassar in the East Indies,
in Three Books; giving a particular Account, 1. Of the Scituations of
the Country, the Product and Principal Towns in it. 2. The Manners
and Customs of the Inhabitants ; their Government, Trade, Recrea-
tions, Habits, and Marriages. 3. The ancient Idolatry of the Macas-
sarians ; the Progress of the Christian Religion among them, and the
Establishment of the Mohametan ; with the Circumcision of Women,
particular to those People. Together with a particular Account of the
Acts and Cruelties used by the Batavians to establish themselves in,
and exclude all other European Nations from that Country. 8vo.
1702 DANIEL, WILLIAM. A Journal or Account of William Daniel, his late
Expedition from London to Surat in India, giving a short, but impar-
tial Relation of the Dangers, Distresses, Fatigues, and Hindrances,
happening to him during the said Expedition till his Return to England.
8vo. London.
The author got no farther than Mocha. He gives accounts of the various
places he visited on the Red Sea and Egypt. Maggs, No. 521. Only a few copies
of this work were printed.
1703 BALDAEUS, PHILIP. A True and Exact Description of the most cel-
ebrated East India Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, as also of the
Island of Ceylon, with all the adjacent Kingdoms, Principalities, Prov-
inces, Cities, Chief Harbours, Structures, Pagan Temples, Products
and Living Creatures, and the Manners, Habits, ... of the Inhabitants.
Maps and plates. Fol. London.
Apparently the only edition of the only English translation. Reprinted in
Churchill III, 501-822. Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1672. See below.
The author was a Dutch missionary in the Malabar and Coromandel districts.
His narrative gives considerable information on the Dutch settlements in Southern
India. He bears witness to the ravages of the dreaded Malabar pirates who still
infested the western coasts of India. Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India.
1672 BALDAEUS, PHILIP. Beschryving der Oostindischen Landscapen Mal-
abar, Coromandel, Ceylon, . . . 4to. Amsterdam.
1705 TOLAND, JOHN. The Agreement of the Customs of the East Indians
with those of the Jews. To which are added, Instructions to Young
Gentlemen that intend to Travel. 4 plates. 8vo. London.
This is the celebrated Deist, author of Christianity Not Mysterious, which
precipitated the Deist controversy.
1706 FINCH, WILLIAM. Travels in India in 1605. Bound up with Hawk-
ins' Voyagie door Oost-Indien, 1608. 12mo. Leyden.
This account first appeared in Furchas, 1625. This Leyden version is probably
the Dutch account published in Pieter van der Aa's collection. Reprinted in Kerr,
VIII. See under 1921 below.
Finch was a merchant and agent to an expedition sent out in the reign of
James 1 to obtain trading privileges from the Great Mogul Jahangir for the
East India Company's factory at Surat. He gives interesting information about
Jahangir's method of holding daily levees and confirms other travellers' stories
of the Mogul's delight in bloody spectacles. From Oaten, Early Travellers and
Travels in India. Finch died at Babylon on his way back, from drinking poisoned
Conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands, containing their His-
tory, Laws, Customs, . . . with an Account of many other adjacent
Islands, and several Remarkable Voyages through the Streights of
Magellan, translated by Capt. John Stevens. Map and 2 plates. 4to.
Spanish original, Madrid, 1609. See below.
Few narratives are written with so much judgment and elegance as Argen-
sola's History of the Conquest of the Moluccas. Quoted by Maggs, No. 519.
One of the most important works for the history of the Philippine Islands. Rob-
inson, No. 26. The book also contains matter relating to Sir Francis Drake and
American voyages, and to the history of Spanish and Portuguese exploration
in the Indies.
1609 ARGENSOLA, BARTOLOME LEONARDO DE. Conqvista de las Islas
Malvcas al Rey Felipe III. Escrita por el Licendo Bartolome Leonardo
de Argensola capellan de la Magestad de las Emperatriz y Retor de
Villahermosa. Fol. Madrid.
The English Acquisitions in Guinea and the East Indies. London.
So cited in Pinkerton XVII.
UEGUAT, FRANCOIS. A New Voyage to the East-Indies by Francis
Leguat and his Companions. Containing their Adventures in Two Des-
ert Islands, Accounts of remarkable things at the Cape of Good Hope,
the Island of Mauritius, at Batavia, the Island of St. Helena and other
places on their Route . . . Numerous plates and maps. 8vo. London.
Republished by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1890 It appeared in French,
London and Amsterdam, 1708; also in Dutch, Utrecht, 1708. See below.
The adventures of this person and his companions in the two desert isles are
rather suspicious, but there is no reason to impeach his accounts of the Cape, the
Isles of St. Helena and Mauritius, and the East-Indies. Pinkerton XVII. The
claims of this work to be a genuine voyage, as it has been so accepted by critics,
bibliographers, and editors, including the editor of the Hakluyt Society edition, have
been completely disproved by Geoffroy Atkinson in his Extraordinary Voyage in
French Literature, 1700-1720, (Paris, 1922). Here he demonstrates that this work
is neither a story of personal adventure, true and original in all its essential de-
tails, nor a story of personal experience, embroidered somewhat by an ingenious
editor or collaborator, but a fiction in which the element of first-hand experience
is negligible. In short, it is "an Extraordinary Voyage, a desert island novel,
written in 1707 upon sources which are exclusively French. . . . After excluding
the incidents and descriptions evidently borrowed from earlier writers, not even
the shell of a story is left." And furthermore the author is not Francois Leguat,
but Francois Maximilicii Misson. For details of the story and its subject matter
and their relation to social theories of the day, see Atkinson, op. cit.
1890 LEGUAT, FRANCOIS. The Voyage of Francois Leguat, of Bresse,
1690-98, To Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope.
Transcribed from the First English Edition, 1708. Edited and Anno-
tated by Capt. Samuel Pasfield Oliver, (late) R.A. Maps and illus.
2 vols. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 82-83. London.
1708 LEGUAT, FRANCOIS. Voyages et aventures de Francois Leguat et de
ses compagnons en deux isles dcscrtcs des Indcs Orientales. Avec la
relation des choses les plus remarquables qu'ils out observees dans
Tlsle Maurice, a Batavia, au Cap de Bon Esperance, dans 1'Isle de
Saintc Helene, et en d'autre endroits dc leur route. Le tout enrichi de
cartes et dc figures. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Londres et Amsterdam.
1708-1710 TEIXEIRA, PEDRO. The Travels of Pedro Teixeira with his Ac-
count of the Origin, Descent, and Succession of the Kings of Persia
and Hormuz, . . . Translated by Capt. John Stevens. London.
Stevens published at first only the author's account of his two journies in
1600-01 and 1603-05, which was included in A New Collection of Voyages and
Travels, issued in monthly parts, 4to, London, 1708-1710. The whole was reis-
sued in 2 vols., with a new general title page in 1711. Stevens translated the
rest of Teixeira in 1715 under the title, The History of Persia, . , . See under
1715, CENTRAL ASIA. Edited by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1901. Spanish
original, Amberes, 1610. See below.
Teixeira was a careful observer and a valuable witness Editor Hakluyt So-
ciety edition. Capt. Stevens was an antiquary and translator of wide range. Among
his other translations was Bede's Ecclesiastical History.
1901 TEIXEIRA, PEDRO. The Journey of Pedro Teixeira from India to
Italy by Land, 1604-05, With his Chronicle of the Kings of Ormus.
Translated and edited by William Frederic Sinclair, with additional
Notes by Donald William Ferguson. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 9. London.
1610 TEIXEIRA, PEDRO. Rclacioncs de Pedro Teoxea (sic) d'el Origen De-
scendencia y Succession de los Reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, y de yn
Viage hecho por elmismo Avtor desde la India Oriental hasta Italia
por tierro. 8vo. Amberes.
1709 CATROLJ, FRANCOIS. The General History of the Mogul Empire,
from its Foundation by Tamerlane, to the Late Emperor of Orangzeb.
Extracted from the Memoirs of M. Manouchi, a Venetian, and Chief
Physician to Orangzeb for above Forty Years. Folding map of North-
ern India. 8vo. London.
French original, Paris, 1705. See below.
Niccolao Manucci's book, from which Catrou drew much of his material,
was not printed until 1907, when it was translated by William Irvine (the Indian
Text Society), of the Bengal Civil Service, for the reason that it had disappeared
from view until it turned up in Berlin a few years ago. Its title was Storia do
Mogor, and it was written partly in Italian, partly in French, and partly in
Portuguese. Historians have long bewailed its disappearance, for hitherto they
have been unable to check the statements of Catrou. Manucci practically spent
his life in India and witnessed so many things and records them so fully and
delightfully that he is almost second to none as an historian of Aurangzib's reign.
For its political and social information, this Venetian's book is "destined to be
of more ultimate value to the historian of India." From Oaten, Early Travellers
and Travels in India. For a modern edition of Manucci's book see below.
1705 CATROU, FRANCOIS. Histoire generate de 1'Empire du Mogol, depuis
sa Fondation, sur les Memcires de M. Manouchi, Venetien, par le
P. Catrou, Jesuite. 4to. Paris.
1907 MANUCCI, NICCOLAO. Storia do Mogor or Mogul India, 1653-1708.
Translated with Introduction and Notes by Wm. Irvine. Numerous
plates. 4 vols. 8vo. Indian Texts. London.
1711 LOCKYER, CHARLES. An Account of the Trade in India, containing
Rules for good Government in Trade, Price, Courants and Tables, with
Descriptions of Fort St. George, Acheen, Malacca, Condore, Canton,
Aujerigo, Muskat, Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, . . . their Inhabi-
tants, Customs, Religion, Animals, Fruits, . . . with an Account of the
Dutch Affairs. 8vo, London.
1712 HALL, R. The History of the Barbarous Cruelties and Massacres, com-
mitted by the Dutch in the East Indies; to which is added the Pro-
ceedings of the Council of Amboyna. Frontispiece depicting horrible
tortures. 8vo. London.
For the Amboyna Massacre see above under 1624.
1714 VAUGHAN, WALTER. The Adventures of Five Englishmen from
Pulo Condoro, a Factory of the New Company in the East-Indies.
Who were shipwreckt upon the little Kingdom of Jehore, not far dis-
tant, and being seized on by the Inhabitants, were brought before the
King, and detained for some Months; with the many Accidents that
befel them during their Abode in that Island. . . . Written by Mr.
Vaughan, one of the Adventurers. 12mo. London.
1715 SYMSON, WILLIAM (Captain). A New Voyage to the East-Indies,
viz., To Suratte and the Coast of Arabia, containing a Compleat De-
scription of the Maldivy Islands, their Product, Trade, ... To which
is added, a Particular Account of the French Factories. ... 3 plates
and 1 folding map. 18mo. London.
2nd edit., 12mo, London, 1720. See below.
1720 SYMSON, WILLIAM (Captain). A New Voyage to the East-Indies
(in the Mackles field Frigate, 1701), to Suratte and the Coast of Arabia
. Maldivy Islands, . . . with a Voyage to the East Indies, by the
Sieur Luillicr. Engravings. 12mo. London.
1719 BEECKMAN, DANIEL (Captain). A Voyage to and From the Island
of Borneo, in the East-Indies. 7 engraved plates and maps. 8vo.
Reprinted in Pinkerton XI, 96-158.
An unusually interesting and well-written volume of travels. On the way from
Borneo the author visited the Cape of Good Hope, and gives a lengthy account
of the country and the Hottentots. In his description of Borneo he speaks of the
"Oran-Ootan," the most remarkable animal there : "These grow up to be six
foot high; they walk upright, having longer arms than men, tolerable good faces,
handsomer, I am sure than some Hottentots I have seen." Maggs, No. 580. An
interesting work, even at this distance of time. Lowndes.
1720 CORNWALL, HENRY (Captain). Observations upon several Voyages
to India, out and home. Fol. London.
LE BRUN, CORNEILLE. For his travels in East India see his Voyage
to the Levanl under 1702, NEAR EAST.
1727 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (Captain). A New Account of the East
Indies ; being Observations and Remarks of Capt, Alexander Hamilton
who spent his time there from 1688 to 1723, Trading and Travelling
by Sea and Land, . . . between the Cape of Good-Hope and the Island
of Japan. Maps and plans. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh.
Another edition, London, 1737; Edinburgh, 1739; London (?), 1744. Re-
printed in Pinkerton VIII, 258-522. Edited for the Argonaut Press, London, 1930.
See below.
Hamilton's adventures are told in a most interesting manner. His work, in
the charm of its naive simplicity, perfect honesty, with some similarity of subject
in its account of people little known, offers a closer parallel to Herodotus than
perhaps any other in modern literature. From D.N.B., quoted by Robinson,
No. 19. Being both trader and traveller, Hamilton had occasion to visit "most of
the countries and islands of Commerce and Navigation between the Cape of Good
Hope and the Island of Japon." Quoted by Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels
in India.
1930 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (Captain). A New Account of the East
Indies. Now edited with Introduction and Notes by Sir William Fos-
ter. Numerous maps, illus. Facsimile of the only known letter of Alex-
ander Hamilton. 2 vols. 4to. Argonaut Press. London.
1728 SALMON, THOMAS. Modern History of the Present State of all Na-
tions, Vols. 1-4 (China, Japan, Philippine Islands, Amboyna, Moluccas,
Borneo, Java, Sumatra, India, Ceylon, Persia, and Turkey). Folding
maps. 8vo. London.
Reprinted, London, 1739.
The author travelled many years abroad and was with Anson on his voyage
around the world in 1740-45. He published many historical and geographical works.
1729 ARRIAN. Arrian's History of Alexander's Expedition, translated from
the Greek, with Notes historical, geographical and critical, by Mr.
Rooke. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Sec also McCrindle under 1896 below.
1731 FORBIN, COUNT DE. Memoirs, containing his pleasant Narrative of
the Voyages he made to the East Indies, his particular Account of the
Battle at La Hogue and other Fights, and his Secret History of Chev-
alier de St. Georges Expedition from Dunkirk to Scotland in 1708,
translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1732 An Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon in the East-Indies, ... Il-
lustrated with cuts and a map of the Island. Fol.
Mentioned in Churchill with no place and no date.
The author who lived long in that country gives a general description of it,
referring the reader to the map; and then the whole natural history. Churchill,
The Idolatry of the East India Pagans. A true and full Account of the
Religious Worship of the Indostans, the Inhabitants of Coromandel,
the Malabars, arid Ceylon, with a Description of their Idols. In Church-
ill III, 753-821.
NIEUHOFF, JOHN. The Voyages and Travels into Brasil and the
East Indies (two separate voyages). Containing an exact Description
of Dutch Brasil and divers Parts of the East Indies : their Provinces,
Cities, Living Creatures, and Products; the Manners, Customs, Hab-
its and Religion of the Inhabitants; with a particular Account of all
the Remarkable Passages that happened during the Author's Stay
of Nine Years in Braril; especially in Relation to the Revolt of the
Portuguese and the Intestine Wars carried on from 1640, to 1649.
As also a most ample Description of the most famous City of Batavia
in the East Indies. In Churchill II, 1-326.
Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1682. See below. See also Nieuhoff under 1669,
Nieuhoff, who was in the service of the Dutch East India Company, gives
detailed and explicit news of the unsettled condition of the districts on the Malabar
coast. He characterises the inhabitants of that region as "cither Merchants or
Pirates." The lower castes inhabiting the Malabar towns he shows to have been
living under horrible conditions. Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India.
1682 NIEUHOFF, J. Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense zee- en lantreize benefens
een beschrijving van gaiitsch Neerlandts Brasil, zoo van lantschappen,
steden, gewassen, enz. en inzonderheit een verhael der merkwaardigste
voorvallen die zich van 1640 tot 49 hebben toegedragen. Zee- en lant-
reize door verscheidc gewesten van Oost-Indien . . . benefens een
beschrijving van lantschappen, steden, diercn, gewassen, draghten, zeden,
enz., een verhael van Batavia. 4 maps and 45 plates, etc. Fol. Am-
Some Reasons for the Unhealthfulness of the Island of Bombay. In
Churchill VI, 358.
1733 RENAUDOT, EUSEBIUS (Abbe). For an account of India in the 9th
century see his Ancient Accounts of India and China, under FAR
1737 DOWNING, CLEMENT. A History of the Indian Wars, 1715-1723,
with an Account of the Life and Actions of John Plantain, a notorious
Pyrate at Madagascar, his Wars with the Natives on that Island,
where having continued eight years he joined Angria and was made
his chief Admiral. London.
Reprinted, with Introduction and Notes by William Foster, 8vo, Oxford, 1924.
A rare volume of adventures by one of the sailors on the early 18th century
"East Indiamen" whose career included also a captaincy of artillery in the Mogul
empire; work in fighting Marathas ; and help in a famous expedition under
Commodore Matthews, hunting for European pirates, at Madagascar. Booksell-
er's Note.
1740 WITHINGTON, NICHOLAS. Travels of Nicholas Withington, a Fac-
tor in the East Indies. See Cockburn, John: A Faithful Account of
the Distresses and Adventures with Five other Englishmen on an Un-
inhabited Island, under CENTRAL AMERICA.
1744-48 BEAULIEU, COMMODORE. The Expedition of Commodore Beau-
lieu to the East Indies ; containing a curious and accurate Description
of the Sea Coasts ... as also Abundance of curious Observations on
the Manners of the People, the Nature of their Governments, and the
Means of establishing Colonies amongst them. Written by himself and
published by Thevenot in his large Collection of Voyages. In Harris
I, 717-749.
Beaulieu left Honfleur Oct. 2, 1619, and returned Dec. 1, 1622.
A Compleat History of the Rise and Progress of the Portuguese Empire
in the East-Indies ; their Discoveries set forth in their natural Order,
the Form of their Government in those Parts explained; the Causes
of the Declension of their Power examined, and the present Posture
of their Affairs, in those Parts of the World, truly stated. Collected
chiefly from their Writings. In Harris I, 662-700.
A Generalized Account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Voyages, Zool-
ogy, Animals, Commerce, ... of the East Indies from earliest Times
down. In Harris I, 370-520.
An account treating, in true eighteenth century style of generalised summar-
ies, of Egyptian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Portuguese, English, Dutch,
and French discoveries.
An Historical Account of the Intercourse between the Inhabitants of
Great Britain and the People in the East-Indies; containing likewise
a compleat History of the East India Company, from its Erection un-
der Queen Elizabeth, of glorious Memory, and of the several Alterations
that have been made down to the present Reign. In Harris, 873-924.
A long account of the affair at Amboyna.
The History of the Danish Commerce to the East Indies, and their Estab-
lishment there, the Decay of their Old Company, and the Motives
which induced them to set up a new One. Interspersed with Original
Papers and Memoirs. In Harris I, 976-980.
PYRARD DE LAVAL, FRANCOIS. The Voyage of Pirard de Laval to
the East Indies ; his Shipwreck among the Maldives, and his copious
Account of that Archipelago, translated from the Original Voyage
published by himself in French. In Harris I, 701-707.
Edited for the Hakluyt Society, London, 1887-89. French original, Paris, 1611 ;
another edition, Paris, 1613. See below.
Pyrard's travels covered the years between 1601 and 1611, and have crowded
into them a welter of shipwrecks, imprisonments, and other adventures such as
seldom falls to a man without leaving him permanently scarred. He sailed out on
the Corbin, one of the two ships fitted out hy some French merchants in a belated
endeavor to open up trade relations with the East. The ship was wrecked on one
of the Maldive Islands and the crew imprisoned. Pyrard, who quickly learned the
language of the natives, was taken into favor by the king, who kept the Frenchman
by him until five years later when the place was raided by a hostile group from
Chittagong, India, and Pyrard, with his three companions, were carried off to the
latter place. He then travelled to the Malabar Coast, where he was for a time a
prisoner to the Portuguese, who sent him on some expeditions to the Moluccas.
Along with other foreign residents he was shipped to Europe on some Portuguese
vessels and was wrecked again, this time on the coast of Brazil. But Europe saw
him safe at home at last. His first-hand experiences and acquaintance with vari-
ous parts of the mainland of India and the islands of the Archipelago make his
record a valuable repository of geographical and historical knowledge of the
East. Especially has it been commended for his account of the Maldive Islands,
which almost up to the present day have been a Terra Incognita. See Heawood,
Geographical Discoveries.
1887-89 PYRARD, FRANCOIS (of Laval). The Voyage of Francois Pyrard,
of Laval, To the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil.
Translated from the third French edition of 1619, and edited by Albert
Gray, assisted by Harry Charles Purvis Bell. Maps and illus. 2 vols.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 76, 77, 80 (part II of vol. 76). London,
1611 PYRARD DE LAVAL, FRANCOIS. Discours du voyages des Francois
Pyrard de Laval aux Indes Orientales, Maldives, Mpluques, et au
Brasil depuis 1601 jusqu'en 1611. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.
A Succinct History of the Empire of the Great Mogul, from its Founda-
tion by the Great Tartar Conqueror Timur Bee, or Tamerlane, to the
present Time. Taken chiefly from Oriental Writers. In Harris I, 629-
A Succinct History of the Rise, Progress and Establishment of the Dutch
East India Company, with a View of the Immense Profits arising from
that Commerce, and a Prospect of their Affairs, and the Manner in
which they are conducted as well at Home, as on their extensive Set-
tlement Abroad. Collected chiefly from their Writings. In Harris I,
A very competent historical view of the growth of the Company.
A Succinct History of the Swedish East India Company. Including an
Extract of the Royal Charter. In Harris I, 980-983.
1745 GALVANO, ANTONIO. The Discoveries of the World from their
Original, unto the Year of our Lord 1555. Briefly written in the
Portugal Tongue . . . Corrected, quoted, and now published in English
by Richard Hakluyt, Sometime Student of Christ-Church, Oxford. In
Obsorne II, 352-402.
Hakluyt' s translation was made in 1601 (or according to Parks in 1603).
Edited for the Hakluyt Society, 1862 Portuguese original, Lisbon, 1563. See below.
Galvano was Governor of Ternate in the Moluccas. Hakluyt, in his dedication
to Sir Robert Cecil (dated Get 29, 1601), takes occasion to give high praise to
Galvario both for his intrinsic worth and for his "restoring and settling the
decayed state of the Isles of Moluccas " He also states that this work had been
translated by some unknown person many years back, and that he had the work
by him for twelve years, but he was unable to obtain the original copy. The book
gives a good summary of the geographical exploits of the Portuguese.
1862 GALVANO, ANTONIO. The Discoveries of the World, From their first
original unto the year of our Lord 1555. By Antonio Galvano, Gov-
ernor of Ternate. (Kdited by F. de Sousa Tavares ) Published in Eng-
land by Richard Hakluyt, 1601. Now reprinted, with the original Por-
tuguese text (1563), and edited by Vice- Admiral Charles R. Drink-
water Bethune, CB. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 30. London,
1563 GALVANO, ANTONIO. Tratado que compos o nobrc notauel capitano
Antonio Galvano, dos diversos e desuayrados cammhos por onde nos
tempos passados a pimenta e espccaria veto da India. . . 8vo. Lisbon.
1745-47 An Account of the Portuguese Possessions from the Cape of Good
Hope to China. In Astley I, 85-88.
ALBOQUERQUE, AFONSO DE. Exploits of Alboquerque, while Vice-
Roy of India from 1510-16. Abstract in Astley I, 71-76.
Taken from his Commentaries, which were collected from his own letters to
King Don Manuel. The Commentaries were printed in Lisbon, 1557, with later
reprints. An edition was published by the Hakluyt Society, 4 vols., 1875-1883. See
In 1709 the great Viceroy Alboquerque assumed charge of Portuguese affairs
in the East Indies and by his practical genius greatly extended the po\ver and trade
as well as the territorial possessions of the Portuguese.
1875-1883 DALBOQUERQUE, AFONSO. The Commentaries of the Great
Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India. Translated from the
Portuguese edition of 1774, and edited by Walter de Gray Birch, F.R.S.
L. Maps and illus. 4 vols Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 53, 55, 62, 69.
1557 ALBOQUERQUE, AFONSO DE. Commentaries do Grande Afonso d'-
Alboquerque, capitan general que foy das Indias Orientales, em tempo
do muito poderoso Rey dom Manuel, o primciro deste nome. 4to.
AL,MEYDA, DON FRANCISCO DE. Exploits of the Portuguese in the
year 1507 under Don Francisco de Almeyda, first vice-roy of India
Generalized account in Astley I, 58-70.
CABRAL, PEDRO ALVAREZ. Voyage in 1500, being the second voy-
age of the Portuguese to the East Indies. Chiefly from Castanheda, in
Grynaeus' Latin Collection. Generalized account in Astley I, 40-48.
In sailing to the East Indies Cabral avoided the perils of the Guinea Coast of
Africa and headed far to the westward. In so doing he reached the coast of Brazil
and so paved the way for the Portuguese colonization in South America.
CASTRO, DON JUAN DE. The Voyage of Don Stefano da Gama,
from Goa to Suez, in 1540, with Intent to burn the Turkish Galleys in
that Port. Written by Juan de Castro, then a Captain in the Fleet,
afterwards Governor and Vice-Roy of India. Translated from the
Portuguese and abbreviated. In Astley I, 107-130.
Castro was one of the great viceroys in the Portuguese East Indies.
CASTRO, DON JUAN DE. The Second Siege of Diu by Mahmud King
of Cambaya, in 1545, under the government of Don Juan de Castro.
Abstract in Astley I, 132-137.
DA GAMA, VASCO. Voyage to India in 1497, being the first performed
by the Portuguese round Africa. Generalized Account in Astley I, 21-
40. Second Voyage in 1502, being the fourth made by the Portuguese
to the East Indies. Generalized Account in Astley I, 50-54.
Da Gama's famous voyage to India was related by several authorities, such
as Juan de Barras, Ramusio, Massi, Faria y Sousa, and Castanheda, and others.
It also formed the subject of Camoens' famous epic poem Os Lusiads, which was
published at Lisbon, 1572, and translated into English in 1655 by Sir Richard
Fanshawe. This version was superseded by William J. Mickle's translation of
1778. Edited for the Hakluyt Society, 1898. See below and also under 1869.
In making for the tip end of Africa Da Gama sailed a middle course and
eventually succeeded in rounding the Cape of Good Hope. Progressing up the east
coast of Africa he encountered the favorable monsoon wind and reached Calicut,
May 23, 1498. The famous greeting with which the Portuguese were received has
often been quoted: "May the devil take thee. What brought you hither?" Well
might these Moorish traders from Tunis be dismayed. And well might the voy-
agers be surprised on hearing themselves addressed in Castilian. After loading
up with spices they set out for the return voyage, and with fleet and crew reduced
in numbers and strength, they arrived at the Tagus on July 10, 1499. The effect
of this discovery on the history of Europe is too well known to be recounted.
What is generally overlooked is the tragic consequences to the East when "the
Portuguese burst into the Indian Ocean like a pack of hungry wolves upon a
well-stocked sheep-walk." The Portuguese Empire in Asia has been referred to
as a tragedy ; it was also a satire on human nature. From Oaten, Early Travel-
lers and Travels in India.
1898 DA GAMA, VASCO. A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama,
1497-99. By an unknown Writer. Translated from the Portuguese,
with an Introduction and Notes, by Ernest George Ravenstein, F.R.
G.S, Maps and illus. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 99. London.
NUEVA, JUAN DE. Voyage to India, being the third performed by the
Portuguese to the East Indies. Chiefly from Castanheda. Brief ab-
stract in Astley I, 49-50.
SOAREZ, MDPE. A brief Account of the Portuguese Transactions in
India, from 1516-1521, under the government of Lope Soarez. Ab-
stract in Astley I, 76-79.
SOLEYMAN, BASHA. The Voyage of Soleyman Basha, from Suez
to India, in his Expedition against the Portuguese at Diu, in 1537.
Written by an Officer of the Venetian Galleys (who was pressed into
the Turkish service), and now first translated from the Italian. To-
gether with the Siege of Diu by Soleyman Basha of Egypt. In Astley
I, 88-107.
Transactions and Discoveries of the Portuguese in India from 1521-1537
and from 1537-1542. In Astley I, 79-85.
Voyages and Transactions of the Portuguese in India from 1503-1507, with
the Exploits of Pachuco, from various sources. In Astley I, 54-58.
(See Astley, Vol. I, Bk. Ill, for abstracts of the following English Voy-
agers taken from Purchas.)
The Voyage of Captain James Lancaster, in the Year 1600, being the first
made on Account of the East India Company. 262-279.
See A True and Large Discourse under 1603 above.
The Voyage of Captain (afterwards Sir) Henry Middleton, in 1604, being
the second set forth by the East India Company. 279-283.
See Middleton under 1606 above.
An Account of Java, and the first Settlement of the English at Bantam.
With a Journal of Occurrences there ; particularly in Regard to what
passed between them and the Dutch, as well as the Natives, from 1602,
to 1605 inclusively. Extracted from the larger Relation, written by
Edmund Scot, chief Factor. 284-305.
The Voyage of Sir Edward Michelburne, to Bantam, in 1604. 306-312.
The Voyage of Captain William Keeling, in 1607, to Bantam and Banda;
being the third set out by the India Company. Written by the Captain
himself, and abbreviated. 312-332.
The Voyage of Captain David Middleton to Bantam, and the Molukkos,
in 1607. 332-335.
The Voyage of Captain Alexander Sharpey, in 1608 ; being the fourth set
out by the East India Company. Written by Captain Robert Coverte.
See Coverte under 1612 above.
A brief Account of the same Voyage of the Ascension. Written by Thomas
Jones. 344-348.
The Voyage of Captain Richard Rowles to Priaman, in the Union ; being
a Continuation of the fourth Voyage. 348-351.
The Voyage of Captain David Middleton to Java and Banda, 1609; being
the fifth Voyage set out by the Company. Extracted from a Letter writ-
ten by himself to the Merchants. 351-360.
The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to the Red-Sea, and Surat, in 1610 ;
being the sixth Voyage set out by the East India Company. Written
by himself. 360-389.
The Journal of Captain Nicholas Dounton, Lieutenant-General, in the same
Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton. 390-429.
The Voyage of Captain Anthony Hippon to the Coast of Koromandel, Ban-
tam, and Siam, in 1611 ; being the seventh set forth by the East India
Company. Written by Nathaniel Marten, Master's Mate. 429-435.
The Journal of Mr. Peter Williamson Floris, Cape-Merchant in the same
Voyage of Captain Hippon. Translated from the Dutch, and con-
tracted. 435-446.
The Voyage of Captain Samuel Castleton to Priaman, in 1612. Written by
John Tatten, Master. 446-451.
The Voyage of Captain John Saris to the Red-Sea, the Molukkos, and
Japan, in 1611 ; being the eighth Voyage set forth by the East India
Company. Collected out of the Captain's own Journal. 451-496.
Occurrences at Bantam, and other Parts of the East Indies, from October
1605, till October 1609; with an Account of the Marts and Commod-
ities of those Parts. By Captain John Saris. 496-508.
1746 CEREAU, J. A. DU. For his description of Indostan and an account of
the Great Moguls, see his Nadir-Shah, under CENTRAL ASIA.
1750 BOSCAWEN, EDWARD (Admiral). Journal, or Narrative of the Bos-
cawen's Voyage to Bombay in the East-Indies, Benjamin Braund,
Commander, with Remarks on her Remarkable Quick Passage thither,
and some Surprising Events that occurr'd during the same anno 1749,
by a Young Gentleman; also Thoughts on Trade, Duties, Smuggling,
Shipwrecks, . . . 8vo. London.
Another edition, 4to, Edinburgh, 1756.
This naval expedition was sent against the French at Pondicherry. It was
unsuccessful, owing to bad weather and the incapacity of the engineers, and cost
the lives of 1965 British and about 200 French soldiers. In these operations Kn-
sign Clive, afterwards Lord Clive, gained his firbt military distinction. Maggs,
No. 534.
1754 Explanation of the Map of the Seat of War on the Coast of Choromandel ;
with an Account of the War. Folding map. 4to. London.
1757 GROSE, JOHN HENRY. Voyage to the East Indies. 2 vols. London.
Later editions, 2 vols., London, 1766; 2 vols, London, 1772 (said to be the
best one). Translated into French, London and Paris, 1758 See below.
The author was the brother of the more celebrated antiquarian, Francis Grose,
author of the Antiquities of England and Wales, immortalised by Burns as the
"chiel amang you takin' notes."
1766 GROSE, JOHN HENRY. Voyage to the East Indies, 1750-1764: Obser-
vations on the Deccan and Bengal Viceroyalties, Religion, Trade, Eu-
ropean Settlements, . . . Revised edition. Six etched views 2 vols.
8vo. London.
1758 (In French.) Voyage aux Indes Orientates, traduit de 1'anglois par M.
Hernandez. 12mo. London and Paris.
Noticed in the Journal dcs Scavans, 1758, IV, 401 ; VI, 39.
A New History of the East Indies, Ancient and Modern, containing the
Chorography, Natural History, Religion, Government, Manners and
Customs, Revolutions, Commerce, ... of those Countries. Folding
maps. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
This work is composed of a translation of the Abb Guyon's History and of
a supplement taken chiefly from other writers. Bookseller's Note.
PLAISTED, BARTHOLOMEW. A Journal from Calcutta in Bengal
by Sea, to Busserah, from thence through the Great Dessert to Aleppo ;
and from thence to Marseilles, and through France to England, in the
Year 1750. 12mo. London.
2nd edit., with additional chapters, London, 1758. See below. Translated into
French in 1758.
A useful, entertaining, sensible little work. Lowndes.
1758 PLAISTED, BARTHOLOMEW. A Journal from Calcutta, by Sea, to
Busserah, from thence across the Great Desert to Aleppo, and from
thence to Marseilles, and thro' France to England, in the year 1750,
to which are added, Capt. Elliot's Directions for passing over the Lit-
tle Desert, from Busserah, by the way of Bagdad, Orsa and Aleppo.
Folding map. 8vo. London.
1760-61 CAMPBELL, JOHN. Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, 1757.
Complete History of the War in India, 1749-1761. Reflections on the
Government of Indostan. 3 vols. in 1. 8vo. London.
1762 A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748: Java, Batavia, the Dutch
Government, Canton and China. . . . Interspersed with many useful
and curious Observations and Anecdotes. 11 engraved plates, including
a view of St. Helena, and a folding view of Batavia. 8vo. London.
This work is ascribed rather doubtfully to a C. F. Noble.
WYNNE, JOHN HUDDLESTONE. History of the East Indies, an-
tient and modern. 2 vols. London.
Wynne was a miscellaneous writer in the employ of the East India Company
from 1759 to 1761.
1763 SCRAFTON, LUKE. Reflections on the Government of Indostan, with
a short Sketch of the History of Bengal, from the year 1739 to 1756;
and an Account of the English Affairs in 1758. 12mo. London.
Another edition, 8vo, London, 1770.
1763-1778 ORME, ROBERT. A History of the Military Transactions of the
British Nation in Indostan, from the Year 1745. To which is prefixed a
Dissertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedari Conquerors
in Indostan. 34 large engraved maps and views, including the large
view of Calcutta, and plans of Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry, etc.
3 vols. 4to. London.
A portion of this work was translated into French, Amsterdam, 1765. See
below. See also Orme under 1782 below.
This valuable historical work occupies so vast a field that every future his-
torian of India must unavoidably trench in a greater or less degree upon his
premises. The large engraved view of Calcutta should alone be worth the value
of the entire work. Quoted by Maggs, No. 521. Orme was for many years
connected with the affairs of the East India Company, and was the historiographer
of the Company.
1765 (In French.) Histoire des guerrcs cle 1'Inde ou des evenemens militaires
arrives dans 1'Indoustan depuis 1'annee 1745, traduit de 1'anglois de
Robert Orme par J.-H. Targe 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam.
1764 HOLWELL, JOHN ZEPHANIAH. Indian Tracts ; including the Nar-
rative of the Black Hole at Calcutta, Defense of Vansittart, East
India Company Affairs, 1752-1760. 4to. London.
The Narrative of the Black Hole was first published in 1758. Holwell was
surgeon to the East India Company, 1732-1749, and one of the survivors of the
Black Hole. He later became temporary Governor of Bengal but was dismissed
for protesting Vansittart's appointment. He was also the first European to study
Hindu antiquities. See Holwell under 1766-1771 below.
1766 VANSITTART, HENRY. A Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal
during the Government of Vansittart, 1760-64, by Himself. 3 vols.
8vo. London.
The work includes manners and customs of the Hindus and other odd matters.
The author took service with the Kast India Company in 1746. In the years 1760-
64 he was Governor of Bengal. His efforts to weed out corruption in the affairs
of the East India Company only made him enemies. On his return to England he
was coldly received by the Company and by Lord Clive. However, in 1769 he
became one of the directors of the Company. On his return \oyage to India
his ship, after touching at the Cape of Good Hope, disappeared from all knowl-
edge. From D. N. B.
1766-1771 HOLWELL, JOHN ZEPHANIAH. Interesting historical Events
relating to the Provinces of Bengal, and the Empire of Indostan, with
a seasonable hint and perswasive to the Honourable the Court of Di-
rectors of the East India Company as also the Mythology and Cos-
mogony, Fasts and Festivals of the Gentoos, followers of the Shastah.
3 parts in 1 vol. 9 plates. 8vo. London.
Translated into French, Amsterdam, 1768. See below.
1768 (In French.) Evenemens Historiques et interessants Relatifs aux Provinces
de Bcn^ale et Indostan par J. Z. Holwell. Traduit de 1'Anglois. 4to.
1768 DOW, ALEXANDER. The History of Indostan: translated from the
Persian. 3 vols. London.
2nd edit., London, 1770; again, London, 1792.
The dissertation on the religion and philosophy of the Bramahs contains many
particulars relative to India and the inhabitants in their present state Pinkcrton
XVII. This history is chiefly made up from Bernier's Travels, without acknowl-
edgement. Lowndes. As a matter of fact this work is a translation, according to
later pronouncements, of Ferishta's History of Hindustan. Dow was an historian
and dramatist who served in the British military forces in India.
1770 ELLIS, JOHN. Directions for bringing over Seeds and Plants from the
East Indies. London.
The Importance of the British Dominion in India, compared with that in
America. 16mo. London.
1771 OSBECK, PETRUS. Voyage to China and the East Indies, with a Voy-
age to Suratte by Olof Toreen, and Account of the Chinese Hus-
bandry by Capt. C. G. Eckeberg, translated by J. R. Forster ; to which
is added, a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon-
Swedish original of Osbeck's voyage, Stockholm, 1756. See below. See also
this date under FAR EAST.
1756 OSBECK, PETRUS. Dagbok oeswer en Ostindisk Resa, med Anmerk-
ninger af Naturkundigheten, med Torene's Resa til Suratc och Ostin-
dien. 8vo. Stockholm.
TOREEN, OLOF. For his Voyage to Surat see under Osbeck this date
1772 BOLTS, WILLIAM. Considerations on India Affairs; particularly re-
specting the Present State of Bengal and its Dependencies. 2nd edi-
tion, with Additions. Map. 4to. London.
Bolts was a Dutch adventurer who entered the Bengal civil service, and got
into trouble for private trading in the name of the East India Company. After
bein^ deported to England in 1768, he published this work attacking the govern-
ment in Bengal. From D. N. B.
PATULLO, . Essay on the Cultivation of the Lands and Improve-
ment of the Revenues of Bengal. London.
VERELST, HARRY. View of the Rise, Progress and Present State of
the English Government in Bengal; including a Reply to the Misrep-
resentations of Mr. Bolts, and other Writers. 4to. London.
1773 BOLTS, WILLIAM. Civil, political, and commercial State of Bengal.
2 vols. London.
Translated into French, the Hague, 1775. See below.
1775 (In French.) Etat-civil, politiquc et commercant du Bengale, ou histoire
des coiiquetes et de ^administration de la Compapnie Angloise dans ce
pays. Traduit de TAnglois (par M. Demeunier) de M. Bolts, juge de
la Cour du Mai re de Calcutta. 2 vols. 8vo. The Hague.
IVES, EDWARD. A Voyage from England to India, in the year 1754;
interspersed with some interesting Passages relative to the Manners,
Customs, ... of several Nations in Indostan ; also a Journey from
Persia to England by an unusual Route. . . . An Historical Narrative
of the Operations of the Squadron and Army in India, under the Com-
mand of Vice-Admiral Watson and Col. Clive, in the years 1755, 1756,
and 1757; including the Correspondence between the Admiral and the
Nabob Seraja Dowla. Chart, map, and 13 plates. 4to. London.
Ive's presence at many of the transactions which he describes and his per-
sonal intimacy with Watson give his historical narrative an unusual importance,
and his account of the manners and customs of the countries he visited, are those
of an enlightened and acute observer. Sir J. K. Laughton, quoted. The appen-
dix contains an "Account of the Diseases prevalent in Adml. Watson's squadron,
a description of most of the Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of India, with their medi-
cinal virtues." Ivc's interest in the medicinal qualities of plants was professional
as he was a surgeon.
The State of the British Empire in Bengal. London.
ical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Euro-
peans in the East and West Indies. See under WEST INDIES.
1777 KINDERSLEY, (Mrs.). For an account of India see her Letters from
Teneriffe, under AFRICA.
1779 DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER. Journal of a Voyage to the East Indies
in the Grenville, 1775. 4to. London.
Dalrymple will be remembered for his association with the project sponsored
by the Royal Society in 1769 to send out expeditions to observe the transit of
Venus. See Dalrymple, under 1770-71, COLLECTIONS. In 1795 he was made
Hydrographer to the Admiralty.
FORREST, THOMAS (Captain). Voyage to New Guinea and the Mo-
luccas, including an Account of the Magindano, Sooloo, and other Is-
lands, during the years 1774-76. Vocabulary of the Magindano Ton-
gue. Portrait and plates. 4to. London.
An edition, 8vo, Dublin, 1779.
Sec Forrest under \77 { ), SOUTH SEAS This work supplies what is wanting
in Sonnerat, as it is full of the physical and moral character of the inhabitants,
and of their language, mode of life and trade. Lowndes. Was this valuable
work of Sonnerat's never translated into English?
SULLIVAN, SIR RICHARD JOSEPH. An Analysis of the Political
History of India. London.
1781 MACKINTOSH, WILLIAM. For remarks on the British settlements in
India see his Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, under GENERAL
PECHEL, SAMUEL. An Historical Account of the Settlement and
Possession of Bombay by the East India Company, and of the Rise and
Progress of the War with the Mahratta Nation. 8vo. London.
Never published: only a few copies given away by the author. Halkett and
1782 MARSDEN, WILLIAM. The History of Sumatra; containing an Ac-
count of the Government, Laws, Customs and Manners of the Na-
tive Inhabitants, with a Description of the natural Productions, and a
Relation of the ancient political State of the Island. Map. 4to.
2nd edit., London, 1784; 3rd edit., with roy. fol. Atlas containing 19 plates,
London, 1811.
This book gave Marsden a reputation that still holds today. He was an orien-
talist, in the service of the East India Company, and resided in Sumatra in 1771-79.
He studied everything that came under his notice, including the difficult Sumatran
tongue. He was one of the coterie of scientists that gathered around Sir Joseph
Banks, President of the Royal Society.
ORME, ROBERT. Historical Fragments on the Mogul Empire and the
Marattas. 2 vols. London.
See Orme, 1763-1778, above.
1783 CAPPER, JAMES (Colonel). Observations on the Passage to India
through Egypt and across the Great-Desert. Map. 4to. London.
Later editions, London, 1785 and 1788.
Capper was the author of several works on meteorology, such as Observations
on the Winds and Monsoons, etc.
FORREST, THOMAS (Captain). Journal of the Esther Brig . . . from
Bengal to Quedah. London.
1785 FORSTER, GEORGE. Sketches of the Mythology and Customs of the
Hindoos. 8vo. London.
GOUGH, RICHARD. Comparative View of the Ancient Monuments of
India, chiefly those in the Island of Salset, described by different
Writers. Plates. 4to. London.
Gough was the best known antiquary in Great Britain. He was never in
India himself.
HUNTER, WILLIAM. Concise Account of ... Pegu. London.
Translated into French, Paris, 1793. See below.
Hunter was a surgeon as well as an orientalist, who went to India in 1781 and
settled at Agra. He accompanied Palmer's expedition in 1792-93 to Oujein, of
which he published an account in Asiatic Researches. He also got out a Hindustani-
English Dictionary in 1808. According to Pinkerton the information of Hunter
respecting the Birman Empire was the best till the appearance of Symes' val-
uable work.
1793 (In French.) Description de Pegu et de Tile Ceylon; renfermant des de-
tails exacts et neufs sur le climat, le productions, le commerce, le gouv-
ernment, les moeurs et usages de ces contrees, par W. Hunter, Jean
Christophe Losef , et Eschelskroon ; traduit de 1'Anglais et de 1'Alle-
mand. 8vo. Paris.
WOLF, JOHANN CHRISTOPHER. Journey to Ceylon, with an Ac-
count of the Dutch Rule at Jafnapatam. Translated from the Ger-
man by Erkelskrom. London.
German original, Berlin, 1785. See below.
It is a question whether Erkelskrom or Eschelskroon is the correct spelling
of this name. The former is given by Pinkerton XVII.
1785 WOLF, JOHANN CHRISTOPHER. Reise nach Zeylon, nebst Bericht
von der Hollandischen Regicrung zu Jafnapatam. Berlin.
1786 ERADUT KHAN. Memoirs of Eradut Khan; with Anecdotes of Aur-
ungzebe, Shaw Aulum and Jehaunder Shaw, translated by Jonathan
Scott. (Included with Capper's Observations on the Passage to India,
in a volume whose leading work is RenneH's Memoir of a Map of Hin-
doostan; see Rennell under 1788 below.)
HASTINGS, WARREN. Memoirs relative to the State of Bengal in
India. London.
An enlarged edition in 8vo, London, 1787.
1787 ROBSON, FR. Vie d'Haider-Aly-Khan precedee de 1'histoire de 1'usur-
pation en pays de Maissour, et autres pays voisins, par ce prince suivie
d'un recit authentique des mauvais traitements qu'ont eprouves les an-
glais qui furent faits prisonniers de guerre par son fils Tippon Khan.
Traduit de 1'anglais. 12mo. Paris.
The English original of this translation has not come to the notice of the
1788 An Account of the Prince of Wales' Island, or Pulo Peenang in the East
Indies. (From a Collection of Tracts.) London.
FULLARTON, W. A View of the English Interests in India; and an
Account of the Military Operations in the Southern Parts of the Pen-
insula during the Campaigns of 1782-84. With a plan. London.
HOWEL, THOMAS. Journal of the Passage from India by a Route
partly unfrequented through Armenia and Natolia or Asia Minor.
Map. 8vo. London.
See the same under NEAR EAST.
RENNELL, JAMES (Major). Memoirs of a Map of Hindoostan or the
Mogul Empire, with Introduction on the Geography and Present Divi-
sion of the Country, and Account of the Ganges and Burrampooter
Rivers. 4 maps and plans. 4to. London.
2nd edit., with considerable additions and a supplementary map, 5 maps in all,
4to, London, 1792; 3rd edit., enlarged with a second supplementary map, London,
1793. To this edition was added, Memoir of the Map of the Peninsula, with a
new title for the whole. Maggs, No. 521, cites an edition, with a slightly different
title, under the date 1783. Translated into French, Leipzig, 1800. See below.
James Rennell, the famous geographer, spent a great part of his life in India,
or occupied in Indian affairs. His maps were of the greatest importance. His
survey of Bengal, commenced in 1764, when he was only 22, was the first ever
prepared. His second great work was the construction of the first approximately
correct map of India. Maggs, No. 521. He was a close friend of Sir Joseph
Banks, the eminent naturalist. Admiral Markham remarks of him that he was the
greatest geographer that Great Britain has yet produced. His maps of Africa and
especially those prepared for Mungo Parks' Travels were the first to put the
geography of that continent into intelligible shape. From Smith's Life of Sir
Joseph Banks.
1800 (In French.) Description historique et geographique de 1'Indostan traduite
de 1'anglais par J.-B. Boncheseiche sur la septieme et derniere Edition,
& laquelle on a joint dcs melanges d'histoire et de statistique sur 1'Inde,
traduits par J. Cast^ra. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzic.
An Atlas in 4to with 11 maps is added.
1789 A Description of several artificial Caverns in the Neighborhood of Bom-
bay. (Calcutta, 1788.) London.
A Letter from a Gentleman on board an Indiaman, giving an Account of
the Island of Joanna, in 1784. From a Collection of Tracts. London.
MUNRO, INNES. A Narrative of the Military Operations on the
Coromandel Coast, against the combined Forces of the French, Dutch,
and Hyder Ally Cawn, from 1780 to the Peace in 1784; in a Series of
Letters, in which are included many useful Cautions to young Gentle-
men destined for India ; A Description of the most remarkable Man-
ners of the East Indians; and an Account of the Isle of France, illus-
trated with a view of Port Louis in the Isle of France, and correct
plans, upon a large scale, of the Fortifications at Trinquamallee, and
of all the Battles fought by the Army under Lieut. -Gen. Sir Eyre Coote,
and other Commanders, during that War. 4to. London.
1790 CRAUFORD, QU1NTON. Sketches chiefly relating to the History, Re-
ligion, Learning, and Manners of the Hindoos ; with the present State
of the Native Powers of Hindostan. 8vo. London.
2nd edit , enlarged, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1792. Translated into French,
Dresden, 1791. See below.
The author states that his intention was to draw the attention of the public,
for a moment, from the exploits of Mahomedans and Europeans, and direct it to
the original inhabitants of the country. He was in the service of the East India
Company until 1780. He afterwards settled in France.
1791 (In French.) Esquisses de Thistoire, de la religion, des sciences et des
moeurs des Indiens. Avec un expose tres court, de 1'etat politique ac-
tuel des puissances de 1'Inde. Traduit de 1'anglais (par Ic Citoyen de
Montesquiou-Fescnzac ) . Plates. 2 vols. Dresden.
FRANCKLIN, WILLIAM (Captain). Observations made on a Tour
from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786-87. 8vo. London.
Original edition published in 4to at Calcutta, 1788. See under CENTRAL
LE COUTER, JOHN. Letters chiefly from India, translated from the
French. 8vo. London.
An impartial account of the military transactions on the coast of Malabar dur-
ing the late war; together with short descriptions of the religion, manners, and
customs of the inhabitants of Hindostan. Lowndes.
PENNANT, THOMAS. Indian Zoology. 16 plates, chiefly ornitholog-
ical. 4to. London.
1791 RENNELL, JAMES (Major). A Bengal Atlas; containing Maps of the
Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of Hindostan. Folio map.
A.tr\ T r\r\rtf\ift
ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. An Historical Disquisition concerning the
Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress and
Trade with that Country, . . . With Appendix. 2 maps. 4to. Lon-
Another edition, 8vo, London, 1799. Translated into French, Paris, 1792. See
1792 (In French.) Rcmarques historiques sur la connoissance que les anciens
avoicnt de 1'Inde, et sur les progrcs de commerce avec cette partie du
monde avant la decouverte du passage par le cap de Bonne Esperance.
Traduit de 1'anglais. 8vo. Paris.
1792 FORREST, THOMAS (Captain). Voyage from Calcutta to the Merguy
Archipelago, on the Coast of the Bay of Bengal ; also an Account of
the Islands of Junk-Seylan, Poulo-Pinang, and the Port of Quedas ;
the present State of Achem, and Account of the Island of Celebes, and
a Treatise on the Monsoon of the East-Indies. 2 vols. 4to. London.
See Forrest under 1783 above. This work is justly of great authority, for its
details in maritime geography. Lowndes.
RENNELL, JOHN (Major). The Marches of the British Armies in the
Peninsula of India, during the campaigns of 1790-91 ; illustrated and
explained by reference to a map, compiled from authentic Documents,
transmitted by Earl Cornwallis from India. Folding map. 8vo.
STAHL, WILLIAM (Dr.). The Authentic Memoirs and Sufferings of
Dr. William Stahl, a German Physician, containing his Travels, Ob-
servations, and Interesting Narrative, during four years' Imprisonment
at Goa. 12mo. London.
1792-93 JONES, SIR WILLIAM (and Others). Dissertations and Miscellan-
eous Pieces relating to the History and Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and
Literature of Asia, by Sir William Jones, W. Chambers, Gen. Carnac,
and others. Vols. I-IV. Plates. 8vo. London.
This contains: On the Coins of Mavalipurum ; Journey to Tibet; On the
Indian Festivals and the Sphinx ; Short Account of the Maratta State ; On the
Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus, etc.
1793 British India Analysed. 3 vols. London.
HODGES, WILLIAM. Travels in India, during the years 1780-83. Map
and plates. 4to. London.
See also below under 1794.
KOCHON, ALEXIS (Abbe). Voyage to Madagascar and the East
See under AFRICA.
1793-1814 BARTON, SIR E. (General). A Collection of 92 water-colour and
pencil Drawings, of India Views, mostly round Delhi, Benares and
Lucknow, executed by General Sir E. Barton, or presented to and col-
lected by him. 2 vols. Oblong Fol.
1794 HODGES, WILLIAM. Choice Views in India, after designs executed
on the spot, and engraved in aqua-tint, with a French and English des-
cription, and forty engravings. London.
HOME, ROBERT. Select Views in Mysore, the Country of Tippoo Sul-
tan ; from Drawings taken on the Spot by Mr. Home ; with historical
Descriptions. 5 maps and 29 engraved plates, 4to. London.
See Plume under 1796 below.
JOHANSEN, ANDREW. A geographical and historical Account of the
Island of Bulam, with Observations on its Climate, Productions, . . .
8vo. London.
SCOTT, JONATHAN. Ferishta's History of the Dekkan from the first
Mahummedan Conquests, with a Continuation to the present Day:
and the History of Bengal from the Accession of Aliverdee Khan to
the Year 1780. 2 vols. 4to, Shrewsbury.
Another edition, 2 vols., 4to, London, 1800.
Scott was an orientalist, who served as secretary to Warren Hastings; he did
considerable other work in oriental fields, especially translations, among which was
a revised translation of Galland's French version of the Arabian Nights, which
he published in 1811. See also Dow under 1768 above.
1794-1800 MAURICE, THOMAS. Indian Antiquities: Dissertations on the
Geography, Laws, Government, Literature, ... of Hindostan. 30 en-
gravings of views, idols, gods, etc. 7 vols. 8vo. London.
Maurice was an orientalist who was one of the first to popularise Eastern
history and religions. D. N. B. See also under 17^5-1803 below.
1795 CAMPBELL, DONALD (of Barbreck). A Journey overland to India,
partly by a Route never gone before by any European, in a Series of
Letters to his Son, comprehending his Shipwreck and Imprisonment
with Hyder Ali and Transactions in the East. 4to. London.
Aho dated 1796. An abridgement in 12mo, London, 1796; an edition, 12mo,
with slightly different title, London, 1798. Translated into German, Altona, 1796.
See below.
1796 (In German.) Landreise nach Indien. Altona.
SULLIVAN, JAMES. Tracts upon India; written in the years 1779,
1780, and 1788. With subsequent Observations by him. 8vo. London.
1795-1803 MAURICE, THOMAS. The History of Hindostan, its Arts and
Sciences during the most Ancient Periods. 2 vols. ; The History of
Modern Hindostan. 2 vols. Maps and engravings. 4 vols. in all. 4to.
1795-1808 DANIELL, THOMAS and WILLIAM. Oriental Scenery. 144 col-
ored plates. 6 vols. Fol. London.
These consist of views of landscape, antiquities, excavations in India, done in
aqua-tint and colored in imitation of drawings. Lowndes calls them the finest
specimens of their kind ever published in England. William was the nephew of
Thomas Daniell.
17% HAMILTON, ELIZA. Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah
written previous to and during his Residence in England, with a Dis-
sertation on the History, Religion, and Manners of the Hindoos. 2
vols. 8vo. London.
HOME, ROBERT. Description of Seringapatam, the capital of Tippoo
Sultan, intended to accompany the six following Views drawn by Mr.
Home, and engraved by M. Stadler. 4 pp. and 6 plates. Fol. London.
1796-1801 RUSSELL, PATRICK. An Account of Indian Serpents, collected
on the Coast of Coromandel; containing Descriptions and Drawings
of each Species; together with Experiments and Remarks on their
several Poisons. 3 plain and 43 colored plates. 1796. A Continuation
of an Account of Indian Serpents. Portrait, 3 plain and 42 colored
plates. 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
This is said to be one of the rarest books on the fauna of India.
1797 JAMES, SILAS. Narrative of a Voyage to Arabia, India, ... in the
years 1781-1784. 8vo, London.
VINCENT, WILLIAM. The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to
the Euphrates, collected from the original Journal preserved by Arrian,
and illustrated by authorities ancient and modern. Maps. 4to. London.
Alexander the Great in his retreat from India sent a detachment by sea under
command of Nearchus, with instructions to observe closely the details of the
route. So carefully were the instructions carried out by Nearchus that many of
the places can still be identified. The voyage started from somewhere near modern
Karachi and took five months to reach the Tigris. The fact that a native pilot was
employed showed that the trip had been made before From Baker, History of
Geographical Discovery. See also McCrindle, 1879, below.
1798 CAMPBELL, . An Account of the Island of Ceylon. London.
FORSTER, GEORGE. A Journey from Bengal to England through the
northern Parts of India, Kashmire, Afghanistan and Persia, and into
Russia by the Caspian Sea. 2 vols. 4to. London.
An edition of the first volume was published at Calcutta, 4to, 1790. The
work was translated into French, with additions, by M Langles, 3 vols., 8vo,
Paris, 1802.
FRANCKLIN, WILLIAM. The History of the Reign of Shah Aulum,
the present Emperor of Hindostaun, containing the Transactions of the
Court of Delhi, and the neighboring States, during a period of thirty-
six years. Large folding map. 4to. London.
PENNANT, THOMAS. View of Western and Eastern Hindoostanr
History, Natural History, Antiquities, People, ... 23 full-page and
head piece engravings. 2 vols. 4to. London.
This tireless naturalist and antiquary reached out to the ends of the world
to gather in knowledge.
STAVORINUS, J. SPLINTER (Admiral). Voyages to the East Indies,
translated from the Dutch by P. H. Wilcocke; comprising a full Ac-
count of the Possessions of the Dutch in India and at the Cape. Maps.
3 vols. 8vo. London.
In Pinkerton XI, 159-215; 216-287. Dutch original, Leyden, 1793. See below.
1793 STAVORINUS, J. SPLINTER (Admiral). Reise van Seeland, over de
Raap de Goede-Hoop, naer Batavia, Bantam, Bengalem, enz. dcdaen in
de jaarcn 1768 bis 1771. 2 vols. 8vo. Leyden.
1798-1801 Asiatick Researches, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Ben-
gal for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, Literature, ... of
Asia. Vols. I-VI. 8vo. London.
Among some of the articles are: Narrative of a Journey from Agra to
Oujcin, by W. Hunter; Account of the Inhabitants of the Poggy or Nassau Is-
lands, off Sumatra, by John Crisp; On the Religion and Literature of the Burmas,
by Francis Buchanan; Description of the Caves at Ellora; Antiquities on the
West and South Coasts of Ceylon.
1799 ANBUREY, THOMAS. Hindostan Scenery, consisting of 12 Select
Views in India, drawn during the Campaign of the Marquis of Corn-
wallis, showing the difficulty of a March through the Gundecotta Pass.
Collection of 12 aquatints, engraved by Francis Jukes. London.
JACKSON, JOHN. A Journey from India towards England, 1797; by
a Route commonly called Over-Land. Map and engravings. 8vo.
Jackson, in addition to travelling, was also interested in antiquarian researches.
He did some excavating at Carthage and Udena. See under NEAR EAST.
TAYLOR, JOHN (Major). Travels to India in 1789 by way of Scan-
deroon, Aleppo, and the Great Desert to Bussora. 2 maps. 2 vols.
8vo. London. (With Instructions for Travellers.)
TOWNE, WILLIAM. Illustrations of some Institutions of the Maratta
People. London.
1799-1804 JONES, SIR WILLIAM. Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Cor-
respondence of Sir William Jones. By Lord Teignmouth. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
This celebrated jurist and oriental scholar was a many-sided man, but his
chief fame rests upon his editing and translations of Persian poetry and other
oriental texts. He deserves especial commendation for his unravelling the in-
tricacies of Hindu law, which he published under the title of Institutes of Hindu
Law. His letters contain many descriptions of the country, life, and manners of
the Hindus.
1800 PAOLINO DA SAN BARTOLOMEO, (Fra). Voyage to the East In-
dies: Manners, Customs, ... of the Natives, 1776-89. Notes by J.
Reinhold Forster. Plate. 8vo. London.
Italian original, 4to, Rome, 1796. See below.
1796 PAOLINO DA SAN BARTOLOMEO (Fra). Viaggio alle Indie Orien-
tali (1776-1789). Plates and portraits. 4to. Rome.
A Journal of an Embassy from the Government of Madras to the King
of Candy, in Ceylon, in the Year 1782. In vol, II of the Miscellaneous
Works of Hugh Boyd. London.
LECKIE, DANIEL ROBINSON, Journal of a Route to Nagpore, by
the way of Cuttac, Borosumbher, and the vSouthern Bunjare Ghaut, in
the year 1790; with an Account of Nagpur, and a Journal from that
Place to Benares, by the Suhaji Pass. Map. 4to. London.
MAURICE, THOMAS. India Antiquities; or, Dissertations relative to
the Geography, Civil Laws, Government, Commerce and Literature of
Hindustan, compared with Persia, Egypt and Greece. Large folding
maps and plates. 7 vols. 8vo. London.
SYMES, MICHAEL (Lieut.-Col.). Account of an Embassy to the King-
dom of Ava from the Governor-General of India, in 1795. Maps,
views, and plates of costumes, natural history, etc. 4to. London.
2nd edit., 3 vols., 8vo, with volume of plates in 4to, 4 vols. in all, London,
1800. In Pinkerton IX, 426-572, with some chapters omitted. Translated into
French, Paris, 1800; into German, Hamburg, 1800. See below.
According to Pinkerton this is the only satisfactory account of Burma till
then published Symes's embassy resulted in leave being given by the "Emperor of
Ava" for a British Resident to reside at Rangoon to protect British subjects
1800 (In French.) Relation de Tambassadc anglaisc envoyee en 1795 dans le
royaume d'Ava on 1'empire dcs Birmans. Suivi d'un voyage fait en
1798 a Colombo, dans Tile de Ceylan et a la Baie de Da Lagoa, sur la
cote orientale de 1'Afrique, de la description de j'lle de Carnicobas et
des ruincs de Mevalipouram. Traduit de 1'anglais avec des notes par
J. Castcra. 3 vols. in 8vo and an atlas in 4to. Paris.
1800 (In German.) Gesandtschaftsreise nach der Konigreich Ava, 1795. Trans-
lated by Hager. 1 map and 8 plates. Hamburg.
WHITE, WILLIAM. Journal of a Voyage from Madras to Columbo,
and Da Lagoa Bay, on the East Coast of Africa, 1798. With Account
of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants of Da Lagoa Bay,
and a Vocabulary of the Language. 2 illus. 4to. London.
For French translation see French version of Symes above.
1801 Voyage dans 1'Inde, en Perse, . . . Avec la description de Tile Poulo-Pinang,
nouvel etablissement des Anglais, pres de la cote de Coromandel. Par
differents officiers au service de la Compagnie anglaise des Indes Orien-
tales. Traduit de 1'anglais par les C * * * (L.-M. Langles et F.-J.
Noel). 8vo. Paris.
This work contains : Voyage de 1'Inde a la Mekke ; Voyage du Bengal &
Chyraz (Dans cette partie, on trouve de nombreux details sur la Perse) ; La 3e
partie renferme la description de Poulo Pinang avec plusieurs details tire's de voy-
ages de Farrets et de Le Gentil. Bookseller's Note.
1806 GOLD, CHARIyES (Captain). Oriental Drawings. Sketched between
the years 1791 and 1798. 49 colored plates and 1 woodcut. 4to. Lon-
The subjects are expressive of the usual dress and appearance of the different
Castes, and portray the general costume of India. Bookseller's Note.
1807 BUCHANAN, FRANCIS (M. D.). A Journey from Madras through
the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4to. Lon-
In Pinkerton VIII, 573-776, with omission of agricultural and commercial
CORDINER, JAMES. A Description of Ceylon, with the Narrative of
a Tour round the Island in 1800, the Campaign in Kandy in 1803, and
Journey to Ramisseram in 1804. Map, plan, and 23 aquatints and
other engravings by Madlard and others. 2 vols. London.
1808-1814 BALBI, GASPARO. Voyage to Pegu. Reprinted from Purchas in
Pinkerton VIII, 395-405.
Italian original, Venice, 1590. See below.
Balbi travelled to Pegu by way of Aleppo, Babylon, Ormuz, Diu, and Goa, fol-
lowing the orthodox route to India. Anna and Sion are his names for Ava and
1590 BALBI, GASPARO. Viaggio dell' Indie-Orientali, nel quali si contiene
quanto egli in detto Viaggio ha veduto per lo spatio di IX anni con-
sumato in esso del 1579 fin' as 1588: con la rclazione di dazzu, pesi e
mesure di tutti le citta : con suo viaggio, e del governo del re del Pegu,
e dclla guerra fatta da lui con altri re d'Anna e de Sion, con tavola delle
cose piu notabili. 8vo. Venice.
DE CHASTE, (Commander). Voyage to Tercera, Undertaken by
the Commander De Chaste, Gentleman in Ordinary for the King's Bed
Chamber and Governor for his Majesty of the Towns and Castle of
Dieppe and Arquis. Translated from the French of Thevenot's Col-
lection, Vol. IV. In Pinkerton I, 833-851.
FITCH, RALPH. Voyage of Ralph Fitch (merchant of London) to Or-
muz, and so to Goa in the East Indies. Begun in the Year 1583 and
ended in 1591. In Pinkerton IX, 406-425.
Modern edition, London, 1889. See also under Foster, 1921, below. A Dutch
translation, Leydcn, 1706. See below.
Fitch was practically the first Englishman to follow in the footsteps of Portu-
guese and Italian travellers and see with his own eyes the state of India the glory
of Akbar's court, the commercial possibilities of trade, the practice of suttee, the
worship of cows, the marriage ceremonies of the Bengalcse, and other customs
peculiar to India. He roamed far and wide, from Diu to Goa, where he and his
two companions were imprisoned by the Portuguese on the charge of being spies.
Agra, Fatepur, Benares, Hugli, Pegu, Macao, Malacca, Ceylon were among many
other places visited. His observations, as recorded in Purchas, are not of great
worth, but his adventure was of consequence to Englishmen. Oaten, Early Trav-
ellers and Travels in India.
1899 FITCH, RALPH. Ralph Fitch, England's Pioneer to India and Burma,
his companions and contemporaries, with his remarkable narrative told
in his own words. By J. H. Ryley. 8vo. London.
1706 (In Dutch.) Aanmerklyke Keys, 1583-1591, na Ormus, Goa, Cambaya,
Bacola, Chonderi, Pegu, Siam, Malacca, Ceylon, Cochin, . . . Map and
10 plates. 12mo. Leyden.
1811 KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM (Colonel). An Account of the Kingdom
of Nepaul, being the substance of Observations made during a Mission
in that Country in 1793. London.
1817 FAY, ELIZA. Original Letters from India, 1779-1815. Calcutta.
Edited by E. M. Forster, London, 1925.
1858 India in the Fifteenth Century, Being a Collection of Narratives of Voy-
ages to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of
the Cape of Good Hope; from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian
Sources. Now first translated into English. Edited with an Introduc-
tion by Richard Henry Major, F.S.A., Keeper of Maps, Brit. Mus.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 22. London.
1863 JORDANUS, FRIAR. Miribilia Descriptio. The Wonders of the East.
By Friar Jordanus, of the Order of Preachers and Bishop of Colum-
bum in India the Greater, circa 1330. Translated from the Latin Orig-
inal, as published at Paris in 1839, in the Rccueil de Voyages et de
Memoirs, of the Societe de Geographic. With the addition of a Com-
mentarv. bv Col Sir Henrv Yule. K.C.S.I.. R.E., C.B. Hak. Soc..
1865 BARBOSA, DUARTE. A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and
Malabar In the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century, by Duarte Bar-
bosa, a Portuguese. Translated from an early Spanish manuscript in
the Barcelona Library, with Notes and a Preface, by Lord Stanley of
Alderley. 2 illus. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 35. London.
This account appeared in Ramusio I. The choice of authorship seems to lie
between Barbosa and Magellan. The latter returned to Europe from India in 1512
and the former in 1517. The editor of the Hakluyt Society edition is inclined to
favor Magellan and thinks that the work may be a compilation from several sour-
ces, as it was impossible for one person to visit all the places he mentions. Even if
the book is not a record of personal observation, it is valuable for the information
it supplies. See Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India See also Barbosa,
1918-1921 below and under 1873, CENTRAL ASIA.
1869 DA GAMA, VASCO. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama, And his
Vice-royalty, from the Lendas da India of Caspar Correa; accom-
panied by original documents. Translated from the Portuguese, with
Notes and an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 3 illus. Hak.
Soc., ser. I, vol. 42. London.
See Da Gama, 1745-47 above, and 1898 below.
1871 CUNNINGHAM, A. The Ancient Geography of India. I. The Buddhist
Period, including the Campaigns of Alexander, and the Travels of
Hwen Thsang. 13 maps. 8vo. London.
See also Watters 1904-5 below.
1877 The Hawkins' Voyage During the reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth,
and James I. Second edition. Edited by Clements R. Markham, C.B.,
F.R.S. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 57. London.
The portion that concerns India is the Relation of the Occurents ... in India,
1608-1613. In 1606 the East India Company "set forth" their third voyage, which
was the first to have dealings with the Mogul's dominions. In command of one
of the ships was William Hawkins, who landed at Surat, whence, after countless
difficulties with the Portuguese and risks of assassination, he proceeded to Agra
Here he was presented to the Great Mogul Jahangir, to whom he handed the letter
from James I. Learning that Hawkins spoke Turkish, Jahangir gave him a pri-
vate audience which Hawkins used to further his complaints against the extortions
of the Portuguese and the natives and to plead for permission to erect an English
factory at Surat. Two years he stayed there, even marrying an Armenian woman
to please Jahangir, but finding the promised trading privileges not forthcoming, he
left Agra in 1611 for England and on the way home died. He gives a good account
of many things the system of "life-peers," military state, and especially of the
nightly debauches of Jahangir, as well he might, for being able to take his grog
along with the best, he sat up as companion with the Mogul many a night.
See Oaten, Early Travellers and Travels in India. His place as ambassador was
taken by Sir Thomas Roe, who was furnished with more pretentious credentials.
LANCASTER, SIR JAMES. The Voyage of Sir James Lancaster, Knt.,
to the East Indies, with Abstracts of Journals of Voyages to the East
Indies, during the Seventeenth century, preserved in the India Office,
and the Voyage of Captain John Knight, 1606, to seek the North- West
Passage. Edited by Sir Clements R. Markham, K.C.B., F.R.S., ex-
Pres. R.G.S. Hak. Soc., ser. I, vol. 56. London.
This expedition of 1591 was a complete failure.
McCRINDLE, J. W. Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and
Arrian, being a translation of the fragments of the Indika of Megas-
thenes collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the first part of the Indika
of Arrian. 8vo. London.
See also McCrindle under dates 1879, 1882, 1896, 1901, and 1927 below.
1879 McCRINDLE, J. W. The Commerce and Navigation of the Erythraean
Sea, being a translation of the Periplus Maris Erythraei, by an anony-
mous writer, and of Arrian's Account of the Voyage of Nearkhos, from
the mouth of the Indus to the head of the Persian Gulf, with Intro-
duction, Commentary, Notes and Index. 8vo. London.
The famous Periplus was apparently written about the year A. D. 60 for the
use of merchants. It displays considerable knowledge of the coast of Africa
beyond Cape Guardafui and to a less degree of the west coast of India. The au-
thor seems to have known also of Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, and China. His
reference to the overland trade to and from China suggests that the Roman mer-
chants did not yet know of the route by sea. From Baker, Geographical Discov-
ery. See also Schoff under 1912 below.
1882 McCRINDLE, J. W. Ancient India as described by Ktesias the Knidean.
8vo. London.
1886 The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies as recorded in the Court
Minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603, containing an account
of the formation of the Company, the first Adventure, and Way-
mouth's Voyage in search of the North- West Passage, now first print-
ed from the original manuscript by Henry Stevens of Vermont, with
an Introduction by Sir George Birdwood. 4to. London.
1886-88 HEDGES, WILLIAM. The Diary of William Hedges, Esq., After-
wards Sir William Hedges, during his Agency in Bengal ; as well as
on his Voyage out and Return Overland (1681-1687). Transcribed
for the Press, with Introductory Notes, etc., by R. Barlow, and Illus-
trated by copious Extracts from Unpublished Records, etc., by Col.
Sir Henry Yule, K.C.S.I., C.B., LL.D. Vol. 1. The Diary, with Index.
Vol. 2. Notices regarding Sir William Hedges, Documentary Memoirs
of Job Charnock, and other Biographical and Miscellaneous Illustra-
tions of the time in India. 18 illus. (1886.) Vol. 3. Documentary Con-
tributions to a Biography of Thomas Pitt, Governor of Ft. George,
with Collections on the Early History of the Company's Settlement
in Bengal, and on Early Charts and Topography of the Hugli River.
Map, illus., Index to Vols. 2, 3. (1888.) Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 74,
75, and 78. London.
Selections from the Letters, Despatches, and other State Papers preserved
in the Foreign Department of the Government of India, 1772-1785, ed-
ited by Geo. W. Forrest. 3 vols. Fol. Calcutta.
1893 TWINING, THOMAS. Travels in India a Hundred Years Ago with A
Visit to the United States. Portrait and map. 8vo. London.
1894 VESPUCCIUS, ALBERICUS. The Voyage from Lisbon to India, 1505-
06; being an Account and Journal of Albericus Vespuccius, translated
from the Contemporary Flemish and edited with Prologue and Notes,
by C. H. Coote. 8vo. London.
1896 McCRINDLE, J. W. The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as
described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodorus, Plutarch and Justin, being
translations of such portions of the works of these and other Classical
Authors as described Alexander's Campaigns in Afghanistan, the Pun-
jab, Sindh, Gedrosia and Karmania, with an introduction containing
the Life of Alexander, copious notes and indices. New edition bringing
the Work up to date. Maps and illus. 8vo. London.
1896-1902 FOSTER, W. Letters received from the East India Company from
its Servants in the East. Transcribed from the "Original Correspond-
ence" Series of India Office Records. Edited by W. Foster, with Intro-
duction by F. C. Danvers, 1602-1617. Complete set, 6 vols. 8vo.
1898 DA GAMA, VASCO. A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco de Gama,
1497-99, by an unknown writer. Translated from the Portuguese, with
an Introduction and Notes, by Ernest George Ravenstein, F.R.G.S.
8 maps and 23 illus. Hak. Soc,, ser. I, vol. 99. London.
See Da Gama under 1745-47 above.
1901 McCRINDLE, J. W. Ancient India as described in Classical Literature,
being a collection of Greek and Latin texts relating to India, extracted
from Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, Aelian, Philostratus,
Dion Chrysostum, Porphyry, Stobaeus, the Itinerary of Alexander
the Great, the Periegcsis of Dionysius, the Dionysiaka of Nonnus, the
Romance History of Alexander and other works, translated and co-
piously annotated, with Introduction and Index. 8vo. London.
1903 BOWREY, THOMAS. The Countries round the Bay of Bengal. Edited,
from an unpublished MS., 1669-1679, by Thomas Bowrey, by Col. Sir
Richard Carnac Temple, Bart., C.I.E. 19 illus. arid 1 chart. Bibliog-
raphy. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 12. London.
ELDRED, JOHN, and Others. The First Englishman who reached India
overland, 1583-89. In Beazley, Voyages omd Travels, vol. I. London.
Taken from Hakluyt, 1598-1600.
STEVENS, THOMAS. His Voyage to India by the Cape Route. In
Beazley, Voyages and Travels, vol. I. London.
Taken from Hakluyt, 1589.
This is a letter written by Stevens from Goa to his father. The Jesuit Thomas
Stevens is the first known Englishman to have visited India. He went to Goa in
1579 and became Rector of the Jesuits' College in Salsette. His own accounts arc
contained in letters arid concern themselves with Goa alone. He was instrumental
in getting Ralph Fitch and his companions released from prison From Oaten,
Early Travellers and Travels in India
1904-05 WATTERS, T. On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India, 629-645 A. D.
Edited by T. W. Rhys Davids arid S. W. Bushell. Reprint. 2 vols.
8vo. London.
This is one of the publications of the Royal Asiatic Society.
1905 JOURDAIN, JOHN. John Jourdain's Journal of a Voyage to the East
Indies, 1608-1617. (Sloane MS. 858, Brit. Mus.) Edited by William
Foster, B.A., of the India Office. With Appendices A-F, and a Bib-
liography, by Basil H. Soulsby. 4 maps. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 16.
MUNDY, PETER. For his travels in India see under GENERAL
Mundy made his first visit to India as a servant of the East India Company
in 1628 and his third and last in 1655. Vol. V of his travels is being: prepared for
the press by the Hakluyt Society. Vols. II and III deal with his travels In Asia.
1909 MALLESON, . History of the French in India from the founding
of Pondicherry 1674 to the Capture of that Place in 1761. 2 maps.
1910 ALBIRUNI, . Tarikhu'1-Hind. Alberuni's India. An Account of
the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Chronology, Astronomy, Cus-
toms, Laws and Astrology of India about A. D. 1030. English Trans-
lation by E. Sachau. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
1912 SCHOFF, W. H. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Travel and Trade
in the Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century. Translated
from the Greek and annotated. 8vo. London.
See McCrindle, 1879, above.
1918-1921 BARBOSA, DUARTE. The Book of Duarte Barbosa. An Account
of Countries bordering on the Indian Ocean. . . . 1518 A. D. A New
Translation by Mr. Longworth Dames. 2 vols. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vols.
44, 49. London.
See Barbosa, 1865, above.
1921 FOSTER, W. Early Travels in India, 1583-1619, edited by W. Foster.
Map and illus. 8vo. London.
Contains the travels of Ralph Fitch, John Mildenhall, William Hawkins, W.
Finch, N. Withington, Thos. Coryat, etc.
1923-1931 OLAFSSON, JON. The Life of the Icelander, Jon Olafsson. Vol.
1, translated and edited by Dame Bertha Phillpotts, D.B.E., Litt. D.
2 maps and 4 illus. Vol. 2. edited by the late Sir Richard Temple,
Bart., C.B., C.I.E., and Lavinia Mary Anstey. 1 map and 2 illus. Hak.
Soc., ser. II, vols. 53, 68. London.
These are the memoirs of an Icelandic farmer's son, who took service under
Christian IV of Denmark. After voyages to the White Sea and to Spitsbergen
(see vol. 1), he volunteered for service in India (see vol. 2), and in 1623-24 made
a stay at the Danish fortress Dansborg on the Coromandel Coast. From Book
Notice. The above translation was made from the Icelandic edition of Sigfus
Blondal of 1908-09.
1926-27 MANRIQUE, SEBASTIEN. Travels of Fray Sebastien Manrique,
1629-1643. A translation of the Itinerario de las Missiones Orientates,
with introduction and notes by Lieut.-Col. C. Eckford Luard, C.I.E.,
M.A., assisted by Father H. Hosten, S J. 2 vols. Maps and illus. Hak.
Soc. ser. II, vols. 59, 61. London.
1927 McCRINDLE, J. W. Ancient India as described by Ptolemy; being a
translation of the chapters which describe India and Central and East-
ern Asia in the treatise on Geography, written by Klaudios Ptolemaios.
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Surendranath Majumdar
Sastri, M.A. 2 maps. 8vo. London.
A word for word reprint of the rare original edition with the addition of notes
designed to bring the work up-to-date and to prove that the peoples of Central
Asia were known to Sanskrit writers. HefTer.
1928 For the Desert Route to India see this date under NEAR EAST.
DE LAET, J. The Empire of the Great Mogol. Translated by J. S.
Hoyland. With critical Notes and Introduction by Professor S. N.
Banerjee. 8vo. London.
Latin original, Leyden, 1631. See below.
This is the only translation of De Lact's De Itnperio Magni Mogolis, 1631.
The work long ranked as the best general account of India and is a valuable au-
thority for the history of Akbar's reign. The first part is a good compilation from
the works of Sir Thos. Roe, Purchas, Peter Teixeira and others. The second
is a genuine chronicle of the Empire. Heffer.
1631 DE LAET, J. De Impcrio Magni Mogolis sive India Vera Commentarius
e variis auctoribus congestus. 16mo. Leyden.
1929 BONTEKOE, WILLEM Y. Memorable description of the East-Indian
voyage, 1618-1625. Translated from the Dutch by C. B. Bodde-Hodg-
kinson and P. Geyl. 10 plates. 8vo. Broadway Travellers. London.
930 GUERREIRO, F. Jahangir and the Jesuits with the Travels of Benedict
Goes and the Mission to Pegu. Translated from the original of Fernav
Guerreiro, S. J., with an Introduction and Notes by C. H. Payne. 4
plates. 8vo. Broadway Travellers. London.
LOCKE, J. COURTENAY. The First Englishmen in India. Letters and
Narratives of sundry Elizabethans written by themselves and edited
with an Introduction and Notes by J. Courtenay Locke. 8vo. Broad-
way Travellers. London.
Contains letters and relations of Newberry, Stevens, Eldred, Queen Elizabeth.
In this book the stories of the first Englishmen in India are told in their own
simple but dramatic words. Book Notice.
Relations of Golconda in the early Seventeenth Century. Edited by W. H.
Moreland, C.S.I., C.I.E. Maps. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 66. London.
1931 HALL, BASIL (Captain). Travels in India. Edited and selected, with
an Introduction, by Professor H. G. Rawlinson, Indian Educational
Service. Illus. 8vo. Broadway Travellers. London.
Selections from Hall's best and most abiding work, Fragments of Voyages
and Travels (1831-33). In these selections the reader will find graphic and en-
tertaining pictures of life in the Royal Navy, a wonderful panorama of India and
Ceylon, including Elephants' Caves, the jungles, and, above all, events at a rajah's
court. Book Notice.
1933 BURNELL, JOHN, Bombay in the Days of Queen Anne, Being an Ac-
count of the Settlement, written by John Burnell. With an Introduc-
tion and Notes by S. T. Sheppard, to which is added Burnell's Narra-
tive of his Adventures in Bengal, with an Introduction by Sir W. Fos-
ter and Notes by Sir E. Cotton. Maps. Hak. Soc., ser. II, vol. 72.
Far East
1499 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Here begynneth a lytell treatyse or book
named Johan Mandevyll, Knight, born in Englonde in the towne of
Saynt Albone, and speketh of the wayes of the Holy L,onde towarde
Jherusalem and of marveyles of Ynde and of other dyverse countrees.
Woodcuts. 8vo. Emprinted at Westmynster by Wynken de Worde
Many subsequent editions with some variations in title, and many versions
abroad. In English: 4to, 1503; 4to, 1568; 4to, 1618; 4to, 1657; 4to, 1670; 4to, 1677;
4to, 1684; 4to, 1692; 4to, 1722; 8vo, 1725; 8vo, 1727; and among more recent edi-
tionsin Wright, 1848; fol., 1889; 8vo, 1900; 8vo, 1923; 8vo, 1928. In French,
Lyons, 1480; in Italian, Mediolani, 1480; in German, Augsburg, 1492; in Dutch,
Amsterdam, 1650, etc. For a bibliography of editions and translations up to
1840, see Schornborn, De C., Bibliographische Untcrsuchungcn iibcr J. Maunde-
inlle, Breslau, 1840. There is an undated edition in the Grenville Library printed
by Pynson in 4to, which Grenville and Dibdin believe to be earlier than that of
Wynken de Worde's. Pynson was appointed King's printer on the accession of
Henry VIII. See below.
This was a very popular book in its day and illustrated the general equipment
of geographical ideas of the late fourteenth century. Long accepted as an authen-
tic and valuable record of travel, we know now that it was a spurious relation com-
piled from various sources by one Jehan d'Outremeuse, a citizen of Liege, and
laid on the doorstep of a fictitious knight, "Sire Jehan de Mandeville." The stories
which filled his work were such as appealed to the credulity and love of the mar-
vellous dear to the Middle Ages. From Professor A. P. Newton, Travel in the
Middle Ages, chap. VIII, "Travellers' Tales." Mandeville is said to have set out
on his travels in 1322, and after visiting Egypt, Palestine, Tartary, India, the
Indian isles, etc., returned home in 1355. His death is set at 1371.
1677 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John
Mandeville, Knight ; wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land
and to Jerusalem, as also to the lands of the Great Cham and of Pres-
ter John, to India, and divers other Countries. Together with many and
strange marvels therein. 4to. London.
1725 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Man-
deville, Kt, which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Mar-
vayles of Inde, with other Hands and Countreys. Now publish'd entire
from an original MS. in the Cotton Library. 8vo. London.
This is the completest edition up to date.
1889 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. The Buke of John Maundeuill, being the
Travels of Sir John Mandeville, 1322-1357; a hitherto unpublished Eng-
lish version from the unique copy (Egerton MS. 1982) in the British
Museum. Edited, together with the French text, Notes, and Introduc-
tion, by George F. Warner. Colored frontispiece and 28 plates. Fol.
Roxburghe Club. London.
1923 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. The
Version of the Cotton Manuscript in modern spelling. With three
Narratives, in illustration of it, from Hakluyt's Navigations, Voyages
and Discoveries. 8vo. London.
The three narratives are the Voyage of Johannes de Carpini, the
Journal of Friar William de Rubruquis, and the Journal of Friar Odoric,
from the 1598-1600 edition of Hakluyt.
1480 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Ce liyre est appelle Mandeville, et fut fait
et compose par Jehan de Mandeville, Chevalier, natif d'Angleteere, de
la ville de St. Alain, et parle de terre de promission, c'est a scavoir, de
Jerusalem, et de plusieurs autres isles de la mer ; et les diverses et
stranges choses qui sont en dite isles. Fol. Lyons.
1480 (In Italian.) Tractate delle piu maravigliose cosse e piu notabili, che si
trovano in le parte del mondo vedute ... del cavaler J. da Mandavilla.
4to. Mediolani.
(In Latin.) Itinerarius a terra Angliae in partes Jhcrosolimiyanas et in
ulteriores transmarinas . . . translates in hanc formam latinam. (No
place or date, but according to Ibrahim-Hilmy, at Venice.)
1650 (In Dutch.) De wonderlijke Reize van Jan Mandevyl beschrijvende de
Reize en Geschied, van den Lande van Egyptcn, Syrien, Arabien, enz.
4to. Amsterdam.
1577 Newes lately come from the great Kingdome of Chyna. (Translation by
Thomas Nicholas of a letter in Spanish from Mexico to Spain.) Lon-
1579 BERNARDINO DE ESCALANTE. A Discourse of the Nauigation
which the Fortugales doe make to the Realms and Prouinces of the
East partes of the Worlde, and of the Knowledge that growes by them
of the great thinges which are in the Dominions of China. Written
by Barnadine of Escalanta, of the Realme of Galicia Priest. Trans-
lated out of Spanish into English, by lohn Frampton. 4to. London.
The dedication of Frampton to the Right Worshipful Edward Dyer, Esq., is
dated Oct. 1, 1579. Parks. Reprinted in Osborne II, 25-91. Spanish original, Se-
ville, 1577. See below.
1745 BARNADINE, FATHER. An Account of the Empire of China: Where-
in is Describ'd The Country of China, with the Provinces and States
subject to that Extensive Empire. Also an Account of the Climate,
Prochict, Navigation, Cities, Temples, Buildings, Letters, Figures,
Genius . . . and of the Complexion, Apparel and Conditions of the
People. To which is prefix'd, A Discourse of the Navigation which the
Portuguese do make to the Realms and Provinces of the East Parts of
the World. Written by Barnadine of Escalanta, of the Realm of Gali-
cia, Priest. Translated out of Spanish into English, by John Frampton.
With several Appendixes. In Osborne II, 25-91.
1577 BERNARDINO DE ESCALANTE. Discorso de la Navigacion que los
Portugueses hacen a nos reinos y provincias de del Reino de China.
POLO, MARCO. The most noble and famous Travels of Marcus Paulus.
Translated by John Frampton from Rodrigo de Santaelle's Spanish
version, Seville, 1503. 4to. London.
Following is the list of English editions down to 1871, as outlined by Parks
(Introduction to his edition of 1927), with the exception of the versions in Harris
and Pinkerton: 1579, Frampton's from a Spanish translation of an Italian trans-
lation, corrupt and incorrect; 1625, Purchas His Pilgrimes, an abridged and incor-
rect paraphrase of Ramusio's account; 1744-48, Harris I, 592-629, "taken chiefly
from Ramusio, compared with an anonymous manuscript in his Prussian Majesty's
Library, and with most of the translations hitherto published"; 1808-14, Pinkerton
VII, 101-178, apparently a reprint of Harris; 1818, Marsden's, a full translation of
Ramusio done before the original texts were edited ; 1844, Murray's, well trans-
lated with some collation of texts; 1871, Yule's, the classic translation, with the
best commentary on the book in any language. Of this last work there was a sec-
ond edition in 1875, and a third in 1903, revised in the light of recent discoveries,
by Henry Cordier, who also issued in 1Q20 his Scr Marco Polo, with Notes and
Addenda to Henry Yule's edition, containing the "Results of Recent Research and
Discovery." Yule's third edition was reprinted in 1926, 2 vols. In 1926, the Broad-
way Travellers edition, an authorized English translation of the text of L. F. Ben-
edetto ; and in 1929, the Argonaut Press edition, a reissue of Frampton's version,
together with the Travels of Nicolo de' Conti, done in the light of the most recent
researches in Polian history. This list does not exhaust the ninetenth century edi-
The early bibliography of Marco Polo is full of nice questions which can well
be left to experts. It is curious that so few editions appeared in English before
the nineteenth century. The history of the work, as sketched by George B. Parks
(see above), seems to be this: After the defeat of the Venetian fleet by the Gen-
oese, Polo, who was taken prisoner in the battle, spent about a year in jail at
Genoa. While thus lodged, he dictated his story to a fellow prisoner, one Rusti-
cian by name, who wrote it down in French as the one language common to them
both. After his release Polo took the manuscript with him and later gave it to
the French ambassador. What the latter did with it is not known, but copies of
it were made with or without Polo's knowledge. It was translated into Italian and
then into Latin much corrupted. The first printed edition appeared in German in
1477, followed by versions in Italian, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and
finally English. Ramusio included it in an enlarged form in his Collection. "This
is the last stage of the book."
Nicholas and Maffeo, of the Polo family, made their first journey to the Far
East in 1250 and returned to Venice in 1269, when Nicholas found his wife dead
and a son nineteen years old. They set out again in 1271/2, this time accompanied
by young Marco, and were received with high honors, especially Marco, at the
court of Kubla Khan. They returned to Venice in 1295, looking more like Tar-
tars than Italians. No one knew them. The famous dinner they gave on their
return is a well known story. Polo and Rubruquis give us the most complete and
remarkable accounts of all early travels into Tartary and Mongolia. The latter
made known Northern Tartary and the former the Southern. Furthermore Polo
travelled by sea from China to India, being the first known traveller, ancient or
medieval, to use such a route. Travelling by the Khan's orders and with his armies,
he had advantages accorded no one else. The territory he reported on covered
Turkey in Asia, Persia, Tartary, India, China, Japan, the Asiatic islands, Siberia,
and parts of Africa.
1903 POLO, MARCO. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concern-
ing the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Translated and Edited, with
Notes by Colonel Sir Henry Yule. With a Memoir of H. Yule by his
Daughter. 3rd edit, revised in the light of recent discoveries, by Henri
Cordier. Portraits and a large number of maps and illus. 2 vols 8vo.
1926 POLO, MARCO. The Book of Ser Marco Polo. Translated into English
from the text of L. F. Benedetto by Professor Aldo Ricci. With an
Introduction by Sir Denison Ross. 8vo. Broadway Travellers. Lon-
In 1924 Professor Benedetto of Florence, having discovered a MS.
hitherto unknown, brought out a new version containing much new and
exceedingly interesting material.
1929 POLO. MARCO. The Most Famous and Noble Travels of Marco Polo.
Together with the Travels of Nicolo de' Conti. Edited from the Eliza-
bethan Translation of John Frampton. With Introduction, Notes and
Appendices by N. M. Penzer, M.A. With 11 new maps and a colored
frontispiece from a MS. in the Bodleian, Oxford. 4to. Argonaut
Press. London.
1588 MENDOZA, JUAN GONZALEZ DE. The Historic of the great and
mightie Kingdome of China, and the situation thereof, togither with
the great riches, huge Citties, politicke gouernement and rare inuentions
in the same. Translated out of Spanish by R. Parke. 4to. London.
Edited for the Hakluyt Society, London, 1854. Spanish original, Rome, 1585.
See below.
This work is mainly a compilation from the narratives of Caspar da Cruz,
Martin de Rada (Herrada), and Pedro de Alforo, missionaries, to which is added
the Itinerary of Father Martin Ignaxio. Library of Congress. In his dedication
to Thomas Candish (Cavendish), who had just returned from his first voyage to
the Philippines and China, Parke states that he undertook the translation "at the
earnest request of his worshipfull friend, Master Richard Hakluyt/' and urges
Cavendish to make further attempts to find a North- West Passage . . . Ortelius,
in his Atlas, says that he received more information from Ignacio's Itinerary than
from any other single book. Robinson, No. 26. The History is the earliest de-
tailed account of China published in English. Eden's account in his History of
Travayle in the West and East Indies is interesting but shorter.
Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation thereof. Com-
piled by Padre Juan Gonzalez de Mcndoza, and now reprinted from
the Early Translation of R. Parke Edited by Sir George Thomas
Staunton, Bart., M.P , F R.S. With an Introduction by Richard
Henry Major, F.S.A., Keeper of Maps, Brit. Mus., Sec. R.G.S. 2 vols.
Hak. Soc., ser. I, vols. 14-15. London.
1585 MENDOZA, JUAN GONZALEZ DE. Historia de las cosas mas notables
y costumbres del gran reyno de la China . . . Con vn itinerario del Nuevo-
Mundo. Rome.
1609 UNION, ANTHONY. Newes of the Complement of the Art of Nav-
igation and of the mightie Empire of Cataia, together with the Straits
of Anian. 4to. London.
1612 Relation of an Englishman shipwrecked on the Coast of Camboya. 4to.
So cited by Pinkerton XVII.
1619 A Briefe Relation of the Persecvtion lately made against the Catholike
Christians in the Kingdome of laponia, deuided into Two Bookes,
Taken out of the Annuall Letters of the Fathers of the Society of lesvs,
and other Authenticall Informations. Written in Spanish, and printed
first at Mexico in the West Indies, the yeare of Christ 1616, and newly
translated into English by W(illiam) W( right) Gent. The First Part
(all published). 12mo. London.
This book was secretly printed and is extremely rare. It was probably printed
abroad for import into England. A second part was promised containing the events
which succeeded the departure of the Jesuits from Japan, but there is little doubt
that this never appeared. The translator in a note to the reader says that he had
not yet seen the second part himself. Quoted from Bookseller's Note.
1633 BORRI, CHRISTOFORO. Cochin-China ; Containing many admirable
Rarities and Singularities of that Countrey, Extracted out of an Italian
Relation lately presented to the Pope, by Christoforo Borri, that lined
certaine yeeres there. 8vo. London.
Reprinted in Churchill II, 721-765; in Pinkerton IX, 771-828. Italian original,
Rome, 1631. See below.
Father Borri or Burrus was one of the earliest missionaries to Cochin China,
and after his return to Europe taught mathematics at Coimbra and Lisbon, and
made various improvements in the compass His work is most important for the
early history of Cochin China, as he Rives much information concerning that coun-
try apart from the usual account of the progress of the missions. His account is
in two parts, first, on the temporal state of the country its boundaries, climate,
soil, manners and customs of its inhabitants, elephants, etc., government, com-
merce, and wars. Secondly, its spiritual state. Maggs, No. 519.
1631 BORRI, CHRISTOFORO. Rclatione della Nuova Missione delli PP.
della Compagnia di Giesu, al Regno della Cocincina. 12mo. Rome.
1635 BAUDIER, MICHEL. The History of the Court of the King of China.
Written in French by the Seigneur Michael Baudier of Languedoc.
Translated by E(dward) G(rimstone). 4to. London.
Sec this date under NEAR EAST. Reprinted in Osborne II, 1-24.
The author finds here a government where virtue is rewarded, bribery un-
known, flattery punished, and royal favor constant. Swift should have sent Gul-
liver on a voyage to Qiina.
1655 SAMEDO, ALVAREZ. The History of that Great and Renowned Mon-
archy of China, wherein the particular Provinces are accurately de-
scribed, as also the Dispositions, Manners, Learning, Laws, Militia,
Government, and Religion of that Country, by Father Alvarez Samedo,
a Portuguese, of late Resident twenty-two years at the Court and
other famous Citties of the Kingdom. Now put into English by a Per-
son of Quality. To which is added, The History of the late Invasion
by the Tartars. Portrait of the author, 2 maps and 2 plates. Fol.
Another edition, London, 1670. Whether the original of this translation is the
Spanish edition, Madrid, 1642, or the Italian edition, Rome, 1643, is not known
to the editor. See below.
This work gives a long account of China, its various provinces, inhabitants
and their manners and customs, Government and Military Art, the propagation of
the Gospel, and more particularly an account of the labours of the Jesuits there,
written by the Procurador General of China and Japan. Maggs, No. 519.
1642 SEMEDO, FR. ALVARO (Jesuit). Impcrio_ de la China, i cultura
evangelica en el, por los Religios de la Compania de Jesus 4to. Madrid.
1643 SEMEDO, ALVARO. Rclatione della Grande Monarchia della Cina.
Engraved portrait of Semedo. 8vo. Rome.
1662 MANDELSLO, JOHANN ALBRECHT VON. For his description of
Japan and China, see his Voyage and Travels into the East Indies,
1663 CARON, FRANCIS, and SCHOUTEN, JOOST. Description of the
Kingdoms of Japan and Siam, translated from the Dutch by Sir Roger
Manley. 12mo. London.
Another edition, with map, London, 1671. Given in substance in Pinkertqn
VII, 607-641, to which is added an Extract from Hagenaar's Voyage to and in
the East Indies; modern edition, London, 1925. See below. The Dutch original is
as early as 1636 at least, for in that year appeared the edition listed below.
1925 CARON, FRANCOIS, and SCHOUTEN, JOOST. A True Description
of the Mighty Kingdoms of Japan and Siam, written originally in
Dutch by Francois Caron and Joost Schouten, and now rendered into
English by Capt. Roger Manley, London, 1663. Edited with an Intro-
duction, Notes, Bibliography and Index by C. R. Boxer. 11 plates and
7 maps. 4to. London.
1636 CARON, FRANCIS. Bcschryving van het Konikryke van Japon, bestaende
in verscheydcnc vragen beantwort in den jare 1636, . . . 4to. The Hague.
PINTO, FERDINAND MENDEZ. The Voyages and Adventures of
Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal, during his Travels, for the Space
of one and twenty years, in the Kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria,
Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan and a great Part of
the East-Indies, with a Relation and Description of the most of the
places thereof, their Religion, Laws, Riches, Customs, and Govern-
ment in the time of Peace and War, where he five times suffered
shipwreck, was sixteen times sold, and thirteen times made a slave.
Done into English by H(enry) C(ogan). Fol. London.
2nd edit., corrected and amended, London, 1663 ; 3rd edit., London, 1692. Mod-
ern edition in the Adventure Series, London, 1891. Portuguese original, Lisbon,
1614. See below.
This work contains an "apologetical defence" of Pinto, consisting of refer-
ences to every Portuguese work, and many Latin ones, confirmatory of those cir-
cumstances mentioned by him. And well was this needed, for poor Pinto has been
stigmatised by Cervantes as the "Prince of Liars," and by another (but constant-
ly misquoted as Shakespeare) as a "Liar of the first Magnitude." Modern travel,
however, has done much to recover for Pinto and other early travellers their long-
forfeited reputation. Lowndes. (It may be mentioned here that the epithet "Liar
of the first Magnitude" is used in Congreve's Love for Love.) The original was
regarded as one of the finest books of travels that had ever been written, and
prompted translators to render it in various foreign languages. It is, moreover,
a classic record of the experiences and observations of one of the earliest Euro-
peans to penetrate into the interior of oriental countries, which, in that era, were
practically unknown. He was indeed the first European to enter Japan (in 1542),
seven years before Saint Francis Xavier, the Apostle of the Indies.- Maggs, No.
519. Pinto's account of the Portuguese cruelties in the East Indies and their in-
human lust for blood is too horrible to believe. Oaten, Early Travellers and
Travels in India, His travels covered the years 1537-1558.
1891 PINTO, F. MENDEZ. Voyages and Adventures of F. Mendez Pinto,
Done into English by Henry Cogan, with an Introduction by M. Vam-
bery. Adventure Series. London.
1614 PINTO, FERNAO MENDEZ. Peregrinacam, em que da conta de muytas
y muyto estranhas chosas, que vio e ovvio no reyno da China, no da
Tartaria, no da Sornam, que vulgarmente se chama Siam, no da Cal-
aminharn, no da Pegu, no da Marlavan, e em outros muytos reynos e
senhorios das partcs orientalcs. Lisbon.
The first account of his travels is to be found in a collection of
Jesuit letters published in Venice in 1565, but the best is his own Pere-
grinacao. Catholic Encyclopedia, quoted by Maggs, No. 519.
1669-1671 NIEUHOFF, JOHN. The Embassy (of Peter de Goyer and Jacob
de Keyzcr) from the (Dutch) East-India Company (1655) to the
Grand Tartar Cham Emperour of China. Englished from the Dutch
of John Nieuhoff. Also Atlas Chineiihis : Second Part of a Relation
of Remarkable Passages in Two Embassies from the Dutch East-India
Company. Translated from A. Montanus. Portrait, 2 maps, and 58
large engravings . . . and hundreds of copperplates in the text. 2 vols.
Fol. London.
The full title of the Atlas Chincnsis of Montanus follows under 1671 below.
Both works were translated by John Ogilby. In 1671-73 appeared a second edition
of NieuhofTs work, 1 vol., together with that of the 1671 edition of Montanus's
in 2 vols., in all 3 vols., fol , London. An abstract of the first embassy in Astlcy
III, 399-431; of the second in Astley III, 431-483; in Pinkerton VII, 231-270.
Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1665. Sec below. Astley says that Ogilby's transla-
tion agrees in title more with the Leiden edition than with the Amsterdam. He
states further that the general description seems to have been taken from Martini's
Atlas C'hincnsis, and the account of the manners and customs of the Chinese from
a variety of authors.
The Dutch being at the height of their power, having supplanted the Portu-
guese, desired to gain access to China and a portion of the Chinese trade. After
much opposition the Government succeeded in sending certain merchants to try the
pulse of the Chinese at Canton. Upon their rrport it was determined to despatch
ambassadors from Batavia to the Court of Peking to solicit liberty to trade. This
is the embassy written up by Nicuhoff, who was steward to the ambassadors. Its
failure led the Dutch to send other embassies These are the ones written by
1665 NIEWHOF, JAN. Gesandshap der Neederlandische Oost-Indische Com-
pagnie aen den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den Keyzer von China Fol.
1670 MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS. Atlas Japancnsis: being Remarkable Ad-
dresses by way of Embassy from the East India Company of the Unit-
ed Provinces to the Emperor of Japan. Containing a Description of
their Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fortresses ; their Religion, Laws,
and Customs ; their Prodigious Wealth, and Gorgeous Habits ; the Na-
ture of their Soil, Plants, Beasts, Hills, Rivers, and Fountains. With
the Character of the Ancient and Modern Japanners. Collected out of
their several Writings and Journals by A. Montanus. Englished by J.
Ogilby. Map, plates, folding and full page. Fol. London.
Combined with the Atlas Chincnsis, 2 vols., fol., London, 1670-73. An abstract
of part of this work in Astley III, 483-491. Dutch original, Amsterdam, 1669.
See below.
Exceedingly rare. The plates to this work represent a high-water mark in
book illustrations of the 17th century. Apart from these, this book remains one
of the most curious of the numerous works of travel in the Orient during the
17th century. Among the subjects discussed are the following: Murder in Japan,
Japanese wrestlers. Japanese baths, jugglers and necromancers, burning of widows,
women-raping by baboons, blood-baths, Japanese tortures, boiling waters of Sin-
gok, gardens, Japanese wines, whaling in Japan, etc. From Booksellers' Note.
1669 MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS. Gedcnkwaerdige Gesantschappen der Oost-
indischc Maetschappy in't Vereenigde Nederland, aen de Kaisaren van
Japan' Vervactende Wonderlijke voorvallen op tc Togt der Neder-
landsche Gesanten: Beschryving van de Dorpen, Sterkten, Steden,
Landschappen, Tempels, Godsdiensten, Dragten, Gebouwen, Dieren,
Gcwasschen, Bergen, Fonteinen, vereeuwde en nieuwe Oorlogs-daden
der Japanders. Map, 24 folding plates, and many illustrations in the
text. Fol. Amsterdam.
1671 MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS. Atlas Chinensis, being a Second Part of a
Relation of remarkable Passages in two Embassies from the East-
India Company of the United Provinces to the Vice Roy Sing La
Mong, and General Taysing Lipovi ; and to Ka-Konchi, Emperor of
China and East Tartary. With a Relation of the Netherlanders assist-
ing the Tartars against Koxinga and the Chinese Fleet, who till then
were Masters of the Seas. And a more exact geographical Descrip-
tion than formerly both of the whole Empire in general, and in par-
ticular of every one of the fifteen Provinces. Collected out of their
several Writings and Journals by Arnoldus Montanus. Englished and
adorned with several Sculptures by John Ogilby. Fol. London.
PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, JUAN DE. The History of the Conquest of
China by the Tartars ; together with several remarkable things concern-
ing the Religion, Manners and Customs of both Nations, but especially
the latter. First written in Spanish by Seignior Palafox (y Mendoza),
Bishop of Osma and Viceroy of Mexico, and now rendered into Eng-
lish. 8vo. London.
A Spanish edition, Paris, 1670. See below.
1670 PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, JUAN DE. Historia de la conquista dc la
China por el tartaro. Paris.
1673 VARENIUS, BERNARD. Descriptio Regni Japoniae et vSiam. Item,
De Japoniorum Religione et Siamensium. De diversis omnium Gen-
tium Religionibus. Quibus, Praemissa Dissertatione de variis Rerum
publicarum generibus, adduntur quaedam de Priscarum Afrorum fide
excerpta ex Leone Africano. 8vo. Cantab, (i. e., Cambridge).
Latin original, with same title, Amsterdam, 1629.
This work is divided into three parts. The first contains a general description
of Japan, and reviews its products, climate, minerals, commerce, war. finance, man-
ners and customs. The second is a translation from the Dutch of Schouten and
contains a general account of Siam. The third is an account of the Religions of
the Japanese, their Gods and Priests, and the introduction of Christianity. Robin-
son, No. 20.
1675 China and France, or Two Treatises, The One of the present State of
China, as to the Government, Customs and Manners of the Inhabi-
tants thereof ; never yet known to us before in Europe. Written and
published by the French King's Cosmographer ; and now Englished.
The other containing the most remarkable Passages of the Reign and
Life of the present French King, Lewis the XIV; and of the Valour
of our English in his Armies. 8vo. London.
1680 TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTS. A Collection of several Relations
and Treatises Singular and Curious, not printed among his first Six
Voyages. T. A new and singular Relation of the Kingdom of Tun-
quin. II. How the Hollanders manage their Affairs in Asia. III. A
Relation of Japan, and the Cause of the Persecution of the Christians
in those Islands. IV. A Relation of \\hat passed in the Negotiation
of the Deputies which were at Persia and the Indies, as well on the
French King's as the Company's Behalf, for the Establishment of
Trade. V. Observations upon the East India Trade, and the Frauds
there subject to be committed. Published by Edmund Everard. Plates
and folding map of Japan, with inset map of Tonquin. Fol. London.
French original, Paris, 1670. For title and observations see Tavernier under
1682 GLANIUS, . For an account of Siam and the Isles of Japan see
his A New Voyage to the East-Indies, under EAST INDIES.
The History of the Court of China. Done out of French (by A, G.). Lon-
1686 CHAUMONT, MONSIEUR DE (Knight). A Relation of the late Em-
bassy of Monsieur cle Chaumont, Knight, to the Court of the King
of Siam. With an Account of the Government, State, Manners, Re-
ligion, and Commerce, of the Kingdom. 12mo. London.
A French version, Paris, 1687, cited by Pinkcrton XVII. See below.
1687 (In French ) Relation de 1'Ainbassaflc du Chevalier de Chaumont a la
Cour a Siam. 12mo. Paris.
This presumably is the original edition
DE SOTO, HERNANDO. Two Journics of the present Emperour of
China into Tartary in the years 1682 and 1683. (In his Relation of
the Invasion of Florida, to which it is subjoined. See the same under
1688 MAGAILLANS, GABRIEL. A New History of China, containing a
Description of the most considerable particulars of that Vast Empire:
Language, Government, Manufactures, . . . done out of French (by
W. Ogilby). Folding plan of Pekin. 8vo. London.
Lowndes attributes the translation to John Ogilby, but that King's Cosmog-
raphcr is ruled out by the fact that he died in 1676. A "French translation," Paris,
1688 (Pinkerton XVII), 1690 (Maggs, No. 521). Sec below.
The above work, written by Magaillans, was never printed in Portuguese;
nevertheless, there exists this French translation of it. The work was the fruit
of his residence in China for 29 years. Gabriel de Magulhaes, a Jesuit, was born
in Pedrogao in 1609. He left Portugal for the East in 1634, penetrated into the
Chinese Kmpire, and died in Pekin May 6, 1677. There is a curious description of
his funeral, towards which the Emperor contributed, with a donation of 800 frs.
and ten bales of damask. Maggs, No. 521.
1688 MAGELLANS, GABRIEL DE. Relation nouvdle dc la Chine, contenant
la description des parties les plus remarquables de cet empire ; compose
en Tannce 1668 par le R. P. Gabriel de Magellan*, de la Compagnie de
Jesus, et traduite du Portugais par le Sr. B. 4to Paris.
TACHARD, CAJY (Father). A Relation of the Voyage to Siam, Per-
formed by six Jesuits, sent by the French King to the Indies and China,
in the Year 1685. With their Astrological Observations, and their Re-
marks of Natural Philosophy, Geography, Hydrography, and History.
Published in the Original by the express Order of His most Christian
Majesty; and now made English and illustrated with Sculptures. 8vo.
The French original of this voyage, together with that of the second, was pub-
lished in 2 vols., Paris, 1686 and 1689. See below.
A large part of the above work relates to the kindly reception given the
Jesuit Fathers by the Dutch at the Cape of Good Hope. Java, Sumatra, and Ban-
tam were also visited and described Maggs, No. 521. Pinkerton, who in com-
mon with most of the editors of English collections, had a keen eye for Jesuit
failings, describes the account as a pretty accurate work as to geography, but dis-
figured with the author's credulity.
1686-89 TACHARD, GUY (Father). Premier yoyage de Siam des PP. Jesu-
ites, envoyees par le Roi aux Indes et a la Chine avec leurs observa-
tions astronomiqucs, et leurs rcmarques de physique, de geographic, d'-
hydrographie, et d'histoire (rcdige par le P. Tachard). Second voyage
du P Tachard et des Jesuites, envoyees par le Roi an Royaume de
Siam ; contenant diverscs remarques d'histoire, de physique, de geog-
raphie, et d'astronomie. Avec figures. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.
1689 A New History of the Empire of China; containing a description of the
Politick, Government, Towns, Manners and Customs of the People,
. . . newly clone out of French. 8vo. London.
1690 A Relation of the Revolution of Siam. Being the Substance of several
Letters writ in October 1688, and February 1689, from Siam and the
Coast of Coromandel. Never before published in any Language and
now translated into English. 4to. London.
Reprinted in Oshornc II, 95-102 See below. There was a French account of
this Revolution published in 2 vols., 16mo, Lyons, 1602, by Father Marcel Le Blanc.
1745 A Full and True Relation of the Great and Wonderful Revolution that
happened lately in the Kingdom of Siam in the Kast-Indies. Giving a
particular Account of the Sej?ing and Dtath of the late King, and of
the Setting up of a new One. As also of the putting to Death of the
King's only Daughter; his adopted Son who \\as a Christian; his two
Brothers; and of Monsieur Constance, his great Minister of State, and
Favourer of the French. And of the Expulsion of the Jesuits, Mission-
ary Priests, Officers and Soldiers of the French Nation out of that
Kingdom, that endeavoured to bring it under the French Domination.
Being the Substance of several Letters writ in October 1688, and of
February 168-, from Siam, and the Coast of Coromandel. Never be-
fore published in any Language, and now translated into English. In
Osborne II, 95-102.
This Constance was originally a Greek Christian, who after spend-
ing some time in England -\\ent out to the Fast Indies, where he was
employed by the English as their factor in Siam. His business abilities
and talents brought him into favor with the court. He used his influence
to bring the country under the domination of the French and the king
to the Catholic faith with the aid of the Jesuits. The revolution related
above frustrated these designs.
1693 LOUBERK, vSIMON DE LA. A New Historical Relation of the King-
dom of Siam, by M. de la Loubere, envoy extraordinaire from the
French King to King of Siam in the years 1687, 1688, . . . wherein
a full and curious account is given of the Chinese Way of Arithmetick
and Mathematick Learning. Done out of the French, by A. P., F.R.S.
Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
French original, Amsterdam, 1691. See below.
In addition to the interesting account of Siam and the Siamese, this work con-
tains many curious matters of information: The Life of Thevelat, Siamese Alpha-
bet, Smoaking Instrument, Chess-Play of the Chinese, Relation of the Cape
of Good Hope, with four cuts, Siamese Astronomy, Problem of Magical
Squares according to the Indians, Manners of the Chinese.- From Maggs, No.
521. This embassy was one of the several sent from Louis XIV to Siam, all of
which were accompanied by priests of the Jesuit orders. Tachard made his sec-
ond voyage (sec 1688 above) with La Louhcrc French interest in Siam seems
to have declined after this embassy. La Loubere must have been busy with his eyes
to note so much in a three months' stay.
1691 LOUBERE, SIMON DE LA. Description dn Royaume de Siam, par M.
de la Loubere, Envoye extraordinaire du Roi auprcs du Roi de Siam,
ou Ton voit quclles sont les opinions, les moeurs, et la religion des
Siamois ; avec plusienrs remarques de physique touchant les plantes et
les animaux du pays. Amsterdam. 2 vols.
1697 LE COMTE, LOUIS. Memoirs and Observations Topographical, Phys-
ical, Mathematical, Mechanical, Natural, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Made
in a late Journey through the Empire of China ; and published in sev-
eral Letters. Particularly upon the Chinese Pottery and Varnishing,
the Silk and other Manufactures, the Pearl Fishing, the History of
Plants and Animals. Description of their Cities and publick Works ;
number of People, their Language, Manners, and Commerce; their
Habits, Oeconomy, and Government; the PhylobOphy of Conf usius ;
the state of Christianity ; with many other curious Remarks . . . Trans-
lated from the Paris edition; and illustrated with Figures. 8vo. Lon-
2nd edit, London, 1699; 3rd, corrected, London, 1699; again, London, 1737,
and this one reprinted, London, 1738; abstract in A.stlcy III, 514-545 French
original, Paris, 1696 See below
The author was a Jesuit, confessor to the Duchess of Burgundy, one of the
Royal Mathematicians, and later missionary to the Far Fast. This work, according
to the Bioymphie Generate, is "reprehensible pour les paradoxes qu'il renferme;
c'est tin panegyriqne outre dc la civilisation chinoise." Quoted by Sotheran.
16% LF COMTE, LOUIS. Nouvraux Mcmoircs sur 1'Ftat de la Chine. Avec
figures. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.
This work was burnt by order of the Parliament of Paris.
1698 BRAND, ADAM. Journal of the Embassy from their Majesties John and
Peter Alcxievitz, Emperors of Muscovy, . . . over Land into China,
through the Provinces of Ustiugha, Siberia, Dauri, and the Great Tar-
tary, to Peking . . . By Evcrard Isbrand (Ides), their Ambassador in
the Years 1693, 1604, and 1695. Written by Adam Brand, Secretary
of the Embassy. Translated from the Original in High-Dutch, Printed
at Hamburgh, 1698. To which is added, Curious Observations con-
cerning the Products of Russia. By H. W. Ludolf. Portrait and 2
plates. 12mo. London.
German original, Frankfort, 1697. See below.
The relation of Brand's anticipated that of Ides' (see 1706 below.) On the
appearance of the latter's account, this one showed itself to be full of inconsis-
tencies and improbabilities.
16 f ->7 BRAND, ADAM. Reschreibung seiner grossen Chinesischen Reise, wclchc
er anno 1693, 1694, 1695, in dcr suite des Herrn Everharrd Isbrand
Ides, von Moscou iibcr Siberien, Daurien, und durch die Grosse-Tar-
tarey, bis in China gethan. Frankfort.
1706 IDES, EVERARD YSBRANTS. Three Years' Travels from Moscow
overland to China ; through Great Ustiga, Siriana, Permia, Daour,
Great Tartary, ... to Peking ... to which is annexed an Accurate
Description of China by a Chinese Author (Dionysius Kao) . . . and
now faithfully done into English from the Dutch of Witzen. Map and
numerous plates. 4to. London.
Abridged extracts from the description of his reception at the court of Peking
in Astley III, 566-575; reprinted more fully in Harris II. 918-961, in three sec-
tions. See also Lc Brun, Voyaqe to the Levant and Travels into Moscovey. Persia
and the East-Indies, under 1720, CENTRAL ASIA.
This was no easy journey in those days. Ides, who was a Dane in the service
of Peter the Great, set out from Moscow March 14, 1692. Travelling as a public
character, he had leisure to observe anything of note. The entire trip took two
years and ten months. He composed his journal for the information and satisfaction
of Peter the Great who was well pleased with the results and rewarded the author
with the post of Privy Councillor. The Russian embassy had less trouble with the
enormous self-esteem of the Chinese than many earlier and later embassies. Before
the Tartars became masters of China, it was almost impossible for foreigners to find
admittance to the Imperial Court. Under the emperor then ruling, Kang-hi, min-
isters were courteously received and enabled to transact their business as at any
other court. This accommodation was contrary to the temper and traditions of
the old Chinese, who opposed it as much as they dared. Kang-hi was desirous of
preventing Russian encroachments upon his territories and the Czar was anxious
to establish a regular commerce with China. The expedition added considerable
geographical knowledge to the little that was known about northern Manchuria
and China.
1744-48 IDKS, EVERARD YSBRANTS The Travels of his Excellency E.
Ysbrants Ides, Ambassador from Peter the Great to the Emperor of
China ; through Great Ustiga, Sinana, Permia, Siberia, Daour, ... to
the Frontiers of China, containing an exact Description of the Extent
and Limits of those Countries, the Nations by which they are inhab-
ited; with a curious and copious Account of their Religion, Government,
Marriages, Dwellings, Diet, daily Occupations, . . . Faithfully trans-
lated from the Author's Original Journal, printed under the Direction
of the Burgomaster Witzen, the gieatcst Critick of his Time in Hol-
land, and dedicated to the late Czar Peter the Great. In Harris II,
The Author's Reception at the Court of the Imperial Palace, the Ceremonies
of a Publick Audience ; the Person and Manners of the Emperor de-
scribed An Account of the Curiosities of the City of Peking; the
grand Establishment of the Jesuits there; . . his Return from China
by Land ; the Accidents attending his Journey ; the many and great
Hardships, he sustained therein notwithstanding his Interests in both
E.tnpires, and his safe Arrival, after so many Hazards, and enduring
so great Fatigues, at Moscow. In Harris II, 944-951.
A very copious and no less curious Account of the North-East Part of
Asia; comprehending a distinct, particular, and authcntick Description
of all that hitherto passed under the general Name of Siberia, Shewing
the Extent, and Situation of the several Districts thereof, their Climate,
Soil and Produce, the Rise arid Course of the principal Rivers, Descrip-
tion of all the great Cities upon their Banks, of the several Barbarous
Nations that inhabit near these Rivers ... To which is added, a succinct
Recapitulation of the State of the Chinese Empire towards the Close of
the last Century. In Harris II, 951-961.
1715 TEIXEIRA, PEDRO. For an account of China see his The History of
Persia under 1715, CENTRAL ASIA.
1722 LA CROIX, P. DE. History of Genghizcan the Great, First Emperor of
the Antient Moguls and Tartars; with the Manners, Customs and
Laws of the Moguls. 8vo. London.
1722-23 LANGE, LAURENCE. Travels through Russia to China and Siberia.
Abstract in Astlcy III, 575-581. Another translation, based probably on a
corrected original, London, 1763. A French version, Leyden, 1726. See below.
In August, 1717, Czar Peter I of Russia sent Lange, accompanied by one
Garwin, an English physician, as envoy to Kang-hi, Emperor of China. His
journal, which he wrote on the road, he communicated, on his return, to F. C.
Weber, the author of The Present State of Russia (see under 1723, EAST EU-
ROPE), who published it at the beginning of the second volume of his own
work printed in German. This, the English translator informs us, Lange was not
pleased with, because the journal was an imperfect piece which he intended to
improve and publish himself. So after his second return from China, where he
had been in 1723, he sent to the press a more complete relation. This second piece
is presumably the one translated and published by John Bell, 1763, Glasgow.
See below.
1745-47 LANGE, LAURENCE. The Travels of Laurence Lange, the Russian
Envoy in China, in 1717. Translated from the High Dutch. In Astlcy
III, 575-581.
1763 LANGE, M. DE. Journal of M. de Lange, Resident of Russia at Pekin,
1721-22. Translated by John Bell. Glasgow.
1727 KAEMPFER, ENGELBERT. The History of Japan, giving an Account
of the ancient and present State and Government of that Kmpire, of
its Temples, Palaces, Castles and other Buildings, of its Metals, Min-
erals, Trees, Animals, Birds and Fishes, of the Chronology and Suc-
cession of the Emperors, of the original Descent, Religions, Customs
and Manufactures, . . . and of their Trade and Commerce with the
Dutch and Chinese, together with a Description of Siam, translated by
J. G. Scheuchzer, with a Life of the Author. Numerous copperplates
and maps. 2 vols. in 1. Fol. London.
In some copies will be found at the end of the second volume a second Appen-
dix containing an account of a Voyage to Japan, by an English Vessel in 1673, con-
sisting, with Scheuchzer's preface, of seven leaves. This was issued in 1728 and
added to the work by Woodward, with mention made of it in the new titles
printed by him in 1728. Scheuchzer's translation was apparently made from the
manuscript. According to Lowndes, the Lcmgo edition of 1777-79 in 2 vols con-
tains several things not to be found in the English translation. Extracts reprinted
in Pinkerton VII, 652-821. A modern reprint, Glasgow, 1906. A French translation
published at the Hague, 1720 See below.
Kaempfer was a well known German physician and naturalist with a passion
for travelling. Before his arrival in Japan, he had accompanied the Swedish em-
bassy under Louis Fabricius to Persia (see under 1736, CENTRAL ASIA), then
engaging as surgeon with the Dutch fleet, visited India and Batavia, and at length
reached Japan, where he stayed three years collecting material for his work. Here
he secured the good will of the authorities so completely that he was allowed to
travel where and as he pleased. He returned to Europe in 1693 and published an
account of his travels under the title of Amoenitatcs Exoticae. His History of
Japan has long been recognized as the most authoritative account of that country
published at that time.
1906 KAEMPFER, ENGELBERT. The History of Japan, together with a
Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1690-92. Translated by J. G.
Scheuchzer. Portrait of Sir Hans Sloane and reproductions of the
original plates of the 1727 edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Glasgow (MacLehose).
1729 (In French.) Histoire naturelle, civile et ecclesiastique de 1'Empire du Ja-
pon, cotnposce en allcmand. Et traduite en francois sur la version an-
gloise de Jean-Gaspard Scheuchzer. 2 vol&. Fol. The Hague.
SALMON, THOMAS. For accounts of China and Japan see h4s Modern
History of all Nations, under GENERAL TRAVELS AND DE-
1732 BACKHOFF, FEODOR ISKOWSKY. An Account of Two Voyages.
The first of Feodor Iskowsky Backhoff, the Muscovite Envoy into
China. The second of Mr. Zachary Wagener, a Native of Dresden, in
Misnia, through a great Part of the World. As also into China. Trans-
lated from the High Dutch. In Churchill II, 489-500.
An abstract of the latter item was communicated to the editors by the au-
thor's brother-in-law. The original was printed at Berlin. Wage-tier left Dresden
in 1633.
BARON, SAMUEL. A Description of Tonqueen by S. Baron, a Native
thereof. In Churchill VI, 1-40.
Reprinted in Pmkorton IX, 636-707.
Dated at Fort George at Madras Pa tain, on the coast of Coromandel, Aug.
25, 1685. The design of the author \\as at first to cotrect the mistakes of Taver-
nier (see under 1678, KAST INDIA), but the work passed beyond that intention
to a full description of the region. Illustrated by a native "Tonqueener of eminent
BREWER, HENRY. For a description of Formosa and China see his
Voyage to the Kingdom of Chili in America, under SOUTH AMER-
CANDIDIUS, GEORGE. A Short Account of the Island of Formosa in
the Indies, situated near the Coast of China ; and of the Manners, Cus-
toms, and Religions of its Inhabitants. In Churchill I, 472-479.
The writer was a minister of the Gospel in Formosa.
CANDIDIUS, GEORGE. Some Curious Remarks upon the Potent Em-
pire of Japan. In Churchill I, 480-485.
CARRRI, JOHN FRANCIS GEMELU (Dr.). Travels in China in
1695, being the Fourth Part of his Voyage round the World (see under
Abstract of this portion in Astley III, 546-566.
The author was a Neapolitan Doctor of Civil Law, who set out on a voyage
of Europe in 1683, of which he published the first volume. As a result of the
unjust persecutions and undeserved outrages put upon him, he started out on
his travels round the world. He observed that the whole course of his life was
interwoven with such strange accidents that the very remembrance of them ter-
rified him. His book (Venice, 1719) went through several editions in Italian and
was translated into other languages.
HAMEL, HENRY. An Account of the Shipwreck of a Dutch Vessel on
the Coast of the Isle of Quelpaert. Together with the Description of
the Kingdom of Corea. Translated out of French. In Churchill IV,
Reprinted in Astley IV, 329-347; in Pinkerton VII, 517-540. A French ver-
sion, 12mo, Paris, 1670. Dutch original, Rotterdam,